Image provided by: Portland General Electric; Portland, OR.
About Estacada progress. (Estacada, Or.) 1908-1916 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 19, 1912)
Farmers and Merchants Write u» for our noth offer on your Farm and Dairy Produce. I f wo don’t handle it will refer you to re liable buyer. ,>|; a k s o n .,.A (; k c o O c A e l l i o n _ ... Demonstrations Against Madero Stir Mexican Capital. t’ urtluml. Oregon. OW ARD, E. HIIKTOH - d e a le r min Chemist, L e a d ville. ( ol.iindu. Hpecituuu t i h - c * m : (.• lil Silver, Load. $1 (loM , Hilter. 7.V. Uniti. y Ml0 o r Coppar, 11. Mailing envelope* h id fu ll price ling is» nt on application. Control u n d Umpire work mo lie l tod. Boto ronco: Ourbonute National Hai.k. H Police Guard Cnamber o f Deputies During Wild Session—Madero Hissed—Vivas for Diaz. Machinery Seront!-Hand Machin ery bought. sold and _ exchanged: «n g in u j. boilers, sawmills, etc. The J. K Martin Co.. 7t> 1st St.. Portland. Send fo r Stock Liât und price». KODAK rolls developed, 10c. any size. Largest and boat shop in Northw est. Com plete prie«* list on request. Host results guaranteed. f 'w v Cyt«d t P.-I. Build’ *, Seattle 1^ Hand Woven, Uublocked PANAMAS MOM WEAVER TO WEARER tn he worn unblocked ' women, «looked in >y si/.e. ahai*» or style ir men. «m int :i and tf ______ _ »’lies. I.ikilit weiirlit 1 “ “ -'"tit | nm ( paid on receipt tif price. Money refunded if not *.n is! aetorv. (le t i duralde. stylish lint for the hair o f it would east von elsewhere. Addren« NKYV MODI''. HA T C«>. C. H. Meumtdorffer. Prop. Sfl 1-2 WushiiiL'to.i St Twenty >eura in Cortland. Portland. t»r. H [0 LN E3 f§ HBUSINE 55 COLLEGE jllll ■H . JBL WRITE FOR CATALOG p ggjf B H W A S H I N G T O N A N D T E N TH S f6 PO R TLAN D . O REG O N The School that Places You i n a Good Position J , Av<a.mtnVck’ - veö.lly liKe JACO BS ! ~ H ousehold Paraffine rubbed on the heels ol stockings will cause them to last much longer. Orange fritters are as delicious an accompaniment to broiled or fried ham us apple sauce to spare rib. When beating eggs separately, beat the whites first and then add a tea spoonful of the beaten whites to the yolks soon after starting to beat them and they will not stick to the egg beat er and will grow lighter much quicker than when beaten without the addi tion of the bit of beaten whites. Comparatively few people realize that the gas bill may be very percep tibly reduced by exercising care to light the gas properly. Hold the light ed match to the burner, then slowly turn on the gas. Most people turn the gas on full force, and then apply the match. A slight explosion en sues, which affects the meter aud sends it rapidly forward. N o th ou gh tfu l person uses liquid blue. I t ’ s a pinch o f blue in a n.rge b attle o f w ater. A s k fo r Red Cross Bali Blue, the blue th a t’ s a ll blue. The Viewpont. Golfer—“ Have you seen my ball, sir?“ Wounded Party— “ Yes, sir; there It Is, confound you. Nearly killed— “ Golfer—“ Jove! Bit of luck, eh? I thought It was going out of bounds.“— Punch. kno w • /Atlk - w e e d > s ¿w e Ir t f ie i Should dhl.s SO C o w -J lip - f 'tFriciK m ioh f be '. ’ ’ V PORTABLE LAMP FOR CAMPER Convenient Form of Light Consists of Acetylene Gr.s Generator and Reflector. A very convenient form of lamp has recently been devised for the use of cambers, hunters, etc. It consists of a portable acetylene gas generator, and u burner arranged with a reflect or which is open at the frount for the escapo of heat. The walls of the re- Hector are imperforate, to prevent the passage of air through the reflector when the lamp is being moved about or Is exposed to the wind. In this way the danger of extinguishing the light la avoided. The accompanying illus tration shows In Pig. 1 how the lamp may be attached to the head of a man, while the gas generator Is se cured to his belt. The details of the head attachment are shown In the sectional view, Fig. 2. The burner, A, is attached to the flexible tube, B, which runs the generator. The re flector, C, in which the burner Is fit ted, Is provided with a flange along Its outer edge, to