Image provided by: Portland General Electric; Portland, OR.
About Estacada progress. (Estacada, Or.) 1908-1916 | View Entire Issue (May 23, 1912)
E STA CA D A PkOlìRESS ' f NCiiK P O H \ T . 1 Published I\or> íhur&dúv Mor »»g «.* ISTUUU, GKIGON *G. K. J. a F o I.I.F.TTK. K'litor «i»«l M> ít Entai ?d at thf second ciass SUBSCRIPTION RATES One year .................................... ......... ' Six norths Thdudav, May 23 , 1912 « iliE COMMENCEMENT G rsduatin eyercice* of Estacada hi;,h school i ’ a :h enjoyed - Program reflects great credit. Before an audience which packed 'the M. lv church to tile do, i s I graduating i x rcises of the Estaea da High school were held last hri- day evening. The musical program was an especially pleasing li ature The participants gracious! c re sponded to encores. The instru mental features were a quartet, piano, violins and cello by Miss kcliar, 1 red Ilotner, Mr, and Mrs. Aue; a trio Mr. and Mrs Aue and Miss kellar. the first number, a serenade by Widor, being delight ful: a piano solo l>y Miss k .. haei Reed, showing wonderful cotnaiami •of the piano. The vocal features includes! a ladies quartet, Mrs •Devore and the Misses Nina Tayloi Myrtle Woodle and Rachael Reed and two solos by Fred Horner, His mat number was Schumann's ' “ Two Grenadiers." Ze'ca Coope, a member of tin graduating class delivered ati oration on “ A New View of the Farm" in which he presented the admin!ages ■ of education in* the agricultural schools. He- pleaded for instruction •of the >mrng, rather than the re tirenrent Irom tlie city of mature people who sought seclu. ion in the rural districts l ’rof. F I) Ressler of the" O A C. faculty, delivered an excellent •extemporaneous talk ou the pui- jx ses of farm life and tire srientifh • development of resources. Hetrrged «ur»-f- the young the duty one owes to society to become a producer ralber than a parasite and cited marry instances. J. \V. Reed, chairman of the school board presented diplomas in a neat speech. Rev. W. R. F. Browne invoked Divine assistance and the program concluded with the benediction by Rev. A. A. Darling. E d w a r d s B o y D ies. Four weeks to a day from the • date -when' bis sister expired, Ro- • bert Edwards, aged i . i sou of Mr and Mr: Calvin Edwards, died al the family residence of typhoid pneumonia. The hoy was taken sick shortly after the funeral of his sister and during his illness said he could not recover. The • disease hud practically run its course but his heart failed its functions. The funeral was held Sunday at 4 o’clock, a large crowd attending Rev. \V. Givens was in charge There were many Powers. There survive, the parents, two brothers and a sister. ESTACADA WINS IN NINTH Socia! Functions. Usine ,<U is giv«.n s fui le extended adVt-rl is: t’g in a reat booklet iswicil r>l Cluiinsyillc tu I le 1 “ li I. N I’. Co. ’ ì low lo Il M L'«»r,ev Menili«!* of ilio junior l ’ u'S ol in t n v n S u liiiil» ) ' The the Kstacvula Itigli >< ho*>l, wen* I\»filami l»\ Trolley i Mi-s M i McWillis is visiting book is a vest-pocket size mal lias guests at a progressive dinner party ? pages with an attract ivo-cova i in given in their honor liv Mesdames, V is' bua Ihdiglass of Lagle (Tetk colors It is la in g givi II wide cir J. I*. \Vnotile, 1 . \V. Retd, F. J, Mts Bhckiev. a Hai,mi a \ \\ nil her sister foi ¡dilution, especially among visitors liarkenrtder, K M Standisti ntrd Ufi Portland. A cut of the Hotel H V. Adix, Tuesday evening. Portland Estacada is among the illustrations The affair was in five courses ser- At the Family theatre tonight ami tom<>: row night three fine films, , 1 'w hook is the work of \\ T ved 45 minutes apart. The voting "N \e!