ESTACADA CUY NEWS BRIEFS PROGRESS ( I h c u h í 'O b a t k d ) E very Tburedav Morning el ESTACADA, ORE GOA ---- -------------- G. K. L a FOLI.KTTK. Kilitor 4 inches. tained at whist last Friday evening. Mrs. Clara G. Esson of Forest Their guests at seven o’clock dinner now living at Portland, is visiting relatives here. Mr. Darling has Grove, state bible school superin­ were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Currin, Miss Vinnie Hewitt and C. F. Ander­ fairly well recovered from his re­ tendent of the Disciples of Christ, son. A fter dinner Mr. and Mrs. J. W. occupied the pulpit at the Christian Reed joined the party. cent illness. J. A. Randolph, one of the prom­ church Sunday Morning, speaking Mrs. Anna Hunt, who resides in the on the relation of the bible schools inent residents of Viola was in to missionary work. She is a con­ suburbs of Estacada, across the Clack­ town Monday. Mr. Randolph says vincing speaker. In the afternoon amas, celebrated her 77 th birthday by that sentiment for county division is at 3 o’clock, a conference of bible inviting a few of her many friends to strong in bis district. A meeting school workers was held in the visit her. A line dinner was served Those present, besides the hostess and church. is soon to be held there. her husband, were; Mr. and Mrs. Noah Stingley, the Paul Reyere Frank Hurst, Mr. Morrison, an old ac­ A. G. Adams left Tuesday for of Eagle Creek, accompanied by quaintance of Iowa, Mr. and MrsC. W. Fallbridge, where he expects to buy a barber shop. The town is John Githens beat the brush last Seymour, Mrs. Margaret Schock, Elta Monday and killed eight skunks and Schock, Clyde Schock and Gladys Car­ located in Washington at the point And now, Noah says penter. where the crossing of the Colum­ a coyote. the inrush of varmints is due to Miss Vinnie Hewitt gave a chaf bia is made by the Oregon Trunk ,'ounty division agitation. If that iug party, Thursday evening, at road. theory is correct, Noah is going to the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. have a mighty busy time shortly S. Phillips has the record for big Likewise Heylman. Her guests were Miss salmon this spring. Last week he after Nov. 5 this year. the air in his vicinity will be thick Morrow, Mrs. Altman, Miss caught a 30 pound one near River enough to cut Moehnke. Mrs. Devore. Miss Tison, Mill. The big fellow gave him a Mrs Graham and Miss Erickson. tough battle before lie was lauded. Miss Hewitt is a charming hostess The Palace Meat Market served and everyone expressed thtmselves salmon steaks to its customers that as having spent a very enjoyable By the evening. evening. "The- Lodge" at Cazadero which was opened up a week ago Sunday by Mrs. O. K. Humphrey and Mrs. C. S. Allen is proving a popular summev hotel. People looking for recreation and rest can find no bet­ ter place. The cuisine is excellent and the accommodations first class. Hon. George C. Brownell of Or­ egon City has been secured to make the principal address at the May picnic of the Eagle Creek grange to he held next Saturday, May 18. Great preparations are being made for the event. There will be en­ tertainment of all kinds and a dance at the new Elliott hall in the even­ ing. The dance given hy the Estacada Amusement club at the Pavilion. Saturday evening, was attended by a good crowd. Fine music was furnished hy a five piece orchestra and the floor management was in F o r S a le . charge of R. A. Duncan. It was New single buggy and new sin­ an enjoyable event and H. M. Cruse gle harness slightly used $65 of the promotora was congrat­ __________ J. A. Somer. one ulated for its success. For Sale -House, * lots, f t , 200. F. D. Hunt, traffic manager, 5<4tf E. M. Valentine. Estacada. Thomas Pumphrey, engineer, J. For Sale - House and 2 lota in W. Hewitt, superintendent and Terrace addition, dirt cheap. See George L. Hale, freight inspector, H. C. F.cklea. all of the P. R. L. & P. Co. were For Sale— A Schubert piano, range stove, l>eds and other house­ here last Thursday looking over hold goods. For terms. H. C. Eckles Estacada and arranging for im­ provements the company is to make. F r v r S-»|e- -Team horses, 7 years i»M, anjnn ai*.