Estacada progress. (Estacada, Or.) 1908-1916, March 28, 1912, Image 3

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ROBBERS GET $ 0 0 .0 0 0 LO O T.
Hold Up T rain in M ississippi and
Blow E xpress S afe,
C orinth, Misa.— Mobile & Ohio pas­
senger train No. 4, northbound, was
held up and the express safe blown
open and robbed seven m iles south of
C orinth by four men heavily armed
and m asked.
Bloodhounds have bean telegraphed
to r and a posse has been organized to
tak e up the pursuit.
I t is reported the safe contained
$60,000 in currency.
W here the robbers boarded the train
is not known. E ngineer W ilden and
Firem an K aufm an first learned of
th e ir presence when two of the men
crawled over the tender w ith revolvers
draw n and commanded th a t the train
be brought to a h a lt a t a point desig­
nated. The command was obeyed.
In the m eantim e other m em bers of
the hand had gained entrance to the
express car and a fte r subduing E x­
press M essenger Snoddy, se t the ex­
plosive, w hich was touched off when
the tra in cam e to a stop.
A fte r tak in g the contents of the
safe, the fo u r took to the woods w ith ­
out a tte m p tin g to rifle the mail or mo­
lest the pussengers.
No a tte m p ts w ill be m ade to pene­
tra te the densely wooded riv er bot­
tom w here the men are believed to be
in hiding, until the arrival o f a detail
of railroad officers and bloodhounds
from Jackson, T enn., who are coming
aboard a special.
W ill f u rn is h you a n y kin»! o f h e lp you w u n t. m alo
»ii lem ule. «killed o r u r.a k illtd , farm , saw m ill, log-
f i f l f o r a n y m isc e lla n eo u s lab o r. ( ’all. w r ite o r
I'l»» «it*. No fee« »>1 a.iy k in d «h m g ed in th is office.
1'honcH - A M24; M ain J665. 4 5 Stimd Si. I'orilud. Ur
Machinery «
S eco n d -H an d Machin*
c ry bo u g h t, sold a n d
e x c h an g e d : e n g in e « .
t o il e r ', rnwm ilht. e tc . T h e J . E. M artin Co.. 7U 1st
F t.. P o rtla n d . Send fo r S to ck L ist a n d price*.
a n d B ra.-.
I D C . n J i a m r j Slgn*. Callulald B u tto n s
« nd l /b h o n Badge*. Hood Hoods, Q uick Service.
F» n<l I» r com plete C a talo g u e N»». 26. Acm e S tam p
V torks. 1015 A S t., Tacom a, W ash.
—T h e g re a t “kin rrju v e n a to r. if you h a v e sallow
rk in . wi I'M««, pim p les o r ro u g h n efts o f th e faco
or a rm s , th e a p p lic a tio n o f F U C H I will b rin g back
tin* ti uw unti fresh n e« « o f y o u th . P r p a c k ag e , $1.
(B ra n c h ) F uchi l.abo;..ton»-». S u it 9. 942 1-2 W ash ­
ing to n S t., I'o rtlu n d , Ore.
niiest Incubator
A t an Honest Price
Me W s« CtpM l •nt Sail Wsgabasg, Chid
PA<D 0 N urtar* Salat« I n n , i r . i . J ih tnna m a itr. bati
« I A L conatruffton •> li r r t wallt all uvar with atbatraa
Katwaan *a .h wall Su » n p l* that aixbwSy n n
tnaia t.< Ka hat < iai wur . a ltl» |u * to« law 4a li.a i*S p rit*
Oraodara Inm **.7* us
CL H e le n s In cu b a to r Co.,
T eled o , W à sh in g to n
A r n o ld ’s A s th m a and
C a ta rrh R em edy.
(•ii iranteed to euro C atarrh . Astlimn.
lli ouch it is. Hay Fever and It oho Col da,
or money refunded
Im lone $1.25 for
Asthma Reniedv, t>r fide in Htuui|iM for
C atarrh o ' the Head and Htoinaeh. A«k
for uddrewH of people curod in I'ortlund.
" at omu o r Scuttle.
A rn o ld ’s A sthm a C ure Co., 333-4 Arcade bide., Seattle, Wt.
F our M exico R epresentatives Form ­
ally A rraigned.
S an ta Fe, N. M.— W ith the formal
a rra ig n m e n t of R epresentative Manuel
Cordova, Ju lia n T rujillo, Louis R.
