UülHlSOFTHEWEEK A B R O G A T I O N IS U P H E L D . Y U A N R EM AINS Will Congress Promptly Ratifies Termina­ tion ot Russian Treaty. W ashington, D. C. — Congress very prom ptly ratified the p re sid en t’s noti­ fication of the term ination o f the Rus­ sian tre a ty of 1832 and sent the m eas­ ure to the president for his signature. The house disposed of it according to I program w ithin 75 m inutes. Speaker C lark signed it a t 2:56 p. | m .; Vice P resident Sherm an signed it General Resume of Important Events a t 3:51 p. m., a fte r the senate had re­ m ained in session purposely to perm it Presented In Condensed Form him, under the rules, to affix his sig ­ for O u r Busy Readers. n atu re while it was in session. It w as a perfunctory proceeding in the house, for D em ocrats and Repub­ Im perial forces in China are prepar licans voted together, Macon, of A r­ ing for another big battle. kansas, D em ocrat, alone voting in the Sam uel and W iliam Muncy, tw ins, negative. He explained to the house of New York C ity, ce.ebrated th eir la te r th a t he voted a g ain st the resolu­ tion in a sp irit of levity. 93d birthday on C hristm as day. In the debate Republicans joined P resident and Mrs. T a ft escaped w ith th e ir political opponents in trib ­ th e ir special guards and w ent calling utes to R epresentative Sulzer, of New on friends for two hours on C hristm as York, the D em ocratic author of the eve. house bill, for accepting the senate More than 1,000,000 gallons of mo­ m easure am ending his own. “ Mr. Sulzer has shown th a t he is lasses w ere destroyed by fire on the w harves of the Boston Molasses corn acting through the prom ptings of p a t­ riotism , not p o litics,” Republican pany. Europe is profoundly im pressed by L eader Mann said. The Russian reply to the notice the force of public opinion in the U nited S ta te s on the Russian passport from A m bassador Guild th a t A m erica wished to term in ate the tre a ty of question. 1832 has been received a t the S ta te P ersian officials declare the Rus departm ent. The officials decline to sians are m urdering women and chil­ publish the te x t of the note, but ad­ dren in cold blood, and ignoring over­ m it th a t its contents have been well tu res for peace. outlined in the news dispatches from Several hundred newsboys struggled St. P etersburg. for hours in the stre e ts of Portland GIRLS B A R T E R E D FOR G O L D . C hristm as day for coins throw n by generously inclined parties. A S )uth Chicago new spaper which Russian Miss Who Wants to Wed American Tells. had been active ag ain st w rite rs o f Black Hand le tte rs was dynam ited and Los Angeles — D eclaring b itte rly the plant practically destroyed. th a t the local Russian colony of 3,000 Several hundred men are racing is a m arriag e m ark et w herein young w ith dog team s to a new strik e on the girls are bartered by th e ir parents head of Sixty-M ile riv er in Alaska. like so m any cattle, E lsie Navikoff The tem p e ra tu re is about 40 degrees braved a hundred pairs of eyes in Judge W ilb u r’s court and scream ed below zero. th a t she would bare the secrets of her General Reyes, head of the new people ra th e r than subm it. M exican insurgent m ovement, was lo­ Beside her stood R aynor H allack, a cated by governm ent au th o rities on a sturdy Am erican, who served five ranch, to g eth e r w ith five of his fol years in the navy and to whom she lowers, and captured. clung because she loves him and he A throng of 100,000 people gathered w ants to m arry her. She is 17, edu­ on the stre e ts and a t the windows and cated, A m ericanized and p re tty , the on the roofs and balconies o f buildings d au g h ter of John Navikoff, and she in the h e art of San Francisco on asserted th a t her fa th e r and m other C hristm as eve and sang songs of peace had sold her for $500 gold to a man she had never seen, so she ran away. and good will. T h at is why she was before the judge Russian and P ersian troops have in the juvenile court. had a b a ttle near T abriz. The g ir l’s testim ony constitutes as A laska delegation says th a t te r r i­ sensational