Walter Whilcomb of Portlmd Clackamas County and by reason of said No matter what cut you choose rt moval is not now entitled to be- a can visited his relatives in Garfield. didate for said office, now therefore in Born to Mr. and Mrs. Robert you’ ll liiiul our meats sweet, tender E. L Elliott, a prominent Eagle accordance with the provisions of Ioril'1 Published [very Ibursrtav Morning at Mattoon. last Thursday,a daughter. Creek merchant, motored here Tue. Oregon relating to the nominating and jii'c/. For we handle only the (SHCUH. OKlbOS anil electing of County officers and es Mrs. Win Vouce and sou Victor on business. choicest grades, the cheapest cuts pecially in accordance with section .1389 .G, E. L a F u LLBTTH. Editor xn.l Mgr. and Mrs North were in Portland, Mrs. Ed Douglass of Eagle Creek of which are better than the most of said laws: shopping last Friday. was operated upon at Good Sama We the undersigned Frank Jaggar. Enter■ ' ai th . In Kirtnare Orer n ai expensive parts of lower grade second class ma; W. Givens was quite ill this week ritan nospital, y esterday, for tumor 1 chairman and Win. Hammond, secretary cattle. Ordeis by 'plume given o f wbat threatened to he an attack Mr. and Mrs. W. R, Stokes and of the County Central Committee of the SUBSCRIPTION RATES prompt attention. Republican Party, in Clackamas County. .On# year...... ..... ..... ............... ...... *1 00 ' o f apjiendicitis. friends motored from Portland to Oregon do hereby certify that tile said SSIs months.......................................................... 50 The stock of liquor at Parker & the Stokes ranch in Garfield. Palace Meat Market County Central Committee, having Iweu Thursday, September 19,1912 i Wilkinson’ s saloon was packed up C. C Devore of Poitland and previously duly organi/.ed, did on May last wtek and shipped into Portland Bert Page of Corvallis, were dinner tile 4th. A. D, 1912. duly nominate E. P. i _____ ____ Commenting upon the hoUlnos Carl Cary, who suffered a bad guests ot C W. Devore and family Dedrnan, of Clackamas, Clackamas coun a - ™ - ty. State of Oregon, to fill the vacancy last week. ,of the Cubans, Mexicans and Con strain while lifting yesterday, is ■ $2 a day $10 a week occuring by reason of the removal of tral Americans in killing Americans, Miss Lulu Congdon lias begun recovering rapidly. said h. E. Williams from said Clackamas and destroying their property, Tin teaching school at Blatchley. county as above state,! and to be the Mr. Oral Paluiater a grandson of T k n •Oregon City Enterpiise wonders Mrs. Trowbridge, mother of H candidate of the Republican Party for Mis Sarah Palmateer and Mrs. why it is that the Latin Americans G. Trowbridge of Garfield, will the office of Recorder of Conveyances« of Nancy Slianklatid came down fol a leave this week for her home in the Clackamas county, State of Oregon at •dislike the United States Because A L L MODERN C O N V EN IEN C ES weeks visit last Sunday. the general election to lx* held 111 said east. the United States allows the greas County on the first Tuesday after the Dr. II. V. Adix and family have Rev. W. R F. Browne, who is ers to do whatever they please to first Monday in November, to-wit Novetu One of the most delightful Resorts on the Coast its citizens without fear of reprisal. returned from a vacation trip of a attending Mc-thodist conference at her 5, 191 J. If an English, German, French or week in Tillamook and Hood River Ashland, was a member cf the e x Frank Jaggsr, Chairman Republican amining committee which examined any foreign citizen suffers outrage counties. Local and Tourist Trade Solicited a dozen or more candidates for County Central Committee. Will. Hammond, Secretary Republican Mr. and Mrs. W. Donahue. Mrs, pastorates at the hands of the Latins, the latter County Central Committee. are either promptly shot or made to A. A. Luckey and son and W. R. A fine sample of crab apples was State of Oregon pay an indemnity that jarrs the Cox of Portland were visiting with brought to The Progress office this a s. the custom house clear to its foun Mrs. Dora 13 . Herring, last Sunday. week. The apples were raised on Countv of Clackamas dation. But Uucle Sam, with Iris We Frank Jaggar and Wm. Hammond Little Morris Bullard met with a VV. B, Lemon,s ranch in Garfield who signed the foregoing nominating Monroe Doctrine sentimentalism, is painful accident last Saturday. He and are of excellent quality. certificate being duly sworn, each fer an easy mark. The greaser, like fell on a nail and was badly cut. ©fii©Œ?3>Œ>3S<2?3>G§3> Í <£$S<rf©<2?