Estacada progress. (Estacada, Or.) 1908-1916, November 16, 1911, Image 2

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Current Events of Interest Gathered
From the World at Large.
G eneral Resume o f Im po rtant Event*
Presented In Condensed Form
fo r O u r Busy Readers.
P resident T a ft is planning addition­
al tru s t legislation.
Toledo, O., elected a Socialist asses­
so r and tw o councilmen.
A viator Fow ler arrived a t El Paso,
T ex., on his Pacific-to-A tlantic ^flight.
Gom pers fears a rush of cheap labor
to the Pacific coast when the Panam a
canal is completed.
T h irteen vessels of the Chinese im­
perial navy have deserted the Manchus
and joined the revolutionists.
A viator Rodgers has rallied from
the dazed condition resu ltin g from his
fall when he a tte m p ted to com plete
his ocean-to-ocean flight Sunday, and
is eager to com plete his trip.
A terrific w in ter storm* is sw eeping
the A tlan tic coast, and much w reck­
age is coming
w eather extends into Louisiana, and
f r u it and garden truck is suffering
considerable loss.
A Germ an w a r correspondent le ft
T ripoli in disg u st ra th e r than m ain­
tain silence regarding the a tro cities
com m itted by the Ita lia n soldiers. He
says the stories already given out do
not tell h a lf the tru th .
A French sc ien tist has discovered
unm istakable evidences th a t some pre­
historic men a t least w ere vegetarians.
Women o f Brooklyn, N. Y., formed
a m ark etin g club and are buying th e ir
supplies a t wholesale, saving nearly
50 per cent.
B anker R obnett, pleaded g uilty to
em bezzlem ent of the funds of the
L ew iston, Idaho, national bank and
w as sentenced to ten y e a rs’ im prison­
m ent.
A storia, O r., Nov. 14.—A fte r pass­
ing 24 hours helplessly in the wild and
sw irling w aters ju s t off N orth Head,
the steam schooner W ashington was
towed in on the haw sers of the sea tug
Tatoosh, shortly a fte r dark last night,
w ith all hands saved, a fte r the vessel
had been given up for lost.
The W ashington was like a ship
th a t was gone to her destruction, and
last night when her crew and passen­
gers w ere landed a t C allender’s dock,
they w ere greeted and cheered like
men who had come back from the
H er rescue was daringly accomplish­
ed by the tu g Tatoosh, w ith C aptain
“ B uck” Bailey in command, while
scores of men and women stood on the
w ind-sw ept shore and cheered.
Laden w ith lum ber, the W ashington
w ent out over the bar shortly a fte r
noon Sunday, in the teeth of the b itte r
gale from the southw est th a t sw ept
the seas all day, w ith 26 passengers
and a crew of 22.
O ther captains
dared not m ake the a tte m p t, for the
bar was breaking clear across and the
gale persisted w ith a fury th a t boded
ill for any c ra ft th a t sought to win
her way out into the open sea.
J u s t w hat happened has not been
clearly told, but i t seems th a t she
was ju s t well on the bar, or fairly
well across it, when som ething hap­
One story is th a t several
g re at seas struck her and carried
away a portion of her deckload of lum ­
ber and th a t in an in sta n t the loosened
chains and ropes th a t had bound the
deck lum ber down had been sw ept into
the propeller and rudder chains.
all events it seemed to those on her
but an in sta n t before she lay helpless
and a t the mercy of the pounding
The g re a t seas struck and battered
her, shaking Jher from end to end.
Before the wind and w aves she slowly
d rifte d to the north, luckily m issing
the rocks and su rf off Cape D isap­
pointm ent, and finally d riftin g toward
“ Dead M an’s H ole,” th a t lies ju st off
from and betw een M cKenzie’s Point
and N orth Head. T here the W ashing­
ton dropped anchors, fore and aft,
and, luckily, they held her from the
rocks, though she kept d riftin g slowly
all the while.
Ita ly accuses T urks and A rabs of C alifornia W arden W ould Have E x­
pe rt C racksm en Build Safes.
v iolating th e rules of w ar.
San Quentin, C al.— W arden Hoyle,
Lincoln’s birth p lace has been ac­
of the sta te penitentiary, is planning
cepted by P resident T a ft as a national
w hat he believes will be the m ost pe­
culiar prison industry on earth . It is
Railroad men are gloomy because of nothing m ore or less than the m anu­
the burdens imposed by the em ployers’ fa ctu re com m ercially
of safes by
lia b ility law.
skilled workm en who are now serving
An extension o f the O.-W. R. & . sentences in the p en iten tiary for bank
N. is projected from N orth Y akim a robberies, safe-blow ing and sim ilar
violations o f the law.
to the Sound.
