V •H ^ All the [\tws A il th e T im e Only P a p e r in East Clackamas k * ^ Wj * ESTACAD A. OREGON, TH U R SD AY, AUGUST 15. 1912 NO. 49 of VOL. 4 BIGGER GARFIELD CLUB Members elect officers and plan improvements. ANNUALPICNIC A BIG SUCCESS Good crowd enjoys dances and speak­ ing and music Country club an ideal place to meet socially. ESTACADA STATE BANK CAPITAL $ 25,000 at the First M. K. Church of Ksta- cada, last Sunday afternoon, where the funeral of George Kly, until four years ago a resident of this city was held, He died at Gardena, Cal. Rev. A. A. Darling, an old acqtiin- tance preached the sermon and there was special music by the church choir. Deceased was a Past Grand Master of the I.O.O.F. and many members of the lodge were present at the services. The pallbearers included members of the order. Interment was at Lone Oak cemetery. »I A Y E A R BRING Oil IRE BABIES Contest to be held at Estaca-1 da, August 27 SHOW DURING DISTRICT FAIR Superintendent Jamei e.tablishe. three clas.es of contestants Winner may go to Saiam Fur. The Estacada Merc An addition to the Gai field Country Babies having claims to physical club house, 30 by 74 , suitable for enter­ perfection in the Estacada country, tainments and banquets, with a Btage or in fact anywhere within East and dressing rooms at one end, was Clackamas, mav be entered iti a decided upon at the meeting of the club show to be held at Fistacada. Aug. last Saturday, during the annual meet­ 27. when the District fair under the ing and picnic of the organization. G. T. Hunt, the hustling president of the — ■ ■ OF — --------- — supervision of H. M. James is to club was re-elected as was H. O. San­ take place. ford, secretary-treasurer and made ex- Man with a little capital has grand op­ Superintendent James expects a officio member of the executive board, portunity here Stock rustle feed good many entries for the district which includes M. J, Anderson, H. G. 10 months of the year. fair for pupils not over 21 years of Trowbridge and It. F. Snyder. Cattle raising for the man who Plans for beautifing the grounds, es­ age and he believes that a baby tablishing an athletic field were also has a capital of from $ 2 000 to #5 show iu connection will prove a big discussed and will be put into operation 000, is certain of great reward in attraction. as soon as the means are available. The the Estacada region. For the past There will be three classes, new addition will be connected with the two or three weeks cattle buyers Babies up to 6 months. present club house by large folding Babies from 6 months to 1 year. doors, so it will be possible to throw the from Portland have been scouring Babies from 1 year up to 2 years. the country for cattle and hogs and two into one large dancing pavilion. The judges will he probably doc­ Reports of the officers show the club in not finding enough to meet the de­ tors and nurses, those most com­ good financial condition, the result of a mand. Even F'reil Jorg, local buyer petent to determine physical pertec policy of “ pay as you go.” finds that there is no surplusage for lion, less attention being paid to A Labcr of Love. beauty than health. Of course a domestic consumption. Beginning with practically nothing a Six or eight years ago, more cat­ combination of beauty and health year ago August 12 , the club has a is a winner. The fair will be held membership of 38 , grounds fairly well tle were raised in this section than in the building, three doors south cleared, a club house and dance pavilion there art now. The reason of course ot the Progress office. kitchen and tables, benches and sw:ngs at least in the immediate vicinity, is It has been suggested that the for the picnicers. A pretty stream winner of the local contest, be sent Hows through the grounds and a spring because land lias become too valu­ to the Salem Stp. 2-7 where the of pure mountain water is piped near able for pasturage or .hay, but back child may enter into competition the kitchen. in the foothills of the mountains, with babies from all over the state. Practically all the improvements have there is an abundance of cheap Estacada has some mighty fine ba­ been accomplished by volunteer labor, pasturage land. Adjoining this is bies and it is believed a represen­ the music for the entertainments and tative from this district would win lances is volunteered and this with a F'ortst reserve lands, wliich may be in the state contest. F'arther details subscription of $200 about $90 of which rented for a nominal sum tor range. of the coutcst will appear in these was contributed by Estacada business The grasses are of luxuriant growth columns later. men, has made it possible to afford a and there is good feed ten months pleasure resort for the farmers and in the year. Ranchers say that not Financial Statement of their families of the Garfiield and to exceed six weeks is it necessary George districts and their neighbors Estacada Baseball Club. ; robably the only organization of its to feed and that this js due to snow, Manager R. M. Standish and Warren 5 Music and Recitation« Printing and advertising 7 »Q A t 5 o’clock, President Hunt called hail storm not long ago that pr:tty Í-D 7 95 an intermission for dinner, inviting all effectually wiped out a fine stand of R. M. Stand ish, Mgr. J \V. Barr, Trees. to attend the club dance which began wheat. The grain couldn't be har­ at 8. Then he called for volunteers for Special Rate to Portland. vested, so he decided to realize any impromptu musical and speaking how. He wired Mr. Duus to buy j ' ~~ program and a jolly hour followed. „ * * « “ ” '* last Saturday the P It began with singing by two pretty him a carload ot hogs. . This was ; | R. L & P