progkfs > i» 1 i <«r«\ l. imr, w In* i> t*n jiloutl b v 1 W h y lie tail Mured w i l l l 2 No rr.a ter what cut >ou choose i«iits o f i. a ll at D r. ihv Maid it Cracker f..cuii> ul Po:t IJir \\ i I U. will KWrt at the Ui.d, i> Initie for a few days, A d ix office T u e S'p t. io hi d have you'll fiiud our meats sweet tender !> m VI mu Vt*rmn<| la -s e S iV J jtfU U . 0 \ f GO* mid j c . For we handle only the Mis. 1 UI D o iu I mss «4 K^ltr Crttrk *|u,rilv tor Victoria H C near w iih w h ic h y o u o n se t a ll ills !, liv e s choicest grades. the ctuap s cuts G , K. U \K (» U h T T K . K.litor *n»l M#r W. A. JONES vìviteli friends licit: S.ituivlav. ¡ which town her husband is employ' N o u n s ig h t ly I n n s or s e a m s in th e c.f u Inch are letter than the most l'Kl il'M IKTOK g la s s t o c a t c h d ir t a m i s t r a in t h e Mis Maude Maloii of Kagle ed in a ¡xi.ver plant Mr. Nicholson pMtoffic« ir Estarcí« O»«eor. u G o o d rigs and careful d riv e r» always expensive parts of lower grade Mconc* cl4.‘S mai Creek was in town, Monday. writes he likes his position and will *>'«» They make you feel young SPECIAL ATTENTION cattle. Ordets by ’ phone giveu without making you look old. Free SUBSCRIPTIOW RATES E. K. JungUutli of Alctneda Cal. spend the winter there. Given H unting and F isliiu g Parties prompt attention. demonstration. Scores of references. . .. f I OO is visiting with his cousin Chris Or»# rmm . Constable Jones went to Eagle 50 Si« month».. Jobusou of George. Creek last week to serve papers on Remember the day Tue. September WOOD & LUMBER Palace Meat Market 10. 1 day only. * Thursday. September 5 . 1 VI 2 Local and L ong Distance Telephone Miss Frieda Schenk who is em ­ T. J. Allen occupying the property FOR S A L K — No. s Oliver Typ- ployed in Portland sjent several of H. O Johnson. The action was T . K. is having a session now writer m first class condition, very brought for forcible detention of days at her home in Springwater. H E N R Y V .A D IX .M .D with Standard O.l and its agents reasonable, G . G. Ward, Cazadero. premises. E. W , Bartlett was a t­ Mrs. A. K. Morton went to Port­ $10 a week ne'er cauijtaign contributions. Areh- Oregou. 50 1 P H Y S IC IA N A S U R G E O N torney. boiil says T. R. knew that the $ too land Saturday, returning in the eve­ ***** FOR S A L E — 40 acres in Elwood Roger C ary left yesterday morn­ ooo the company gave to tht ning. O F F IC E , A D JO IN IN G R K S ID K N C B S. E. 14 ° f N .E > 4 3 acres improved Frit* Boettrich has gone to Port­ ing for a three days trip into the national committee, in roo+ was Local and Long Distance Telephone with house and barn, bal nee in contributed he the Kocktfeller in land where he has secured a posi­ mountains, during which time he Tlie doctor'» phone can lie con n ect** will visit the hot springs property burnt timlier, easy to clean practic'y A L L M O D ERN C O N V E N IE N C E S terests, while T. K. savs the mo tion. with vour home phone at n igh t il re­ Price $1500 meut he heard aliotit it. lie ot -ted hi which he and his brother, W F. level and good water. quested. One tone ring. The rain indefinitely postponed Apply to C. E. Surfus, Elwood. the money returned. The revela­ j Cary have a big interest. Oregon. 50-5 tions will make for promotion of the picnic of the Rebeccas, planned One of the most delightful Resorb on the Coast publicity of campaign funds. I,abor bay at the Eagle Creek grove | Jerome Schultz last week invited P'OR R E N T — Tw o 5 room cott­ Dr. L. A. W E L L S in his neighbors and an old fash­ ages, city water, electric lights and Willis Cox left for Portland, Local and Tourist Trade Solicited The Single Taxers are amply ioner! barn raising took place, bath. Inquire Dr. A dix. tt. D E N T IS T supplied with Fels money. Book­ Monday, where he has accepted a about twenty men engaging in tne Jewelry work of all kind neatly lets of i .sff pages giving Clackanta« position as carpenter. PO R TLAN D . OREGON work. T he ladies prepared a fine and promptly done.