fcS? »« ADA Pi*l>j*fc;x i c ity Jes L**t week vi-itii g friends mj:. SUBSCRIPTION RA 7 E£ G r* y eut fi X month.« Thursday, Julv «:r. ics 18 , 1912 Mrs | L lily , w ho was o|>crat- eel upon l.w eeeek at Porllatul for appendicitis, is re|)orted to !*• re- covering nicetv. The ice cream social given by the Nurrowly escape from I.adies Aid Society of the M. Ii Death in a Ruutiway. Church Friday evening, was a Scared By 1 p.'o>*itiK nettotnolHle. n horse Belonging to Rol-ert Out- redge of Rpringwatc, reared and Breaking away ran over him, and threw Mrs. G ntrtdge and a baliv down a declivity. The animal liegan slicing on the fipting water hill and as the auto approached, Mr. G ntrtdge leaped out and seized it by the bridle. The horse broke away and dashed on down the hill smashing the Btiggv to I its. Mrs G u tu d g c with the ha t>V in her arms was thrown over a successful silair. hot v* 1: - Ni» i*. ili on Solali JC-nd. Mr F le d O ' va Id, wil- ilid two children from Findlay. Ohio. Mr. and Mrs I) Sproni Mrs S Oswald Miss G ustav ut Portland, r d Mr and Mrs Mini! Oswald of Gresham (.pent last Sunday with Mr. and Mrs J. h Schenk and family at Springwater. Mr. Fred Fred Oswald ( j , waM Mr. , , . was a delegate at the E lk s conven* tioil item Oilio. Mr* J C. I.a Fiance, whose luis- ! hand died from a fall while fishing tu ihe Clackam as ami whose re mains were brought here for burial, about ten days ago, was litre last week to visit the* grave. She was > 1 ! at th» time of the tuncral La- France left an estate of alxrut $[<■ a,'.i \ ,:i 1' - i r » 1* M. and -is o'clock A, U. «ii i providing for the in pounding, sole and redemption, ot sa d tuiiiii.ii*. me l i O R D A I N E D 11V T H E C IT Y <>!• K ST .U 'A tiA . Sec. 1. It shall 1 unlawful for an. person to allow am '1 1 • cattle or mute j them o, , , ,■ ,r care. to run i nt largì* or to l*e ■ rtUfi in any of the l hl>{hv ^ ways, f»r alley«», of the City j | of h.st.icii'l.i, between the hours of seven 1 : o'clock 1*. M. and i\ o'eloi k A. M j Sec. 2. Pdlucc Meat Market Mr. and Mrs. A lexander Miller .if Los Angeles have purchased the H arvey M aishall place of 10 acres in Springwater and will reside there. Tito Misses M uteline Seeley and Clara Smith of Portland, w ho went to Timber, to accept positions, re­ turned Monday evening to listaca da. T h ey were not much taken with Timber. the lad didn't appear, the mother J fit the Fost Office, and at the pound in- figured her divorced husband wi clo&u re. Sec. 4. If any animal so taken up or back of the plan. lines during the day so the slogan "V o te for Cascade County’ ’ was seen by hundreds of people outside Portland The lilk'sconvention and parude were witnessed by Iistacada people, who also enjoyed the vaiiom a t­ traction,s of lilt s week, including the hall games and the theatres The return was made at midnight the special arriving home about 3 o'clock Beef versus Bones at Fal»Lean gam e Sunday. The Pats and beans will play 1, | re- at Wichita Before the latter com- initted suicide, when temporal Lily iltlli- in n !, is rccoi ering hi» health on his father-in-law's place in Gar- field, Sergent I’ eaihin, though weak, apparently is none the worse for his experience. luminary name' tlii» a fte in h . m at *’».80 lieluw appear* the lineup o f the 1 1 la y n f D e f y star*, til ten* displace­ ment whe will meet the hey* with the ,:it ini a nf a katydid, huinl iy fortmonn 1 1 10 (I’l'luek, en the diamt ml ut K.*is • nifitpark. It i* sultinnlj Hnnuunrtal Uiey Will piny hisohatl and two jmijeea t f that gam e w ill fe e if it's really an, .lark Me Curdy and "R e d ' StanilBh, |i th alim Rtiy*, who allege they will he • m il to the Fate, premise to umpire | ipartiallv. The w eath er ho* been «■> Juicy till* i eek that the Fat# h aven 't dared i|e I ly praelieinp, #o the Skinniea uuyh: to I ve the edge a little. Ju*t fiuw the >, itfft will lint u >, irn't Hire, hut Mur- 1 iy or Sparks will pitch f'>r the Fata. ■eddy catehi-g f n d Dr Adix pitching f r tha Lean*. h w l ' U or one o f the ling* catching. le fe 'n lh ' !»:.-i»nd| o f th# team»: * t.