Estacada progress. (Estacada, Or.) 1908-1916, July 04, 1912, Image 2

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Struggle Third Longest in History anc
Break Came Suddenly.
Clark’s Strength Diminishes Steadily as New Jersey Gov
Says He Is Unable to Earn
w ard O ffered .
Big Re­
San Diego, Cal.—C. R. Riese, con­
fessed diamond thief, awaiting ar­
raignment in Superior court to plead
to his part in the theft of $40,000
worth of diamonds and other jewels
from guests of the U. S. Grant hotel,
refused an offer of $10,000 made on
condition that he tell where the fam­
ous jewels stolen from Mrs. Eugene de
Sabla the night of the Mardi Gras ball
in San Francisco are hidden. The
offer to Riese was made through Chief
of Police Wilson and Chief o f Detec­
tives Myers. These officers claim the
jewels are insured for $60,000 and
that a reward of $20,000 is offered for
their recovery.
They offered to divide with Riese if
he would confess. Riese maintains he
had no hand in the De Sabla robbery.
Officers know that Riese, Paul Sobie
and Margaret Ward Manners were in
San Francisco at the time o f the rob­
bery at the St. Francis hotel.
claim they have knowledge that Riese
knows where the jewels are hidden.
“ There is nothing to be gained by
keeping anything back,” said Riese to
the officers.
“ I have come through
clean with everything I know, and if 1
knew anything about the De Sabla
diamonds or of the crime I would tell
it.’ Ten thousand dollars is a lot of
money, but I cannot get it because I
don't know about the De Sabla affair. ”
Riese would make no further state­
ment. Paul Sobie, his accomplice in
the other robberies, is held for trial
on a charge of grand larceny. The
woman was released, but is under sur­
Riese confessed to complicity in
stealing $85,000 worth of securities in
New York two years ago, for which
an attorney named O'Reilly was sent
to prison.
Current Events of Interest Gathered
From the World at Large.
nr c fllo Gameandthe Candle
General Resume o f Im po rtant Events
Presented In Condensed F o rm
fo r O u r Busy Readers,
Portland stenographers have organ­
ized a union with 1000 members.
C H A P T E R I.
M orcitry etc.
“ Four minute«,” panted th« despair­
ing assistant manager. “ Stanton—"
Some one was running toward them,
some one for whom a lane was opened
by the spectators from other camps
who had congregated.
‘Get aboard,“ called ahead a fresh
young voice. 'Get aboard; I'll go.
“ Thank Heaven for a man!’’ snarled
Stanton, as the runner dashed up.
“ Why, lt’a a boy!"
"Floyd,” Mr. Green hailed hysterical­
ly. “ You’ll go?'
“ I’ll go," assured Floyd, and faced
the driver; a slim, youthful figure in
a mechanic's blue overalls, his sleeves
rolled to the elbows and leaving bare
his slender arms; his head, covered
like a girl’s with soft closely cropped
curling brown hair, tilted back as his
steady gray eyes looked up at Stan
“ You? You couldn’t crank a taxi­
cab,” flung the racer, brutal with dis­
appointment and wrath. "You'd go?
A boy?”
“ Ira as old as the driver of the
Singer car, and scant five years young­
er than you—I’m twenty-one,” flashed
the retort. “ And I know all there Is
about gasoline cars.
I guess you’re
big enough to crank your own motor
aren’t you. If I can’t? You’ve got
thirty seconds left; do you want me?’’
Met on his own tone, Stanton
gasped, then caught his mask from
the man who held It.
"Why don’t you get on your
clothes?" he demanded savagely.
"Are you going to race like that?
Jump, you useless cowards there—
can’t you pass him his things? Tele­
phone the stand that I’m coming, some
There was a wild scurry of prepara­
tion, the telephone bell jingled madly.
“Je8 Floyd Is one of our new factory
men," hurried Mr. Green, in breathless
explanation, as Stanton took his seat.