a chapter as any ever heard in a local court. She asserted, tory can support m illions of people. and offered to prove, th a t there are Senator Borah plans a new irrig a ­ 600 young Russian g irls for sale here tion loan which will help the U m atilla a t an average price of $500 to men project. w anting w ives; th a t th e ir parents are Indicted packers in Chicago declare the sellers and the highest bidders the the public was benefitted by th e ir bus­ buyers; th a t the personal charm s of iness methods. girls are inventoried like the points of C. L. Sm ith, newly appointed a g ri­ livestock and con stitu te the criterion c u ltu rist for the O.-W. R. & N. Co., of sale. H er frail form shaking w ith the in­ will v isit m any farm s along the line ten sity of her fi el ings, she flung the to g a th e r pracitcal inform ation. denials of a score of R ussian p a tri­ A governm ent engineer has ap­ archs present back into th e ir teeth. proved the proposed expenditure of Judge W ilbur continued the case and $800,000 for the im provem ent of T il­ a thorough investigation of the colony lamook bay, on the Oregon coast. will be made. Officers of the court declare the P resident discusses currency, arm y reform s, parcels post and o ther topics g ir l’s sta te m en ts are true. in a m essage to congress. Gompers Courts Investigation. W ashington, D. C.—“ We are ready A telephone ra te w ar has begun in C alifornia and is expected to extend a t any tim e for the agents of the law to begin in v e s tig a tin g .” So declares over the e n tire Pacific coast. Sam uel Gompers, of the Am erican Hop in te rests o f Am erica, backed Federation of Labor, in an editorial by J. Ogden Arm our, are planning a on ‘‘L ab o r’s Position L aw ful and Pro­ big combine to handle the crops in fu ­ g re ssiv e ,” which will appear in the ture. Ja n u a ry issue of the A m erican Feder- The powers are now try in g to in­ atio n ist. Mr. Gom pers pledges his full co­ duce the Chinese rebels to accept term s offered by the governm ent and operation in any investigation th a t may be made. The forthcom ing num ­ end the war. ber of the official organ of the F edera­ PORTLAND M ARKETS. tion will be the first to appear since W heat — T rack prices : Bluestem , organized lab o r’s defense of the Mc­ 81(d 82c; club, 79c; red Russian, 78c; N am ara brothers collapsed by reason valley, 80c; forty-fold, 79(o'80c. of th e ir confession of the outrages Corn—W hole, $37; cracked, $38 ton. charged against them . In his e ditor­ M illstuffs— Bran, $23 per ton; m id­ ial Mr. Gompers confines him self to a dlings, $30; shorts, $24; rolled b a r­ discussion of the issues raised by the ley, $37(6)38. M cNam ara case, saying of the case O ats—No. 1 w hite, $30.50(o31 ton. it e lf th a t he and hia colleagues will H ay— No. 1 E astern Oregon tim o­ stand by the sta te m en t they a uthor­ thy, $18(d 18.50; No. 1 valley, $15(0' ized soon a fte r the confession of the 10; a lfa lfa , $ 1 3 (o l4 ; clover, $ l l( o l 2 ; brothers g rain, $12(o 13. Shuster May Have to Go. B arley— Feed, $36(o 37 ton. Fresh F ru its —Pears, 50c o $1.50 per T eheran — The cabinet has won an box; grapes, $1.25(6 1.50; cran b er­ im portant victory over the national ries, $12(o 13 per b a rre l; casabas, council which foreshadow s the accept­ $1 .50 per crate. Apples Jonathans, $1.50(o2.25 per ance of R ussia’s demand for the dis­ box; Spitzenberg, $1(62.50; Baldwin, m issal of W. M organ Shuster, the 75c'o$1.50; Red Cheek Pippin, $1.25 A m erican tre a su re r general o f Persia, proves too <6 1.75; N orthern Spy, $1.25(ol.75; unless public opinion The national council, in a W in ter Bananas, $2(o3; Bellflower, strong. session th a t lasted from 8 o ’clock until $ 1 .10(o 1.96. Potatoes -B uying prices: Burbanks, a fte r m idnight, finally accepted the proposal to appoint a commission of 90c(o$l.20 per hundred. five deputies w ith plenary powers to O nions—Jo b b in g price, $1.50 per deal w ith the R ussian ultim atum . sack. The D em ocrats opposed the proposal, j V egetables — A rtichokes, 90c per dozen; cabbage, lftfllc per pound; Portland Cargoes