Estacada progress. (Estacada, Or.) 1908-1916, September 12, 1912, Image 3

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    Farmers sind Merchants
Write us for our cash offer on your
Farm und Dairy Produce.
I f we
don’t handle it will refer you to re-
liable buyor. 1.E A M 0 M .PACB c a
Placard Bearing Inscription 'T a m ili«!
Supplied” Taken at Its Literal
Meaning by Customer?
1'oitlund, Oregon.
"The merchant can't be too careful
In having hla announcements perfect­
ly plain,” remarked Sir James Butler
i d e a l FR U IT Pit KFILS' b a c i .
to some friends the other day. "For
Rent! M o w dollar und we will mail you sample
or Ideal Apple Pickers’ Bug. Positively the best Instance, a man wont Into a butcher
icking bag on the icurket. ullowing man to use •hop recently and said to the man be-
t >th hands. Marker Mai ut at luring Co., 3Ö Ain alnd the counter:
brote St.. Rochester, N. Y.
“ 'I want two boys and a girl
” ‘ Hog pardon, sir,’ replied the man.
. .,
u ß exchanged: «nglnes.
bonerti. sawmills, etc. ’I he J. K Martin Co.. 76 1st
“ '! want two boyB and a girl.’
®t., Portland. Send for Slock List and prices.
“ 'Deg pardon, air.'
“ The manager of the shop, seeing a
title misunderstanding between the
two, went to the gentleman and eaid:
” 'Please excuse my assistant, but
rolls developed. 10c. any
Largest and best le Is a new hand and perhaps does
«hop in Northwest.
lot understand you. What Is your
plete price list on request.
Dost results guaranteed.
" 'Two boys and a girl. U you
J A C O B S ™°J°
I*.-I. Kulld’g, Scuttle
“ 'I beg your pardon, sir, but I*m
tfrald I don’t quite understand you
!I*nd Wore i,
llublockeii m y B e lf,’ replied the manager.
” ‘I want—two— boys—and—a—girl.
Is that plain enough?" answered the
. -•
A jh ’ L
C u i •>«' worn niililocki»*1 gentleman.
. l,,oelu«l in
“ The manager then said, 'I'm sorry,
but I don’t keep them.’
"'Sent |>oi*tuaiil on rece i i it
“ The gentleman then replied:
.....ley refiiml. il ir m l h itÍMtictorv. (let .»
"I'liHh hut for the h .If of what it would . o«t
“ ‘But you have a sign outside, “ Fam
- Address NEW Molti: MA I <X>.
llles Supplied......—Exchange.
II Meunadorffer. P rop
”27 1-2 W anhin «.’ton St
i wonty je a id in Porlluud.
P ortlan d. U r
-TF I T ’ o
S Y 1 O
It L
E Y I E r, S 9 - --------------
_ _
_ l i a i
is what you peed
World’» Cable» Mad» In America.
Practically all the world's cables are
made In this country, the first having
been made In 1857, the total length of
:he wire In the sheathing and core
4 School that Places l ou in a Uuod Position
being sufficient to reach from tho
earth to the moon. When the sea. Is
about three miles deep, and the ship
Mount Sinai Located.
Is steaming at Its usual rate, paying
The discovery of what Is believed U
out a new line, over two and a half
be the real Mt. Sinai of Holy Scrip
hours will pass before the cable
la reported to the Acadomy of Sciencf
reaches the bed of the sea. By the
at Berlin by Prof. Ur. A1 Musll from
time the cable has settled to rest the
Damascus. Prof. Musll believes that
ship Is 25 miles away.
the extinct volcano, Mala-l-Bedr, In
the Hedja region of northern Arabia
ft Cures While You W alk
Is the biblical mountain where th.
A llan 's Foot-Ease is a certain cure for hot,
ealing, cal I us, and swollen, nek lug feet. Bold
Ten Commandments were given U «w
-.y ull Druggists. P rice 26c. D o n ’t accent any
_______ __________
luUstitute. Trial
F R E E . AdJri-M
Alien S OlmnteU, Lo Roy, N. Y.
I t « ! Cro... Ball B l i . nivea double valuó fnr your
money, goes twice as fa r aa any other. A sk your
Revised Version.
