Image provided by: Portland General Electric; Portland, OR.
About Estacada progress. (Estacada, Or.) 1908-1916 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 19, 1912)
■Mmm DOINGS QF THE WEEK Current Events of Interest Gathered From the World at Large. SALAZAR TAK E S EL TIGRE. Federal» Only 12 Miles Away Nine Hours Before Camp Falls. Douglas, A r il.— Inez Salazar and his rebel band captured El Tigre, the American gold mining camp, twice attacked by him, Monday forenoon at 11 o ’clock. In the fighting before the defenders o f the camp were defeated seven federal« were killed and a dozen were wounded. Only one American was wounded. He was Gilbert Mc Neill. His wound is not serious. The rebel loss could not be learned. Only meager details o f the taking of the town were received, and the news did nut come until night. Telephone communication was re stored long enough to inform the offi cials here that the town had been taken and that no Americans hud been killed or seriously hurt. Rebels looted the store o f the company, taking about $10,000 worth o f goods, and the main body started in the direction o f Nacozari, a small band being left in the camp. The valuable plant o f the El Tigre company was not molested. Federal reinforcements for the El Tigre gar rison were at a point 12 miles from the camp nine hours before the cap ture of the town, but they never ar rived. INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT OF ÍHE STATE BIGGER FAIR URGEO. 7805 A U T O S IN OREGON. ___ lANTQN m the massive, motionless machinery stood towering above the visitor and the slight young master of the domain, the metal-spotted, roughened factory floors reverberated under their foot steps. As they made the tour from room to room and building to building, Floyd grew Blowly whiter, bis explanations more brief. When they finally arrived at a glass-set door marked office, he stopped short and laid his hard upon tho wall as If to steady himself. “ Go away, for a moment," he re quest, his voice catching. ‘T i l come after you. I haven’t been here sluce my father— " Stanton swung on his heel and went out; out to look at the mile track, where Edgar Floyd used to practice racing with little Jes tied in the caz beside him, and where later the older Jes played mechanician to hts father's driving. And standing there under the dull October sky, Stanton thought of many things. When Floyd came after him, half an hour later, Stanton turned from his position against the track railing. "Floyd, what do you figure Is going to become of your sister?” he abrupt ly demanded. Floyd stopped, gazing at the other with parted lips and startled gray eyes. A strong wind was blowing oil Lake Erie, tossing hts bronze hall and wrapping his long coat about him "My sister?” he repeated. “ Why?" “ She is a woman, she must have some life of her own. You can't keep her like a nun until she finds herself grown old without a chance at living." Floyd continued to gaze at him, say ing nothing; that half-hour In the of fice had left him almost wan In ths gray afternoon light. “ You know me, Jes Floyd, tf any one docs. You know my vile temper, my rough tongue, and that I am a cross grained brute at best. But 1 think there may be enough of the In herent gentleman left in nte to make me decent to a woman. If. In time things fell out so that I’d asked you for your sister, would you be wllllngl Speak frankly, If you do not think ms fit to be trusted with her, say so— tt will not break our friendship.” “ You have seen her once," Floyd re called, as if to himself. He lisped, bit surest sign of excitement Stanton had never heard him use that soft slurring speech except on the race tracks; heard now In the quiet coun try surroundings, It infected the listen er with a contagious agitation and emotion. ” 1 know, 1 know,” he deprecated. "Rut. I might see her more, and see ing no hotter men she might come to bear with me. Not that there Is much in me worth It— she probably never would look at me. What I am asking you, now, is whether you want me to keep away from her. Say yes, and we will shake hands and drop the sut> Ject for ever.” Very slowly Floyd held out his slen> der hand. J. H. Booth Proposes State Show to : Average One for Every 86 Persons— Cost SI.OOO.OOO. Number Increasing. Salem— A $1,000.000 state fair ii Salem— In Oregon, population (1910 the plan that J. H. Booth, o f Rose- census) 672,765, on August 1, there burg. president of the Oregon State were 9689 registered motor vehicles, General Resume o f Important Event« Board of Agriculture, hopes to see of w’ hich 7865 were automobiles, 183 ^ ,___ 'o fT in and 'letandht worked out. He believes that at least delivery wagons, 69 electric vehicles, Presented In Condensed Form $1,000,000 should be appropriated by 6 hearses. 