. ill the News All the Time ESTACADA PROGRESS , Y. E S T A C A D A . O R E G O N . T H Ó r s o 'A -4 :/ ESTACADA STATE BANK v-. V «. • M ' HOME BANK * * f ' -MH After Harvest, «« Ring When you have squared away for the fall, why not nuke yourself or your wife or girl, a present of a Solid Gold Ring, With or without Jewel W e have them, all sorts,aftd at prices that will surprise you W e buy direct from Manufacturer, thus saving you Jobbers’ profits. ^ - Anything in a Good Timepiece? Our line gives you a big selection. And we have some Second Hand watches, which we will sell for the repair charges. A full line of Optical Goods Estacada Jewelry Company Broadway — - A Cut Price Sale On D in n e r sets the re g u la r $5.50 G o o d w in -M e re n o fo r Each set has 48 pieces and your choice flower, Blue or Pink. An in either gold Ornament for your Table W E H A V E A B IG S T O C K O F W A L L P A P E R A T L O W P R IC E S T O R E D U C E S T O C K . M A N Y OTHER BARGAINS Fine line of 9 x 12 Rugs also smaller Rugs. We meet Portland Prices. ESTACADA FIRMIERE CO. W . D. and L. M. Henthom, Proprietors Odd Fellows Building ■> ■ “MM * ** ** * * BABIES ENTERED FOflTHE SHOW OREGON CITY UNE IS SOUGHT ana Clean Lip Sale on Mens Hats Electric mnjr he ia deal. F ra* trip t . « » » » » ■ » » » 4 . » M i » i » ++,|,♦ » » , » » » ■ » ■ » + ♦ » . » * - — $. P. AFTER RAILROAD? State Superintendent Alderman and Superintendent Gary will be in attendance at the District fair and Baby show which opens next Tues day morning iu Kstacada. H. M James who has charge of the local fair states there have been a ntim her of entries for the baby show and there will he others. T he e x ­ hibits for the fair proper will likely be numerous, for there is much in­ terest taken by school children throughout the district. There will be a basket picnic at Kstacada park, at which the two superintendenta and the Oregon City doctor, who ia to judge the babies, will be guests. There will likely be speechtnaking. CAPITAL •i $25,000 • f t A TEAK DISTRICT IJUil READY lair * y*» « ■ . 1 Í- 4iV* U • -• t'*. • “ l - - A U G U S T 23. 1912 the respect referred to. The third leg is located back of the Other two and is not used iu locotaotion. A p­ Exhibits to be installed for Rumored that line parently it does not interfere with Tuesday opening. may be sold to rivaL the lifej liberty and pursuit of hao- piuess of the pullet, who scratches its share of food and hustles with A U trn u m the wild abandon of the average Would connect electric line fresn Pert 100 doz. womens $1. 1.50&$2. Swp«rintei*a«nt Gary t « b* U r a far lead te Eugene Northwestern spring chicken. ■\ j Only Paper In East Clackamas Babies up to four years will be shown. Medical standards of weights and measures will be used in deter mining the prize baby who will be se lected at each of the ten district lairs these to compete at the Oregon City fair, the winner of that to be sent with the mother to Salem Sep. 2. expenses paid by the Oregon City Commercial club. On next Tuesday fairs are to be held at Sandy and Logan. T he su pegintendents will cover all three the same day. Superintendent James invites everybody to attend the fair which will be held in the building, three doors south of the Progress office. A room will be in readiness for use ot the exhibitors of babies. kiH four Deer During a H unt R. M. March and E. S, Womer, returned Monday evening from a live days hunt in the mountains pear Roaring River, 18 miles from here, where they *afl Mallard Loo­ ney and H. B. Sarver of Garfield, shot four deer. During the first three or four days rain was continuous so the men did not leave camp. Sunday morning they were iu the field early and before the day closed had bag­ ged a buck each. The deer were plentiful. There are few hunting parties in that sectioa. Alderman Jones and several friends expect to leave for that conntry this week. ASK I I SEE ESTAGABA C U T F. J. Harken rider .s a d . »ample, from hi. depoMt to b it company who w ill moho teal*. Great interest has been aroused by the announcement in The Prog­ ress of the discovery by F .|. Hark- enrider of a clay deposit on his farm near the city. Mr. Harkenrider received a letter from the manager ot the Woods Distilling Co. at I.innton. asking him to ship a sample ot the deposit, which may prove to be pottery or fire clay, and offering to handle the product if it tests satisfactorialy. A shipment of too pounds was scut and Mr. Harkenrider. tn a few days, will take other samples for testing at pottery works around Portland. A s to the suggestion of the Woods Co. to ship the product in the raw state, Mr. Harkenrider Is iuclincd to the policy of establish­ ing a pottery works in Kstacada, to give emjiloyment to men. A s soou as the tests have been completed, announcement will be made There is little question that a company can lie formed to handle the output providing it proves valuable. Three legged chicken ia a Curiosity at Schmidt’*. Handkerchiefs Devore abandon* hi* diet Persistent rumor. apparently of Banana* and Baled Hay. founded on good authority U to the On sale till Saturday Aug. 31st $3 00 value at effect that the Southern Pacific is negotiating, with some prospects of success, with the P. R. L ¿k P. lor the purchase of the O. W. P. divis ion of the latter, which includns the Kstacada line from Portland. The S P. wants the Oregon City line to counect the electric liue now being built from Kugene to Port­ land and it is said the P. k . L .