$20,000,000 GAINED Farmers and Merchants W rite us for our cash offer on your Farm and Dairy Produce. If we don’t handle it will re fe r you to re- liable buyer. PEARSON. p AGE ( (J I'o rtla n d . Oregon. Striking Texliie Workers Get Big PORTLAND FREE EMPLOYMENT BUREAU Advance in Pay. W ill f u rn is h you a n y kind o f help you w a n t, m ale o r fem ale, skilled o r un sk illed , farm , .“uw niill. log- g in g o r a n y m iacelluneous labor. Call, w rite i f Phone. No fees o f any k in d c h a rg e d in th is office. F honea A £624; M ain £055. 215 Sttoud St, Portlaad. Or W an te d — M en and W om en To learn b a rb e r f riule. Toole free. W ag es while w arning. P o sitio n s g u a ra n te e d . In te rn atio n al b a rb e r School, N. T h ird S t., I 'o rtla n d , O regon S eco n d -H an d M achin­ ery bou g h t. Bold and . — exchange»!: « n g in ea .. b o ile rr saw m ills, e tc . The J . E. M a rtin Co.. 76 1st fit.. F o rtla n d . Send fo r S tock l.iat a n d prices. Machinery RUBBER STAMPS ■ ' * ' * ’ S te n cils a n d B rasa UDULfx O l f t i f i r j Signa. Celluloid B u tto n s a nd Ribbon F u d g es. Good Goods. Q uick Service. Fend for com p lete C atalo g u e No. 26. Acme Stam p V\ orka. 1015 A S t.. 1 aro m a. W ash. Arnold’s Asthma and Catarrh Remedy. (juarnnteod to cu re C atarrh . Axthma. lironchltla. Bay K»uer..n.l I o o Col.lx. »•r n on») re 1111 li d la u . m f] ¡5 foi Axtliiuit K erned' , o r MV in Htaiiipx lor C atarrh .»f the Me d and Ktoaue I. A h ,. for .ulilrexH of people cured in I’ortland. 1 a» «>ma or Keattie A rn o ld 's A xthm a C ure Co., 333-4 Arcade b:d^.. FUCHI T he g re a t s k 'n re ju v en a tor. if you hav«* sallow skin, w rinkles, pim p les o r r-u g h n e s s o f th e face o r a rm s, th e a p p 'ic a tio n o f F U C H I will b iin g back th e g'ow and fref h n e ss o f y o u th . F r p ack t g . $1. (B ran c h ) Fuchi L a b o rato ries. S u it 9. 242 1-2 u iu h - in g to n S t.. F u rtlu n d . Ore. R A W FURS We positively p ay th e hi heat m a rk e t price:*. h < w e a re m a n u ­ fa c tu re r s and th e re fo re can pay m ore th a n dealers. Send for fre e p ric e list and s h ip p in g tag s and get full v alu e fo r y o u r skins. N M. C n g a r Co., th e K elia'dc F u rrie r a. 202Mr 7th St.. Portland. Or« i f T ? [ t^ J 1 * f . PLIGHT P A ID « F R tt TR IA L O u A H a j «T L C D •Mi . b.g hat lie. tie u|>p«r Tank belt Kegul.iuig. I huk i«rv S il.it Umy. letted thermometer Irut tiuii ol ikrrr well, ell o*er wuh i.hetlM reel» ei. h will So umple diet .n .buJ) i jtalogue end low deluTied pntr Broodere I ' o a »£.75 up fct- H elen« In c u b a to r Co., T oledo, W ash in g to n Rather Fishy. Richard Croker, a t a banquet In New York, said of a political move­ m ent he disliked: "The thing was fishy—as fishy as the young girl’s explanation. "H er father, extending an open let­ ter, said sternly to this young girl on morning: “ ‘Here Is som ething I found in the upstairs hall.’ “She blushed. “ Oh, yes,’ she stam m erod; 'It's Just a letter from Tom Drown.’ “Her father, frowning heavily, went on: “ ‘And th a t lino of queer m arks at the end—w hat are they?’ “She answered, blushing still more deeply: “ ‘They are stars, sir Tom is giv­ ing me lessons In astronom y.” ’ When Your Eyes Need Care Try Murine Eye Remedy N o S m u r t iu g — F e e ls F in e — A c ts Q u ic k ly . T ry It f o r R e d , W e a k . W a te r y E y e s a n d G r a n u ­ la t e d E y e lid s . I l l u s t r a t e d B ook in e a c h Pack* a g e . M u rin e i s c o m p o u n d e d b y o u r O c u lis t« — n o t a “ P a t e n t M e d ic in e ” — b u t u s e d in s u c ­ c e s s f u l P h y s i c i a n s ’ P r a c t i c e f o r m a n y y e a rs . N o w d e d ic a t e d to t h e p u b l ic a n d s o ld by D r u g g i s t s a t-2 5 c a n d 50c p e r B o ttle . M u rin e E y e S a lv e i n A s e p tic T u b e s , 25c a n d 50c. M u rin e Eyo R e m o d y C o ., C h io a g o Water Power In Iceland. E ngineers have figured th a t one wa­ terfall in Iceland can be m ade to yield CO,000 horsepower and another 5 0 , 0 0 0 . ________________ Act at Once. Defer not till tomorrow to be wiso; tom orrow ’s sun to thee may never rise.