Large. cauliflower, $1.90(o2 per c ra te ; cu­ Los Angeles — Ocean fre ig h t and cum bers, $1.25(0'1.75 per dozen; cel­ ery, C alifornia, $4(o 4.25 per c ra te ; passenger traffic to Los Angeles is egg plant, 12c per pound; garlic, 6(o g re a te r now than ever before in the 10c per pound; lettuce, $2.50 per history of the city, and local steam ship c ra te ; peppers, 8(o 10c per pound; agents declare th a t th e ir accomoda­ pum pkins, l(o l j c per pound; sprouts, 9 tions are taxed to the fu llest extent. Ot 10c per pound; squash, l£(o l£ c ; to ­ D. W. Ferguson, local ag en t for the m atoes, $1.75 per box ; carrots, $1 N orth Pacific Steam ship company, per sack; turnips, $1; beets, $1; p a r­ which o p erates a line of steam ers be­ tween this port and P ortland, said snips, $1. B u tte r— Oregon cream ery b u tter, th a t during the past two m onths the solid pack, 3«; prints, e x tra ; b u tte r am ount o f fre ig h t brought from P o rt­ land here by his line has increased at fa t, lc less than solid pack prices. Poultry— Hens, 12c; springs, ll(o lea st 200 per cent. 12; ducks, young, 17(ol8c; geese, 12 Will Consider Tariff Reform. (o l3 c ; turkeys, live, 2 0 o 2 lc ; dressed, W ashington, I>. C.—Congress will choice, 22^(0 23c. Eggs Fresh Oregon ranch, candled, begin consideration of the tariff legis­ 374c per dozen; case-count, 35c per lation in the com m ittees o f the two houses a fte r the holiday recess, dozen. though D em ocratic leaders of the Pork - Fancy, 8(o84c per pound. house say th a t no m easure will be Veal Fancy, 14(0 144c per pound. C a ttle — Choice steers, $5.75(o6; ready to be reported for several weeks. good, $5(o 5.60; choice cows, $4.60 o 5; Republican Leader Penrose, o f the good, $4.25(o4.50; choice spayed h e if­ senate, said the finance com m ittee ers, $5(o 5.26; good to choice heifers, would begin its work in advance of $4.500/ 4.60; choice bulls, $4.25(64.50 the house, though the bill would not good, $4(o 4.25; choice calves, $7(o8; be in final shape until F ebruary. good, $6.75(0 7. Portland Bill Favored. H ogs—Choice lig h t hogs, $6.55(o 6.65; good to choice hogs, $6.25(o W ashington, D. C.—The secretary 6.60; fa ir, $6(o6.25; smooth heavy of the treasu ry subm itted a favorable hogs, $5.25'o5.50. rep o rt upon the bill a p propriating Sheep — Choice yearlin g w ethers, $1,000,000 for the Portland Federal $3,756/4; choice k illing ewes, $3.25' building. Supporters of the m easure hopeful o f g e ttin g the bill (o3.76; choice lam bs, $4.90(o 5.10; I are good to choice lam bs, $4.75(0 4.90; ! through the senate soon a fte r the culls, $3(0,4. ' holidays. Resign RF STEADFAST. Rather Than Republicans. Yield to P ek in —Yuan Shi Kai, the prem ier, evidently still rem ains ste ad fa st in his decision not to accept a republican form of governm ent for China as the price of peace w ithin the em pire. Members of the prem ier’s entourage re ite ra te th a t Yuan never will advise the abdication of the em peror and thereby become a traito r. They say th a t if the form ation of a republic is unavoidable he will resign as prim e m inister. It has been suspected th a t T ang Shao Yi, the re p resen tativ e of Yuan a id the im perial governm ent a t the ¿Shanghai peace conference, and Yuan were playing a pre-arranged gam e w ith the in te rtio n to shear the Man- chus of power gradually and thereby prevent a Manchu uprising in Pekin, but the fact th a t T ang has tele g ra p h ­ ed friends here asking them to en­ deavor to persuade Yuan of the neces­ sity of accepting a republic seem ing­ ly indicates th a t T ang and the prem ier are not in accord. A fte r many conferences prior to his departm ure from Shanghai, T ang evi dently believed th a t Yuan had been won over to the republican idea, w hile on the other hand Yuan thought T ang had been brought around to see the necessity for the continuance of the monarchy. Current Events of Interest Gathered From the World at Large. AR M Y R E F O R M S PRISONS. Deserters to Be Treated as Subject to Good Influences. REDUCE WOOL DUTY President Recommends Revision, Leaving Rate to Corgress. Believes Difference Between Cost at Home and Abroad Is Proper Basis for Tariff. W ashington, D. C.