1127 motorcycles, 56 taxi \ i ^ T la f if in g M e rcu ry ir/c. fo r Our Busy Readers. the legislature, not all at once, how cabs, and 385 trucks. There were ever, and that some definite plan be 1585 licensed chauffeurs. Automo adopted for the permanent upbuilding bile license fees to the amount of c / /w M m . v w .VS w u - Shipments o f gold from Europe to o f the fair. $40,408.50 had been collected by the he did not laugh, he flashed back, America have begun again, the first The university and agricultural secretary o f state. SYNOPSIS. spark to powder, so that they quar college and other state institutions are in two years. The total number o f automobiles is reled on an average four times a day. given appropriations almost without divided as follows among the various A t the beKlnnlntf o f g r e a t a u tom obile American troops have taken prison stint,” said Mr. Booth. “ While prob counties: Baker, 111; Benton. 102 race the m echan ician o f the M ercu ry, And they spent every available mo ers six o f Orozco’s principal advisers S ta n ton ’s m achine, drops dead. S tra n ge ment together, until their friendship ably they need the money and deserve Clackamas, 172; Clatsop, 92; Colum vouth. Jesse F lo y d , volu nteers, and Is a c and military aides it, 1 believe that there is no greater bia, 15; Coos, 135; Crook, 135; Cur cepted. In tho rest du rin g the tw e n ty - became patent even to the skeptical u r hour race Stanton m eets a stra n ger. Mr. Green. educational factor in the state than ry, 2; Douglas, 166; Gilliam. 8; fo Paris newspapers declare the terms M iss C arlisle, w ho Introduces h erself. Th e "W e can plan out some of our fac the state fair. This is essentially an Grant, 19; Harney, 28; Hood River, M ercu ry w ins race. Stanton receives o f peace between Italy and Turkey are from M iss C arlisle, which he Ig tory affairs on the way home, on the agricultural state. Any move which 132; Jackson, 479; Josephine, 120; Mowers practically settled. nores. Stanton m eets Miss C a rlisle on a tends toward developing the state’s Klamath, 116; Lake, 73; Lane, 352; train. T h e y a lig h t to ta ke wulk, and train," Stanton arranged, at the close train leaves. Stanton and Miss C a rlisle of the last day, when taking temporary Taking o f testimony began in the agricultural interests to the highest Lincoln, 1; Linn, 279; Malheur, 60; fo llo w 1n auto. A cciden t b v w hich S ta n government’s suit for the dissolution point o f efficiency is, financially and Marion, 559; Morrow, 12; Mult ton Is hurt Is m ysteriou s. F lo y d , at lunch leave of his mechanician at the Mer ith Stanton, tells o f his boyhood. S tan cury camp. o f the Harvester trust. in every other way, an upbuilding nomah, 3389; Polk, 147; Sherman, w ton a gain m eets M iss C a rlisle and th ey “ I'm planning a fender for each side factor in the state’s progress. 59; Tillamook, 57; Umatilla, 238; dine togeth er. S tan ton ‘ com es to tra ck Shipments o f benzine are arriving but m akes race. T h e y h a v e a c c i of the Comet racing car, so that when By setting out a definite plan for Union, 214; Wallowa, 44; Wasco, sick, in Seattle from Asia, to compete with dent. F lo y d hurt, hut not seriou sly. At the state fair grounds and obtaining 130; Washington, 173; Wheeler, 7; din ner F lo y d tells Stanton o f his tw in you feel like knocking in a few Standard Oil products. sister. Jessica. S tan ton becom es v e r y 111 lengths of the lulleld fence, as you did stated amounts biennially to be used Yamhill, 239. and loses consciousness. On re co v ery , at American marines patrolling the toward working out that plan, the These figures are according to a re his hotel Stanton receives In vita tion and this afternoon, we’ll be ready for It," streets of Bluefields, Nicaragua, were visits Jessica. T h e