“ Moonshlning" In 9eotl»nd. Th* discovery was mad«, recently) In the mountainous region near Kyh of Lochalsb (Scotland) by th, Rosshire preventive staff of a com plete Illicit whisky distilling plant The still was covered with a entrn and had a capacity of 20 gallons, th< smoke being led along the mounts!] side. The smugglers bad conducted i regular trnffc. Farm ers and Merchants ^ Write us for our ctish offer on your Farm and Dairy Produce. I f we don’t handle it will refer you to re- buyer. p EAB 80N .FAGE c o Portland. Uirgun. »W \nn ü. U n iT O N _ A m a rrr m l »*h»mli Colorado^ Hi «w mum >¡í L««it«4. fUft-ntacv: GUrLuu.t« NaUmial Boa*. H T e»Uv Gudnlleetl to . 1 . 1 « 1 . » . n . « felon». »tm.-eM. blood poi*ou. burns. bruism. ti rain*. rut», harbor lt«*n. b«e »ting and iogs. Requires no m ixing or prepara­ tion— A lw ays ready for use. Deadliest of alL “ At present there are 42 companies Your money hack if not as claimed. playing ‘Pinafore.’ Companies formed CUL&Jut, W ooinvAK D D k u u C o ., Portland, O re after 6 p. m. yesterday are not In­ cluded.” Its catch phrase, “ What, never? Well, hardly ever!” was deadly. It la told, for instance, that one editor —The great skin rejuvenator. if you have sallow barred his staff from using it skin, wrinkles, pimples or roughness of the face or arms, the application of F U C H I will bring back “ It occurred 20 times in as many the glow and freshness of youth. P r package. $1. Never let me sea (branch) Fuchi laboratories. Suit 9, 342 1-2 Wash­ articles yesterday. ington St.. Portland. Ore. It used again.“ “ What, never?” was the unanimous question. “ Well, hard­ ly ever,” replied the wretched man. a k D r W m . P f u n d e r ’ s , , n The readiness of W. S. Gilbert’s wit la well Illustrated by this story told of him. He and F. C. Burn&nd, the editor of Punch, were guests at A Tonic. Alterative and Resolvent. The best remedy for Kidneys, I.iver and Howels. the same dinner table where a wise Eradicates Pimples. Eruptions and Disorders ©f the Skin. Purifies the Mood and g iv e *4 host placed the rival humorists at op­ Tone, Stieugth and Vigor to the entire system. * posite ends of the room In the hope of distributing equally the witty tablo talk. lWe Make You Competent to Earn Continual shouts of laughter rose ...„.LJ v 25 I o $50 per W eek from Gilbert’s corner until Burnard, rt to h woolen.* We give complete after Ineffectual attempts to arouse •ours« in driving, repairing, •to. nil kinds of automobile* a similar Jocularity In his Immediate Kvtry Mu m il'll t get* personal atten t ion ami actual road circle and unable to conceal his cha­ Write for terms grin, leaned forward and said In his EViront Auto Sf people cured in Portland, Tacomu or Seattle. Arnold’s Asthma Cure Co.. 333-4 A read* bid»., beattie. Wo F re e to O a r R e a d e rs W rite M urine Eye Rem edy Co., C hicago, fo r 48-page illustrated Eye Book Free. W rite a ll a b o u t Y o u r E ye T ro u b le an d they w ill advle# a s to the P ro p e r A p p licatio n o f the M u rin e E ye Rem edies in Y o u r S p e c ia l C a se Y o u r D ru g g ist w ill tell you that M urine R elieves Sore Eyes, Strengthens W e a k Eyea Doesn t Sm art, Soothes E ye P a in , an d sells fo r 60c. T ry It In Your E yes and in B a b y ’s E yea fo r Scaly E yelids au d G ran ulation . California Weekly Papers $3 P E R INCH FOR LIS T OF 25 64 PE R INCH FOR LIST OF 40 68 P E R INCH FOR LIST OF 80 This is less than half the combined rataa of the individual papers. The Dake Advertising Agency 432 South Main St. I.os Angeles, Cal. r WANTED AT ONCE 100 Young Men or Ladies to prepare for positions as Commercial and R a il­ road Telegraph operators; positions guaranteed, $70 to $90 monthly. For particulars and application address PACIFIC TELEGRAPH & RAILWAY INSTITUTE Washington Bldg., Stable, Washington Sponge Cake. Three eggs, a quarter of A pound of flour, four tablespoonful» of sugar, grated rind of half a lemon. Sift the flour on to a piece of paper, adding one teaspoonful of baking powder and sift again. Put the egg» Into a basin | and beat them for fully ten minute», j add the sugar and beat for twenty j minutes. Stir In the flour, baking pow der and lemon rinu as lightly a» possible. Rutter a cab tin, then dust It over with flour. Pour the mixture Into the prepared tin, and bake In a very moderate oven for about one hour. This mixture may be baked In small gem pans If preferred. | Mother, w ill find Mrs. Wln.low-» Soothln* Painless Dentistry i tyrup the beat rem edv to use tor their children I lu r in g the teething period. 