Estacada progress. (Estacada, Or.) 1908-1916, August 29, 1912, Image 1

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    ) 7 V
All the News
All the Time
NO. 51
E S T A C A D A . O R E G O N . T H Ö fcS D A Y .
V O L. 4
District fair and Baby Show
a success.
CAPITAL • $25,000
Solid Gold Ring, with or without Jewel
We have them, all sorts,and at prices that will surprise you
We buy direct from Manufacturer, thus saving you Jobbers’
Anything in a Good Timepiece?
Our line gives you a big selection. And we have some
Second Hand watches, which we will sell for the repair
,, -
. .
A full line of Optical Goods
Estacada Jewelry Company
A Cut Price Salé
O n D i n n e r sets th e r e g u la r
$5.50 G o o d w in - M e re n o fo r
■ xiii I I ■ *
t ,i( I V
Each set has 48 pieces and your choice in either gold
flower, Blue or Pink. An Ornament for your Table
Fine line of 9 x 12 Rugs also smaller
Rugs. We meet Portland Prices.
W. D. and L. M. Henthom, Proprietors
Odd Fellows Building
W M » W f » t» — * »«»»»» »
1 100 doz. womens $1. 1.50&$2.
Bulletin of Estacada
School has bten issued.
A lb e.t Header, escort, trying to »eve
Margaret Maury, follow», can’t iwira
and both ore finally aavad.
Clean Up Sale on
Mens Hats
William Cabral. First and Taylor
Eatmioda’s first juvenile fair, under
Superintendent H, M. Jam««, lost Tuej Setting forth the advantages of streets, Portland, last Sunday, res­ On sale till Saturday Aug. 31st $3.00 value at
day, pruved a aueeeM. hoys and girls the excellent schools at Kstacada, a cued from death by drowning, Mar­ At Special price ol
Q lf
took intereat in the affair, presaging bulletin of 15 pages has been issued garet Maury and her escort Albert
per dozen 0 /*••
even more pronounced enthusiasm next and is now being mailtd to patrons Heasler both of Portland, who were
year. A feature of the fair was the and to thoae wanted as patrons.
$ 1 .0 0 T O $ 2 0 .
work of some of the boya in the girl The book is the work of Burgess F. precipitated into the Clackamas
river, near the Springwater bridge,
occupations. A boy received a prize for
Clean lip Price on Books on how to make
darning; another for patching clothea Ford, recently chosen superintend­ when the bank caved.
and one had honorable mention for ent of the schools and contains Cabral, whose heroic: action was
good pictures 25c. each.
Straw Hats.
much information.
wituessed by a number of people,
One of the exhibits that attracted T h e school calendar is arranged
much attention was a water motor sub­ by montlis and the dates of note­ had a difficult experience, but to Mens $2.00 Special $1.00
his presence of mind and coolness
mitted by Sam Barr, a boy of 17. Sam
25c. Special
took an old buggy reach, some bolts, worthy events shown in bold type, the lives of the young people are “
piece of water pipe, an oil can and a accompanies by an index on the due.
phonograph disk and turned out a little following page. Then follows the He and his wife were in a row­
water wheel that will run a washing names of the director* and the
machine. His exhibit will be sent to faculty of eight members. A history boat. proceeding along the river
near the bridge, when Miss Maury,
the county fair at Canby. Della Lovell
a girl of M, exhibited a 10 montha old bf the school, a paragraph on stu­ her escort, Heasler and two girl
Poland-China pig, weighing 250 pounds, dent enterprises, debates, oratory, companions, Margaret DeBauoi and Most
a handsome specimen which won first athletics laboratories, terms of ad- Marguerite Thompson, were 011 the
prize. Then there were chickens, bird misssion and requirements for
houses furniture, all manner of vege­ graduation aie shown together with bank ten feet above them. Miss
Maury was attempting to take a Cash
tables, needlework and jellies, preser­
ves, bread and cake and all done by a completely arranged course of snapshot of the party in the boat,
pupils of the schools, One pretty piece study. The schedule for the entire when -the bank suddenly caved
of needlework submitted by Hanna Mc­ school year next appears with the throwing her into the water which
Lean, received honorable mention and hours for hearing the various class­
would have won a prize, if ahe could es. Then three pages are devoted is about fifteen feet deep. She
screamed and Heasler, who couldn't
have complied with the requiiements of
the fair. Her work was done in the to th e branches taught, together swim, rushed to the water’ s edge
with the names of the textbooks.
schools of Glasgow, Scotland.
and reached for her as sbecaineup.
Two automobiles of officials and visi­ T h e book is printed on first class He, too, slipped into the stream.
tors, including, State Superintendent book paper with a pearl grey at­
Had His Hands Full.
Aldeiman, Superintendent Gary, C.
