Estacada progress. (Estacada, Or.) 1908-1916, August 15, 1912, Image 2

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learn. He i c .
Lack to tha ho­
tel, at all.”
Floyd's slender brown band shut
hard on the edge of the seat, his liy
curled slightly.
“ A woman?” he repeated, bis mer­
ciless young voice stinging.
“They say so—and I’d as soon have
thought of Ralph Stanton getting
” You’d better phone to the insane
asylum,” advised the mechanician,
and turned hla back to the whole af­
fair, watching the brilliant spectacle
before him with scornful gray eyes
Five minutes passed, ten. The first
car was called to its station. The Mer­
cury had drawn fifth in the lottery for
place. Just four minutes before the
starting hour, a taxicab bowled furi­
ously across the crowds, came to a
Jerky atop at the edge of the course,
and opened to emit lta passenger.
“ Stanton!” hailed hla manager, chok­
ing with exasperation and relief.
“ Stanton, for Heaven’s sake—where—
“ Sick,” the driver flung at him,
springing across to his car, from
which Floyd slid out to give him en­
trance. “ MaBk, gloves, you others.”
“Sick?” echoed the unbelieving Mr.
Green, amid the flurry of preparation.
“ You, you sick?”
Stanton, in his seat, turned a color­
less face towurd him before clasping
on the musk.
“Sick,” he reiterated explicitly.
“Are you ready, Floyd?’ ’
The Mercury drew up to her line on
exact time. And in the moments while
the cars in front wore being sent away,
Floyd found an opportunity to put a
“ You have been ill?” he coldly
“ Acute indigestion; I’ve been In a
doctor’s office since nine o’clock laRt
night,” snapped Stanton. “ Did you
think I was lying to you?”
“ No. Are you fit to drive?”
“ If you’re afraid I’m not, get out and
leave me.”
The signal was given. When the
Mercury flashed across the line. Floyd
was almost as pale from anger as
Stanton from recent illness.
The race was for three hundred
miles, thirty times over the ten mile
course with its sharp elbows and steep
hills, and was expected to take some
six hours of continuous driving. The
strain was not light for the pilot at
the wheel.
For the first hour there was no in­
cident out of the usual. Floyd attend­
ed strictly to his work and Stanton
drove rather more sanely than usual.
But at the beginning of the second
hour, the rear of the Atalanta car
came in view through the fbg of dust
ahead; the Atalanta, which had start­
ed four minutes in advance of them.
Stanton sighed with grim satisfaction,
and speeded In pursuit.
“Turn ahead,” warned Floyd, at his
Believed General Orozco Will Resist
Mexico City.—Official Mexico ap
pears to regard with much pessimism !
the outlook for peace. Attemps prob
ably will be made to reopen negotla- |
tlons with General Orozco, but It is
generally believed the rebel leader In ,
the North will resist overtures by the 1
government. He was reported In a
General Resume o f Important Event* special telegram to El Dlario as hav­
o fTjja Gdine j / k I ile CanJla
ing refused to meet General Huerta at
Dresented In Condensed Form
Tforvtvy etc.
a point south of Juarez and there sur-
for Our Busy Readers.
render, adding that he would lead his
forces into the capital itself within a j
A J O p n p to O U A M / AACtttf ONmUT
Seven murderers were electrocuted
much if anything happens to you to­
An echo to the charge by the Mexl
in Sing Sing prison within an hour’s can government that Senator Fall was No Sign of Discord Mars Proceedings of First National
morrow because of your strained arm.
responsible for the failure of Minister
At tha b .g ln n ln K o f great a u to m o b ile that I wanted to ask you abcut It my­
Convention of “ Progressive” Party Colonel Su­
Hernandez to bring about an agree
self. A weakness there might kill
rave the m e c h a n ic ia n o f
M ercu ry ,
China is preparing to establish a ment between the government and
S ta n to n ’ . m a ch in e, d r o p . dead.
Stran ge you, might it not?”
perintends Construction of Platform.
you th , Jeaae F lo y d , volu n teers, an d la a c ­
fleet of commercial ships for foreign Orozco was contained In a special dls- |
c e p te d
In th e real d u rin g the tw e n ty -
“It might, if it existed,” he con­
patch from El Paso. In that it was
fo u r h our race S ta n ton m eets a stra n g er.
