i (fy^ ESTACADA PROGRESS (— Aii the News Ail the Time NO. 37 of KSTA CA D A . OREGON. T H U R SD A Y , VOI,. 4 J II ,T lincili il I T I I I • I I v lull I I ' I li I - I,-1 --«--«- • 1 1 ■ W ’T ¥ T T " ^ r ” ■ ■ T T T i' - - ^ .« T T T ^ T T T T * T T T I ESTACADA STATE BANK CAPITAL W . D. J E L L IS O N , Pres. • $25,000 T H O M A S Y O C U M , V. Pres. L . E. B E L F IL S , Cashier Directors: W . D. J E L L IS O N , T H O M A S YOCUM , J O H N Z O B R 1S T, J. A . S O M E R , L . E. B E L F IL S . W e issue drafts or Travelers’ Checks payable in any part of the world. W e are agent for some of the strongest fire insurance companies in the world. NOTARY. - + + + ------ — TIME You need the former; W e need the latter. W e can both get what we need, if you will come in and once our Big Line of Watches When you find how reasonable they are in price, you can’t afford to risk your eyesight by squinting at the sun or by asking Central what time it is. If you want a time piece on which you can rely to the minute, B U Y OF US! W e meet all compritors, no matter where located, and as for catalogue houses, they’re Easy. Reduced rates on all jewelry and clocks. Watch and Clock repairing prompt­ ly attended to. Estacada Jewelry Company Broaclw iy j 1 E L M FOR DIVISION COLUM BIA PHONOGRAPHS W e are making a special price on these sterling instruments Here’s one for $13.50 others that cost more, Records from 65c up— music on both sides. ESTACADA FERMIERE CO. W . D. and L. M. Henthom, Proprietors Odd Fellows Building < ■ Oniy Paper in East Clackamas M AY 24, 1912 $t A Y E A R . BEERS DIES IN RIVER — 1— Ernest Griffin, 11 hired mail who people More than s i x t y worked on the I,aBarre ranch in B ody o f form er Estacada res­ rippldud Cascade Co. ident found near park. Garfield is badly wanted on a speakers. charge of stealing a horse and bug­ gy a warrant having been sworn out liefore Just-ce Givens. Tom Carter, manager of the ranch, W u in fin a n c ia l d is t r e s s .—-M an m issin g S in g in g o f C a s c a d e m a le q u a r t e t m a k e s a b o u t fo u r w e e k s b e fo r e re m a in s Marshal Ames and other officers h it.-—V o t e r s sig n p e titio n fo r v o te . a r e d is c o v e r e d . trailed the man for two days but V io la m e e tin g n e x t. lost track of him after he left Buttoned tight in a rain coat and j Before an audience which taxed Oregon City. He took ihe outfit fully dressed, except a hat, the hotly o f , the capacity of the Elwood school and some of Carters clothes Satur­ Charles Beers, once a saloonkeeper of | house, Tuesday evening. Cascade day night. spent a portion of Sun­ Estacada but for some time in the liquor ' county speakers, J. S. McCurdy, day here and decamped. It is be­ business at Portland, was found floating i I , E. Belfils and R . M. Staudish lieved he is heading for Southern in the River Mill dam, about 200 yards | TT i - , i below the Parh pavilion, Saturday af- . 3, , made division arguments which Oregon. He once worked in a local . [ . ” ternoon. A corners jury, surnmond by were enthusiastically received. 1 he | livery barn. ¡Justice Givens, of which J. W. Reed I Cascade male quartet, Mtssrs Phil was foreman, heard evidence and gave i a verdict of drowning. Later develop-1 Mdse. Mdse. Staudish, Deming, Strolz and Charged with assault and j merits indicate suicide, as the deceased | Staudish, in campaign songs made TOR tOR b a tte ry , th ree c a u g h t, was in financial difficulty and despon- a distinct hit. The crowd couldn't --------------- j dent when he left Portland a month CA SH CASH get enough of the clever parodies As a result of a warrant charging a&°- they sang. The quartet was a them with assault and battery. Two boys, Ralph Miller and Sam Barr ... , Davis, ,, . ... ........., ,, krigbautn , who , were in . the pond discovered feature of the meetings held at Gar­ Floyd Emanuel . rowing „„ , , _ ,, body. Their cries brought C. E. field and Elwood and will appear and 1 Earl Wagner, young h man the McPeak an(i A j 1)evan foreat ran. Friday night at the Viola meeting averaging abont t 3 years, were gers, who towed the body ashore and and at other meetiugs which are arrested and on motion Justice notified Coroner Wilson of Oregon City. 111 being arranged as rapidly as Givens continued the eases to Satur- 'atter commissioned Justice Givens possible. dav so that District. Attorney ! * G. W. Devore. The erWenc« was ti,ken b>' The audience was composed of Stipp may be p'.esent to prosecute. Qn the body were found a gold watch voters, their wives and children The complaining witness is Henry which had stopped at 8 . 