Cabral, with his wife turned the
Srhuebel, Prof. Kessler of the O. A. C. tractive cover.
t>oat toward shore and as Heasler's
Assessor Jacks, J. E. Calavan, Miss N. Go on a camping out
Cochrane, J. D. Olson, and Dr. Guy
head Dapped above water between
Trip near Three Links. the
Mount attended the fair coming from
boat and Miss Maury, Cabral
Sandy here and going to Logan where Taking with them tents, parap­ seized him and had him catch hold
fairs were held. Dr. Mount conducted hernalia and provisions enough to
of the gunwale, while he reached
examinations for the babies, of which
about a doxen were entered and will last them two weeks, a party of Ks­ for Miss Maury. As she was sink­
E x t r a o r d in a r y special sale o f g ra n ite
announce results when he has time to tacada. Portland and Garfield young ing for the last time, he seized her
make compariaonal
people left for a camping out trip by the hair and eventually pulled
The visitors were guests at a basket near Three Links, last Tuesday. her aboard, afterward lifting Haes- w a re see w in d o w display. T he follow ­
OUR llth pash htf
The local judges who made the
awards were: Mrs. A. K. Morton Mrs.
Gertrude Grimm, Mrs. Al. Lindsey, W.
F. Cary, L. S. I.aHatt and Edwin
Following are the articles, names of
the prize winners and their ages:
Best mechanical toy, Ralph Wade, 10
Sweet peas, Virgil Yonce, 11; Asters,
furniture. White leghorns, Paul Frazier
16; Buff Orphington, Joe Demoy, 12,
Bird house, Jas Woodle, 10; Glass jell,
Leray Sutterfleld, 7; Bird house, sweet
peas, Russell Reed, 13; Pumpkin, darn­
ing, Orion Coop, 15; Mending, Ivor
Coop, 12; Pumpkin, Clarence Bullard,
11 j Hand made apron, Rachael Reed,
16; Edna Jorg, 10; Barred Rocka, po­
tatoes, Calvin Keith 18; Cabbage, Wal­
ter Matson, 7; Machine made apron,
Marv Woodle 17; Hand made apron,
Olive Humphrey 12; Loaf bread. Myrtle
Bonney, 10; Black Minorras, Virgil Le
wis 8; Dress, Priscilla Booth, 12 Fruit
dreRS, jelly, Erma Graham, 14; Barred
Rocks, Irl Hicks, 12; Squash, sweet
Corn, Verlie Coop 8; Mending, Emma
Barr, 13; Darning, Fred Sutterfield, 12
Pig, Della Lovell, 14; Bread, Doris Lo­
vell, 17; Labor saving device, Sam
Barr, 17.
Child diet Suddenly
William Cabral rescues coup­
le from Drowning.
Estacada Merc. Co.
When you have squared away for the fall, why not make
yourself or your wife or girl, a present of a
Clean up prices on
Steel Ranges.
After Harvestlhe Ring
A U G U S T »9. 1912
bright and keen. He tttributes his
longevity to temperate living, bard
work and care as to hikdiet in later
years. He eats very little meat and
does his own cooking. He and Mr
Howlett are living examples of
Oregou's henifioent clifcate.
Fine display« by the pupil« -P rise baby
will be announced alter doctor
Only Paper in
East Clackamas
Myrtle Litich the j-ycar, old
daughter of Mrs. ■ A^altei1* G tibbin,
«ted suddenly at the family home
on the hill, last Saturday, after an
illness of only a couple of days. Dr.
Adix prononneed the case inflama
tioti of the brain, due to a fall it re­
ceived some ten days prior to death
The child was about the house play
ing on Friday, the day before she
died, but by night she had a high
fever and was in a serious condition
when the doctor called. T he fu­
neral was held from the M. E
church, Sunday, Rev. W. R. F.
Brown preaching the funeral ser­
Octogenarian visits here
Hale and hearty as ever.
James Gibson Jr., of Barton was
in town Tuesday and called, during
the day at The Progress office. Mr.
Gibson is a neighbor of W. J. How­
ie«, aged 84 and is four years older
than Mr. Howlett, having turogd
87 his last birthday. Mr. Gibson
has six children all alive and resi­
dents of this county. He came
I across the plains 45 years ago and
settled in Oregon. He cleared land
anti accumulated property and has
: lieeu one of the men of affairs
; in bis neighborhood. A t the age
, of 87 h e ts Mill erect, Ilia face bears
scarcely'a W inkle and liis eyes are
jJr'U ."
<•* •
T he party is being chaperoned by
Mr. and Mrs. 1 L M. Standish of
Kstacada and Mrs. Frank Ewing of
Cazadero. Others in the party are:
Joe Templeton, Miles Standish and
Miss Margaret McIntosh of Port­
land; Mrs. Thelma Bassett of San-
Fraucisco, a sister of Miss McIntosh
Helen Standish of Poitland, P, F.
Standish and Milton Evaus.
The men will hunt deer and fish
and it is expected the party will
remain in the mountains two weeks
W illis Yonce took them in by pack
train, after the rig was abandoned.
Social Functions.
Mr. and M rs. A. E. Sparks were
given a surprise party, last T h urs­
day evening, that actually surprised
them. Mrs E. E. Sating and Mrs.