— P resident T a ft sent a m essage to congress Thursday recom mending a downward revision of the tariff on wool. A ccom panying the m essage was the re p o rt of the tariff board. N eith er the m essage nor the rep o rt a tte m p ts to fix the ra te of duty, but the president recommends th a t the proposed revision adhere to a policy of protection based upon the difference in cost of production a t home and abroad. The m essage says th a t the present method of assigning the duty on raw wool operates to exclude wools of high shrinkage in scouring, b u t of fine quality, from the A m erican m arket, and thereby lessens the range of wools available to the dom estic m an u fa ctu r­ er, and th a t the duty on scoured wool of 33 cents is prohibitory and operates to exclude the im portation of clean, low-priced foreign wools o f inferior grade, which are, nevertheless, valu a­ ble m aterial for m anu factu rin g and which cannot be im ported in the grease because of th e ir heavy sh rin k ­ age. Such wools, if im ported, m ig h t be used to displace the cheap su b sti­ tu te s now in use, the president says, and continues: “ These discrim inations could be overcom e by assessing a duty of ad valorem term s, b u t th is method is open to the objection, first, th a t it in­ creases adm in istrativ e diflicluties and tends to decrease revenue through un­ der-valuations, and, second, th a t as prices advance, the ad valorem rate increases the duty per pound a t the ! tim e when the consum er m ost needs re lief and the produce can best stand com petition, w hile if prices decline the duty is increased a t the tim e when the consum er is lea st burdened by the price and the producer most needs pro­ tection. “ A nother method of m eeting the difficulty of tax in g the grease pound is to assess a specific duty on grease wool in term s of its scoured contents. This obviates the chief evil of the present system , namely, the discrim ­ ination due to different precentages, and thereby tends greatly to equalize the duty. The board reports th a t this method is feasible in practice and could be adm inistered w ithout g re a t expense. “ They should be reduced and so ad­ ju sted to the ra te o f wool as to bear th e ir proportion to the real ra te levied on the actual wool im ports. “ The duties on many classes of wool m anufacture are prohibitory and g re atly in excess of the difference in cost of production here and abroad. “ The findings of the board show th a t in th is industry the actual m anu­ fa ctu rin g cost, aside from the ques­ tion of the price of m aterial, is much higher in this country than abroad; th a t in the m aking of yarn and cloth the dom estic woolen or w orsted m anu­ fa c tu re r has in general no advantage in the form of superior m achinery or more efficient labor to offset the high­ e r w ages paid in this country. The findings show th a t the cost of tu rn in g the wool into yarn in th is country is about double th a t in the leading com­ peting countries and th a t the cost of turn in g yarn into cloth is som ewhat more than double. U nder the protec­ tive policy a g re a t industry, involving the w elfare of hundreds of thousands of people, has been established despite these handicaps. “ In recom mending revision and re ­ duction, I therefore urge th a t action be taken w ith these facts in mind, to the end th a t an independent and e stab ­ lished industry may not be jeopard­ ized.” W ashington, D. C. — A sw eeping change in m ilitary prison m ethods was in stitu ted by order of the W ar d e p art­ m ent. All o f the short-term prison­ ers on A lcatraz island, San Francisco, have been ordered tran sferre d to F o rt Leavenw orth, Kan. All of the long-term pisoners in the la tte r prison are to be tran sferre d to A lcatraz, which will thus be m ade the place of confinement for the crim inal elem ent, w hile L eavenw orth will be the place of detention of soldiers guilty of purely m ilita ry offenses. To save tran sp o rtatio n expenss, a sec­ ond crim inal jail is created a t F o rt Ja y , Governor’s island. The