“ I suppose that when you left ths
convention yon exclaimed: ‘I came, I
buw , I conquered?......Not exactly,” re­
plied the delegate who changed hla
mind. “ That ia what I was going to
■ay, but I modified it to T came, I
v a seen, I concurred.’ ”
First Boarder—W ill you pass th<
cheese? Second Boarder— How fast
U it traveling?—Judge.
I Fred D eN affe, Marshall, W ash ., writes
“ I have used Mexican M ustang Liniment I
for some time in d am well pleased. One I
o f our horses had a deep cut in her breast I
and we used all kinds o f medicines without I
effect until w e tried M ustang Liniment and
it healad it up in less than 10 days.”
| 25c. 50c. $1 a bottle at D ru g & G en ’l Stores |
Painless Dentistry
Is oar pride—onr hobby—our study for years and
now oar success, and oars is tho 2x*t painless work
to ba found snywhero, no matter how much you
C om pare o u r Prlcoa.
R W e f in is h p la te an d
I b r i t l « * w o rk lot o u t
o f to w n n a t r o n s iu
o n e d a y i f d e s ir e d .
P a in le s s e x t r a c t i o n
f r e e w h e n p la t e s o r
b r id g o w o rk is o r d e r ­
e d . Consultation 1res.
¡3 M olarO row ns $ 5.00
122 k B ridge Tssth 4 .CQ
■ Gold fillin g s
i Enamel F illin g s 1.00
■ S ilve r F illin g s
■ Good Rubber
. » .
I pi.t..
■ Best Red Rubber — . .
I P istes
OR. W. A. WISE. PntreisT in Missus Painless E x tr’ tio n .50
IS *1**1 IS
ia IS P
A ll w o rk fu lly gu aran teed fo r fifteen years.
Wise Dental Co.,me.
Grecian Head-Covering.
The Greeks wore a hat called a
petasos, which was soft and light, be­
ing made of felt: It was strapped un­
der the chin to fasten It firmly to the
head. But only the lower classes
among the Greeks, such as herds aud
travelers, wore hats, and both sexes
wore hats of the same shape. The
Greek nobility and gentry wore no
covering for the head out of doors,
and women only adorned their hair
vith a wreath of flowers.
You will get
a thorough
Out-of-town people can begin treatments by
■ending 4c in stamp* for symptom blank, which
is to be filled out and returned.
C. Gee W o Chinese Medicine Co.
1 ( 2 } first St cm. Morris««.
P. N. U.
W -E .
Portimi Or.
No. S7-’t »
Trains Derailed,
Passengers Sent Back—Cana­
nea Believed in Peril.
Cheyenne, Wyo.— One detachment
o f the Ninth cavalry, under orders for
the Mexican border, left here at 6 :30
Sunday night.
Other detachments
will leave shortly.
Junction City, Kan.— Final orders
directing the Thirteenth cavalry to
proceed to the Mexican border were
received Sunflay by Colonel Charles
Hatfield, commander o f the regiment.
The regiment, neaily 1000 men, and
a machine gun platoon, will leave
Fort Riley in a few days for El Faso.
Naco, A r il.— Mexican rebels have
cut all traffic and communication be­
tween here and Cananea, Sonora,
Mexico, where about BOO Americans
reside. Shortly afterward a passen­
ger train arrived here carrying 500
rifles and 150,000 rounds o f ammuni­
tion, sent by the United States gov­
ernment from the arsenal at Fort Sam
Houston, San Antonio, Tex., to arm
the American residents in Cananea.
The rebels cut the railway in an at­
tempt to prevent the shipment of arms
from reacning the Americana at Ca-
nsprea. The passenger train for Ca­
nanea was captured by rebels a few
miles south of the international line,
the engine was derailed and the pas­
sengers allowed to coast back into the
United States on a passenger coach
down the grade.
Six bridges were
Care had been taken to conceal Ihe
identity o f the shipment ¡of arms, but
news that the Americans o f Cananea
had requested Washington authorities
to send them arms for self-protection,
and that the request had been granted
is believed to have become known
among the rebel chiefs operating in
this vicinity.
