• \ Y *-v./ * XV , • M All the News All the Time ESTACADA ESTA CA D A , OREGON, TH U R SD AY, N O . 3 2 o* V O L . 4 ESTACADA STATE BANK CAPITAL • $25,000 DIVISION CUTS TAXES Speakers T e ll W h y a N ew River is Cited Counties With Valnation Than East Clackamas are Successful. T H O M A S Y O C U M , V . Pres. Division o f Clackamas County means prosperity, independence and less taxes, EL B E L F IL S , Cashier declared speakers, backed with data, before a mass meeting held in Boner’s Directors: theatre, Saturday afternoon. A big crowd heard the discussion. W . D. J E L L IS O N , TH O M A S YOCUM , R. M. Standish introduced the speak­ J O H N Z O B R IS T , J. A . S O M E R , ers, E. W. Bartlett, L. E. Belfils, C. W. Devore and J. S. McCurdy, who L . E. B E L F IL S . were frequently applauded. Mr. Bartlett urged geographical lo­ cation and that the prssent county is too large to handle business economi­ cally. Population in proposed territory If everybody in this community would bank their mon­ is 7,000 and valuation $ 5 , 250,000 both ey right here at home, instead of hoarding, or sending it of which equal some and exceed a few counties in Oregon, which successfully away, it would help everybody in this community. It is conduct their business at a less tax merely SELF PROTECTION and SELF DEVELOPASENT for than Clackamas. The speaker also us to keep our money right here and help ourselves. said that the new county would have W e will gladly give counsel to anyone wanting our ad- |; a poor farm, thus cutting down the ex­ pense of individual care of the needy. vice— especially if we can steer you away from investments Belfils on Hood River. which might cause you loss. L. E. Belfils, who recently secured data at Hood River which was cut off from Wasco in 1908 , presented figures that evoked enthusiasm. Taking last year, Clackamas levy was 17.5 mills; Wasco 16.5 and Hood River 10 . 8 . In 1908 , tha year Hood River cut away from Wasco, the levy was 15 mills; in 1909 it was 8.4 mills. Hood River in that time has built 8 miles of macadam road. Mr. Belfils gave other detail of improvement showing Hood River had prospered greatly at less expense after division. C. W. Devore, in a neat and concise speech, showed that the new county is larger in population than Curry, Wheel­ Peddlers, who go about the country haw kin g eye­ er, Harney, Gilliam, Lake, Morrow, glasses, are doing incalculable dam age to the A m eri­ Sherman and Lincoln counties and has more assessable property than Curry, can eye-sight. Dont take the chance of ruining your Grant and Wheeler and about the same sight b y dealing w ith them. as Gilliam, Harney and Sherman. L. Make our Bank Your Bank B E W A R E of F A K I R S ! McCurdy’s Happy Remarks. whole success or usefulness of a pair of glasses depends upou their proper position iu front of the eye. If they are bent or misplaced they are W O R S E than useless. I would be glad to have any and all w earers of glasses call at my oflice at least once a mouth that 1 m ay re-adjust them. For this I charge nothing, w hether I fitted the eyes previously ot not. D r. E r v in L. Sells, O ptical Spec­ ialist. w ith th e E stacad a J e w e lr y C o m p a n y e v e ry W ednesday fro m 8:30 a. m . to 4:30 p. m . Estacada Jewelry Company Broadway Want to Clean Up? Our Big Stock of New Wall Paper IS H E R E ! Beautiful Designs, $1 A Y E A R breezed four. Neil Bronson who pitched four, allowed no hits and fanned three. Both worked well. FORTY M ISTERS RERE 2 whc Salem M £. Association Holds In Round Got H i.. Enthusiastic Session. double to right. E veryth in g being EXCELLENT PAPERS PRESENTED MANY FARMERS IN ATTENDANCE j set, E a gle C reek Sm ith whacked Leas People and W . D. J E L L I S O N , Pres. A P R I L 18, 1912 L eviticu s Bronson singled to right and ‘ 'S la ts '' Morton threw the harpoon into W het for a sizzling C oun ty W ill Prosper. Hood The PROGRES Stock Fresh and Classy j LOW as the LOWEST One of the happy talks of the meet­ ing was that of J. S. McCurdy. His speech was interspersed with witty comment which kept the audience in excellent humor. He urged that many of the voters in the western part are non-taxpayers and will vote bonds any time for which the eastern section must pay its share. If division comes the farmers will control the county. As for Estacada it was interested and hopes to be the new county seat. “ But you farmers can determine it” he said. “ If you put it somewhere else, we submit gracefully, but if you do, why we would think it was poor judgment,” he added smilingly. The speaker said much of the ex­ pense of courts would be eliminated, for the residents of this section are law abiding. Tribute