—W illiam Congreve. MEXICAN MUSTANG LIN IM EN T FOR FROSTBITES. I G . W . P alm er. K nik, A laska, w rite» t I “ I find M e x ic a n M u s ta n g L in im e n t t h e b eet r e m e d y fo r Frostbite» w e h a v e." C apt. J . L indeboom , R am part C ity. Ala>ka, w r ite s: “ I u se M u s ta n g L in im e n t a n d g iv e it m u ch I c r é d i t a s i t a n s w e r s th e p u rp o se w o n d e rfu l- | ly . 1 h ig h ly r eco m m en d it for Frostb ites." 2 5 c . 5 0 c . $ 1 a b o ttle a t D rug A G en ’1 S to res '\\\ ALBÍRSBROS. !Bl ;Yn i ' D A IR Y F E E D ! BEST AND CHEAPEST Ask your dealer for it. If he does not handle it drop us a postal card and we will furnish you the nam e of a dealer who does ALBERS BROS: i! ■:MILLING CQijij, ¡P ortland , O regon ! Painless Dentistry la oar p ride-our hobby-oar study fo r years and ■ow oar success, and cure is the b»st painless work t o bo foaad anywhere, no m atter how much yon pay. C om p are o u r P rtceo. -------------1 We finish plate and bridge work fo r out- o f-to w n p atro a tro n s ia one dsy if desìi doxired. Pat al c m e x tra c tio n ■ free when plate« o r ■ bridge work ix o rd er l e d . Csatuitttion « tros. frss. I Molar Crowns $ 5 . 122k Brldf«TMtk4t I Gold .'¡irut«« 1. 1 Ertmel Filling« 1.00 ■ ■•Ivor Filling« .50 ■ Good Rubber I Plat»« 5 .0 0 I Boit R»d Rubber _ Plato* 7 .6 0 Painlo»« Extr*tioe . 5 0 •i B U T M gTH O O « A H w o r k f o l l y g u a r a n t e e d f o r f if te e n y e a rs. W is e D e n t a l C o .,i« . Painless Dentists Third *ed Washington PORTIAMO. (M® I A M t o l f T k lea d ers, « M l tr ra a ls tlb la E arn e s tn e s s , "How can any m an be w eak who dares to he a t all? Even th e ten d e r est plants force th eir way up through the hardeet earth, and the crevices of rock; but a m an no m aterial power can resist. W hat a wedge, w hat a beetle, w hat a catapult Is an earnest man I W hat can resist him ?”—T ho reau. Hood’s Sarsaparilla 2 7 5 ,0 0 0 Wage E arn ers S h a re Raise — N egotiations Pending With All Remaining Mills. Cures All Spring Ailments. Mrs. M a r lo n B ru c e, C u m b e r la n d . Me., w ri t «a: "I h a v e t a k i n H o o d ’s S a r s a p a r i l l a fo r a g r e a t m a n y yours, a n d I t h i n k It the* boa t blood m e d ic in e In t h e w orld. I «•kf* it b o th s p r i n g a nd Boston—W age increases a g g reg a t fall. Thin la s t w i n t e r a n d s p r i n g I ing m ore than $20,000,000 will go into w a s In v e r y po o r h e a l th . I w a s weak the pockets of New E ngland te x tile v n d h id lost all m y a p p e t i t e a n d I w a s all r u n d o w n . A s p o o h u s I b e g a n to w orkers in the ¡next 12 months, ac­ t a k e H o o d 's S a r s a p a r i l l a m y s t r e n g t h cording to a u th o rita tiv e e stim a te s of c a m e b a c k a n d m y a p p e t i t e r e t u r n e d . the re su lt of the presen t upw ard trend I a m n o w well, do m y h ou e w ork , a n d no lo n g e r h a v e t h a t tir ed fe e li n g .” of w ages in cotton and woolen mills. Get It t o d a y in u s u a l liq uid fo r m o r On the basis of an annual payroll of c h o c o l a te d t a b l e t s cal le d S a ra a tu b d . $79,000,000 in tho woolen m ills, the increase there will am ount to $5,600,- 000, w hile cotton m ill o p eratives will receive an advance of $5,000,000. Fully 275,000 o peratives will share in the increase by A pril 1 if all the m ills th a t have not y e t joined the m