Montoya and J . H. Lucero, arrested
on a charge o f soliciting a bribe of
$5,000 for th e ir collective votes for
U nited S ta te s senator, the in v estig a­
tion by the low er house into the a l­
leged corruption was begun.
The accused legislators, who are to
be tried first by a com m ittee o f 15 ap­
pointed by the speaker, have employed
counsel to defend them a g ain st the
charge, which they now deny. T heir
defense will be th a t they w ere led into
the tra p as a re su lt of a political con­
spiracy, believing they w ere going to
attend a caucus a t the tim e they v is it­
ed a room in the hotel, w here it is al-
k g e d they received $500 each on th e ir
prom ise to vote for a certain candi­
date fo r senator.
The investig atio n o f the alleged
bribery of the four m em bers will be
pushed vigorously bv the com m ittee
and all the sessions will be public.
The men w ere form ally served w ith
w a rran ts charging them w ith a felony.
They are in the custody of the sheriff
of S a n ta Fe county.
lWe Make You Competent to Earn
$25 lo $50 per Week
6 to K week«. Wet giva co m p lo te
« n u rs e in d riv in g , re p a irin g ,
etc . a ll k in d s o f a u to m o b ile s ,
livery s tu d e n t get« p e rs o n a l
a t t e n t i o n un d a c tu a l roud
'e x p e rie n c e . W r ite fo r te r m s
Belmont Auto School & Carat*.
E. 23d und M o rriso n S ts ..
P o r tla n d , O re.
A T o n ic . A lte r a tiv e a n d R e s o lv e n t.
b e s t re m e d y f o r K id n e y s, I .iv e r a n d n e w e ls.
e r a d i c a t e s P im p le s, Irru p tio n s a n d D is o rd e rs
o f th e S k in . P u rifie s th e Blood a n d g iv e s
T o n e , S tre n g th a n d V ig o r to th e e n tir e sy ste m .
Cynic W e l l Answered.
A cynic once observed: "It does not
m a tte r whom you take as a bride, be­
cause you always find out neat day
th a t you have m arried some one else."
To which every happy husband will
confidently reply: "It la b e tte r to love
th e real woman you have m arried
th an to m arry the Ideal girl you have
Ilainlina Wizard Oil is recommended bv
many physician*. It is used in many pub­ San Francisco W oman Adm its H er
lic : n private hospitals. Why not keep
O ffense to O fficers.
u bottle on hand in your own home ?
New Y ork— Mrs. Banche Carson, a
fashionably dressed widow of San
Magazine and Politicians.
1 Many m agazines are like politiclana, Francisco, had diam ond earrin g s con­
in her h a t when she passed cus­
la th a t their prom ises of good things
for next month are the cleverest p art tom inspection on her arriv al from In­
dia, according to a reported adm ission
of them .—D etroit News.
m ade to auth o rities.
Mrs. Carson declared only a package
of u n strung pearls, for which she paid
duty on the valuation of $850.
tom officers b rought the woman from
her hotel for fu rth e r exam ination,
assertin g th a t the pearls w ere worth
The woman broke down and ad­
m itted, it w as said, th a t she had hid­
A s a rule, a fe w d o ses o f M u n y o n ’s Cold R em edy
den two diamond earrin g s in her hat
will b rea k u p a n y cold a n d p re v e n t p n e u m o n ia . It
reliev e s th e head, th r o a t a n d lu n g s a lm o st in ­ and had o th er jew elry which alto g e th ­
s ta n tly . P ric e 25 c e n ts a t a n y d r u g g is ts o r s e n t e r the a u th o ritie s valued a t $20,000.
p o s tp a id .
Mrs. Carson was h j d , charged w ith
I f you need M edical ad v ic e w r ite to M u n y o n ’a
sm uggling, in $2,000 bail.
D o cto rs. T hey w ill c a re fu lly d iag n o n e y o u r case
Mrs. Carson gave her address as 925
a n d g iv e you a d v ic e by m ail, a b so lu te ly f re e .
A dd re: s P ro fe s s o r M unyon. 63d a n d J e ffe rs o n Gough stre e t, San Francisco.
• tr e e I s , P h ila d e lp h ia , P a .
B A K E R ’S
Best Nerve and Kidney Tonic on Earth
W ill m ak e you s le e p b e tte r, e a t b e tte r, b e ­
c a u se th e y reb u ild y o u r b ro k en -d o w n n e rv e s.
