/ # ESTACADA All the News All the Time NO. 3 o f VOL. s PROGRESS E S T A C A D A , O R E G O N , T H U R S D A Y , S E P T E M B E R 26. 1912 the debt agains the Garfield church O i l ] and that institution is now clear. ‘ ( jp | | Mr. Browne having turned in the Milwaukee organization calls check. First class p h o n e service for an investigation. ready to install. Rev. Mr. Browne boosted for Cascade county during conference and received personal assurances of R e so lu tio n « a s s e rt c o u r t h asn ’t of support of 150 ministers out ot P a c ific S ta te s e n te r s in to fiv e y e a r c o n a d v e r t is e d fo r brid, l i d s Com« tr a c t w ith lo c a l c o m p a n y N e w the 160 which ntrended. ! GRANGE AFTER COURT r -M -t-W - a - f + + + tt"tM ' fc ESTACADA STATE BANK HEAR PORTLAND CLAIM VIOLATION OF THE LAW CAPITAL - $25,000 m issio n e r M a tto o n **** Pay~ W e l“M l"M ' M "» » + » >♦♦»+» on Tim e Certificates ; This bank will receive contributions to any and all national political parties and transmit same free of cost, to the proper finance »+i|,B 11 I -------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; li committee. After Harvest, «« Ring When you have squared away for the fall, why not make yourself or your wife or girl, a present of a Solid Gold Ring, with or without Jewel * s W e have them, all sorts,and at prices that will surprise you We buy direct from Manufacturer, thus saving you Jobbers’ profits. , Anything in a Good Timepiece? Our line gives you a big selection. And we have some Second Hand watches', which we will sell for the repair charges. A full line of Optical Goods Estacada Jewelry Company B ro a d w a y A Cut Price Sale On D in n e r s e ts th e r e g u la r $ 5 .5 0 G o o d w in - M e r e n o f o r \ $ 4.50 Each set has 48 pieces and your choice flower, Blue or Pink. An in either gold Ornament for your Table W E H A V E A B IG S T O C K O F W A L L P A P E R A T L O W P R IC E S T O R E D U C E S T O C K . M AN Y OTHER B A R G A IN S Fine line o f 9 x I2 R u g s a ls o sm a lle r : R u g s. W e m eet P o rtla n d P rices. ESTACADA FU R M T U R E CO. W . D. and L. M. Henthom, Proprietors Odd Fellows Building , Only Paper in East Clackamas s ta te m e n t M E SETS OF COPPER M S Visitors throw it into $i A Y E A R fall & Winter Hints lin e fro m S p r in g w a te r . Patrons of the long distance telephone Asserting the state law has been Estacada team, 4 to 2. can hear and talk to Portland, now w ith violated by the Clackamas comity out strain in g the eardrum or th e voice. Our pallid heroes bumped against court in not hilling sworn state Just like ta lk in g anyw h ere in Estacada. ments for bridges costing over $300 about the classiest ball team that A representative of the Pacific States when bids are not asked for and has come out from Portland town Telephone an l Telegrap h Co. Tuesday claiming largo sums are being spent \ this year, and they went the wav arrived here a: d signed up a five vear for steel bridges without advertising of all flesh, 4 to 2, in another cork con tract w ith the Kstacada Telephone com pany and announced that con n ec tor the lowest bidder, the Milwaukie ing good game-, last Sunday. We tions w ill he made rig h t aw ay. grange at its meeting last Saturday, messed things up 6 times to once S ervice to Portland has been bad for a passed resolutions calling for a for the Timms Cress, and that tells lon g tim e, especially since last spring, committee to investigate and report why we were on the short end ol when an electrical storm dam aged the , It is also alleged the county roads the tally sheet. Most of our slip- line. It is also autv'-unced th at S ,E . W ooster are being neglected and the money tips cdst like sixty, too, and that and a num ber o f oth er ranchers of Spring J made it worse. spent on bridges. w ater are b u ild in g a line w hich w ill soon ! W h a t r e s o lu tio n . S a y . The pitching was about even tip be hooked up at Kstacada central. The following are the resolutions Our local feed clerk and violinist Garfield Social Doings. in part: Mr. Bronson allowed 5 hits, fanned ‘ ‘ W hereas, th e cou n ty court of C la ck 9, walked 5 and hit 2; the elongated On T h u rsd ay aftern o o n S ep. 12, a * amas cou n ty is exp en d in g large sums of Gladstone furniture dealer and fe w ladies m et w ith Mrs. A . O. W hit j cou n ty m oney in the purchase of steel comb and M iss Lyn ch and b egan th e ; bridges w ith o ut advertisin g for the low embalmer, Mr. Battels, allowtd 5 readin g aloud o f a volum e o f fiction. est bidder for the purchase of the