Ali (U the News ESTACADA All the Time NO. 4 j nil was ' ‘gooey and the athelets slid around in Ihe mud. Slats” Mor­ ton’s Trilbys-small No. lO’s-bogged down after he had made a line and dandy hit and he was hurled out at the plate, trying to score on the Fiddler's swat. The Fiddler scored our first in the third round on an error a steal and Doc Dougla s sucond hit. In the fifth Stubbs was safe on a bohble anil scored on singles by Slats and the Fiddler. The latter come home when Cap Levi­ ticus singled sharply to left. That was all for us. The Cats seored in the first on Vilas single, Boynton's single and a bobble of a thrown ball. City council start« movement fo r civic advance. AWARDS CONTRACT FO« SEWER C em ent sidew alk«, gutter and curb, p avin g crushed rock and a ‘ T han k ye M um ” , ordered Without warning, the citv coun­ cil, Monday night, at its adjourned reZular meeting, woke up and start ed a lot of improvements that will The score: be of great benefit to Estacada. K. II K. Mayor Reed trotted out a ''T h a n k Estacada — 0 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 x 5 6 3 ye Mum” : Marshal Ames begged Wild Cats— 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 3 3 Batteries Bron.on and Heitsmau, for a brush scythe to amputate Husky and Dawson. Umpire. McCurdy. thistles ami got it; Alderman Al. Lindsey secured an order to have an ordinance prepared for cement A Sunday school picnic was held ¡sidewalks, cement curb and gutter at the church last Sunday. land macadam paving on Broadway Theo Harders hauled wood to the between the depot und Second st; school house last week. the mayor came back with a plan Ward Douglass was here buying lo ' ,u? crushed rock "on tick' for fat cattle lust week. 8 5 cen,s a 5 'atd to fix up the streets C. A. Johnson was at Estacada, where the old planking has worn out; the council, Aldermen Mills Sunday. ! Hawkins, Underwood and Lindsey Most of the people of this section awarded the countract for excava­ are boosting Cascade county divis­ t in g for the city sewer to Jerry ion. Jones and Thomas Rhodes for $500 Miss Jessie Joyner returned from 2860 feet; Gorrell and Antrim, two 1'ortland, where she has been em­ property owners on ,Yade street ployed for some lime. who have encroached on that Henry Johnson and daughter thoroughfare were ordered to back Flora have returned from a six up to the line. M ill, te ll, all about It. weeks visit in San Ftancisco. It was when the mayor was talk­ Ed Harders is building a new barn for Peter Rath. Fred Lins is ing about ripping up the old plank GIORGI hauling the lumber from the mill at j a' ollS 1 Street and putting in 1 crushed rock that he sprung that .... r . ■ 1 1 . 11 "T h a n k \e Mum” . 1 he frequent ram of late, while ‘ 'Up ou Main street h ill" he said disagreeable, has been a good thing ‘the rain coming down washes out tor the crops. Grain is looking fine the grade and there ought to be a and there will be a good yield. Thank Y e Mum put in there.” Everybody sat stunned except Estacada Business Men Alderman Mills and Recorder De­ Advertising the Country vore. The latter looked wise or wiser than usual. Mills assumed a The Current issue of the Oregon vastly superior air. The mayor Tourists Guide ¡..sued by the appeared unconscious of anything Oregon State Hotel Association, unusual. contains a very fane illustrated ad­ “ What is it?” asked a spectator vertisement of the Hotel Estacada, and Alderman Mills explaiued; Estacada park and surrounding " A Thank Y e Mum is a ridge country A s usual Estacada is well put in a roadway to drain the water up to the front in this booklet ami as it flows down the hill. It’ s a is merely in keeping with Ihe way bump 01 a water break, stuck iu that Manager Laurry runs his hotel ¡diagonally acro;s the road.” and other interests. That seemed about all. Is is this class of advertising T in k le T in k le O rdin an ce com ing. which is daily causing the growtli Bills of St i . 60 were allowed Al of Estacada. Carv Bros, of the jdertnati Lindsey wanted to have Estacada Realty Co. have recently users of washi machine, for gotten out some catchy advertising j water flowin)t , hrongh watgr motors in the form of a railway trip ticket, , __ _ _ 1 r I he matter went over for farther which has been well distributed 1 1 consideration.