Estacada progress. (Estacada, Or.) 1908-1916, August 01, 1912, Image 2

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    PU G ET SO U N D
“ C A P T U R E C ."
D e fe n d e rs In M im ic W a r G a m e
p rise d a n d R oute d
Su r­
"I shall rid* beside Mr. S tin to n ,'
■he announced. “ I wish to see expan
driving a t close range, for once.”
"A h?” queried Stanton; suddenly
the conviction th at she had done this
purposely flared up anew, and wit*
It his anger. She would have a rao
Ing driver for her chauffeur? Very
well. He awung Into the seat.
Until they were out of the city, he
drove with a wise obedience to traffic
regulation!. But when the country
line was reached, Stanton (topped
the car, donned a small pair of gog
gles from hie overcoat pocket, and
pnused his hat buck to Mr. Carlisle's
"I am sorry I had no tim e to get
Into m otor clothes," he observed, a
little too pleasantly. "Still we will
They made the next ten miles In
ten m inutes, having a fair road. Then
rough hills und villages somewhat
lowered their pace. It was a dizzying
rush through a gale of wind, a blrdllke
cleaving of the sum m er air, accompa­
nied by the weird howl of the electric
horn upon which Stanton kept a fin­
ger m uch of the tim e, a vision of scat­
tering wagons.
T here was a curious circum stance.
Valerie Carlisle literally cowered In
her seat, pale, shivering, usually with
her eyes shut. Yet she, the Imperious
dem ander of her own way, uttered no
rem onstrance, although faintly crying
out once or twice when they slid by
some obvious danger of cliff or road.
Stanton saw, from the corner of bis
eye, and speculated aa he drove.
“ Do you think this Is safe?" Mr. Car­
lisle found an opportunity to urge.
"I think so, If nothing breaks," Stan­
ton called back, tw isting the car
around a load of hay.
They reached th eir destination In
two hours and ten m inutes. When
they entered the village lim its and
the speed fell to fifteen miles an
hour, Mr. Carlisle slowly revived, and
regained his breath and hla glasses.
His daughter released her grasp of tha
seat, raised a shaking hand to touch
veils and bonnet, ttien passed a hand­
kerchief across her dry Ups and
looked up a t the man beside her.
"How do you like the car?" shs
Stanton surveyed her, alm ost su r­
prised Into compunction.
"It h asn't the M ercury's pull, to
be perfectly frank," he answered. "It
is a trifle heavy and less lively. But
it Is a fine m achine, and of course you
do not want to race with It.”
"Of course I do not want to race
with It,” she slowly assented, and
Oakville, W ash.—Oregon troops are
given credit by the m ilitary um pires
L IB R A R Y F U N D S H O R T .
for a big p a rt in the stra te g ic victory
of the invading arm y over th a t defend­ M e d fo r d B e c o m e s E xte n siv e S e lle r B id s W ill B s O p e n e d A u g u s t 6 fo r
ing, in a tense general engagem ent.
o f F o o d P ro d u c ts.
C o n stru c tio n .
T hat the Reds w ere able to force
Medford—Medford will m ark the
Salem —W ith the announcem ent th at
back the brigade th a t sought to check
the invasion of P u g et Sound is held to J y ear 0f 191 ¿ a . the first y e ar th a t it bids w ill be opened for the new Su­
be due largely to the operations of the has sta rte d a balance of trad e in farm prem e court an J S ta te L ibrary build­
o f Uto Game and /lo Cojudo
G e n e ra l R e su m e o f Im p orta n t E v e n t* T hird Oregon.
The first car ing on the sta te grounds A ugust 5, it
In order to break the form idable products in its favor.
P re sen te d In C o n d e n se d F o r m
The fjy ’njby Mercury etc.
disposition of the Blue arm y along of potatoes e v er shipped o u t o f the has also been determ ined th a t it will
f o r O u r B u sy R e ad e rs.