same, hits, whiffed 7, walked 3 and let go This was follow ed by :i s - k - ih I hour dur- but on the con trary is purchasing the a wild pitch. ing which lig h t re fre s h m e n ts were' m aterial for and erectin g tile same w ith Tw o lightning double plays, Bron- served. A utu m n le a v e s afforded se a out lettin g the public k n ew of these pur son to Bronson to Bittner and Man " T ble Uee" rati” n‘s‘ On Sep. 28, at chae ls or advertising for bids according to continue the to the laws of O regon, and th ereby not ary to Gravelle to McKecn. two Mrs w R ^ allow in g the taxpayers to know the cost great stops by Boylan and Cap ¡ng. of saitl brid ges, and Leviticus and two swell outfield _ _ —;-------------- Most ‘ ‘ W hereas, a large nuinljer of un catches by Stubbs and Simmons TrHwl)r:(l(;e Kave B reception ¡„ hoRor necessary steel bridges on sm all creeks furnished excitement. Simmons, 0f her mother, Mrs. Isabel Trowbridge For and even approaches to old wooden who had a had day at third backed who was soon to return to her home in bridges have been erected at a great cost into the outfield and redeemed him- W isconsin. Those present were Mes Cash to the taxpayers of Clackam as county, seli in the last round. He should , dar" es “ • ,J‘ An‘,,e™ 'n‘ R U Bundy> and , , , . . ' S. H. G ru b er, G. T . H unt, Josephine "W h e re a s section 6468 of I x»r<is Ore have been out there from the first Kerr uf PortUndi G. K rigbaum, Id, : gon law s has l»een gross!)' violated by with Parks guarding the difficult inglish, J. W , Patterson, H. 0 . Proud -1 the cou n ty cou rt of Clackam as county- corner. Boylan, Bittner and Cap ' foot of Portland, W . R. Reid, Jennette in not filin g w ith the cou n ty clerk a did the hitting for us the Spring- Stokes, A. O. Whitcomb, Misses Jessie sworn statem ent of each and every bridge er cted by the cou n ty of tile water chaps landing two each. Fact Lyn<h‘ Roberta Reid, Helen Standish, w j-, . . . . Mrs. Anderson and Mrs. H. G. Trow- •, , ... .4. cost of over 5500. under the supervision is Mr. Bartels was exceedingly b 3 bridge fa vo re d th e com pany w ith m usic y»f a superintendent when bids are no! light, as tight as the Fiddler and Dainty refreshments were served and asked for, and when the two teams bump again after a very delightful afternoon the “ Therefore he it resolved th at the Mi!- next Sunday, it's a cinch we will '»die« departed wishing sincerely that w aukie gran ge o f Clakam as cou n ty ap even up. Anderson oi Eagle Creek Mrs. Isabel Trowbridge might remain point a com m ittee of three or ulore jier- perm an en tly in th eir m idst. sons w ho are m em bers oi this ord er, to umpired, Ed Bartlett declining for exam ine into the num ber of steel bridges tear someone would step oil the tail On T h u rsd ay S ep. 19, M rs. J. W . and approaches constructed, ascertain of his ministerial coat. The score: Patterson g a v e a luncheon in honor o f the value thereof, and from whom eaclt R H E Isabel T ro w b rid g e. T he oth er gu ests was purchased, the am ount paid therefor Estacada 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0— 2 5 6 w e re M rs, H. C, P rou d foot o f Portland if anv sworn statem ents were ever tiled T. Cress . — 0 0 0 0 3 0 1 0 0— 4 5 1 Mrs. H. G . T ro w b rid g e, M rs. A . O. of the c o s t thereof with the cou n ty clerk W hitcom b, M iss J e ssie L yn ch . Batteries--Bronson and Ileilsman that no em p loye of Clackam as county tie M rs. H. C. P rou d foot sp en t la st w eek Bartels and Bleeg. appointed on said com m ittee and that Mens Fancy Ribbed Shirts and Drawers a t 50c. per Garment. HEATERS $ 1 . 4 0 to $ 1 7 . 4 0 Captan Kidd, Boys’ Suits $3.00 to $6.00 M ens’ W o o l Shirts $ 2 .5 0 T O $ 5 .0 0 Boys’ Security School Shoes $1.50 t o $ 2 ,5 0 Estacada Merc. Co. Most For Cash $400 V A L U E $400 only facts lie rejiorted to this gran ge. C o m m is s io n e r M a tto o n T a lk s . W . II. Mattoon member of the court, said he din't care to make an extended statmeut at this time, but that the court would he ready, shortly, to meet the issues “ The source of this attack is well known lo the court" he said "hut at presebt we will say nothing. Itt my district four steel bridges were built, three oyer Clear creek and one over Eagle Cteek. For two of these we asked bids, only one being received the Coast Btidge Co's, which does most of the county work The other two, tucluding the Eagle Creek bridge wete done without bids, because they were in danger ous condition and there was no time to ask for bids. We have also put in concrete piers in place of rotten pilling on certain approaches to btidges. A s to swearing to state ments, I don’ t believe that has been done, but the bills and vouchers are all on file with the county clerk.’ ' Forest Fire Threatens Cazadero; Fighters out. a t H ard scrab le R anch th e g u e st o f M r. and M rs. A . 0 . W hitcom b and M iss Jessie L yn ch . ADDITION NEWS BRIEFS. A brush fire, started by unknown Dance at Eagle Creek, Saturday I persons, threatened Cazadero F ri evening, at the Elliott hall day and Saturday, hut was brought J. W. Reed, J. S. McCurdy, E. under control by a force of fighters, Bates, A 1 Lindsey, motored over j lead hy Guards Jimm Marrs. Ray with A. E. Sparks to tile Canby I Would you like this beautiful instrument for a present? W e W ilcox and John Howland. For a fair to day. 'shall positively give it to one of our customers. This is a present time it was feared the heayy wind The Garfield Country club will i u would carry the flames into the give another of its popular dances | w o ™ havin g, stone crusher section, as the fire at the club house Saturday evening was just above it. The blaze was Admission 50 cents, ladies free. All ladies interested in county discovered about 11 o’clock. Fridav morning and kept the fiighters busy division are asked to nitet next Tuesday evening at the Family the until sometime Saturday afternoon. ater with the executive committee, The Home o f Q uality About 3 acres were burned over, Scritijniage practice is now in hut no other damage was doue. ■ progress among the Estacada foot ...Cruse Brothers... ball squad. Coach Ford is finding some excellent material and is much H arry Lane, returned Friday encouraged Two of the men, Mor ton and Newman are showing good front Portland, where he was em punting ability. ployed in the engineering depart FOR S A L E Jersey Kings, King ment working on city sewers. Lane had a streak of tough luck. Within Baldwins and Waxen apples, at a few hours after he began work, reasonable price. Call b y'p h o n e it. in attempting to cross the ditch to T. P. Steinman. Lane Hurl at Portland. Rev. Browne re-assigned to set up a target for the leveler, he FOR S A L E — 40 acres in Klwood Estacada; Boosts Cascade. stepped on a piece of board which S E '4 of N .E 14 3 acres improved “ Our Hat is in the Ring” Not politically, but com m rcially. We arc making ROCK BOTTOM P R IC tS on . . . D O O R S . W IN D O W S . P O U L T R Y N E T T IN G . P A IN T S . D IS C A N D PEG T O O T H H A R R O W S S U P E R IO R W H E A T D R IL L S Rev. W, R. F. Browne returned, tipped, throwing him to the bottom with house and barn, balance in Tuesday, from Ashland where he of the sewer, a drop of th'rty feet. burnt timber, easy to clean practic'y attended the conference ot the Met He struck on a platform, . 15 feet level and good water, Price $1500 hodist church. Mr. Browne was down, rebounded and fell in the Apply to C. E. Surfus, Elwood. 50-5 re assigned to the Estacada church mud below. He was in bed several Oregon. If you— gentle reader— are neeeding any of the articles Jewelry work of all kind neatly and in addition will have charge of davs hut was able to be about the an:’ promptly done, — L allatt. mentioned, you will be doing yourself a rank injustice, the Currinsville, Garfield and Ml. .latter part of the week. Zion churches. The Currinsville if you buy before seeing us <¿§ 3 ) <2?S) <¿§3) church was restored to the charge j and hereafter will alternate with Th e Yellow Front Emporium— “ God save the Mark” — stands Estacada morning and evening, giving Estacada one service a Suit with open arms— unconcealed— awaiting your pleasure. 3 ay. Services next Sunday will be REMEMBER IS HEADQUARTERS Currinsville 11 a.ni. Garfield 3 p in FOR BOOKS THE AND STATIONARY Estacada 7.30 p. nt. Services will be held at Garfield and Mt. Zion — — — Just Received, a Big Shipment of alternate Sundays, one service. Remember the Yellow Front Emporium and Get the Habit of G I F T B O OKS, F O P U L A R F IC T IO N . Rev. Mr. Brown was re appoint Buying at Estacada. j ed on the board of Examiners and M R S . M E A D E S B O O K S F O R G IR L S . was appointed on the Board of Con H EN TY & A LG ER BO O KS FOR BOYS. terence Relation of the conference Yellow Front Emporium He is to serve four years in the We also have our New Fall Stock of School Books and Supplies. former and to 1913 in the latter. ERTRYTHING THE STUDENT NEEDS AT POPULAR PRICES The hoard of ^extension ot the ' conference donated £250 to pay off NO CREDIT GIVEN ON SCHOOL BOOKS. School Books and Supplies Estacada Pharmacy W e lo v e a C h e e r f u l B u y e r . McCurdy Lbr. & Hardware Co.