— LaHatt. County assessments and taxes have y u ite a number of Estacadans at­ supper and Mr. Schultz contributed W ill l>e in Estacada on Frida)» and been sent ont to every voter in the They have it— good fresh vege­ Saturdays. Appointm ents m ay b e tended the state fair at Salem. The in addition to the provisions, a state and soap liox orators are busy tables. Go and see them. Fred made with Dr. A d ix . bad weather, at first, cut down the huge freezer of ice creatn. on street corners at Portland. It is Jorg. attendance. up to the opponents of the single Stanley Bartlett ct Prosper was FOR T R A D E — My business, but Herman Gibson of Eagle Creek here a few days last week visiting C L A U D E W. D E V O R E ta x to get into the field otherwise not the building. Trade even for A T T O R N E Y -A T -L A W tax advocates may possibly win a was in town Monday. He recently lus brother Attorney E W . Bart- ialul near Rstacada. Rent $to a ft and chance to try the scheme on some returned from a trip in the moun­ lett and family. Mr. Bartlett was i month, with year s lease. What N O T A R Y P U B L IC tains. county. It will Ire a sorry day if on his way from Eau Claire, Wis j have you? Jeff 's Little Restaurant, Esta ca d a , O re g o n Postmaster A. N, Johnson lu»s where he was called by the death of j Fat cattle watUed. the fatte, .he they do. returned from Portland, where he his father. He is connected with Fred Jorg. ft Hitting Country Merchant. visited a relative and incidentally the Randolph Lumber Co. I _ . ^ , J. W MILLER r o r £>ale— Rubber tired surrey T w o solicitors selling stock for a enjoyed a day at the races. w - W; Porter exhibited a sample | cheap good condition lnquire BLACKSMITH mail order house, proposed to be Alderman W. A. Jottes returned of Pacific prune, last week, picked E X P K R T IÍOKSK3MUKR !ocat:d at Portland, were in Estaca- from a deer hunting trip in the on his farm in Garfield. The prune of Stewart at McCurdy Lumber & tf ' C o “ rt »| thS St»»' to sell at the mill, having stock on j of O regon, for the C o u n ty of Clackam as, at the Presbyterian Chnrcn. order houses, but has lost a market Miss Eilna Fulmer, Mrs. Marie j,i the above entitled estate, and that hand at all times The dance given at Elliott’s hall Fulmer, Miss Blondte Wyman and M onday, the jo day 0» Septem lier 1912, for local produce. What incentive l is it for a local merchant to keep a at Eagle Creek. Saturday night was sister and brother, Mr. StHelens I a* the ,lour °"* ten »‘dock A . M. of said sort of repair shop or odds and ends well attended. A goodly delegation and Mr Baumgart, all of Portland, flay, and the court room of said Court, institution, convenient, perhaps, for from the Estacada country was c a r r y in g p r o v is io n s , in c lu d in g t h e has been appointed by said Court as the ----PROPRIETOR---- tim e and place for th e h earin g o f o b je c­ Estacada Agent — A. Morrow the catalogue house pa'ron to bttv present. jtuev wiener-wurst, descended on tions to said final account and the settle­ Lee Bronson and Warren Barr the home of Mr. and Mrs. Boswell m ent thereof a few small thing.-* to fill in, instead of having to wait a week or so for left Monday for an extended trip and took possession last Suuday for Jos. R . Rvnn A. MORROW & SON Chas. K . Dubois the stuff to come hy mail or express? | through the northwest, wich will ! a picllic. After they had acquired And yet the mail order patron ex- ' include Washington, Idaho and 1 a lot ot roasting ears ftoni a corn K xeeutors o f the E state of H enry D ubois Livery, Board, Sale and decease*!. fleets the local merchant to furnish possible Nevada, 1 heir first oh- fjet j i they had a jolly time. Every­ Date of first publication T h u rsd ay A ug W e claim to carry the best material and want to prove it Exchange Stable him with extras for broken tna jective point is Spokane, thing was prepared in the house 22, 1912. Date of last pu b lication T h u rs­ A ll of our No. 2 stock and better is kiln dried. chinery bought in the city and will day, Septem ber 26, 1912. Irene Saling, daughter of Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Boswell cotitri- ESTACADA, OREGON Claude \V. D evore, A ttorn ey for E x e ­ demand that a grocer deliver a yard | anil Mrs. E E. Sailing, was ope j buted two gallons of sweet cider to E. D. AILIN, Proprietor cutors. o f calico, a broom and a sack ofj rated upon for enlarged tonsils last the feast. Most of the party are N O T IC E F O R P U B L IC A T IO N . salt, ami put it on the layoks. I lie Saturday by' Dr. Adix. T h e little are employes of the P. R. L & P Uniteli States Land O ffice, 134H Port- mail order