effect of these changes is to carry out the recently developed B rit­ ish system of tre a tin g deserters and the soldiers g u ilty of breaches of dis­ cipline as subject to reform atory in­ fluences and of se g reg a tin g them from the absolutely crim inal and vicious class. BIG P R I Z E S F O R M A R C H E R S . Elks Offer Great Inducements Competitors in Parade. to P o rtlan d —W ith prospects of from 25,000 to 30,000 uniform ed m archers in the big Elks Grand Lodge conven­ tion parade here in July, th e local lodge of Elks has decided to award a total of $10,000 in cash prizes for the w inners o f the different classes. This is by fa r the g re a te st ag g reg a­ tion of prizes ev er offered by the E lks or any other order in the country. These prizes will be for th e lodge m aking the best showing, the lodge having the larg e st num ber of men in line, the one having the larg e st total m ileage, the best drilled m arching team , the lodge b ringing the g re atest num ber of ladies, the best band, the biggest and the little s t Elk, the ta l­ lest and the shortes Elk, the hand­ som est and the ugliest, for the m ost comical costum e and for a num ber of special fe atu re classes. Dynamite Left in Garden. Chicago - B e tte r m edical supervis­ ion in co-edurational in stitu tio n s, train in g in the new er vocations for women, self-governm ent and closer chaperonage of g irls w ere urged in resolutions adopted a t the close o f the fifth biennial conference of deans and advisers of women in s ta te u n iv ersi­ ties. ni ^y-- ^ A flraÿe r for Happy New Year i f Many Nations EW YEAR'S day has for for generations been the occasion of revels. It has come down to us from the old Germ an custom of di­ viding the year a t the close of those m onths when It was no longer possible to keep cattle out doors. This was m ade quite a fete and In the sixth century was merged Into the feast ot St. Martin, Novem ber 11, on which day the opening of the New Year was celebrated. W hile In Germ any M artinm as and the New Year were Identical, with the Introduction of the Roman calen­ dar the celebration was gradually transferred to the first of January, and with It w ent many of the jolly M artin­ mas customs. T racec of these old New Year ob­ servances und supersltlons can still be traced in the way the season Is kept In different lands. Our decorations of greens, for In­ stance, are a relic of th e old Roman superstition of presenting branches of tree s tor good luck In the coming year. The giving of presents has also come to us from the Romans. They outdid even the generous Am ericans, for they used to ask for gifts, If not received, until one ot the em perors forbade his subjects dem anding gifts save on the New Year. One of the favorite New Y ear's gifts after pins were Invented In England, In the sixteenth century, were the rough hand-made pieces of m etal th a t took the place of bone and wood skew ers L ater pin money was substituted. A gift th a t m ust never be om itted was an orange stuck w ith cloves to grace the w assail bowl. Apples, nuts and fat fowl were popular offerings of the season. Gloves and glove money Is a very old New Year custom which la still kept up In the increasing use of gloves as holiday gifts. Even m ore curious are th e old New Year customs. Many of these are still observed by old-faBhloned people who cling to th e old traditions. The old-fashioned E nglishm an will form ally open the o uter door of his house on New Y ear's eve ju st a t the approach of m idnight. This Is to let out the old year and usher In the new. The Scotch m ake much of New Year. It Is generally ushered In with a "hot pint,” brewed a t home and drunk by the family standing around the bowl ju st as m idnight strikes. A fter hearty greetings to the New Year, the “hot pint," with bread, cheese and cakes, Is taken to the houses of the neighbors. The first to en te r an o th er's home on the first of January bestows good luck on the fam ­ ily for the year. In m any of the Scottish regim ents even y et the ushering In of New Year Is m ost picturesque. At five m inutes before tw elve the soldiers, headed