- throughout Portland. , . , . . . , Cow bells which have disturbed If one will notice in either the .. , . , the slumuer of residence ever since Portland Oregonian or the Journal, ,, . B 1 ’ the town was started are liable to every day under the heading of ; be stopped by a ‘ tinkle tinkle” Fruit Lands there is an advertise­ ordinaiic?, Recorder De-ore has ment under the uame of the Esta- \ j been ordered to draw. It will pro­ cada Commercial Club, which is vide against the running of stock daily bringing from 2 to 6 inquiries' at large within the corporate limits. for the Estacada Booklet. This) latter advertising is carried and paid Githens tffKcSthe banner for by staudisi. & Fmbeek along with 5 foot rhubarb plant iu A full Line of Economy Jars AND ALSO Caps, Rubbers for Mason Jars ESTACADA FURNITURE 19 12 From liehind a barricade of mail sacks in the Portland post office, Earl Schultz formerly of Estacada. is somewhat nervously thinking over the tffect of his trial marriage proposition made some two weeks ago. Schultz has received several inquiries from girls who are inves­ tigating him. T h ey are wondering whether he really means it, or whe­ ther he is so badly scared, now he realizes he has the chance, that he is af&icted with cold feet. Schultz isn’ t saying a word. Before the identity of the young man who made the trial marriage proposal was known, T he Progress received four applications from young women, anxious to discover whether there was a good looking bachelor running loose in the E sta ­ cada country. What few there are, apparently didn't appeal to the girls Schultz, however, has an admirer with their Estacada advertising in — ' right in Portland. T h is is the Utter the Sunset Magazine, the Chicago John Githens of Alspaugh. just she wrote about a week ago. Tribune and other mediums. j to s b ° w what his section of the Portland, June 26 Each of these advertisers is w o rk -. country will do. brought to The Editor of the Progress: If that young ing for his benefit, but it is due to Progress office last week, rhubarb man w ho is willing to try- marriage on six months trial, really means what he these far seeing and up to d a te ! stalks five feet iu length. He was says, I wish you would let me know his business men that Estacada is being inspired to take a hand iu the dis- name. I would like to see what he regularly advertising through Ore- P'aV when he read that E. S. looks like and also discover whether he gon and the Middle West. Shanklaml had turned in some is domestic in his tastes. I'm suspicious . _ measuring 3 feet 8 inches. There of these athletes. I am 22 years old, Skyrockets, firecrackers, cap pis- | were “ ven stalks the bundle and willing to match my looks against his, well educated, an orphan and healthy. tols, tin horns etc at Marchhauks. enough pie stock to feed an orphan ¡asylum . Mr. Githens says that no I want a home and I think if he suits : extraordinary cultivation is given me, i'll suit him. Anyho.v I wonldnt Firew orks for the Fourth at the plant. Like Topsy is "ju st have him if we were not of the same grows ' ’ mind. I could love the right sort of Marchbai.ks. man half to death and I'm sure his six months time limit, would never be ex- ( creised. You may send him this letter. ¡ but keep my name out of the paper and don’t tell anybody but the young man. Sincerely.— Fruit Season is on WE HANDLE JU L Y 4 CO. W. D. and L. M. Henthom, Proprietors O ld Fellows Building KA 4 Dubios Beat the Wild Cats again; Score 3 to 1 for Locals. Those pesky Wild Cats came out from Portland again Sunday, or rather a crew calling themselves Wild Cats—awl Fiddler Bronson and the locals h'ing it on them 3 to i. Try as he does, the Fiddler can’ t quite cut the shutout he has been entitled to the last three games. The enemy manages to grab the lonely tally through amiseue of the support and it happened again Sunday. But there was glory enough consider­ ing the miserable weather. The dia- Only Paper in East Clackamas C. E. We Self Cheaper, That’s Why Mdse. I OR CASH Estacada Merc. Co. Mdse. fOR CASH Our prices are Low er-There’s a Reason OUR 3rd Friday and Saturday Special B u y d u r in g th e se “s p e c ia ls " a n d y o u w i l l soon a p p re c ia te th e s a v in g s . A l l goods s o ld d u r in g s a le a r e f u lly g u a ra n te e d , LOOK TH ESE OVER Ohio Blue Tip Matches Gunpowder tea reg. QT, 5 pkg’s special 50c. lb. special u /v Longs preserves in glassQq* 6 lb. box Lilly gloss starch reg. 30c. special Cu regular 65c. special 50c. Longs Jams in glass Otter clams special 10 c regular 30c. special fT . _ , Long’s Maraschino cherrie6 i Our pS line ” ol Mason, Improved 10c 7cjreg. 50 c- sp eci a l 38c. Everlasting and Economy jars is complete and our prices are right. J Call Main 59 and secure our prompt delivery service. ...C ru se Brothers... Ihe Home of Quality Get the habit of trading at home It is better to be a BOOSTER . . than a . . KNOCKER Loyalty to ones family, town, county, state and nation is commendable. The better die Town ol Estacada, the better will be the local market for your f. rm products. Your home merchant assists in maintaing your county in road and bridge building by paying his taxes in your county. We LO W a re m a k in g P R IC E S on e v e r y t h in g in o u r L in e Lumber Co. REMEMBER $50 GASH GIFT ON BUGGY PURCHASES Come in and we will tell you all about it. D liB O IS , Mdnaqer. We deal in all kinds of building material including Lumber, Lath, Sash, Doors, Sand, Gravel, Lime, Plaster, Brick. Cement, Etc. All orders promptly filled. Head Office Broadway, Phone Main 103 We handle McCormick machinery, Ply­ mouth Twine, Our own make of Harness. Get in line by giving Home Merchants the preference in yc-uf trade. Yellow Front Emporium McCurdy Lbr. & Hardware Co.