Black river, one b attalion of the Third valley was sen t th is w eek, and be­ be possible on the present appropria­
forded the chilly stream tw ice, while cause of the heavy hay and g ra in crop tion to construct only the brickw ork,
ifle nMc rm a > A u > . M m i M e r
the o th er battalions tram ped for three
m any flour and feed m ills which have e x te rio r and flooring, and th a t the in­
Blowly rejoined. "But stroll back to
Salazar, head of the Mexican insur­ m iles through dam p underbrush and
the depot with me, pray; I had aome-
gents, says he cares not how soon the tim ber along a steep hillside in order been closed the p ast few w eeks will te rio r and finishing will have to de­
thlng to say."
to put in an enfilading fire on the Blue open as soon as the th reshing season pend on a fu rth e r appropriation a t the
U nited S tates intervenes.
A t th e beelnninK o f g re a t a u tom ob ile
“My train ," he began.
right flank.
th e n ie r h u n tc la ii o f th e M ercury,
next session of the legislative as­
S ta n to n 's m a c h in e , d r o p s dead. s tr a n g e
Italian s shelled and destroyed a
“Is my train also, since you will not
The outcome of the b a ttle was in
T urkish fort a t Hodeida, but the place the nature of a surprise.
The Blue ported and eggs w ere shipped in regu
cep ted . In th e re st d u r in g th e tw e n ty - take me In the m otor-car. We have
had apparently been abandoned.
fo u r h ou r race S ta n to n m e e ts a stra n a er, tim e enough; 1 Inquired of the con­
brigade held the bridges and fords larly. For several weeks now eggs
M ies C arlisle, w ho In tr o d u c e s h e rs e lf. T h e
across Black river and had an advan­ have been sent out and none received. m aking a purchase of the e n tire block M ercury w in s ra c e . S ta n to n re ceiv e s ductor, a m oment ago."
The Dem ocratic ways and means
flo w ers fro m M iss C a rlis le , w hich h e Ig ­
Floyd bowed and stepped aboard
tageous position in every way for re ­ Hundreds of tons o f a lfa lfa and g rain
com m ittee will revive the cotton ta r
000, reached the conclusion th a t the n ores. S ta n to n m e e ts Mlaa C arlisle on a the train, leaving the two to walk
sistin g ail attack .
It appeared very hay will be sold to outside buyers.
iff bill which was vetoed by the presi
back together, followed by the maid.
much us if the tactical invasion of the
The public m ark et^ recen tly estab
"1 w anted to ask you of the race,”
U nited S ta te s from G rays H arbor lished is proving a g re a t success. cient for the construction of such a
CHAPTER IV. (Continued.)
The strik e of conductors and motor- would end in disaster.
“N either are you,” he countered Miss Carlisle said, when they were
F ru its and vegetables of ail kinds,
at the end of the long platform .
men on the Roston Elevated railw ay
But the conclusion of the Blue offi­ chickens, eggs and o ther produce are
“Nor it wouldn’t be of any Im portance
conferences w ith m em bers of the Su­ If we were, but we a re not. I'm not
The Bpeech rem ained unfinished.
is ended, the men w inning every point cers th a t the hilly w ilderness on the
being purchased by local consum ers
north side of the Black riv er opposite considerably below the m ark e t price. prem e court and m em bers of th a t body asking you why you are working with T here was a shouted order, the cough
sta te d they would back up the S ta te
of the locomotive m ingled w ith the
Jam es Landers, who broke jail in th e ir rig h t w ing w as im penetrable
The fru it crop w ill be large and of board and give th eir moral support in your hands Instead of your head, and ring and Jangle of tightening coup­
block. the highest q uality.
A laska in 1901, was arrested in Los proved a severe stum bling
T hree cars of
lings, and the Lowell expresa pulled
Colonel L. W. V. Kennon, head com­ pears have been sold for fu tu re deliv­ securing an additional appropriation cares 7”
Angeles, where he was w orking as
out of the Bhed. Stanton wheeled with
mander, by an adm irable b it of s tra ­ ery through the N orthw estern F ru it for the construction of the building.
w aiter.
tegy, m ade this his first strik in g E xchange of P ortland, av eraging $2 a The deficit will be about $70,000, "But I can tell you th a t I am doing an ejaculation, but halted w ithout a t­
about $50,000 of this being for the
tem pting useless pursuit.