"He’s a gas-engine wonder—he knows
them like a clock—he tuned up this
car you’ve got, this morning—”
The klaxon brayed again. A trim ap­
parition In racing costume darted
th4 unusual #U m «nt lay In the boy
beside him. Man, be refused to
acknowledge him.
The sharp crack of a pistol, the fall
of a flag, and the whole struggling,
flaming flock sprang forward toward
the first turn, wheel to wheel In
death-edged contest. And Stanton for­
got his mechanician.
The Mercury led the first circuit, as
usual. It was very fast, and Its pilot
look the chances more prudent drivers
avoided. Still, the lead was less than
the car’s own leugth, two of Its closest
rivals hanging at Its flanks, when they
passed the tumultuous graud-stund.
Just ahead lay again the “death
curve." There was a swift movement*
beside Stanton, the pendent linen
streamers floating from his cap were
deftly seized and the dust swept from
his goggles with a practiced rapidity.
“ Car on each side an' one trying to
pass,” the clear voice pierced the
hearing. “ No room next the fence.”
Stanton grunted. The boy knew
how to rise In a speeding machine,
then, and how to take care of his
driver, he noted. Nevertheless, he
meant to take that fence side.
And he did. As the other drivers
shut off power to take the dangerous
bend more slowly, Stanton shot for­
ward at unchanged speed, cut in ahead
and swept first around the turn, tak­
ing the inside curve. The spectators
rose with a universal cry of consterna­
tion; the Mercury swerved, almost
facing the infield fence, skidding ap­
pallingly and lurching drunkenly on
two wheels, then righted itself under
the steering-wheel in the master’s
hands, and rushed on, leading by a
hundred feet.
The people cheered frantically, the
band crashed Into raucous innslej
Stanton’s mechanician got up to lean
over the back of the flying car and
feel the rear casings.
“ You're tryin’ to tires,” he Imparted,
his accents close to the driver’s ear.
That was the first time that Stanton
noticed that Floyd lisped and blurred
his final “g” in moments of excite­
ment. It might have sounded effemi­
nate, If the voice had not been with­
out a tremor. As it was—
At the end of the first hour, the
bulletin boards showed the Mercury
five laps ahead of its nearest rival.
And then Floyd spoke again to his
“ What?” Stanton questioned, above
the noise Qf the motor.
“ We’ve got to run In; I’m afraid of
the rear Inside shoe. It won’t staud
another skid like the last.”
Stanton's mouth shut in a hard
“ I will not," he stated. “Get back
in your place. You can’t tell."
“ I can.”
Stanton deigned no reply, sliding
past one of the slower cars on the
American warships are leaving
The Man Who Dared.
Cuba, as there seems to be no rebels
The official starter let his raised
in evidence.
and leaned forward, peering
and Victory Is Soon Complete.
Detective Burns and Attorney Rog­
ers were fined for contempt of court across the blended glare and darkness.
What?" he shouted, above the pul-
at the Darrow trial,
lattng roar of the eleven racing ma
Baltimore, July 2.— Woodrow Wil­ vention this afternoon, but after the
lined up before the Judges’
son was nominated for president by forty-third ballot his progress was
with improvised and pick-up crews, »tand. “ What?"
the Democratic National convention slow. His managers had confidently
owing to the seamen’s strike.
There was a flurry around the cen
expected his nominaion on the forty-
on the 46th ballot.
fifth ballot, but at that time his total
Forty dead have been taken from tral car, whose driver leaned from his
Baltimore, July 2.— Woodrow Wil­ was 638, as against 726 1-3 necessary
the ruins o f the city of Regina, B. C., seat to stare down at the man who
son gained 10S votes on the 43J ballot, to nominate.
had slipped from beside him to the
Clark’s total at that
which was struck by a hurricane.
the first cast today at the Democratic time had dwindled to 306.
ground. The great crowd congesting
The motorman was killed and six the grand-stand pressed closer to the
national convention, and the hoped fur
passengers injured when a Seattle barrier, staring also, commenting and
break appeared at hand.
Baltimore, July 2.— The deadlock in
streetcar ran away and turned over on conjecturing.
