/ • *v ; ■* ÍIP VOI. K S T A C A DA. O R E G O N , T H U R S D A Y . S E P T E M B E R 14 LO CAL N EW S AND P E R S O N A L M K N I’ lO N Jack Bourbonia is the local bar1 er -Imp. Thos. Y ocum , V ice President D IR E C T O R S : John Zobrist T hos. Yocum L. E. Belfils A . C. Jellison W . D. Jellison here soon The payroll of the River Mill past month was It vviH pav von *0 get prices on i " a in for the - I ' d . 12 The Iistacada State Buggies at McCu rdy L ’ b’ r. «V ; IDid: opined Monday evening from H’ dw’ e. Co 7 to 9 P. M. to accomodate those H T Davis made a trip to the I wi-hing to have their checks cashed county seat last week in the interest W E Bonntv ,nd daughter Miss of the new road from Estacsda to Nell, of Coltoi spent Tuesday and upper Garfield d'be court ordtred Wednesday of last week with the ihe road viewed former’s r.eph v a,.d family I. A, Milton Evans left on Sunday for Bonney of Iistacada, Portland, tcv be present at the open­ Get from McCurdy L ’ b'r. & ing of the Washington High School. where he will be in attendance this I H 'd w ’e Co the information about tlie premiums they are giving. term. W e issue T ra v e le rs Checks payable in a n y p a rt or the W orld. Why Not Be Perfectly Safe If when you buy, or loan, on real estate, you accept an ab­ Bob Marrhbank purchased from stract issued by an abstracter without the equipment and H. A, Williams the house and lot on Main street occupied by A 1 l.indsev, on Monday. The con sideralion was $800 00. proper facilities for the work, you are R IS K IN G Y O U R IN V E S T M E N T and inviting loss and injury later on. The boys and girls of this school district were noticed wending their way toward the school house Mon­ day with packs of books ready, seemingly, to take up their studies for the coming term. G et a M e rc h a n ta b le A b s tra c t rrorn a R e ­ sponsible C o m p a n y Clackam as Title Company^ Established twenty years 509-511 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. PORTLAN D, OREGON M e m b e rO re g o n Association of Title Men M e m b e r A m e r ic a n Association of Title M en ► « h M m M h M w I w I FURNITURE W e have some nice Matting R u gs 9 x 1 2 think will please you, both in price and quality. rockers that can’t be beaten. A ll kinds of here ] which we Some fine Furniture in stock or in catalogue. N ow is the time you want to g o to putting up your fruit for the rainy weather. W e handle the ECONOMY JARS Th ey are the kind to save the fruit, easy to seal, once sealed they are there to keep. Yours for business ESTACADA FURNITURF CO. W . D. and L . M . Henthom, Proprietors M- t +-F 2 .J- 4L b****' afU'rr' ° ' m Servicefi were held at the house at 2 o'clock. Rev. Browne officiating. Interment was made at Loin < Dk Cemetry. Attorney Bartlett received word on Monday of tlie illness of his son We are making a big reduction at LaGrande and took an evening He had just on Buggv prices. Cotne and see car for that place. returned on Saturday from visiting McCurdy L ’ b’ r. & H ’dw’ e. Co. his family. Mrs Wilbur Simmons came out Dick Kimmel has sub-contracttd from Portland on Friday night Mr and Mrs Simmons have taken from Al Lindsey the building of up housekeeping with Mrs. Sim­ the board walk on the west side of mons’ father, Henry Knlpin, and Main street front 3rd to 4th streets and is engaged in building the will make this their future home same. A. Demoy, the popular rural Tuesday, of last week being Miss letter carrier, is again on the route, after enjoving a very pleasant v a ­ Mvrtle Bonnev's birthday a few of cation. In his absence Jack Krig- her little friends met at her home baum managed the mail-carrying They spent the afternoon in music and games, after which a lunch was business; served. Myrtle received many F. W . Bates, Ed Bates and beautiful and useful presents. Grover Judd are a party of buckle- Window screens made to order. berry pickers who returned Friday. They were in near Wildcat moun­ Hamlin & Darling, planing mill. OUR ABSTRACTS STAND THE TESI That’ s what we are assisting in For thirty d.ivs special low prices; Ed Hogan, of Portland, a form­ 1 011 Buggies by McCurdy L'b 'r. & i er resident of Ibis <-itv. is here this week visiting old friends "S h rim p " I H'c’ w ’e. Co says, "Everything is O. K so fa r," Hugh Jones has purchased the, Mrs. Yor.ce returned Saturday poolroom from A R Haskins. from '• lhanv, where she had been The new proprietor took possession , •-.illrd bv tin- serious illness of her last Friday sister. We are sorrv to report her I. S. LaHatt, a jeweler from s;ster to be not iitiproy ing. Roseburg, has opened up a sjiop the room with the Woodle Land | So*- the Superior Wheat Drills at Co. He intends to move his family McCurdy s. Cashier L . E. Belfils and see if we can’t please you. Dr. Lowe, September 27. Plat.uig mill. Hamlin ft Dr Steiner is busy clearing off to ortier. his lot preparatory to the erection Darling. Btilg' r Kriebaum was a Salem of a nice house. Melvin Shank.and is assisting in visitor this we:k. Oet prices on Superior Wheat the station while Agent Givens is Cl 111:1 Harkenrider and Isa!»