--.M u rra y . Rteil, C#*sidy, Jayne, her. D ove's ! a , C. Pronaort, IU lo ro, irk-. Kaver.n «ud Winner, I'.;.;* ., "fin d " Tracv, 1 d. iig. E. S a l i'g. Ila rtlitt, I»r. Adix, ¿m ilhi M organ, H»"'e and Hclrtl#, Local and Long Distance Telephone The doctor's phone can t>e connected with your home phone at night if re­ quested. One long ring. D r. j .Treasurer. FOR U I'.N T Two s room cott S- ■ ir. Any person who shall violate ages, city water, electric lights and any of the provisions of sections 8 or 9 of Bath Inquire Dr. A d ix . tf. this t rdinanee, shall be deemed guilty < f a misdemeanor, ami upon conviction be- T h ey have it good fresh vege­ fore the Re rder, shall be fined in any tables. G o am) s;c them. Frtd smu m>t exceeding om* hundred dollars, Jorg. or by impri.-. imitnt for any term r.ot FO R T R A D F \ lv Busintss, hot t xeuediug fifty days, or by lx>th fine and not the Building Trade even fo: imprisonment. Passed Ju ly r * 19 12. 1)ear Iistacada. Rent #10 a Approved Ju ly 10, 1913. montfa, with year's lease. W hit J . \Y. Reed, M ayor. |iavP you? Je ff's Little Restauiant. Attest. Chnidt \V. Devore, Recorder. D E N T IS T Will he in Kstncada on Fridays «»id Saturdays. Appointments may be made with Dr. A dix. C L A U D E W. D E V O R E I § A COOL KITCHEN, EVEN IN I They had Fred Jorg 8 A T TO RN E Y - A T- LAW and N O T A R Y P U B L IC I 3 3 MIDSUMMER and ending Aug. 8. 1913 . S a :d sale ot iinuor* i* to t»e essnductisl in a bui’. d irr. liv a U d on Lot ô. Block 1 oreginal uk.i o f F i t o f E rta -cd a. With 1 .1 K ur. h. Jew elry work of all kind neatly an ’ promptly done,— I.aHatt. E s t a c a d a , O retio n J. W. MILLER BLACKSMITH K X I'K R T IIOKSH-SIIOKR A ll work guaranteed With a real live breeze blowing away 3 J. V. B A R R B LA C K SM IT H the stifling sultry air and cooling the whole room — that’s your kitchen, and all others too that have an 3 3 3 3 l< »till at the old stand and willing lo do any of the work in his line GIVE HIM A CALL Team Work and Hduling by the Day or Contract WOOD delivered in any quantity or length, ist class 4 foot w oo! slaBwood delivered at $ 2 .0 0 per cord. 16 inch at $2.50 per load. ELECTRI C FAN W. M. YONCE « Portland Railway, Light & Power Co. jsi The Oregon Fire Relief Asso­ ciation of McMinnville with f 21 i.ix»o reserve#, solicits your business through J o h n B ro w n G r e s h a m , O re g o n Phone Gresham . 519 Or leave word at this olhee I also h ive the OREGON MERCHANTS and BEAVER STATE INSURANCE COS. Seventh and Alder Sts. Phonos: Mata 6688, A (il .il CEDAR If You Are Going To Build GO TO The Estacada Lumber Yard LO CK AT OUR STOCK G E T O U R P R IC E S SHINGLES We manufacture all kinds of Ceilas Shingles and are prepared at all times to deliver the same. Also to sell at the mill, having stock on hand at all times A. K R IEG E R & --- PROPRIETOR--- Estacada Agent —A . CO. Morrow Reed & Sparks W e claim to carry the best material and want to prove it All of our No. 2 stock and better is kiln dried. Successors to 0. R. Jacobs E. D. ALLEIM, Proprietor Measures Taken Scientifically Repairing of All Kinds Plumbing and flectric Wiring F.N I’R F.SS Garments Made Accurately Satisfaction Guaranteed Positively. A. MORROW & SON Livery, Board, Sale and j Exchange Stable ( \ Call and see our line of Spring ESTACADA. OREGON Woolens E X E C U T O R S N O TIC K . GUARANTEED ALL SNIDER AKO NORTH WOOL CAZADERO. ORE N o l li E FOR L IC E N S E . Notice i* hereby given Miat the under ¡0 . d, William K. ranch w ill make ap- pi coticn rn 6th 1612 to the Com­ mon Cot ■:> ¡1 o f the C ity o f Estacad a, Oregon for n license to sell a t retail intoxicating beverages, including vinous and malt liquors, in the city of Estaca- f, . , hc , , ,sr beginning. Aug. 7 . .912 L. A. W E L L S PO RTLA N D , OREGO N V G J. W. Doty, a prominent resident ol I'agle Creek, was in town lu es- da>. lie reports that t'top con- d it ions are Biiih satisfactory. Mr. Doty is a raiser of turkeys and has! For Sale— Utilità r tin- stirtei a large flock. The bird* nre al-i cheap. In good condition. Imjitire lowd to nest whi te they please and of St«wat I at McCurdy Lumlier N aside from feeiiiti", shift for tin m- H ardware Co. tf .'elves. 1 hey thrive and arc a source '.he Fat cattle wanted; the tutte: of profit. 1 Hitter . — See Fred Jorg. Melvin Shanklaud ot South Bend I can fix a n y t h in g Umt is w ro n g Wash, is visiting with the fam ily of with your watch.