T hat the industry will be profitable
G reat hostility was shown in the W arden Hoyle is convinced. In te s t­
G erm an reich stag a g ain st the pro­ ing his plan before advancing it be­
yond the ten ta tiv e stage, he has se­
posed Morocco-Congo deal.
cured results, as proof of which he
The foreign legation a t Pekin and displays a v a u lt and a safe in the
the guards of the “ forbidden c ity ,” office of the prison clerk, M ark E.
w here C hina’s royal fam ily reside, Noon, which have been virtu ally re ­
are p reparing for a seige.
constructed from old outworn, articles
by a prisoner under sentence of ten
A S e a ttle judge decided th a t a dog years for robbing a safe a t Monvorvia.
has a rig h t to b ite a m an who steps on
This man, who is a skilled m echan­
his tail, and a su it for dam ages from ic, will have charge o f the division of
th is cause was decided ag ain st the the machine shop w here the m anufac­
tu re of safes will be carried on, if
A bill of preachers for holding ser­ W arden H oyle’s plans do not go awry.
vices a t the sta te insane asylum of There are in the p en iten tiary many
Oregon w as paid from the “ am use­ mechanics who are conversant w ith
m en t” fund, there being no o ther fund the m anufacture of safes, and W arden
Hoyle is confident he can build up an
provided for the purpose.
able w orking force.
W heat— E xport basis:
Bluestem ,
82(/i84c; club, 78(</79c; red Russian,
760177c; valley, 78(i(79c; forty-fold,
Corn—Whole, $37; cracked, $38
M illstuffs—Bran, $23 per ton; m id­
dlings, $31; shorts, $24; rolled b a r­
ley, $35(o 36.
O ats— No. 1 w hite, $31(n 32 per ton.
H ay—No. 1 E. O. tim othy, $180/19;
No. 1 valley, $15(o 17; alfalfa, $13(ir
14; clover, $110/12; grain, $110/12.
Barley Feed, $32.50(o 33 per ton;
brew ing, nominal.
Fresh F ru its Pears, 75c(<($1.75 per
box; grapes, 75cOfi$1.25; cranberries
$ 110/11.50 per b a rre l; huckleberries,
4 (n 5c per pound.
Apples—Jonathans, $1.50(>(2.25 per
box; S pitzenberg, $ 10/ 2.5 0 ; Baldwin,
75c(»$1.50; Red Cheek Pippin, $1.25
0/1.75; N orthern Spy, $1.25(0 1.75;
W in ter Banana, $2(o 3; Bellflower, $1
( ii 1.25.
Potatoes— B uying prices, Burbanks,
90c(o $1.10 per hundred.
Onions—Buying price, $1.10 sack.
V egetables A rtichokes, 75c dozen;
beans, 5(o 10c pound; cabbage, I t a l i c ;
cauliflower, 50c(o$l dozen; celery, 50
Oil 75c; cucum bers, $2.50 box; garlic,
10(o 12c pound; lettuce, 75(080c d o z .;
hothouse lettuce, $1.25 box; peppers,
8(o 10c per pound; pum pkins, l(o lJ c ;
squash, lR oT Jc per pound; tom atoes,
50c(o$1 per box; carrots, $1 per sack;
turnips, $1; beets, $1; parsnips, $1.
B u tter
Oregon cream ery b u tter,
solid pack, 35Jc; prin ts, e x tra ; b u t­
te r fa t, lc less than solid pack price.
P oultry—Hens, 1 3 i(o l4 c ; springs,
12(o 13c; ducks,
geese, 11J( o 12 c ; turkeys, alive, 22Jc;
dressed, choice, 26(o 27c.
Pork— Fancy, 9(o9Jc.
Veal Fancy, 13(ol3ic.
C a ttle Choice steqrs, $5.45(o5.75;
good, $5.30(o5.45; fa ir, $5.15(0 6.30;
choice cows, $4.50(o 4.75; fa ir, $4(o
4.25; common, $2.50(o3.50;
e x tra
choice ’ spayed
choice heifers, $4.50(o4.60; choice
hulls, $3.76(o 4; good, $3.25(o3.50;
common, $2(o2.50;
choice calves,
$7.50(07.75; good, $7.25(07.50; com­
mon, $4(o5; choice stag s, $4.50(04.75;
good, $4.25(0 4.50.
H ogs—Choice lig h t, $6.75(0 6.85;
good to choice, $6.60(o6.75; fa ir,
$6.25(06.50; common. $6(o6.25.
S h e e p — Choice yearlin g w ethers,
coarse wool, $3.76(o4; choice yearling
w ethers, east of m ountains, $3.40(0
3.60; choice tows and threes, $3.20(o
3.35; choice m ountain lam bs, $4.25(0
4.75; good to choice lam bs, $4.25(0
4.65; good to choice lam bs, $4(o4.25;
valley lam bs, $3.76(0 4; culls, $3(o
Hops 1911 crop, 43(o43ic; olds,
nom inal.
Wool— E astern Oregon, $(o 16c; v a l­
ley, 16(»fi7c; m ohair, choice, S5(o37c.
H em lock Used fo r Paper.
W ausaw, W is.—The problem w heth­
e r a comm ercial grade of paper can be
m ade from native woods, other than
spruce, for the solution of which the
U nited S ta te s governm ent has e stab ­
lished a laboratory here, has been
p artly solved, according to announce­
m ent made by J . H. Thickens, who is
in charge of the experim ental work.