& P . doesn't care to sell a part of its O. W. P. division, leaving ou its hands th : waterfront property in Portland the Oaks Amusement park, the line to Kstacada and the line to Fair- view and Troutdale. So if a deal is made, it is expected the entire division will be transferred Recorder Jlevore ia autwisting on real food now. Mr». Devote ia home, having returned from California, last Saturday, W hile ibe was away ahe waa aliaent nearly three months— the Recorder whose culinary attainments are somr- what limited, decided upon a diet, which he adhered to strictly twice a day right livery evening he bought a half dozen banana* ami carried them home iu his pocket to mix with a portimi of a half cord of silo, he stored in the psutry. Over this he poured a pint of cream and for ninety days he inhaled this at break- t. For supper he varied thè aionoto ay by m ixing cracked wheat filth bana­ nas and bnthing same ia m ilk. He took dinner at the hotel and Col. I.ahrty finds a deficit whenever he figure* out tie- vote's bill. One day a neighbor's ben cackled out in the Devore woodshed. A »seek or to later, the Recorder found an egg. He gingerly dropped it into a pan at water and cooked it. Then he Irretì it at sup­ per and astile from a dream »1 running, a poultry farm, no ill effects were notice­ able. The next morning, hack to the banana and bran mash and so on until Mrs. Devore arrived and cooked tome real borne grown food. The dishes, ac cumulated the |*at ninety days, were washed last week by two women hired to clean house before Mrs. Devore re turned. Social Function*. A t the home of Mayor and Mrs. W. Reed, last Friday evening, their nineteenth wedding anniver­ sary was celebrated qnietly. Mr. and Mrs. A . 8 . Sparks, Mr. and Mrs. H. M. James aad the Misses Oakley were present a t the dinner aad a w ea l haur at cards followed. Mrs, H- .M.- .Janus, was hostess, Tuesday a I ter noon to a number of her lady- friends at her home on Upper Main street in honor of the Misses Oakley of Seattle. Tw elve were present aud enjoyed cards and a lunch which concluded the affair. Present were: Mesdames, A d ix, Me Curdy, Sparks, Reed, Belfils, Cur* rin, Yocum, K. K. Sating, Lindsey, C , Sating, and the Misses June and Mary Oakley. One of the most enjoyable parties of the season was held Friday eve­ ning. August 9, at the home of Mr. C. R. Lovell, where his two daugh­ ters, Doris and Della, proved royal hostesses. Three tables at ".too" competed, first prises being won by- Mrs. R. H. Currin and Mr. E. K Sating. Those present: Mr. and Mrs. Albert Kitching. Mr. and Mrs C. C. Sating. Mr and Mrs. K. H. Currin, Mr. and Mrs. K Iv Saling Messrs C. R. Lovell and Paul Lo­ vell. This rumor, follow in g close on the bombardment o f the city council by the Northwestern Electric Co. o f San Fran cisco, which seeks a franchise to com­ pete with the P. R. L. A P. in light and power appears to connect the Southern Pacific with the entire project Tire Portland council has turned on the P. R. L. A P. and paused several dras tic ordinances, tending to cripple the company, 3 cent straphangers fare, 60 cent minium fu r g s » and electricity and an owl car nertfre. Also it has ordered printed the M ortwestern Electric Co’ » ordinance, prop aging passage of the or (finance granting franchises. T h ere’s strong indication that the tw o deals are hooked up and with the millions behind the 8, F. the coup may be successful. The P. R. L. A P. in the past six years has put back into improvement o f its plant, practically all it haa made, as well as several millions for sale o f bonds. It has paid big taxes and been d w b ig facto r m development o f this section. The sale to the S. P. won’ t help this country naoch, judging by the past record o f the S. P. which bottled A t Special price of per dozen Clean lip Price on Books on how to make Straw Hats. good pictures 25c. each. Mens $2.00 Special “ 25c. $, 0° C lean u p prices on 1 Sc* Special 50 c. Girls 75c. Special Most For Cash Steel R anges. Estacada Merc. Co. OUR 10th Most For C osh Friday and Saturday Special T H IS W E E K w e s h a ll a g a in o ffe r som e r a r e Specials tn th e g ro c e ry dept. such as . . . 