M ias C a rlisle, w h o in tro d u c e s h erself. T h e firmed. “ But the strain does not trou­
charged that an American in El Paso
M ercu ry w in s
Stan ton
re ce iv e s ble me.
I deserved to pay more se­
Two trunks containing $22,000 hud negotiated with the rebels, not
f lo w e r . fro m M iss C a rlisle, w h ich h e Ig ­
worth o f opium were seized by officers for the purpose of preventing Orozco
nores. S tan ton m eets M iss C a rlisle on a verely for such stupid carelessness.”
T h e y a lig h t to ta k e
w a lk , and
at I m Angeles.
from entering the United States ter
She did not avoid his keen gaze at
Hill, so we will stand by you in No­ train.
train le a v e s
S ta n to n and Mias C a rlisle
ritory, but to keep the war going. It j Nominees o f Progressive Party at vember and fight for victory.”
fo llo w In a u to
A c c id e n t by w h ich 8an - all, yet somehow failed to Impress her
Girl plunges 800 feet off Mount was charged that he represented u
Miss Jane Ad Jains, of Hull House, w ith S ta n ton , tells o f his b o y h o o d .
Chicago Convention.
Rainier to death, breaking every bone group of American bankers whose in
“ It was an accident,” she deprecat­
For President—Theodore Roose­ Chicago, was among those who sec­
in her body.
terests, it was alleged, would be fav
onded Colonel Roosevelt.
She was
ed “ I suppose you Just forgot. Frank­
CHAPTER V. (Continued.)
ored by the continuance of hostilities.
velt, of New York.
greeted enthusiastically.
The new
China has offered the post of adviser
Stanton gasped. Where had his ly, though, I wish you were to drive
In this paper it was asserted that
For Vice President — Hiram W.
party formally placed itself on record memory been, not to recall the name a Duplex or an Atalanta, tomorrow. I
to the government to William Rock- the American Government hud served
hill, an American.
notice on Mexico that peace must be
of Floyd? A multitude of confused do not like the Mercury, it is ffo often
ther recognized the suffrage move­ recollections rushed across his mind, in wrecks.”
restored at an early date. No confir- j
Three hundred ironworkers in San ■nation of this assertion could be se- | Chicago, Aug. 7. — Singing “ On­ ment by providing for four women of that famous manufacturer and
“ It is faster than either of the oth­
Francisco, went on strike, demanding cured.
ward, Christian Soldiers,” and the members-at-large on the national com­ racer for sheer love of the sport, of ers,” Stanton defended, yet moved in
$t per day increase in wages.
“ Battle Hymn of the Republic,” the
the superb cars he had built, and of spite of himself by her anxiety for his
delegates to the first national conv^t-
bis death In a railroad wreck, the safety. “ I am also obliged to admit
Two chained convicts leaped from a
Chicago, Aug.’ 6.—Sorgs] and party previous year.
that it is not responsible for any of
Northern Pacific train at Whitehall, Provision Aims to Protect Growers tion of the new Progressive party to­
night proclaimed Theodore Roosevelt, yells whiled away the time at the Na­
"He tied me In his car,” continued our mishaps, so far, at least; I lead it
Mont., and made good their escape.
From Importation of Pests.
of New York, as their candidate for tional Progressive convention today Floyd, with a shadowy smile, "when I into trouble, myself, sometimes.”
Washington, D. C.—The Simmons! president, and Hiram W. Johnson, after the delegates had assembled and was too young to be trusted to hold
Thirty-six soldiers and 20 passen
Her long, fair lashes fell; she tapped
gers were slaughtered by Zapatistas fruit quarantine bill, of great value to governor of California, as their choice while they were waiting to be called on. 'If you are going to take my me­ her fingers nervously upon the door
to order. Occasionally there came the chanician's seat, Jes,’ he said to me,
when a train was attacked from am every fruitgrower and horticulturist | for vice president.,
Marking a departure in the proceed long, low “ moo” of the bull moose. ‘you have got to do my mechanician’s
“ If you could not race, who would
on the Pacific Coast, has passed the
ings of national conventions, the two The women delegates in various state work.' And by the time I was fifteen, be likely to win. Mr. StantonV
PresidentJTaft will likely appoint House. The bill has been demanded
candidates were then notified of their organizations stood up on chairs with I could. We used to race with the
“ You are taking it for granted that
Colonel William V. Judson, a United by Coast fruitgrowers for a long time.
nominations, and in the midst o f deaf­ the men and joined in the cheers and chief car tester, for combination train I will succeed—I easily may not. But
States army engineer, as governor of It provides a rigid Federal quarantine
ening cheers they appeared before the songs that kept things in an uproar ing, ott a mile practice track around without the Mercury, probably the Du­
in the United States against fruit, delegates to voice their acceptance and until the gavel fell.