E xperim ents have been going on for
more than a year. T ests of pulp m an­
ufactured a t the laboratory have ju st
been concluded and are reported high­
ly satisfactory.
Accident M a rs Finish Flight.
Los A ngeles— In an attem pted flight
from Pasadena to Long Beach to end
his A tlantic-to-I’acific journey official­
ly, C. P. Rodgers m et w ith the w orst
m ishap of his career, falling w ith his
m achine 125 feet into a ploughed field
on the O rr ranch w ithin sig h t of his
destination. Although no bones were
broken, Rodgers was badly shaken.
His face was scratched and torn, his
hands were burned by his m otor, and,
a fte r recovering consciousness, he
complained of a severe pain in his
side. H is m achine was wrecked.
Packers On 1 rial.
Chicago — A fte r m ore than nine
y e a rs’ in v estigation by the govern­
m ent, the first crim inal prosecution of
individual m eat packers under the
Sherm an a n ti-tru st act has begun here
before Ju d g e C arpenter, in the U nited
S ta te s D istrict court.
Ten Chicago
packers will be placed on tria l, charged
w ith m onopolizing and re strain in g in­
te rs ta te trad e in fresh m eats. The
penalty which may be inflicted if they
be found guilty is a fine of $500 or a
sentence of one y ear in the county
jail, or both.
A P P L E P R O S P E R IT Y T O L D .
O , A. C . Regents Inaugurate Useful
Service fo r People.
Hood R iver—C. L. Sm ith, a pioneer
h o rtic u ltu rist of K iesling, W ash., has
been here endeavoring to secure an
e x h ib it of local apples a t the Spokane
N ational Apple show.
“ When I approached your grow ers
a rd your comm ercial c lu b ,” said the
W ashington fru it man, “ I found a
feeling of indifference tow ard the
g re a t fa ir. The fru it from your val­
ley has been w inning first prizes year
a fte r year. In the m any years th a t
I have been connected w ith the differ­
ent horticultural and a g ricultural in­
stitu tio n s of the N orthw est I have a l­
ways found th a t such an indifference
as I find here is a plain criterio n of
p ro sp e rity .”
The form er e xhibits of Hood R iver
f ru it have been made through the
comm ercial club. The carload exhib­
its of last year w ere very expensive,
and the funds of the club w ere so de­
pleted th a t it [was decided not to re­
peat the ex h ib it this season. I t is
the sentim ent o f many of the prom i­
nent grow ers th a t funds spent on the
opening of m arkets w here th e apples
are not known will be m ore beneficial
than to spend the money on apple-
show exhibits.
Mr. Sm ith was form erly o f Oregon,
w here he was connected w ith the O.-
W. R. & N. Co., in its ag ricultural
dem onstration departm ent.
Oregon A gricultural College, Cor­
vallis An extension division has ju st
been organized a t the Oregon A g ri­
cultural college by the regents a t th e ir
m onthly m eeting, and I’rof. R. I).
Hetzel has been m ade director. The
plan is to conduct an organized cam ­
paign of service to all p arts of the
sta te for the benefit of those unable
to come to the college for the reg u lar
The constantly increasing demand
upon the college to solve problem s for
the people in the rem ote d istric ts of
the sta te has grown to such propor­
tions th a t it became necessary to form
this new division in order to fulfill
satisfacto rily this duty of the in stitu ­
The new departm ent will include all
such w ork as the farm ers’ in stitu tes,
dom estic science dem onstration m eet­
ings, itin e ra te schools, dem onstration
trains, correspondence courses, ex ten ­
sion lectures, the organization of ju ­
venile clubs, and like educational
Every d istric t of the sta te w ill be
served through this medium, and men,
women and children alike w ill thus
be given an opportunity to receive in­
struction in any branch o f the college
work in which they are interested,
w ithout leaving th eir homes. The ex­
perts in agronomy, horticulture, g a r­
dening, poultry raising, anim al hus­
bandry, dairying, bee keeping, crop
pests, business methods, cooking and
sewing, flower growing, forestry, m e­
chanical engineering electrical and civ­
il engineering, good road w ork, m ining
and o th er branches of in strution will
direct personally
Both the num ber and scope of the
fa rm e rs’ in stitu tes will be g re atly in­
creased under this new plan.
T ravel­
ing schools w ith laboratory and staffs
of from five to twelve ex p erts will be
sent to hold regular sessions of a week
or more in different sections of the
sta te .
Correspondence courses and
study clubs will supplem ent the in­
struction of these schools, and p ra cti­
cal application of the m ethods tau g h t
will be m ade on the farm s, ranches,
and orchards of the students o f such
courses. B ulletins giving in popular
language the valuable practical in­
form ation will also be d istrib u te d by
the extentsion division. An inform a­
tion bureau will be conducted in the
same connection to relieve the various
d epartm ents from the overw helm ing
flood of le tte rs of inquiry, 88,000 of
which w ere received last year. O ther
valuable educational work is
planned for the division a t the college.
