Estacada progress. (Estacada, Or.) 1908-1916, May 09, 1912, Image 1

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All the News
All the Time
NO. 35
O n ly P a p e r in
East Clackamas
$1 A Y E A R
VOI.. 4
CAPITAL • $25.000
City V ote on Division.
S a n d y a n d B o rin g S e n d
D e le g a tio n « o f
O b je c to r s —- O r e g o n C it y L i r e W ire«
D o d g e V o t e o n Q u e s tio n A lo n e .
W. D. J E L L IS O N , Pres.
T H O M A S Y O C U M , V. Pres, j
L . E. B E L F IL S , Cashier
W . D. J E L L IS O N ,
J O H N Z O B R IS T ,
J. A . S O M E R ,
L . E. B E L F IL S .
If everybody in this community would bank their mon­
ey right here at home, instead of hoarding, or sending it
away, it would help everybody in this community.
It is
us to keep our money right here and help ourselves.
W e will gladly give counsel to anyone wanting our ad­
vice— especially if we can steer you away from investments
which might cause you loss.
Make our Bank Your
'41111 n r n t i u t t M — -. —
A straw yotc taken at a meeting of the
Commercial club at Oregon City, Tues­
day evening, participated in by repre­
sentatives from Oregon City and a num­
ber from Hast Clackamas, resulted 66 to
59 against division. The closeness of the
vote was a surprise to the opponents of
division, who had confidently expected
a 2 to I victory.
The vole wai the culmination of a ser­
ies of meetings held with Oregon City,
during which Cascade county advocates
attempted to secure an expression of sen­
timent from the Oregon City organiza­
tion. A climax was reached Tuesday
night, when, after an objection *o a vote
had been made by representatives from
Sandy and Boring, it was ordered by
President McBain, who took pains to ex­
plain that it bouud nobody and was sim­
ply an expression of sentiment of those
in the room, as nearly as it could be
reached by the straw vote route. Every­
body at the meeting was ullowed to vote,
much\o the surprise of Kstacada, which
supposed only the Oregon City Commer­
cial club was to vote.
Cascade county now knows as much
about how the people of Oregon City
stand on the question as it did before the
conferences were held. And no more.
T h ose
Y ou need the former;
W e need the latter.
W e can both get what we need, if you will come in and
pnce our
Big Line of Watches
W hen you find how reasonable they are in price,
you can’t afford to risk your eyesight by squinting at the
sun or by asking Central what time it is.
If you want a time piece on which you can rely
to the
W ho
Estacada Jewelry Company
Concert at Home
Music of Artists brought to the
fireside by
Springwater Ball Club
Shuts Out Logan Team
O b je c te d .
The Cascade boosters were well treated
and no Oregon City man spoke against
division. What verbal objection there
was, was registered by a few representa­
tives from Boring, Sandy and Eagle
Creek. They were called on to »peak,
by President Me Bain and the gist of their
argument was that they knew little
about the subject and were therefore
against division because they believed
that taxes might be higher. They also
apologized to Oregon City for voting for
annexation to Multnomah two vears
ago and wound up by saying they were
born in Clackamas county knd hoped to
die here.
Kagle Creek bad a divided delegation.
The principal speaker for the.objectors
was Noah Stingley, who told liow he
rode horseback, like Paul Revere through
Kagle Creek and secured 6t signers
against division. Two other Kagle Creek
men, J. W. Doty and J. W. Cahill said
they were not prepaied to express an
Both wore Cascade county
Sandy and Boring speakers against di­
vision were Messrs. Root, Shelley, Dunn,
McCabe, Proctor, Younker, Strause,
Thomas, Moran, Brooch, Telford, Elliott,
Cook anil Kertchel of Logan.
A r g u e fo r a D iv isio n .
W e meet all competitors, no matter where located, and
as for catalogue houses, They’ re E asy. Reduced rates on
all jewelry and clocks. Watch and Clock repairing prompt­
ly attended to.
"U p with your hands!” the hold­
up man again yelled and this time
the boys obeyed.
The man with the rifle kept the
weapon pointed at the trembling
lads, while Cecil Browne begged
him not to shoot. Then the other
man joked about the incident, but
the boys were compelled to stand
with hauds elevated for perhaps
five minutes.
"N o w you kids, hike out ot
here" said thegunmau, "And don't
you stop or I’ ll fix you.”
The boys ran most of the way
home. Morley and Cecil Browne
are sons of Rev. Browne, pastor of
the Methaxlistchurcb, Russell Reed,
the son of the mayor. They went
out to Zion church to notify the
people that the -minister would not
be able to appear because of sick­
They were on their way
home when accosted.
