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About Estacada progress. (Estacada, Or.) 1908-1916 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 12, 1912)
» ESTACADA PROGRESS ( I n c u r p o k a t k » ) ! CITY NEWS BRIEFS Born, to Mr. unci Mrs. Tanner of Published I r s r v IbundA « Murninq at R stic id i, last Thursday, a daughter €ST*GADA. OKtfr«A To Loan Jtj.soo on good real Ci. B. L a FÜLLE TTK. Editor and Mgr. estate security, W. A. Heylman. Mr. and Mrs. J. R McCurdy 6 n«er*d at the po»toffl=e In Es-vioda. Oregon as second class mal. tvtre nt Portland Friday. SU BSC R IPT IO N R A T E S Chris Johnson returned, Monday SI 00 fro-n a trip to Portland, leaving at O ne year...... 50 S ix mom hi once for his home at George. Thursday, September 12,1912 Mrs. H. C. Stokes will entertain I the Garfield Dorcas Society at her A Taft man or a democrat over in 1 home Sept., 19. ut 2 P. M. tlie Molalla country suggests tins The recent rains have put the as a Bull Moose song, sung to the ground in condition, so that many lune of the national anthem: of the farmers in the Eagle Creek My country, ’tis of Me, section, are plowiug. Sweet land of Mostly Me, Of rr.e I yell Land to which 1 am sent Beyond all argument, ■ Choose Me for President Or go to well. The mails are being flooded with leaflets arguing for the abolishment of capital punishment. The tenor •of the argument is that hanging a man doesn’ t decr?ase murder and that the Idea of capital puuishment is a relic of barbarism and born in a spirit of revenge. A good many people would be more inclined to ■ favor stopping the hangman, if so- -ciety could be assured that a senti mental pardoning or parole board wouldn’t turn the murderer loose in after yeais, when the memory of his horrible crime, had been dulled by time. Prices of meat, already exceed ingly high, have taken another lip- shoot, due, it is claimed, to a short age of live stock over the country. A remedy is being suggested in the east to help bring down the price and that is for people to quit eating •veal. In Argentine, there is a »heavy fine for the slaughter of •heifer calves and the result is that .there is an abundance of beef at a reasonable price. Our game laws .provide a heavy penalty for the killing of female deer and fawn and why wouldn’ t it lie a good scheme to extend it to beef, so long, at least, as the high price of meats continues? Gill on Single Tax. The M. K. Ladies Aid will meet with : Mrs. Hughes, next Wednesday alter <linnrr. Justice Givens has entered judgement against Marshal Ames for #10 in (avor ol ('.eorge Yenke. William Strotz of Garfield was in town Saturday. He is contemplat ing a trip to Southern Oregon and may go from there to California. Dr. II. V. Adix and family de parted Friday for a week's vacation trip in Tilamook county. On the way they took in a day at the state fair at Salem. W. A. lletlm an has opened a law office here and will hereafter devote his time to his profession. He contemplates erecting a build ing later on. Ed Boner. Kenneth Bartlett and I. A, Irvin one evening last week landed 95 trout near the power plant. The trout bite fitfully but once they begin, it is no tiick to land them. R. G. Palmateer and family made a trip into the mountains one day last week and secured 30 gallons of what is known as red huckleberries Mrs. Palmateer says the fruit makes excellent jellies and pies, superior to the blue huckleberry. The Estacada orchestra is to be enlarged. H. M. Cruse and Neil Bronson have agreed to devote their services towaiil assembling a good organization and all those who de sire- to join should present applica tion to either of the above named. Heennn Gibson of Eagle Creek was in town Saturday. He is au optimist regatding the recent rains and says they have put the ground in fine condition for plowing Frac- tie-allv all the Eagle Creek farmers have harvested their grain and the yield is satisfactory. Within a couple of weeks, Terr ace addition will have electric lights as a result of a visit to Portland by W. F. Cary one of the owners of the addition. The extension has been approved and will start at Fourth and Zobrist thence to Fourth and Wade, north on Wade and through the addition. To the editor; Do we wish to adopt the single tax? I think not. We must vote on two measures Nov, iitli which, if adopted, will give us the single tax. They are the Graduated Single Tax, ballot Nos. 36-1 and 3B5 and the Clackamas county single tax bill. Nos. 37fi and 377. In the official pamphlet and in the pa|>crs and magazines