Estacada progress. (Estacada, Or.) 1908-1916, May 02, 1912, Image 2

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Special Initruction at O. A. C, J u re
IU-July 26.
Industrial Movement Among C hildren
to Be E ncouraged.
Salem —C. H. Lane, of the d ep art­
m ent of the in te rio r a t W ashington,
has been delegated to m ake a trip
through Oregon in the in te rests of the
industrial m ovem ent among children
which is being fostered by the depart
m ent of public instruction in Oregon.
Mr. Lane will be m et a t Pendleton
by Calvin Thomason, who is prom oting
the work in Oregon and will m ake 16
v isits here, continuing in the sta te un­
til May 24. H is itin e rary follows:
Pendleton, May 8 and 9; The Dalles,
9 and 10; Hood River, 10 and 11
Portland, 11 to 13; Oregon City, 13
and 14; Roseburg, 14 to 16; McMinn viewed the b attle.
H o w a r d J ef fr ie s, b a n k e r ’s s on , u n d e r
The engagem ent equalled in dram a- the evil inttiiem-o of Hubert Underwood.
ville, 17; Salem , 18; Corvallis, 18
e l l o w - s t u d e n t a t Yale, le a d s a llfo o f d i s ­
and 19; Albany, 19 and 20; Eugene, tic circum stances the encounter in f sipa
ti on. m a r r i e s t h e d a u g h t e r o f a g a m ­
20 to 22; G rants Pass, 22 and 23 Ja n u a ry , 1911, described as “ the b a t­ ble r w h o d ie d in pr iso n, a n d Is d i s o w n e d
by his f a t h e r . H e Is o u t o f w o r k a n d In
Medford, 23 and 24; Ashland, 24.
esperate s traits. U nderwood, w ho had
tle of London,” when desperadoes ac­ d once
been e n g a g e d to H o w a r d ’s s t e p ­
o t h e r . Alic ia, Is a p p a r e n t l y in p r o s p e r ­
cused of being the m urderers of police m
ous c i r c u m s t a n c e s . T a k i n g a d v a n t a g e of
in Houndsditch w ere trapped in a his I n t i m a c y w i t h Alicia, ho b e c o m e s a
• o r t of s oc ia l h i g h w a y m a n . D is c o v e r i n g
Southern Pacific Road T akes Over house in the W hitechapel d istric t and his t r u e c h a r a c t e r , A lic ia d e n i e s h i m t h e
H e sends her a note th re a te n in g
Famous Klamath R esort.
w ent to their death b a ttlin g again st ,„i, .|d e. A r t d e a l e r s f o r w h o m h e a c t e d
Ra c o m m i s s i o n e r , d e m a n d a n a c c o u n t i n g .
K lam ath F alls—T hat the Southern hundreds of London police and qnl
H e c a n n o t m a k e good. H o w a r d c a l l s a t
Pacific railroad company had purchas­ diers.
his a p a r t m e n t s In a n I n t o x i c a t e d c o n d i ­
tio n to r e q u e s t a lo a n o f $2,000 t o e n a b l e
ed the Pelican Bay lodge o f the late
Bonnot and Dubois, a fte r wounding hi m to t a k e u p a b u s i n e s s p r o p o s i t i o n .
Edw ard H. H arrim an has been an­
H o w a r d d r i n k s h im s e lf I n to a m a u d l i n
tio n, a n d go es to s l e e p on a d iv a n .
nounced by E rnest O. McCormick, two policemen, took refuge in the condi
A c u l le r is a n n o u n c e d a n d U n d e r w o o d
vice-president of the system in charge garage. They w ere trapped in the d r a w s a s c r e e n a r o u n d t h e d r u n k e n
il ee p er .
A lic ia en t e r s .
She d em ands
of traffic, who, accompanied by W. H.
p r o m i s e f r o m U n d e r w o o d t h a t h e w ill n o t
McDoel, of Chicago, president of the ed. R einforcem ents w ere dispatched f n k e h is life. H e r e f u s e s u n l e s s s h e will
¡renew h e r p a tro n a g e . T h is s h e refuses,
L ouisville, New Albany & Chicago
d t a k e s h e r leave. U n d e r w o o d kil ls
railroad, came here in a special tra in lery was on the way from V ersailles an
hi m se lf. T h e r e p o r t o f t h e p is to l a w a -
. . .
k e n s H o w a r d . H i finds U n d e r w o o d d e a d .
w ith a p arty of friends to look over
in placing dynam ite ag ain st H o w a r d is t u r n e d o v e r t o t h e police,
the K lam ath basin and the Pelican succeeded
the stru c tu re and blowing out the P a Pt * C li nt on , n o t o r i o u s f o r h i s b r u t a l
t r e a t m e n t of prlsn nvr a, p u t s
H oward
Bay property as well.
front walls.