Gold H ill, O rego n, M en Develop U n­
known Species o f F ruit,
Gold H ill— W. G. Myers and W. T.
W ard think th a t they have developed
a new and d istin c t variety of apple on
th e ir Sam s valley fru it ranch, and one
th a t combines the best q u a litie s of
both the Newtown and Spitzenberg.
The new apple is obtained from
seedling to p -g raftin g s on old trees, all
the cu ttin g s being made from a single
th rifty seedling tree.
I t has the
Spitzenberg shape and the Newtown
coloring, w ith a tendency to develop a
red cheek th a t is more m arked the
present season than a t any tim e since
he g ra ftin g s began to bear.
As y e t nam eless, the new apple is a
handsome fru it, riv alin g the Newtown
for keeping q ualities but having no
w a te r core such as is o ften found in
th a t v ariety . The skin is heavy and
tough and the m eat firm, w hich will
insure its shipping q ualities. The
flavor is ta rt, and while slightly re ­
sem bling th a t the of the W in ter Ban­
ana, is distinctive.
H aving shown the new apple to
m any experienced fru it men, and hav­
ing found none who could tell w hat it
is or had ever seen anything like it,
Messrs. Myers and W ard consider they
are w arranted in the belief th a t they
have originated a new variety.
Redmond Potato Fair Is Revelation to
F o rt Stevens S ergeant M akes $ 8 5 0
in Eight Monhts on H ogs.
F o rt Stevens— F o rt Setvens soldiers
have dem onstrated in a very practical
m anner to all Lower Columbia re si­
dents the vast profit there is in ra is­
ing hogs and in the handling o f a vege­
table garden.
Beginning w ith e ig h t hogs this
spring, valued a t approxim ately $200,
Q u arterm aster S ergeant Hocking, of
the N inety-third company, has on
hand a t the present tim e 36 fa t speci­
mens, the average value of which ex­
ceeds $30 apiece. In a period not e x ­
ceeding e ig h t months, he has in­
creased his assets to $1,050. O f this
sum less than $50 was spent in provid­
ing feed additional to th a t obtained
from table scraps, so th a t a conserva­
tiv e estim a te places the profits to the
company a t 500 per cent in less than
one year.
Recently one of the older hogs was
killed and found to w eigh m ore than
600 pounds.
A t 12J cents a pound,
the presen t price for dressed pork, this
hog was w orth $75.
Klam ath Gets Saw m ill.
K lam ath F alls—The Algom a Lum ­
ber company has finished its contract
a t Pokegam a and the p lant has been
loaded on 18 cars and shipped to K lam ­
ath Falls.
The company has p u r­
chased the sawm ill and tim b er hold­
ings of D. B. Campbell a t R attlesnake
Point. It is expected to e nlarge the
Campbell plant, however, and to re ­
move to this city a box factory the
company operates a t M ontague. The
Algoma p lant is expected to give em ­
ploym ent to 200 men both a t the mill
and in the woods.
Lost River Dam
K lam ath F a lls—W ork on the Lost
R iver diversion dam, being b u ilt for
the governm ent by George C. C lark &
company, is approaching completion.
A com paratively small porportion of
the work rem ains to be done. The
d art is to d iv ert Lost riv er into K la­
m ath river, in order th a t Tule lake,
into which Ixrst riv er flows, m ay be
reclaim ed.
Tule land, as a rule, is
very rich soil and i t is believed th a t
some of the hom esteads reclaim ed by
the p roject will be among the richest
in the U nited S tates.
Dallas Plans fo r G ro w th .
New Y ork— Follow ing the victory
of the E ast in the national convention
of the woman suffragists, it is a n ­
nounced th a t a cam paign is to be in ­
augurated here th a t will have for its
chief purpose the spreading of the
propaganda of the suffrage among the
w age-earning women of this p a rt af
the country. The cam paign will place
em phasis upon the economic phase of
the issue. A force o f several thous­
and w age-earning women will be o r­
D allas— A ccording to present con­
ditions. D allas is soon to have a large
m achine shop, new depot and o ther
railroad facilities, it being practically
assured th a t a new railroad is soon to
e n te r here, ana th is is to be the loca­
tion o f a union depot and car shops.
N ot only this, but arrangem ents are
now on foot to e rect large woolen
m ills in this city. D allas is in need
o f such an industry and offers an ideal
location for the sam e.
Tallm an Depot Reopened.
New York—The A m erican Publish­
e rs ’ association, through John N orris,
chairm an o f its com m ittee on paper,
has sent a le tte r to President T aft
urg in g th a t the governm ent observe
good fa ith in the observance of the
favored-nation clause of 28 tre a tie s
w ith respect to the free im porta­
tion of pulp and paper when made
from unrestricted wood.
H ood River G ro w e rs Find Exhibits
Unneccessary to Sales.
W omen Launch W idespread Cam paign
Free P aper it Dem anded.