single tax is be ing discussed merely as a system of taxation. It seems to me wo ought to look at the end aimed to be attained by the Single Taxers. Henry George, Some time next mouth, Spring- father of the single tax propaganda, says: “ This simple method would satis water is to have a Harvest Festival, fy every economic requirement; free which will include some excellent lalior and capital from the fetters that music. David Horner is in charge now oppress them (for all other taxes of the program wich will include could he easily remitted) it would enor mously increase the production of singing ot harvest anthems by a wealth; it would make distribution con trained chorus of twenty voices and form to the law of justice, dry up the instrumental music by violin, ’ cello springs c f want ami misery, elevate and organ. Other features are be society from its lowest stratum; and ing planned. give all their fair share in toe blessings Roger Cary returned from Hot of advancing civilazation.’ ’ What is this simple method? George Springs, his ranch about 40 miles says: “ It is a very easy thing thus to from ltete, bringing with him a sweep away all private ownership of sample of apples grown on the place land, and convert all occupiers into The latter was tenants of the state by appropriating and a bear skin. rent.“ “ It“ , says George, “ is neces presented to him by a Mr. Davis. sary only to tax land up to its full The apples, which were beautiful value” , that is, rental value. specimens, were picked from trees The land owner “ would he left-the planted years ago by a homesteader absolute and unqualified possessor of The trees have had no care, yet his deeds of title end conveyance.“ Again he says: "The only true and they are loaded with fruit without just solution of the problem, the only blemish. end worth aiming at, is to make A L L F. E. Seeley, formerly of The the land the COMMON P R O P E R TY of Progress, but now editor and joint A L L the people.“ Here then is the end aimed at by publisher ot the Buyers Guide of the single taxer. The Graduated single Salem was here Sunday with his tax and the Clackamas county single family. Mr. Seeley has put the tax bill would not bring these results publication in the subscription class but they are a big step that way. If we adopt them we will be asked to go and has come out for the Bull still further toward the ultimate end of I Moose party, the first paper iu the single tax. Single tax is not a tax re- state to make this stand, he asserts, form. It is an attempt to reform or The paper is improving rapidly un- .change the very fun lation of society. I . 0 . . . . , ,, • der Setley s management. Do you wish to hold an empty title I to your land and pay a rent to the state J. E. Burnett of Eagle Creek was in place of a t a x I f you do, vote for iu town Tuesday. Mr. Burnett has single tax. If you do not, vote against I snj(| it. F. M. G IL L Estacada, Sept. 7. î* Mr. and Mrs. N. Bronson, Mr. and Mrs. Rurbonai. Mrs, Yonce and son have returned from the hop fields at Aurora. Chief Kngiuner A. K. Murlin anil a crew of six of the II. S. Geological survey arc making their headquarters at Estacuda, while working on the Cazadero sheet and finishing up ttie Boring sheet. They will be here for some time. No matter what cut you choose republican ticket, were in Estacada • *%. 0 . Sheriff Maas > esterday served a writ of review upon Justice Givens yesterday itt the matter of the judg ment against A. G. Ames for $10 in favor of George Yenke. The circuit court will examine the pa- pers October 7. Manager Ed Boner has »ranged with the People’ s Amusement com pany for four reels to Ire given every week, Saturdays and Sundays at Boner’s theater. The pictures are the latest shown at Portland. M iss Mae Stevens is visiting Mrs, W. A. Heylman. Geo. C. Brownell will speak on Woman Suffrage, Sept. 22 at 2 o'clock at the M. E. Church. What will likelv he the last base ball game of the season, will take place next Sunday when Estacada plavs the Brooklyn Greys, a fast Portland team which beat the locals twice last y et*. A strong lineup will be arranged by Manager Neil Bronson. Estacada may secure its eight street lights as a result of Mayor Reed's conference with the F. R L. & P. The company agreed to put them in if the city would install the fictures which will cost about $25. Bills of $10 2 were allowed at council meeting. The amended live stock ordinance, now extends the time to 8 o’clock in the evening. Mr. and Mrs T. F. Murray and son’ ’M ulligan''Eft today