H arvest is in full sw ing in the Big point.
this to m ake money, and make It
box f. o. b. Medford. The picking
Bend and Palouse d istric ts of Wash
“How very u n fortunate!" murmured
Choosing the T hird Oregon in fan try 6eason for B a rtle tta will open A ugust building and the rem ainder for com­ quick, and I would m uch prefer break
pletion and furnishings. The founda­
Miss Carlisle, putting aside her tan
ington, and excellent crops are being for the task, Colonel Kennon dis­
5 to 10, and local ranchers a re already tion has been constructed.
silk veils. "How very stupid of the
patched the regim ent commanded by scouring the country for help.
The second floor will be e n tirely de­ poverty. They are calling our tra in ; conductor!’’
The Borah three-year homestead Colonel J . M. Poorman into this fa s t­
A lthough m oisture has delayed the voted to the sta te library. This will you had better come,
Stanton /turned from the departing
bill has passed the house and now goes ness a t 6 a. m. T here was no trail honey production som ew hat the ton­ include floor space of 96 by 126 feet.
“I’m supposed to keep In touch train to the tranquilly regretful girl,
to the president, who has supported it nor road and the men made headway nage will be a record breaker. W il­ The th ird floor will have offices for the with Mr. Green,” Floyd observed his straight dark brows knitting. For
through rank foliage w ith the g re atest liam Muller, the honey king, reports
from the sta rt.
Suprem e court. The atto rn ey general gathering up hts magazine' with cheer­ the Instant he could have been cer­
difficulty. Officers’ m ounts had to be
ful nonchalance. “He Is worrying
Hundreds of A m ericans are being le ft behind a t an early stag e of the th a t shipm ents will begin n e x t week, and a ssista n ts will have th ree rooms about me moat of the time, for fear tain that she bad done this Intention­
and betw een 30 and 40 tons will be on th is floor.
ally and by a pre-arranged plan Hut
driven out of Mexico by the insurg march.
I’ll lose my nerve and desert.”
a t once reason reclaim ed him; he re­
ents, who declare the A m ericans are
When w ithin a few hundred yards
M E D F O R D F A H M IS B O U G H T .
called her breeding, her father's high
only there to enslave the Mexican of the riv er the T hird b attalion was
worrying the assistant m anager of the position and wealth, her composed
a ttrib u te d largely to the increased use
separated from the regim ent and di­ of w ater, the ranchers having found
worldllness, and ridiculed himself.
Illin o is W o m a n P a y s $ 2 0 0 , 0 0 0 fo r
Senators insist th a t fortifications of rected to proceed as a sacrificing force th a t irrig a tio n is one o f the best in­
ton of the rough tem per knew It.
"Since I have made you mias your
1 6 0 0 A c r e s F ru it Land ,
the Panam a canal are for actual use to engage the enemy in a frontal a t­ vestm ents th a t can be made, both as
"I fancy your nerve will hold out. train, and m issed my own, I can only
M edford— Miss K ate F. O ’Connor, a If your patience does," was his reply repeat my form er suggestion," she
in tim e of war, and oppose the idea tack.
an insurance a g ain st crop fa ilu re and
Proceeding cautiously to the river a gu aran tee of g re a te r production per prom inent suffragette o f Rockford,
of England having any p a rt in build
"P atience Is supposed to be a wom­ added, as he did not speak. "Why
the rem ainder of the regim ent came
III., active in the Federation of Wo­ an's a rt,” doubted Floyd. "But I'll should you not come w ith my father
ing or m aintaining them .
suddenly upon a battalio n of the
m en’s Clubs and well known through­ try to acquire It.’’ '
and me In our car? It Is only a three
Police L ieutenant Becker, of New Tw enty-first U nited S tates blue in­
P O T A T O C R O P IS L A R G E .
out the Middle W est, has purchased
Stanton laughed briefly.
or four hour trip, and you will be so
York, has been indicted for first de­ fan try and a section of the a rtille ry ­
the old McMahon ranch of 1600 acres,
"I wouldn’t give m uch for your much nearer Lowell, at least. I am
T his Blue force H o o d F iv e r W ill P ro d u c e Betw een lying seven m iles southeast of Med­ chance of success. In that case. If I sorry our chauffeur is 111, so I am
gree m urder for the k illing o f a gam men a t breakfast.
bier who had exposed corruption in was completely surprised, as the men
ever find a woman who will ride with forced to ask you to drive. Of course.
2 5 , 0 0 0 to 3 0 , 0 0 0 S a c k s .
had th e ir outposts on the road by
the police force of th a t city.