Illinois' 68 delegates propelled the
a curve.
movement, and gains were made also
“ The mechanician of the Mercury Is
from Connecticut, Iowa, Idaho, Louis-! over a presidential nominee seemed
A cousin o f ex-President Diaz, of off his car!"
iana, Maryland, Michigan, North Car- more complicated than ever when ad
Mexico, died at Hutchinson, Kan
olina, Tennessee, Virginia, West Vir- ■ journment was taken at 12 :43 a. m
“ Fell—“
while en route to Spain to join his
“ The automobiles hadn’t started; he
must be sick.”
Mexican federal and rebel armies
The referee was already pushing his
are face to face at Bachimba and it is
believed the final battle of the revolu way back, bringing the report from
hastily summoned surgeon.
tion will be fought.
Heart disease,” he announced right
Miss Harriet Quimby, a woman and left. “ Stanton’s mechanician Just
aviator, with a male passenger fell dropped off his seat, dead.
1000 feet in a Blériot monoplane near
Hut Stanton himself had already
Boston and both were instantly killed. swung out of his car, with the ener­
Congress gave a vote of thanks to getic decision that marked his every
A/cmer's Rights to Be Protected By the captain and crew of the steamer movement.
Assistant-Secretary Curtis.‘
Carpathia. who saved 704 passengers
"My man Is out,“ he tersely stated
to the starter. “ I’ve got to run over
Washington, D. C.—“ The rights of from the Titanic.
The plant of the Omaha Automatic to my camp and get another. Will
women are secure in the Treasury
department.” So said Assistant Sec­ Telephone company was sold at re­ you hold the start for me?”
The Question was rather a demand
retary Curtis in wiping out a big dis­ ceiver's sale for about 25 cents on the
crimination against women’s hats in dollar. Many thousand dollars’ worth than a request. There was scarcely
of the stock is held by residents of one among tlie vast audience who
the interpretation of the tariff acts.
would not have felt the sparkle gone
Hatters’ plush, used exclusively for the Pacific Northwest.
from this strong black wine of sport
the manufacture of men’s silk hats,
Navy medical officers who have ar­ they had come to sip, if Ralph Stanton
has been admitted to the United
States at 10 per cent duty.
Other rived in Porto Rico declare that the had been withdrawn from the twenty-
such plush has paid 45 per cent.
Of epidemic of sickness there is true bu­ four-hour contest. He had not only
late hundreds of thousands of women’s bonic plague, but believe they can fame as a skilful and scientific racer;
he had the reputation of being the
hats, by fashion’ s decree, have been stamp it out.
most spectacularly reckless driver in
made out of hatters’ plush. Because
General Estenoz. leader o f the America, whose death could be but a
o f the peculiar wording of the tariff Cuban revolution, is reported killed,
question of time and whose record of
act. some collectors of customs, in and General lvonet captured.
accidents and victories verged on the
cases where the plush was used for
women's hats, have assessed 45 per
The board of directors of the Oregon appalling He knew his value as an
cent, while that plush used for the Apple show have decided to enlarge attraction, and the starter knew it.
dress hat of an American gentleman tne exhibitions to include all land pro­ although preserving impassivity.
’Five minutes,” the offlcial con­
paid only 10 per cent.
ceded, and drew out his watch.
‘ The cost of women’ s hats is high
Already a stream of men were run­
enough,” said Curtis, deciding that
Crop scares on account of bad
the quality of the plush should be weather are sending up wheat prices ning toward the Mercury camp with
the news. Stanton sprang into his
made the basis of assessment, whether at Chicago.
machine, deftly sent it forward out of
it went to man or woman.
The city of Portland will call for the line, and shot around into the en­
bids for ten new pieces of automobile trance to the huge oval field edged by
fire fighting apparatus.
the Beach track; a mile of white rib­
’ M rs.^ S co tty " Says She Has Seen
A Tillamook man has written the bon bordering a green medallion.