Not only are American lives be­
lieved to be in danger as a result of
recent operations by the rebels, but
the mines must close for lack of fuel
within a few days, mining engineers
Cananea is one o f the most exten­
sive copper mining centers in the
world, and the Cananea Copper com­
pany is the richest corporation o f its
kind in Mexico. The railway destroy­
ed by rebels runs from a point on the
American border to Cananea, and is a
part of the Southern Pacific o f Mexico
In Cananea are about 500 American
men and about 50 American women.
About 100 o f these are American cow­
boys from surrounding ranches.
cent threats of rebel leaders to attack
Cananea now are now taken seriously
here, in view o f the late develop­
Initiative and Referendum and Liquor
Amendments Are Carritd.
Columbus, Ohio — The women of
Ohio failed in their effort to gain the
j ballot, according to early returns.
W hile the earliest figures on which
this result is based come almost from
Cleveland, Cincinnati, Columbus, To­
ledo and Dayton, it was in those
places where the suffragists waged
their most determined fights snd poli­
ticians said the result would not be
changed by the final returns.
The women, it is said, will not give
up their fight for the ballot, but plan
to use the initiative and referendum
to gain another vote.
The cities of the state uniformly
voted in favor o f ail amendments but
suffrage. The farming communities
voted against the amendments as a
whole, but there was little likelihood
that they could offset the big urban
About half the state vote was cast.
The initiative and referendum has
been adopted, according to the first
950 precincts out o f 5197 in the state.
It received 63,093 votes for and 33,085
against. The liquor license had car­
ried by 55,341 to 20,942.
The suffrage vote from 950 pre­
cincts showed 36,063 for to 55,139
against. The country districts were
expected to change this result, how­
The liquor license proposal provides
that licenses to traffic in liquor shall
be granted, subject to laws that may
be enacted by the legislature. It does
not affect the present liquor laws.
Regular Republicans Maintain Lead in
Vermont Election.
Montpelier, V t.— The Roosevelt Pro­
gressive ticket ran a poor third in the
state elections in Vermont, with the
T a ft Republicans winning by a vote of
almost double that o f the Progressive
candidate and the Democrats far out­
numbering the Bull Moose party’s
In fact the Roosevelt ticket
obtained less than one-quarter o f the
total vote o f the state, according to
almost complete returns.
The Republican plurality, while
large, will lack some votes of being a
majority, and as a result the election
for governor is certain to be thrown
into the legislature.
Returns for governor from 217 out
o f 246 cities and towns gave: Fletch­
er, Republican, 23,602; Howe, Demo­
crat, 18,250; Metzger, Progressive,
14,220; Smith, Prohibition, 1425;
Suiter, Socialist, 1006.
The same places in 1910 gave:
Mead, Republican, 31,816; Watson,
Democrat, 15,803; Towle, Prohibi­
tionist, 1052; Ordway, Socialist, 890.
Indications from these figures at
midnight are roughly that the present
vote w ill total: Republicans, 26,236;
Democrats, 19,838; Roosevelt Pro­
gressives, 16,429.
Aggregate o f $70,000 Distributed by
Carpet Mills Company.
Insuring Private Cup.
To Insure the owner of a prlvat» Kansas Farmers Without Horses Can­
not Get Fall Plowing Done,
shaving cup kept In a barber shot
that he Is Its only user there has beer
Topeka, Kan.— Farm work is going
Invented a paper cap to cover It undone in Western Kansas for lack of
which cannot be removed wlthoul horses killed by the plague. Crops
breaking a seal.
remain ungathered and fall plowing is
weeks behind. On many farms all
the horses have died.
Until experts
ascertain a remedy for the disease,
farmers are unwilling to purchase
more horses.
The disease is rapidly spreading
eastward, according to reports receiv­
ed by J. H. Mercer, state livestock
The First Step Towards
Mercer sent out a warning that
horses all over the state should be
G ood he a i t h is a
kept otT pastures and given no water
Strong Stomach
except from wells. The streams and
ponds are said by the experts to
swarm with diplococci, a variety o f
which causes meningitis.
Nitrate Supply Limited.