E dw ard B utterfield, who owns and me aa you do, I will—m arry her.
If you fear tiring yourself for a race
Hood R iver—The potato crop in the operates a strin g of retail stores in
which the Reds were expected to ap­
"Oh, no, you will not," contradicted day after tom orrow —"
The balloon Uncle Sam won the big pear.
Hood R iver valley is estim ated this N orthern Illinois, is associated w ith the other, searching his pockets for
race a t St. Louis, covering 926 m iles
The Second battalion, commanded y ear a t betw een 25,000 and 30,000 Miss O'Connor and will be the Med a m issing glove. “ You will m arry
in 35 hours, and landing safely near
hy M ajor Sm ith, and m ade up of the
ford m anager.
Fluffy Ruffles who will faint If you
the old battlefield of Bull Run.
Salem, Oregon City and W oodburn sacks, the larg e st ever raised here.
Miss O ’Connor, who is an extensive exceed the elght-mile-an-hour sjieed
Two men were drowned and two wo­
real e sta te operator in Ilinois, will limit. And then you will quit racing
men and two children had a narrow land, opened a heavy fire on the reg reaped a rich h a rv est last year, ship­ have the property cut up into five and and be spoiled for the MercuYy Com­
escape when th e ir launch struck a
ping a num ber of carloads to Texas ten-acre tra c ts planted w ith pears, pany, and all Its rival m anufacturers
subm erged piling in W illapa Harbor. leaving the unfinished break fast, and receiving excellent returns.
and will establish her m ain sales office will char t for Joy: ‘A young man m ar­
A third man who w ss w ith the party
W hile most of the acreage is com­ in Rockford, III. Although no money ried is a young many m arred.' ’’
swam ashore and ran three m iles to a
It was so long since any one had
posed o f land ju st cleared or th a t w ith consideration was named, i t is be
saw m ill, w here he secured a skiff flank of the Blue arm y. The two bat potatoes planted betw een young trees, ieved to be in the neighborhood of cared to talk nonsense to Stanton,
w ith which he returned and rescued
not to m ention airily teasing him, th at
a few have planted on a comm ercial $ 200 , 000 .
and the Blue w ing soon gave way. basis. The o rchardists who p lant be­
the women and children.
Special inducem ents w ill be m ade to he caught his breath In sheer aston­
The two battalions then joined the tw een th e ir trees expect th e ir crops to young women to se ttle on the prop­ ishm ent. And then a tingling, hu­
The su g ar tru st inquiry has brought T w enty-fifth U nited S ta te s infantry furnish them th e ir own supply and e rty , and i t is rum ored th a t those be­ m an warm th and sense of comrade­
out an am azing story of pools and re in the m ain advance.
enough over to have a wagon load or lieving in “ Votes for W omen” w ill be ship succeeded. It was as If he had
bates to m aintain prices.
been living In a lonely, silent room,
p articu larly encouraged.
two to haul to m arket.
when unexpectedly some one opened
A lbert Crocker, John Koberg and F.
The Southern Pacific and S anta Fe C O N T E S T D E C I S I O N S U P H E L D .
door and entered.
II. B utton are th e h eaviest grow ers of
roads announce advances in fre ig h t
too busy,” he retorted only, but
ra te s to all Pacific Coast ports.
tra c t on the P aradise farm .
S a lm o n In d u stry O u tlo o k G o o d W ne n his tone conveyed no rebuke.
National C om m ittee,
They walked on down the room and
It is probable th a t the Hood R iver
C alifornia delegates to the third
R un Is Started.
W ashington, D. C.— A statem en t A pplegrow ers’ union will handle pota­
out Into the train shed. They were
p arty convention to be held in C hi­
alm ost a t the train Itself, when Floyd
toes th is season. W ilm er Sieg, the
cago Aug. 6, have chartered a special
ing his nom ination by the Chicago m anager, who has gone to E astern season on Coos Bay has sta rte d , but as stopped.
car for the trip.
convention, has been made public at cities, will a tte m p t to establiah rela­ y e t there is not much of a run of sal
"Some one Is calling you," he signi­
Chehalis county, W ashington, has the W hite House. I t review s every tions w ith firma in order to dispose of mon. The fishermen, however, expect fied.
th a t there will be a good run. This
such an excellent crop of potatoes contest before the Republican nation the local tu b er crop to advantage.