which the arms, D, are secured. These arms are fastened to a cage, B, provided with a strap. F, which is strapped about the head of the wearer. As an additional sup port to the lamp, a small bracket, G. connects the bottom of the reflector directly to the head- When It Is de sired to use this device on a boat or In camp, It Is mounted on a stand, H, as Indicated at Fig. 3. This stand Is formed of two sections, one of which Is hinged upon the other, so that the lamp may be moved laterally. By means of a thumb screw, I, the two sections may be clamped at any de sired position. The lamp Is taken out of the head gear by unscrewing the bolts, J, and It may be then fas tened in a bracket, K, which is swiv eled on the upper end of the stand. The swiveled bracket Is provided with a handle, L, which enables one to move the lamp In any desired dlrec- kl FOR SORE SHOULDERS. | Jai. B eck & Son, C e n terfield , Utah, w r ite s : " W e sell M c x ic a n M u s ta n ffL in im e n tn n d | I h a ve a g o o d gale fo r it , especially in thresh- I in g tim e fo r horses' sore shoulders.’ ’ I I I t c o n t a in s n o n lc o h t d a n d s o c a n n o t s t i n g i n cas e s o f o p e n w o u n d s . S o o th e s a n d re lie v e s s t r a in e d lig a m e n t s a t once. I § | 2 5 c. 50c. $1 a b ottle at D ru g & G e n ’ l S tore* | A Portable Light for Campers. Jon. The inventor of this portable Different. lamp Is Mr. O. A. Loveless of Waters Book Agent-----“ Here’s a book, 'A Meet, Mich.— Scientific American. Million Ways to Make a Thousand.’ N The Man—“ I bought one before.” I Have Learned From Fldo. Book Agent—“ No, sir; that ono was To keep clean. 'A Thousand Ways to Make a Mil To swat the fly. lion.’ ”— Judge. To smell before tasting. To go In out of the rain. To “ speak” when I want things. T o growl at bullies. To sense an enemy and keep d l» tance. To know when a master appears. To remember that even bones have marrow. To drink plenty of cold water. To refuse to drink alcohol. To eliminate cats from my acquaint ance. be a faithful friend, and Tells How Sick She Was And To To hit the shady spots In August— Judge. What Saved Her From YOUNG WIFE SAVED FROM ' HOSPITAL An Operation. Upper Sandusky,Ohio. — “ Three years ago 1 was married and went to house keeping. I was not f e e l i n g w e ll and could hardly d r a g myself along. I had such tired feelings, my back ached, my sides ached, I had bladder trouble aw fully bad, and I could noteatorsleep. I had headaches, too, and became almost a ner vous wreck. My doc tor told me to go to a hospital. I did not like that idea very well, so, when I saw your advertisement in a paper, I wrote to you for advice, and have you told me. I have taken Lydia L. Plnkham’s Vegetable C om pou n d and Liver Pills, and now I have my health. “ I f sick and ailing women would only know enough to take your medicine, they would 1 get renei. relief/’ —Mrs. B e fvj H. . o S tans — M rs. d n j . . n i a in ö - - B E R Y , Route 6, Box 18, Upper Sandusky, Ohio. I f you have mysterious pains, irregu larity, backache, extreme nervousness, Inflammation, u lc e r a t io n or displace ment, don’t wait too long, but try Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound now. For thirty years Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound, made from roots and herbs, has been the standard remedy for female ills, and such unquestionable testimony as the above proves the value o f thia famous remedy and iboukl givs •very one confidence. MV DEPOSE CHIEF For Your Bird Friends. If you want to add to the comfoit of your bird neighbors during the sum mer make them a drinking and bath ing place. To do this, drive a stake into the ground, letting It protrude about two feet above the surface. On top of this nail a board about one foot equare. Paint the whole thing a dark green. Get a good sized shallow tin pan and paint this green. Inside and out. When the paint Is thoroughly dried, fill the pan with fresh water and place It upon the raised block. Before long the birds will begin to flock to the drinking place and eventu ally will become very tame. Easily Satisfied. Johnny’s ma had company, and as each one was being helped to turkey at dinner each was asked what piece she wanted. “ I’ll have a small piece of white meat," said one. “ I'll take a joint with a little dark meat,” said another. Johnny wasn't asked, but be said, ’You can give me too much of both kinds, please.” Willie Wanted Pie. “ Mamma,” said four-year-old Willie, “let’s play I am your mamma and you are my little boy.” “Very well, dear,” replied his moth er. “ How shall we begin?