by the oldest man In the regim ent dressed as F a th er Time, m arch out of bar­ racks headed by the band playing “Auld Lang Syne.” Ju s t a t the stroke of twelve there comes a knock at the gate. "W ho goes there?" calls the sentry. “The New Year," .s the a n sw e r.1 "Advance, New Year," is called back. The gates a re throw n open and the sm allest drum m er lad In the regim ent, dressed In Highland costume, Is car­ ried In on the shoulders of the men, and m arched around the barracks to the pipers' tunes. The re st of the night Is spent in carousing. Aw? 4- £ % î î r l o 1Ï p a r t e r n a l g < x U . whom is the hope of all our years, remember us in T hy mercy also in this new year of our Lord. Reveal T h y glory in the experience of its joys and sorrows. Forestall its tears with the abiding comfort of T hy presence. M a k e us strong rightly to measure all our gains and to endure with patience every loss T hy love allows. Show us T hy meaning in the gifts and opportunities of each new day. Assure us of T hy help in labor, 1 liy delight in our joys. Quicken our minds to clear vision and our hearts to cheerful content. Provide for our bodies such vigor as shall be needful for our allotted work. W e leave to T h ee the mystery of the year’s events, assured that T hou wilt guide our way. W ith­ hold from us all gifts which would prevent T hy purpose for our growth in wisdom and in service. O nly deny us not T h y ­ self— T hy Spirit to instruct our hearts. T hy work to share, T h y peace to still our restlessness, T h y presence to resolve our doubts. In the sifting of temptation grant that our faith fail not, and when our years are ended bring us to Thyself, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. E w i f f v v " r w ? i; J l Happy N ew Year J u s t a t th e tu r n o f m id n ig h t. W h e n th e c h ild re n a r e f u s t a s le e p , T h e tir e d O ld Y e a r s lip s o u t by him self* G la d o f a c h a n c e to be la id on th e shelf* A n d th e N ew Y e a r ta k e s a peep. 2)esl Qift o f cTTime The passing of years is like th# coming of dawn—slow, silent, Inevit­ able. The m ost eager cannot hasten the quiet, Irresistible movement, and the m ost reluctant cannot forbid. Some gifts the years bring which we would fain decline—age, sorrow, disappoint­ ment. Some treasures they take which we would keep forever—youth, beauty, innocence. But there are more prec­ ious treasu res which tim e cannot supply and the years cannot remove— friendship, patience, faith and love.—• H erbert L. Willett. Standard^Hash Proposed. Topeka, K an.— W ith the u ltim ate object of standardizing all hash served in public places in Kansas, the S ta te board of health has in stitu ted an in ­ vestigation as to the ingredients com­ monly used by re stau ra n ts and hotels in the concoction of the dish. “ This departm ent has found,” said Dr. S. J. Crum bins, secretary of the board, “ th a t all m ixed foods m ust be stan d ­ ardized or the pure food law cannot be New Treaty is Considered. Commission Form Wins. St. P e tersb u rg —H aving accepted in enforced. The board does not propose to denature hash—m erely tone it Baker, Or. — Mayor P alm er m ade an equable sp irit the notification of dow n.” public his first annual rep o rt under the the A m erican am bassador th a t the commission form of governm ent and tre a ty o f commerce and nativ atio n en­ Traffic Advantages Hold, U nited S ta te s says he believes th a t the new form, tered into by the W ashington, D. C.—“ Pow er has not although beset w ith m any difficulties and R ussia in 1832 would be abrogated been lodged w ith the In te rs ta te com­ resulting from inexperience and leor- on Ja n u a ry 1, 1913, officials o f the m erce commission to equalize econom­ ganization, has, on the whole, proved R ussian governm ent are now directing ic advantages, to place one m ark e t in entirely satisfacto ry and th a t it is th e ir a tte n tio n to the question o f a com petition w ith another, or to tre a t b e tte r, because those in charge have new trea ty . It is recognized th a t di- all railroads as a p a rt of one g re a t given constant