A c t on th e k id n ey s a n d g iv e p e rm a n e n t r e lie f
fo r b a c k ac h e a n d all b la d d e r tro u b le s. Sold
only b y th o M U R PH Y DRUG CO.. 293 B u rn -
sid e S t., Cor. F ifth . P o rtla n d , O regon. 2 5 c a
b o x . 5 boxes $ 1 .0 0 . by m ail, po stag e p aid .
/■; ; [ AL b I rs I
'■ !ÜI
r OS. ;V h
I ' '{
Ask your dealer for it. I f he docs
ital card
not handle It drop us a postal
and we will furnish you the i name of
a dealer who does
Railroad Found Guilty.
Buffalo, N. Y. — The D elaw are,
L ackaw anna & W estern railroad was
found guilty in the U nited S tates
D istric t court of violating the com­
m odities clause o f the H epburn act,
and was fined $2,000.
The company
was indicted on 20 counts and faced a
m axim um penalty of $100,000, the
o ther charge being th a t i t shipped
free from Buffalo to Scranton, P a., a
q u a n tity of hay for feeding m ules in
the m ines. An appeal will be taken
to te s t the c o n stitu tio n ality of the pen­
al fe atu re of the com m odities clause.
W omen to Calm Insane.
Los A ngeles — Because he believes
wom en’s voices calm the insane much
m ore quickly than do those o f men,
Dr. J . A. R eilly, superin ten d en t o f the
C alifornia hospital for the insane at
Patton, announced th a t it is his inten­
tion of replacing all m ale nurses of
th a t in stitu tio n w ith women. “ The
insane are m ore am enable to the soft
word of a woman than to the th re a t or
command of a m a n ,’’ said Dr. Reilly.
“ I never have found a man so insane
as to fo rg et his respect
for a
woman. ’’
M organ May Buy Tem ple.
New York — Following J . P. Mor­
gan 's long sojourn in E gypt th is w in­
ter, reports have reached thia. city to
the effect th a t he is n e g o tiatin g for
the purchase and removal to A m erica
of the fam ous ruins of the Tem ple of
The tem ple is threatened
w ith destruction ow ing to the rise in
the level of the upper N ile as a result
of the enlargem ent o f the Assouan
dam . The cost o f the work would be
m ore than $8,000,000.
I ;!;:MILLING CQijij
Painless Dentistry
I . o « r p r H « - o .r h o b S r -o v r «*<I t « w T ' m n “ J
bow onr aucce*«, «nd ours is the bvit painless work
to be found anyw here, no m a tte r how m nch you
p e r. C o m p a re o u r P rlc e a .
finish plate and
If bri lsa work for eut*
Mows patrons la
i« *«r if desired,
tin!*«« extraction
■ tree wb*n p'atee ot
(1 bridge work is o rd e r -
fled. Conauitat *n fr*s.
Molar Crown* * 5 . 0 0
22» > .,« n Tw o 4 . 1 0 1.1» o
tr.n.1 t.lllro 1. OC
5 .0 0
A ll w o r k f u l l y g u a r a n t e e d f o r flfti
W i s e D e n t a l C o .,i> « .
Painless Dentists
fiATnc I j lltln i. Thirl and W n -a -ftM
M |
• C O M l .i n : I A H t . t r U. l u l v t l x l
Peculiar Chinese Industries.
In Taochow there are some »¿range
Industries. One is the raising of the
machl, a sort ot large pheasant, the
tall feathers of which are very valu­
able, us they a re needed for the dress
bats of m andarins. Tim ber Is very
plentiful In this d istric t and la sent
away by ra ft to all parts.
New B edford Employes Only Hold
O ut for L arg er Raise —C onsum ­
e rs Will B ear Burden,
Leads all other medicines in
the cure of all spring ailments
humors, loss of appetite, that
tired feeling, paleness and
nervousness. Take it.
Get It today in usual liquid form or
tablets called Sarsutabs. 100 Doses ?L
When the wind Is east they say.
Do Not Lose Your Temper.
We may have a rainy day;
A nger Is a lack of sense. T h at Is
When It travels from the west.
Waving fields have little rest.
to eay, a m an Is not as sensible
Warm and soft It Is wo know.
when he Is angry as he Is a t other
When the southern breezes blow;
times. He may bo angry and still
But this north wind puzzles me—
have m ore sense th an some people
Who knows what the weather’ll b e !
have when they are not angry, but
he Is not as wise when he Is angry
ss a t o th er tim es. He cannot reason BOYS’ AMUSEMENTS IN CUBA
so well; his brain does not work in
as sane a groove; ho Is more foolish >pln Tops In Spring Just Like Their
American Cousins— Reason for
than other people who may have
Custom Is Problem.
much less 6ense than he has when he
Is In good humor.