“ “ W ell," answered the little fellow, “you can ask me for a piece of pie, and I'll tell you pie isn't good for little boy* ’’ Mexico City — BarreJ from the Chamber of Deputies by order o f Pres ident Madero, because o f the noisy demonstration in which he and his ad herents were hissed, hundreds o f resi dents marched through the Btreets shouting disapproval o f the new ex ecutive and “ vivas” for their exiled ruler. Mounted police were ready to dis perse the mob and the entrances to the chamber where the duputies were in executive session were heavily guarded. The situation is almost identical with that immediately preceding the fall o f Diaz, with the exception that shifts have been made in the cast of characters. The disorders had as a basis the same discussion — the seat ing of doubtful members o f the cham ber—when the gallery hissed Madero and shouted the praises o f Diaz. They were precipitated by the rejection of Francisco I’asqual Garcia, leader of the Catholic wing, whoBe election was under question. A deputy denounced him, saying no reason for his rejection was required other than that he was a Catholic. The fervid oratory and scenes o f dis order on the floor were emulated by the galleries. One deputy, fancying himself insulted, drew a pistol to fire, when he was seized by a neighbor and overpowered. Another deputy, Pedro de los San tos, declared justice and law were for gotten or confounded with personal issues and that more blood would have to be shed if necessary to secure jus tice. An organized little group marched out of the chamber without the form ality of adjournment and le ft the chamber without a quorum. When the house was reconvened late in the afternoon the doors were closed to all but members. MAINE GOES REPUBLICAN. Haines Leads for Governor By 4000 — Local Issues Rule. Portland, Me.— Maine turned back tu the Republican party in the state election, W illiam T. Haines, o f Wa- terville, being elected governor over Governor Piaisted, his Democratic op ponent, who sought a second term, while the Republicans regained one of the two congressional districts lost to the Democrats two years ago. The new legislature is expected to have a small Republican majority, al though returns before midnight were not sufficient to show whether Kdwin C. Burleigh, ex-prepreaentative in congress, Republican, or Senator Gardner, Democrat, will be chosen to the United States senate. Returns for governor from all but 37 small towns g ive : Haines, Repub lican, 69,616; Piaisted, Democrat, 66,152. The missing towns in 1910 gave: Republicans, 1167; Democrat, 994. Haines’ plurality is estimated at 3840. These returns show a Republican gain o f 9 per cent [and a Democratic loss o f 8 per cent. C O LO RAD O VO TE L IG H T. Democrats Outnumber Republicans, But None Show Interest. Denver, Colo.— Returns from Colo rado's first state-wide primary at a late hour were meager. The Demo cratic returns received outnumbered the Republican three to one. Rough estimates show only one-third of the registered vote in the state was cast. In Denver the percentage is es timated at only one-fifth. Results so far as known indicate that E. M. Ammon is leading for the Democratic gubernatorial nomination. Cli(Toni C. Parks, regular Republi can, is leading Phillip B. Stewart, Roosevelt Progressive Republican, for the head o f the Republican ticket. Governor Shafroth is leading Alva Adams and T. J. O ’ Donnell for the Democratic long-term senatorial nomi nation, while Merl D. Vincent, Roose velt Progressive Republican, heads Clyde C. Dawson, regular Republican. Charles S. Stone is unopposed for the Democratic nomination for the