Stanton turned, and found a pant­
year there will be m ore m arkets for
coming on th a t residents feel sure of al com m ittee and the credentials com
ing, black-gowned young woman be­
fish than before.
m ittee of the convention and asserts
reasonably low prices.
hind him.
C O V E ’S S H O W A T T R A C T S .
The p lant a t E m pire w ill be o p e rat­
th a t each contest was settled logical
“ My m istress bade m e ask you to
A strik e of two thousand I. W. W. ly, upon its m erits.
ed by the Southern Oregon company. w att, sir,” she apologized.
The sta te m en t
w orkers tied construction work on the was subm itted to the cabinet a t a re ­ A ll U n io n C o u n ty D r a w n to M a g n ifi­
The T allan t company, ¿vhich last
m istress?’’
Canadian Grand Trunk railw ay.
cent C h e r r y Exhibit.
year was interested w ith the Southern
cent m eeting and received the ap­
8 he stepped aside, and he saw a tall,
La G rande — Luscious cherries— Oregon company, will o p e rate sepa­ fair-haired girl, gowned with finished
The rig h t of women to hold govern­ proval of the p re sid en t’s official fam ­
cherries the lik e of which captured rately this year, having purchased the richness In a m otor costum e of pale-
m ent positions as w ireless operators ily.
The statem ent, which is a docum ent the golden medals a t the last three or Reynolds salmon cannery in M arsh­ tan silk, who advanced with leisurely
on ships is being seriously questioned.
of 144 printed pages, is a detailed de­ four w orld’s f a i r s —w ere inspected field and will operate i t th is year. grace tow ard them.
Advance styles for wom en’s h air nial o f the charge th a t the renom ina­ and adm ired by loving throngs from The cold storage p lan t in Marshfield
“Miss Carlisle, sir,” supplemented
will require th a t a t lea st half the h air tion of P resident T a ft was accom­ nooks and corners of Union county at will also be opened th is year, so there the maid.
worn by them m ust be grow n by plished by the seatin g of fraudulently Cove.
will be three plants on Coos Bay buy­
"T here Is no need for you to go,"
elected delegates to the convention.
A sprinkling o f rain im m ediately ing fish. The cannery a t G ardiner on Stanton checked, as Floyd moved to
I t takes up individually the 238 con­ a fte r the luncheon hour failed to the Um pqua riv e r w ill also operate continue on his way. “Stay here."
T w enty-four bodies have been re ­
He was obeyed w ithout comment.
covered from the flooded Pennsylvania tests in stitu ted by the Roosevelt dam pen the ardor of the volumes of to handle the salmon cau g h t in th a t
The m aid respectfully withdrew a few
coal m ines, and m any are y e t unac­ forces a g ain st T a ft delegates who praise spread by the visitors a t the w aterw ay.
w ere seated, and presents evidence in annual cherry fa ir.
The day went
paces, when her m istress came up.
counted for.
Fru it P a c k e r s to V ie
each o f these cases to show th a t the along w ith th re a te n in g w eather until
"W hat a place to m eet a man of
Two medals will be aw arded by the gasolene!” greeted V alerie Carlisle,
T a ft delegates w ere regularly elected. the afternoon, when lig h t showers
made the aftern o o n ’s schedule prob­ N orthw estern F ru it Exchange a t the In her low, assured tones. "O r are you
W h eat—Track prices, new : Club,
H a w le y 's F o rtu n e is C ut.
lem atical, but the cherries were there N orthw est Land Producta show, to be also in distress, Mr. Stanton, and
held in Portland in Novem ber, for the forced to prosaic train travel?"
78@79c; bluestem , 82@83; old w heat,
New Y ork— W allace S. F razer, dep­ in big red letters.
F ortunately, the cherry crop was two best 25-box e x h ib its. The first
H er m anner was th at of one m eet­
uty sta te controller, has filed a report
B arley—New, brew ing, $25; feed,
m ost prolific th is year, and a proper prize will be a gold medal and the ing an ordinary acquaintance, she held
$2 i ton.
am ount o f warm w eath er colored the
out her hand. In Its m iniature tan
Drove With a Wise Obedience to Traffic Regulations.