Bonnot was captured t h r o u g h Ilia t h i r d ilauraa. Hnd ll n a ll y g e t s
It had been thought for some tim e
an a l l a y d c o n t a g i o n f r o m t h e h a r a s s e d
th a t the H arrim an resort had been
m a n . Ann ie. H o w a r d ' s wife, d e c l a r e s h e r
b r ll e f In liar h u s b a n d ’s I n n o c e n c e , a n d
taken over by the Southern Pacific, the way to a hospital.
[-alls on J e f f r ie s . Sr. l i e r e f u s e s to h e l p
ow ing to the fa c t th a t its rep re se n ta ­
u n le ss s h e will c o n s e n t to a d iv o r c e . T o
l a v e H o w a r d s h e co n s e n t s , h o t w h e n s h e
tive, F. D. Cortade, had been in
finds t h a t t h e eld. r J e f f r ie s d o e s n o t I n ­
charge of the lodge since Mr. H a rri­ bandit from the soldiers, several of te n d t o s t a n d b y hts son. e x c e p t f i n a n ­
cially. s h e s c o r n s his help. A n n i e a p p e a l s
man ’s death.
to J u d y B r e w s t e r , a t t o r n e y f o r J e f f r ie s ,
Sr., t o t a k e H o w a r d ’s ea se. H e d ec li n es .
Oregon A gricultural College, Cor-
valis — The ex traordinary in terest
shown by the B ankers’ association,
commercial clubs and other organiza­
tions throughout the sta te in the in­
dustrial contests for school children
now in progress in all d istric ts, means
th a t the schools m ust incorporate in
the regular course some system atic in­
struction in industrial branches. The
work can not be confined to the high
school or the seventh and eighth
grades, hut is bound to cover the en­
tire course, w ith the proper adap ta­
tion to the ages o f the pupils in the
different grades.
For this reason school superinten­
dents, principals and teachers will
need to fam iliarize them selves w ith
the sp irit and purpose of th is new ed
ucation, and to secure m aterial to pre
sent to the pupils.
To this end the
sum m er session a t the Oregon A g ri­
cultural college th is year, which opens
June 18 and lasts until Ju ly 26, will
offer special instructions.
could there be found a body o f experts
b e tte r prepared to give the teachers
th is very assistance than in the facul­
ty of the agricu ltu ral college.
dom estic science d e p artm en t is ready
to assist in the outlining o f courses of
instruction for the g irls from the low
e st grades through the high school;
the engineering college will do the
same for the m anual tra in in g course
in the schools, and all departm ents of
agricultural study will offer sim ilar
aid in planning the work in agricul
tu re for both rural and city schools.
Ten courses in elem entary and ad­
vanced agricu ltu re a re to be given,
four in dom estic science, three in do­
m estic a rt, and three in manual tra in ­
ing. These are all in addition to the
re g u la r pedagogic studies alw ays in Whitney Com pany Sells 11,000 A cres
eluded for those who wish to increase
in C latsop County.
th e ir equipm ent as teachers.
—A deal th a t has been pend­
m ethods of teaching these industrial
subjects in both town and country ing for several days is now reported
schools, general problem s of school to have been practically consum m ated
m anagem ent, and the special problem w hereby Kalb & L arkin, who operate
of the one-room school will be handled a logging camp on the Nasel river,
acquire all the tim b er holdings in this
ably by e x p ert instructors.
Upon inquiry in the E ast as to the county belonging to the W hitney com
best man for practical instruction on pany, lim ited.
W hile the details of the transaction
the country school, Prof. E. D. Pess-
ler, d irector of the sum m er session, w ere not obtainable, it is understood
was inform ed th a t the national author­ the deal includes all the com pany’s
ity on the subject is N. D. Show alter, tim ber, com prising in the neighbor
principal of the W ashington S ta te hood o f approxim ately 11,000 acres of
Normal school a t Cheney, W ash., and high-class yellow fir, located in the
he has been secured for O. A. C. for Blind slough and G nat creek districts,
this sum m er, to g eth er w ith several as well as the com pany’s logging ra il­
o ther able men and women from other road and camp, which are said to be
am ong the finest equipped in the
In some sta te s school boards offer N orthw est.