for a week stay at Seaside. The Progress is indebted to E.C. Suter. a prominent ranchman and fruit grower of Eagle Creek, for a box of fine Bartlett Pears which he brought to Estacada, Saturday. Mr Suter sold quite a lot of this excell ent fruit. The pears are large, well colored and without blemish and L L The Hotel Estacada testify eloquently to the productive- ness of the soil at his place. H e sprayed his trees only once this sea son, his orchard being lentarkably free of parasites. REPO RT OF T H E CONDITION OF ESTACADA STATE BANK at Estacada. in the State o f Oregon, at the close o f business, Sept. 4, 1 9 1 2 . Overs & RE SO U R C E S S h o rt*............................................ Ml 81 6 9 87 344 7 40 None 3450 00 1805 34 11941 77 261 00 3 4 4 £ 58 Overdrafts, secured and unsecured...... Stocks and other S e c u ritie s ....... Furniture and fix tu re s............................. Due from approved reserve hanks........ Checks and other cash ite m s ................. 6 6 3 4 24 Other resources. Land C ontracts------- Total............................................................ . $ 9 1 7 0 8 0 9 L IA B IL IT IE S $ Postal savings bank deposits................... Deposits due State Treasurer ......... . Individual deposits subject Demand certificates of deposit ............ Tim e certificate* oi deposit........ ........... Liabilities other than those shove stated, escrows.......................................- T o ta l..................................... .................. 25000 00 725 03 1918 60 5000 5 5 3 4 5 42 470 2 9 2569 10 6 7 0 65 $ 9 1708 09 Attorneys for Plaintiff offers, FREE, with the exception of cost of postage on paper* and cost of the Unite:sity Kxtention Bulletin, to CITIZEN S OF OREGON, forty UNI* V E R SIT Y COURSES bv MAIL. Ability to profit by the courses selected is the only requirement tor enrollment in the Correspondence Department. Courses are offered in the departments of Botany, Debating, Economics, Education. Electricity, English Literature, English Composition, History, Mathematics, Mechanical Drawing, Physical Education. Physics. Phvsiolo- gv, Sociology, and Surveying. Write to the Secretary of the Correspondence School. University of Oregon. Eugene, for inform at ion ami catalogue. COURSES IN RESIDENCE at the University prepare for the Professions O f ENGINEERING. JOURNALISM. LA W . MEDICINE, and TEACH ING, Fall semester opens Tuesday. Sept. 17 Address the Registrar for catalogues descriptive of the College of Engineering, the College of Liberal Arts, the Schools of Education, Commerce, Law. Medicine, and Music. P H Y S IC IA N A SURGEON I ***** OFFICH, ADJOINING RKSIDENCH Local and Long Distance Telephone The doctor’! phone can be connected with your home plume at night if re- quested. One long ring. L. A. W E L L S D r. Local and Tourist Trade Solicited D E N T IS T PORTLAN D . OREGON Will tie in P.stacada oil Fridays and Saturdays. Appointments may be made with Dr. Adix. C L A U D E W. D E V O R E % % è ê è « I I § I IN MIDSUMMER i A TT O R N E Y -A T -L A W and N O TA R Y P U B L IC $ A COOL KITCHEN, EVEN W ith a real live breeze blowing away Estacuda. O r e g o n J. W. MILLER BLACKSMITH EXPERT HORSESIIOKR All work guaranteed J . V. BARR BLACKSMITH the stifling sultry air and cooling § li »till a! the old stand and willing to da ft the whole room — that’s your any of the work I GIVE HIM A in hi» line CALL kitchen, and all others too « Eeam W ork and Hauling by the Day o r Contract g g that have an I ELECTRIC FAN WOOD delivered in any quantity or length, ist class 4 foot wood slabwood delivered at $2.00 jwr cord. 16 inch at $2.50 per load. W . M. YONCE 8 ----------- I g g g Portland Railway, Light SI The Oregon Fire Relief Asso ciation of McMinnville with $247.000 reserves, solicits your business through Jo h n Brow n C resham . Oregon 4 Power Co, Seventh and Aider S ts. Phones: Main 6 6 8 8 , A 6131 Phone G re s h a m . 