I Boys certainly a re boys the world
>ver, and the little Cuban youngster
s as like Young Am erica as two peas
n a pod. says a Havana correspondent
n tho New York Sun. Ju st why the
Juban hopeful should resort to the
I »port of top spinning in the springtim e
I md no other Is Inexplicable, but it is
rue here Just as it is In the states,
t Is not rem arkable th at they should
nl>ln tops. The strange thing about it
s th at they should only take up this
j u n u iem en t in the spring.
in the
Interesting Experience of Two J rlte d States th ere is a reason for
I his. The w inter has kept the young-
Women—Their Statements iters more or less bottled up and the
ports he has indulged in have had
Worth Reading.
heir reason in cold weather. With
Asheville, N.C. —“ I sufTered for y^ara he coming of the warm spring days
with fem ale trouble while going through ind the disappearance of snow and
the Change of Life. I tried a local phy­ ce, the top Inevitably appears first
sician for a couple of years w ithout any jf all and has its run until super-
substantial benefit.
Finally afte»* re ­ eded by m arbles, the playing of which
peated suggestions to try Lydia E. Pink- s b e tte r suited to the still warmer
ham ’s V egetable Compound, I quit my lays following.
But In Cuba there Is no such reason,
physician and commenced using it with
tlie happiest results. I am today prac­ 'o far as the clim ate is concerned the
tically a well woman and anxious to con­ oungsters can spin tops successfully
tribute my m ite tow ards inducing others rom one end of the year to the other.'
to try your g re a t medicine, as I am fuily Vhy do they do It only in the spring?
persuaded th a t it will cure the ailm ents 'h a t thte Is a fact cannot be contro-
from which I suffered if given a fair erted, and it Is done, too, by boys
vho have never set foot on American
“ I f you think th is le tte r will contrib­ oil. Nor has the practice come with
ute anything towards fu rth e r introducing he American flag.
your medicines to afflicted women w’ho Is It then psychological? Is there
are passing through this trying period, .nything In the m ental make-up of the
it is with g re a t pleasure I consent to its pecies boy which irresistibly compels
publication.“ — Mrs. J ulia A. M oore , dm to seek his top in the months of
•larch and April? Can It be heredi­
17 E a st S t., Asheville, N. C.
tary, handed down through ail the
T h e C a se o f M rs. K irlin .
ges from the days of Noah’s ark?
Circleville, Ohio.—“ I can truthfully
Now if this be not the explanation
say th a t I never had anything do me sc
much good during Change of Life as Ly­ if the reason why Yankees in a cold
dia E. Pinkham ’s Vegetable Compound. •limate and Cubans in a hot one spin
“ B efore I had taken one half a bottle ops In the sam e m onths of the spring
of it I began to feel b e tte r, and I have md at no o th er time, let some student
continued taking it. My health is better >f the race furnish another.
than it has been for several years. If
all women would tak e it they would es­
cape untold pain and m isery a t this time HERE IS A NEW PUSHMOBILE
of life.“ — Mrs. A lic e K i r l i n , 358 W.
Im itation of Automobile Recently
Mill S t., Circleville, Ohio.
Built by Philadelphia Boye Makee
The Change of Life is one of the most
Splendid Racer.
critical periods of a wom an’s existence.
A t such tim es women m ay rely upon Lydia
The pushm oblle Itself Is new, but
E. Pinkham ’s V egetable Compound.
a new type of pushm oblle was recent­
ly built by a couple of Philadelphia
boys, who won a race w ith 1L As
P rayer and Work.
If you do not wish for his kingdom, most boys know, tbo pushm oblle Is an
don’t pray for it, but if you do, you im itation of an automobile, and the
m ust do more th an pray, you m ust m ajority nro m ade by th eir owners
The vehicle shown here has this ad­
vantage—th ere Is a long handle
Fundam ental Error.
pivoted to the back, and th e "pusher"
W e suffer, in teaching, from the
ueena being exalted and the end for­
FROM 45 to 50
n —
i m
R e lie v e s
Sloan's Liniment is a great
remedy for backache. It
penetrates and relieves
the pain instantly—no rub­
bing necessary — just lay
it on lightly.