The sale is in the n atu re o f a log­
teachers special inducem ents to pre­
pare them selves m ore thoroughly for ging contract, and while the consider­
th e ir work, e ith e r by paying a p a rt of ation is not m ade public, the deal will
the expense of the sum m er course, or involve several hundred thousand dol­
by raisin g the salaries of those who lars.
are w illing to spend th e ir vacations in
study. The cost a t O. A. C. is re­
m arkably low, $40 covering every­
Much P ro g re ss Beingj^Made on Line
thing excepting the railroad fare.
o f N atron Cut-Off.
Eugene — Word comes from Oak-
ridge, a t the head of the N atron cut­
off, th a t L. R. W attis & Co., sub­
E astern Fish Will Be Planted
contractors under the U tah construc­
Lakes o f C ascad es.
tion company, now have four steam
Portland — R estocking the lakes of shovels a t work on the present con­
the Cascades w ith E aste rn brook tro u t tra c t of five m iles.
The whole w in­
was the chief topic a t the last m eet­ te r was spent in clearing th e rig h t of
ing of the S ta te Fish and (lam e com­ way, and grading work can now go
m issioners.
T his kind of tro u t has forw ard rapidly.
been selected because they fa re b e tte r
The Southern Pacific company has
in the higher a ltitu d e s than any other completed a pipeline a h a lf m ile up
species of the fish.
Salmon creek to bring w a ter to the
"B e tw ee n Cazadero and Diamond tan k s a t O akridge. E ventually the
lake there are some 60 or 70 good pipeline will be extended two m iles to
lakes w ith deep w a te r,” said S ta te give a g ra v ity flow to the tanks.
Fish and Game w arden Finley, " b u t
R ails for several m iles of the South­
they contain few fish, and we are anx­ ern Pacific line to Coos Bay are ex­
ious to restock them . The only way pected w ithin a few days. Grade has
to do so is to g e t to g eth e r an equip­ been completed from Eugene w est­
m ent of horses and pack anim als, w ard three miles.
m ake special cans in which to carry
the fish, and then m ake trip s from the
Sm ith to Aid P a p e r Mill,
th ree points, Cazadero, D etro it and
M arshfield—Announcem ent is made
" W e have taken the m a tte r up w ith by C. A. Sm ith, m illionaire head of the
the d ep artm ent of forestry, which a f­ C. A. Sm ith Lum ber & M anufacturing
te r m aking a careful investigation, company, th a t he would be financially
has offered to stock the lakes in the in terested w ith H jelte and R olf Ner-
fo rest reserves for us free, provided drum , recently of Finland, in the im ­
we supply the fish. W ithin a month m ediate construction of a paper pulp
The p lant will
or so we shall have 700,000 E astern m ill a t Marshfield.
brook tro u t ready to lib e rate from cost three-quarters of a m illion dollars.
The Nerdrum b rothers have been en­
B onneville.”
The commission will have approxi- gaged in the paper pulp business in
m atey 10,000,000 fry to release d u r­ Finland and will employ a chemical
process for using fir wood in m aking
ing the coming season.
paper pulp.
New Road W ork P ro g re sses.
Marshfield—The people o f G ardiner
and vicinity are doing some im portant
road 1 building.
been a t work on a new road which
will m ake another inland thorough­
fare to
The route now taken by the stages is
along the beach.
A nother new road
is being built from the Um pqua south
tow ard the Ten Mile lake country.
Some years ago G ardiner had no w ag­
on roads leading out of the place, the
only m eans of travel being by river
boat and along the beach.
lb< £)
Walls o f Refuge Dynamited, and Both
Riddled With Bullets.
I’a r i s — Bonnot, the leader of an or­
ganized gang of autom obile bandits
who have been terro rizin g 1'aris and
the surrounding d istric t for months,
and Dubois, a notorious anarchist,
were shot to death Sunday in the most
th rillin g encounter in the annals of
French crim e.