short term in the United States senate. James H. Brown is leading C. W. Waterman for the Republican short term in the United States senate. The light vote in the rural districts was due to the fact that farmers took advantage o f the clear weather to har vest their heavy crops. Few women M U T S U H IT O A T REST. voted, some explaining the fact that the ballot seemed so complicated they Body o f Late Emperor Placed in were afraid of losing their vote and Mausoleum on Imperial Estate. so, paradoxically, they stayed away Kioto, Japan— The body o f the late from the polls. Emperor Mutsuhito was placed Sun VO TE LIG H T IN ARIZONA. day night in the imperial mausoleum at Monoyama, an imperial estate about five miles from Kioto. Mutsu Hardly 10 Per Cent o f Registered hito had been exceedingly fond of the Voters at Phoenix Go to Polls. surrounding scenery and had expressed Phoenix, A riz.— Early returns in the desire that this should be his last dicate that ttie vote cast at the A ri resting place. zona state primaries was exceedingly Great crowds gathered along the light. Hardly 10 per cent o f the reg road to Monoyama. The roadway to istered vote in Maricopa county, in the imperial tomb waa hung with which Phoenix is situated, was cast. crepe draped on white panels. A Returns from Douglas showed that, double line o f soldiers and sailors only 30 per cent o f the registered vot flanked the route which, cutting ers had cast their ballots there. The through the famous tea fields, had figures so far reported from that city been built up to a height o f 60 feet in gave: Democrats, 142; Roosevelt some places and terminated in a court Progressives, 139; Republicans, 21, o f honor about two miles square in and Socialists, 11. front of the shrine. On the sides of The total vote for the Progressives the road had been placed are lamps reported from Prescott was 67. In and braziers, the lights of which were the same section W. E. Jones, E. A. visible for many miles. On the ar Torrea and George Babbitt, electoral rival at Monoyama the casket was re candidates, were leading the Demo moved from the train and placed on a cratic vote there by a strong majority. funeral palanquin. This was borne by 100 farmers, o f Yase village, in gray Yuma, A riz,— The vote here at the hemp costumes. Approaching the primaries was light. In Yuma and burial hall, the paneled doors were two outside precincts, the Democratic thrown open, revealing a stand on ticket received nine votes; the Roose which the casket was placed. A black velt Progressive, 72; the Socialist, 20 curtain was dropped over the doorway. and the Republican 12. The top o f the palanquin was removed and the casket placed on a carrier Great Highway Proposed. which bore it to the tomb, all on the Indianapolis, Ind. — A macadam plateau bowing to the ground in final roadway to extend from New York to reverence. Prior to the interment a great pro San Francisco, a distance o f 3340 cession was formed at the station, in miles, and to cost $25,000,000, was which the local authorities partici proposed here at a banquet o f 300 In pated. All the ancient implements of diana automobile manufacturers and war and ritualistic ornaments were dealers, who subscribed $300,000 to start the campaign in this state. The carried behind the casket. plan is to furnish material, at a cost o f about $12,000,000, free to the Intervention Is Opposed San Francisco— Resolutionsjexpress- counties through which the road will pass, the counties to pay only the cost ing the opposition o f the San FranciB- o f construction, which is to be under co Labor council to any intervention government supervision. on the part o f the United States in Mexcian affairs are being forwarded Italians Resent Being Given Away to President T a ft at Washington. Chiasso, Switzerland — Feeling is They were drawn by Andrew Furu- running high in Italy regarding the seth, president o f the International ultimate disposition o f the Aegean Isl Seamen’s Union o f America, and ands, which have been occupied by adpoted by the council. It is the sense Italian troops in the war with Turkey. o f the document