It is the
general opinion the men were
Both wore black slouch hats
pulled low on their faces
T he boys would recognize them
if they are caught.
The rifleman
wore a kaltki suit and was smooth
shaved; the other blue overalls and
carried a blacksnake whip.
boys were taking a short cut from
Zion church to the county road,
when they ran into the would-be-
C. W. Devore, chairman of the Cas­
cade county committee opened the argu­
ment for division, saying that Kstacaea
was not kicking against Oregon City, at
some of the opponents of division had
stated, and adding that practically all
the apeakers had worked logo into Mult­
nomah county two years ago and failing,
had decline*! to listen to any other plan
of division. He presented figures as to
population, assessable properiy and sal­
ary list of about 56.000 for county officers
in the proposed county, showed that the
per capita is nearly and that the
county seat could not be settled inside of
four years, according to law. No court
house is necessary as rooms can be rented.
Referring to the Kagle Creek petition,
he said he did not doubt be could go
about the streets of Oregon City and se­
cure a big list of objectors to the proposed
Oregon City armory.
Then followed speeches from repre­
sentatives of various precincts, warmly
advocating division. These were some
of the speakers: Messrs. Cromer and
Folsom of Springwater; E. E. Sating,
Currinsville; Randolph of Viola; If. Ep­
person and G. T. Hunt, Garfield; George
Bpperson, Cascade; J. W. Reed, Esta­
cada; H. F. Gibson, Barton; B. D. Olds,
Oak Grove; W. F. Cary and L. E. Bel­
li Is, who closed the argument with an
excellent presentation of the *|uestion,
quoting data and figures.
The rain aud clouds pheazed Es-
tacada's club Sunday, but the
Springwater team journeyed to Lo­
gan and hung the Injun sign on
that aggregation, by making the
members thereof hop through nine
hoops. Scores 3 to o for Spring-
water. Mr. Dolbow, who obliged
for the Prohibitionists, was air
tight, letting down the opposition
with four hits.
Only one man
reached third base. Gerber threw
well but he was stung for to, a few
in clusters.
T he Springwater crew will be
here next Sunday to try out Esta­
cada. Aud the locals gazing upon
the Logan score, are spitting on
their hands and burnishing up their
batting lamps. They realise they
will have to go some.
Batteries, last Sunday:
and Boylan; Gerber and Sager.
Hunt, Hunting Gold
A . T. Hunt, while hunting in
the mountains last week found in
the sand of a creek, a solid gold
nugget weighing 123 grains.
the market value, it is worth be­
tween $5 and $6.
The Irequency with which nug­
gets are turning up in the Estacada
country of late is exciting the inter­
est of prospectors. T w o years ago
Mr. Hunt found several small nug­
gets in the same locality where the
largest one turned up last week.
He also has a piece of quartz which
shows color under a magnifying
The nugget which he has now,
appears to have been washed a con
siderable distance for it is smooth,
except for a few iudentatiouson one
side. It is a handsome specimen
and he bas been offered its value
but declines to take it. He expects
to resume prospecting shortly.
W e are making a special price on these sterling
Here’s one for $13.50
I S o n . o f R e » . B r o w n e an d M a y e r R e e d I
G iv e n a B e d S c a r e b y T w o T o u g h
S tra n g e r s S u n d a y A fte r n o o n
others that cost more.
Records from 65c up— music on
both sides.
W . D. and L . M. Henthom, Proprietors
Odd Fellows Building
Poking a rifle in their faces, the
taller of two roughly dressed men.
last Sunday afternoon about 3:30
stepped into a path over which
Morley Browne, aged 15, Cecil
Browne, aged 11 and Russell Reed,
aged 14, were passing, and gruffly
"H auds up, you k id s "’
Scared ba.lly, the boys stood star­
ing at the
uku .
a $5 Nugget
Our clubbing rates will help you
to save money.
Bank to Have Paving.
P . R . L. S l P . D o n a te« C r u s h e d R o c k an d
Pay« fo r M o st o f C u r b
P re p a re « to
C le a r I t’« R ig h t o f W a y .
Broadway from the P. R. L. & P.
depot to Second street is soon to have
a first ciass macadam pavement with
concrete guttering and curbing on both
sides. An ordinance providing for the
gutter and curb will be introduced at
the next meeting of the city council
and without doubt, will pass.
than two thirds of the abutting property
owners have agreed to sign a petition
for the improvement.
The P. R. L. & P. which owns all the
east side of the block on Broadway and
J. W. Reed, who owns a large part of
the west side, are willing that the work
be dene. The railroad company with
its characteristic enterprise, has do­
nated the crushed rock for the pave­
ment and will pay its share of the curb
and gutter assessment.