Hay — Tim othy, $140/' 15; alfalfa, court th a t the gross e sta te of the late fru it to the ex act hue th a t Hhowa them th a t th ere will be betw een 75 and 100 gauntlet, with perfect ease. No one
$ 11(</12; clover, $ 10; oats and vetch,
a t th e ir best.
could have guessed how unconven­
Stanton sta rte d to speak, then ab­ averted her face from him, watch-
292,917.88. From th is am ount there
$12; grain hay, $9.
Com ing early, the crowds soon filled to packers, and not exhibitors.
tional and slight had been their Intro­ ruptly shrugged bis shoulders. After Ing th e streets.
M anager Bond said th a t m uch in te r­ duction.
M illstuffs — Bran,
ton; was deducted $4,009,629.98 for debts, the little ham let to overflowing, and
(T O B E C O N T IN U E D .)
all, why not?
shorts, $28 50; m iddlings, $32.
by noon w alking room was a scarcity.
"I am going to M assachusetts,” Stan­
T hank you,” he returned.
Corn— Whole, $39; cracked, $40 ton.
ton answ ered as composedly.
Union, La Grande, Elgin, in fact,
scarcely think a seventy-five mile AWAKENED TRAIN OF THOUGH!
O ats— New, $26.5001 27;old, $32 ton. estim ated a t the tim e of H aw ley's every town and city in the valley sent farm ers throughout the N orthw est.
"To M assachusetts?
But so are run will Incapacitate m e.”
Fresh F r u its — Cherries, 3(ii!l0c
we! At least, we had everything a r­
You will com e?" Her am ber eye» L ittle Incident T hat Would Hava
a splendid representation, and, rain
pound; apples, old, $1.60(//3 box; ta te would reach $60,000,000. The notw ithstanding, the fa ir was a tr e ­ will have extensive displays a t the ranged to m otor out to our country- gleamed vividly. "You are too good.
Made Almost Any Man Super­
new, 75cftZ$l.K0; peaches, 50(i/80c
place, until tw enty m inutes ago our Let us find my fath er and the car. It
mendous success.
chauffeur was taken violently 111. a at least a car worthy of you—a
C onservative estim a te s place the a t ­
plums, 50c0/i $ 1 25; pears,
$ 1.500/
G ra d e M a y B e C h a n g e d .
Now I suppose we m ust go by train_’’ b e tte r than the Mercury, I confess to
tendance a t 3000,
Seeking to dispel the pangs of lone­
A g e d S u ffr a g is t W o u ld Vote,
1.75; apricots, 50c0z $1.
Marshfield—It is generally under­ she broke the sentence, her large thinking.”
som eness occasioned by th e absence
San Francisco— Equal suffrage seeds
B e rrie s—R aspberries, $1.50 c ra te ;
'A foreign m achine?"
S h a n ik o S h ip s S h e e p .
of his wife, who bad been away for
stood here th a t th e Southern Pacific brown eyes sweeping Floyd with a de­
loganberries, $1 50; blackberries, $1 planted two decades ago by the late
‘No, an A talanta Six. M artha, find several days visiting her parents In
Shaniko—Two hundred and ten car­ will change the grade o f the Eugene- liberate question and scrutiny.
Susan B. Anthony have come to fru i­
"Miss Carlisle, Mr. Floyd, whom you papa in the station and ask him to another city, a fashionable and well-
betw een saw beside be for m any hours at the
Melons — Cantaloupes, $2.250(2.75 tion, in the h e art o f Mrs. Amanda loads of Bheep w ere shipped from this Coos Ray line a t points
come out to the car.”
known resident of the E ast side In­
Hall, a gentle old woman of th is city. point over the O.-W . R. & N. last N orth Bend and G ardiner. In conse­ Beach m otordrom e,” Stanton made the
c ra te ; waterm elons, lc pound.
They em erged by a side exit Into vite? a num ber of hla men friends to
Potatoes — Jobbing prices:
Bur­ Mrs. Hall, who is so infirm th a t she month. R ailroad officials say this e s­ quence of these changes i t is an presentation.
the noisy, dirty, sunny New York bis home one night last week to play
banks, new, 90c(i/$l hundred.
cannot go around alone, has appealed tablishes a record for Initial ship­ nounced th a t no fu rth e r w ork will be
H er face cleared swiftly, he could street.
cards and clink glasses.