that the fight being The agitation was initiated by dele conducted by the revolutionists in gates from the islands and by Greek Mexico is one intended to abolish the emissaries and is receiving the sup system o f peonage there. port o f the Socialists and other ex tremists. The agitators maintain Woman Seeks Rare Honor. that it would be dishonorable in Italy San Francisco— I f the Roosevelt- to conclude peace by giving up the Johnson ele'etors named by the Pro Aegean islands on grounds that Italy gressive state campaign committee wants the Labya region o f Africa. are elected at the polls in November, Mrs. Florence Collins Porter, o f Los Idaho Women Plan Bolt. Angeles, will be the first woman in Boise, Idaho—A Republican ticket, the history o f the nation to vote for a made up entirely of women candi president o f the United States. Be dates, will be placed in the field in sides Mrs. Porter, the list o f 11 elec Idaho this fall against the regular tors contains the names o f Charles S. Republican and Progressive tickets. Wheeler and Philip Bancroft, both o f The women members o f the Republi San Francisco, whom the committee can party in Idaho announced that on contests refused to seat as delegates they had become disgusted with the to the Republican national convention. wrangling in the party and decided to place a ticket o f their own before the Irish Factions In Riot. people. The women will hold their Belfast, Ireland— A fierce fight was convention here this week. waged in the Celtic park football Subway Plans Complete. grounds in which 60 persons were se verely injured, two o f them being in a Chicago—Plans for Chicago's pro critical condition. The fight took posed subway system were completed place at half-time in a game in the and presented by a sub-committee to league series between the Belfast Cel the city council committee on sub tic team and a team representing ways. The plans provide for four field. The Linfields were leading. main lines traversing the city. The Celtic supporters unfurled a green estimate for construction is $96,257,- and white rag and started tn parade. 000, and for equipment $31,884,090 Linfielders displayed a union jack. The system would have a capacity of 187,000 passengers an hour. Aviator Strikes Live Wire. Ismay Resigns, Letonia, O.— John St. Claire, a Bos New York — J. Bruce Ismay, who ton aviator, fell while making an ex hibition flight at the carnival here and figured in the news a few months ago alighted on a naked electric light wire by being among the Titanic survivors, carrying 2200 volts. The wire broke, is to resign as president o f the Inter national Mercantile Marine company. but he waa severely burned. F W.LDOUGLAS SHOES Mexican President Must Give Full Protection to Americans. $3.00 $3.50 $4.00 $4.50 AND $5.00 Failure to Meet Ultimatum of United States Will Bo Followed By Immediate Intervention. The workmanship which has made W . L. Douglas shoes famous the world •ver is maintained in every pair. A s k your dealer to show you W. L. Douglas latest fashions for fall and winter wear, notice the short v a m p s which make the foot look smaller, points in a shoe particularly desired by young men. Also the c o n s e r v a t iv e styles which have made W. L. Douglas shoes a household word everywhere. If you could visit W. L. Douglas large factories at Brockton, Mass., and see for yourself how carefully W. L. Douglas shoes are made, you would then un derstand why they are warranted to fit better, look better, hold their shape and wear longer than any other make for the price. f ast Color Eyelets. FOR MEN A ND W O M E N B o y s w e a r W. L . D o u g la s $ 2 . 0 0 . $ 2 . 5 0 $ $ 3 . 0 0 S c h o o l \ S h o o s , b e c a u s e o n e p * l r w ill p o s i t i v e l y o u t w e a r tw o p a i r s o f o r d i n a r y s h o e s , e a m e am t h o m e n ’ s s h o e s . W.L.Douglas makes and «ells more $3.00,$3.50 & $4.00 shoes than any other manufacturer in the world. TH E STANDARD OF Q U ALITY ' FOR O V E R 30 YEARS. Washington, D. C.