ovem ent follow the lead of th e la rg ­ er concerns. A nnouncem ents of con­ tem plated advances affect upw ard of 200,000 m illw orkers, w hile o th er cot- ton’ m anufacturera have indicated an intention of equaling the w age ad­ vances. The New Bedford offer of a 5 per cent increase w ill be acted on early th is week by the te x tile council, which recently presented a demand for a 10 per cent advance. A lthough there is a division of opin­ ion among the operatives, m any are said to favor accepting the m anufac­ tu re rs ’ oIFer, reviving th e ir demand for 10 per cent w hen business im ­ proves. The tex tile council, representing five unions of Fall R iv er operatives, has voted to re je c t the offer of an ad­ vance of 6 per cent and dem and 15 per cent. N egotiations betw een the labor rep resen tativ es and m ill agents will continue. Close observers believe a com pro­ m ise w ill be arranged. On the ad­ vance in Fall R iv er w ill depend the probable final a ttitu d e of the New Bedford unions. A lthough a few of the big L aw rence m ills are nom inally under the ban of the strik e, indications point to a gen­ eral re tu rn to work S ta tistic ia n s figure th e in ju ry by the Law rence strik e to m anufacturers a t $1,500,000 in business in hand and advance business lo st; a fo rfe it by the strik e rs of about an equal am ount in w ages and a cost to the sta te and city o f $100,000 for m ilitiam en and e x tra police. Dynamite Plot Seen. San Diego, C al.—Accused of having conspired to terro rize the city by wholesale dynam iting, six men, as­ serted by the police to be leaders of the street-sp eak in g a g ita to rs who have been m aking a cam paign here for a num ber of w eeks, w ere arrested . The nam es o f th e prisoners are w ithheld from the public, but C hief of Police W ilson says th a t he has posi­ tiv e proof of the d y nam iting plot, and th a t i t has to do w ith the s tre e t­ speaking cam paign. A ccording to C hief W ilson the men did not contem plate ta k in g lives, but did contem plate the destruction of a num ber of large office buildings and industrial plants here. The dyna­ m ite w as stolen two w eeks ago from the m agazines o f the c ity sew er de­ p artm ent. A t th a t tim e the m unici­ pal au th o rities gave no hin t th a t they believed the explosive had been stolen for any other purpose than th a t of financial gain. 3 H 0 N Z E DOG C A U S ES T R O U B L E 13 Removed From Statue in England After Riots Led by VIvl- sectionists. I.ondcn.—The famous figure of the brown clog has disappeared from tho fountain at B a tte rsta, England. It created a lively sensation whilo it was there and it was the cause of a great many encounters between the police and its friends and enem ies. Tho brown clog was a bronze and stood oa a granite fountain. On this fountain was (he following inscription: In m emory of the brown terrier dog done to death in the laboratories of the U niversity college, Feb., 1903, after having endured vivisection ex­ tending over more than two m onths and having been handed over from ono vivisectlonifct to another until Battersea’s “Old Brown Dog." death cam e to its release. Also .n m em ory of the 222 dogs vivisected at the sam e place during the year 1902. Men and women of England how long shall these things last? ” Mothers will find Mrs. Winslow*« Soothing Syrup the begt remedy to use for the ir chiidrea lu riu g t*:e teething period. Reminders of Napoleon. “I never knew Missouri was filled w ith rem inders of the Napoleonic wars until I took a trip over the Missouri Pacific’s river branch to Boonville," a traveling m an rem arked “Thoughts of the g re at struggle In F rance commenced to dawn upon me when the brakem an w’ent through the tra in calling ’Napoleon.’ I recalled th e career of am bition of the Corsican general, and was allowing my thoughts to w ander In th a t vein when the next statio n was announced, W aterloo. I began to recall further incidents and thoughts of the victorious general who blasted Napoleon’s hopes of a great em pire. Im agine my surprise when I found the next station was W ellington. The next stop had nothing to do with th e French wars, so I thought the co­ incidences w ere over. But I wanted to learn the why of it all, so I asked the conductor. Ho didn’t answ er. He waa Grouchy.” Plot Against King Seen, Rome— Several a rre sts have been m ade in connection w ith the a tte m p t to assassin ate K ing V ictor Emm anuel la st w eek. Among the prisoners is Nicholas Tacito, a Roum anian, who w as m entioned in a re p o rt recently sent to the governm ent by the Italian consul a t Geneva as being connected w ith a plot hatched th ere to kill the king, Prem ier G iolitti and Foreign M inister Di San G iuliano. T acito Thousands of Consumptives die evorj w as a rrested in Rome. Antonio Del- Consumption result-* from a neg­ ba, who fired the shots a t the king, in­ year. lected cold on the lung-. Hamlins Wiz-ird sists th a t he alone is responsible. Oil will cure these cold*. Just rub it into tlio client and draw out the in Humiliation. Rail Deal is Confirm ed. T o Keep Nut* Fresh. S e a ttle —G. C. H y a tt, general m an ­ If w alnuts or any o th er kind of a g er of the B ellingham Bay & B ritish Colum bia railw ay company, has tele ­ nu ts a re packed in layers of sand graphed a long sta te m en t from San and kept in a cool place, they will Francisco saying th a t the company keep fresh for an indefinite period. and its allied p roperties has been Soak them in warm w ater for an hour purchased from the Mills & Cornwall before using if you would have them e sta te s by a syndicate o f Bellingham , peel as if th ey had ju st been g a th S e a ttle and Tacoma men and th a t a ered fresh from th e tree. jo in t traffic arran g em en t is about to Blame Mountain Railroads. be concluded w ith the Chicago, Mil­ The Swiss peasants a re of the w aukee & P u g e t Sound railw ay w hereby M ilwaukee cars will be han­ ¿pinion th a t the constant shrinkage of the Alpine glaciers is due to the build- dled by car fe rry from S eattle. 'ug of m ountain railroads. Chinese Brave a t Fire. Russian Limit for Marriage. San Francisco — F ire , supposed to No person over 80 years of age can have been caused by spontaneous com­ m arry in Russia, according to the law bustion, started in the cotton cargo in of th a t country. the hold of the Pacific Mail liner M an­ churia, as she lay a t her dock here. M embers of the Chinese crew who were called to aid the fire-fighters dis­ tinguished them selves by th e ir gallan­ try, a Chinese boatsw ain ’s m ate hav­ ing been the first to go below and lo­ cate and ascertain w here the flames were. PLEAD N O T GUILTY. Alleged Dynamite Conspirators Defiant and Confident. Are Indianapolis, Ind. — “ N ot g u ilty ” waa the plea o f 46 men arraigned in Federal court here on indictm ents charging com plicity in the alleged conpiracy unlaw fully to tran sp o rt dy­ nam ite from s ta te to state. Judge Anderson overruled all dem urrers of It is impossible to find a the defense, b u t granted 30 days for better or more reliable rem­ the filing of exception to his ruling. edy than the famous Consolidation of the cases asked by U nited S ta te s D istric t A ttorney M il­ ler w as ordered, subject to petition for se p a ra te tria ls if the defense so desires. The court instructed th a t the defendants ap p ear when presentation We guarantee it absolutely of the m a tte r is made. The tria l was pure and you will find it a set for O ctober 1. great benefit in cases of When Ju d g e Anderson announced he IN D IG E S T IO N , C O