V egetables — A rtichokes, 65o/75c to the women of the San Francisco m ents from any point in the Pacific done in the way o f clearin g the rig h t havg Ba*d It was relief which shot
“ Is It not well designed, well
Being fond of m usic tha host en­
Seventy carloads were of way until the changes have been across her expression.
dozen; beans, 2c; cabbage, l o t l j c ; center of the C alifornia Civic league! N orthw est.
sw ung?” she challenged. "It is fast
gaged a four-piece orchestra and wtilla
cauliflower, $loi 1 25 dozen; celery, to aid her in reaching a re g istra tio n shipped in one day. The num ber of made and definitely decided upon. It
Your m echanician? Is it possible? on the race trac k —you know t h a t Is
guests exchanged deals and raised
It is es­ is thought, however, th a t the delay in You also are going to Lowell, Mr It not handsom e?”
85cOZ$l dozen; corn, 150/25c dozen; office, so th a t she may qualify to vote sheep handled was 52,000.
the cut glasses to th eir lips he-found
cucum bers, 50c box; eggplant, 100/ for president.
She says, th a t the tim ated th ere are 80,000 more to be s ta rtin g the work will not be a long Floyd?”
She spoke eagerly, with m ore ani­
Shipm ents o f m achinery a re ex-
12Jc pound; head lettuce, 200/25c wish to vote has been alive in her for shipped from this te rrito ry before the one
"Yes, since my next work Is there.” m ation than he had yet seen In her. more pleasure In reclining In a fav o r
end of th is season. On account o f the
dozen; peas, 80/9c; peppers, 80/ 10c. 20 years.
Floyd replied, unsm iling and laconic. Stanton ran a careless glance over the ite leather cushioned chair and listen­
ing to the music.
open w in ter, sheep are in splendid
Eggs — Case count, 23c; candled,
It was evident he and Miss Carlisle j big. tan-colored autom obile standing
S u th e rlin E n jo y s W ater.
It was nearing the tim e for d e p a r
25c; e x tra s, 270128c dozen.
L a d F o u n d A sle e p in C ava.
disliked each other at sight.
by the curb.
S utherlin — S u th e rlin ’s new w ater
B u tte r — Oregon cream ery, cubes,
She turned from him indifferently.
"It is a good car,” he agreed con­ tore when one of the m erry-m akers
San Gregorio, C al.— M ortim er H am ­
30c pound; prints, 31c.
system , on which w ork haa been going
"Mr. Stanton. I am going to make servatively ; .»privately he considered proposed th at each guest drink a toast
K 'a m a t h R o a d s P ra ise d .
ilton, the 6 year-old son of a S e a ttle
P ork— Fancy, 1 0 0 /llc pound.
lum berm an, who was lost Friday, was
K lam ath Falla—The roads of K lam ­ on for several m onths by a Portland you a selfish Invitation. Our place is it both too high and too heavy for rac­ to the host and that he respond. When
all bad followed the suggestion they
The approxim ate about seventy-five miles from New ing work.
V e a l—Fancy, 130/ 14c pound.
found asleep Sunday in a cave, w ith ath county w ere highly praised by the firm, is completed.
Poultry — Hens, 120/ 13c; broilers, his arm s clasped about the neck of an m em bers o f the Portland Pathfinder cost is $25,900. T here is a well 18 York; will you not try our new motor
"Only th at? You say only th at? But turned toward the host. "Tell us wbat
16c; ducks, young, 10 0 12c; geese, angora goat. The lad, who was cam p­ p arty, who v isited th is city recently. fe et in diam eter and 100 fe e t deep, in car and give me the honor of being wait, you have not driven 1L When you are thinking of your wife," one
suggested as the party giver hesi­
lOo/ U c ; turkeys, live, 180/20c; dress­ ing w ith his aunt, Mrs. A lbert Pal P hilip S. Bates, o f Portland, eape- which there is 50 fe e t o f w ater. The driven there by you? You could go on papa comes we can sta rt.”
ed, 24c0z25 pound.