\ aral Nr: ’ " 111 .,cksiniihs Buchanan of the publicity depart jieople, cnaperoned by Mr. and ^ Mrs C. W. Devore, began the 1 l.o v e and a two subject reel. | Memori »1 services in which lioth dinner at the Wnodle home, thence Biilys M ini ge ’ and “ Flower the Methodist and Christian went to the Reed resilience, thence! Carnival hurdles join, will be held at the to the Harkeurider home, thene-e to ■ The dance given by the Garfield the home of R M. Standish and Christian church next Sunday C" ntitv club last Saturday evening finally to Mrs. Adix residence, I evening. Veterans of the civil war was well attended. Good tnu.sic where after games were played, i will attend Rev W. R. E Browne l.ut to the enjoyment. pastor of the M. E church, will the last course was served. A flash- j The Estacada Amusement Co. preach. Chorrs of both churches light picture by Dr Adix, con will give another of its popular eluded a delightful event. Those ! will furnish special music. dunces at the Pavilion Saturday present: Misses l for is Lovell, Nina I F. M. Gill has returned from the evening June i. State Grange meeting at Rose-burg, Taylor, Myrtle Woodle, Rachael Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Wooster and Lena Harkeurider: where he was a delegate. Mr. and Reed have returned from Portland where Mrs. E <1 Clustier of Spring water Messrs Zelca Coop, Milton Evans, j they visited a week. Mr. Wooster also attended. The grange took M Woodle, H. Fellows and H j has practically recovered from hi' strong grounds against the single Morgan. i ecent illness. tax idea. C. E. Spence was re C. L Allen was 74 years old last Eil Boner and John Erwin went elec s e d state master and II. A. Thursday and celebrating the event fishing near headwaters of Kagh I Durnall lecturer; Mrs. Mary L he invited the members of hi: Creek and landed 5 t trout. They How aid, secretary. Mr. Spence j ialniiy #nd grwhlchlldren t0 a fine re irl the fish rising well to a fly. ,nd Mrs. Howard are Clackamas dimu;r which was Krved by M fs. F. E. Seeley, foreman of The . county people. Allen. Twelve plates were laid Progress office, left for Portland R. \\ . Cary returned from a and an enjoyable day and evening Monday, to be gone until July i. in week's trip to Shepherds Springs spent. The sons and daughters the interest of county division. Superintendent T, J. Gary ar- j brought presents for the hosts, Beginning next Sunday the gen rived today atid will be the guest of j Only two of the children were ab j iral delivery at the post office will Prof James. j sent, S. 1 ). Allen of Missoula Mont | close at S 30 A. M. instead of 9 as James Smith and Ennis Townsend a,’d Miss Anna Allen, who is teach heretofore on Sundays. returned from Sandy where they ' Qfi at Elwoud. W. A Jones took a party of fish went to look up a location. 1 -*--------- ermen into the mountains 33 miles A rush of job work and the ab- J he grade teachersof the b.staca- from here, last week, the party suice of a printer two days makes da school surprised Prof and Mrs. returning Monday evening. About The Progress late this week. H. M. James Monday evening, 50 trout were lauded. when they appeared at their home For Sale. carrying lunches and announced Father Martin of Portland, held New single buggy and new si they proposed to spend the evening Catholic services at the home of F. gle harness slightly used $65 with them. They were made wel