513 Or leave word at this office • I also have the OREGON MERCHANTS i and BEAVER STATE INSURANCE COS. g g CEDAR essi If You Are Going To Build G O T O ----- P R O P R IE T O R ------ Fstacada Agent—A. Morrow A. MORROW & SON LO O K AT OUR STOCK G E T O U R P R IC E S Livery, Board, Sale and W e claim to carry the best material and want to prove it All of our No. 2 stock and better is kiln dried. Exchange Stable ESTACADA. E. D. ALLEN, Proprietor 1HYTMN8 Tüll WAHT M MUSIC, SEE OUR LINE BEFORE BOTINO , I want a Girl, etc. Skeleton Rag Trolley Car Swing Temptation Rag | Under the Tents, March Railroad Rag Some one else will if you dont Vou’ ll do the same thing over again Honey Moon Love Hooev Man Hands Up EILERS MUSIC HOUSE M. C R U S E , M A N G . Dubios Lumber Co. C. E. DUBOIS, Manager. We deal in all kinds of building material including Lumber, Lath, Sash, Doors, Sand, Gravel, Lime, Plaster, Brick. Cement, Etc. All orders promptly filled. Head Office Broadway, Phone Main 103 SHINGLES We manufacture all kinds of Cedar Shingles and are prepared at all times to deliver the same. Also to sell at the mill, having stock on baud at all times A. KRIEGER The Estacada Lumber Yard NOTICK FOR PUBLICATIO N. United States Land Office, 134S Port land 154 List No 03607, Portland, Ore. August 20, 1912. 1 Notice is hereby given that the North All Alone ern Pacific Railway Company, whose | At the Rag time Ball post office address is St. Paul, Minnesota Beautiful Isle of Love Dreams just Dreams has this 20th day of August 1912 filed iu Take a Tip from Father this office its application to select under Mysterious Rag the provisions of the Act of Congress, Moonlight Bay approved July 1, 1898 (30 Stat. 597. 620) Oceana Roll as extended l»v the Act of Congress ap Red Rose Rag proved May 17, 191)6 the NF. 1-4 SK 1-4 Ragtime Violin Sec. 14, Twp. 2 S»'ii li, R. 5 East \V. M. If you talk in Your Sleep Any and all persons claiming adversely tlie lands described, or desiring to object Wcnuse of the mineral character of the land, or for any other reason, to the dis H. posal to applicant, should file their affi davits of protest in this office, on or be fore the 10th day of Octolier 1912. H. F. lltghy, Register. The University of Oregon Correspondence School WOOD & LUMBER One of the most delightful Resorts on the Coast **OR b A L K Skid lies, platlk. hark and wood $i,o o per cord on ranch. Inquire at Warner’ s place, i nrile east ot town. 2t W A N T E D To Buy One heavy work horse 1500 or 1400, must be sound and reasonable in price, Ad driss or call on me at my place In Garfield about 6 miles east of Esta cada, Wm. Reitpann, Estacada Route 1. 2t FO R S A L E — No. 5 Oliver Typ- writer in first class condition, very reasonable, G. G. Ward, Ca/.adcro. Oregon. 50 1 FOR S A L E — 40 acres in Elwood S. E J4 of N .E )\ .3 acres improved with house ami barn, balance in burnt timber, easy to clean practicly level and good water, Price $1500 Apply to C. K. Surfus, Elwood Oregon. 50-5 FOR R E N T —Two 5 room cott ages, city water, electric lights and bath. Inquire Dr. Adix. tf. Jewelry work of all kind neatly an'_ promptly done.— Lullatt. They have it—good fresh vege tables. Go and see them. Fred Jorg. Fat cattle wanted; the fattei the better.—See Fred Jorg. For Sale— Rubber tired surrey cheap, in good condition. Inquire of Stewart at McCurdy I.umljer & Hardware Co. tf I can fix anything that is wrong with your watch.— L a lla n . I guarantee all work done.— LaHatt. W a n t e d —H ighest price paid for eggs at the Palace Meat Market Fred Jorg. vs SPECIAL ATTENTION Hunting and Fishing f’arlies Local and Long Distance Telephone A L L MODERN C O N V E N IE N C E S c Vernon Brewster Defendant, To Vernon Brewster, the above named defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and I anawer the complaint filed against you , in the above entitled court and cause, I on or before Monday the 16th day of September, A. D. 1912, and if you fail i so to appear and answer, the plaintiff for want thereof will apply to the court for the relief prayed for in the com plaint, which is that the marriage now existing between you and the plaintiff be forever dissolved. This summons is served upon you by publication order of the Hon. J . U. Campbell, Judge of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Clackamas County, which order is dated Ju ly 24 1912. The date of the first publication of this summons is August 1st, 1912, and the last publication September 12th, 1912. C R O SS AN D HAMM OND Given H E N R Y V .A D IX .M .D The Springwater farm- 1 h a v e most of their grain under SUM M O NS FOR P U B LIC A T IO N In the Circuit Court of the State of Ore. FOR C L A C K A M A S C O U N TY Jessa Brewster Plaintiff PROPRIETOR Good rigs and careful drivers nlwaya $ 10 a week Denman Ims been placed on the ticket by the county central committee, in place cover SO there w ill be little loss OD of L. E . Williams, nominated at the account of the recent downpour. primary, but disqualified to run because ^ — ;------ he has left the country. Both profess themselves much encouraged by their canvass. Glenn Inglish left last week for