S T IV E N E S S . would overrule the dem urrers to the 34 indictm ents, he turned to the de­ B IL L I0 U S N E S S , fendants, for whom seats had been C O LD S, G R IP P E , M A L A R IA . ranged in tiers, and said: n r » BOTTLE TODAY. IT ODES THE WOTK “ G entlem en, do you know the n a ­ tu re of the charges against you?” “ We do,” cam e in a heavy chorus. Then, one by one, the indicted men, presen t or ex-labor officials from many JUST F O R B I T E O F TOB AC C O sections of the country, and headed by F ran k M. Ryan, president of the In­ « m e » Whitcomb Riley Starts a Com­ motion That Has George Ade ternational Association of Bridge and S tru ctu ral Iron W orkers, arose as a Guessing. th e ir names w ere called by the clerk Jam es W hitcomb Riley was ft guest, and responded: “ N ot g u ilty .” a year or two ago, at Hazelden farm, A ttack s from many angles w ere George Ada’s big country place in made on the indictm ents, which W estern Indiana. Ade had Instructed charge the defendants w ith aiding and all the farm hands before the guest's a b e ttin g O rtie E. McManigal and John arrival to see to It th at Mr. Riley w ant­ and Jam es M. M cN am ara in the tra n s­ ed for nothing while there to make portion of dynam ite on passenger his stay pleasant. But lie w asln't pre­ train s, w ith being principals w ith Me- j pared for the commotion he saw look­ M anigal and the M cNam aras w ith ing out of his bedroom window the the illegal acts, and w ith having con m orning after Riley came. The chief spired to violate th e sta tu te s prohibit­ thing that attracted his attention was ing such tran sp o rtatio n . the sight of ono of his big motor cars whizzing out the driveway and off C O A S T IS M IS S IN G . toward Brook, the n earest village, on high speed. Map Changed Since Durville Visited "Something awful has happened,” Antarctic In 1838. Ade m uttered, "end they’re going for H obart, T asm ania—The ship A u­ a doctor.” And he didn’t lose any tim e getting Into his clothes. rora, w hich sailed from this port on Out near the barn he found Riley D ecem ber 2 la s t w ith an A ustralian •trolling about, taking In the early A n ta rctic expedition under the leader­ m orning air. "W hat’s—w hat's the m atter?" In­ ship of Dr. D ouglas Mawson, has re ­ turned to H obart. The A urora is quired Ade, breathlessly. “W hat do you m ean?" asked Riley. commanded by C aptain J. K. Davis. “ Why, th at motor car. A ren't they He landed two se p a ra te parties a t two going for a doctor or som ething?” “Oh, that,” replied Riley. ‘T v e Just points in the A n ta rctic regions, one under Dr. Mawson, Ja n u a ry 18, and been wondering myself w hatever pos­ the o th er under D r. W ilde, a veteran sessed your chauffeur to take on of the Shacklton and Scott m arches, the way he did. 1 came up to him a few m inutes ago and asked him If he F ebruary 19. The A urora found no trace o f th e had any chewing tobacco, rem arking C larie coast, from which it was con­ th at I had bought a lot to do mo cluded th a t it w as an ice b a rrie r th a t while I was here and then forgot to had broken up since D urville’s discov­ put It In my grip. W ithout saying a ery in 1838. The A urora le ft the word he ran awnv and began to crank Can’t figure out A n tia c tic in F eb ru ary and intended to up that machine. what his game Is.” re tu rn in the spring. But toe explanation came In a few Some o f the b est known B ritish ex­ plorers are w ith the parties landed by m oments when the c h a u f f e u r c a m e the A urora, which m uster 25 men in chuff chuffing back, still a t fu ll s p e e d , all. The m ost advanced fe atu re of the with a dollar’s worth of c h e w i n g to­ equipm ent is a m onoplane in charge of b a c c o fo r the Doet. L ieu ten an t W atkins, who has taken BLUE CLEAR