A garage a t Choisy-le-Roi, six miles
south of Paris, in which the bandits
had taken refuge, w as blown up by
dynam ite, a fte r the two men had kept
a t bay for hours a large p a rt of the
police force of P aris, a contingent of
gendarm es, two companies of republi­
can guards and a company of engi­
Eugene Plans City Hall
Eugene— Steps tow ard the erection
of a city hall for Eugene w ere taken
by the city council when the city a t­
torney was directed to prepare for
calling a special election, probably
early in July, for the purpose of sub­
m ittin g to the people the question of
a bond issue to provide for the build­
W hile the sum has not y e t been
decided upon, it is evident from the
discussion of the Councilmen th a t they
have in mind a building th a t will cost
«bout $60,000, w ith $16,000 to $25,000
for equipm ent.
Big Dairy Farm S ta rte d .
Sem uel Hill P leases Audience.
F o rt K lam ath --F o rty -n in e head of
Corvallis — Samuel Hill, the noted
fine H olstien and Durham cows be- good roads advocate, addressed a
longing to Senator A bner Weed, of crowd here th a t filled the opera house
Dunsm uir, Cal., are now on the Weed to overflowing and kept his audience
ranch near here, w here one of t h e ! deeply interested.
He w as warm ly
m ost extensive d a iry in g e stab lish ­ applauded. The speech was illu stra t
m ents in the country is to be oper­ ed by pictures show ing the results of
ated. It is the in tention to brin g in a road building in various sections of
large num ber m ore of cows w ithin a the country. The local m em bers of
few w eeks and all will be m ilked here the Oregon Good Roads league made
and the product placed on the m arket. arrangem ents for the m eeting and are
By another season it is expected to en th u siastic over the results.
hsve more than 200 cows on th is mod­
Union P re p a re s for S tock Show .
el place.
U nion— P reparations for the fourth
Lum bar Firm Form ed.
annual stock show to be held a t union
A storia— A rticles o f incorporation June 6, 7 and 8, are well under way,
of the Sm iley-L am pert ber com and the indications sre th a t the show
pany w ere filed in the county cle rk ’s will be the biggest and best o f the
The incorporators are E. P. several stock shows held in this place.
Sm iley, Jacob L am port and John H. I.ast y ear it was estim ated th a t $260,-
Sm ith, and the capital stock is $100,- 000 w orth of fine stock appeared in
000, divided into 1000 shares o f $100 the parade, and this y ear the stock
each. The main office of the company attendance prom ises to be even larger,
is to be a t W arrenton and its object The officers of the show and citizens
is to engage in the m an u factu re of generally are pushing the work along,
lum ber products.
, and Union will be ready for the crowd.
Floods Follow O klahom a S torm and
Block R escuers.
Oklahoma C ity—As detailed reports
come in, the e x te n t o f devastation and
loss of life and property in Sundays’
tornado increases. It is known th a t 20
towns were struck by the storm which
swept northw ard through portions of
Southw estern and Central Oklahom a;
th a t two of them , B utler and Foss,
were lite rally wiped out and 41 dead
and more than 100 injured are ac­
counted for. O ther deaths are re p o rt­
ed but cannot be verified because
swollen stream s prevent rescue patries
from exploring whole sections.
No word had been received from
Eldorado, W arren, M artha and Blair,
which w ere reported to have suffered
severely, w hile Korn, Sentinel Colony
and H inton, Okla. w ere learned to
have been badly damaged.
All Central Oklahoma seems to be
demoralized and it may be days before
the loss of life and property is known.
W estern Oklahoma stream s are out
of th e ir banks.
The Rock Island
bridge over the C im arron river, 30
m iles south of Enid, was washed out.
A call for aid w as sent out by the offi­
cials o f L ugert, who say there are 30
d e stitiu te fam ilies in the town.
T hird degree
Y w
1909 ,
a v
o.w. D il l in g h a m coMa»nr
It Is r e p o r t e d t h a t A n n ie Is y i n « on t h e
s t a y . T h e b a n k e r a n d h is w i f e r a i l on
J u d y B r e w s t e r t o find s o m e w a y t o p r e ­
v e n t It. A n n i e a c n i n p l e a d s w i t h B r e w -
i t e r to d e f e n d H o w a r d . H e c o n s e n t s .