H e re’s P ro o f.
“ I had my back hurt iu the Beer W ar
and in San Francisco two years aco I
was hit bv a street car in the san^e place.
I tried all kiuds of dupe without suc­
cess. Tw o weeks ago I ssw yoUf lini-
rn«nl In a drug store and got a bottle to
try. The first application tau ^ rrilu ttan t
relief, and now except for a little stiff­
ness, I am almost w ell."
W hittier, Calif.
is the best remedy for
rheumatism, n e u r a lg ia ,
sore throat and sprains.
» I n s E . R im o f B ro o k ly n , N Y ,
w rite * : “ S lo a n ’s L in im e n t is th e b est
f a r rh e u m a tis m . I h av e u sed s ix b o t­
tle * o f It a n d It is g r a n d .”
Sold b y all Dealers.
Price. 33c., 30c., and $1.00.
I Bwt Co«(h fiyrwp. Tuet eu Qowd. C m Q
la l i a i , fiolfi by D n ir« « $
^ Y il:« d iH !r|il-« l i l ' I t ' i l ' l M
Lawrence Textile Workers Return
to Work in Mills.
G reat E arth Block to Be Pum ped
San F rancisco—The exposition offi­
cials have aw arded the contract for
the filling in o f a subm erged p a rt of
the w orld’s fa ir site. W ork is to be
begun a t once.
One m illion cubic
yards of e arth ia to be pum ped from
the bottom o f th e bay by suction
dredges, the area to be filled covering
several blocks.
3 0 0 Adrift on Ice Floes.
St. P e tersb u rg —T hree ice-breaking
steam ers ere en route from the Neva
j in the direction of the island of Nar-
gen, to the northw est of Revel, in
the G ulf o f Finland, w here 300 fisher­
men are a d rift on floating ice. They
are in im m inent danger of losing th eir
New Pushmoblle.
propels It by this m eans, which en­
ables him to run la any position he
likes. O therw ise be has to run con­
tinually In a bent-over attitude. An­
o ther btg advantage of this handle la
th at It can be raised a t right angles
with tho seat of the m achine, and the
pusher can jum p up on a cross-bar
th at will then be a t the bottom , and
rldo th ere while going down grade or
a fte r a vigorous shove, and get
rested. The tim e and energy thus
saved are Im portant factors In a race
Who Are Our Neighbors?
W hy not m ake a collection of the
common field weeds or flowers? Care­
fully prepare and press them In an
old book; when they a re dry fasten
them to the right page of a sheet of
paper. I»et the left page fold over the
right to furnish a cover for the plant.
Make a collection of weeds and put
them In sm all vials. P aste a label on
the bottle.
I»earn to call by nam es as m any In­
sects and birds as you can. Ask any
one who you think knowa. Don’t atop
until you find out what you w ant to
If you find a plant o r Insect you
cannot name, carefully pack and mall
It to the experim ent station, and they
will try to find Its correct name. II
there are birds you cannot nam e, de
scribe them as to their size, color and
flight. Give any o th er points you can
—nest on ground, bush or tree ; what
hey e a t; w hether they sing or whis­
tle, etc.
Boston—The g re a t Law rence strik e,
which brought in its tra in increased
wagea for 275,000 te x tile w orkers in
New England, was officially declared
off a t all the m ills in Law rence, hav­
ing accomplished its purpose, in the
opinion of the leaders.
I t is generally believed th a t ad­
vances in w ages or reduction in hours
of paper mill employes, bagging and
burlap w orkers, m achinists and opera­
tives in other industries, all are tra c e ­
able to the movem ent which owed its
origin in Lawrence.
The num ber of
persons thus to benefit is more than
Advances in the price of woolen and
cotton goods which have been m ade or
which are in prospect probably will
place upon the
u ltim ate consum er
much of the burden o f the additional
cost to the te x tile m anufacturers.
This will ag g reg ate betw een ten and
tw elve m illion dollars in the next
year, it is estim ated.
Mill agents, in announcing advance
in prices, have said frankly th a t the
upw ard trend is the re su lt of wage ad­
New Bedford, w here the m anufac­
tu rers of the finer grades of cotton
goods have refused to accede to the
dem ands of th e ir employes for an ad­
ditional five per cent, has displaced
Law rence as the cen ter o f in te re st in
the te x tile situation.