— President T aft has given President Madero 30 days in which to protect American property C A U T IO N . T o p rotect you a *«in s t in fe rio r shoes, W . L. Douglas »tam p « hi« nam e on the bot and lives in Mexico. I f Madero fails tom. Look fo r the «tam p. B ew a re o f substitute«. W . L. Douglas shoes are sold in 78 own to do this the United States will re stores and shoe dealers e v e ry w h e re . N o m atter w h ere you live, they are within your reach. If your d e a le r cannot supply you, w rite direct to fa cto ry for catalog showing how to ord er quire that he resign immediately. I f by mail. Shoes sent e v e ry w h e re , delivery charges prepaid. W .L.D ou glas. Brockton, Mass. Madero should refuse to resign inter vention will follow speedily. This statement was made here Thursday by a high official of the De partment of State to Juan Pedro Di- dapp, representative o f the Mexican E at Golden Cereal Food* and rerommpnd them to your acquaint revolution in Washington. ance«. You fret lietter qu ality and more fo r your money. T h ey are The name of the official is withheld, made in your home state from the beat Oregon Oats and Wheat. L a rg e packages contain a Handsome Prem ium ai d all goods are but full credence is given the state guaranteed. A sk your grocer. ment here, in view o f recent events in the Mexican situation. Golden Rod Oats. Golden Rod Pancake Flour. Don Manuel Calero, Mexican am Golden Rod Wheat Flakes. Ralston Select Bran. G0LÒEN ROD bassador here, hurriedly left Washing M ILLING CO. Golden Rod Wheat Nuts. Golden Rod Chick Food. A«4 t (' ams obi «« ' ton last week for Mexico City, bear ing a personal message from President T a ft to President Madero. It is be lieved the message he took from the administration to Madero was o f the tenor described. Diplomats say that AND BUSINESS COLLEGE. Calero would not have made a person O PE N S S E PTE M B L U 24 al trip from Washington all the way to Mexico City unless the issue was extraordinarily urgent. Developments this week showing the strong exertions o f the Madero administration to get troops to North NEW ern Mexico to protect American in . RATES terests, which quickly followed Cal- HOTEL EUROPLAN ero’s arrival in Mexico City, also lend PERKINS WITH BATH weight to the reported threat of the PORTLAND,! $I$?PER DAY UP United States. LO C A T E D N E A R T A C O M A Christian; o .- e lo MN Tht HEART OF THE CITY' ’ without BATH s i 00 UP cutional: 'arize campus: modern equipm ent: ath Officials at the State department letics; new 15000 gym nasium under construction. Most Centrally e n t r a l l y Located. lo ca ted. were reticent when questioned con P R E P A R E S thoroughly, and in the shortest NOTE THE RATES. cerning this development in the Mex po< ¡hie time, tor Coll esc. Business. Teaching, Civil Service, and Citizenship. Language* a Spe ican situation. It was intimated that cialty. the administration intends to force Eight Courses; no entrance examinations; spe cial classes fo r foreigners. Game for an Elizabethan Banquet. Madero to protect foreign interests in E X PE N S E S LOW : Tuition. Imanl. room and Peacock pie, which figured at the washing, the republic, but none would discuss nine months, $180; eighteen weeks, $U5; the report that this government plans | Elizabethan banquet held to celebrate nine weeks. $.r>0. You ask: ll<>w can you furnish all this fo r less to compel the Mexican president to re Midsummer day, is not a delicacy like- than the usual price o f board and lodging? We sign if he fails to get a better grasp I ly to tempt all epicures Still, most of answer: B y the aid o f our church we are enabled on affairs along the Rio Grande. us would rather eat peacock than to g iv e our students more than they pay fur. W e can’ t tell all here. Our free 50-page cata* some of the other birds consumed by logue w ill do it. Send fur it. Address our forefathers. In the thirteenth cen EMERGENCY VESSEL READY, N. .1. HONG, Principal tury the heron, the crane, the crow, Parkland, Wash. the stork, the cormorant and the bit Three Troopships at Fort Mason tern were considered excellent for the Have Steamed Up for Rush Trip. Ordeal for Brides. table. Yet the hare and the partridge A peculiar and barbaric marriage San Francisco— For the past few were despised as food, and neither days there has been unusual activity waa ever served In the houses of the custom of the Kabyle women of Africa consists in the martyrdom of the bride, on board the army transports Crook wealthy.