©Œ?8><rf3)<s) The Honey-man Hardware com- ! ourselves do depose and say that I have the Turk, respects only those whom but is doing nicely under the care pany team, claiming the cham pion- ! read the foregoing nominating certificate he fears. An iron hand laid on of Dr. Steiner. >hip of Portlaud and having d * feat and know the contents thereof and that smartly will cure the ‘ dislike” the J. R. McCurdy, accompanied En d the Estacada club once this the same is true as I verily believe, so help me Go«!, Enterprise wonders about. gineer Frank Ewing, in a trip into year, will try it again next Sunday Frank Jaggar. Wm. Hammond A C O O L KITCHEN, EVEN at the local park. A red liot con the mountains Iasi week, where test is assured. A# to City Water. Subscribed and sworn to before me this % Elsewhere appears a comtmttiica they had some good fishing at the 9th day of August A. I). 1912. Masons and their wives met at G. B. Dimick, Notary Public in and tion from a housewife, calling at Callowash and at Three Links IN MIDSUMMER the Hotel Estacada, Friday evening for Oregon. tention to the had condition of the They returned Friday evening. to begin the organization of the I, E. P. Dedrnan, above named do he city water and asking for a remedy. Coyd Looney and wife returned Eastern Star, a ladies auxiliary of reby accept the above nomination, ê The Progress while realizing that from a visit with J. P. Looney ol the Masonic 'odge. Thirteen ladies E. P. Dedrnan, all the lady says is title, can suggtst Molalla. They brought wi:h them signed and there will likely he 25 FOR S A L E Skid ties, plank no method, offhand, for bettering samples of huge parsnips weighing charter members. Mr. and Mis hark and wood ?i,o o per cord on Laurrv served ice cream and cake conditions. Mayor Reed, early in 6 i-2 pounds, grown in the sandy W ith a real live breeze blowing away after the meeting. ¡ranch. Inquire at VVaruer’ s place, the spring submitted a plan for di loam of the Looney ranch. Shiblev & Dubois were awarded i < mile east ot town, 2t verting Wade creek above the P. M. Wagner ami son of Gar the stifling sultry air and cooling Stubbe ranch, and convejing the field returned Friday from a hunt the contract for the $t 000 bunga- 1 FOR S A L K —40 acres in El wood water in drain tile, covered the en ing trip in tiie mountains. They low to be erected shortly by U. S. S E. J 4 of N .E % 3 acres improved tire distance to the intake. This saw a number of deer and wounded Morgan. The building is to be 22 with house and barn, balance in the whole room — that’s your plan would assist materially, but one which they pursued several I by 30 and modern. The Dubois burnt timber, easy to clean praclic'y miles hut did uot overtake. Lumber Co. is furnishing lumber level and good water, Price $1500 would not cure, unless the drain kitchen, and all others too The Peoples Amusement Co. to John Stormer for his new resi Apply to C. Iv Suifus, Iilwood. were extended to the source of the * 50-5 films which Boner’ s theatre began dence on the farm across the Clac Oregon. creek. For, above the Stubbe tract using last week, proved a big im- FOR R E N T —Two 5 room cott the creek flows through several provmeut and the theatre will show kamas. that have an W. A. Heyiman returned from ages, city water, electiic lights and barnvards and during rains, the four next Satuiday and Sunday bath. Inquire Dr. Adix. tf. Sunday evening Miss Oregon City where he attended a wash from the hill sides would pol evenings. meeting of the Democratic central Jewelry work of all kind neatly Robinson a Portland singer, will be lute the stream, just as it does now. committee, which is arranging the and promptly done.— LaHatt. It would cost a good deal to make heard as an additional attraction. campaign. Little is being done l>y They have it—good fresh vege Attorney Devore, for the city, any of the parties. Organization the iinpiovement and funds are succeeded in having the suit against tables. Go and see them. Fred of precincnts will be arranged after not available. But, in the opinion Estacada thrown out of couit las t the Can by fair. Harry Lane can Jorg. ot The Progress, something should week, wherein Cross & Hammond, didate for U. S. Senator and Walter F'at cattle wanted; the fattet ‘.lie be done, btfore the winter rains be lawyers demaud $150 fees for pro Fierce, will be among the speakers % The de to be beard in Estacada, which is better.