We Sell Cheaper, That’s Why
Estacada Merc Co.
Our prices are Lower-There’s a Reason
C le a r R ig h t o f W a y .
P. J. Reagan, who operates the stone
crusher, will likely have charge of the
work demonstrating what can be done
in the way of a macadam street. When
completed the block will be one of the
most attractive in town, giving visitors
to Estacada an excellent impression of
the city.
Appropriation, recommended by Traf­
fic Manager Hunt of the railroad com­
pany, for clearing the right of way
along the townsite, has been approved
and the money is now available for the
work. The stumps will be pulled and
the ground thoroughly cleared.
labor will be used. In addition Cary
Brothers, owners of Terrace addition,
have awarded the contract for grading
the switch track over their property
and as soon as this is finished, the rail­
road company will lay the steel. Alto­
gether the entrance to the city will be
greatly improved this spring.
Department of th « Interior. United States Land
Office, Portland. Oregon. May 6 th. 1912.
T o Cornelius Raymond Sullivan of Portland. Oragon.
C ontest««:
You are hereby notified that S. G. Saltier. who
gives 1629 Stockton St.. Portland. Oregon, as his
poetoffice address, did on April 23. 1912, file in thla
office his duly corroborated application to contest and
secure the cancellation of your homestead entry, sar-
lal No. 02593 made May 10th. 1910. for the south
east % of the northwest *4 of section 28. township 3
south, range 5 east. Willamette meridian, and as
ground« for his contest he alleges that you have not
lived on aald claim oi made any Improvements on the
same, and that ycu have not Ifved on the same aince
making your filings about two years since.
You are. therefore, further notified that the tsld al­
legations will be taken by this office « • having pea«
confessed by you. and your said entry will be cancell­
ed thereunder without ycur further right to be heard
therein, either before this office or on appeal, if you
fall to file In this office within twenty days after the
F O U R T H publication of this notice, as shown below,
your answer, under oath, specifically masting and re­
sponding to these allegations of contest, or if you fail
within that time to file In this office due proof that
you have served a copy of your answer on the said
contestant either in person or by registered mail. If
thla service is made by the delivery of a copy of your
answer to the contestant In person, proof of such ser­
vice must be either the said contestant 's written ac­
knowledgment of his receipt of the copy, showing the
date of its receipt, or the affidavit of the person by
whom the delivery was made stating when and where
the copy was delivered; If made by registered mail,
proof of such service must consist of the affidavit of
the person by whom the copy was mailed stating
when and the poet office to which it wee mailed, end
this affidavit must be accompanied by the pestmas
ter s receipt for the letter.
You should state In your answer the name of the
postoffice to which you desire future notices to be sent
“ ,0 “
M. F. H tfb y R . r l . - . r
f. C. Ardrey. R e c e iv e r!
Date of first publication. May 9. 1912.
Date of second publication May 16. 1912.
Date o f third publication May 23. 1912.
Date of fourth publication May 30, 1912.
Fresh Every Day
O N IO N S ,
W . A.
Good rigs and careful driver* always
S T R A W B E R R IE S ,
C. E. DUBOIS, Manager.
We deal in all kinds of building
material including Lumber, Lath,
Sash, Doors, Sand, Gravel, Lime,
Plaster, Brick. Cement, Etc. All
orders promptly filled.
Ehe Home of Quality
Fill the Prescription
Are You a High Flyer?
If you are there are no flies on you.
This is the season of
You hear the baseball fan talk flies.
speaks of various kinds of flies.
The Fisherman
Flies is the theme that special
governiental authorities dwell upon when they inform us of the
germs that are being carried by the pestiferous insects.
arc advised to
Swat the Fly”
This is the time of the year to protect yourselves against the
Invasion of the flies.
pound of cure.”
Oubois Lumber Co.
...Cruse Brothers...
laical and bong Distance Telephone
Hunting and Fishing Partie*
R A D IS H E S ,
F L IK S .
Livery, Feed 4 Sale
" A n ounce of prevention is worth a
The old method of shooing the fly when the
family sat around the family board, was a branch of a tree be­
ing manipulated by the small boy.
Were you ever that small
Now every well conducted household protects itself t hy
putting up, around its domicile, screen doors and screen win­
We are going to do our part to make life less miserable
to you, by selling you the best screens that money can buy,
at prices that are right.
This is a good
time to purchase
screen doers and windows.
Don’t Forget the Yellow Front Emporium
Head Office Broadway, Phone Main 103 McCurdy Lbr. &
Hardware Co.