1» o u r pride—o u r hobby—o u r study fo r y c » n »n d now our »urceM , nnd o u r» 1» th e bv»t pain l « » » work to be found anywhere, no m atter how much yoo pay. C o m p a r e o u r P r ic e s. W e flnl*h plate and briilrn e o r i ‘or out of town natrons In one 'ty i f desired. I ’ainltn» a i t motion fr»-e when p la t «» o r b rid e » work is o rd e r­ ed- CooaulUtion ire». MolarCrowna $ 5 . 0 0 22k B rid v .T o tb 4.00 Gold rillinf. 1 .0 0 Enamel Fitlinn 1 « 0 0 Silver Filling© «50 Good Rubber Plate« , M. W. *. Witt. PrutwsT im Wanm* 21 U M IITAtlMM M u m i l i A M w o rk fu lly . . 5 .0 0 B»«t Red Rubber . PA | Plat »a 7 .5 0 Painleaa Eitr’tion , 5 f ■■ST METHODS g u a r a n t e e d f o r f i ft e e n y e a rs. W ise D e n ta l C o., «■ *. Painless Dentists $Hlln| Building, Third and Wjlhmrt.n S0RTUR0, O H ur onr case and p rear r i f e »om e remedy whoae action 1» quirk, sure and safe. H i» preem p tion» are rompounded from Ron*«. H e r*«, b o d » an-i B ark* that have been gathered from every q uar­ ter of the glob«. The »ecreta o f these m edicine» • r e not known to the outside world, but have handed dt-wn from father to »on in 1* fam ilies l a China. C O fS U L T A T T O N F R E E . I f yon liv e oat o f tows and cannot call, w rit« for symptom blank and circular, enclosing 4 oents la THEC. 6EEW0 CHINESE MEDICINE CO. 162) First St., Cor. Morrieofl P o r tla n d . O r t f o n . W H E N w rit* «« to ” t iM this pa per. N e if -*!*. Fire Destroys Entire Business Dis­ trict oí Seaside. Or. Starting in Rear of Orug Store st Main and Bridge Streets, Ail Four Corners Are Swept Seaside, Or., May 11, 1 a. m.— Fire, starting in Callaghan’s bridge saloon at 11:30 p. m., and which is still burn­ ing early this morning, has [destroyed the entire business section o f Seaside. The loss is estimated at approximate­ ly $200,000. The zone swept by the flames is bounded on the west by the Necanicum river, on the east by the city hall, on the north by a vacant lot just beyond the livery stable, and on the south by McGuire’s hotel. | Following is a list o f approximate losses: Selena & Wheatley, general mer­ chandise, 130,000; Godfrey Bros., jewerly store, $10,000; James Peter­ son & Co., $15,000; Dresser & Che­ ney. $30,000; Lewis & Co., drug store, $15,000; Conn Drug Co., $10,- 000; Antlers saloon, 5000; Ocean sa­ loon, $5000; Horseshoe saloon, $3000; Bridge saloon, $5000; Arcade saloon, $5000; Alex Gilbert & Son, build­ ings, $75,000; Stratton cigar store, $2000; McRoberts’ bakery, $2000; City Hall, $1500; Palace restaurant, $1000; Puritan restaurant, $t£00; Smith rooming house, $3000; Gragg livery barn, $5000; R. Price, market, $1000; Frank L. Smith meat market, $2000; Postoffice, $2500; residences, $7500. A large force o f men is working desperately to keep the fire from crossing the river, and at this hour it seems likely that they will succeed. Nevertheless, some West Side cot­ tagers are moving ^out their belong­ ings. All the lights in town are out. The telephone office has been burned. The Western Union wire from the depot constitutes the sole present means of communication with the outside. An appeal for help has been sent to Astoria and a special train is on the way with fire engines. It is not now certain whether the fire started in the Bridge saloon or in the rear o f the Lewis drug store. In both drug stores violent explosinns oc­ curred. Efforts have been made to check the progress o f the flames by destroying several buildings with dy­ namite. The sea is lit up for miles with the glare o f the flames and on the beach it is as light as day. Many guests at the Hotel Moore became alarmed when they first observed the fire, but soon learned that there was little dan­ ger of the fire coming that far west­ ward. Sparks and firebrands are be­ ing showered freely over the West Side district. There is a very light southeast breeze and unless the wind rises the West Side is assured of safe­ ty- It is thought the fire w ill not reach the depot, as there is some vacant ground between. The city hall was burned. The horses from the burning livery stable were saved, but little was saved from any o f the stores. Later— The Astoria fire department arrived at 1 :35 a. m. with a steamer and 1000 feet o f hose. There are 