—See Fred Jorg. gin. Perhaps a filter at the intake secuting bootleggers. would help temporaiialy, hut sooner murrer that the bill was uot proper one of the four places in the county For Sale— Rubber tired surrey ly sworn to, was sustained. so favortd. or later, means must be had to fur cheap, in good condition. Inquire Lee Bronson returned Thursday Northwestern Manager Fontani of Stewart at McCurdy Lumber & nish Estacada with an unfailing source of pure water. It is among from a two weeks trip through the of the California Canning Co. and Hardware Co. tf the first consideration of a wise northwest during which time he Superintendent Ferguson ■ of the I can fix anything that is wrong visited Spokane, North Vakimah, Oregon Packing Co, a branch of the municipal government. with your watch.— LaHatt. Seattle ami Victoria, After a look main company, spent a day in the & I guarantee all work done.— ft If you are curious to know wliv at the above named cities he came fruit districts of Estacada, last LaHatt. socialism walks with lagging feet, a to the conclusion that Portland is week, looking into the question of peep at a vile leaflet attacking Ex more ptosperous than any of them. W a n t e d — Highest price paid establishing a branch cannery. Seventh and Alder Sts. president Roosevelt and his family for eggs at the Palace Meat Market Robert \V. Dunlop and Sam Dun They decided the time was not ripe during the recent visit of Mr. Fred Jorg. lop of Chicago and Portland, res but are ready to make contracts for Phones: Main 6688, A 6131 Roosevelt in Portland, will serve as NOTICE OF F IN A L ACCOUNT, pective!'', visited the Garfield sec frn.t for canning purposes. They Estate of Henry Dubois, deceased. an indicator. This particular screed tion last week, accompanied b> R. could not secure the necessary acre Notice is hereby given that the under bearing the name of Thus. Burns M. Standish, local really man age to warrant putting in a cannery signed as Executors of the estate of Hen as author and approved by seven ry Dubois deceased have filed their final They expect to return this week to they claim. men alleging they are socialists, is investigate fatlher. It is likely A t a meeting of the Cascade coun account in the County Court of the State the limit in obscenity and indteency they will invest in ranch property. ty committee, Tuesday evening ar of Oregon, for the County of Clackamas, in the above entitled estate, and that It is couclitd in the language of the W. II Kennedy of Enid, Okl. rangetnents were made for raising Monday, the 30 day of September 1912, gutter-snipe. So far trie socialists more funds for the campaign, which renewing his subscription to The will be waged from now 011 until at the flour of ten o ’clock A. M. of said ot Portland have not disowned the Progress, vvtites that he expects to the polls close. The work of con day, and the court room of said Court, paternity of the leaflet, so it may be return to Estacada, next summer, ducting the details of campaign may lias been appointed by said Court as the assumed they approve it. It is to time and place for the hearing of objec He takes much interest in the conty be entrusted to a local citizen at the tions to said final account and the settle he hoped that Portland will arrest headquarters which will be opened divisiou movement and adds his ar every person connected with the shortly. From every quarter re ment thereof gument lor the split. Oklahoma is ports have come, encouraging to Jos. R. Ryan preparation and distribution of the Chas. K. Dubois dry and hotter than pepper and Mr the advocates of division. leaflet and send them to prison, if Executors of the Estate of Henry Dubois Kennedy wishes he could enjoy The fiffi hatchery at Cazadero is deceased. there's law to warrant it. It not, some ot the Oregon cool weather. soon to he removed from that point Date of first publication Thursday Aug ,one should beera.