New York— There will be no ammu­
nition for British guns in time o f war
should Great Britain’s enemy cut off
her supply of nitrates from Chile, ac­
cording to a declaration made by Colo­
nel Samuel Eyde, of Christiana, Nor­
way, before the eighth international
chemical congress at Columbia Uni­
versity “ Nitrate o f ammonia pro­
duced from atmospherice nitrogen is
pure, and according to the experience
o f the British navy has a great bear­
ing upon the life o f the guns, the pur­
ity o f the product reducing the heat.”
Vancouver Has Tong War.
Vancouver, B. C. — Following re­
ports o f a battle in China, representa­
tives o f the two factions in Vancouver
began a riot in Market Lane. All day
the Orientals hovered about the bulle­
tin boards, growing more excited to­
ward evening and finally some 300
Chinamen mingled in battle, using
clubs and stones with disastrous effect.
Heads were broken right and left,
and the windows of Chinatown were
smashed indiscriminately.
many were struck unconscious, they
were spirited away by friends.
Convicts Honor Booth.
San Quentin, Cal.— Nearly 1000 men
in stripes paid tribute to the memory
o f the late General William Booth,
founder o f the Salvation Army, at me­
morial services held at San Quentin
prison. Abraham Ruef, the convicted
briber,¡delivered the main address.
He eulogized the great Salvationist
and dwelt at length on his work for
‘ ‘ the poor Jand the man behind the
bars.” Prison inmates and members
o f the army corps in San Francisco
had arranged a program consisting o f
sacred music and addresses.
Stimson Reaches Coast.
San Francisco — Secretary o f War
Stimson is in San Francisco on a tour
o f the Western military posts.
He is
the guest o f the Panama-Pacific Inter­
national Exposition company and of
United States army officers. He was
met by Troop A, of the Presidio, at
Oakland, which was lined up at the
railway station at military attention.
The secretary o f war refused to dis­
cuss his plans in detail, but said ex­
tensive improvements were contem­
plated in Western posts.
He will
formally inspect the Presidio.
Be Well!
Is Your Appetite Poor
Is Your Digestion Weak
Is Your Liver Sluggish
are N a t u r e ’ s warning of
stomach weakness and im­
pending sickness.
should try
Warning to the Doctor.
Never, In a moment of forgetfulness,
advise the parents of a child whom
you operated upon a year before for
the removal of adenoid» that the child
Is suffering from impeded nasal res­
piration and should have Its adenoids
removed.— Medical Review of Re­
The Chinese system of medicine differs from all
ethers. It employs only purely herbal remedies
end adheres to princ ples that have been thor­
oughly tested Tor thousands of years. When a
patient comes .to C. Gee W o for treatment he is
given a careful examination and he is told what
ails him. Then he is giren sufficient herb reme­
dies for a course of time and told to report again
to have his condition noted. In most casts pa­
tients notice a decided improvement in their
health in a week’s time. This is particularly so
In nervous diseases and where the eystem is run
flown. The systen itself when toned up to nor­
mal is often able to throw off sickness. I f you
are ailing don’t continue to suffer when tha ha!p
of harmless remedies is so near at hand.
Arms (or Americans in Mexico Are
Captured By Rettelo.
Yonkers, N. Y .— Bonuses aggrega­
ting $70,000 were distributed to 3100
employes in the mills o f the Alexan­
der Smith & Sons Carpet company
Men and women who
have been in the employ o f the com­
pany 10 years or more received checks
for amounts equal to 10 per cent o f
their wages for the six months ending
June 30. Those of between five and
ten years’ standing received 6 per
cent bonuses.
This was the fourth time within a
few years that the firm has thus re­
membered its older employes. Last
March $65,000 was paid to 500 five
and ten-year employes and in August,
1911, $40,000 was distributed among
the 10-year employes. A few years ago
Mrs. Eva Smith Cochran, mother of
Alexander Smith Cochran and Gifford
A. Cochran, the heaviest stockholder,
distributed $100,000 to the 20-year
men and women. The Smith plant is
the largest carpet manufactory in the
Painless Dentists
M i n t R u llitln x . T h ird a n d W a ih in g to n PORTLAND, O R *
Ottles Hoars: • A. M. to 8 P. Ai. Sundays. S to A
United on Deathbed.
A pathetic marriage ceremony took
place the other day, in a Budapest hos­
pital. A German singer named Erdos,
who was appearing professionally In
the Hungarian capital, was suddenly
taken 111 with heart weakness a few
days ago. He telegraphed to his
sweetheart In Frankfort, Germany, to
come to him. The girl started at once,
and arrived In Budapest promptly.