Suddenly the the factory. I held the wheel myaelf plex or the Atalanta on this long road
The youngest mother recorded in seeds, bulbs and nursery stock from to pledge their best efforts to the com­ Colorado folk sprang a big sign and at seventy-five miles an hour, before race. On a track, I would choose the
carried it about the hall. It read:
I was seventeen. And he took me Italian car.”
medical history is an 11-year-old girl other countries which may be infected ing campaign.
“ No more Guggenheim; no more with him. as a spectator, to every nig
For several hours during the after­
near Davenport, Iowa, who gave birth with insect pests of any kind.
to an 8$ pound child.
The bill primarily was drawn to noon and early evening the Coliseum Devine; no more ‘ Angel Archie,’ for race here and some abroad. Of course smiled.
protect fruitgrowers against the Medi­
he was training tne to take charge of
“I am such an amnteur; I do not
A mother bear stole into the Taft terranean fly and the Malolos orange nominating and seconding speeches in
The Coloradoans explained that by the manufacturing business with him, half understand. I have come with an
children’ s camp at Yellowstone Park worm, the latter coming across the which the dominant note expieased “ Angel Archie” was meant A. M not for racing myself. But, somehow invitation from papa. He wishes to
at night and took her cub that had Mexican border and having created was the belief that victory would come Stevenson o f that state sometimes affairs went wrong. When he died consult you about auto tires, those
havoc in Southern California. Here­ to the new party in November.
been captured by the party.
Ray­ known as ‘ ‘ Big Steve.”
eighteen months ago, everything col­ for your next race, and he hopes you
tofore the California state horticultur­ mond Robbins, of Illinois, pledged a
Michigan delegates started a new lapsed and I found nothing left. The will dine with ub , this evening.”
The Equitable Life Insurance com ists had to fight these pests unas­
100,000 majority for the national song, which soon was caught up by factory itself is tied up in a lawsuit; 1
Thoroughly surprised, he promptly
pany of New York will build a 36 sisted.
The bill appropriates $25,000 for ticket in Illinois, and Gifford Pinchot the other delegations until practically may get that out of the ruin; build declined.
story home on the site of the building
“Excuse mo to Mr. Carlisle; I must
which was destoryed by fire last win­ the first year, and becomes effective
capital to use, and no heart to sell
October 1. After the first year the Colonel Roosevelt and Governor John­ the way it w ent:
get ready for tomorrow. Moreover, it
“ Follow, follow,
There was a pause.
agricultural appropriation bill will son in his home state of Pennsylvania.
1 b for the Mercury company to discuss
We will follow Roosevelt,
"I wonder,” Stanton mused slowly, tires, not for me.”
An explosion of black damp and carry an annual appropriation to en­ These statements were cheered to the
Anywhere, everywhere,
“why you volunteered to act as my
coal dust in a mine at Gerth, Ger­ force the quarantine. Representatives echo.
Her small mouth set, she drew aside
We will follow on. ”
The party formally christens itself
mechanician that night?"
many, caused the death of 103 miners from the Coast have urged this bill be­
her shimmering skirts.
fore the agricultural committee sev­ the “ Progressive party,” leaving off
At 12:35 Senator Dixon interrupted
and 27 escaped with injuries.
“ We will decide that on the way—I
Floyd s gray eyes flashed to meet
eral times, and it is due to their ef­ the prefix “ national,” by which it has the singing by rapping for order.
bis, all hlg color and animation rush­ will put you down at your hotel, at
Mrs. May Arkwright Hutton, a forts that the measure was favorably
Chairman Beveridge caused to be ing back.
heretofore been known, but provision
prominent suffragist of Washington, reported and has passed the House.