Alicia is t t r e a t l y a g i t a t e d w h e n s h e l e a r n s
th a t B rew ster has taken th e e a se a n d
d e t e c ti v e s a r e lonkinfi f o r t h e w o m a n w h o
palled on U n d e r w o o d t h e n i g h t o f his
dea th. A lie la eonf.
s to A n n i e t h a t s h e
has a lefter from Underwood th re a te n in g
C H A P T E R X I V .— Continued.
“And you know what m ine a re !”
exclaimed th e banker, hotly. “I re­
fuse to be engulfed in th is wave of
hysterical sym pathy with crim inals.
I will not be stamped with the sam e
hall m ark as the man who tak e s the
life of his fellow being—though the
man be my own son. I will not set
the seal of approval on crim e by de­
fending it.”
The law yer bowed and said calm ly:
“Then, sir, you m ust expect ex­
actly w hat is happening. T his girl,
w hatever she may be, is devoted to
your son. She is his wife. She'll go
to any extrem e to help him —even to
selling her nam e for money to pay
for his defense."
The banker threw up his hands with
"It's a m atter of principle with me.
Her devotion is not the question.”
W ith a mocking laugh he w ent on:
"Sentim entality doesn’t appeal to me.
The whole thing is distasteful and
hideous to me. My instructions to you
are to prevent her using the family
C u'lacan Almost in Ruins.
Tucson, Ariz. — Culiacan v irtually name on the stage, to buy her off on
her own term s, to g et rid of her at
ruined and T epic badly battered, the any price.”
w est coast of Mexico is reported a t
"Except the price she asks,” in te r­
the offices o f the Southern Pacific of posed the lawyer, dryly. Shaking his
Mexico to be free from w arfare for head, he went on:
the first tim e in several weeks. Tepic
“You'll find th at a wife's devotion is
could not be heard from , the w ires a very strong motive power, Jeffries.
having been cut at Presidio. Twenty It will move irresistibly forw ard in
sacks of sugar were stolen from a ra il­ spite of all the b arriers you and I can
road car a t Culiacan, but the rebels in erect to stay its progress. T h at may
their anxiety to keep peace w ith sound like a platitude, but it's a fact
Am erican in te rests returned 19. The nevertheless.”
rebels also furnished a guard to pro­
Alicia, who had been listening with
tec t the property of the railroad.
varied emotions to the conversation,
now interrupted tim idly:
Death and T o rtu re Await.
"P erhaps Judge B rew ster is right,
Mobile, A la.—“ I f the U nited S tates dear. After all, the girl is working
intervenes in Mexico every person of to save your son. Public opinion may
w hite skin—irresp ectiv e o f his nation­ think it unnatural—”
a lity —w ill be killed or to rtu re d ,” de­
The banker turned on his wife.
clared J . Hromadko, an A m erican c it­ 8ternly he said:
izen, who arrived here from Chapa
"Alicia, I cannot perm it you to in­
Chala, on the G uatem alan border, by terfere. T hat young m an is a self-
way o f Livingtone, G uatem ala.
Hro­ confessed m urderer and therefore no
madko said he was o perating a drug­ son of mine. I've done w ith him long
store in Chapa Chala.
He asserted ago. I cannot be moved by maudlin
th a t when Mexican bandits found he sentim entality.
Please let th a t be
was an A m erican subject they threw final.” T urning to the law yer, he
his goods into the s tre e t and broke up ; said, coldly:
his store. He lost $6000.
“So, in the m atter of this stage
business, you can take no steps to re­
Rebels Retire W arships.
strain her?"
The law yer shook his head.
Buenos A y re s—Civil w ar has again
"No, there is nothing I can do.”
broken out in Paraguay. Telegram s
he added: “Of course, you
from Asuncion say th a t four govern­
m ent w arships bombarded the revolu­ don’t doubt my loyalty to you?”
tionists, who are commanded by ex­
Mr. Jeffries shook his head.
resident J a ra a t V illa Encarnación,
"No, no, B rew ster.”
176 m iles southeast of Asuncion. The
The lawyer laughed as he said:
“Right or wrong, you know—’my
fire returned by the revolutionists,
however, was so fierce and so well di­ country’—th a t is, my client—’ ’tis of
rected th a t the governm ent w arships thee.’ ” T urning to Alicia, he added,
w ere compelled to re tire in a damaged laughingly: "T h at's the painful p art
of a law yer's profession, Mrs. Jeffries.