11 - TETLEYS TEAS 1 lb. can reg. 75c. special II 1-2 lb “ 44 40c. 44 VIOLA Yellow Lable 44 ■ ------------- Glad is Duboise is visiting grandma and grandpa, Mr. and Mrs, John Ha­ milton Sr. Green Label 44 44 Mr. Bateson will leave for .(Salem Monday. Where he intends to stay a fe w days on business. Rev. Jocelyn o f Canby preached an excellent sermon last Sunday. EASTMAN KODAKS $1 .0 0 T O $ 2 0 . -------------------------------- 0 * « ° n for so many years. Mr. C ra ft was taken to the Oregon City hospital last Saturday, where he w ill undergo an operation fo r appen­ dicitis. 87c. $2.50 li U 1 lb. 1-2 lb 1-4 lb “ " “ l( 4« « 75c. 40c. 20c. «4 44 44 59c. 32c. 61c. 33c. I6c. Lea & Perrins Worcestershire sause 35c. special 27c. bottle. Mica A xle grease 3 lb. can. reg. 25c. special 3 cans for 65c. ..................... . 1 lb. “ 10c. “ 25c. L on g’s Jams and Jellies special 9c. a glass. t 3 A 20 ac. tract o ff the old mill pro­ perty was sold last week. Mr. Simpson and brother-inlaw o f Portland spent last Sunday with Conrad Coekertine. GEORGE Call Main 59 and secure our prompt delivery service. • • • Everyone is busy, harvesting being completed. The George Threshing Ma­ chine company began operations, W ed­ nesday at C. A. Johnson’ s farm. The yield ia good and the quality o f the grain practically up to standard. A number o f G eorge young people are in the mountain* 0 « a vacation trip. Cruse Brothers • • • The Home of Quality CCA Fifty Dollars, C C A in Real Gold, Free y d " A delightful social affair was the Miss Edythe Buchok o f Portland ia dinner and ’ ’500" party, given last visiting her sister. Mrs. Henry Smith. Monday evening at the home of Much interest is being taken in the Mr. and Mrs. K. K. Saling in Cur- forthcoming Garfield Country cfati Some one Purchaser, buying from us a Henney rinsville, in honer of the Misses dance, August 31, and a goadfcr number will receive the above amount, just as soon as we Mary and June Oakley of Seattle, will attend fro m thin section. sell nine more Jobs.Some one will get a Buggy for a Meta Jregb hith o f Alemeds. Cal., is who are visiting their sinter Mrs. visiting his cousins Chris and Henry J. W. Reed. T h e company drove Johnson. to the ranch borer of the hostess W e have not advanced our prices to meet the and were served at 7 o’ clock, with amount to be G i v e n Away. In fact a delicious six course dinner, pre­ pared by the hostess. Following tlie repast three tables of five-huml- I)o you contemplate planting an rid were played, honors goiuK to If you contemplate buying orchard this fall? If so, why Mrs. A. K. Sparks and Mr. K. H. not let me sell you the trees? a Buggy, get in on this . . Saling. Mrs. L K. Belfils. at the Your interests are mine along these lines ami I am vitally interested piano, contributed to the enjoyment On Sash & Doors, we carry a Full Stock of all Standard in seeing good trees and trees of the occasion. The splendid hos­ that are Sizes. Manufacturers have advancaed the price, but W e are pitality of Mr. and Mrs. Saling was never more enjoyablv in evi­ S E L L IN G A T T H E O L D LIS T dence and the company remained planted in this district. For this late. Those- present: Mayor and Don’t you want Screen D o o r s ? .................... reason 1 investigated the“ True to Mrs J W. Reed. Mr and Mrs. I. Name” Nursery of Hood River. E. Belfils. Mr. and Mrs. A. K 1 Ore., before undertaking to sell * any of their stock and I found Sparks. Mr. and Mrs II. M. James, Keep them out of your house by putting up Screen them thoroughly reliable in the Misses. Mary and June Oakley > every respect. Windows and Doors. of Seattle, ar.d G . K LaFoll.-tte S m a ll A m o u n t o f Cash FRUIT TREES O u r P rices a re v e ry low Cash Distribution. I RIF TO NAME Flies a re a G re a t P est Manager Hcyiman o f Boner’* (heater ~T~ “ ' I A three-months old pullet car­ will encourage amateur* in their a m -1 bition ih try the stage. He has set a*sle rying excess baggage in the form Wednesday and Saturday evenings o f of a third leg. is attracting much each week, when any person who ran ! I interest at the farm of Henry act. recite, sing or ilaiv-e or any nam j Schmidt at George. The chicken ber who desire to put on • playlet will is one of a brood hatched out at tlie be given a chance. They may apply to him any time. Three reels o f moving farm, none of the brothers and sis- picture* will be shown each evening as .1 tpts o f th e fo w l, b ein g abnorm al jn Whv »pend time and money on f*ir good tree», when A No. I tree» can lx hail tor the same price that are guaranteed True td Name and arc »ilao grafted from tlie 1>e»t producing strains in Hood River, W rite or call me up for prtccs on Apples, Pruues and Pear». PHIL F. STANDISH ESTA CA D A , OREGON We are making a Cut on Paint Prices Remember the Yellow Front Emporium and Get the Habit of Buying at Estacada. Yellow Front Emporium McCurdy Lbr. & Hardware Co.