— London Chronicle. who, clad In her wedding finery, stands and Buford, which, with the troopship through an entire morning against a F O R EYE Sheridan, are tied up at the transport ettits Eye-Salve D I S E A S E S pillar in the village square. Her eyes docks at Fort Mason. There is steam are closed, her arms pressed to her up in all three ships and they would A lm o s t th e L im i t In In v e n tio n . sides and she has only the narrow be ready for sea in an hour, should the A log of wood and a roll of paper base of tho column for a foothold. Mexican situation require the sending are placed In a new matchmaking Meanwhile a ring of villagers criticise o f troops South. machine, and when human hands next \nd commend on her appearance. While the authorities in charge of touch the material It is all bound up the transports deny any authorization In packages containing one gross of to arrange for movements o f troops boxes of matches, ready for tho con toward the Mexican border, the fact sumer. During the process tho ma remains that the transports are ready chine cuts the wood Into proper for any emergency. lengths, sulphurs the ends, counts them, makes the paper boxes, prints Gold Ship May Be Raised. the labels on them, fills each box and about your Ellensburg, Wash.— “ Uncle Joe” packs them. The machine has been Morrell, o f Ellensburg, sole remaining patented by a Norwegian match com survivor o f the ship Golden Gate, pany. which burned and sank off Manzanillo, Liquid blue is a weak solution. A void it. Buy Mexico, in 1864 with more than $2,- Red Cross Ball Blue, the blue th at’s all blue. A s k take 000,000 in California gold on board, your grocer. has received a letter from a San Fran Musical Prodig>. cisco syndicate asking certain details A seven-year-old boy of Rennes, o f the wreck and bearings of the spot France, Is the latest musical prodigy where the ship sank. Morrell is to burst upon tho world. He is an promised a liberal share o f the admirable, even a brilliant, pianist, but gold in return for his information, has genius for composition, and so should the expedition prove success natas, symphonies, piano pieces of all Let it kick out all the disor ful. kinds flow from his pen. It is said ders, such as Gas Pains, Foul REDUCE YOUR LIVING EXPENSES g p jH M I PACIFIC LUTHERAN ACADEMY Don’t Kick s to m a c h HOSTETTER’S STOMACH BITTERS Aviator Meets Death Chicago — Aviator Paul Peck, of Washington, D. C.. holder o f the American duration flight record, was killed in a fall with his biplane Thurs day afternoon, when flying in a gusty wind. He attempted too steep a spiral and when he struck the ground the heavy engine came through the wreck age, striking him in the neck. Physi cians said his skull was fractured and he was injured internally. Death oc curred several hours after the fall, the aviator never regaining con sciousness. to be pretty good stuff, too. A num ber of the great composers have be gun to Invent melodies before tho age of sevent M o th ers w ill fin d Mrs. W in s lo w ’ s S o o th in g Byrup th o host re m e d y t<> use fo r t h e ir c h ild ro u d u rin g th e t e e th in g p e rio d . Breath, Constipation, Kidney, Liver and other complaints. Then it will add strength, en ergy and vigor to your blood and body. Si ght of the C olor Blind. A coior blind person sees light ns 6U years without a rival either white or gray and dark colors appear either as dark gray or black. This mutual sensitiveness is duo to the fact that the light nerves and col or nerves are closely Interbound, but there Is a different set of nerves for | I* oar pride—our hobby—oar «tody fm year« »m i both light and color, just as there are ; now our «U(-COM, «m l ours is the i>< st pat n il«» work Turks Capture Airship. different sets of nerves for tempera I to be foam! anywhere, no mattur how much yoo pay. C o m p a re o u r P rice*. Tripoli—The Turks, who on several ture and for touch. “j W® flniah plat® and bridgr work fur out* occasions have tried vainly to smuggle of town patron« ia When Men Marry. into Tripoli an areoplane for scouting |!