to Settlers. In closing Mr. McCurdy paid an elo­ quent tribute to the new settler. This was in answer to a remark made by a speaker of East Clackamas at the Ore­ gon City meeting held not long ago. The speaker had suggested that the newcomers could get out if they didn’t like the way the county is run and the remark was applauded at Oregon City. Mr. McCurdy said that the various commercial bodies were trying to get new settlers and he did not believe Or­ egonians proposed to put a Chinese wall around the state. “ I liked Oregon, when I first came here” he said, “ I went back east this winter for two weeks on business, and I can say now that I love tne state. There is none better.” A. W. Botkin of Garfield and J. L. Cassidy asked questions as to taxation and were answered by Mr. Bartlett. HORNETS LOSE THEIR STING Fail, 5 to 2 to Dent Estacada'« Hide High School Beats Oregon City and Tow n Trims Firemen. L et us quote you prices which, we are certain, are as U sing Mr, W hetstone’ s lum py map to sharpen their jack knives, the surgical E stacada ball club, Sunday, deftly removed the stingers of the Portland H ornets, 5 to 2, W h ile in our store, have a look at our F urniture and Q ueensw are. ; and chased that buzzing bunch i A n d d o n 't forget the back to the nest. Mr. W hetstone, be it said, p itch­ ed for ' ‘ W h isk ers” W illis' hand’ picked team, w hich is variously known as the W inton S ix and the Hornets. W U etty used to W iggle for the P ickw icks and was licked ESTACADA FURNITURE CO. here once last year. Sun day he doled out six hits, one a four suck­ W . D. and L. M. Henthom, Proprietors er aud two doubles, w hile Roy Douglass pitching five innings fbt Odd Fellow s Bnilding , the locals allowed an equal uutnber of hits w ell scattered. R oy I-MH S p ecia l B a rg a in s on O ur 5-10-15- 20 an d 25 ce n t C ou n ters Only Paper in East Clackamas one on a line out of the ball yard Two Days Meeting Open« With Recep- and chased L eviticus and Slats clear tion and Closes With Address by home. Mr. W hetstone spit cotton Dr. Fletcher Holman of W. U. 011 the ball and tried it again. Jes­ sica Stubbs knocked the cotton and One of the best attended and sueccss- the ball a mile and whizzed home, Ed meetings of the Salem District when R oy D ouglas banged out u M,e,thodist MinisteriL al ~ " t i o n , clos- , , , _ . _ eu last evening at the M. E. chureh, a double. In round 3, G erm any | packe<1 chureh hearin(f Dr. Holman. Schultz lifted the ball near the foul president of Willammette University line. It dropped safe aud Germ any who spoke on "Perfect Love.” got credit for two sacks, ' ‘Umps’ ' The program as prepared, was carried Uuderwood declaring it fair. A t out’ with tht' excePtion of the PaP«r by , . . , . , ,, __ . 1 Rev. Mr. Atkinson of McMinnville who this point, the passionate Mr. Hef- wag unable to be prescnt. Overstocked On Fishing Tackle Pocket Cutlery and A good chance to buy for Razors little money. $6 50 Steel R o d ........... •....... $4 90 3.50 Lancewood $1 50 pocket k n iv e s ........... $r 13 R ods..... 2 85 I 25 94 4 50 Split Bam boo............ 3 37 i 00 75 3 00 “ “ 2 37 75c 56 3 50 “ “ 2 20 50c 40 3 75 “ " 2 95 25c 19 *•75 •* " 1 65 2.50 Steel R o d .................... 2 95 75C re e ls........................... 53 i 00 razors. 1 50 razors......................... 1 13 3 00 razors......................... 2 25 iron w ho played second base for Papers, pertinent to their subjects 85c reels.................. ....... 65 the Hornets, nearly had heart fail- j were presented by the following, and 75c razor strap s.............. 56 2.25 Fish b a sk ets.............. 1 75 ure tryin g to get the umps to back spiritedly debated: J. C. Spencer of 75c razor hon es.............. 56 up. S ch u ltz made third on a field- Silverton, G. F. Hopkins of Gresham, 2.00 Fish b a sk ets............... 1 50 , , . .. . who discussed the Connecticut Confer- ers choice and home on Morton s , . . . , 50c razor hones.............. 40 ence Claimant s fund. A memorial Fish lines, flys and hooks sacrifice fly to deep left. 1 hat was j was prepare(] with reference to hissug- at reduced prices. t 00 W estern w atches..... 