n All the News All the Time ESTACADA NO. 24 op VOL. 4 PROGRESS Only Paper in Eastern CiacKamas ESTA CA D A , OREGON, TH URSDAY, FEBRU A RY 15, 1912 most of the baskets, some from a ß g~*. Mdse. difficult angle. Graham was especi­ Mdser ^ _ _____ ally good in passing the ball and i l I Council and Mayor Lock Woodle and Wooster, who substi­ Estacada Among Seven Fa­ CASH tuted for Fellows at left guard, con­ Horns in Lively Tussle vored Towns of Oregon tributed their full share to the suc­ cess of the evening. In the second half, the visitors j played a better game making 10 Until you try our COFFEE M. J. B., Crescent, Dependa­ while Estacada rolled up 13. In j M a y o r O ffers to L e t Two M e m b e rs R e sig n , P o s tm a s te r J o h n s o n R e c e iv e s L ite ra tu re you will not know what ble, and Liptons Coffee in the game Estacada uad 86 chances O th e rw ise M a y R e m ove — Mot fo r D istrib u tio n Mow to O pen good coffee can be bought to score taking advantage of 27, S h o t s F xc h a n ge d A S a v in g s A ccou nt at the price, - 30 c Tins while Park Place hail 41 with a In a session characterized by ver­ total of 17 counts, There was little Estacada has been named by the bal pyrotechnics, the city council at fouling, Postmaster General of the U. S. as its regular meeting, Tuesday even­ The girls’ team of Park Place the location of a Postal Savings ing, entertained the biggest crowd failed to appear and a pickup team Bank, which will open for business of the year. from Estacada and one from River here March 7. Postmaster Johnson Declaring his authority had been Mill substituted. Dale oi tile town received notice this week, he having encroached upon, Mayor Reed asked team showed to advantage in bas­ sent data to the department some Alderman J o d c s to resign from the ket throwing. Estacada won 28 to two months ago. Six other towns police and health committee and to 9. The lineups: in Otegon are also named in the de­ Position Park Place partment’s notice. Alderman Underwood from the Estacada street committee. He added he was Evans ............... C ................ Rivers The postmaster has a lot of circu­ W e sell Gillette, Sextoble and K. K. Safety Razors at prepared to remove them if they Graham..........L. F ................Lucas lars for distribution explaining the did not resign and said he would Morton......... . R. F'........ Hendricks system in full. Patrons are invited Wooster..........L G ............ Knight rt arrange the committees. Woodle...........R G ...............Rivers to call for them. Underwood made no protest, but Deposits may be made for post­ Referee, Schultz; Umpire, Page. Alderman Jones and the mayor en Estacada Position River Mill savings certificates of $1, $2. $5, gaged in a lively argument, broken Townsend........ C .......... The Pound. Gun Powder, Woodle $2°. $5° aud $100. No ac­ finally by a motion to adjourn to Schultz.......... R. F .............. Sharp count may be opened for less than Spider L e g and English 1 tonight. Tbe mayor fired a bomb Dale............... L. F ............. Cowling a dollar nor fractions of a dollar ac­ Breakfast when he announced that dating Morton.......... R. G ..................Cruse cepted for deposit. However, Tom atoes doz. • SI 00 from Tuesday night he would no Page...............L. G ..........Sutterfield amounts less than a dollar may be \ c L a « » Umpire, R. Morton; Referee, Corn, doz. - I 00 longer sign warrants to pay Marshal ***sw r» « 4 fy saved for deposit by purchase of 10 Ames, alleging the marshal had not Graham. Cream Oats, bag - 40c cent postal savings caids or adhe­ performed work assigned to him. This Amts denied and offered to Many Inquiries Made sive to cent postal savings stamp«, “ let the people settle it.” which may be turned in when the About Estacada Country The first set to of the evening amount has reached a dollar. came over a bill filed by Willis Good results aie evident at the Interest of 2 per cent is allowed Yonce, $26.50, for hauling brick office of Secretary Standish of the on deposits payable annually. No and planking. Aldermap Jones of Big difference in ranges. W e guarantee ours to be good the finance committee fought it, Commercial club, due to the adver­ interest will be paid on money which bakers. $10 DISCOUNT on a range that has been used less than saving the price was t^o high and tising which lias been done in the remains on deposit for a fractional stating that some of the bill should past few mouths. And the ques­ part of a year. So, in withdrawal, ten days. be paid by property owners, in tion as to what becomes of the dues Interwoven Toe and Heel Hose for men. Buy interwoven front of whose lots the brick was is answered by a look at the books. which may be made at any time, interest only on that part of the de­ dumped. The bill went over, a Hose and avoid darning, 25c and 35c a pair. Being secretary-treasurer of this posit left a year, is payable. motion by Alderman Hawkins to These are a few of the