y go to th eater to g e th mocked Floyd, his effervescent youth state fair could be developed into one port compiled by Secretary o f State er. and m eet M iss C arlisle. Stanton and fired upon by rioting citizens. o f the most magnificent features of Ben Olcott for the use o f the next leg F lo y d m eet a g a in and ta lk business. heady as champagne. "Fence or no fence, we won," Stan the state, that would repay the money islature. They include the registra Mexican federáis retook the town of CHAPTER VIII— (Continued). ton retorted Indulgently. expended in many ways. El Tigre, the rebels fleeing with $20,- tion o f machines from the first of Jan "Of course! You kept right on driv Upon the nucleus which we have uary to the first o f August. The silence was long. After reading, 000 worth of gold and silver bullion. Millbury, Mass. — President T aft we could build up tc the final attain It is known, according to automo Floyd turned his face to the window, ing the front of your car. so the rear China has failed to negotiate her celebrated his fifty-fifth birthday Sun ment of the scheme for a great fair. bile statistics, that the first six and so remained. But at last he looked Just naturally had to climb back on $50,000,000 loan in Europe, owing to day at a family reunion at the home the road and follow. I expected that; Every improvement which is put in months of this year witnessed a phe back to Stanton and nodded. the opposition o f the United States of Miss Delia C. Torrey, his aged the grounds should be a permanent nomenal increase o f automobiles in “ Yes, It means that I get back my you were too busy to stop for a little and England. aunt. The celebration was quiet be one. the United States, which registered father’s factory,’’ he confirmed quietly. thing like side-wiping a fence.” “ You seemed to expect It,” the oth Owing to a light crop and large de cause o f the fact that the president’s “ There should be good walks, good during that time nearly a million ma “ I am very glad, although it doesn’t do mand, the price o f lemons has reached birthday fell on Sunday this year. buildings, a cattle judging arena elec chines. The exact number of regis me much actual good. I have no capl er corroborated. He looked with in In the morning Mr. and Mrs. Taft, trically lighted, so that judging could 40c per dozen in California, and is trations for the first six months of tal to run an automobile plant, and I terested curiosity at his nonchalant Aunt Delia and Miss Helen T a ft at be done at night. expected to go still higher. The difficulties this year was 839,858 machines, of will not sell unless I am forced to I t " assistant "If I am too busy to wor tended church services at the village ry at such times, Floyd; you are not. “ You would like to operate tt?” Chairman Lovett, o f the board o f chapel, where the presiuent worship that we have encountered this year which 135,335 were new registrations The blood ran up under Floyd's fine Don't you ever think of what Is likely with the rains should be obviated by over last year. Registration fees in directors o f the Harriman lines, says ped when he was a boy. all permanent covered buildings this country for this period amounted skin, he met Stanton's eyes with a to happen when we are on the verge crop conditions and business outlook A fte r the services the president and W*1 hope to have a permanent pavilion glance of fire-ardent passion and de of a smash?" to the comfortable fortune o f $4,769 in the West were never better. Aunt Delia took a short automobile constructed with the $50,000 which 873.29. O f this great number o f mo sire. Floyd paused, turning his large clear William Rankin, once law partner ride through fam iliar places which the the last legislature appropriated, and tor cars in use in this country, only “ I ’d give all the rest of my life to eyes on the questioner. o f President T a ft’s father, and now president knew so well when he was "There’s Just one thing I’m asking,” which, we trust, will be given us by 31,547 are registered for commercial operate that factory for one year, as the oldest living graduate o f Yale, schoolboy in Millburg. my father planned for me— I’d give It he gravely returned. "That is, that the next legislature overriding the use. Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. Taft, the governor’ s veto. celebrated his 103d birthday at Bay As one would suppose, New York for six months to Justify his faith and when It comes, It will be a good president’s brother, and his wife, Head, N. J., Monday. “ The fair should be placed in a po stands at the head of the list with 92, training. You do not know, you can smash. No one minds Just dying— came over from Biddefordpool, Me. sition where it will be able to handle we're sure to do It some day, anyhow 407 cars, which is on increase o f 8,438 not know!” The Spokane chamber o f commerce and joined the family party in time the crowds whether the weather is since January 1. "Can I not?” Stanton retorted. —but to be mussed up and patched to California offers says the “ rural u p lift” movement is for luncheon. wet or dry, a place provided where surprise by showing the next largest "Floyd, what do you think 1 am rac gether again, no! Now,” his Irrepres being overdone, and recommends the sible smile glanced out again, “ that’s consolidation of some o f the many so 4000 INDIAN RAIDERS ROUTED agricultural lectures can be given number, due to a tremendous increase ing for, If I can not understand risk I told why I feel so safe with you; there Is daily for the farmers, and the entire in registration since the first of the ing something (or an object cieties and congresses. show given over to the agricultural year. Its registration on July 1 stood you once that I would not live poor— a deadly finality about your driving Several Mexican railway employes Mexican Federal« at Oaxaca Suffe interests. The agricultural and stock at 79,603 cars, an increase this year I was not born to that. If I win anoth methods—” “ That is about enough,” Stanton sig have refused to take out trains for Loss o f 41 Killed in Battle, displays at the fair I place first, and o f 19,401. Ohio is third with 56,000 er prize or two this season, I will have fear o f attacks by the rebels. The fair is for ears. Pennsylvania fourth with 52, enough capital to match somewhat nified. “ I'll soe you on the train, Mexico City — Mexican federal the amusements last. then.” educational purposes, and it is toward 257 cars, and Illinois fifth with 47,104 with your factory. We both under Bands o f well-armed Texas cowboys troops here routed 4000 Indians led by They did meet on the train, and stand the motor business pretty well; are crossing the border into Mexico, Zapatistas after three days’ fighting, that end we are constantly striving.’ cars. passed long hours of travel in work In the United States the average do you want. In case all goes right, to but it is not known who is backing near Oaxaca. Fighting continued all and discussion. The other passengers population to each motor car is 110 Jo'n with me and revive the famous day Monday. them. COVE CHERRIES S T IL L RIPE. came to take a decided, if furtive In persons. During the year ending July Comet motor-cars? Don't answer A t San Felipe the government terest in the two who sat opposite 1, 1912, the car output in this country now, think the thing over.” The city o f Ocean Park, Cal., is to forces lo9t 41 killed and the rebels 150 C. M. Staekland Thinks Oregon each other In absorbed conversation “ Stanton!” was 252,569. have a municipal cold storage plant, killed and several hundred wounded, "W alt; there Is time enough. W e or argument, making drawings on en Ideally Located. taken prisoners where any over-supply o f perishable A number were (T O B E C O N T IN U E D .) may easily lose everything we put Into velopes and time-tables to Illustrate H O P HARVEST W ELL ALO NG . Portland— Although the bulk o f the produce may be kept until the market among them several Zapatistas. the venture, factory and all; or we their points and even leaving rows of In retreating the rebels sacked San cherry crop in Cove district has long demands it. figures upon the menu cards In the Change for the Better. may not.” Felipe and Etla. In the latter town since been gathered and marketed, Half o f Crop Saved About McMinn dining-car. The care of the African population " I ’d chance my part." The imminent British statesman they dynamited the railway station cherries are still ripe in that section. ville, Despite Rains. Incidentally, both men displayed a In the Belgian Kongo