Lebanon—T allm an. which has been
closed for some tim e as a railroad s ta ­
tion, was reopened by order o f the
railroad commission.
W hile th ere is
not much business a t Tallm an, in the
fre ig h t line, and few tic k e ts are sold,
it is considered by the commission of
sufficient im portance to be k e p t open
on account of the tra n s fe r business
from the Rrow nsville and Springfield
All W ho Attend.
Redmond — Redmond’s first annual
potato show, held Novem ber 2, the
date the O.-W. R. & N. dem onstration
tra in was here, was a success, and fa r
exceeded the expectations of the Red­
mond commercial club, which prom ot­
ed the project.
The idea of holding a potato show
in Redmond was advanced by F. W.
Graham , w estern industrial and im m i­
gration agent of the G reat N orthern
road, when he was here Railroad day.
A fte r seeing some o f the e xhibits of
potatoes he s a id :
“ You folks have w ith o u t doubt the
b est lo t of potatoes grow n in the
U nited States, and it would be the
b est kind o f a d v ertisin g for you to
hold an annual potato show, and m ake
a specialty of th a t kind of crop. It
would a ttra c t a tte n tio n from all over
the U nited S ta te s.”
The idea advanced by Mr. Graham
was taken up by the Com mercial club
and the papers here, and though the
tim e w as lim ited in w hich to g e t up
exhibits, the show ing m ade was be­
yond the expectations o f all.
N ew Precincts Cre& ted,
Springfield — The county court has
created two new v oting precincts here,
m aking four now. T his is in accord­
ance w ith the expressed determ in a­
tion of the county court to lim it the
num ber of voters in each precinct in
the county in order th a t the ballots
cast a t the sta te and county elections
may be counted before m idnight on
the sam e day of the election. In some
o f the larg e r precincts during the past
few years the work o f counting was
not finished till well along during the
next day a fte r the election.
Chicago— P resident T a ft issued his
annual T hanksgiving
proclam ation,
calling upon citizens o f the U nited
S ta te s to celebrate Thursday, Novem­
ber 30, as a day of thanksgiving and
The proclam ation reads as
follows :
“ The people of th is land having by
long sanction and practice se t a p art
tow ard the close of each y ear a day on
which to cease from th e ir labors and
assem ble for the purpose of giving
praise to Him who is the a uthor of the
blessings they have enjoyed, it is my
duty as chief executive to designate
a t th is tim e the day for th is devout
“ O ur country has been signally fa ­
vored in m any ways. The round of
the seasons has brought rich harvests.
O ur industries have thrived fa r be­
yond our dom estic needs, the produc­
tions of our labor are daily finding en­
larged m arkets abroad.
We have
been free from the curses of p e sti­
lence, o f fam ine and of w ar. Our na­
tional councils have fu rth ered the
cause of peace in o th er lands, and the
sp irit of benevolence has brought us
into close touch w ith o th er peoples, to
the stre n g th e n in g of the bonds of fel­
lowship and good will th a t link us to
our comrades in the universal brother­
hood of nations. Strong in the sense
o f our own rig h t and inspired by as
strong a sense of the rig h ts of others,
we live in peace and harm ony w ith
the world. Rich in the priceless pos­
session and abundant resources w here­
w ith the unstinted bounty of God has
endowed us, we are unselfishly glad
when o th er people pass onward to
p rosperity and peace. T hat the g re at
privileges we enjoy m ay see our coun­
try m ore firmly established in the re­
gard and esteem of our fellow nations
is the p rayer th a t should arise in every
thankful heart.
“ W herefore, I, W illiam Howard
T a ft, P resident of the U nited S tates
of A m erica, designate Thursday, the
30th o f Novem ber next, as a day of
thank sg iv in g and prayer, and I ear
nestly call upon my countrym en and
upon all th a t dwell under the flag of
our beloved country then to m eet in
th e ir accustomed places of w orship to
join in offering p rayer to A lm ighty
God and devout thanks for the loving
m ercies He has given to us.
“ In w itness w hereof, I have here­
unto set my hand and caused the seal
o f U nited S tates to be affixed.
“ Done a t the city of Chicago, this
30th day of October, in the y ear of
our Lord one thousand nine hundred
and eleven and of the independence of
the U nited S tates of A m erica the one
hundred and thiry-sixth.
“ P. C. KNOX,
“ S ecretary of S ta te .”
Paisley Realty Im provem ents O n.
P aisley —A num ber o f new buildings
are being erected here.
The most
prom inent of them is the new garage
of A. H artlerode.
C. E. Campbell is
building a residence. C lark Johnson a
dw elling and S. P. Moss, the ranch­
man, is rem odelling a town property
he recently purchased to use as a
home when not on his farm . George
Ranney has put up a building next to
the blacksm ith shop and o th er build­
ings in the town have been im proved.
H ow ard Chandler C hristy'
C o p yrig h t. T h e B a b b s - M e r r ill C o m p a n y)
Q u estio n in g , a n sw e rin g , lau g h in g , an d
ea c h in te rru p tin g th e o th er,
T ill th e good C a p ta in d ec la re d , b ein g
q u ite o v erp o w ered and b ew ild ered .