rules, full thriving organization is no snap, pay it, failing of a second. Bills of for in addition to attending to the explanation of which is furnished $129 were allowed. After consulting with B. O. Bos correspondence, the official has to iu the circulars. well, representative of the Electric look out for collections and it has Benedicts Beat Bachelors Light Company, the council passed a motion for eight new street lights been suggested that the members At Baseball, II to 9 five on the hill, one on north side can greatly aid the club if thev will of Third street on the Boulevard, call at tbe office and pay the dues one in front of the Sagner home and and incidentally look over tbe While the effete easterners were one on the northwest corner of Cur- records and see what is being ac­ wal'owing around in snowdrifts rin and First streets. ’steen feet deep Sunday and wear­ In stating he would no longer complished. Most of the money raised, has ing fur coats to keep from freezing, sign warrants for the pay of Mar­ shal Ames, the mayor said repair been used for advertising. One ad Estacada fans were watching the work had been neglected and rub­ was placed in the Annual Oregon­ Married Men ami Single Men in a bish had not been burned nor street ian in January and the returns are game of baseball which the Bene­ crossings kept clean, as required. dicts won ii to 9. The taxpayers, he said, were not still coming. Each inquiry is listed The Bachelors had the best of it The getting what they paid for. Mar­ and a complete record kept. shal Ames denied most of the state­ inquirer is sent an Estacada book­ during the earlier innings but they Because work is under way for the clearing of the Streets, ment, hut said the old planks and let and a personal letter is written blew tip on the homestretch and the Alievs and Lots in the new Terrace Addition. Clackamas mattresses referred to were too wet by the secretary when detailed in­ Responsible Heads of Families got to burn. He asserted he bad done Avenue is over half done, Terrace Street is being begun and under tbe wire with another argu­ everything he had been ordered to formation is required. To date there are several hun­ ment for matrimony. the big Alley is beginning to look like a county road. Rail­ do. The mayor said he had no gb- The game was characterized by jection to retaining Ames, but be dred inquiries on file, some asking road Avenue is being contracted for clearing. ought not to be paid more than $40 only for the booklet and others ask­ good hitting, a few fancy fielding a month for police work. ing about cost of electricity for stunts and some fair pitching. The After W. Cary and R. M. Stand- lineup: ish asked the council to extend the power etc, indicating that the Benedicts: N. Bronson, p; Eck- writer is contemplating locating water mains to Terrace addition down the alley between Clackamas some industry in the city. Especial les, c; Underwood, ib; Simmons, Avenue and Terrace street, the attention is being paid to this class 2b; Nichols, ss; Eshleman, If; H. The owners of the addition are having all the Streets cleared question of a special election for of inquiry. Jones, cf; P. Eshleman, rf. and the owners of the lots are having their own properties put this purpose was discussed and an Bachelors: L. Bronson, p; Sut­ agreement made to take up the mat­ iu shape for building. terfield, c; Townsend, ib; Hughes, ter Thursday night at an adjourned No Tax Levy Made 2b; Morton, ss; Yont, 3b; Cary, If; session. The council has authority For City Expenses to extend the mains without special Barr, cf; Condon, rf; Umpire, G. election with the understanding that Citizens of Estacada will not be Townsend. , I the addition will come into the city required to pay a 5 mill tax for run­ * and pay taxes. Some to Estacada townspeople some to Estacada Farmers - ning expenses of the municipality Terrace Addition Lots -------- and some to Portland people this year, because no levy was Are Going Rapidly I Estacada Takes Scalp made by the city officials. a Because T E R R A C E ADDITION Lots repiesmt With the announcement that The levy should have been re­ one of the best, cleanest investments ever offered in O f Park Place Team ported to tbe county clerk not later Terrace addition had been placed this county. The Prices are Low enough and the Terms Easy on the market, that section of Esta­ than Dec. 31, bnt this wasn’t done, F,stncada High School addtd so taxes will be 5 mills less and the cada became a scene of activity Enough to allow anyone ami everyone owning a lot another scalp to it's belt Friday city must depend upon what it still which has shown no cessation since Foundations are already night when it beat Park Place 27 has in the treasury and what it may Residents of the city, farmers in up for two houses oit to 17 in a well contested basketball get from saloon license*. this vicinity and Portland people Terrace Addition Lots and within thirty days several more game. The visitors, apparently, It