They were married Immediately In the
hospital ward, and Erdos died an hour
liter the c e r e m n n v
Why cough?
Stop it!
Stop coughing! Coughing
rasps and tears. Stop It!
Coughing prepares the throat
and lungs for' more trouble.
Stop i t ! There is nothing so
bad for a cough a; coughing.
Stop it ! Ayer’s Cherry Pec­
toral is a medicine for coughs
and colds, a regular doctor’s
medicine. Sold for seventy
years. Use it! Ask your doc­
tor if this is not good advice.
Unless there is daily action of the bow­
els, poisonous products are tbeorbed,
causing headache, biliousness, m ute«,
dyspepslt. T e wish you would stk your
doctor about correcting yeur constipation
by taking laxative doses of Ayer’ » Pill».
K » , hr tv * I . O. A T MM CO.. L r n t k , B u s
Bombs Set By Black Hand.
New York—"B lack Hand” agents
made three attempts to blow up as
many bnildings in the city Sunday,
the tenements in which the bombs
were placed housing more than 75
families. Two o f the infernal ma
chines were discovered in time to pre­
vent them from exploding, while the
third shattered windows and doors on
two floors [of a building in West
Thirty-fifth street in which it had
been placed. No one was injured.
Chinese Troops Revolt,
Tientsin— A serious m ilitary upris­
ing has taken place at Yunnan. The
governor general has le ft the town,
but his designation is not known to
the public. Yunnan is the capital of
the province o f the same name and ia
in Southwest China.
The province
has 122,000 square miles and 12,300,-
000 inhabitants.
Yunnnn, the city,
has a population of 100,000. It is a
walled city.
Battle Won by Chinese.
Chicago — “ Governor Chao Erh
Hsun, o f Manchuria, has telegraphed
to the government,” says a dispatch
from Pekin, China, to the Chicago
Daily News, “ that General Chang
Cho Lin attacked a large force of
Mongolians near Tonanfu, defeating
them after a 12-hour engagement.
The Mongolians lost 1000 killed and
700 taken prisoners.
The Chinese
captured five guns and much ammuni­
Storm Dead Number 40.
Pittsburg — The task o f clearing
away wreckage caused by the storm
o f Sunday night and Monday pro­
gresses well at hundreds o f points
throughout Western and Northern
Pennsylvania, West V irginia and a
portion o f Ohio. The list o f fatalities
now reaches 40. The loss is placed at
The principal sufferers
are farmers and railroads.
ville, O., was almost wiped out by
the flood.
reduce your living expenses
Britain Likely to Abide By Panama
Canal Toll Rates.
Golden Rod Oats.
Golden Rod Pancake Flour.
Golden Rod Wheat Flakes.
Ralston Select Bran.
Golden Rod W heat Nuts.
Golden Rod Chick Food.
English Study Question—Washington
Believes Objections Will Stop
When Fully Understood.
Eat Golden Cereal Fonda and recommend them to your
•neca. You set better quality and more for your money. They are
made in your home state from the best Oregon Oata and Wheat.
Large packages contain a Handsome Premium ai d all goods are
guaranteed. Aeit your grocer.
$ ö ifiiä S £ tß (P e a n i
Washington, D. C.— In diplematic
circles here it is believed that the de­
lay by Great Britain in asking for ar­
bitration o f the free tolls section of
the Panama Canal act is an indication
that the London foreign office event­
ually will abandon that plan.
It has been said that the foreign
office was withholding formal action
pending a careful study of the act. It
is believed that when the British gov­
ernment comes to understand that the
free toll provision o f the act applies AUNT JENNY’S JOHNNY CAKE
only to American coastwise trade, in
which British shipping cannot partici­ How Thla Most Popular of Tabls
Dainties Is Put Together by
pate in any event, the reason for an
Southern Cooks.
appeal for arbitration will disappear.
“ Diplomacy Likely to Fail.
London — Regret at the spirit in
which the Panama question is being
discussed on this side o f the Atlantic
is expressed by the Westminster Ga­
zette, the government organ, whose
editor, J. Alfred Spencer, is consider­
ed as possibly the next British ambas­
sador at Washington.