— I.aH att. hi* Brother K. S. Shankland. He I guarantee all work done — will remain here a week and then I.aH att. go to Eastern Oregon He was met WANTKP Highest price paid at Portland By M is Myrtle Murrv and Miss Jinny.' Bhanklaud, who tor eggs at the palace Meat Market •petit fvlks week there * * * * * O FF IC K , A D JO IN IN G RF.StD F.NCR committed shall he unclaimed at the ex- ( piration ol three days from the date of | , . T, , ... . r'lich committment, the t it v Marshal h v a iit fth s t B ro o k e at th e r e v iv a l , ,, . ■ , . , , shall sell such amnia, at public auction m eetin g , la st e v e n in g , to o k a hot , , , . . . . . . , , , , , i t - to tla highest rest b. h r . alter sh ot at th e h lk s , w h o re ce n ti\ held . ' , , • . t. . posting a notice invmk a description ol th eir n a tio n a l c o n v e n tio n nt Port , . , ! . , . * , such anim al, and the date and place ot land. Mr Brook was of the opinion ; sale, such notice to ! * posted at least five that the word “ Protective" in the days before such sale, at the City II ill, Benevolent Protective Order Klks, at the postoffice and at the city pound, meant protection to drunks Ilis re­ the net proceeds of such sale, alter de­ marks created a mild sensation. ducting the fees, costs and expenses al­ S ix accessions to the Christian lowed by this ordinance shall be paid to j church have been made since the the City Treasurer, and placed by him in i meetings under the eloquent evan­ the General Fund. gelist began. The revival will con Sec. 5, If at any time, before the sale tinue a week or two longer. The the owner of any animal su taken up , Sunday program will be especially shall claim the same, he or she shall be , interesting. tliereof, upon entitled to the posse- VIOLA the payment of cl. irges, costs and ex- j ---- I penses to such taking up and keeping. Evangelist on E*ks. pci sou to maliciously or mischeiviously WOOD & LUMBER P H Y S IC IA N A SURGEON Any of the animal* described I in section one, found running at large or trap shoots and fly casting contests ! have the Benefit of his skill and sl crete or inq»ound the animal of another and to aid in the protection of gaiiiei morc **lan 20 >cars e*pcrince. Cou- or to maliciously or niischieviouslv aid Announceinent of the date of the biin in Dr. A d ix office, i\ id. or abet therein. Sec. 1 . It shall be the duty of the meeting will lie made. 1 1 » 1) 2 4 - Scor‘>s " f rtfrences. Dr. L ow e’s glasses are death to City Maishal to keep an accurate ac­ The Portland |«|>ers say that count of all tin receipts and disburse­ headaches, risk vout neigiibors ment-, and to make a full and detailed linon Culiff, of Ca/ndtro. in 1906 a Wanted to Hire For from 3 ° report of his proceedings to the City champion pitcher fur the Portland iju fi, was interviewing the Mc- ila js to 6 months, a team of horses i Council semi annually, stating therein the number of anim als impounded, the Credii» last week, relative to re­ weight about 1.200 or more each. j number sold, to whom sold, amount re­ instatement in the league. He Be- j i°r easy work nt rock crusher. ived tlu rti r, ».lie amount received and 1 Good pasture and feed an ! ..rod I ¡-.iid for feet’ , and tlie amo uits p i l to lieves he cau come hack. Police Sergeant l’eaohin ot Port 1 rnr* Ieijiiire R. M. Standish. persons as fees for taking up of animals, it. au 1 the net proceeds paid to the City j land who was shot twice By his wife T.s,oi«'.a. STABLE H E N R Y V .A D IX .M .D At Runet's theatre Saturday eve­ ning, the W rights Co. will (»resent Misses Daisy and Ada Coope visited, ^ 6 Any ptr laking up and pstacada special visit, Elk* convention a three act comedy. There are six friends in Red land the U tter p t u t o f c< .unuitii ii|$ to the City Marshal auv o f. pnd advertises division movement people in the company. Only one last week. the animals set forth and described in An enjoyable trip. picture reel will he presented, on E verybo d y is having, and h arvesters section one, shall receive a tee of one Cascade County’ s campaign re account ol tlie length of the play. are scarce. dollar for each animal. The City Mars j ceived a good line of