-tid W e claim to carry the best material and want to prove it VV, A. Touts, relumed Sunday to River Mill, below the dam. So 22, 1912. Date of last publication Thurs A l l . of our N o. 2 stock and better is kiln dried. Return from Vacation evening from a uiue days deer hunt periutendent Benson who is at Bon day, September 26, 1912. Claude W. Devore, Attorney for Exe E. D. ALLEN, Proprietor trip, boosting Cascade. ing trip in the mountains, accom neville will return in a week to at cutors. panied by Alderman Underwood, tend to the wotk. The Flstacada E . B. Byers and William Kaake NOTH E FOR PUBLICATION. T. M. llill and later by R. P. Par Lumber Co. sold the lumber to be United States Land Office, 134H Port and families returned last week ker. The party wounded four deer used in the arrangement of the land 154 List c o 03607, Portland, Ore. from a two weeks camping out trip but ran down none of them. Alder hatchery. August 20, 1912. to the seashore in northwestern I want a Girl, etc. Notice* is hereby given that the North All Alone man Jones will keep at it until he W A N T E D —To trade a spring wag At the Rag time Ball Skeleton Rag Oregon. They enjoyed themselves ern Pacific Railway Company, whose lands vensou. The party encamped 0 1 with top for a practicable farm Trolley Car Swing immensely, despite the rainy weath post office address is St. Paul, Minnesota Beautiful Isle of Love at Hill's homestead near Elks horse, colt prefered. Also double Temptation Rag has this 20th day of August 1912 filed in Dreams just Dreams er, caught big trout, dug clams, Springs. Take a Tip from Fuflter Under the Tents, March buggy and cart for sale or trade. this office its application to select under tried deep sea fishing and boosted Rag Railroad Rag The Garfield Country club basket S W. Benjamin. Dodge, tire. it. the provisions ol the Act of Congress, Mysterious Cascade county from start to finish Moonlight Bay Some one else will if you dont approved July I, 1898 (30 St it. 597, 620) social and dance was attended by a They found county division little You'll do the same thing over again E. P. Dedrnan, now party as extended by the Act of Congress ap Oceana Roll Honey Moon Love discussed in some sections, a lew good crowd last Saturday night. A proved May 17, 1906 the NE 1-4 SIC 1-4 Red R'»e Rag great cake was voted to the most Candidate ____ ___ li, R. 5 East W. M. Ragtime Violin Honev Man Sec. 14. Twp. 2 Sou voters lx ing encountered who didn't Hands Up popular girl, who proved by the To W. L. Mulvey, County Clerk: A11 \ and all persons claiming adversely ^ S ou ’ ll ^ our ^ eeP even know Clackamas county e x Whereas on April 19 1912 I,. E. Will- the taints described, or desiring to object ballot, to he Miss Ida Wagner. isted The boys distributed litera ! There were a number of candidates. iams was duly nominated by tlie electors 1 I f O u se ol the mineral character of the ture and talked and received pledges | The voting was spirited and txc.t ol the Republican Party ns a candidate land, or for any oilier reason, to the dis- H. M. C R U S E , M A N G . tor many votes. lor said party to fill the office ot Recor- jsisal to applicant, should file their affi- mg. The dance continued until der ol Conveyances ol Clackamas County davits of protest in this office, on or be- Their signs on each side of ll e midnight. The club expects short State of Oregon, and whereas the said L. fore the 10th day of October 1912. covered wagon attracted much at H. F. lligby, Register. 1 ly to begin work on its big addition I*i. Williams lias removed from said tention, especially at Oregon City, where the most pronounced objector to the club house. County Commissioner \V. H for division, yelled from an atttc- The University of Oregon Correspondence School C. E. DUBOIS, Manager. inobile: ' Clackamas county undi M.ittoon expects to visit most of the offers. FRF.E, with the exception of cost of postage on pnper* and cost of ^ 7 road districts over which the vided forever,” the I'nive.sitv Extcntion Bulletin, to CITIZENS OF ORLGCN. forty UNI W e deal in all kinds of building Wherever the Estacadans went counts court has jin ¡'diction and V ERSITY COURSES bv MAIL. Ability to profit 1 -v the courses selected is the only requirement lor enrollment in the Correq» mdence Department. they spread the gospel of divisiiu on that account says he will uot1 Courses are offered in the departments