Unless the m ill ow ners give the in­
crease demanded w ithin a few days, it
is feared th a t a strik e of from 25,000
to 30,000 o peratives w ill ensue.
W hile an increase of five per cent
has been offered, the New Bedford
operatives are in sisten t th a t they re ­
ceive 10 per cent.
Secretary Devolt, of the M anufac
tu re rà ’ association, has prom ised th a t
the mill owners would decide early in
the week, w hether th is should be
The suggestion has been m ade th a t
an im m ediate increase o f 7} per cent
be given w ith a prom ise of an addi­
tional 2J per cent on a given date.
This may be the basis of a compro­
C hicago
C athedral to T urn Away
Ailing Twain«.
Chicago— Dean W alter T. Sum ner
of the Episcopal Cathedral of S aints
P e ter and Paul, preached a sermon
Sunday upon the “ Sacram ent of M ar­
ria g e ,” in which he m ade the follow­
ing announcem ent :
“ A fte r
consultation w ith R ight
Rev. C. P. A nderson, bishop o f Chi­
cago, and w ith his approval, Dean
Sum ner and his co w orkers o f the
C athedral of S aints P e ter and Paul,
have agreed upon an advanced policy
w ith regard to the adm inistration of
m arriage in the cathedral.
“ B eginning w ith E aster, no person
will be m arried in the cathedral un­
less they presen t a certificate of
health from a reputable physician to
the effect th a t they are norm al physi­
cally and m entally and have neith er
an incurable nor a comm unicable dis­
“ T his step is taken
only a fte r
m onths of study o f the situ atio n
and deliberation as to its advisability.
It is believed th a t this stand will m eet
w ith the im m ediate sym pathy of the
clergy in the church a t large, all of
whom have long fe lt the undesirabil­
ity o f being p arty to the m arriage of
persons who, because of th e ir physical
condition, should never be allowed to
e n te r into the m arriag e s ta te and
propagate th e ir sp ecies.”
S trik e's Back Broken.
A berdeen, W ash.—T h at the back of
the I. W. W. m ovem ent in the big
mill strik e here has been practically
broken was evidenced by the fa ct th a t
despite the hundreds of strik ers who
surrounded the Aberdeen L um ber <&
Shingle com pany’s plant, the m ill,
w ith a full crew, is kept in operation.
It is understood here th a t the h a r­
bor m ills will resum e reg u lar o p e ra ­
tions im m ediately and th a t all em ­
ployes will be A m ericans w ith fam ­
ilies, receiving the m inim um scale of
$2.25 a oay.
A m ericans Quell Mutiny.
Charleston, S. C.— U nited S ta te s
m arines from the c u tte r Y am acraw
have charge of the H aytien gunboat
F e rrie r, the crew of which m utinied
here. The men [went on strik e be­
cause they had not received th e ir pay
for th ree months, and fearin g serious
trouble, the comm anding officer, W il­
liam F .|W a tta , called upon Captain
W est, of the Y am acraw , for protec­
tion. The U nited S ta te s officer sent
L ieu ten an t Brookway and 15 m arines
to th e gunboat. T here was no re sis­
tance to the m arines ta k in g charge.
Discovery of Small Hols In tha Former
C auM t Bride Elect to Call Off
and Colds
Beattie, W ash —Leonora Murphy, 19 |
and pretty, and Clyde Rowan of As
torla, Ore., after having been engaged
for four years, were on their way to
You could not please us bet­
the m inister's tho other day to get
ter than to ask your doctor
m arried, when the bride-to-be dlacov
ered a whole In her right etocklng just
about Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral
above the shoe top.
for coughs, colds, croup, bron­
By the tim e the two reached the par
chitis. Thousands of families
snnage she had decided th a t the hole
would show when the kneeled before
always keep it in the house.
the m inister. In spite of Rowan's pro­ The approval o f their physi­
te st she bade the m inister and Rowan
cian and the experience of
w ait until she could go home and
change her stocking.
many years have given them
She hadn't been home more than five
g re a t c o n fid e n c e in th is
m inutes before she telephoned Rowan
sta n d a rd cough medicine.
he need not whit any longer. She eald
Sold for seventy years.
th a t while changing her stocking she
had also changed her mind, and d * i
good doctor will tell you that a medi­
term lned not, be m arried.
cine like Ayer’s Cherry Sectoral cannot
do its best work if the bowels are con­
It C u r e s W hile Y o u W alk.