advertising Conrad Cockerline has returned from hal shall be entitled to receive a fee of 1 Friends of B O Boswell are in­ last T h ursday, the date of the big dignant over the statement th at he I F alls C ity, Ore. where lie has been one dollar for impounding, registering and posting up of notices. The fees for 1 pilks parade and celebration at Tori fell down during the fat mans race visiting his mother and sister. The B oosters Club vvus organized lust feeding animals shall be fifty cents per land. A ll F.stacr.da closed its bus­ Fourth, of July. Mr Boswell not dny, for *«di animal. The t ity ¡Marshall iness places and the people took a only kept his feet, during the big Satu rd ay and officers w ere elected. in addition to the fees mentioned, shall | Joh n Hamiltf n’s barn is being ra ­ holiday, wearing badges "V o le for run, but won second prize. receive five per cent of the proceeds <4 pidly constructed. any such sale of such anim al; the fees Cascade County" which called at Marshal Ames has cleaned out Edw ard M iller’s road is nearly com­ mentioued in this section to be collected tention to the boosters, wherever the thistles around the streets and pleted. from the owner of such animal, if he or they went. she redeems the same, or to be paid out alleys Now it is up to lot owners N O T IC E FO R L IC E N S E . The special of two ears which N otice is hereby g iv e n that the un­ of tlie amount from the sale of the same, to take care ot their property. left litre at 7 o'clock, was decorated Thistles on some of the lots are dersigned, G eorge Y en ke, w ill make and not otherwise. Sec. 7. The owner of any animal sold with big streamers extending the application on A u gu st (>, 1912 to the throe feet high. common council o f the C ity Estacada under the provisions of this ordinance, length of the ear. The signs and One of the impromptu parades Oregon fo r a license to sell at retail who shall at any time within one year of : the badges and the crowil were the that attracted big attention last intoxicating beverages, including vinous the date of such sale make satisfactory j I exult . of \V. F. Cart ’s hustling Thursday was headed by Lee and and m alt liquors in the C ity o f Estaca* proofs of his owner-ship, shall be entitled Mr. Cary not only circulated the da, fo r the ye a r beginning A u gu st 7 , to the net proceeds, as received by the ’ Neil Bronson and H. M. Ciuse, a paper which business men signed 1912 and ending August 8, 1913 , said City Treasurer, from such sale, by a drum corps, boosting Cascade coun­ sale o f liquors is to be conducted in a warrant drawn on tlie general fund of (losing the town for the holiday, ty. T h e parade was two blocks building located on Lot 5 , Block 1 , the city. hut lie engaged the special train Sec. 8. It shall be unlawful for any oreginal plat o f C ity f Estacada. long. looked after the sign painting and person W take his cwn animal, or that of G eorge Yer.k *. Mr. and Mrs Joseph W alberger not content with this, lie hired a any other person, out of the custody of Wednesday Ju h 24. Dr. the City Marshal or any person who has drum corps Thursday night at Port of Fort Dodge, were the guests o-er Lowe* the well k n o w n eye | found the . ame running at large, or laud started it out to boost Cascade Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. A F^. county. People attending the bilks Sparks. Mr. W alberger attended sight specialist will be mi Kstaca- herded, in the >treels, highways or alleys da again in I)r. A dix office ktineni- ¡ ° f b»e city of tacada, and has taken it convention, certainly learned that a the Klks grand lodge, his fourth with the intention of impounding her 1 day only. trip and says the Portland reunion movement for division was on in the s;itiie. or out of the city pound, by You and your children are safe this section. Claude VV. Devore was best of all, stealth or force, or to interrupt or hiuder Plans are afoot for the organizat­ if you wear Dr. Low e’s superior any one while in the discharge of Ins assisted Mr. Cary in tunning the duties under tlie provisions of this or- ion of the Fstaeada Gun and Rod glasses- eye safe and price safe Special. The cars composing the Iistacada club, to include all lovers