The row of electric-lighted tents,
mayor of Portland to find him a wife,
Real M ine.
who must weight not less than 200 each numbered and named for Its own
San Bernardino, Cal.—“ He’s a wild
racing car, was in a turmoil of excite­
pounds and have $800.
one—a wild one, is my Death Valley
ment. But most agitated was the
It is definitely settled that the bat­ group before the tent marked “9,
boy,” sighed Mrs. Walter Scott at the
county hospital here.
Mrs. Scott is tleship Oregon will be in Portland har­ Mercury.”
fast recovering from a nervous break­ bor during the Elks Grand Lodge con­
“ Durand’s down and out—give me
down. “ He may deny the existence vention, July 7 to 12.
another man,” called Stanton, halting
his noisy, flaming car. "Quick, you—"
ginia, Wisconsin and Hawaii.
today. Woodrow Wilson had made of his rich mine, but take it from me
A witness’ in the Darrow bribery
But no one stepped forward from
Wilson’s vote o f 602 on the ballot steady gains during Monday’s ballot­ that the stuff is there,” she continued. trial openly accused Darrow of offer­
He’s been a wild Death Valley
the cluster of factory men and me­
was a majority of the convention. It ing until he reached a high water
Scotty, all right, but when the stuff
chanics. Only the assistant manager
was the highest vote he had received,
evidence against the McNamara of the Mercury company responded
and the vote of 329 cast for Clark was mark o f 50$ votes on the 39th ballot. runs low he always knows where to brothers.
. u
to the demand:
the lowest received by him during the He remained stationary on the*40th get more.”
ballot and then began to lose ground.
A move is under way to make Thurs­
Mrs. Scott declares that she has
‘Yes, go; one of you boys. I’ll make
prolonged balloting.
holiday It right with you. You, Jones."
When the result was announced the The last ballot was the 42d, when herself been at the mine, has seen the day, July 11, a general
yellow metal sticking out in enticing throughout the Northwest, that all
"I’m married, sir," refused Jones
demonstration for Wilson was as en­ Governor Wilson polled 494 votes.
Speaker Champ Clark reached the bunches from the rocks, has knocked may attend the Elks Grand National succinctly.
thusiastic and protracted as the weary
I lowest ebb of his candidacy on the off gold chunks as big as a rabbit’s parade in Portland.
“ Well, you then, Walters. Good
delegates could make it.
Wilson lacked only 124 votes of the ballot where Wilson reached his crest. paw and believes that if her “ wild
In the convention o f the General heavens, man! what do you mean?”
| He went down to 22 votes at that Death Valley Scotty” wanted to work Federation of Women’s clubs at San
For the burly Walters backed away,
necessary two-thirds to nominate.
time but immediately began to pick a little he could soon knock out a pile Francisco, an honorary president of actually pale.
Convention Hall, Baltimore, July 2. up and had gone to 430 when adjourn­ of gold that would make John D's the federation declared that women
“ I’ll dig potatoes, first, sir."
$900,000,000 look like 30 cents.
— Forty-third ballot (official): Clark, ment was taken.
“ Why, you used to race?"
are becoming lawless.
The speaker came over to Baltimore
Mrs. Scott will be discharged from
329; Wilson, 602; Underwood, 98$;
"Not with Stanton, sir.”
Harmon, 28; Foss, 27; Bryan, 1; during the evening and was the guest the hospital within a few days.
There was a low murmur of appro­
at the home o f Mayor Preston, near talks continually ,’o f Scotty, and his
Kern, 1.
val among his mates, and a drawing
Wheat — Track prices: Bluestem, together for support. Stanton stepped
Convention hall.
He returned to letters bring her more pleasure than a
Convention Hall, Baltimore, July 2. Washington shortly before midnight. check for a million could possibly
down from his car, snatching off his
ley, 86c; forty-fold, 86c.
— Forty-fourth ballot (official): Clark, The convention went through another bring.
mask to show a dark, strong face
306; Wilson, 629; Underwood, 99;
grim with anger and contempt.
Harmon, 27; Foss, 27; total, 1088.