house does business on patient has almost entirely reco You and y our children are safe if hind 154 List o 03607, Portland, Ore. Reed & Sparks a cash tiasis and it does 110« deliver Vereth H. M. C R U S E . M A N G . handle them aud talk to the sales­ d r e s s o r c a ll o n tne at my p la c e in petal tu applican t, should file th eir affi­ C ourse* o f in stru ction in d ia le : G e n e ra l up his residence in the Wooster Garfield about (> miles east of Esta­ davits ot protest in th is office, on or he- man. You have express or freight A g ricu ltu re , A g ro n o m y , A s i a n ! Haa- property on upper Broadway. cada, Wm. Reimann, Estacada lore tlie loth day ol O ctober 191a. charges to pay, you take chances liandry, D a iry H u sb an d ry, B ee ie ri etsg y H . F . liig b y , R egister. 2t The estimate for extension of the Route t. «m delays and if the goods are not B otan y and P la n t P a th o lo g y . Pouttry H usbandry, H orticu ltu re, E n tom olo gy. what you expected, it may cost wires to the Estacada schools has V e te rin a ry S cien ce, C iv il E n gin e e rin g. more Ilian the article is wot 111 to­ been approved ami will be built at ! The University of Oregon Correspondence School E le ctrica l E n gin eerin g, M echanical E n ­ C. E. DUBOIS, Manager. once, thus furnishing the huiltiiug il ffeci au exchange. gin e e rin g, M ining E n gin e e rin g. H ig h ­ offers. F R E E , w ith the excep tion of cost of postage on papers anil cost of A good plan is to ask tlie home with light ami power. An estimate I w a y E n gin e e rin g, D om estic S cien ce, the l n ive-sity E xten tion Bulletin, to C IT IZ E N S O F O R E G O N , forty UNI­ (merchant for the article you see in is lieing made tor lights in Terrace D om estic A r t, C om m erce, F o re s try . V E R S IT Y C O U R S E S bv M AIL. A b ility to profit by the courses selecte«l is P h arm acy, Z oology, C h e m istry , P h y sic s the o n ly requirem ent for enrollm ent in the Correspondence Departm ent. • be catalogue. If it is worth any- addition, owned by Cary Bros. e sta ca d a t e n Y NEWS BRIEFS Livery, Feed 4 Sale STABLE The Hotel Estacada A COOL KITCHEN, EVEN IN MIDSUMMER J . V. BARR ELECT RI C FAN § § % ft ft I ft ft ft Portland Railway, Light 4 Power Co. CEDAR SHINGLES If You Are Going To Build GO TO A. KRIEGER The Estacada Lumber Yard LOOK AT OUR STOCK G ET O U R P R IC E S j m e TQU WANT IN MUSIC, SEE OUR LINE BEFORE ROVING 0. R. Jacobs E IL E R S M U S IC H O U SE Dubios Lumber Co. W e deal in all kinds % uig he will get it for you for tlie -.une uaouey. less tlie express bill «1 it is worthless lie will tell you so - A save you Koobie and expen-«. Tl#> Pfogre . wonder« .w h y anv • oirking -mail lo a n man will rv tu n e a passing thought to the pur- Mr. and Mrs. Miltcn, the latter a sister of B. O. Boswell, spent, Sunday at tlie home of Mr. and 1 Mrs. Boswell. It was the first time Mr. Milton had been in Estacada «¡nee he moved from here seven years ago. • Dr Lowe s glasses are death to headache« Ask votir neighbors of sto rk tu 3 m at) o rd er Courses are offered in the departm ents of Botan y, D ebating. Econom ics. Education E le ctricity , E n glish L iterature, E n glish C om position , H istory, M athem atics, M echanical D raw ing, P h ysical Education. Physic«. Ph> sk>lo- g v , S ociology, ami S u rv eyin g. W rite to the Secretary of the Correspondence School, U niversity of O regon. E u gen e, for inform ation and catalogue. C O U R S E S IN RE SID E N CE hi the U niversity prepare lo r the Professions of ENGINEERING. JO U R N A LISM . L A W , MEDICINE* «ml T E A C H IN G . Fall sem ester opens Tuesday. Sept. 17 Address tht kev*i«trar fo r catahigur« d escriptive of the C ollege of E n gin eerin g, the C ollege o f Liberal A rts, the Sch«rols of E ducation. C om m erce. L hw . M edicine, and Music. of building m aterial including Lum ber, L ath , Sash, Doors, Sand, Gravel. Lim e, P laster, Brick. Cem ent, Etc. orders prom ptly filled. A ll . Head Office Broadway, Phone Main 103 M ath em atics, E n glish L a n g u a g e and L ite ra tu re , Public S p e a k in g . M odem L a n g u a g e s, H istory, a rt. A rc h ite c tu re , In d u strial P e d ag o g y , P h y sica l E d uca­ tion. M ilitary S cien ce and T a c tic s, and M usic. C a ta lo g u e aud jUmlRkated b ta ra tu re m ailed free on a|