-'! Drills front McCurdv L ' b r. & temporarily enga. fd in Portland. Duncan lift on Sunday tor Port­ l l ’ dw'e Co. Mrs. W. J Lewelleu, after land, where they will attend school Mrs H A Williams, a former spending a few da; s visiting friends, Her Miss O'ive Davis Ills returned to resident of Estacada, was a busi­ returned home on Monday. this citv and is nga'ii to lie found ness visitor in this city over Sun daughter accomp l ice! her-home. d »V. with Dale*’ millinery. While traveling 11 upper Garfield CAPITAL - $25,000 «'IH S $t A Y K A R Arniund Adams is lu re visiting Ji'i'ii Kly was a bii-.UKto visitor L. E Hi ills wa» a business with bis mother for a few >la\s. m O n ; on C u v list i w k visitor to Pot,land Tuesday, Lee Broil-.,.11 will have charge of l ittv d'tllars in tfo’ul to h** given ! Frank Kolj in spent a couple the howling all / now as Hob Mor­ 'n v by McCurdy L ’ b'r. & dav s o f th's.we* k visiting with his ton has commenced school H ’d w ’e Co. f ither in this citv. Window au< frame doors made ESTACADA STATE BANK W . D. Jellison, President | j j L O C A L 5F E W S A N D P E R SO N A L M ENTIO N ig it. A J Darling and H. E . Stubbs made a trade of properties whereby Mr. Stubbs becomes the owner ot the ten acre ranch of Mr. Darling and Mr. Darling the half block and resident property of Stubbs in E s ­ tacada. The trade was effected through the Woodle Land Co. It Station agent Given’ s good natur- is Mr Darlings purpose to com­ ed smile told a story— we do not mence the erccliou of houses on the | mean to say his smile was untruth­ vacant lots. ful— but it told the story of the I arrival at his house on Tuesday of A Rubber tire ‘Buggy to be free ¡a fine big baby boy. Mother and I to some customer of McCurdv | son are getting along nicely. [ L ’ b’ r. & H'dw'e. Co, on Nov. tst. Mr M E. Williams left on Mon­ day for Portland in response to a message containig the sad news ot i the death of his sister, Mrs R M 1 Made. Mrs. Williams left on j Tuesday to be present at the funeral. * - s on Tuesday we ca ne across Be 1 ; Rawlins on the rocr pile, and when we called to inquire "what he was in fo r," Ben said, Good roads " And it looked like it. District 49 j with their expenditure of $500 on the extreme eastern portion of dis j trtet No. 10, is mak ng that portion of the road look different and to- ! the better. a ESTACADA MERCANTILE CO. ■ M i T g y r J s JM W L'M ra p rrsr Complaint has been made to the Progress that China pi. .-asanls and other game birds in thi: locality art C H U R C H S E R V IC E S being killed in violation of the law Your neighbors and ftiet^ls arc -N ex t Sabbath M F.. Chnrch- some of the com pi inants and not W . A. JO N E S wishing to make any trij-t lile for Sal-bath School to a. !1) PROPRIETOR the violators have taken ibis mean» Preaching S P m Good rigs «nd careful d riv ers alw ay s to notify them that urifrtjTdhe un League SPECIAL ATTENTION 7 P m lawful shooting is stt ppfcd ■ other Giveu Hunting and Fishing Parlies — W. R F. B r o w n e , Pastor means will be used. Livery, Feed & Sale STABLE F. W. Gartner, of the Estacada State Bank, retimed from the East on Saturday, where he has been • spending his three weeks vacation. About three mouths ago Mr G art­ ner and the children went to Neb­ raska, their former home, for a visit. Fred thought he would like to look the old country over and mingle with former friends again I11 this way he could spend his vacation period. Mrs. Gartner and the babies returned with him at d are spending a few days in Portland before returning home. WOOD & LUMBER Church of Christ— Next Sabbath Bible School Preaching Preaching IO Í*. 111 11 a Local and Lon# Distance Telephone m. W e have several bargains in P in. — W. G i v e n , Pastor. houses, lots, close in acreage, 7:45 fine farms and a few tracts of Diarrhoea is alw-avs more or lt-s* preva- choice fruit land, which we lentduring September. Be prejiared for it. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and would be pleased tO show you. Diarrhoea Remedy is prompt and effect- | * ttal. It can always be depended upon and is pleasant to take. For sale by all WOODLE LAM) COMPANY good dealers. Hank building REPORT OF TH E The packing of prunes at tile- new packing plaut is going forward with considerable entigy. Mr Ellison iuforms 11s that if he can take care of them he will have about forty car loads to ship from this locality this season. He now has twenty-five packers at work ami hopes to add ten more. From Clark Denny’s orchard came tlie first fruit to be packed. The rainy weather has interfered with the work, as the fruit must be perfectly dry when packed to insure good keeping. C O N D IT IO N O F ESTACADA STATE BANK at Estacada, in the State of Oregon, at the close of business, September 1st, 1911. RESOURCES Loans and discounts..................................................