‘You wretched, backboneless cow­
Woodrow Wilson gained steadily and
Washington, D. C.—The tariff board vetch, $ 1 Off/) 11; grain hay, $9.
ards!" he hurled at them, his blue-
Convention Hall, Baltimore, July 2.
black eyes flashing over the group.
went out of existence because con­ per ton.
— Forty-fifth ballot (official): Clark, taken without decisive result.
Do you know what I and the com­
Oats—No. 1 white, $366837 per ton. pany stand to lose If I'm disqualified
306; Wilson, 633; Underwood, 97;
The evening started auspiciously for gress had refused to further money
The five members,
Berries— Strawberries, $l('a)1.50 per for lack of one of you Jellyfish to sit
Harmon, 26; Foss, 27.
Wilson with the 36th ballot and on the for its work.
26) 2$ c
per beside me and pump oil? Isn’t there
39th he had passed the 500 mark with headed by Chairman Henry C. Emery, crate; gooseberries,
Baltimore, July 2.—Woodrow Wil­ one and one-half votes to spare. On assembled at the White House and in­ pound; raspberries, $1.60681.75 per a man In the camp? I’ll give fifty dol­
son continued to gain steadily in the the 40th call o f the roll Wilson's 601$ formed the president of the board's crate; loganberries, $1681.26.
lars myself to the one who goes, a
Stanton Stood, Watch
Hand, H it Face a Set Study In 8corn.
Fresh Fruit—Cherries, 2@10c per
balloting for the presidential nomina­ remained the same and Clark gained a most recent work, consisting o f a cur­
sory examiation of the leather indus­ pound; apples, old, $1,600(3 per box; hundred If I win."
tion in the Democratic National con- single vote, leaving him 423.
nar­ back stretch. To go In meant to lose
try, the cost of sugar growing in Lou­ new, $1.76 per box; apricots, $1.26;
isiana and glossaries of the leather cantaloupes, $2.2568)2.60 per crate. supplemented Green, the assistant row seat beside the driver, and Stan­ the whole time gained. As they took
Jap's W hile W ife Insane.
‘ ‘ Progressive»" C o n fe r,
manager. He had private bets on ton's car leaped for the paddock exit the back turn, Floyd again leaned
and silk schedules. These uncomplet­
Vegetables—Artichokes, 666875c per Stanton.
Los Angeles — Mrs.
Washington, June 26. — A confer­ ed data were turned over to the presi­
with a roar answered by the deafen­ over.
dozen; asparagus, $1 per box; beans,
Not one of the clustered workmen ing roar of welcome from the specta­
Tsugo, the American wife of [a Japan­ ence of “ progressive” Republican dent for the use o f the committees.
(T O B E C O N T IN U E D .)
7$6t8c; cabbage, 2$c pound; cauli­ moved.
ese living at 225 Boyd street, was senators to consider the situation de­
flower, $2.75 crate; celery, $5686 per
“ Damn you!" pronounced the driver,
“ Seven minutes,” snapped the start­ DESERVED TO MAKE A SALE
brought to the receiving hospital and veloping from the third party move­
Flood Refugees A re Fed.
crate; corn, 30c per doz.; cucumbers, bitterly and comprehensively. “ I’ll re­
she was so violent that she was sent ment launched at Chicago will be
New Orleans—Two thousand flood $1 box; eggplant, 25c pound; head peat that offer to the man who will er, as the Mercury wheeled In line.
Stanton shrugged his shoulders with Book Agent at Least Showed T h a t He
directly (to the insane ward at the called immediately after the Demo­ refugees, made homeless by the Hy- lettuce, 12$c dozen; hothouse lettuce,
county hospital. According to Tsugo, cratic convention. Senators Clapp, melia crevasse waters, are being fed 75c6)$l box; peas, 6687c pound; rad­ go for the first three hours only, and supreme Indifference, perfectly aware
Had the Valuable Q uality of
of his security, since the start bad
they were married in Vancouver, B. Bourne and Cummins met and dis­ and housed at the United States naval ishes, 156820c dozen; rhubarb, 2$c
and find a red-blooded male.”
not been made. But his mechanician
C., February 15.