A lle n 's F o o t-L a te ia a c e r t a in c u r e fo r h o t. stipated. Ask your doctor if he knows
s w e a tin g , c a ll u s , a n d s w o lle n , a c h in g fee t. Sold anything better than Ayer’s Pilla for cor­
by a ll D ru g g is ts . P r ic e 2Ae. D o n ’t a c c e n t a ny recting this sluggishness ol the liver.
s u b s ti tu t e . T r ia l n a e k a g e F R K L . A d d re a i
A lle n S . O lm s te d , Le R o y , N. Y.
C h r is t m a s
M akes
^ __
H »do b y tbo J . O. A X X a CO., L ow ell. Ueeo.
D em and.
The Germ an demand for apples and I
nuts to hang on C hristm as tree s is al­
ways very great. The inland produc- :
tion of apples, even in a favorable 1
year, although large, is far too email
lor the demand, in spite of the fact
th a t thousands of acres of new trees
are planted each year. In order to
supply the inland m arket, large quan­
tities of apples and nuts m ust be im­
ported from abroad each year.
M o th e r s will f in d M rs. W in s lo w 's S o o th in g
E y ru p t h e b e s t r e m e d y to u s e fo r t h e i r c h ii d r e u
l u r i n g t u.e t e e t h i n g p e r io d .
It is difficult to believe w hat early
w riters tell us of the divine honors
lavished upon Apis, the sacred bull of
Memphis, and upon Mlnevls, the sa-
-Ted ox of Heliopolis. Yet perhaps
some cf our custom s of deeds of to­
day, as handed down by the uninitiat­
ed, may seem Just as incongruously
absurd when heard and understood
from an equally proportionate future
__ __________
T a k o L A X A T IV E BR OM O Q u in in e T ablet«.
D r u g g is ts r e f u n d m oney if i t fa ils to c u re . E . W.
G R O V E ’S s ig n a tu re is on e a ch box. 26c.
«¿x tèmpii ‘ Tkv
J » m e i H . H u rle y , M e rc u r, U ta h , w rite « :
“ I a m r a is in g p o u ltr y a n d a I h a v e used
y o u r L in im e n t w ith success o n m y se lf a n d
m y h o rse , I w ill t r y it o n p o iltry . I use
he L in im e n t f o r « ut«, b u r n t o r p ain* nt nil v
kind a n d g e t good resu lt« . T in • 1 • .i g r e a t
g o ld m in in g c a m p , b u t f o r h e a lth j o u r L in ­
im e n t is a s g o o d a s th e b e s t m ine in c a m p .”
I 2 5 c . 5 0 c . $ l e b o ttle a t D ru g & G e n ‘1 S to re «
W ar Again*t “Loan Sharks/*
Law yers engaged to assist poor peo­
ple in New’ York who had been In tho
clutches of the “loan sharks,” have
reported th at th eir clients took an ag­
gregate of $8,299.00 in loans, on which
they were to pay $3,744.71 in in terest
in three mouths. The law yers in m ost
cases were able to persuade the loan
companies to continue the loans a t
the rate of 6 per cent annually. The
loans had generally been obtained to
pay doctors’ bills or funeral expenses.
Daily Thought.
“All men should cultivate a fixed
end firm determ ination, and vow that
what they once undertake they will
never give up.”
Mice In Queer Nest.
W hen an old gas main was being
taken out at Sunderland (Scotland)
recently, a mouse was seen to run out
a t the end of the pipe. The pipe was
then broken up, and in the Interior
Point for Consideration.
“We m ust consider, not w hat the was found a nest containing six young
mice. How the anim als could exist
wise will think, but w hat the foolish
in a pipe which had gas passing
will be sure to say.’’—Sir A rthur Helps.
through it is regarded as rem arkable,
but the fact th at th ere was a fracture
for Red, W eak, W eary, W atery Eyes in the pipe may in some degree ex*
and G ranulated Eyelids. Murine Doesn’t plain the m ystery.
S m art—Soothes Eye Pain. D ruggists
It Can Be Done.
Sell M urlno E ye Remedy, Liquid. 20c,
“You m ake 30,000 m arks a y ear as
50c, $1.00. M urine E ye Salve in
Aseptic Tubes, 25c, $1.00. E ye Dooka aviator? And yet people say you can’t
and Eye Advice F ree by Mail.
live on air.”—Fliegende Iflatter.
M urine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago.
United S tates Behind World.
Of all the nations the United States
alone allows the use of w hite phos­
phorus in m aking m atches.