| harness Inquire The quartet railed at The Progress I t ’ •• town v f -Vi-. S t o r r oflTi." FOR L E A S E .— By the year, 40 acres of land, part improvtd; house, barn and other buildings. Inquire of L, C. Unger, Ellwood, Oregon. 1 i-4t* I guarantee all work done.— LaHatt. is as toothsome a dish as ever was served- Try some of it and you' 11 declare it the sweetest pork you ever ate. A loin, a shoulder, a ham or some chops will prove equally delicious. It’s a sure thing that oucc you try you'U often buy our pork. Palace Meat Market STANDISH & FURBECK We Handle ONLY Estacada Acreage Fruit & Farm Lands MONEY TO LOAN YOU have the MONEY and want L IM B E R VYE have the LUMBER and want MONEY To Serve Your Interests we have in stock kilneiried flooring, ceiling, siding, finish, mouldings and special material. Rough at mill, $ 8 .0 0 per m Dimension, sized, $ 9 .5 0 per m Save the middle man’s profit by buying direct from the mill GARFIELD LUMBER CO. - W . D. H A Y E S OSPIca k u r Station ESTACADA PORTLAND O P P IC I ESTACAD A 6oj Lumbermens' Building. $2 a day (10 a week H E N R Y V . A D I X , M .D P H Y S IC IA N A S U R G E O N The Hotel Estacada A L L MODERN CO N VEN IEN CES One of the most delightful Resorts on the Coast Local and Tourist Trade Solicited ***** OFFICE, ADJOINING RESIDENCE Local and Long Distance Telephone The doctor’a phone can be connected with your home phone at night if re­ quested. One long ring. D r. L. A . W E L L S D E N T IS T PO R TLAN D , OREGON Will be In Estacada on Fridays and Saturdays. Appointments msy be made with Dr. Adle. f l j g ? ^ g i © s § 3 )(g$ 5 >c§ 5 >lc§S) g ^ ( ft J O H N S T E IN E R . M. D I Iron on ! f The Porch P hysi cia n a S urgfon Office in residence, next to I. O. 0. F. Hall. Office Hours; 10 to 12 A. M., 7 to 8 P. M. C L A U D E W. D E V O R E Get out in the fresh air where it is cool and pleasant. Make ironing day a different and better day. You can do A T T O R N E Y -A T -L A W an d N O TA R Y P U B L IC Estacada, Oregon it with an Electric Iron J. W. MILLER BLACKSMITH EXPERT IIORSESIIOER All work guaranteed The iron that needs no stove and is kept always at the right temperature by the electric current. Let us arrange your porch for electric ironing. It will cost very little, whether you have the current in the house or not. J. V. BARR B L A C K S M IT H It still it the old tUnd and willing In i sny of the work in his lint GIVE HIM A CALI Phone for our representative, who will give you an estimate with no obligation Eeam Work and Hauling by the Day or Contract whatever on your part. I I ^ ^ Portland Railway, Light WOOD delivered in any quantity or length, ist class 4 foot wood slahwood delivered at $2.0« per cord. 16 inch at $2.50 per load. & Power Co. W . M. YONCE Seventh and Alder Sts. Phones: Main 6 6 8 8 , g The Oregon Fire Relief Asso­ A 6131 ciation of McMinnville ©<2§S<^i» 0 3 r d f j d l e 3 1 1 0 before entry, or Ini Hat* a com a« « an? h i m Anything you need, buy here. work way through school. Phone ! cv 1 p«*nt lisua* hr fU nc a corroborated affidavit or see, A. M. Stephens, Garfield E X C h in g t b ta b lC -m-. ,!!.-i-w , 1 , vn,-d 4 W-v tb- Prices Right • * M?tcr?e! of the B e s t H. F. MIGer Rapt jewelry work of all kind neatly an id promptly done.— LaHatt. Estacada Lumber Yard ALL KINDS O F BUILDING MATERIAL