consideration to the , plomacy of the most experienced kind w hole; to apportion to each a certain m unicipal affairs. The necessary will be required, especially on the te rrito ry or to acquire all to m eet up­ changes and im provem ents, have A m erican side, if negotiations for a on a common basis a t all p o in ts.” caused an expense of 14.7 m ills, w hile new tre a ty are to proceed. T his im portant principle w as laid for next y ear they will be 6.4 m ills. down by the commission in deciding Passport Refused to Rabbi. the cases of the Ashland, Ohio, F ire Harrington's T rip Halted. London — Dr. M. S. Levy, of San Brick company brought ag ain st the Albuquerque, N. M.—John R. H a r­ Francisco, is a recent sufferer in an Southern railw ay and o ther roads. rington, the Chicago attorney who encounter w ith the R ussian b a rrie rs was employed as one of the in v estig a ­ again st the admission o f Jew s. The Maine Relics Are Held Up, tors for the defense in the M cN am ara rabbi is now in London on a world W ashington, D. C. — S entim ental­ case and who is wanted as a w itness tour, which is to last several months, ists and souvenir-hunters, as well as before the Federal grand ju ry now and he has found th a t he cannot g et town governm ents and p a trio tic o rg an ­ probing the alleged dynam ite conspir­ 1 his passports indorsed in order th a t he izations have been pouring requests acy a t Los Angeles, was served w ith may travel in Russia. “ The Russian into the navy d ep artm ent recently for a subpoena by a deputy U nited S ta te s am bassador told W illiam Phippe, sec­ relics from the ill-fated Maine. The m arshal here. H arrington and his re ta ry o f the Am erican em bassy in deptarm ent has no a uthority to dis­ w ife w ere passengers on the Chicago London, th a t he regetted th a t he was pose of any p a rt of the vessel, and all lim ited. He accepted service and unable to indorse the passport of a requests have been refused. The de­ voluntarily returned to Los Angeles, J e w ,” said Dr. Levy. p artm ent is aw aitin g action of con­ leaving a t m idnight. gress before m aking any plans for the Would Change Homestead Law. disposition of the wreck. Postal to String Heavy Wires. W ashington, D. C . —S ecretary F ish ­ Japan Ready to Intervene. New Y ork— Minor M. D avis, who er, o f the departm ent o f the interio r, was recently appointed superintendent is not disposed to favor an out-and-out T o k io - Although the reports of J a p ­ of telephones for the Postal Telegraph th ree-y ear homestead bill, such as anese m ilitary intervention in China Cable company, announced th a t his th a t introduced by Senator Borah, of are prem ature, it is understood th a t company has issued instructions to its Idaho, but ra th e r inclines to the view preparations have been completed to construction dep artm en t to proceed th a t the hom estead period should re ­ send an expedition to China if 'neces­ w ith the erection of additional heavy m ain five years, as a t present, but sary. The belief prevails here th a t copper w ires betw een all im p o rtan t w ith th e provision th a t the home­ the Shanghai peace conference is a points on the system of the company stead er need not m aintain his re si­ p re te x t on the p a rt of both the revolu­ for the purpose o f extending the tele- dence upon his land the first two tionists and the im perialists, in order phonice use of the sam e to the inde­ yearo a fte r in itia tin g his en try . th a t they m ight strengthen th e ir m ili­ pendent telephone companies. tary positions. Chaperonage is Urged. A*4 tilA ^li’ii 41^ Antipodian Tru st Fined. Los A ngeles—Tw enty-tw o sticks of 1 Sydney, A u stra lia —The prosecutions | high-pow er dynam ite w ere found in the shrubbery near the residence of again st the coal combine, on which A rth u r L etts, ow ner o f two of the w rits w ere served on A ugust 26, 1910, larg e st departm ent stores in Los A n­ for breaches o f the A ustralian a n ti­ geles, by a gardener. A fte r an in tru s t law, resulted in the fining of vestigation, the police announced th a t each m em ber of the tru st $2,500 by