H e h ad r a th e r by f a r b re a k Into an
F o rth from th e c u rta in of clouds,
In d ian en cam p m en t.
fro m th e te n t of p u rp le an d s c a r ­ T h an com e a g a in to a w ed d in g to
w h ich h e had n o t b een Invited.
Issu ed th e su n , th e g r e a t H igh P rie st,
in h is g a rm e n ts re sp le n d e n t,
M ean w h ile th e b rid eg ro o m w en t
H o lin ess u nto th e L ord, in le tte r s of
fo rth an d sto o d w ith th e b rid e a t
lig h t, on h is fo reh ead .
♦ he doorw ay,
H ound th e hem of h is ro b e th e golden D re a th ln g th e p erfu m ed a ir of th a t
bells and p o m eg ran ates.
w arm and b e a u tifu l m orning.
U lessing th e w orld he cam e, and th e T ou ch ed w ith a u tu m n a l tin ts, h u t
b a rs of v ap o r b e n e a th him
lon ely and sad in th e su n sh in e.
G leaned like a g ra te of b rass, an d th e Lay ex ten d ed b efo re th em th e lan d of
se a a t h is fe e t w as a la ver!
to il an d f riv a tio n ;
The Wedding Dag
T h is w as th e w ed d in g m o rn of P ris ­
cilla, th e P u rita n m aiden.
F rie n d s w ere assem b led to g e th e r; th e
E ld e r and M a g istra te also
G raced th e sc en e w ith th e ir p resen c e,
an d stood lik e th e Law an d th e
G ospel,
One w ith th e sa n ctio n of e a r th and
one w ith th e b le ssin g of heaven.
S im ple and b rie f w as th e w edding, as
th a t of R u th an d of Boaz.
S oftly th e y o u th an d th e m aid en re ­
p e a te d th e w o rd s of b e tro th a l,
T ak in g each o th e r fo r h u sb a n d and
w ife in th e M a g istra te ’s p resen ce,
A fter th e P u rita n w ay, and th e lau d ­
ab le cu sto m of H olland.
F e rv e n tly th en , and dev o u tly , th e ex ­
ce lle n t E ld e r of P ly m o u th
P ra y e d fo r th e h e a rth and th e hom e,
th a t w ere founded th a t day in a f­
S p eak in g of life and of d eath , an d im ­
p lo rin g d ivine ben ed ictio n s.
L o! w hen th e se rv ic e w as en d ed , a
fo rm ap p eared on th e th resh o ld .
Clad in a rm o r of ste e l, a so m b er and
so rro w fu l figure!
W hy does th e b rid eg ro o m s t a r t and
s ta r e a t th e s tr a n g e a p p a ritio n ?
W hy d o es th e b rid e tu r n p ale, an d
h id e h e r face on h is sh o u ld e r?
Is it a p h an to m of a ir,—a b odiless,
s p e c tra l illu sio n ?
Is it a g h o st from th e g rav e, th a t h as
com e to fo rb id th e b e tro th a l?
L ong had it stood th e r e u n seen , a
g u e s t u n in v ited , u n w elco m ed ;
O v er its clouded ey es th e r e had
T h e re w ere th e g ra v e s of th e d ead ,
an d th e b a r re n w a s te of th e se a ­
sh o re.
T h e re th e fa m ilia r fields, th e g ro v es
of pine, an d th e m ead o w s;
B ut to th e ir ey es tra n sfig u re d , it
seem ed a s th e G ard en of E den,
F illed w ith th e p resen c e of God,
w h o se voice w as th e so u n d of th e
Soon w as th e ir visio n d istu rb e d by
th e n o ise and s tir of d e p a rtu re .
F rie n d s com ing fo rth from th e bouse,
an d Im p a tie n t of lo n g er delay in g ,
E ach w ith h is p la n fo r th e day, a n d
th e w ork th a t w as le ft uncom ­
p leted .
T h e n fro m a s ta ll n e a r a t h an d , am id
ex cla m a tio n s of w onder,
A lden th e th o u g h tfu l, th e c a refu l, so
hap p y , so p ro u d of P riscilla,
B ro u g h t o u t h is snow -w hite ste e r,
o b ey in g th e h a n d of its m a s te r.
L e t by a co rd th a t w as tied to a n
iro n rin g in its n o strils,
C overed w ith crim so n cloth, an d a
cu sh io n p laced fo r a saddle.
She should
n o t w alk, h e said ,
th ro u g h th e d u s t and h e a t of tn e
no o n d ay ;
N ay, sh e sh o u ld rid e like a q u een , n o t
plod along lik e a p easan t.
S o m ew h at ala rm e d a t first, b u t reas-
sifred by th e o th e rs,
P lacin g h e r h an d on th e cushion, h e r
f fo o t in th e h an d of h e r h u sb a n d ,
G aily, w ith joy o u s laugh, P risc illa ,
m o u n ted h e r p alfrey .
