DOINGS OFTHEWEEK SO C IE TY LE AD E R , W H O SE E X P E R IM E N T A L F A R M FOR SU F­ F R A G IS T S IS F A ILU R E . Current Events oi Interest Gathered From the World at Large. General Resume o f Important Events Presented In Condensed Form fo r Our Busy Readers. A tugboat at Vancouver, B. C., pulled her entire stern out while tow­ ing a big log raft An ensign was killed and several men wounded in a fight with hostile natives in the Philippines. Nearly 1,000 clerks have struck in the general offices o f the Illinois Cen­ tral railroad at Memphis, Tennessee. Germany is trying to prevent a war between Italy and Turkey, fearing other powers would be drawn into such a struggle. A New Brunswick, N. J., under­ taker who is running for the office of sheriff, used his automobile hearse to display election signs. Four persons were killed in a Chi­ cago tenement house fire. A woman weighing 154 pounds was carried from the fourth floor by firemen. A woman committed to the Oregon insane asylum has been making her living as a shoemaker and passing herself for a man for 49 years. A daughter o f ex-Governor Rich­ ards, o f Wyoming, with her husband, were found shot to death on their ranch near Redbank, Wyoming. » n t». o. it. r . ni i u o v i . A Newport butler organized a D E S TR O Y ED FROM O U TS ID E , “ smart set” o f 100 among the serv­ R E V O L U T I O N T H R E A T E N S SP A IN ants o f wealthy society people and General Strikes Called and Nation is Ruins of Battleship Maine Are made himself "social dictator.” Under Martial Law. Cleared o f Slime. A Chicago couple have been " g e t ­ Madrid— Spain is face to face with Havana— The Maine was destroyed ting married” repeatedly, each time giving the minister a counterfeit $20 a crisis equal to that following the by an external explosion. There no bill and getting $10 in good money in riots in Barcelona in 1009. The agi­ longer remains any doubt as to the change. tation and the power o f the agitators manner in which the United States Dissolution o f the Steel trust pre­ on the masses have increased in pro­ battleship was sunk in this harbor on sents a stupendous problem and has portion to the rigor o f the repressive j the night o f February 15, 1898. caused great stir in Wall street. measures undertaken by the govern-1 The cofferdam about the wreck his Canada has voted against the party .. . . , I been pumped out and the mud cleared which favored reciprocity by a large What, at its origin, was purely a r r labor movement, now has developed awaY to a greater extent than ever majority. War is on between settlers and lum­ into a revolutionary conflict, a com- before. The clearing away o f wreck- bermen over fine redwood forests near mune having actually been proclaimed af,e reveals the double bottom o f the at two towns near Valencia and the I ship with part of the keel standing in Ukiah, Cal. authorities driven out. “ Progressive” Republicans deny The affiliated trades unions have a perpendicular position 28 feet higher that they are planning to nominate decided to call a general strike all than the natural position. Hughes for president. over Spain, and the government has This perfectly confirms the report decided upon the drastic step of “ sus­ and testimony which Ensign Powel- San Francisco wins its fight for a pending the constitutional guarantee” son gave before an investigating board right o f way to the ferry landing for throughout the country. This virtu ­ after the disaster and which was based a municipal street railway. ally means martial law. upon reports made to him by divers Meetings have been forbidden. The j just after the explosion, It is estimated the Alaska salmon m ilitary authorities, it is said offi- j It is indicated by engineers here pack will amount to 2,800,000 cases. daily, will not assume control except , that such a tearing o f the ship’s bot- The "annexation speech” o f Champ m extreme cases. tom could not have been produced by Clark in the last session of congress A t Bilboa troops fired on a crowd an interior explosion. It is further is blamed for the defeat o f reciprocity that was endeavoring to free prison­ said that no regulation m ilitary mine by Canada. ers, including strike leaders, who could have wrought such terrific The treasury department has or­ were being taken through the streets. havoc. It must have been a huge dered the prohibition o f the importa­ Twenty-six persons were wounded. mine, as Captain Sigsbee and others suggested at the time; perhaps a sug­ tion o f tea containing artificial color­ The situation is grave. King Alfonso has signed a decree ar mill boiler or large cask loaded ing matter. suspending the constitutional guaran­ with explosives. Fifty-six'convicts in the Colorado tee throughout Spain. This act, penitentiary attended the matinee which had been under consideration