26 , a check for and all joined in making the meet­ Epperson, a prominent rancher of $25 on the First National of Bend, an ing a great succes. There were Garfield, who alleges that Krigbatim Eagles'card showing membership at i „ Bellingham, Wash, some loose change doubters in the audience and the and Davis assaulted Geòrgie , . , , , , , *, and a hunch of keys. It was learned invitation of the speakers to ask Hampton aged 11 and Earl Wagner that hia cane an,i a loaHeH pistol were questions was accepted and the assaulted Olen M. Hampton, aged found on the bank near the point where discussion continued after the regu­ 15 step son of the complainant. the body floated, about two weeks ago. lar speaking was finished. As a The offense is alleged to have been There was no evidence of foul play. Beers left his saloon, according to his I result practicaly every person by committed Friday evening May 10 partner Charles Mays, April 17 . He | rising, endorsed county division and while the pi-1 ties were returning camv to Estacada and was here a few j all the voters signed the petition frem church at the Tracty school days, apparently in good spirits. About I asking for a vote next November, [ April 21 , he railed at Yenke’s saloon house. W h y Division W ill P a y . about 8 in the morning saying he was C. E. Surfus was chairman o f , . . , going to Portland at 9 . It is probable the meeting and introduced the Bit, Crowd EnjpyS ricniC he went direct to the park and either jumped or fell into the river. speakers. J . Meilike nomiuated of Ea^le Creek Grange. The remains were interred by direct- him. ~ ion of Mays, Sunday forenoon at the After a song by the quartet, L. A large audience* thoroughly tn- iocal cemetery. Beers was unmarried E. Belfils spoke showing the saving joyed the annual May picnic of the an(] at one time the owner of consider- in mileage and expenses if county Eagle Creek grange given at the able property here end in Washington. Prescribes for division is adopted. He compared grove near the station last Satur- - - ---- —........ — conditions in Clackamas county to dav Attorney G. C. Brownell notice oe contest those in Wasco and Hood River was the speaker of the day lltld D eiartm .nl :f the Inti: r. United States Land counties, where division took place talked against Single tax and a T o Ccrnellu, i f y n e n d Sullivan of Pont and. Oregon, four years ago ar.d showed that number of the fads of the present C om .stee , TT- , e You are hereby notified that S. G. Spitler. who taxes have been less than here. day. His rt marks were frequently t ,VM 1 W 9 S ,c -k ,c n s . P cn i.t , o m -cn . « h i, Hood River’ s levy is ro. 7 as applauded. postcffice address, did on April 23. 1912. file in this ns, t • i office liis duly corroborated a; plication to comest and against about 17 mills in Clackamas llie program, which was ex- 5ecur, canc.„allon d > O N IO N S , LETTUCE last year and the count is on a cash c e l l e i l t , included a song by llie ial No. 02593 made May ICth, 1910. fer the south . . . xt • T • east % of the northwest lA of section 28. township 3 R A D IS H E S , ASPARAGUS, basis. The speakers said no court grange; vocal solo by Miss Jennie soulh. ranc, s CUI. L„, „ house was necesarry for several Shankland: recitation by Mrs. Bot- , grounds for ills contest he alleges that yen have not RHUBARB, CABBAGE, • i tai oi j- * •. • • lived on said claim ot made any improvements on the years and the salary list of officials , kin; solo, Phil Standisn; recitation, ; >ime anJ thMyou Uve nm ;iveJonthe s„ ,e S T R A W B E R R IE S , E T C . would be about $6.000 as against Miss Varietta; duet Misses White making your filings about two years since. j c Ti ,1 j j - You are. therefore, further notified that the said al- i $20.000 now paid in Clackamas. and M ille r of lortland; r e a d i n g , legations will betaken by this office as having peen j _ _ ■. T> ; confessed by you and your sa;d entry will be canceil- J. S. McCurdy in an impressive M r S . L T i • n n i e ( /-x-t jlb s o n ; r e c it a t io n , lv . ed thereunder without ycur further right to l e heard; . . . j- • • i therein, either before this office or on a n s a ', if you! talk, which was frequently applaud­ A . . Duncan ; song on county division fail to file In this offic-w ith in twenty days after the j r\ c u 1 . . i F O U R T H mblication of this notice, as shewn below. ed emphasized home rule in Cascade. , *\v QlfBClu male quartet; remaiks eroath, specif c t' - j i sponding to these alienations of contest, or if ycu tail The county would be controlled by t b y t Iy. r t l ' . Ti Bel i s t i i l s Ot H s t a c a d a ; and within that time to file in this office due proof t!iat i .y « j ycu have served a copy of your answer on the said I the farmers and taxpayers, w hereas music by the Gurnnsville band. . , . , , ., this service is made by the deiivety of a copy of your now, the floating vote in Oregon A tllie lunch was served by the answer to the contestant in ; erson. r roof of such ser- .. c .i i rr ■ vice must be either the said contestant's written ac- City is sufficient to offstt the vote . ladies Oi the grange and the attair knowledgment Of his receipt of the copy, showing the of its receipt, or the