“N o th in g is w a n tin g now ,’* h o said
B etter M a rk e t Balm fo r Decreased
C ro p s o f 1911.
W ashington, D. C.—The decreased
production in crops th is year, as com­
pared w ith la st year, is being compen­
sated to the farm ers of the country by
the larg e r prices they are receiving
as shown by figures given out by the
D epartm ent of agriculture.
The a g g reg a te production o f crops
in 1911, it is estim ated, is approxi­
m ately 7.9 per cent less than the crops
of 1910 and about four-tenths of 1 per
cent less than the average production
for the preceding five years.
Corn w as w orth 12.1 cents m ore a
Friends W ere Assembled Together.
bushel on N ovem ber 1 than on the
sam e date la st y e ar; w heat 1 cent;
ex p ressio n
w ith a sm ile, “ b u t th e d istaff;
oats 8.9 cen ts; barley, 29.6 cents;
rye, 11.5 cen ts; buckw ehat, 7.1 cents, S o fte n in g th e gloom an d re v e a lin g th e T h en you w ould b e in tr u th m y q u een
w arm h e a r t hid d en b en e a th them ,
m y b e a u tifu l B e rth a ! ”
and potatoes, 20.6 cents, w hile the
value of hay was g re a te r by $2.66 a As w h en ac ro ss th e sk y th e d riv in g
O n w ard th e b rid al p ro cessio n
r a c k of th e rain-cloud
m oved to th e ir new h a b ita tio n ,
B lackberry Minus T h o rn .
S anta Rosa, C al.— L u th er B urbank
has developed a blackberry th a t is
m inus the thorns. B urbank has been
a t work for 10 years on this p lant and
as a resu lt he has secured a bush
w hich has banrehes as smooth and
free from thorns as a cherry tree.
Several sem i-thornless blackberries
have been brought out by o th er exper­
im enters, b u t th is B urbank berry is
said to be the first th a t is really free
from thorns.
The p lan t w izard has
m any specim ens of the new p lant
grow ing in his big garden here.
P rotecting Fleet G row ing.
W ashington, D. C.—T here are 15
A m erican vessels now in Chinese w a­
ters looking a fte r the w elfare of for­
eigners and four m ore are on th eir
way, according to an 'announcem ent
by S ecretary of the N avy Meyer. The
supply ship Supply is due to arriv e a t
Shanghai soon and the m onitor Mon­
terey, cruiser Saratoga and gunboat
Quiros are now en route for Chinese
w aters from the Philippines. Adm iral
Murdock says there w as only a slight
engagem ent a t Foochow and th a t the
officials fled.
P oindexter Likes Step.
Spokane— “ I am delighted to see
th a t S ecretary Fisher, w ith the ap­
proval of P resident T aft, has come out
squarely in favor of a governm ent
coal mine in A laska, w ith tran sp o rta ­
tion by rail and w a ter th e re fo r,” an­
nounces Senator Poindexter. “ Secre­
ta ry F ish e r's proposal is identical
w ith w hat I and others have been
contending for, and we are delighted
w ith the prospect of obtain in g this
pow erful su p p o rt.”
School Loans Exam ined
Salem — Land A gent R in eh art has
ju st returned from E astern Oregon,
w here he has been in v estig a tin g the
n atu re o f the secu rties for sta te loans
and finds th a t as a rule th e loans are
well secured.
A bout $5,000,000 of
the school fund is loaned on real prop­
erty and about $1,000,000 on school
board bonds. A few of the loans on
real property are being recalled or ad­
ditional security dem anded w here the
security is not deemed sufficient
With Illustrations by
P R IC E S R E C O U P F A R M E R .
Irrig ation Schem e V iew ed.
W est Stayton — Jam es G aunt, of
New York, who is in te rested in seve­
ral W estern en terp rises and is a stock­
holder in the W illam ette Valley Irri­
gated Land company, was here this
week. He inspected the project and
expressed him self as pleased w ith the
work done. He was in terested in the
wonderful grow th m ade by the apple
trees set out last A pril and irrig a ted
during the sum m er. A few days ago
Dr. L. L essing-B olgar w as here. He
(x o e cts to have about 60 houses
u rd e r construction here by spring.
The C ourtship °£
M iles Standish
(R ailw ay M e rg e r Hinted.
Chicago— Rumors of a m erger o f all
the New York C entral lines, under
one g re a t
financial and
o perating m anagem ent attended the
v isit to Chicago o f W illiam C. Brown,
president o f the lines and W. K. Van­
derbilt, J r ., Harold V anderbilt, W. N.
Newm an, M arvin H ug h itt, H. B. Led-
yard, C. E. Daly and C. F. Schaeff.
None of the visito rs would discuss the
G row s fo r a m o m en t th in , and b e­
tr a y s th e sun by its b rig h tn e ss.
O nce i t had lifted its h an d , a n d m oved
its lips, b u t w as silen t,
A s if an iron will had m a ste re d th e
fleetin g in ten tio n .