“ Miss Carlisle, I am Just from the
"Because I love the racing, I love
This bill will soon pass the Senate, was made for the recognition o f “ real” read a telegram from Colonel William
will be a candidate for state represen­
(T O B E C O N T IN U E D .)
progressives in any of the states by R. Nelson, o f the Kansas City Star. It," be answered. Impulsively frank. "I course; I am not presentable.”
where it is unopposed.
tative on the Democratic ticket.
whatever name they should be locally It was dated Magnolia, Miss., and I’ve got my father's blood in my veins
“That is for me to say,” she remind­
Spokane has let contracts for the
was as follows:
designated because of state laws.
and the frail physique of a useless girl ed. “ Pray do not refuse all my re­ NOT DRAWN FROM FLOWERS
erection o f a new $300,000 city hall
“ Lord, how I wish I were with you. —can’t you see how they fight? The quests.”
The convention adjourned at 7 :24 p.
and Eastern bond buyers have refused Largely Increased Customs Revenues m., with the delegates singing the What a great day—the launching of very smell of exhaust gas makes my
Almost under compulsion, Stanton Perfume» Today Are Extracted From
to purchase the bonds issued to pay
“ Doxology” in lusty voices.
During a party of imagination, hope and pros­ heart Jump and pulses tingle. Be­ entered the car.
Almost Everything but Seemingly
Expected as Result
for the work.
We can afford to give the sides, I had watched you often, I
He could have fancied her breathing
Natural Source.
Washington, D. C.—Plans for a the three days it was in session there pects.
was not a rollcall or a ballot. The other fellows their memories and dis­ couldn’t see you put out of the run­ was quicker; she gazed at him with
The Continental Building & Loan sweeping investigation of the methods delegates asked no such formalities, appointments.
The past has no in­
so singular and disproportionate a
There are few perfumes today that
association of San Francisco, has been of appraising importations into the either in placing their candidates in terest for us. The future is our fruit. ning. Then. I was tired of—" he triumph as almost to startle him cannot be made from chemvwoa,
checked himself sharply. "Ought we
closed up by the state commissioner, United States, which is expected to
Without waiting the chauffeur’s move­ synthetically, as the chemists call 1»
the revenues of the govern­ nomination or in voting for them. Give Colonel Roosevelt my love. I not to go back on the course?"
who declares the institution insolvent. increase
ment by millions of dollars annually, There was not a voice of opposition have never missed a chance to place a
Stanton rose, signaling the waiter. ment, she herself slammed the door of Formerly all perfumes were e*:r*-w*q
The St. Louis, Iron Mountain & have been completed by Secretary of either to Colonel Roosevelt or Gover­ bet on him, and have never lost when
"You saw me through that difficul­
Southern Railway company has given a the Treasury MacVeagh, and a com nor Johnson. The delay in nominat­ there was a square deal. The Lord is ty," he acknowledged. "But, you said
mortgage on its property for $200,-
ing them was due to the large number surely with us. He ha9 given us the this morning that you had a sister; I
men, as well as the opportunity. I wonder you stayed with me for the
000,000, running 40 years and bearing the inquiry.
of seconding speeches allowed.
6 per cent interest.
As has always been the case in na­ cannot help but feel what a narrow season.”
frauds convinced Secretary MacVeagh
"My sister understands," Floyd ex­
The national palace of Hayti at San there was something radically wrong tional political convenions, the bulk of escape we had in the June convention.
Domingo, was blown up and Bet on Are with the appraising system. He be the work o f the progressive gathering Roosevelt might have been nominated plained; he had risen also, and stood
by a terriflic explosion, killing the lieves an incalculable sum is being lost was carried on in the committee. The there. My congratulations to every­ for a moment beside his chair, his
president of the republic and many every year by careless and antiquated only semblace of a conflict of opinion body and regret that I cannot be with unseeing gaze bent on the ground.
"She knows that I was not brought up
attendants and employes of the capi- methods. The committee is charged on the floor was a brief debate today
to recommend revisions and improve­ as to whether an hour's recess should
Wild applause followed the reading. to live woman-fashion. I wish, if ever
ments to stop all loopholes.
be taken. The point was not mater­
It was 12:47 when Chairman Bever­ you hear anything of me that you do
ial, but, as one delegate expressed it, idge announced the arrival of Colonel not like, that makes you feel different­
Haytien rebels are reported to have
“ we just had to fight about something Roosevelt at the Coliseum. Delegates ly toward me, I wish you too would
captured the city of Hayabon, after
a 14 hour fight.
and the galleries jumped to their feet remember that I was reared by a man
Frankfort and Barmen Returning to to make it a regular convention.”
There was a sharp discussion, how­ and cheered.