of Botan> . Debiting, Economics, material including Lumber, Lath, and found much encouragement have tune to campaign with othei Education. Electricity, English Literature, English Composition, History, A t the toll gate at Dolf, they left m didates over the couulv. The Mathematics, Mechanical Drawing, Physical Education. Physics, Physiolo Sash, Doors, Sand, Gravel, Lime, quite a hunch of literature for cist j central committee is S c o n to send gy, Sociology, and Surveying. Write to the Secretary of the Correspondence the candidates out and wants Mr rihulion; also at Pacific City. School, I'mvtrs tv of Oregon, Eugene, for information anti catalogue. Plaster, Brick. Cement, Etc. A ll COURSES IN RESIDENCE «»t the University pre pare for the Professions Practically all 'he time they were Mattoon to go along. He says he of ENGINEERING, JOURNALISM. LAW, MEDICINE, and TEACHING, will do what he can, but believes in camp at the sea shore, the rain Fall semester opens Tnesdav. £ept. 17 Address the Registrar for catalogues orders promptly filled. poured down, The sun finally>! ttic court is more descriptive of the College of Engineering, the College ot Liberal Arts, the »Schools of Education, Commerce, Law, Medicine, and Music. emerged anil the return was made iuip.itant to the taxpayers than campaigning. ¿0 couiparitive comfort. «STACADA PROGRESS C IT Y NEW S BR IEFS (iN C O R P O K A lh ll) II The Hotel Estacada s § « § ELECTRIC FAN § a Portland Railway, Light I Power Co. § If You Arc Going To Build G O TO The Estacada Lumber Yard • LOOK AT OUR STOCK G E T O U R P R IC E S ANYTHING YOU WANT IN MUSIC, SEE OUR UNE BEFORE BUYING E IL E R S M U S IC H O U S E Dubios Lumber Co. Head Office Broadway, Phone Main 103 Livery, Feed Sale & STABLE W. A. JO N E S PROPRIETOR Good rigs ami careful drivers always SPECIAL Given ATTENTION Hunting and Pishing Parties WOOD & LUMBER Local am'. Long Distance Telephone H E N R Y V .A D IX .M .D P H Y S IC IA N A S U R G E O N ***** O FFICE, ADJOINING RESID EN C E Local and LonJ Distance Telephone The doctor's phone can lie connected with your home phone at night if re quested. One loug ring. Dr. L. A . W E L L S D E N T IS T PO RTLAN D . OREGON Will be in Estacada on Frida} s and Saturdays. Appointments may be made with Dr. Adix. C L A U D E W. D E V O R E A T T O R N E Y -A T -L A W and N O TA R Y P U B L IC Estacad a. O re g o n J. W. MILLER BLACKSMITH KXPKKT HOKSKS1IOKK All work guaranteed J . V. BARR B L A C K S M IT H li still at the old stand and willing to de any of the work in his line GIVE WM A CALL Team Work and Hauling by the Day or Contract WOOD delivered in any quantity or length. 1st class 4 foot wood slabwood delivered at $2.00 per cord. 16 inch at $2.50 per load. W. M. YONCE The Oregon Fire Relief Asso ciation of McMinnville with £242.000 reserves, solicits your business through J o h n B ro w n G r e s h a m , O re go n P hone G resh a m . 5/3 Or leave word at th is office I also have th e OREGON MERCHANTS and BEAVER STATE INSURANCE COS. « a g a B a s a a g ButM! CED AR a SHINGLES We manufacture all kinds of Cedar Shingles and are prepared at all times to deliver the same. Also to sell at the mill, having stock on hand at all times A. KRIEGER ------PROPRIETOR Kstacnda Agent—A, Morrow A. MORROW & SON Livery, Board, Sale and Exchange Stable ESTACADA, OREGON Reed & Sparks Successors to 0. R. Jacobs Repairing of All Kinds Plumbing and Electric Wiring OREGON AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE. This great institution opens its doors for the fall semester on September 20 th Courses of instruction include: General Agriculture, Agronomy, Animal Hus bandry, Dairy Husbandry, Bacteriology Botany and Plant Pathology, Poultry Husbandry, Horticulture, Entomology, Veterinary Science, Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical En gineering, Mining Engineering, High way Engineering, Domestic Science, Domestic Art, Commerce, Forestry, Pharmacy, Zoology, Chemistry, Physics Mathematics, English Language and Lit. tatare. Public Speaking, Modem languages. History, art. Architecture, Industrial Pedagogy, Physical Educa tion, Military Science and Tactics, and Music. Catalogue and illustrated literature mailed free on application. Address: Registrar. Oregon Agricultural Collego Corvallis, Oregon. School Year Opens September 20th