in the past hat "Why, so would I," agreed Stanton. Joseph Chamberlain is seriously ill and the municipal palace. Several C. M. Staekland, of Cove, was in Port Meanwhile, you had better try me as thorough training In mechanical de been so murderously Indifferent that McMinnville— Hop picking in this and there is little hope for his re merchants, who resisted the looters land, Saturday, and brought to the a traveling companion before you take sign and construction, Stanton’s far It is a pleasure to note a change lot covery. were hanged and a number of stores Commercial club samples of Bing and section o f the county is progressing me as a partner. Remember we would the more finished and scientific. the better. An order has gone Into rapidy. A number o f the smaller Royal Anne cherries he had picked I did not know— ” Floyd marveled, effect to prevent hereafter the Impor Insurgent General Rojas defies were burned. be team mates for a long race." yards are through picking. W. J. The rebels also burned several from his own orchard, which are in tatlon, manufacture and transports' Americans at Douglas, Ariz., declar I ’m not likely to forget," Floyd at lasL Mr. Staekland is O’ Dell has picked all o f the E. Talbot Stanton forestalled the question by tlon of saccharine sweets In the Bel ing the rebels are not going to look bridges on the Mexican Southern rail perfect condition. made slow answer. "Remember that yard, but has two other yards, and a member o f the firm of Staekland Indifferently explaining. gian African territory. Saccharins where they shoot when they attack way. for yourself, of me, Stanton." In a battle at Jajalpa, south o f To Bros., one o f the largest fruitgrowing will not be through with them within " I am a mechanical engineer; 1 products and Droducts sweetened with Agua Prieta. a week. luca, in the state of Mexico, the fed concerns o f the Cove district. CHAPTER IX. N. J. Peterson has completed the Miss Christobel Pankhurst, wanted eral forces won a victory and captured Mr. Staekland had some interesting gathering of his hops, having fully a in London for complicity in the win 21 prisoners. figures to offer concerning this year’s The Chance for Jeteica. Other dow-smashing crusade, is staying at cherry crop. From 227 trees, growing third more than last year. When the assistant manager of the yards will gain in proportion. a quaint, old-time hotel in Paris and on two acres, he sold 13 tons of Royal W O M AN ’S T A L K DANGEROUS. On account o f the continued rains Mercury Company came through the still doing everything she can for the Anne cherries to a cannery for some mold has been reported, but train, next morning, and saw the two suffrage movement. who were breakfasting together In the Physicians Can’t Quiet Patient Whose $ 1000 . nothing o f a damaging nature. “ That the community may well en Chatter May Kill Her. Mexican rebels under Zapata are About a third o f the grain in this dining-car, he stopped in the aisle with courage the fruitgrow er,” says Mr. an expression of one brought face to robbing trains and carrying off women Philadelphia — Physicians 'at the Staekland, “ is indicated in the wages county has not been threshed, and all face with the disagreeable unexpected. passengers to their retreats in the Pennsylvania hospital have been en wheat not threshed is sprouting, and paid to workers in the Cove cherry or W e ll!” he ejaculated. "W e ll!" mountains. deavoring to find some method by chards. My brother and I picked 16,- will be spoiled as to its marketable Start It with an H, if you like,” Funeral services of the dead em which they may prevent Mrs. Alice 000 gallons o f cherries from eight, quality. T. T. Kirkwood, o f Hope suggested Stanton, coolly amused. peror Mutsuhito, of Japan, have com Holland from talking herself to death. acres, and the picking and packing well, states that he is feeding his Mr. Green's mouth grew thin from menced. The ceremonies will occupy The woman apparently does not want cost $997.03. This means that $126 wheat in bundles to his stock, having pressure. several days. to talk; she just cannot help It. an acre was paid for labor in harvest- given up all hope o f getting it thresh " If you quarrel with Floyd, I shall A strange part of the malady la that ng the crop, which shows that the re