The client's w eakness is the law yer’s
Italians C apture Island.
strength. W hen men h ate each o ther
Rome—A w ireless m essage received and rob each other we law yers don't
by Adm iral P resbytero, in command pacify them. W e dare not, because
of the arm ored cruiser
Pisa, an­ th at Is our profession. W e encour­
nounced th a t to com plete the occupa­ age them. We pit them again st each
tion of Stam palia, an island of the other for p ro fit If we d id n 't they'd
G recian Archipelago,
belonging to go to some law yer who would.”
Turkey, he landed two companies,
Alicia gave a feeble smile.
which seized the heights commanding
"Yes,” she replied; "I'm afraid we
to town of L ivadcria.
all love to be advised to do w hat w t
The small garrison surrendered a t w ant to do.”
the first summons.
Mr. Jeffries made an Im patient ges­
ture of d isse n t
Scofflngly he re­
Q ueues Roil Republicans.
m arked;
Sanghai— Republicans in the dis­
“T hat may apply to the g re at gen­
tric ts around Shanghai are attacking erality of people, but not to me.”
all residents who w ear queues, forci­
Judge B rew ster looked skeptical,
bly c u ttin g off the objectionable ap­ but m ade no furth er com m ent The
pendages. Coolies and others in the banker rose and Alicia followed suit.
international settlem ent who retain As he moved tow ard the door, he
th e ir queues are afra id to venture be­ turned and said:
yond the lim its.
Collisions occurred
"Drop In and see me th is evening,
betw een the m unicipal police and so- Brewster. Mrs. Jeffries will be de­
called reform ers.
lighted if you will dine w ith us.”
Alicia sm iled graciously. "Do come,
V oters O ne-Fifth Women.
Judge; we shall be all alone.”
San Francisco —R eg istrar Zemansky
The law yer bent low over her hand
has com pleted the official count o f the as he said good-by. Mr. Jeffries had
vote reg istered in San Francisco, both already reached the door, when he
men and women, for the presidential turned again and said:
prim aries on May 14.
The total is
"Are you su re a very liberal offer
136,490. Women num ber 26,670 and wouldn't Induce her to drop the
men 109,920.
name V
"It's Your Duty to Do It."
The law yer shook his head doubt­
“ Well, see w hat you can do,” cried
the banker.
To his wife he said:
“Are you coming, Alicia?"
"Ju st a m oment, dear,” she replied.
“I w ant to say a word to the Judge."
"All right,” replied the banker. "I’ll
be outside.” He opened the door, and
as he did so he turned to the law yer:
“If there are any new developm ents
let me know a t once.”
He left the office and Alicia breathed
a sigh of relief. She did not love her
husband, but she feared him. He
was not only 20 years her senior, but
his cold, aristocratic m anner intim i­
dated her. H er first Impulse had been
to tell him everything, but she dare
not. His m anner discouraged her. He
would begin to ask questions, ques­
tions which she could not answ er
w ithout seriously Incrim inating her­
self. But her conscience would not
allow her to stand entirely aloof from
the tragedy in which h e r husband’s
scapegrace son was involved.
felt a strange, unaccountable desire to
m eet this girl How ard had m arried.
In a quick undertone to the lawyer,
she said:
"I m ust see th a t woman, Judge. I
think I can persuade her to change
her course of action. In any case I
m ust see her, I m ust—” Looking at
him questioningly, she said:
don't think it inadvisable, do you?”
The Judge smiled grimly.
“I think I'd b e tte r see h e r first,” he
said. "Suppose you come back a lit­
tle later. It’s more th an probable th at
she’ll bo here this afternoon.
see her and arrange for an Interview ."
T here was a knock a t the door, and
Alicia sta rte d guiltily, thinking her
husband m ight have overheard their
conversation. The head clerk entered
and w hispered som ething to the Judge,
a fte r which he retired. The law yer
turned to Alicia with a smile. »
"It’s Just as I thought," he said,
pleasantly, "she's out th ere now.
You'd b e tte r go and leave her to me."
The door opened again uncerem on­
iously, and Mr. Jeffries put in his
“A ren't you coming, Alicia?" he de­
m anded, im patiently.
In a lower
voice to the lawyer, he added: "Say.
Brew ster, th a t woman Is outside in
your office. Now is your opportunity
to come to some arran g em en t with
Again Mrs. Jeffries held out her
"Good-by, Judge; you’re so kind!