THROUGH . p a rt in several aviation m eets. Speak­ ing of the value o f the aeroplane in The one, reliable, satisfactory and exploration, Dr. Mawson, p rio r to the economical bluing for laundry use is RED CROSS BALL BLUE—the blue d ep artu re of the expedition, said : “ An aeroplane can fly over an ice th a t Is all blue. Makes clothes white and clear. Dissolves Instantly and crevasse or a ridge as easily as over ready for use. anything else, w hereas a p a rty on foot always You will never use liquid blue m ig h t have to search a long tim e to again a fte r once trying RED CROSS find a pass, and an aeroplane can do a BALL BLUE. Price 10 cents. ALL journey of 150 m iles in th ree h o u rs.” GROCERS O ro z co ’s F ath er T ak e s Field. El Paso— Colonel Orozco, fa th e r of the insurrector chief, w ith 300 men as a perm anent garrison, arrived a t Ju arez to relieve G eneral Antonio Rogas who will tak e his force to Fale- m ir. R ojas' purpose is said to be to ra p tu re the federal g arrison a t Oji- naga. FOR SICK COW S H ealthy cow« give m ore m ilk, m ake rich e r b u tle r, a n d re q u ire lea« c a re . KOW KL'RB I» a cow m ed icin e , n o t a food. I t re g u la te « th e digestive and gen e rativ e org a n a and tone« up th e e n tire ayitera. A poaitive cu re and preven­ tive for L O ST A P P E T IT E . BARRENNESS, A B O R TIO N . SCOURS, M ILK FEV ER , and all o th e r a ilm e n ta th a t ta p th e s tre n g th of m ilking cow s. T h o u san d « of pro ftta b le herd» ow e th e ir health to KOW KL'RE- Be aure to »end for o u r v alu a b le free book, “ M ore M oney From Y our Cow*.'* DAIRY ASSOCIATION CO.. MFRS. L) ndoavllle, VI., U. S. A. P t-S O ’ S R E M E D Y . I C o u r » B y ru p . 4 T W tr* G o o d . Ln In tiw.a. Bold by Dm«f»*ta FOB COUCHS AND COIOS . Nervous ? Ao«d Friend of F e a tu r e d T r .j j Decorated by French f/.initicr of Agriculture. I Parle, m . H eart Poll, tho 1 j famous and venerable bird eh | of Tuilertos Garden In Pa, , has b j decorated' by tho French mlni&tcr o*! agriculture. Uy dint of wonderful pn tlence and study, M. Poll, who la now ' j 76 years old, has won the Intim acy of j his feathered friends, who know ex octly at what time, m orning and HOS F E T T E R ’S STOM ACH B IT T ER S R O B B ER S H O L D U P TRA IN . Texas Sheriff and Posse Ride Light Engine to Meet Desperados. El Paso— Southern Pacific passenger tra in No. 9, w etsbound, due a t El Paso a t 6:30 a. m., w as held up by robbers W ednesday m orning a t 2:15. The scene of the holdup is two m iles east of Sanderson, T ex., and the rob­ bers detached the engine, mail and baggage cars and took them tow ard Sanderson. The sheriff 'and a posse, on a lig h t engine, le ft Sanderson to m eet the robbers. Southern Pacific officials express the belief th a t the train holdup was com­ m itted by Mexican m alcontents. Muscles Are Grafted. B altim ore— Perform ing an operation m ade possible only by recent discov­ eries in surgery, Dr. W illiam S. B aer transplanted the m uscles of Miss R uth Coffey, of Lenoir, N. C., in an effort to stay the ravages upon her system caused by in fan tile paralysis. To connect the disjointed and paralyzed m uscles, it was necessary to lance the jo in ts of the p a tie n t and u ntangle a m ass of useless fiber, c u t off useless ends and tran sp la n t broken ends, thereby connecting them to the useful and healthy cords. Are you easily tired Jack your usual vigor an d strength? Then your digestion must be poor, your blood must be thin, your nerves must be weak. You need a strong tonic. You n e e d A y e r ’s Sarsaparilla, the only Sarsa­ parilla entirely free from alco­ hol. W e believe your doctor w ill e n d o r s e these state- ir.ents. Ask and find out. If you think constipation is of trifling consequence, just ask your doctor. He