The charges o f “ Yankee perfidy,”
it says in an editorial, have had the
effect that might have been expected
in the American retort that Europe is
strewn with examples o f this perfidy.
This only serves to “ generate heat
where light is wanted.”
It is likely, continues the Gazette,
that diplomacy will fail to arrive at a
settlement, in which case the govern­
ment’s course clearly is to ask for ar­
In conclusion, it says,
President T a ft is so deeply committed
to the principle o f arbitration that his
refusal to submit the question cannot
be conceived.
System Like That o f Canada Being
Considered by War Department.
San Francisco— The problem o f g iv ­
ing Alaska a thorough military police
system may be solved in the near fu­
ture, not by the stationing o f a regi­
ment or more o f soldiers there, scat­
tering the troops through the territor­
ies by companies, but by establishing
a constabulary system modeled some­
what along the lines o f the Northwest
mounted police, which has accom­
plished wonderful results in Canada.
Officers at the Presidio say that
such a system o f mounted police is
being considered and may go through.
I f so, it would he unJer the jurisdic­
tion of the War department, the
mounted officers being recruited from
the ranks of the army.
Major George H. McManus, o f the
inspector general’s department, who
has just returned from an inspection
tour of Alaska army posts, acknowl­
edged that such a constabulary was
being contemplated.
“ Personally,”
he said, “ I believe that a system of
this kind would work out well.
tainly i f a corps as efficient as that of
the Northwest mounted police could
be developed, it would do much to pre­
serve law and order in Alaska, possi
bly far more than a large number of
A cupful of sweet milk, a cupful and
* half of buttermilk; a teaspoonful
each of salt and of soda— the latter
sifted three times In a cupful of
meal; one tablespoonful of melted
butter. Enough meal to enable you to
roll the dough Into a sheet half an
Inch thick. Begin with two cupfuls
and add at discretion.
Knead the dough briskly before
rolling It out. Have ready a clean,
sweet board of oak, hickory, or hem­
lock (never of resinous wood), butter­
ed and heated. Set before tho red
coals under the grate at an angle that
will not let the cake slip down, and
prop It In place. Spread tho dough
upon It, patting It gently to make the
surface even, and bake. As soon as
It Is hard enough to keep Its place, set
tho board upright. Begin then to baste
It with butter, lightly going all over
the sheet. Do this three times. The
cake should be nicely browned and
Cut with a sharp knife, held per­
pendicularly, Into squares.
Virginia water ground meal should
be used for this delicious cake. The
northern cornmeal will not do. Nor
does the southern cook put sugar Into
corn bread. She holds that the meal
should be sweet enough without it.—
Chicago Tribune.
Most Centrally Located.
Trouble v.i.n i.i. w ; . -
Sometimes tiny hairs become loos­
ened and get beneath the eyelids. B e ­
fore going to all the trouble of exam­
ining the upper and lower lids, fill
the wash bowl with cold water and
open the eyes under water. Open and
shut them several times, and in near
ly every instance this will wash out
the bothersome hair. It will at least
loosen such a hair so that it may be
easily removed by the cotton tipped
Mothers w ill find Mrs. W in s lo w 's Soothing
Hyruj, the best rem edy to usu tor tUeit cbUdra-A
- u riu g the teething period.
English "Hunting Parson.”
The Rev. Lawrence Capel Cure, reo
tor of Abbess Rodlng, whose death li
announced, was known throughout
Be thrifty on little things like Muinp. Don’t ac-
West Essex as the "hunting parson.’
:ept w ater for bluing. Ask fo r lied Cross Bull
lie invariably woro the old-fashlonei
Blue, the extra ¿rood value blue.
smock and tall hat and was a Tamil
iar figure at the meets of the Esse:
The Reason Why.
“ Madam, I am just out of the hos­ hounds, which he attended regularlj
pital, and— ” "Don’t tell me any such though In his seventy-eighth year.—
story as that!
You are the same London Evening Standard.
man I gave a piece of pie to not two
Most Costly Wood.
weeks ago.” “ Yes’m, dat was just
Cabole, a beautiful tree that growi
tore I went to de hospital.”— Houston
on the west coast of Africa, and Is alsi
found ®n the Island of St. Thomas, h
said to furnish the most costly woo«
Putting the Garters On.