|[ on® ilny if detiired. 1’iiinb « eitractlom That’s what a man wants In a wife purposes, are at last in possession of fr o « when pint»« or bridge work i* ord er a machine through a mishap o f Cap mostly; he wants to make sure o’ on» ed. CunsultaUon Iren. tain Moizo, o f the Italian army. Cap I fool as’ll tell him he’s wise. Bu MoltrCrowns $ 5 . 0 0 tain Moizo was making a flight from there’s some men can do wl’out that— 22k Bridge T«rtt.4. GO Zouara to Tripoli when the motor of they think so much o’ themsclvei Gold rilling« 1 .0 0 his machine stopped and he was a’ready— an’ that’s how It Is there’» Enamel Fillings LOO Silver Filling» ,o 0 obliged to descend in a hostile coun | old bachelors.—George Eliot. Good Rubber _ _ _ try. He was promptly captured and p m ., 5 .0 0 A Missouri Purist. Be-t Red Rubber _ _ the aeroplane appropriated. “ I road a piece In the paper tho Plates 7 .5 0 other day,” says Noah Count of Chlg- DR W t W ill, P»fiioisr isc M is it f « Pa -lies» E*tr'*inn . 5 0 Auto Freight Protested. B IS T M ETHOD S 2 $ ru st iitm m tio is rsstuso I gerblte, “ whore they referred to tho Washington, D. C. — The existing j remains’ of a man who was blown up A ll w o r k fu lly ki u « r . i n f f o r f.ft#*»*» y**nr®. freight rate o f $7 a hundred pounds on ! by dynamite. Wouldn’t 'remnants’ Co.,inc. automobiles, in less than carloads, i have been a little more exact?” Painless Dentists from New York and other Eastern Filing Building, Third and Washington PORTLAND 0R% O ffic e H ou rs «▲ M . to 8 t . hi. 8uu<U ys. » to 1 points to Pacific Coast terminals was attacked before the Interstate Com merce commission. The charge for other self-propelling vehicles, less than carloads, is $4.50 a hundred. Demand is male that the roads reduce the rate on automobiles to $4.50. Mon-Poi«onoos Painless Dentistry W ise Dental Butterfl/ Farm Pays. Tmckee, Cal. — Miss Ximena Mc- Glashan, o f Truokee, is a butterfly farmer and is making money at it. In the past six weeks she has propagated and sold 6200 mounted butterflies, for which she received $310, or 5 cents apiece, which amounts to more than $50 a week. 'Great French Army Out. Paris — The most imposing and ex tensive French army maneuvers in years opened in Touraine and Poitu, when 120,000 soldiers and 50 aero planes and two dirigible balloons took the field for a week of mimic warfare. Horse Plague Spreading. Council Bluffs — The horse plague has crossed the Missouri river and several animals have died near Shan- andoah, Clarinda and Pacific Junction, in Page and Mills counties, Iowa. Hair Falling ? You certainly cannot lose your hair and keep it, too. Which shall it be? Lose ? Then do nothing. K ee p ? Then use Ayer’s Hair Vigor. That is about all there is to it. Ayer’s I lair Vigor is also a splendid hair-dressing and hair-tonic. It keeps the hair soft and smooth and greatly promotes its growth. It does not color the hai;. Consult your doctor freely. Doctors are studyin g these hair questions much more than in former days. OUT OF TOWN PEOPLE Heslth-baUdiBfc rsmsdles from C. GEE W O tho Chino«« doctor, Try once nmro if yon h»vo ! w n doctorin« with th i* ono nnd that on» timl hnvo not obtained per. ninnenf rt*li»f. Let this great nature hoolor din«, no*« your rit*n find pr»«eril.e simn r»m*dy s h i*n Action i* quiek. sure and «nfe Hi* prescription» ore compounded from Root*. If or hi. Bud« And I<Hrk*thHt hnvohocn «*therod from «very qusr- ter of the tfloGe I h» - r 4 o f t he-e m. d < i ne» ■ r» not known to the outside world, but have been handed down front father to son in the ph>«u-iana* famiiicH in China. C O N S U L T A T IO N FR E E . I f you live out o f town and »annot call, w rit« for symptom blank and circular, enclosing 4 cent« in ■tamp®. THE C. GEE WO CHINESE MEDICINE CO. 162$ first St., Cor. Morrison P o rtla n d , O reg o n . N o . 30 VyilEN writing to advertiser«, tion thia pa I er. ’ 12