will disabuse you of that notion in short order. “ Correct it at o n c e !” he will say. Then ask him abou Ayer’s Pills. A mild liver pill, all vegetable. I t u t * Djr t b . J, o . AY XU CO., L ow ell. M u .. H EALIN G ART IN N IN E V E H Medicines and Other Cure» Employed Thera 650 Year« Before the Christian Era. Tho patient w’ork of the archaeolo­ gist enabled people in 1911 to form a very fair idea of medical science as it existed in Nineveh 650 years before the birth of Christ. Of the 20,000 tab­ lets taken from the library of Aasur- banipal, the great King of Assyria, who conquered Egypt and Babylonia and established his subjects in the de­ serted cities of Samaria, hundreds deal exclusively with medicine and Girds His Friends. contain numerous prescriptions: evening, he will appear. Many of “If a man has colic make him stand them come to his call by nam e and up and pour over him a decoction of have been trained by him to perform hypericum and he will recover. tricks ut his bidding. They subm it “Or make him crouch down on hi3 to being picked up by him, perching heels and pour cold w ater over his on his hands, and, as shown in the ac­ head.’’ com panying photograph, will ex­ Faith healing seems to be indicated change positions with ono another at in a prescription which runs “If he is Lis word of command. in a weak state, make him bend down, ! then raise his leg3, and say: ‘May If you use Eye Salve use the best. P e t t i t ’ s E ye S alve is the standard, you get quite w ell/ Strike him also is reliable and costs no more than infer­ , on the head fourteen times with your ior goods th a t are unknown. Used by i thumb.’’ Physicians and Oculists, helps w here all Many prescriptions deal with tho others fail. It is not the T ube or Pox cure of a disorder which was very th a t cures, it is the S alve that does the common at Nineveh, and w’hich seems work. G uaranteed by Howard Pros, 1 to have been due to overindulgence in under the Governm ent Food and Drugs Act. Don’t he deceived or misled. The food ar.d drink. “When a man is bil­ only really antiseptic Eye Salve th at has lions rub him with r.n onion, and let been in the m arket for years. Sold by him drink nothing but w ater and ab­ D ruggists throughout the known world. stain from food a lto g e th e r/’ Among the m edicines used by tho Detecting the Chinese. physicians of Nineveh were sesame, Two men have Just been convicted olive oil, cas»or oil, syrup of dates, of sm uggling Chinamen into the coun­ honey and salt. F asting and massago try. The detectives adopted a plan ; were frequently ordered. m arvelous in its sim plicity and effect lveness. They wanted to be sure Worth the Finding. w hether the four Celestials in ques One strong thing I find here below— tion had ever been in the country be­ the ju st thing, the thing true.—Se- fore. They were dressed in American I leeted. fashion and the detectives took the coats off the men and required them tc put them on again. They put them on backward. Bank of England Employes. 0£MD m ONE GAY f o r t h e s ig n a tu r e o f E . W . G R O V E . U sed th e W orld o v e r to C u re a Cold in O ne D ay. 25c. Naturally He Was Sick. Magazine Standard. Lenox, M ass.—One hundred ra ttle ­ snakes from the Schagticoke hills in Connecticut are to be brought here by a syndicate of C onnecticut farm ers to s ta r t a 12-acre ra ttlesn ak e farm , land for which has been purchased. R at­ tlesnake oil is w orth $5 a pint, and th ere .is also a good re tu rn in the skins. The farm ers expect to have a t least 5,000 ra ttle rs w ithin the next few months. W e have had »cant opportunities for observation, but personally we have never seen underw ear fit as per­ fectly anyw here as in the magazines. —Galveston New». Corn Grows in Appendix, Conulstency, thou srt a Jew 1, but