$ 3 0 , 2 5 2 71 Bonds and warrants ............................................ 7.554 58 Stocks and other securities..........: .......... ........... 100 Land Contracts........................................................... 7.476 85 $4 5,38 4 14 Overdrafts secured and unsecured............................................. 9 «3 Hanking house............................................................. ................ 3.450 Furniture and Fixtures....................................... ...................... •*795 34 Other real estate owned................................................................ 4 0,136 09 50 40 All kiudsof lumber and building Over and short account................................................................ Due from approved reserve banks...................... $ 2 5 834 33 material. Planing mill, Hamlin Checks and other cash items................................... 163 71 Darling, Cash on hand............................................................. 8,854 28 34.<5a ja J. D. Hamlin has sold his mill T otal $ 1 2 5 . 6 7 7 42 interests in this city to Al Darling. Mr. Hamlin has purchased the LIA B ILIT IE S Lane County Abstract company and Capital stock paid in..................................................................... $25,000 left on Monday for Eugene, where Undivided profits, less expenses and taxes paid..................... 1,4 1 0 82 hC will take up his residence. He Deposits due State Treasurer...................................................... 5,000 still retains his farm property here, Individual deposits subject to check ...................$8 1,9 68 90 however. Al says Kamlin will In­ Demand certificates of deposit....................................5 , 1 6 3 81 come an agriculturist. A l ’s, defini­ Certified checks............................................................... 206 73 tion cfau agricutlturist is "one who Time certificates of deposit......................................... 625 makes his money in town, and Savings deposits.................................. 262 75 spenda it on the farm ," and of a Escrows and collections............................................... 6,039 41 94,266 60 farmer is "one who makes his money on the farm, and spends it T o t a l ...................................... $ 1 2 5 , 6 7 7 42 in to w n ". Countv School Superintendent Gary has sent out inu>ortant notices to ail the teachers of the county ad vising them of changes in the school law that have been made. One important change has been the adding of supervisors of schools. C. F. Anderson, formeilv of the Oregon City schools, has been ap pointed to the Eastern Clackamas A Rubber tire Buggy to be free p- p|„jr and wife, who are district, which is our local ope. He to some customer of McCurdy ; ,,(.wcon]ers p, upper Garfield, paid has entered upon his work and will L b r, ft H d » e. Co tin Nov. 1st. ! tj,e p rog resa office a call on Friday, m ike Estacada his headquarters Evangelist Williams and w ife , They liought what is known as the Mr Anderson jfaid Ihe Progtess land Miss Roy, who have Ieen con-1 Linn property and which Mr office a call 011 Monday and stated j ducting a «eries of meetings at the Wooster lived on when he first that he could be found at The Es- ! Christian Church, left for Gresham I came here They have been back tacada There are three super- on Monday, having tlostd their I to Michigan for the past two year«, visors. Mr*. Emily C. Shaw, Mr meetings here Sunday night. They have just returned here aid J E Calavan and Mr. C. F. An- 1 Twelve additions to the church ar- will go to (anebing. Mrs. Blair is der-on Their appointments date reported as a result ot hts work a daughter of Seuator Chamlier- fiotn Sept. 1 and arc fot ten ,1am. 'months. * here. State of Oregon, County of Clackamas, ss: I, L . E. Belfils, cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. L. E. B E L F IL S , Cashier Subscribed and sworn to before me this 8th day of September, 1911. CLAUDE W. DEVORE, Notary Public C orrect Attest: JOHN ZOBRIST, THOS. YOCUM, W. D. JELLISON. Directors. j A Rubber tire Buggy to be frte Fifty dollars in gold to be given some cuslomtt of McCurdy away by McCurdy L ’ b’r. ¿g L ’ b’ r. fk H ’d w ’e. Co. on Nov. isl H 'd w ’e. Co. The first car of packed prunea front Estacada contained one thousand crates and weighed 26,- ' joo pounds. " I have a wurld'of conlidu , • 1 '1mm- berlain's Cough Remedy fori have u.-ed it with perfect success," writes Mrs. M. I, ftasfonl, Ponlesville, Mil. F’or sale by all good dealers. Read the ads" carefully, Dr Adix has a good range with , coil, and a baby walker for sale tf are full of iuterestiug items. Thev