A l Lindsey planned the affair and
it was a success. About 8 .40 the
Sparks' home on Upper Main street
was beseiged. In response to a ring
of the doorbell, Mr. Sparks, draw­
ing on a coat peeped out and im­
mediately the invaders marched in.
Mrs. Sparks had already retired and
Alexander in his decollete Poros-
knlt had been figuring ditch esti­
mates. He blushed becomingly as
be flew into the kitchen
minutes later Mr. and Mrs. Sparks
were convoyed to the residence of
Mr. and Mrs. Lindsey where ano­
ther detachment of friends were
waiting. They received a hearty
welcome and then thr company
played four tahles of “ 500” until
luncheon was served. Afterward an
impromptu musical program w: s
presented, signalizing the second
appearance of the Rosebud quartet,
Messrs, A dix, Belfils. James and
Ed Saling. A thoroughly enjoyable
evening kept the company until late.
Present were: Dr. and Mrs. Adix.
Mr. and Mrs. Sparks, Mr. and Mrs.
E E. Saling. Mr aod Mrs. A l
Lindsey, Mr. aud Mrs. C .C . Saling
Mr. and Mr». L , E. Belfils, Mr
and Mrs. H. M James and Messrs
Robert Currin and G. E. La Foil -
Ins in
ler in.
The young' people were* hurried
to the hotel but there being no room
there, they went to the residence of
R. P. Parker where Mrs. Parker
took care of them. Neither were
any the worse for their terrible e x ­
the law d
d can
a contract
of the Kstacada State bank, in a
hero role.
The wires were spitting fire and
scorching the side of the house,
near the switch, when the alarm
• • •
was taised. Mr. Belfils rushed to
the place and while a neighbor start­
ed on a run to rouse the firemen,
Mr. Belfils. begged for a bucket.
Mrs. Howe couldn’t remember
where the buckets were located or
that she bad a bucket. Mr. Belfils
running into the house found a pie-
pan and by dint of quick trips with
the utensil managed to get enough
water to extinguish the flames.
Examination in the garret, later,
showed the insulation had been
burned away, but the sparks had
not communicated to the wood.
Call Main 59 and secure our prompt delivery service.
Cruse Brothers.
The Home of Quality
(D C A Fifty Dollars, (D C A
« p d U jn Real Gold, bec
Some one Purchaser, buying from us a Henney
will receive the above amount, just as soon as we
sell nine more Jobs.Some one will get a Buggy for a
S m a ll A m o u n t of C a sh
We have not advanced our prices to meet the
amount to be G i v e n A w a y .
In fact
O u r P r ic e s a re v e r y lo w
I)o you con tem plate plan tin g an
orchard th is fall? If so, w hy
not let me sell you the trees?
Y ou r interests are m ine alon g these
lines ami I am v ita lly interested
in seeing goo«l trees and trees
th at are
If you contemplate buying
a Buggy, get in on this . . Cash Distribution.
On Sash & Doors, we carry a Full Stock ol all Standard
Sizes. Manufacturers have advancaed the price, but We are
planted in this d istrict. For this
reason I investigated th e“ True to
N am e” Nursery of Hood R iver,
O f«., before u n dertakin g to sell
any of their stock and I found
them th orou gh ly reliable in
every respect.
in g a re a few o f these rare b a rg a in s in
9 in. Deep Pie Plates 5c. etch No. 14 Mixing bowl,
No. 10 5-8 pt. drinking cups 3 sizes Lipped sauce pans
8c. to 15c
special 2 for
5c. special from
4 sizes Lipped preserving kettles
Crossed wires start fire
5 sizes Pudding Pans deep
12 to 22c.
Belfils in Rescue Stunt special from 7c. to 18c. each special from
No. 12 Kitchen strainers, 15c.
Crossed wires at the home of C. 4 sizes Dairy pans
special from 8c. to 18c. each No. 70 Dutch Bowls,
F. Howe, lost Saturday evening,
called out the fire department for
Many more bargains in this line too numerous to mention,
the first time in a year, and inciden­
tally revealed L . E. Belfils, cashier Don’t fail to see our window full of these snaps.
W heth er Counci
a con tract w ith tlir P. R.
A P. for
fu rn ish in g ties, is being investigate«! bv
the grand jury at P«>rtland. Hverett M il- |
ler and Hanker W . I>. Jellison
tok! |
he had
the form er has tokl
to the ju ry. Joy denies it.
lie hap.
poses him as coan rilm an .
ciu -e no rftv ofliei
w ith a public service corporation ,
Friday and
Saturday Special
W hy spend tim e and m oney on
fair good trees, when A No. I
trees can lie had for the same
price thht are guaranteed True to
Name and are also grafted from
the best producing strains in
Hood R iver,
W rite or call me up for prices on
Apples, Prunes ami Pears.
Don’t you want Screen D o o rs ? ......................
F lie s a r e a G re a t P e s t
Keep them out of your house by putting up Screen
Windows and Doors.
Wc arc making a Cut on Paint Prices
Remember the Yellow Front Emporium and Get the Habit of
Buying at Estacada.
Front Emporium
McCurdy Lbr. & Hardware Co.