ordered a new special twins, Bee and Bruce Teague children done the animals, all sizes from 60 j passangrer raie c f gj for the round of Mrs. J. E. Teague of Great Falls pounds to 150 at 7 cents a pound, ¡trip to Portland, good for three Montana. They responded to an encore. being sent out. The load cost more days In other words on Saturday With Mrs. Teague as accompanist, Mrs than $800. yet. with Kick, the | Kstacadan may buy a round trip E. H. Culbertson of Grants Pass and *v 11 1 1 1 1 for $1 instead of the old rate $1.35 Some one Purchaser, buying from us a Henney . Mrs. Matt Anderson, daughters of for­ J younger Duus will double his mon- 1 good j 10 return on Monday, will receive the above amount, just as soon as we mer Congressman Freeman Knowles of ey easily. Hng raising is one of the This rate has |onK leeI1 sollgllt Dcadwood S. D , sang two trios charm­ most profitable lines of business in by W. Givens, agent and the com sell nine more Jobs.Some one will get a Buggy for a ingly. Following this Mrs. H. A. Le- the Estacada country. I pany finally decided to put it into Barre of Portland, gave a humorous "v ■ — ------- -- ! effect. recitation, that convulsed her hearers. W e have not advanced our prices to meet the Charles Dibble may be Some Impromptu Talks. amount to be G i v e n Away. In fact Considerably to the surprise of W. a Suicide at Oswego. Givens, he was called on for a speech. Relatives of Charles Dibble at El- He was equal to the occasion and made a distinct hit with his stories and a sen­ wood, set at rest the rumor preval­ Do you contemplate planting an sible impromptu talk, intersnerced with ent here that the unknown taken buying If you contemplate orchard this fall? 'If so, why witty comments. He thoroughly en­ from the river ten days ago with a not let me sell 3011 the trees? a Buggy, get in on this . . sack of rocks tied to the neck, is dorsed the club and predicted continued Your interests are mine along these lines and I am vitally interested success. J. S. McCurdy was called out the missing man. Mr Dibble accord On Sash & Doors, we carry a Full Stock of all Standard in seeing good trees and trees and after declaring he had only learned ingly to descriptions sent out of the suicide found near Oswego a week that are Sizes. Manufacturers have advancaed the price, but W e are 4. ne speech on Cascade county, proved ago. may have hung himself near he could think out another in praising the club and telling negro dialect stor­ that town. The missing man who lived at ies. He took several local shots at planted in this di>triut. F«»r this Don’t you want Screen Doors? . . . . - . people in the audience and wound up by Lebanon visited relatives at F.lwood reason 1 investigated the1 True to Name” Nursery of Hood River, dragging G. E. LaFollette into the about a month ago. He was pal­ Ore., before undertaking to sell limelight The Progress man did the any of their stock a fid I found pably demented and shortly after best he. could by securing an invitation Keep them oc of your house by putting :p Screen them thoroughly reliable in threatening Mrs. Lydia l’ ark he every resjK-ct. % for Givens and McCurdy to a fried Windows and Doors. chicken dii r, served by Mrs. A. II, disappeared. He has not liceii heard Why spend time and money on Morton and Mrs. Charles Frazier who of since. He w..s 4S years old. He fair good trees, when A No. 1 trees can be had f«-r the same took pity on the famished trio closelv answered the description of price tliut are guaranteed True to Remember the Vellow F’ronl Emporium and Get the Habit of A lter dinner the club dance was giv­ Name and are also grafted from the unknown taken frutn the river en. A big crowd of jolly well dressed Buying at Estacada. the best producing strains in here, except in two re-p cts no old and young people danced until mid­ Hood River, night. The club was thanked by all the thumb wis missing from the 1-11 . Write or call me up for prices on hail 1 nor d '. he w< i e-. i-'l.c »• - * i'es. and TV >r-. A r e pleased to m a k e ANNOUNCEM ENT MONEY IN CATTLE RAISING M id-Sum m er Your account Solicited. Clean U p . . S A L E .. Under State Supervision AUGUST lo to 24th Inclusive Special clean up price in each Department. • 4 + + "1 After Harvest, «« When you have squared away for the fall, why not make yourself or your wife or girl, a present of a Solid Gold Ring, with or without Jewel W e have them, all sorts,and at prices that will surprise you W e buy direct from Manufacturer, thus saving you Jobbers’ profits. Anything in a Good Timepiece? Our line gives you a big selection. And we have some Second Hand watches, which we will sell lor the repair charges. A full line of Optical Goods Estacada Jewelry Company Broadway On D in n e r sets th e r e g u la r $ 5 .5 0 G o o d w in -M e re n o fo r $ 4.50 Each set has 48 pieces and your choice An OTHER ...Cruse Brothers... in either Fifty Dollars, in Real Gold, Free y v v Î S m a ll A m o u n t o f C ash O u r P ric e s a re v e r y lo w FRUIT TREES Cash Distribution. gold Ornament for your Table W E H A V E A BIG S T O C K O F W A L L P A P E R A T L O W PRICES T O R E D U C E ST O C K . MANY T H I S W E E K w e s h a l l a g a i n offer s o m e r a r e s p e c ia ls in t h e g r o c e r y d ep t, such as The Home of Quality A Cut Price Sale flower, Blue or Pink. OUR 9th Friday and Saturday Special B A R G A IN S Fine line of 9 x 12 Rugs also smaller Rugs. We meet Portland Prices. TRIE TO NAME SELLING AT THE OLD LIST F lie s a r e a G re a t Pest. We are making a Cut on Paint Prices I ESTACADA F'JRNITIRC CO. Yellcw Front Emporium tld. PH 11.. F STAN DISH ;u . 1 .y» nsvti « ? s * i , F 5*« rì 1 A î á 1 K fidi UVl are Co.