Mrs. Brown was preserving peaches In the world. It somewhat resemble,
In the kitchen amid an array of glas3 teak, and takes on a very high polish
Jars, covers, rubber bands, etc. Mar­ Its price Is quoted as about $3,500 l
garet, aged four, watched the process cubic meter.
quietly until the fruit was In the jars
Advantage ui aicciriulty.
and the covers ready, then she ex­
Electricity can not be frozen, neith­
claimed, "Oh, mother, please let me er can It be adulterated. It works
put the garters on !”
»qually well on bot nr cold days.
"A M E R IC A N ” C A N A L LO O M S
Chamber of Commerce
Would Drop Panama Appellation.
Spokane— Instead o f the Panama
canal, why not the American canal?
Make Uncle Sam’s big ditch joining
the Atlantic and the Pacific distinctly
This is a suggestion which the
chamber o f commerce will make to
the members of the American Geo­
graphical society, who will be in Spo­
kane on a special train early in Sep­
tember. This action was decided up­
on at an executive meeting o f the
trustees of the chamber o f commerce.
The Geographical society party will
be the guests o f the chamber.
Wheat Movement Heavy.
Spokane— The Spokane & Inland is
moving 100 carloads o f wheat a day
from the Palouse to Seattle, Tacoma
and Portland, according to a state
ment made by E. R. Lillie, superinten­
dent for the H ill electric interurban
system. The Palouse wheat handled
by the Spokane & Inland is distribut­
ed among the three Hill steam roads
between Spokane and the Coast cities,
the Northern Pacific and Great North­
ern getting the haul to Seattle, and
the Spokane, Portland & Seattle the
Portland freight.
Goods Come Via Suez.
Seattle— Part o f the cargo o f the
Blue Funnel liner Titan, which ar­
rived here from Liverpool via the
Suez canal and the Pacific, is a con­
signment o f household furniture ship­
ped by a group o f 100 emigrants, who
are now on their way to the Pacific
found that they could aave money by
shipping these goods three-quarters of
the way around the globe, as against
paying the high rates across the A t­
lantic and the railroad freight from
the Atlantic Coast to the Northwest.
Forty Coal Miners Dead.
Lens, France — A t least 40 coal
miners are dead as the result o f the
explosion o f firedamp in the Clarence
pit, near Bruay. Three o f the rescu­
ing party were among the killed and
others were injured trying to aid their
entombed comrades.
Further explo­
sions occurred and the entire pit is on
fire. Mining engineers have decided
that it must be sealed.
bodies had been brought to the sur­
face at last accounts.
A Picture of Contentment
A l l men look pleased when they smoke
this choice tobacco — for all men like the rich
quality and true, natural flavor o f
Smoked in pipes by thousands o f men— everywhere
known to cigarette smokers ns the makings.**
We take unusual pride in U gg ell & Myers Duke’ s
It is our leading brand o f granul.ited tobaeeo—
nnd every «ack we mnke is n challenge to nil other tobneeo
manufacturers. Kvery 5c sack o f tins famous tobacco
contains one a n d a h a l f ounces o f choice granulated
tobacco, m every way equal to the best you can buy at any
price, nnd with each stick you get a book o f cigarette
paper« FRF.R.
If you have not smoked the Duke’s ?»Iixture made by the
Liggett tj Mgers Tobacco Co. at Durham, N. C., try it now.
Cet a Camera with the Coupons
Save the coupons. With them you can get all sorts of valu-
able present»—articles suitable for young and
old; men, women, boys and girls. You’ ll tic
delighted to see wlmt you can get free with­
out one cent of cost to you. (let our new
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w ill send it fre e d u rin g S e p te m b e r and
October only. Your name and address
on a postal will bring it to you.
Coupons from Puke's M ix tu r e may be. as­
tro ted noth tags (rum H O R S E S H O E , J .T .,
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P r e m iu m D e p t.
Trainmen Urge Muzzles.
Salt Lake C ity— Muzzles for dogs ia
one o f the demands o f the Western
Association o f
which concluded its semi annual con­
vention here Thurdsay.
S T . L O U I3 , M O .