It needs a lot of patience to be a
lawyer, doesn’t It?”
Judge B rew ster laughed, and added
In an undertone:
"Come back by and by.”
The door closed, and the law yer
went back to his desk. For a few mo­
m ents he sa t still plunged In deep
thought. Suddenly, he touched a bell.
The head clerk entered.
"Show Mrs. Howard Jeffries, Jr., In."
The clerk looked surprised. S trict
orders hith erto had been to show the
unwelcome visitor out. He believed
th a t he had not heard a rig h t
’’Did you say Mrs. Jeffries, Jr.,
“I said Mrs. Jeffries, Jr.,” replied
the lawyer, grimly.
“Very well, Judge,” said the clerk,
as he left the room.
Presently there was a tim id knock
a t the door.
"Come in !” called out the lawyer.
Annie entered the presence of the
famous law yer pale and 111 a t ease.
This sudden sum m ons to Judge
B rew ster’s private office was so unex­
pected th a t it came like a shock. For
days she had haunted th e prem ises,
sitting In the outer office for hours at
a tim e exposed to the sta re and
covert sm iles of thoughtless clerks
and office boys. H er requests for an
Interview had been m et with cu rt re­
fusals. T hey eith er said the Judge
was out of town or else th a t he was
too busy to be seen. At last, evi­
dently acting upon orders, they flat­
ly refused to even send In her name,
and she had about abandoned hope
when, all a t once, a clerk approached
her, and addressing her m ore politely
than usual, said th a t the Judge would
see h e r in a few m inutes.
H er h eart gave a great throb. Al­
m ost speechless from surprise, she
stam m ered a fa in t thanks and braced
herself for the interview on which so
m uch depended. For the first tim e
since the terrible affair had happened,
th ere w as a faint glim m er of hope
ahead, if only she could rush over
to the Tombs and tell Howard the
Joyful news so he m ight keep up cour­
age! It was eight days now since
H ow ard's arrest, and the trial would
take place in six weeks. T here was
still tim e to prepare a strong defense
If the Judge would only consent to
take the case. She was more sure
than ever th a t a clever law yer would
have no difficulty In convincing a Jury
th a t H ow ard’s alleged "confession”
was untrue and Improperly obtained.
In the Intervals of w aiting to see
the lawyer, she had consulted every
one she knew, and among others she
had talked with Dr. Bernstein, the
noted psychologist, whom she had
seen once a t Yale. Ho received her
kindly and listened attentively to her
story. W hen she had finished he had
evinced the g re atest interest.
told her th a t ho happened to be the
physician called in on the night of the
tragedy, and a t th a t tim e be had
gravo doubts as to it being a case of
m urder. He believed it was suicide,
and he had told Capt. Clinton so, but
the police captain had m ade up his
mind, and th a t was the end of It.
H ow ard's "confession," he w ent on,
really m eant nothing. If called to the
stand he could show the Jury th a t a
hypnotic subject can be made to
"confess" to anything. In the in te r­
e st of tru th , Justice, and science, he
said, he would gladly come to her
All th is she would tell Judge Brew­
ster. It would be of g re at help to
him, no doubt.
Suddenly, a cold
shiver ra n through her. How did she
know he would take the case? Per­
haps this sum m ons to his office was
only to tell her once m ore th a t he
would have nothing to do with her
and her husband. She wondered why
he had decided so suddenly to see
h e r and. like a flash, an idea came to
her. She had seen Mr. Jeffries. Sr.,
e n te r the Inner sanctum and, in­
stinctively, she felt th a t she had
som ething to do with his visit
banker had come out accompanied by
a richly-dressed woman whom she
guessed to be his wife.
She looked w ith much Interest at
How ard's stepm other. She had heard
so much about her th a t it seemed to
her th a t Bho knew her personally. As
Alicia Bwept proudly by. the eyes of
the two women met, and Annie was
surprised to see in the banker's wife's
face. Instead of th e cold, haughty
sta re she expected, a wistful, longing
look, as If she would ilka to stop and
talk with her, but dare not. In an­
o ther Instant sho was gone. and. obey­
ing a clerk, who beckoned her to fol­
low him, she e ntered Judge Brew­
ste r’s office.
The lawyer looked up as she cam s
in, but did not move from his seat.
Gruffly he said:
"How long do you Intend to keep
up this system of—w arfare?
long are you going to continue for­
cing your way into this office?"