A certificate was cussed the movement. Senators Bris­ station here.
Mike Walsh, a half- pound; spinach, 4665c pound; toma­
The men looked at one another, but leaned forward with a little gurgle of
issued by Assistant Police Surgeon tow, Kenyon and Poindexter are away breed Cherokee, and his squaw, were toes, $1.756f 2 per box; garlic, 86610c
The book agent who walked Into
shook their heads.
irresistible, sunshot laughter.
Kidder and the woman will be taken from Washington and when they re­ rescued from a raft on which they had per pound.
Peter SlefTen a office looked like an
“ No? You won’t? You work your
"Don’t worry," he besought. "Really, Ingenious fellow, but Steffens, glanc­
before the lunacy commission. This turn, if alignment of the Democratic floated from
Southern Oklahoma.
Potatoes — Jobbing prices: Bur^ miserable bodies three months to earn we'll get in seven minutes ahead."
is the fifth case with exactly the same party has been shaped, a conference Walsh could speak little English, but banks, old, $16$1.25 per hundred;
ing up In ,a hurry, spied his trade
what I offer for three hours. What’s
His mocking young voice carried
conditions this year.
of “ progressives” will be held.
indicated to his rescuers that when new, per pound, 11682c.
the matter with you, don’t I risk my above the terrtfle din of the eleven In a minute and muttered to him-
the floods visited the state several
Onions — California, red, $1.25 per neck?” He turned, sending h!s pow­ huge machines, and Stanton turned ■elt:
Polar C o n q u e re rt Silent.
Heney Calls on Bryan.
weeks ago he and the squaw were sack.
"Confound that boy. Now. how did
erful voice ringing down the line. upon him. amazed and Irritated at the
London— Fourteen bronzed members
Baltimore, June 26. — Francis J. forced to seek refuge on the raft.
Butter—Oregon creamery, cubes or “ Here, hunt the paddock, all of you— audacity. The starter also stared. that fellow get In?"
o f the crew of the Fram who were Heney, of California, one of Colonel The man’s leg was fractured.
solid pack, 27c per pound; prints, 28c. two hundred dollars for a man to ride Just as a flashlight flared up and
Aloud, he said: "You’re wasting
with Amundsen' in his dash for the Roosevelt's fighting lieutenants in the
Eggs—Fresh Oregon ranch, candled, the next three hours with me!"
showed fully the young gray eyes your time here. I won't buy anything
South Pole, passed through London on Republican national convention, and
S eam e n '» -S trik e U ro w s.
23c dozen.
“ You can’t take a man from another dancing behind the goggles, the red today."
their way from Buenos Ayres to Nor­ Charles R. Crane, of Chicago, who
Pork—Fancy, 1068T0$c per pound.
New York— Leaders estimate that
camp, Stanton,” protested the frantic young mouth smiling below the mask,
"If you'll only let me show you—"
Four of these men— Bjaalan, helped to finance the Roosevelt cam­ 2000 sailors and 2000 firemen and oil­
Veal—Fancy, 13c per pound.
Mr. Green. “ He might trick you, hurt the shining young curls which the
"No," shouted Steffens.
Hassel, Hansen and Wisting—got to paign for the Republican nomination, ers are on strike in this port and that
Poultry—Hens, 12$c; broilers, 1768 the car."
“It won't take a minute—”
cap failed to cover. He stared, then
the Pole with Amundsen. All refused were in consultation for three-quarters 4000 men are out at Boston. Philadel­ 18c; ducks, young. 10c: geese. 106i.
His appeal went down the wind un­ slowly relaxed Into a smile, and went
"But, really, my dear sir, this It
to talk, as they were pledged to se­ of an hour tonight with William Jen­ phia, Galveston and Norfolk. An offi­ 11c; turkeys, live, 176613c; dressed, heeded. except for one glance from the forward.
something out of the common—"
crecy because of the forthcoming pub­ nings Bryan, of Nebraska. Heney cer of the Marine Firemen' union said 246626c.
racer’s gleaming eyes.