The One Big Man.
Getting tangled up is the Job of
the 999, and untangling them is the
Job of the other one in the 1,000.
Only a Few.
T here are only two or three girls
beautiful enough to be slouchy.—At­
chison Globe.
“ P in k E y e ” it« E .identic in the S p rin g .
Try M urine Eye U«rmd> fo r R eliable R elief.
A m an usually wants the preacner
to furnish proof th a t what he prom­
ises is going to come true, but he is
willing to take the glib prom oter's
word for it.
Oh, Tell Us!
W hen schools of aviation are found­
ed will they aw ard scholarships?—
Most Akin to Love.
Of all the paths th a t lead to a wom­
an ’s love, pity’s the atraightesL —
Beaumont and Fletcher.
this Spring? Then get
the best—the one that
is backed by a proven
It Invigorates, Re­
b uilds, N ou rish es.
Don’t experiment.
Recognized His Limitation.
“But,” her father objected, “you
The reason so many housewives
prefer RED CROSS HALL BLUE is have never shown th at you are cap»
because it is all blue. Liquid blue ble of supporting a w'ife.” “Oh,” the
contains a large percentage of water, j young man replied, “if you want her tc
Why buy w ater when you have it by m arry a widower I’ll have to confesi
the tub full?
th a t I can’t qualify.”
Buying solid RED CROSS BALL j
BLUE is real economy. Dissolve it '
Pioneer In Good Move.
a« you need it. A large four-ox. pack
Tn the middle of the sixteenth cen­
age, all blue, for 10c. Used in thou­ tury a professor of theology in Strass-
sands of homes. FOR SALE AT ALL
burg insisted upon having individual
communion cups, and during tho
M anner and Customs.
plague in 1GG4 his dem and was en­
The m anners of some people en forced.
countered in taking walks abroad are
suggestive of the report m ade by the
old B ritish sea captain who was sent
out to investigate the m anners and
custom s of the inhabitants of a new­
ly-discovered Pacific island. His re­
<51 Good j^irJeners |
port was brief, as follows: “ Manners w C C i E / ^ are those who |
^ r a i s e good flow­
they have none, and their custom s
ers and vegetables. Good
are beastly.”
flowers and v egetables come
from good s e e d s . Y e pro­
All He Had to Do W ith It.
duce good seeds—the infer- k
enee is obvious, For sale
“And you actually consented to let
your wife run for office?” “Consented /
1 9 1 2 S i l l) A N N U A L
Certainly not. I acquiesced.”
Y o u r d r u g g is t w ill ro fu n d m onpy if I’AZO O L n 'T -
$4E N T fail* to cur»* a n y r a w o f Itc h in g , Blind,
Dlo«ding o r P r o tr u d in g Pi!«*« in 6 to 14 d ays. 6oc.
T ro o p s T old to Unpack.
L eavenw orth, K an.— An order was
Chinese Complexions.
received a t headquarters a t* F o rt L ea­
The exquisite complexion of the
venw orth th a t the Seventh In fan try , young Chinese women Is due to the
which h a s'b e e n held in readiness to g reat care which they give th eir skin.
move a t a m om ent’s notice, may un­ Generally speaking, the result la due
pack. Every organization in 'th e post « n.a.‘■sage.
has been in readiness for active serv ­
ice fo r alm ost two m onths. The order
is construed to m ean th a t the trouble
in Mexico has subsided and th a t no
additional troops will be needed on the
border, for the present, a t least.
F ree on R eq u est
0 . M. FFRRY A CO.
. D e tr o i t » c h .
P. N. U
No 15—'’12.
y y r i F N w ritin g tn ad v ertiacr« . p i«
tio n th i« p«p**r.
Am undsen Will L ecture.
W ashington, D. C.— Roald Amund­
sen, discoverer of the South Pole, will
visit the U nited S ta te s next June.
His first N orth A m erican lecture on
the successful A n tarctic expedition
will be m ade before the National Geo­
graphical society
in W ashington.
P resident H enry G a rre tt received a
cablegram from C aptain Amundsen,
accepting the society’s invitation.
^ _____
r/ / £ 0 /M/VD T H A rh U L S
W H IM y o u B U Y , C F .V A N D T » r B £ s r .
tio n e y e A C K irn o T A S C iA im o
G i r TH£ W O O D iA A K O P A H o '
c l a r k i . wooowaro drug co . p -^ tl * no , o « z »