A minute later the to live among men and missed all that
A heavy bolt o f lightning struck a
Port With 1200 Immigrants.
ever, in several committee hearings Colonel appeared on the stage, almost women teach."
steel tower of the Hawthorne Avenue
and no little difficulty in agreeing as if by magic. In the midst of the
bridge, burning out electric power
Stanton regarded him In an astonish­
Lloyd steamship Frankfurt, upon the platform as finaly adopted. deafening din, the Colonel stepped
wires and shocking two bridge tend­ Herman
bound for Canada from Bremen with Colonel Roosevelt worked with the onto the insulated speaking platform ment at once Indulgent and ironic.
ers. Another bolt killed a cow at 1200 emigrants on board, collided with
"I’m not likely to hear anything of
sub-committe in charge of the plat­ under the big sounding board. He you that will shock me very badly,"
Fall View, near Oregon City.
the Herman steamer Barmen, from form until late this afernoon, going
he dryly returned. "Do you think I
San Francisco reports
that not Rotterdam for Bremen, while off the over their work of the two previous grin and waved greetings to friends
am a gentle girl, myself, Floyd?”
enough sailing ships can be had to ac­ Hook of Holland lightship, and is now days and nights and vigorously help­ on the stage and floor.
proceeding to the hook under tow.
"Not so you could notice It,” sprang
commodate the commerce offered, one
Wireless dispatches received at
Mrs. Roosevelt, clad in black, ap­ the prompt opinion; the candid gray
ship recently being chartered to load Scheveningen from the Frankfurt say proved acceptable to him.
The plat­ peared in a box to the left of the plat­ eyes laughed out of their short
barley at 18 shillings per ton, the all her passengers are on hoard and form did not take up the Negro ques­
She carried a red bandana eclipse.
highest price paid in 18 years.
the vessel is in no danger. The timely tion.
handkerchief and waved it enthusias­
They went back to the course to­
arrival of two steamers calmed the
In this connection one of the inter­ tically. Mrs. Roosevelt was accom­ gether.
passengers after the collision and the
esting seconding speeches of the day panied by George Roosevelt, a nephew
The next two hours were spent In
disabled vessel was taken in tow.
was that of F. R. Gleed, of New of the Colonel.
repeatedly circling the ten mile course
Wheal—Track prices: New: Club, 7(1
York, a Negro. Gleed said the Ne­
The demonstration had been in pro­ in ten minutes; a reasonable practice
Ca 77c; hluesfcni, IStf/ Slk*; fortyfold,
groes had faith in the new party; gress for 45 minutes before the dele gait, from Stanton’s point of view. On
Geographers to Travel
T.xc; Valiev. 78(0 79c; old wheat, nom­
New York.—Fifty representatives of faith that it would do all in its power gates recognized Mrs. Roosevelt in the last trip he and Floyd disagreed
to right the wrongs of the race.
a box.
They turned to her with a over a question of mixture, and came
MillstufU—Bran. $25 per ton; shorts, geographical societies and universi­
“ We stand by the platform,” he cheer and she rose and bowed to ac­ up to the repair pita quarreling vigor­
$28; middlings, $12: rolled barley, $29. ties of 1G European countries have
said; “ we stand by Colonel Roose­ knowledge the cheers.
Order was ously, exciting the interest of all be­
Hay—Eastern Oregon timothy, $15;
Valley tlniothv. $124/13; alfalfa, $11(0) enrolled for a tour of the United velt’s letter; we stand by his speech. finally restored, the demonstration holders.
12; clover, $10; oats and vetch, $10(7f
"If I don’t know when a motor needs
graphical Society. The tour is to be­ And as we stood by him at San Juan having lasted 45 minutes.
11; grain hay. $10(011.
more gas. I’ll go take a correspond­
gin with a celebration here of the
Oats—New, $20 per ton.
ence course,” was Floyd's last retort,
O rozco’s Men Victorious.
Will Troll for Salmon.
Fresh Fruits—Apples, new. OOctfi opening of a new building of the Am­
Tucson, Ariz.—Orozco’s rebel forces,
Astoria, Or.— As a result o f the as he slipped out of his seat.
$2.25 per box; peaches, 354/85o per erican Geographical Society, marking
"It’s running like It never did be­
box; plums, 75o(0)$l.1O per box; pears. the GOth anniversary of the organiza­ according to advices received here, success attained by the men who have
$1.20(?/ 1.50 per box; apricots. $1.25 per tion. Professor William Morris Davis, defeated the government soldiers un­ been trolling for salmon outside the fore, and you’ll let It alone,” Stanton
sent the definite order after him.
box: grapes, $\<n 2 per crate; black­ of Harvard, is to conduct the excur­
sion, which will cover approximately der Generals Sanjines and Velasco at mouth of the river during the present
The witnesses grinned at one an­
berries. 75o(V/$1.25 per crate.