79 all, W h et being air tigh t the rest gestions for presentation to the confer- of the w ay. ence. Then followed papers by A. B. T h e visitors made one in t h e ; balder of Boring; W . J. Weber of Hillshoro, W. S. Gordon of Wood burn, fourth ou a hit man aud W het's} W. F. R. Brov.’ne of Estacada, T. B. two sacker. T h e y forked another Ford of Oregon City, T. L. Jones of n ext round on singles by H o w la n d ,! North Yakima, S. H. Dewart of Cor­ nelius, Prof. E. S. Hammond of Salem, W illis and Daniels. T h e score: R it. K. and C. L. Creesey. At 10 a. m. and all day if stock lasts. Dr. James Moore, district superin­ Estacada, 0 5 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 6 3 tendent, presided at the meeting and Hornets, 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 2 6 2 Rev. D. L. Fields of Dallas was secre­ 150 cans M eco Corn to g o at 5c per can. Limited 2 cans Batteries: Douglass, Bronson tary. to one customer. aud Bronson; W hetstouc aud How- A t the reception Tuesday evening land. ' addresses of welcome were made by 50 pair M en's corduroy pants to g o at $1.19. Limited I Mayor J. W. Reed, Prof. H. M. James Estacada Beats Oregon City. and Rev. Walter Givens. Rev. Edward pair to a customer. In a hotly contested game, E sta­ Gittins of Amity, responded with a 74 cans Universal axle grease to g o at 5c. Limited 2 cans cada H ig h deleated Oregou C ity witty speech, which convulsed the audi­ high school 7 to 5, Saturday after- ence. The Ladies Aid Society wes in to a customer. noou at the ball park. Carl Doug- charge of the reception, lass tw irling for the locals, threw a I fine game and his pals whanged the Not;ce of Dissolution of Copartnership. Mdse. M dse, pill in good shape. Sutterfield Notice is hereby given that the firm FOR caught. heretofore known as Duncan & Cruse F or the visitors, Rowland and Brothers, doing business in the City of CASH CASH Holmes were the battery. T h eir Estacada, Ore,, has this day been dis­ work w as good. solved by mutual consent, R. A. Dun­ T h e locals lineup was: Morton, can retiring from the said firm. A 11 lia­ E vans, G raham , Douglass, Woodle, bilities of said firm w ill he paid by said Sutterfield, Page, M cDale and 1 Cruse Brothers and all debts and accounts Denny. Saturday Special! Estacada Merc. Co. must be paid to E. F. Cruse and H. M. Cruse. D u n c a n a C rusb B r o t h e r s . R. A. D u n c a n , E. F. C rush , H. SI. C rush . Dated at Estacada, Ore., this 5th day of April 1912. n-Jt Firemen Squelched. In a challenge match, Sunday morning, the town team turned the hose ou the firemen 12 to 11 in a game of ball. The fire laddies led until H enthorn’s w ing gave out and then It was all off. Batteries: O ur clubbing rates w ill help you Firem en— Henthorn and Adam s; to save mouey. T o w n — Bill Dale and Stubbs. CRISE B R O S . Do not Fail to see this line Some people say “this is an age of as we are sure steal.” W e do not deny or affirm that statement, T h e person w ho steals is a thief. Procrastination is the thief of tim e. Do not steal, yourself, or allow others to steal from you. H a ve you ever thought of the different forms of robbery? One of the w ay s of robbery is for a seller of goods to misrepresent his wares. T here are some dealers who will tell you that they are selling Steel Wire Field Fencing that is equal to the AMI RICAN HELD FENCE, they know ing at the time the statem ent is un­ true, T h at is one form of robbery. The American Steel Fence Product f OR it will Please You Call and ask lor a sample package ot Sperry Rolled Oats. ...Cruse Brothers... The Store of Quality stands unrivaled. It is made w ith heavier rods and stay wires, than any other fence that is on the m arket, W e h ave just re­ ceived a car of the Am erican Fence and are m eeting all com ­ p etitive prices, quality, w eight and manner of construction cousidered. D on 't be deceived by statem ents of the Cheap John houses in their statem ents about wire. Com e aud see us. E xam in e our Am erican Fence, and we w ill convince any rea­ sonable person that we can and w ill giv e you as much for your m oney, in the fence line, as you can get elsewhere. Y o u w ill do yourself an injustice if you do not look us un before you buy. G et the habit of patronizing your home merchant. At least give him an opportunity to supply yo u r wants. Iucidentally remember us on H arness, Paints, Buggies, Im ­ plements and building material. Terrace Addition Homes THEY ARE MODERN NOW For City water is on the ground ready for piping to every residence. Yellow Front Emporium Streets and Alleys in hill section are practically completed. McCurdy Lbr. & Hardware Co. On the flat four or five blocks and streets and alleys, are cleared. P G R S A L E . - Rubber tired sur­ rey cheap, iu good condition In­ quire at my rcaideuce on Btoadway. if. A . J. D ulling. Livery, Feed & Sale Terrace Addition Lots are Gilt Edged STABLE W. A. Jew elry work of all kind neatly and promptly done.— I.a lla tt. F O R L E A S E . — By the year, 40 acies oi land, p.irt im proved, house, . (u n i aud other bufldiugs. Inquire oi L , C . Uuger, Ell.vood, Oregon. 1 1 r j JO N E S PROPRIETOR Good rigs *u