of field They cost you no more than tlie j dinance. Sec. q. It shall be unlawful for any It is the plan to hold | inferior kinds usually sold and you Special were bent out over othtr and stream BOOST FOR CASCADE COUNTY Livery, Feed 4 Sale Boon) «ut1. I.ong Distance T elephone Darling says cannery is C. W. Seymour, who has '*ten j guide, baring first obtained per­ description as may aid the owner to j Salvation of fruit Men. indisposed, as a result ot a slight mission from his mother. When ; identify his animal, a true copy of which j he shall forthwith po-t at the City Ibdl, Darling spent a day here with friends. "Straw berries sold for not less than f t 15 a e r a te " he sa id ," and the grower saved his crate. Cher­ ries were four cents a pound. The cannery took everything and had a good payroll. If Fstaeada can land it, there should lie no hesitancy in locating a cannery here- ” It v oil '.low go.»! a l ic a k l. t c,.ii Is- wllh sivll provisions U . hand.. 1 none but W. A. JO N IiS the ,ugar c u t'd kinds and a taste I’ ROI'R IKTOK of tin m mi m . a good appetite at Good rigs and careful driver» always oner. Try seme to-morrow mor­ SPECIAL ATTENTION ning and enjoy a b r e a k fa s t fit fo r a j Given Hunting and Fishing Parties king. ll the hours of w een H G Trowbridge the Garfield herded on any of the streets, highways or alleys of the Cit f Kstaciula, between merchant was in town yesteidav. the hours of seven oVI n.k 1*. M. and six as was Howarel Smith, storekeeper j ° ’clock A. M. may 1 « i»kv:i up by any “1 Spnngwater D'rs'">. a“ '» “ tlur i ken to the City Dr and Mrs. Ruff, after a months Found or delivered t<> tlie City M edial. See. „ 3. It shall be the duty of the City 1 . t visit with Mr and Mrs. J R . M e- u h ieh $ 5 .5 0 0 w a s in su ra n c e . j riarsi al to have charge of the Cily ; Curdy and J S McCurdy, left f o ’ ¡ 00° $.$ eoo in thè Modertl Woodnitn Posimi. to rcceivi- .n-.i care for ail auiutaU their home ut Paola Kan. and >1 500 iti thè Modem Artisans. , eoinnnttcd to tu, e h ... ..r iouiidtiy liim Miss Louise Blaine, oi Helena, C \V. Devote is tur attom ey. runuiug at largo or lier.lcil, in vadati n of kection one, and set* that sueh animai* 1 Mont a twice of Jam es G . Blaine, H o w a rd O rm isto n , au O rego n h, vt. pro, v r fee 1 and water, and he ahai 1 ! visited over Sunday with Mr. and C it y b o y w h c w a s re p o rte d to b a v e j use due dlligen.ee to tìnti thè m v or 01 , Mrs. A. W. Botkin of Garfield. treeu kidnapped by a young watmtn sai harm was done. The aceid. nt consj|1 Society of Porl,and. held him for commftun ' wi: h description I llteii went to Portland, where he shall set forth, when received or taken I occurred on the narrow roadway at t D. ir annual picnic at 1 tacada park I tQOj. (jle jjifc# convention. The up, the kind of m iinal, the approximate a dangerous point. Sunday. woman look the hoy along as .. .'ike, color, marks, brands and : uch other ' paralytic stroke, June 30. is recover A cannery, which absorbed prac- . . . , ,, , , .. me nicely under the care of Dr tically the t nil re output of the fruit . Steiner growers adjacent to Salem, kept Hall games scheduled for next prices up to a profit ixfint and pro vid a great thing for the fruit gro­ Sunday include Iistacada vs . the wers, declared A . J Darling for­ Baltimore Lunch team of Portland merly of Khtacada, but now a fur­ .it FIstacada and Springw attr vs niture manufacturer of Sale ill. Mr. Logan at Logan. A '»i re of our l. as 1 n 'ays'­ u-tu rned SANDV RiDGE LUMBER CO. All kinds of rough and dresed lumber N O 1, R O U G H . ¡$> 7.00 Mill is three miles east of Eagle Creek on Sandy Ridge S a n d y R id g e L u m b e r Co. JO E L JA R L. m an ager Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has Been duly appoint­ ed Executor of the Last Will anil Testament of Harriet L Ball, de­ ceased. and any and all persons having claims against the said estate must present them at the office of nry Attornevs, Dtmiek Ac Dimick. Oregon C ity, Oregon, duly verified within six months from the dale of this notice. Dated Ju ly 8th, i q u . Dimick Sc Dimick A ttorneys for Executor. G eotgt H Blackburn. F.xeeutor ot the Last W ill and Testament of Harriet L Ball decease 1- $ - 44