Melons- -Cantaloupes, 75c4/$1.5fl per
crate; watermelons, $14/1.15 per hun­
"Say, Floyd, that’s a fine big brute
opened fire on the town, which was boats are now being rigged for that of a machine you’ve got there," com
Bulgarians Urge War
Valerie Carlisle Leaned Out Extending a Small Hand.
Potatoes Jobbing prices. Burbanks,
defended by 26 or 30 federals. The particular class of fishing. The boats pllmented the broadly amused George,
new, 00k; One per hundred.
Sofia, Bulgaria.—The excitement of railroad agent, hiding himself under will fish well off shore, in the vicinity as the young mechanician went by the car and snapped the handle, keep­ from flowers, fruits, spices, woods ot
Vegetables -Artichokes, 65(0-75c per
the station, sent out the report of the of the lightship, and it is asserted
ing her eyes upon Stanton.
other vegetable and animal sub­
dozen; beans, 2c; cabbage, l4/1Vfee per the Bulgarian people over the massa­ attack, adding that he intended to they will not be subject to the state him.
"It sure le,” came the cheerful agree­
i thought you would come." «he stances. The first perfume to be lml
pound; cauliflower, $101.25 per doz­ cre of Bulgarians by Mussulmans at stay where he could he comfortable. laws governing the fisheries. They
murmured, half under her breath, "end tated was vanilla, in 1876. lleliotropln,
en; celery. 754/ X5c per dozen; corn, Kotschena, 50 miles southwest of Us-
"Yes. But It's nothing to the brut* you will dine with us.”
15k/2ftc per dozen; cucumbers, 50c per kup, on August 2, continues without The rebels cut the telegraph wire be­ can thus operate during the closed
followed, but obtained by oxidation
of a driver you've got.”
box; eggplant. 7k/ 10c per pound; head abatement. The Bulgarian press is
of a by-product of camphor.
lettuce, 20025c per dozen; peas. S4i‘ clamoring for war against Turkey.
Floyd paused to glance back.
Terplnol is one of the most freely
9c per round; peppers. 8(ft 10c p#r The inhabitants of Southern Bulgaria
"Spilbsll” Hat New Fear.
Drops Box o f Dynamite.
"Let my driver alone," he advised.
used constituents of perfumes. This Ii
pound; radishes. 15k; 20c per dozen. are extremely bellicose. They are
Philadelphia— Manager Dooin, o f the
Portland — In an exploaion which "Stanton and I understand each other
a near relation of turpentine. With
Sack Vegetables Carrots, $1.50 per holding meetings of protest against Philadelphia baseball team, declares shook the Grange Hall at Lents, broke all right.”
The most agitated man in Lowell, this a little oil and aquafortis a cheat
sack; turnips. $1.25 per sack; beeta. the massacre when 140 Bulgarians
"Then you had better quit racing be­ on the race morning, was the assiat 1st can produce a perfume that can
the “ spitball” is responsible for the windows in farm houses for half a
$1 50 per sack.
killed. and demonstrations
which mile around and threw several people fore you're demoralized,” Jeered the ant manager of the Mercury company. scarcely be distinguished from thost
Eggs -Case count, 23c; candled, 25c; against Turkey are being organized in attack of diphtheria from
Pitcher Ad Brennan is suffering. from their beds. Perry Warren, aged other, and turned to find Stanton had And there was a maddening Irony In exhaled by the Illy or the valley, lilac
extras. 27c per dozen.
all parts of the country.
hla situation. At a quarter after ten, and Cape Jessamine, varying accord
Therefore he means to make applica­ 60 years, a real estate dealer o f Lents, come up behind him
Butter — Oregon creamery butter,
There was nothing said, Stanton fifteen minutes before the first car Ing to the proportions in which tb«
cubes. 31c per pound; prints, 32%o
tion to President Lynch, o f the Na­ was instantly killed at 10:16 Tuesday
Legends of Gold Lures
per pound.
tional league, for permission for his night, when he dropped on the floor of went on as if be had not heard. But was to start, the Mercury stood ready, chemicals are blended.