160 firemen and volunteers at work. The fire is under control. Hundreds are homeless with no place to sleep, having lost even their clothes. Only two stores are le ft to feed the town. Flowers Deck Ship's Bed. New York— Standing on the bridge of the Carmania in mid-ocean, Mrs. J. H. Loring. o f New York and London, scattered flowers on the water o f the Atlantic in memory o f her husband, who lost his life on the Titanic. When the Carmania, had ar­ rived in latitude 41.16 and longi­ tude 50.14, the nearest position to where the Titanic sank. Mrs. Loring, attired in deep mourning, was escort­ ed to the bridge by Captain Dow. Five hundred cabin passengers stood on the decks as Mrs. Loring scattered the flowers on the sea. Men stood with heads bowed and uncovered, while some of the women passengers, touched by the widow's devotion, wept. Continent That Was Lost. On« of the wonders of the word that ■pen hear little about Is the Lost Con­ tinent. Sea going men are familiar s-ith the chain of little lslanda that ex- end from the continent of Asia down :o Australia. Should the ocean go lown five hundred feet this Lost Conti- lent would be restored. It Is believed Ships Collide at Sea.1 hat a few aeons ago the Lost Contl- San Francisco— Badly waterlogged, lent really existed. the sailing schooner Mayflower was towed into this port by the steam Chine Chllo. Cold roast mutton should be dlcet schooner San Pedro, with which the and placed In a saucepan with a goo< Mayflower was in collision off Point Reyes. Captain Bendickson, o f the pint of green peas, one head of let :uce torn Into shreds, sufficient gravy San Pedro, was hurled to the deck by to moisten and a good seasoning the force o f the collision and his shoul­ The San Pedro, Simmer for half an hour and servt der was dislocated. with an accompaniment of boiled rice which escaped injury, at once took the disabled vessel in tow. The San Pe­ Woree Still. dro was bound for Eureka, and -Did you hear about the awful af­ the Mayflower for Coquille, River, fliction which has befallen Mr». Talk- Oregon. tlf?” "Don't tell me she haa loat her voice 1“ "No. her husband haa loat hla ‘ ‘ Feeder” Rates Restored flearing."—Houston Poat. ■ Washington, D. C.— The Interstate Commerce commission has issued an Baby's Advantage. A baby la tolerably helpless, but he order requiring Western railroads to has one advantage— he doesn't have put into effect and maintain for two to listen to the foolishness grown mes yeara from June 13, 1912, the rates on "fe e d e r ” cattle and sheep defined in talk to him unless he want« to the report of the commission on March An Exception. 11 this year. In effect, this order re­ A pretty girl is a charming eight tains the rates on stock cattle and anywhere, except on the back of * sheep which have been in force for a motorcycle.—Detroit F -e» Press._____ long time, the cancellation by the rail­ roads o f the lower rates on such live­ stock being held by the commission as unreasonable. MEXICAN MUSTANG LINIM ENT FOR MAN AND BEAST. John W alton. Fall Brook. Cali., w rit«»? 9. H. Ü. COAST CITY BURNED "A m much pleased with the Rood m a lt s obtained iron» AiusLanff Liniment. It cer- tainly acted like a cha. m on my hr.r»e,f Hrr It thou' I lie k- pt on hand by all stock o w n «-v They w ii find it a rouglaa shoes, «Tit* W . I.. Douglas, Br vkton. Mass., for catalog. Shoe» scot everywhere delivery charges p ;cta-.d. i ’a*t C o lo r E y e le t* l * « 4. VAYS OF SERVING CHEESE REAL ES TA TE FOR S A L E —^ A C R E S IN W A S H IN G T O N CO. lome Suggestions for the Housekeep­ er Who Wishes to Avoid Monotony. The housekeeper who does not be- l«v e In monotony does not serve »heese In the same way two days In tuccession. A little planning will en- ible her to run three or four different tinds of cheese at the same time, teeplng them all fresh by putting them n an airtight cold place. As most cheeses spoil quickly It Is well to buy In smaller portions, espe- :ially In warm weather. Some cheeses ire so perishable that grocers will not landle them In summer, and they should not be bought unless to be saten at once. The same kind of cheese may be served In various forms. Take the popular cream cheese, probably more jsod than any other one make. If you pas9 It out In squares one day, the next mix It In balls sprinkled with parsley; again mix with chopped pimolas; or thin slightly with whipped cream, mix with chopped