J. A. Sonrer. J Harkeurider, last Sunday. Mass come. It had been the original was celebrated, and many local A good Jersey cow for s a l e — Six intention to hold a picnic at the Catholics attended. years old and Desli. J. A. Upton park, but rain prevented. Bridge Tile Ladies Aid Society of the Estacada. whist was enjoyed, concluded by M. E Church will give an ice cream For Sale— House and 2 lots in refreshments. Those present were See social at tile I O. O. F. hall, Frt- Terrace addition, dirt cheap. Mrs Altman, Mrs. Graham and :ay May 31. The society will meet K. C. Eckles. the Misses Hewitt, Moehnke and For Sale - A Schubert piano, with Mrs, Howard James. Wednes range stove, beds and other house Erickson day May 29 at 2 30 o'clock. hold goods. For terms. H. C. Eckles Warren Barr, who recently sold For Sale- Team horses, 7 years W A N T E D —Strawberry pickers. is ten urns a mile from town to a old, wagon and harness. Inquire Inquire of P. F. Standish. Mr. Dicker,s’ of Portland, left Mori of Mrs. A. Perry over Drug Store. day for Denver He may spend the summer there, if not, he will Measures Taken Scientifically return to Estacada. W E P A Y EXPRESS M r Bob" a comedy in two acts Garments Made Accurately will be presented at the Eatniiv I Theatre, Saturday evening by the Satisfaction Guaranteed junior class of the High school. The cast is well selected and the Positively. play will be given with credit CITY NEW S BRIEFS Our fender loung Pork is as tocthsim v 1 dish as ev«r ; was served Try some of it ami you'll dei il 1 he sweetest |>olk you i v i r ate A loin, a shoulder, a hum or some chops will prove (qually delicious It's a sure thing that once you try you II often buy our pork. Palace Meat Market J W. Reed Raney Craw ford and lid win Bates delegates to the state Odd Fellows convention and Mrs. E. E Haling and Mrs W, M Yonce, delagtes to the Rebekahs, left Monday for Pendleton. They are expected home today or to morrow. The Hotel Estacada A L L MOD ERN C O N V E N I E N C E S One of the most delightful Resorts on the Coast Buying estacada ok sii it Near Station ESTACAD A ***** O F F I C E , A D JO IN IN G R K ttID R N C R Local and Long Distance Telephone T he d octor’s phone can l»e connected w ith your home phone at n igh t if re quested. One long ring. Dr. L. A. W E L L S D E N T IS T W ill be in Estacada on F rid a )s and Saturdays. Appointm ents m ay l>e made with Dr. A d ix. © C § © C § 3 > « ^ C i © f f i ^ I ®* 8 )®§ 3 >«$ 3 >«§ 3 > C § 5 © Iron on 9 The Porch Get out in the fresh air where it is cool and pleasant. Make ironing day a different and better day. You can do JO H N S T E IN E R . M D P h y s ic ia n & S u r g k o n #++***' k Office in residence, next to I. 0 . Q. Hall. Office Hums: 10 to 12 A. M., 7 to 8 P. M. C L A U D E W. D E V O R E A T T O R N EY -A T -LA W and N O T A R Y P U B L IC E sL n cn d a , O reg o n it with an J. W. MILLER Electric Iron % BLACKSMITH K X PK R T HOKSKSHOUR All rvork guaranteed . T h e iron that needs no stove and is kept always at the right temperature by 9 J. V. BARR the electric current. Let us arrange your porch for electric ironing. It will cost very little, whether you have the current in the house or not. I B L A C K S M IT H Is still i t the old stand and willing to do any of the work in his line G IV E HIM A C A L L Phone for our representative, who will * give you an estimate with no obligation team Work and Hauling by the Day or Contract whatever on your part. Portland Railway, Light WOOD delivered in any quantity or length, ist class 4 foot wood slabwood delivered at $ 2.09 per cord. 16 inch at $2.50 per load. & Power Co. W. M. Y0\CE Seventh and Alder Sts. SNYDER AND NORTH Main 0088, 'A 6131 with (242.000 reserves, solicits your business through John ORE a e s - 's s a s e i ä s s e B S is your business The Oregon Fire Relief Asso ciation of McMinnville 9 iczœ erK r: as - i P0 KTI.A N D n e r i c a P O R TLA N D . O REGO N Phones: s a s a s a s .