eoststhetown $ 1,300 for light«, quick to see the chance for a home were unused to as low ceiling as police and salary of the city re­ or investment bought lots and with­ buyers will start building. the payilion and in making long corder, annually. On hand in the in twenty-four hours two buildings Within a few days, work be­ ! passes, they continually threw the general fund is about $1,700 and were started, with lumber ordered gins on the new switch track j ball into the electric bulbs or about $3.000 in the sewer and road for several more. which will be nine hundred teet long, running between Fourth I bounced it from the beams. They fund, together with about $400 20 % Stump Powder in ten box improved, however, as the game taxes not turned in by the county. and Terrace Sts. on the flat. Along this track will he twenty- lots $5 50, in five box lots $5 75. progressed and at the close were Saloon licences expire iu August three good lots, each lot having a fifty foot track frontage for Orders to be placed in advance. doing better work. The first half at.d October and if they renew there shipping, warehouse and factory locations. Several parties Thursday deliveries only. Mc­ ended 14 to 7 in favor of Estacada will lie $3,000 more available. Curdy L’ b’ r. & H ’d'w. Co. have already made reservations on this tra< k. The attack of tbe locals was fast Heretofore the lew produced about ' and at tbe start they rolled up the $750 annually, but would have been j cqunt rapidly. There was some double that amount this war. on & poufusion on both sides owing to account of increased assessed valtia similarity of uniformsaud it affte'ed lion. Tile announcement of the 1 the team work, but on the whole, oversight was a surprise to Ksta W. A. JONES | both teams put up a game that ■ enda. P R O P R IE T O R Let me show you around T E R R A C E ADDITION, for there Good rigs and careful drivers always interest the crowd and kept it on are Lots from $35 up, and on easy terms WARNING t SPECIAL ATTENTION its toes to the windup. B1 isting of stumps will take place G iven lim itin g and Fishing Turtle» Evans the Estacada center out­ | d uly in Terrace addition between played his opponent Rivers, getting 12 noon and t o'clock. The public WOOD & LUM BER . the ball away to his team in good j is warned to exercise care while in Local and L o n g Distance Telephone 1 shape Morton for Estacada threw tbe vicinity. I S T IR A LD E R M E N ESTACADA STATE BANK CAPITAL 1 f • $25,000 e f i V. ; I ftsfop ; - ' W . $t A YEAR A PO ST A L B A N K «— i CHANGE IN TWO COMMITTEES A °R \ WILL BE OPEN ON 7 ,0" We Sell Cheaper, l hat’s W hy Fully W a rra n te d , $! to $ 3 See Our Cashier about ourcertificate of deposite. If you tiave money awaiting investment ex­ change it for one of these certificates which bear interist according to tbe time the money is left with bank, The certificates are as good as cash, in fact they are a great deal better than idle cash. — +++— — — ---- E Y E The eye is a wonderful piece of divine mechanism and deserves the best care within the reach of human knowledge. The delicate construction of this organ makes it neces­ sary to use great care in selecting eye glasses and spectacles. It is not generally understood by those depending on artificial assistance for good vision, that it requires as much scientific knowledge to adjust lenses to the eye as it does to prescribe medicines for the human system. Much of the present day eye trouble is due to wearing cheap, decentered lenses fitted ( ? ) by incompetents, or bought across the counter or from peddlers. W e cease to wonder at the magnitude of present d^iy eye trouble, when wc think of the thousands who are wear­ ing such glasses—lenses which change and distort the rays of light, producing innumerable eye ailments and defects. No person should wear a glass unless prescribed by a re­ liable specialist— one thoroughly acquainted with anatomy, physiology and diseases of the eve, laws of light and op­ tometry. See D r. E r v in L. Sells, w ith the E s tac ad a J e w e lr y C o m p a n y e v e ry W ed n esd ay fro m 8:30 a. m. to 4:30 p. m . E s t a c a d a J e w e lry C o m p a n y Bank Building •+++• We Have Moved It has taken a lot of hard work and some figuring, but we are settled at last in our commodious new quarters Odd Fellows Building Our Big Stock of Furniture in the Where we are able to show you, to better advantage and Queensware Special Bargains on Our 5-10-15- 20 and 25 cent Counters Spring House Cleaning is near and we are preparing to show you A G R E A T LIN E OF W A L L PAPER ESTACAD\ RJRNITDWE CO. W. D. and L. M. Henthom, Proprietors $1 gs to C h o ice Pack 2 Cans 2 5 C ts. STEEL RANGES $5 Bulk leas at 40c - $30 to $70 New Ginghams at 10c, 12 l-2c and 15c Smoke! W Boom! Addition H E R E ? Terrace W H Y ? W ho’s Doing It? 48 Lots Were Sold This Past Week \ || BUILDING BEGUN SWITCH TRACK Livery, Feed STABLE Sale |f You Are Looking For a Home Location or a Good Clean Investment See STANDISH