"1 didn't force my way In," she said,
quietly. ”1 didn’t expect to come in.
The clerk said you w anted to see me.”
Tile law yer frowned and scrutinized
her closely. A fter a pause, he said:
"I w ant to tell you for the fiftieth
tim e I can do nothing for you.”
“Fifty?" she echoed. “Fifty did you
Really, it doesn’t seem th a t
Judge B rew ster looked a t her quick­
ly to see If she was laughing a t him.
Almost peevishly, he said:
’’For the last tim e, I repeat I can
do nothing for you.”
“Not the last time, Judge,” she re­
plied, shaking her head.
”1 shall
come again to-morrow.”
The law yer sw ung around in his
chair with Indignation.
“ You will— ?’’
Annie nodded.
“ Yes, sir,” she said, quietly.
"Y ou're determ ined to force your
way in here?" exclaim ed the lawyer.
"Yes, sir.”
The Judge banged the desk with his
“But 1 won’t allow It! I have some­
thing to say, you know! I can’t per­
m it tills to go on. I represent my
client, Mr. Howard Jeffries, Sr., and
he won’t consent to my taking up
your husband's case."
T here was a shade of sarcasm In
A nnnie's voice as she asked calm ly:
"C an’t you do It w ithout big con­
The law yer looked a t her grimly.
"I can,” he blurted out, "b u t—1
H er eyes Hashed as she replied
“W ell, you ought to—’’
The law yer looked up In am aze­
m ent.
"W hat do you m ean?” he demanded.
“It’s your duty to do It," she »aid,
quietly. “Your duty to hls son, te me,
and to Mr. Jeffries himself. Why, he’s
so eaten up w ith his family pride m d
false principles th a t he can 't see the
difference betw een right and wrong.
You're his lawyer. It’B your duty to
put him r ig h t It's dow nright wicked
of you to refuse—you’re hurting him.
Why, when 1 was hunting around for
a law yer one of them actually re­
fused to take up the case because he
said old B rew ster m ust think How­
ard was guilty or he’d have taken it
up himself. You and hls father are
putting the whole world against him,
and you know It."
The Judge was staggered. No one
In hls recollection had ever dared to
speak to him like t h a t He was so
astonished th a t he forgot to re sen t It,
and he hid hls confusion by taking
out hls handkerchief and mopping hls
"I do know it," he adm itted.
"Then why do you do it? ” she
The law yer hesitated, and then he
“I—th a t’s not the question.”
Annie leaped quickly forward, and
she replied:
"It’s my question—and as you say,
I've asked It 50 tim es.”
The law yer sa t back in his chair
and looked a t her for a m om ent w ith­
out speaking. He surveyed her c rit­
ically from head to foot, and then, as
it satisfied w ith hls exam ination,
(TO B E C O N T I N U E D .)
Fine Fox Hunt Without Witnesses
The E ast Essex bounds had a re­
m arkable run recently. A fox which
they had hunted through the village
of Bradwell swam the Blackw ater.
and the pack followed, but the depth
of w ater and the dangerous banks
prevented the field from crossing
They had to go for two m iles along
the bank until they reached a bridge,
and by the tim e they had crossed fox
and pack bad vanished. After a
search of three hours the bounds
were found ten m iles from the place
w here they had crossed the river
whim pering round a barn at Chalkey
Wood, beneath which the fox had
gone to earth.
Mr. R. D. Hill, the m aster, called
the hounds off and gave the fox a
respite for the splendid run he had
"The best 50 m inutes the
E ast Essex have had this season,”
was the description of Cockayne, the
huntsm an, "although there was no
one riding with th e hounds and no
w bltness of th eir perform ance.”_Lon­
don Evening Standard.
Trium ph for Americana.
The English hostess for varions re»
sons, the principal one being th a t she
cannot help herself, now accepts the
Invasion of her Am erican sister, th e
magnificence of her entertainm ents
and the wonderful Individuality of her
coetum es with equanim ity, says a
w riter. The days are long sines past
when the Am erican woman had diffi­
culty In m aking a place for heraelf 1»
English society, and past also are the
days when she was treated as a cu­
riosity and expected to act and talk
a fte r the m anner of the Im m ortal
Daisy Miller.
Nowadays she relgna
suprem e. In fact. It is fashionable to
he American.