« » MONEY TO LOAN Local and Tourist Trade Solicited 0 CA ZA D ERO . Fruit & Farm Lands P H Y S I C I A N <* S U R G E O N Woolens WOOL Estacada Acreage H E N R Y V .A D IX .M .D Call and see our line of Spring! ALL Mo Handle ONLY 0115 l.uuilH-riuens’ B u ild in g. I George Eppvrsou of Cascade precinct was here Tuesday. Mr Epperson conies from a precinct where countv division is much, discussed. He believes the project will carry and is enthusiaslicallv for it. S rA N D IS H M U R B E C K . 3 Weather fi ill B row n G re sh a m , O reg o n P hone Gresham . 513 O i leave word at this office I also h ave the OREGON MERCHANTS and BEAVER STATE INSURANCE COS. Alderman and Mrs Al Lindsey retimed Sunday from Timber, Oie. where Mr Lindsey went recentl We manufacture all kinds of Cedar to take the fortnianship of a saw There was a V'Ulig in ill rallied ttrill Shingles and are prepared at all mill. Conditions at the mill wen : 2 W h o pitched I r t ie K Worden M ill, times to deliver the same. Also | unsatisfactory and Mr. Lindsey j „ hut, near the close of the ¿mine, to sell at the mill, having stock on. U t ided to return home. Theii | Sj H is soup-hone w ent lame; hand at all times He was heat up ju-t til to k ill. •natty friends are glad to have them M Sailing along on downy beds of back. a ease Mr. Brill of the Kcyslon Neil Bronson narroyvly escapee j y Woolen Mill was rudely jarred Sun -----PR O P R I E T O R ----- lions if not fiitaUnjnry last week .0 Estacada Agent A. Morrow day afternoon, when our pallid he it River Mill, where.he is working j $ - roes tell upon him in the 1 ‘st two A huge i,,.;r d m eii with a sledge $ in s,o ck kilndried flooring, ceiling, siding, finish, mouldings rounds and skinned him out of a suddenly projected from its bed and | ; and special material. victory, 7 to 6. striking Neil in tlie forehead, cut a I , Roaqh at mHl, .$8.00 per m I p to the fatal eight, when his deep gash and knocked him uncon Successors to troubles began, he was all to tile scious. A physician attended him Dimension, sized, $ 9 .3 0 per m good, but he woblPed and his pals rnd although lie is recovering rapid 0 . R. Jacobs •' Save the middle man’s profit by buying direct from the mill wobbled with him and the damage lv. he sutlers dizzy spelts at in ■ was done. Hans Von Sclutll/, our ten als. Repairing of All Kinds 11)’ll « rg gra.l1 smote him t Ilf Pupils of the vigth grade took ;i Numbing and Electric M<>\v l 'mt put ■ >u the lini sllillji the teach« rs examination this yviel ’ J O H N Z O B R I S r , - vv. D. H A Y E S S j !<>’.it lu s . 11 .Ills' yvliaek «.irne w lu ii Wiring and an ex ttni i of the paper- t « l) Wt 1rc g<:dio. the score (> to f) hy Supei iirtendeiit Gary and Super ag. 11 usi ns nrid 1>vo E'tiioailar IS on visor Anderson, showed they ali tin* SlU’ks He liia.slnd one JliSl Jewelry work of all kind neatly Notice for Public «it ion They have it good fresh vege- passed. It is s aid to he a record in Olid and Fit her ('»teller C.ii) an ' promptly done.— La Halt tables. Go and see them. Fred | Dejartment of the interior. Serial 03265. U. S. the county. There are ten in the ft land office at Portland. Oregon. March 18. 