ed. Spring oats in some localities not know where out here I can get It has been found that the Spanish may he saved, and can be used for the woman insista that some person be turns from the cherry crop are widely w ife of General Sickles, from whom you another mechanician In time,” he feeding purposes. This year's weath he had been separated for 23 years, present to listen to her. I f she is left distributed throuhout the country. gave stiff warning. “ Although Cove is one o f the best- er condition is the most damaging pawned her jewels to raise money to alone she talks to the hospital walls, “ All right,” was the answer. satisfy a note against her husband and but shrieks for some person to come known cherry districts in the state, I ever witnessed here, and is much more Floyd was engaged In blocking out a save for him his many war relics and within hearing. Physicians have ex believe that there are great areas in noticeable on account o f the splendid map with toothpicks, and did not look amined her for an injury to the head, Oregon, now lying idle, that could be yield and promising condition o f the up; he appeared even more ridiculous keepsakes. but have been unable to find any. As cultivated and made to produce fruit grain crop. ly young and gay-spirited than usual. a last resort they diagnosed her case just as good.” In the morning sunllghL But some HOG IN D U S TR Y GROWING. as acute hysteria. Opiates seem to PORTLAND MARKETS thing In the poise of his bright head have no effect upon her. Steel Bridges in Umatilla. Oregon Rap’dly Decreasing Imports of echoed that "ail right.” Mr. Green Wheat—Track prices: Club, 80c; went on. and Interfered no more dur Pendleton — Umatilla county has Nebraska Swine. bluestem, 83c; forty-fold, 800/81c; Federal» Capture Ojnaga, ing the Journey. more steel bridges than any other red Russian, 78c; valley, 800/81c. El Paso, Tex.— Ojinaga, the M exi Portland— As evidence that the bog The speed carnival held upon the county in Oregon, according to C. H. Barley— Feed, $20 per ton; brew can border town opposite Presidio, Martin, the civil engineer employed industry is growing in Oregon, an ex superb two-mile track was to extend ing, $290; 30. portation of live hogs was made re over three days. The contests were of MillstulTa — Bran. $23.50 ton; Texas, was taken by federal tropos by the county recently to construct cently from the Browndale farm, near varied types and classes, but the Mer highways and bridges shorts, $20; middlings, $32; rolled after brisk fighting, according to ad permanent vices received at Fort Bliss by Gener throughout the county. Every bridge Aurora, Or., to be used in Honolulu cury was entered for at least one barley, $28. for breeding purposes. Another ship event and frequently several, on each al E. Z. Steever, commanding the de built in the county during the last six ment will be made from the same Corn — Whole, $38.50; cracked, day. partment of Texas. Federal forces years has been o f steel and at the $39.60 per ton. ranch in November. Aren’t there any Atalanta cars en Hay— No. 1 timothy, $17 per ton; numbering 350 under command o f Col present time 12 o f these structures The state o f Oregon has long been tered, at all?" Floyd wondered, on the onel Manuel I.anda, entered Ojinaga are in course of construction. Two of oat and vetch, $11; alfalfa, $12.60«i known as a large importer o f hogs, first morning at the track. proper, driving the rebels before the new bridges are to replace wooden 13. but the last monthly report o f the Port ’None,” Stanton assured. Oats— Spot, $280; 29 per ton; fu- them. The rebels took refuge in San ones carried out by the Butter creek land Union Stock company shows that ’Then I won't need to burn a joss Francisco, a suburb to the south and cloudburst. tures, $26. the ratio o f importation is falling off. stick.” away from the American side, and Freah fruits — Applea, 50co;$1.50 In August, 1911, 4468 hogs were im "W hat for?" per box; peachea, 26o;50c; pluma, at last reports fighting was continuing. Hops at Eugene Are Prime. ported from the hog state, Nebraska, "Luck," said Floyd sweetly; and re lOi li c pound; peara. 