Mr. Carlisle was coming; a spare, tated.
mer, of Han Francisco, wandered off cially praised the work o f the county pum ping outfit, consisting of a 25- to Lowell with us to-morrow morn­
Raising his glass to a level with his
H ops— 1912 contracts, 190/20c; 1911 alone. He could not give a com plete court along thia line. He said th e ir horse pow er engine and a pump weigh- ing, or. If you insisted, finish the Jour- nervous gentlem an who wore glasses
crop, 200/ 22.
set on a Roman nose, from which they lips be was about to respond. "I was
account of his adventures, but said he experiences on some o f the roads w ere
8** tons, has been inatailed. The ney by train after dinner.”
____ 1 .
___ I
!.L . L
. . .
- .
_______ k . .
________ :
Wool — E astern Oregon, 140/t9Jc made friends w ith the goat and they too painful to relate. C. L. Sm ith pump has a capacity o f 160 gallons a
Amazed, Stanton looked at her. Once slipped monotonously. He and Stan­ thinking and wondering—■
pound, acvirding to shrinkage; v al­ had wandered into the cave together.
Just a t th at m om ent the orchestra
a g ric u ltu rist for th e O.-W . R. A N., m inute. The reservoir in connection again he m entally asked himself what ton bad once m et at the Mercury of­
ley, 210/23c; m ohair, choice, 32c.
fice, where one was arranging for a began Its rendition of ”1 Wonder
predicted a g re at fu tu re for th is sec-
the system holds approxim ately she could want of him.
Q u a k e S p lits H ig h Peak.
C a ttle — Choice steers, $6.750/7;
"T hank you; I have arranged to tire contract, and the other was aign- W ho's Klsrlng H er Now.”
tion in dairy in g and said th a t the 80.000 gallons.
good, $60/6 50; m edium , $5.760/6;
tng an agreem ent to drive for the
take this train ,” he declined.
Ellenaburg, Wash. — According to farm ers would undoubtedly soon be
The guests never heard the re ­
choice cows, $5.750/6 25; good, $5.50 C. M. Snow, a sheepman of Teanaw ay, shipping g re a t q u a n titie s of produce, i
season. They recognized each o ther sponse, but If they had lingered out­
"Decidedly V
O r e g o n A rouse* In te r* « .
0/5 .7 5 ;
medium, $5o/5.50; choice who has arrived here, the peak cap­
now, while Miss Carlisle concisely side and peered through tha library
“Decidedly, Miss Carlisle.”
Salem — “ Everybody w as asking
calves, $7 a 8.25; good heavy calves, ping Mount Ingalls in the Cascade
She bent her head, patting her outlined the situation.
N atron Railt Are Being Laid
»Inflow they would bava seen him
about O regon,” said S uperintendent
$60/ 6.50; bulls, $3.500/6.10; stags, range had been split by some seism ic
"A most astonishing affair," com­ a n tin g a letter wblcb waa later en­
Eugene — Wond comes from Oak- Aderm an. who has ju s t returned from small tan shoe on the platform . She
$4 750/ 6.
disturbance and has been thrown into ridge th a t the U tah Construction com- Chicago, w here he attended the Na- was even more handsom e than his m ented her father. "Very ktnd of closed In an envelope bearing a spe­
tfogs - L ight, $80/8.50; heavy, the w aters of Icicle lake, a small b u t ; pany has laid 800 fe e t of rails beyond tional Educational association. “ G reat night glimpse of her had shown, with you. Mr. Stanton, Indeed. These rail­ cial delivery stamp. Tha contents or
$6 250/ 8.50.
Ibe message have not been made pub­
deep body of w ater 6000 feet above th a t place on the p re sen t contract for in te re st was expressed in the rural an lvory-ttnted, cultivated beauty road men are careless. Valerie—"
S h e e p —Y earlings, $30/4.26; w eth­ sea level. Snow declares the outline the N atron extension.
Miss Carlisle declined the Invitation lic, but the wife came borne two day*
This brings high schools in Oregon, and especial whose one defect was coldness.
ers, $ 3 1/ 4. 3 5 ; ewes, $30/3.35; lam bs,
"Of eouxte. I can not ura* yet/," aha to M ta r the tonneau.
later.—K ansas c ity Journal.
the top of the m ountain has been the rails to Salmon Creek, and m akes in te re st w as shown in the develop-
changed completely.
possible the site direct.
I m ent of rural school« in g e n e ra l.”
Current Events of Interest Gathered
From the World at Large.