B u t w h en w ere en d ed th e tr o th and
th e p ra y e r and th e la s t ben ed ic­
tio n ,
In to th e room i t s tio d e , and th e peo­
p le beheld w ith am a z e m e n t
B odily th e re in his a rm o r M iles S ta n d ­
ish, th e C ap tain of P ly m o u th !
G rasp in g th e b rid e g ro o m ’s hand, he
said w ith em o tio n , “F o rg iv e me!
I h av e b een a n g ry and h u rt,— too long
h av e I c h e rish e d th e feelin g ;
I h av e b een cru el an d h ard , b u t now,
th a n k God! it is ended.
M ine is th e sa m e h o t blood th a t leaped
in th e veins of H ugh S tan d ish ,
S en sitiv e, sw ift to re se n t, b u t a s sw ift
in ato n in g fo r e rro r.
jN ev er so m uch as now w as M iles
S ta n d ish th e frie n d of Jo h n Al­
d en .”
T h ereu p o n an sw ere d th e b rid eg ro o m :
“ L et all be fo rg o tte n betw een
u s,—
All sa v e th e d ear, old frien d sh ip , and
th a t
sh all
o ld e r
d earer!”
T h en th e C ap tain ad v an ce d , an d , bow­
ing, sa lu te d P riscilla,
G ravely, and a f te r th e m a n n e r of old-
fash io n ed g e n try In E ngland,
S o m eth in g of cam p an d of co u rt, of
tow n and
co u n try ,
com ­
m ingled,
W ish in g h e r Joy of h e r w edding, and
loudly lau d in g h e r husb an d .
T h en he said w ith a sm ile : “ I should
h av e rem em b ered th e ad ag e,—
If you would be w ell se rv ed , you
m u st se rv e y o u rse lf; an d m ore­
o v er,
No m an can g a th e r c h e rrie s in K en t
a t th e se aso n of Christm as!**
H ap p y h u sb an d an d wife, an d frien d *
co n v ersin g to g e th e r.
P le a s a n tly m u rm u re d th e brook, a s
th e y cro ssed th e ford in th e fo r­
P leased w ith th e im ag e th a t p assed ,
lik e a d re a m of love th ro u g h its
bosom .
T rem u lo u s, flo atin g in a ir, o ’e r th e
d e p th s of th e az u re ab y sses.
Down th ro u g h th e golden leav es th e
su n w as p o u rin g his sp le n d o rs.
G leam in g on p u rp le g ra p e s, th a t, from
b ra n c h e s ab o v e th em su sp en d ed .
M ingled th e ir odo ro u s b re a th w ith th e
balm of th e p in e an d th e fir-tree,
W ild an d s w e e t a s th e c lu s te rs th a t
g rew in th e v alley of E shcol.
L ik e a p ic tu re i t se em ed of th e p rim i­
tiv e, p a s to ra l ag es,
F re sh w ith th e y o u th of th e w orld,
an d re c a llin g R eb ecca an d Isaac,
Old an d y e t e v e r n ew , an d sim p le and
b eau tifu l alw ay s.
L ove im m o rta l an d young in th e en d ­
less su c cessio n of lovers.
So th ro u g h th e P ly m o u th woods
p assed o n w ard th e b rid al p ro c e s­
S terilizing Liquids.
P e rfe c t ste riliz a tio n of liquids by
m ean s of filtratio n o nly se em s to be
m ade p o ssible on a la rg e scale
th ro u g h a p ro cess o rig in a te d by two
F re n c h sc ie n tis ts and re p o rte d to th e
A cadem y of S c ie n tists a t a re c e n t
m eetin g . It is know n th a t m em b ran es
of collodion h av e th e p ro p e rty of re ­
ta in in g all th e m icro b es In a liquid
filtered th ro u g h them . But th e y a re
very frag ile an d th e re fo re im p ra c tic a l
o u tsid e of th e lab o rato ry . By re-en­
fo rcin g th e collodion m em b ran e w ith
a fine w ire sc ree n im bedded In it. Just
as a ,p a n e of g lass is th u s re-enforced,
th e tw o sc ie n tis ts c o n stru c te d a filter
not only s tro n g enough for p ra c tic a l
p u rp o ses b u t so effective a s to ex ­
clu d e ev en m o lecu les of s a lts die-
solved in th e liquid
G reat w as th e p eo p le’s am azem en t,
an d g re a te r y e t th e ir rejo icin g .
i T h u s to behold o n ce m o re th e su n ­
b u r n t face of th e ir C ap tain ,
W hom th ey had m o u rn ed as d e a d ;
As Uncle Eben Sees It.
and th ey g a th e re d and crow ded
“De re a su n ." said U ncle Eben. “dat
a b o u t him .
som e m en w alk s d e floor b ecau se of
E ag er to see him an d h e a r him , d e lr d e b ts is b ecau se It’s w arm er an*
fo rg etfu l of b rid e an d of b rid e ­ mo’ com f’ab le dan
g lttin ’ o u t and
groom .
buildin fen ces or sb o v elin ' snow.”
1 *