performance at a theater and en­ for some days, was taken to give the joyed the play hugely. government power to deal sharply and promptly with the revolutionary agi­ PO RTLAND M ARKETS. tation now fermenting in many parts Wheat — Export fbasis: Bluestem, o f Spain, especially in the cities and Marseilles, France— Fire broke out 84///86c; club, 80fe81c; red Russian, industrial districts, where republican in the ammunition hold o f the French 80c; valley, 80(//,81c; 40-fold, blftt and revolutionary plans are being battleship Liberte and the vessel blew, 82c; fife, 80@81e. furthered under cover o f workingmen’s up and sank 19 minutes later. Nearly M illstuffs— Bran, $24.50//z.25 per strikes. ton; middlings, $82; shorts, $25.60 The most serious situation is at 500 o f the crew are dead. The bat­ (z/26; rolled barley, $33.60//Z 34.50. Valencia, where a general strike was tleship was built about five years ago Corn—Whole, $33; cracked, $34 per declared. The city was at once and was a sister ship o f the Verite, ton. placed under martial law, and though which met with misfortune at the Barley New feed, $310/32 per ton; there was more or less rioting maneuvers a few days ago, going on brewing, $37. throughout the day, the authorities the rocks and suffering considerable data— New white, $280/28.50 ton. had matters pretty well in hand until damage before being pulled off. Hay— No. 1 Eastern Oregon tim­ after dark, when the disturbers T A F T B U S Y IN S T . L O U I S . othy, $ 150/16; No. 1 valley, $14; al­ vented their fury in an attack on the falfa, $12; clover, $8.50; grain hay, officials in the adjacent township o f $90/11. Urges Power o f Impeachment In­ Cullera. Poultry— Hens, 16/ilfiJc; springs, stead of Recall for Judges. The rioters murdered a judge and 150/15jc; ducks, young, 160/17c; wounded other officials o f the court St. Louis — During a moderately geese, 11c; turkeys, 18fti)19c. which had been engaged in the trial busy day here Saturday, a President j u ajf iici c uatuivinj, i comcuv, Butter — Oregon creamery, solid of those arrested earlier in the day. I T aft made sjx speeches, took a forty pack, 31c; prints, extra. The mob was finally dispersed hy mile automobile ride, opened the local Eggs Fresh Oregon ranch, can- guards from the custom house. football season by tossing the pigskin died, 30c per dozen. onto the gridiron at St. Louis Univer­ Pork Fancy, 110/ llJ c per pound. Gila Monster Bites Man. sity, laid the cornerstone o f a new Y. Veal Fancy, 13//z.l3Jc per pound. I«os Angeles — Prompt treatment W. C. A. building, sat through nine Fresh Fruits — Cantaloupes, 60cot: innings o f exciting baseball between $1.25 per crate; peaches, 500/.75c per with a vacuum pump saved the life o f Louis ------- and ------ Philadelphia Na E. Eigenherr, a miner from the St. H ia w n a a ----- ----------- . .-----«--------- box; watermelons, 75c///$1.25 per Mathias hundred; plums, 500/l76c per crate; Arizona, who was bitten by a Gila | tional League teams, visited the Ma- prunes, 1 Jo/2c per pound; pears, 600/ monster while he was exhibiting the sonic Club to be made a life member $1 per box; grapes, 6!>c0/.$l per box; animal on the street here. He had o f that organization and, after ad- the monster secured in a box. He met dressing a throng in the Coliseum in apples, $10/1.75. Vegetables — Artichokes, 75c per some friends and tried to open the box I the evening had nothing to do but dozen; beans, 50/10c; cabbages, $1.50 to show the creature, when it fastened travel all night in order to be in the 0/ 2 per hundred; corn, 250/ 30c per its teeth in his arm. Eigenherr was insurgent state o f Kansas on Sunday. On the eve o f entering this reputed dozen; cucumbers, $10/1.25 per sack; rushed to the receiving hospital, where hostile territory. President T aft eggplant, 5/z8c per pound; garlic, 10 the surgeons succeeded in extracting The brought forward the suggestion o f a 0/12c per pound; lettuce, 40o/50c per the poison from the wounds. wider powrer o f impeachment as a sub­ dozen; hothouse lettuce $1,250/1.75 monster was shot by a policeman. stitute for the more radical proposal perh ox; peppers, 6o/fic per pound; o f a judiciary recall. Girls’ Smokes Now Cost. radishes, 12Jc per dozen; sprouts, 8c 500 SAILORS PERISH WHEN FRENCH WARSHIP BLOWS UP per pound; tomatoes, 60/// 75c per box; carrots, $1.50 per sack; turnips, $1; beets, $1.75. Potatoes Oregon, l j c per pound; sweet potatoes, 2Jc per pound. Onions California, $1.50 per hun­ dred. Hops 1911 crop, 320/ 33c; olds, nom­ inal. Wool Eastern Oregon, 90/;16c per pound, acording to shrinkage; valley 150/ 17c; mohair, choice S6o; 37Jc. Catete Choice steers, $5.40o/5.50; good, $50/5.25; fair, $4.75(//5; med­ ium, $4,600/ 4.76; poor, $3.75o/ 4.50; choice cows, $4.50(f/ 4.75; fair. $4ra 4.40; common, $2.60^3.60; Extra choice spayed heifers, $4.75(