76c0;$1.25 box; Eugene — Hoppicking began in a while during August, 1912, only 2332 fused to explain. Prisoners May Be Deported grapes, 75c0;$1.25 box. number o f yards near Eugene and were shipped in. Officials say that Their luck held good. They had Washington, D. C. —- The United Springfield, the growers taking ad just as many hogs are used, but that neither Illness nor serious accident to Oniona— Walla Walla, 75c per sack. Floyd Turned Toward the Window and So Remained. Potatoea — Jobbing pricea: Bur States will hold Colonel Pascual Oroz vantage o f the slack of rain to get in gradually more and more o f the supply mar their series of victories and trials banks, 500; 65c per hundred; aweet co, Sr., father of the rebel general, as much work as possible while the ¡scorning from within the state and For Stanton drove as If by inspira graduated from college at twenty-one; substances other than cane sugar, and Colonel P. G. Orozco, with any clusters are in prime condition, fear from other Northwest points. potatoea, 24c pound. tion, and many of the honors of the that was five years ago. You have befit sugar, milk sugar and glucose dropped your pencil. What do you say sugar— particularly those sweetened Vegetable» — Artichokea, 6S0; 75c other captured Mexican rebels, prob ing more rain. Yards about Irving carnival remained with him. to staying over half a day at Buffalo with glycerine— shall not be Imported. No began picking also. dozen; beans, 2c pound; cabbage, lo; ably for deportation to Mexico. As yet the rains You’ve struck the perfect course. Columbia County Crops Hurt. and visiting your factory?" 14c; cauliflower, $1(<( 1.25 dozen; cel charges o f violations of the neutrality have not done much damage to the It Is specified in the order that It 1« Stanton,” declared a famous rival, Scappoose—The steady downpour of ’’Fine,” approved Floyd, a trifle meant to Include in general all syn either. hops in Lane county, and the quality, ery, 60o;75c; corn. 160;25e; cucum laws are pending against upon offering his congratulations after bers, 60c box; eggplant, 50; 6c pound; General Orozco, however, if captured, according to J. W. Seavey. is prime. rain has caused heavy losses to the suffering a masterly defeat In a five- slowly. “ A half day, not more. We thetic chemical sweetening which head lettuce, 200; 25c dozen; pep would he held for the Mexican govern No lice have appeared and growers farmers in hay, grain and fruits. A mile contest. He did not like the oth have got to make ready for that Cup does not possess food value. We wlal pers, 5' i i 0c pound; tomatoes, 400160e. ment. which is prepared to ask for hia have sprayed their hops, so that there number o f dairymen who own low land er man, but he was obliged to admire race.” we could believe that this tariff anx "Three weeks off You're getting as iety to protect the Kongo population Eggs—Case count, 250/ 20c dozen; extradition to face charges o f em is little chance o f mold. have not been able to cut any o f their him. old-womanish as Green.” bezzlement o f funds in his care and candled, 27o;28c; extras, 29o; 30c. against deleterious sweets was some hay this year, as the high water kept How so?” queried Stanton as suc “ Too bad. Still I have to be at the thing more than an exhibition of the Rutter — Oregon creamery butter, charges of murder and brigandage. the hay hack until late and it was just cinctly. Rain Saves Loss From Fire. Mercury plant when you don'L Half usual protective philanthropy which cubes, 33c pound; prints, 340;344c. Medford — Favorable climatic con ready to cut when the rain began. “ Between recklessness and over-cau a day ought to be enough." Straus Too Busy to Act, Pork— Fancy, 12c pound. bars a competitive product to ditions and efficient fire protection Oats have been hurt as to quality, for tion." Stanton surveyed him, Irritated, yet sure the sale of something else. Veal— Fancy, 1440; 15c. pound. New York— Oscar S. Straus, nomi have saved Jackson county more than mould has taken a big start in some It was quite true. With Floyd be without tangible cause for irritation. Poultry— Hens, 144'ul5c; broilers. nee o f the Roosevelt party for gover million dollars this season. Accord fields. Prunes are reported in bad side him. Stanton’s driving was as 1500154c; ducks, young, 10o;12c; nor, announced his A Polyglot Playwright. resignation as ing to M. L. Erickson, supervisor of shape, having split from the excessive