they believed the dynam ite had been the Federal court. The court granted placed in the yard by someone who an injunction ag ain st the continuation of the monopoly. w anted to g et rid of iL gifts, notw ithstanding attem pts to sup­ press It, was continued a fte r Europe had become Christian. For a tim e pres­ ent making was transferred to E aster, but later It was again associated with the first day of January. ’Blowing in the Yule T h e w in d b le w th e r e a n d th e w in d b le w h e re . A n d b r o u g h t fro m S om e­ w h e r e th e s m a ll N ew Y ear. I t ta p p e d f o r h im a t e a c h door an d pane A n d n e v e r o n ce w a s a k n o c k In v a in ! A ll g o o d fo lk s w a ite d th e c o m in g c h ild , T h e ir d o o r s th e y o p e n e d a n d o n h im sm iled . In s id e h e s te p p e d , w ith a h a p p y fa c e . A nd s o f tly slip p e d In th e O ld Y e a r ’s p la c e . S aid h e: “ I b r in g y o u a B o x o f D a y s . T ied r o u n d w tlh tis s u e o f r a in b o w r a y s ; I g iv e It J o y fu lly , f o r I k n o w , T h o u g h a ll d a y s m a y n o t w ith g la d n e s s g lo w , E a c h g if t h o ld s s o m e p r e c io u s b it o f cheer T o w in y o u r t h a n k s , " s a id th e s w e e t C h ild Y e a r! Origin o f New Year Gifts Like the custom s of Christm as, which. In th eir origin, are a curious m ixture of poetry and symbolism and of superstition, those th a t belong to the observance of New Y ear's day are also relics of Ideas th a t date from early heathen ages. T he French de­ rive th eir term for New Year pres­ ents from the L atin word. Strenia, the nam e of a goddess whom the Ro­ m ans venerated as the patroness of gifts. T here was a grove In Rome dedicated to this goddess, where It was custom ary to get freeh twigs, to give as presents to friends and relatives on New Year's day. During the sway of the em perors. Roman subjects made New Y ear's gifts to their sovereign. Augustus received such quantities of these th a t he had gold and silver statu es made of them. T iberius did away with the usagt. because be con­ sidered It too troublesom e to express thanks for the gifts. Caligula, on the contrary, reintroduced the custom, and even m ade up for his predecessor's re­ fusal to receive presents by requir­ ing those that had been offered to him to be gives to htm«elf as arrearages. The en.rnm o ' New Year’s ! Blowing In the yule from the grim old tow er th a t had stood 300 years against the blasts of the N orth sea was one ot the custom s of the old town th a t abide, however It fares with the N lssel th a t I know. At sunup, while yet the people were at break­ fast, the town band climbed the m any steep ladders to the top of the tower, and up there, In fair w eather or foul— and som etim es It blew g re at guns from the w intry sea—they played four old hym ns, one to each corner of the compass, so th a t no one was forgot­ ten. They alw ays began w ith Lu­ th e r's sturdy challenge, "A Mighty F ortress Is Our God," while down be­ low we listened devoutly. T here was som ething both weird and beautiful about those far-away strain s In the early m orning light ot the no rth ern w inter, som ething th at w as not of earth and th a t suggested to my child’s im agination the angels' songs on far Judean hills. Even now a fte r all these years, the memory of It does that. It could not have been be­ cause the m usic was so rare, for the band was m ade up of sm all storekeep­ ers and artisan s who thus turned a s honest penny on festive occasions. In­ congruously enough, I think the of­ ficial town m ourner, who bade people to funerals, was one of them . It was like the burghers’ guard, the colonel of which—we thought him a t least a general, because of the huge brass sword he trailed when he m arched a t the head of hfs m en—was the town tailor, a very small but very m artial man. But w hether or no. It was beau­ tiful. I have never heard mu- sic since th at so moved me. W hen the last strain died away, cam e the big bells w ith th eir deep voices th a t sa n ^ far out over field and heath, and our yule was fairly under way.— Century Mag.