“No use. I can't read," said Stef­
“The talking done while I'm up. Is
lication of Captain Amundsen’s book. and Crane reached Mr. Bryan’s apart­ that several of the steamship compan­
Hops — 1912 contracts, 20c; 1911
“ He won’t trick me," «aid Stanton.
done by me." stated Stanton forcibly. fens.
They admitted, however, that Amund­ ments by a private elevator and were ies had signed an agreement to in crop, nominal, 276828$c.
The crowded stands were a bulk of "Remember.'*
"But your family, sir, would you de­
sen was very lucky and that he had gone again before their visit became crease wages and recognize the union.
Wool — Eastern Oregon, 146619$c swaying, seething Impatience. The
"Don’t you ever need a rest?" prive them—’’
encountered few obstacles.
generally known.
The brunt of the strike is directed per pound, according to shrinkage; paddock was in an uproar, the Mer­ queried Floyd.
"I would," said Steffens, "If 1 had
against big coast lines whose officials valley, 206822c; mohair, choice, 32c. cury camp the center of interest But
Stanton opened his lips, and closed any. I'm an orphan.”
G erm an D irigible Burned,
Flood Descends on To w n.
Cattle—Choice, steers, $6,256)6.75; no volunteers answered the call. The them again without speaking. His
have refused to grant the demands.
"WelL you might want something to
Düsseldorf, Germany—The Zeppelin
good. $66i6.25; medium, $6.75666; panting machine, Its hood wrapped In trained glance went to sweep his op­ throw at \he cat," suggested the book
Albuquerque, N. M.— A disastrous
dirigible balloon Schwahen I, station­ cloudburst five miles northwest of Es-
choice cows. $5,766/6.20; good, $6.60 jets of violet flame, headlights and ponents, gaging their relative posi­ agent.
ed here, was completely destroyed by tencia, in the Estencia Valley, Thurs­
New York—A miniature hurricane @ 6 .7 5 ; medium, $5 66 5.60; choice tail-lights shedding vivid illumination tions, their probable order on the first
"Do you think." demanded Steffens,
fire following an explosion of escaping day afternoon, made many settlers swept over l-ong Island Sound while calves, $7667.76; good heavy calves. around the figure of Its baffled master, turn, and his own best move. The ‘that I would demean my cat by
hydrogen gas caused when a strong homeless and it is believed caused loss the annual regatta of the New Ro­ $6686.50; choice calves, $7687.76; quivered with Impotent life and successive flashlights on either side throwing your miserable publication at
gust of wind broke it from its moor­ of life. A wall of water six feet high chelle Yacht club was in pmgressa and good heavy calves, $6oi6.60; bulls, strength.
Raging. Stanton stood, were blinding, the atmosphere was her?”
ings and made it collapse in the mid­ swept down on the town, flooding before the wind had spent its force $3,506)5; stags, $4,756/ fi.
watch In hand, hi« face a set study In suffocating with the exhaust gasolene
The book agent was only dashed a
dle. Several workmen and soldiers stores and homes and causing great three of the racing yachts had been
Hogs — Light, $7.60688; heavy, scorn.
and acetylene fumes. It was sa fa­ second.
were burned or otherwise injured, damage. Railway and telephone and sunk and nine others capsized.
The $6.25686.70.
Suddenly the harsh rasp of the offi­ miliar to him as the odor of sawdust
"What about me,” he asked, lnslno-
some o f them seriously, but not fa­ telegraph lines were destroyed. Relief crew of the sunken craft had narrow
Sheep—Yearlings. $36)4.25; weth­ cial klaxon soared above the hubbub, to the circus dweller, as the strong atlngly. "Don't you want something
tally. The ariship had just arrived parties have left for the scene of the escapes.
Thirty-five persons were ers, $3,256)4.60; ewes,
$3683.70; —arnlnsr. summoning.
salt wind to a habitant of the coaet; to throw at me the next time I come?"
from Frankfort.
of the disaster.
picked up by rescuing parties.
lambs, $46)5.85.
ernor Gains
Illinois and Virginia Fall Into Line
fs j