daringly brilliant, but characterized by There were times when he could have Imagined that F*loyd evaded too close geese, 80; 12c; turkeys, live, 22«;23c; chairman o f the hoard of arbitrators the Forest service, there will be no rain, and a large per cent o f those M. Dario Nlccodemi is a citizen of some rational consideration of the pos companionship with him. subtly held dressed, 25c. the world. He was born In Italy. He which has under consideration the in more forest fires in 1912, the recent that fell during the rain have rotted. sibilities of disaster. Why? No one him at arm's length. Hops— 1912 crop, lOoilSc. was reared In the Argentine Republlo, creased wage demands o f the engi rainshaving eliminated the posaihil-r had time to speculate. They stayed the h day at Buffalo, Wool — Eastern Oregon, 140/18c neers of 50 Eastern railroads. Mr. ity, the season o f 1912 will establish a Weather Aida Hop-pickers. It was commencing to trouble Stan and went out to the huge, ellent group where he was Initiated In Spanish cul pound; valley, 2140/ 224c; mohair, Straus resigned the chairmanship, he record in the history o f forest fires in Independence— The fine weather is ton himself, this growing affection for of buildings that had been the Comet ture. He wrote his first play In thl language of Cervantes. It was prt> choice, 32c. said, because of duties brought upon Southern Oregon. being taken advantage o f by the hop- hts mechanician that threatened to be factory. duced at Ruenos Ayree a ad waa called C attle—Choice steers, $6.85o; 7.25; him by his candidacy. He remains a pickers. Besides the large number come an absorbing need. He had It gave Stanton a strange sensation "L a Duda” (The Doubt). good, 6.150/6.03; medium, $60/6 25; member o f the board, however, for Trout Stream Fished Out who are encamped in the yards, wagon never reeded any one. he had been to watch Floyd’s assured familiarity choice cows. $60!6.50; good, $5.50(0 the present. Soon after that an Italian actress la Dufur—A petition requesting that and auto-truck loads may be seen in self-sufficient and self-centered; and with this place and atmosphere; to 6.75; medium. $5o/5.26; choice Fifteen-Mile creek be stocked with the early morning hours leaving the now he felt a blank chill at the Idea see him so naturally draw from hit South America offered a prize for as Head of Russian Police Killed. calves, $70/8.60; good heavy calves, trout has recently been filed with the city for the yards. A large per cent of losing the society of this boy man. pocket the bunch of keys to admit acceptable play In her mother tongue. M. Nlccodemi took the prize with hit $0 25017; bulls, $30/4.50; stags, $5 London—Colonel Lupakoff, head of state fish and game commission. At of the pickers are women and chil- It chafed and fretted him with a them and unhesitatingly fit each to Its He soon after 0/5.75. the Russian political police, was shot one time Fifteen-Mile creek teemed dren, and many o f them are earning sense of bondage; when be felt the corresponding door or gate. Yet. this play Per la Vita.” Hogs — Light, $8.760/9.36; heavy, down when waiting for a street car with trout, but at the present time large wages. In most cases the hops cords draw most, he turned upon was where he belonged— only there ward wrote "L'Hlrondelle” (The Swal low) In French and It Is p l a y * T « $80/ 8.50. with his w ife at Pyatigorsk, Ciscau this creek is practically fished out. and will be successfully harvested, though Floyd and worried him savagely. should have been busy life Instead of Sheep — Yearlings, $3.500/4 65; casia, according to a dispatch received unless it he stocked at an early date it some yards have been abandoned on Floyd laughed. And Floyd's laughter this dead emptiness. Their voices ech- hr"1? ™ .. « ' PRr' S h* h* * » n « • w o " wethers, S4o/t.65; ewes, $30/3.90; here by a news agency from St. Pe will be next to impossible to locate a account o f mould. The grain that would have disarmed a Cossack. When ed loud through the desolation, where l i l h ' l d » and * dap,,n* the Eng lish play of Raffles.”_ L e Cri do Parla lambs, $4.600/5.66. tersburg. The assassin escaped. fish in this creek. I stood out in the shock is damaged. PRESIDENT T A F T CELE BRATES 55TH BIR TH D AY • i. Game t, FPEDfcPfC THORNBURGH