affidavit of the person by of Cascade Moreover, division, w>as concluded with a ball at date whom the delivery was made stating when and where the copy was delivered; if made by registered mail, meant new life for the people of Elliott’ s hall in the evening, atten­ proof of such service must consist of the aflidavit of the person by whom the copy was mailed stating East Clackamas; it meant belter ded by seventy couples. when and the post office to which it was mailed, and this affidavit must be accompanied by ti e postmas­ property values, a centralized te r s receipt for the letter. You should state in your answer the name of the government, less distance and less postoffice to which you desire future notices to be sent to you. expense .to the county seat, less Prof. James Resigns H. F. Higby. Register I. C .A rd ie y . Receiver j taxes and better roads. as High School Head. Date cf first publication. May 9. 1912. Concert at home Music of Artists brought to the fireside by la k e s Horse and Bttqqv and Skips the Country ^ LIKELY HE COMMITTED SUICIDE LADIES SERVE A PINE LUNCH We Sell Cheaper, That’s Why Estacada Mere. Co. Our prices are Lower-There’s a Reason DR. O JREM SPRING FEVER Fresh Every Day But— ...Cruse Brothers... l The home of Quality Fill the Prescription Demonstration May 28-1912 L a d ie s S e r v e R e fr e s h m e n t s . Date of second publication May 16 1912 Date of third p v iication May 23. 19 12. Prof. H. M. James, four years, Date of fourth publication May 30, 1912. R. M Standisli, by invitation j drew a map on the blackboard and principal of the Estacada schools, demonstrated the utility of the pro­ lias filed his resignation with the posed line of division. Answering board of education and will see-k a a question as to road building, he position elsewhere, He has two showed that this section of the good offers, he states, liolh of which county would receive more money lie lias under consideration. His W . A. JO NES successor lias not been selected. than it does now. P R O P R IET O R When Prof James came to Hsta­ Good ritfs and careful drivers always After an extended discusion a SPECIAL ATTENTION lising vote on division was takeu cada four rears ago, the school has and then Miss Anna Allen, the progressed and is now accredited Given Hunting and Fishing Parties the school teacher, in a pleasing I and in generally regarded as one of ' little speech, said that the women j the best in ’.lie county. Much of j WOOD & LIMBER I of Hhvood had prepared a lunch for the credit is due to Prof Janies , Local and Long Distance Telephone ilie visitors. Then she and Nonna _________________________________ Yallen, Mattie Maplelherpe, Effie |Cox, Ella Bittner, Montie Cox and Mrs Della Yalien served sandwiches and coffe and cake. Mr. McCurdy ; tendered the heartfelt thanks of the C. E. DIBOIS, McWdtjer. visitors and complimented the ladies I on their cooking. After several songs by the quart­ et, the meeting adjourned. The tiip to «Elwood and return was featured bv a wheel coming off a rig. owing to a missing burr. Mace Warnock came to the re?cue rvi'h his hack and piloted tile speakers to the meeting Livery, Feed AT 4 saie McCurdy Lbr. STABLE The Yellow Front Emporium How would you like to have the chairs, tables, stands, bedsteads, and all >otir furniture varnished so that they will not show bruises, white water-stains, heat stains, alcohol or medicine stains? You can have this if von will finish them with Chi-Nantel pure i unadulterated varnish, which is made in all colors. To prove it we will give you outright during the demonstration at our store. A 20c Can o f Chi-Nam el Varnish fo r N othing Dubois Lumber Co. For Sale—Indian Runner duck ‘’Kim 5 ° cents a setting. R. S. Ludlow. Estacaija. tf 3 2 & Hardware Co. We deal in all kinds of building material including Lumber, Lath, Sash, Doors, Sand, Gravel, Lime, Plaster, Brick. Cement, Etc. All orders promptly filled. Head Office Broadway, Phone Main 103 This can will contain enough to coat, stain and glos^ 25 square feel j of surface, and you tan lie your own judge. The only condition is that you purchase a new 10c varnish brush with which to apply the sample. The large can of varnish will lie given you ABSOLUTELY ERFE. The deniostlator will also have a full line of samples showing the beautiful color effects and finishes for woodwork, flloors, furniture, etc., which may be produced with Cbi Namtl products. She will explain how to make soft wood floors and dirt-stained floors look and wear like new hardwood, any color desired, at a cost of ! not over 2C pet square foot. You will be at lilicrtv to ask as many questions as you like concern­ ing atn thing pertaining to the finishing ot re finishing of svoodwoik. 1 without putting 1 outsell under any obligation to buy. This demonstration affords a rare opportunitv 110 building owner ot | housekeeper can afford to miss. Remember the date and vruie early. — May 28, 1912