red peppers, and remold Into a flat thin cake, which Is passed whole. Instead of serving bar-le-duc and cream cheese separately, stir together into a mixture about the consistency of creamed butter and sugar. Fried cheese balls aro delicious served with plain lettuce and French dressing. Mix Into the cheese chopped parsley, a dash of cayenne, a pinch of salt, and two drops of onion Juice. Mold into balls, dip In egg and bread crumbs, and fry In boiling lard before serving. Another fried cheese with lettuce la made of the English or ordinary Amer­ ican cheese cut in strips like French fried potatoes. Dip these In seasoned egg and bread crumbs and fry In deep fat when ready for use. ACHES E & f f i E E f i a S U Q One of the Largest Elephant«. A recent writer in the Field news­ paper gives the dimensions of an old hdlan elephant, which would scaroelr •d>r« been much Inferior In size W a ii*?todon. According to his necnont the animal measured 11% feet In height at the shoulders. 25 feet 6 inches from the tip of the trunk to the end of the tall. The distance from the tip of the trunk to one eye aaa 7 feet; from one eye to the tall nearly 1344 feet, and the tall was 444 feet In length. The tusks were 5 feet ! Inches long.—Harper's Monthly Uagazlna.__________________ ldahc. n ur W e is «r: 4 r. hous*. barn, outbuiMmu», etc. gram , truck, stock or fru it farm ; all conven­ ience«. Address KINNEY. Box 81*. Chicago. I1L W IL L SELL OR TRADE FOR PACIFIC COAST tow n pri'perty le s t liUO-a. farm in Frem ont Co., Idaho; lv> a cult: house, barns, outbuilding*, »lock, mehny. etc.; complete, w ell located. W m . M. Meek. Squirrel. Idaho. Sauce for Fricassee. Stir together two tablespoonfuls ol butter and one of flour previously mixed with a little milk. Add a pint of milk and white stock mixed in equal quantities; or a pint of milk alone. Add a sliced carrot, a chopped onion, a few sprigs of parsley and salt and pepper to taste Put Into the sance whatever meat It Is Intended to tricassee and stew gently until ten der. Remove the pieces Into another saucepan, thicken with the yolks ol two eggs, squeeze in the Juice of hall a lemon, pour over the meat and serve very hot. WHAT YOU NEED When When W hen When the appetite is poor — the stomoch is weak — the bowels are clogged - You are run-down — is a short course of HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS IT TONES — STRENGTHENS — INVIGORATES Try a bottle today and be con­ vinced. All Druggists. enjoyea tne juage s Luncn. Amaii, who appeared to be one of the unemployed, entered unobserved I tho chamber of one of the judges In the Four Courts, Dublin, Ireland, the other day, and helped himself to the lunch which had been prepared for the Judg**. While he was pouring out a cup of tea he was discovered by the attendant In chnrge, who had him re­ moved and went to look for a police* Mistrusted Santa Claus. man. In the meantime the man e»* As Christmas time drew near Bob­ ^aped. by expressed a wish for some spe­ I!«d C rr*n Ball Blue will wash doubl« an many cially desired article. His mother dot he« as any other blue. Don’t put your money suggested that he write to Santa into any other. Claus shout 1L “ Mother,” said the Deadly Glasses. child, after some hesitation, " I —I A contrast to the Venetian glassev think everything of Santy, an’ I know' bow good he is an’ everthing, but. which were popularly supposed to fly mother, he’s so awful busy that he to pieces If poisoned liquor were pour­ forgets, sometimes’ Last year, yoq ed Into them, were glasses which ’member, I asked him for a toy goat poisoned all who drank from them. an’ he sent me four dogs. I wish youY The poison was crystallized at the bottom of the glass, from which it ook after this one thing yourself!” was Indistinguishable, and as It dis­ Prc! C m ., Rail B ljr. all blur. b r ,t bluina value solved very slowly It could be used n the whole world, makes the laundress smile. many times with deadly effect. Some such glasses can be seen at the Brit, Pie Sufficed for Large Party. Over 90 persons partook, the othet Ish museu— hea.*d in support of the measure. Lawyers Oppose Recall. Townsend told the committee the gov­ Chicago— Members o f the Illinois ernment had not sued and would not sue those purchasers who acquired less State Bar association by popular vote than a thousand acres from the road. have expressed their disapproval of the recall system. The returns on the vote when counted at the association’s Sulli, Soldier, la Dead. headquarters gave the following re­ N ew Rochelle. N. Y .