Pork—Fancy, 10% (7? 11c per pound
New York.—The legend of $30,000.- pitchers to use a disinfectant on the his three-room cabin a 60-pound box he carried with him the discovery that with, in his place, the trim, khaki-clad
Artificial violet Is a combination ol
Veal Fancy. 1 4%4t 15c per pound.
ball when they are opposing a "spit- of dynamite.
The house was blown It Is the perfection of comradeship to mechanician, concerning whose pos­ cltrol (an essence extracted rrom let»
Poultry—Hens. 13(0 13%c; broilers. 000 gold hidden on Cocos island in the
sible desertion Mr. Green had spent on), Indian vervaine, or lemon ver
According to Dooin, over a space of an acre, and no two
15(a15%r; ducks, young. 12 c; geese Pacific Ocean Is the lure which ball” artist.
There was a tan-colored automobile much worry. But the driver, Stanton Lena, with common acetone, a sub
10011c; turkeys, live, 18020c; dressed brought Frederick Smodden from Cal­ every man who played with Brennan pieces of lumber were left together.
the unfailing, was missing. In the stance very like pyroligneous acid.
gary, Canada, to this city, whence he in the game against St. Louis ran the Warren's body was badly mangled.
24 4/ 25c.
midst of the gay hubbub of the scene,
Hops 1912 contracts, 18(0 20c; 1911 has sailed for Central America. Smod­ risk of being infected with diphtheria. The explosion was heard eight miles. emerged.
No chemist has been able to coun
the Mercury camp was on the verge terfelt musk, but a synthetic perfume
crop, nominal.
Ballplayers Seek Union.
toned, smooth voice, from the car; of frenzy.
Montenegrins Fight Turkf.
Wool Eastern Oregon. 14k; 18c per ure's whereabouts was handed down
called musk is made from toluene I
pound according to shrinkage; Valley, by Captain Trevan. a sea dog of many
"You've telephoned to his hotel?” by product of benzine and coal tar
New York— David Fultz, a lawyer,
Cettinje, Montenegro— Fighting on Valerie Carlisle leaned out. extending
generations back, whose plan to search who was formerly outfielder with the
21% 022%c per pound.
the frontier between small guerilla
This la changed to a complex car
Cattle — Choice steers. $0.75k; 7.00; for the gold was frustrated by a fatal New York Americans and the Phila­ hands and the Turkish troops has
She was the consummation of cool cause quiet, as Mr. Green came up buret, treated with azotic and sui
good, $64/ 6.50; medium. $5.75(0 6; illness.
delphia Americans, admitted that been going on continuously for two
pburlc acids, la diluted and sold at
choice cows. $.V75kiO; good. $5.50(0)
"Telephoned! I've telephoned to musk.
activities toward forming a union of days.
The cordon of troops on the sible to meet her beautiful, concerned
Yiddish Paper to Start
5.75; medium. $505.50; choice calves,
Most of the cheap perfumea are lm
$74/ 8.50; good heavy calves. $6(0 6.50;
San Francisco.— A newspaper print­ big league baseball players were in Montenegrin frontier was ordered to
to—to every one. He went to his ho­ nations and they are almost alwayt
bulls. $3.50(0 5; stags. $4.7506.
ed in the Yiddish language and de­ progress. He said members of the retire and adopt a defensive policy. I l«»*t.
The Turks crossed the frontier, but
been waiting here for an
Hogs Light. $Nk;9; heavy, $6.250 voted entirely to the interests of the
Inferior to the flower extracts. So Ii
Jewish race. Is to be established here l>9t Sunday and that American league retreated again when the Montene- hour,” she Informed him. "I am so he left here yesterday, and went off might properly be said that It la I
Shee] Yearlings. $34/4.50; wethers. under the editorial guidance of Dr | players met secretly in New York two grins opened fire with their artillery. I distressed that my car should have In an Atalanta automobile with some wise flower that knows Its own per
$ 3 k / 4.00; ewes, $34/ 3.75; lambs, $44/' Charles Wortsman, a wldelytknown ' weeks earlier.
The sixteen clubs of Great excitement prevails here and ^srt X°u. I shall reproach myself so confounded woman; that's all I can fume.
Jewish scholar.
| the major leagues were represented.
dangerous complications are feared.
Current Events oí Interest Gathered
From the World at Large.
New Precedent Established by Notifying
Both Candidates Immediately.
H u itn tw L