Grangeville, Idaho to engage in the cattle business with a cousin. STABLE W. A. JONES Palace Meat Market It. C. JIackett of Oregon City and E. failure. Mr Smith’s orchard of Dedman of Clackamas, candidates re- two acres, how ever, will produce spectively for sheriff and recorder on the m 0re than h a|f a crop of fille prunes 1 . \ this vear. yes terd ay canvassing the voters. Mr. * Livery, Feed 4 Sale you’ll fiind our meats sweet, tender and jt. c/. For we handle only the choicest grades, the cheapest cuts of which are better than the most exjiensive parts of lower grade Citlle. Orders by ’ phone given prompt attention. At tile M. E. church Sunduv morning Mrs. C. \V. Devote will sing Lassen's pretty fair prune crop this year In Heavenly Iz>ve abiding.1’ Evening L a st spring the cold rains through- service will begin at 7.30, the last service I _ , ■ , , , . i . , .. out the state, during the pollmizing before conference to whitcli Rev. Mr. . , . Rrowne wi’.l depart Monday. Subject °* '^le *rM**• a dam age, lit “ The Godspeeds and Farewells of Life” , many sections there being a total his commission house at 9 2 j State of Oregon, County of Clackamas, ss: I, L. F. Bclfils, cashier oi the above Front street Portland, but has re- j named bank, do solemnly swear that organized under the firm name of the above statement is true to the l*rst of my knowledge and belief. Burnett & Son and will open on j L. K. B K L FIL S , Cashier. September 16 at 113 Front street.! Subscribed and sworn to before tlie this The firm will do a general com 9th day of Sept. 1912. K. \V. Bartlett. Notary Public mission business in farm produce. Correct—Attest: John Zobrist, J. A. Somer, directors. Shipping tags may be had of the O. W. I’ , agent here. NOTICE OF F IN A L ACCOUNT. Estate ol Henry Dubois, deceased. Notice is hereby given that the under- signed as Executors of the estate ol lien- ry Dubois deceased have filed their final account in the County Court ol tile State ol Oregon, lor the County of Clackamas, ill tile sl*ovc entitled e s t a t e , and that Mr. and Mrs. G. Lichthorn went Monday, the jo day ot Septemtier 1912, ut the hour of ten o’clock A. M. of said to Portland twice last week to con flay, and the court room of said Court, sult with their attorney regarding has l(ecn np|iointed by said Court a s the j the damage suit which has been time and place for the hearing of objec brought against W. W. McCredie tions to said final account and the settle for in ju riisto Albeit Lichthorn. a ment thereof lad run over hy 1111 automobile some Jos. R. It van time ago, blit now convalescing. t h is. h.. Executors of the Estate of Iteiirx fiuhois The case will not come up for trial deceased. lot pel Imps six weeks ami promises Dale of first publication Thursday Aug to be rigorously fought. At one 22, 1912. Date of last publication Thurs time, it is alleged, the McCredies day, September 26, 1912. Claude \V. Ifcvore, Aftorucy for I-xe- off, rod settlement, but dccliued later rnlors. 011 to consider it. 1. Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Standish, Helen Standish, Phil Standish and Milton Evans returned Saturday from the camp at Three Links, where thev remained two weeks. It rained every day and the success of the men in lauding a deer, may be guessed by the fact that Phil Star.- dish. as soon as he reach d town, patronized the Palace Meat market liberally. They did catch quite a number of trout, (bough. William Smith of Springwater is one of the farntets of Cltckamas county who is fortunate iu having a OREGON Reed & Sparks Successors to 0. R. Jacobs Repairing of All Kinds Plumbing and Electric Wiring OREGON AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE. This great institution opens its doors for the fall semester on September 20th Courses of instruction include: General Agriculture, Agronomy, Animal Hus bandry, Dairy Husbandry, Bacteriology Botany and riant Pathology, Poultry Husbandry, Horticulture, Entomology, Veterinary Science, Civil Fngineering, Electrical Fngineering, Mechanical En gineering, Mining Engineering, High way Knginecring, Domestic Science, Domestic Art, Commerce, Forestry, Pharmacy, Zoology, Chemistry, Physics Mathematics, English Language and Literature, Public Speaking, Modern I. ni. gunge*. Hiatory. art. Architecture, Industrial Pedagogy, Physical Educa tion, Military Science and Tactics, and -Music. Catalogue and illustrated literature mailed free on application. Address: Registrar, Oregon Agricultural College Corvallis, Oregon. School Year Open» September 20th