— Giovanni Sul sults : li, one of Garibaldi's favorite cap­ Against the recal o f judges in ¡Il­ tains, died here at the residence o f his linois, 646; for the recall of judges in son, aged 86 years. He was one o f Illinois, 109: against the recall o f de­ the prominent figures in Sicily during cisions involving constitutional ques­ the rebellion of 1848-60, and was a tions, 615; for recall by [popular vote friend of Garibaldi. He distinguished o f decisions involving constitutional himself on the field of battle and was questions, 143. three times captured and condemned to death, but was exchanged. Victor French Add to Forces- Emmanuel offered him a high position Paris — Owing to the threatening ¡la y at Oorleston, Suffolk. England, of in the Italian government, but the o f­ fer was refused that Sulli might live conditions in Morocco, the French gov­ x gigantic sea-pie, into the making of ! which there entered two stone of flour, in the United States. ernment has decided to send seven battalions of infantry, instead of three | ntx rabbits, six ox and sheep kidneys. :8 pounds of beefsteak, two score of Scientist's Will Held Valid. battalions, as originally planned, as [ green vegetables, half a stone of on- Concord, N. H .— The clause o f the well as extra batteries o f artillery, to ! Ions, and two stone of turnips and car­ will o f Mrs. Mary Baker G. Eddy, that coantry. Two battalions o f na­ rots. The total weight of the pie was founder o f the Christian Science tive Senegal infantry are now being Aver two hundred pounds, and It took church, bequeathing the residue o f her mobilized at Dakar, and these w ill wo days to cook. estate, valued at about $2,000,000, to reach Casa Blanca, Morocco, June 20. the First Church o f Christ, Scientist, These reinforcements will give Gene­ All Are Ours. o f Boston, creates a “ valid trust,” in ral Moiner a force o f 32,000 men, flVe lament the hostility of clrcum the opinion o f the Supreme court. The with another 11,000 spread out along stances and the elusive nature of op­ court holds that the “ residuary clause the frontier o f Algeria. portunity; but If we are In the stream la not a g ift to a church, but a g ift of power all clrcumatances are oura. Halibut Catch is Record. for religious purposes, sustainable as The master of right living Is keyed a charitable tr u s t” Seattle, Wash.— Old timers in the ; to hla surroundings and lives as the fishing industry are discussing the rose ope^s to the sky and air. Study Agreed to Pension Bill. marvelous catch o f 362,675 pounds of I yourself, lay firm hold on the deep Washington, D. C .—The report by halibut recently brought to this port I germs of angelhood, the folded bios- the conferees o f the two houses o f con­ by the Weidlng & Independent Fish­ { soma of beauty, and bid them come gress on the general pension bill was eries company’s steamship Independ­ .______ The catch is the largest ever forth! agreed to by the senate. The bill will ent. necessitate an average increase o f ap­ propriations of $22,000,000 a year for the next five years. The greatest in­ crease will occur next year, when it will reach $35,000,000. / ’i Tobacco Raising In Ireland. Irish tobacco and Irish cigars and cigarettes are bought In Dublin with patrlotlo pride and smoked with en­ joyment, and It may be only a matter of time when Irish cigarettes will be known the smoking world over. The raising of tobacco In Ireland la one of the new Industries which are being undertaken, and the quality la pro­ nounced good. Exarclas. Mrs. Knlcker—"Can you get you» boots buttoned without bending your kneea?” Mrs. Bocker— “ Certainly: I make my husband do I t ”— Harper's Bazar. __________________ As a Flower. The spirit of a person's life la evet shedding some power. Just as a flower Is steadily bestowing fragrance upon the air.— T. Starr King. made bv a single vessel in the world He Knew. and far surpasses the records on both Christianity and Citizenship. Flapper (reading a novell—This. Is the Atlantic and Pacific coasta accord­ sn improbable book. I'm sure these Whatever mnkeu men good ( 'tlrla- ing to those well versed in the history wo would have hi, > d each other tlans makes iheui good citizens.- Don- o f the halibut industry. ( leal Webster. ( Wag ago.—4 1 . , i Letter.