1912. Jorg Leviticus and Dr. Simmons ti irkVd class. Cue of the members tailed E S T A C A D A P O U L T R Y F A R M Notice is hereby fciven that alhyvatt the platter, amid the yip' hor Sale Seed potatoes, Amer William H. Sullivan Baby Chicks, Stock and Eggs. on arith’etic. the only nii.scuc of th ican \\ onder and Burbanks. In <>1 the populace. j whose tostc file* address is 230H First Street Port- S C. White Leghorns, S. 0 Black entire examination. md. Oregon, did, on the 27th day of October. 1911, quire at The Progress office. Only two run-, were earned, that I Minorcas, S. C, BtifJ Orpingtons. file In this office Sworn Statement and Application. 1 OR S A L E . Rubber tired sttr- Peter Enti! Claussrn, nephew o N D32tr- to rur hate the S W '4 S W K . Section of Townsend yy ho doubled and Cap . - . Fat cattle wanted; the fatte: he rev cheap, m good condition In 12. • vnsh.f I scuth range 4 East. Willamette Mer ^ J m l JorR l.i vil who singled and were scored I Her L lat.»err, who d.c.l rn Esta -1 idian. and the lim ler thereon, undei the provisions of quire ai my residence on Broadway, E. D. AMIN. Proprietor the act of Jure 3. 1878 ar.i acts amendatory known on hits Next Sunday Estacada cada last winter, leavi g an oMate A. J Darling. ï ran fix anything that is wrong •f. as the "Timber and S*one Law. " a1 such value ar. (Successor to Ksincacia Lumber ¿v Miimif.icturin^ Co i play s Springyvater at Spring water worth pi-tliaps <4 1 r<> arrived from V A N T E D Highest p r ic e paid ( . __ f __ • • w il kpvmaameni and tkai pmtmm with your watch.— L a lla n Everybody go, for our old lineup New Zealand Monday and visited for e g g' it the I’.dace Meat Market H aving purchased the yards and stock of the c o m p a n y and h a v - 1 ,uc''a:,;ica’ rn-,h* tand in1 ,l,r‘ *r iw I guarantee all work done — Fred lore , , . , . . tv i j i • , I * * n « r ra » ! «Unbar «srlmawd 140 000 the ranch in Ge >rge Afterward will be on hand. The score: tng added a complete stock irom Portland and elsewhere,. ’.■«rtf««« 50cr«ry -nd th. i . m jao.oc n,« Lallatt. R. It. K he had a conference with Admini we are prepared to furnish the public with T J Z Z L lr Z V* A. MORROW \ 5 0 $ FO R T R A D E Wv bn*lness, but Estacada 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 1 7 4 12 strator William i\'altoo:i and At K W Mill - 0 2 1 0 0 3 0 0 0-6 4 7 torney C. W. Devore and the estate not the building. Trade even for Any peTson Ir at liberty to rrotott puirhas# Batteries Smith. Bronson and will soon be s« tiled. This is Mr. land near E'tac.rda. Rent f r o a j before ontry cr initiate a contest at any time before A n j thinjf you jiccd, Imy here. Bronson and Townsend; Brill and Clau* ii s ; h : trip t tbe United I month, with year's lease. What txchan^e Stab'c | patent issues by fifine a corroborated affidavit in th:* Dowling Itupire N. Bronson States “ d he is much inter-sted have von’ Jeff’s I.ittle Restaurant, F 'TACADA OREGON P r i c o s R i g h t M aterial of the Best * " Stage grand tia tin" ¿ally and o v erw l elm K cyston W oolen *, a lte r bring apparently liop e'essly beaten S e llin g is ours Y OU have the MONEY and want LUMBER WE have the LUMBER and want MONEY i o S e r v e Y ou r In te r e s ts we have j GARFIELD LIMBER CO. Comes CEDAR SHINGLES and makes u s | wish for ' Lighter Clothing A. KRIEGER & CO. W e have it. The Best, at prices the lowest Reed & Sparks Fine Millinery at DALE’S Estacada Lumber Yard Livery, Boeird, Sale and ALL KINDS OF BUILDING MATERIAL b s