Estacada progress. (Estacada, Or.) 1908-1916, September 07, 1911, Image 3

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    M a k e B ig M o n e y D rilling W e lls
T h i c k e r T h a n W a te r.
O n» Man (’•■ Handle
ï Iun u re« on l o f drilling 130
feet »ml driving liming in
one day . Only three levers
„ , ,
I «tr » Urge rone
Wetlc.a Had* itr Wrtlws Uat l o . i t l»ely will tirili .-Neri
lud of form
Atoìil drltt>.
tirito, from M*n«li>ig
M«n<liug but
bm l k
ation. Avoid
Huy from u. ffu
Fast Bui
build lhu»w
up-to-date mu
chin«* w ill tell you all In i»t»li>g W rite for It,
Rath«r algnlflcant was the celebra­
tion of the Fourth of July In Hono­
lulu, with two Drlttsh cruisers to par
tlclpate In the exercise* and with
Drltlsh officers In attendance upon an
official public reception of Independ­
ence day.
Thin la strongly Indicative of the
brotherly feeling existing between the
two countries, of the oft-quoted senti­
ment that “ blood la thicker than war
ter,’* and of the kinship of the Eng­
lish-speaking people.
The mingling of the Hritlsh army
and navy officials with the Americana
In celebration of the anniversary of
this country's Independence la sug­
gestive of the old soldiers’ reunions
In which veterans of the Union and
Confederate armies fraternise
march together In procession and are
brothers under the skies who have for­
gotten any past differences that es­
tranged them- for a time.—Sun An
tonio Express.
K O D A K S iZ°r^ ?r K
Write fo r ratak>$ru«a and literature.
D eveloping
end p rin tin g Mail oniera given prom pt attention
I o r t la n d P h o to S u p p ly C o.
14» T hird S treet
P O R T L A N D . ORR.
H lg h eet p rice» paid fo r S ilvgr, O ld J ew elry , G old
l c e t h . r u . U N C L E M YEKK.
F orty y ear» in
P ortland. 71 Sixth, b etw een Oak ami Pine.
A s ight cold is not taken seii indy
enough, anti too often neglected. Isn't
8 h ou ld have a co p y o f my new booklet.
it better to cure t at o< Id right up with
If •m'ins Wizard Oil than to let it run
’ ‘ N e u ro lo g y — th e W a y t o H ealth .*’ in
o Pneumonia or ('oiiHump ion?
I t te'la o f the w on d erfu l cu re« that have keen
m a d e and how to g e t w ell. W rite fo r it today, to
D K H A R V E Y W. F R E E Z E , M erch a n ts T ru st
B ld g ., P ortland, O regon .
Strauss Has New Orchestral.
Richard 8trauss is writing a new or­
chestral work to be called "An Alpine
Symphony.” The development of the
motives parallels the journeys of an
Alpine climber, who hies to the moun­
tains to be away from the cares of the
Musical description Is to be given of
the characteristics of the ascent, a
waterfall, a deep gorge and a moun­
tain thnuder storm. At the summit
the climber raises his voice in praise
of the splend#rs of Alpine scenery.
The descent Is occupied with the
struggle In the wanderer’s heart be­
tween the feeling of Nature alone and
the higher feeling for the divine, each
feeling being represented by Its own
Finally the melody of faith dom­
inates the other, and the symphony
concludes with a hymn praise to Ood.
I f in terested, nend 50c in stam pa and g et it.
Addreaa I .aw P u b lish in g Co., P ortland. Ore.
Ytu (ft the most thorough instructions m dnvini
and prac kal work that can bo produced, also
~ lathe work, drill press and forging.
Finely equipped nuchie shop and school
room TuM>o.i loo $35 cash. $40
payments $10 per week.
East 23d and Morrison. Portland, Or
G utters
D ow n S p ou ts S teel C eiling
He Wanted a Permanent One.
Joshua was buying a field glass.
“ This o n e ." said the clerk, “ is just
2 v4 Market
Portland. Oregon
what you want. Its m agnifying pow­
er is twenty-five tim es.”
“ N o,” Joshua replied, “ I want to
use it oftener that that.” — Success
Wisdom’s Real ObjeoL
Wisdom does not show Itself so Magazine.
touch in precept as In life—In a firm­
Joan of Aro's Sword.
ness o f mind and m astery of appetite.
A sword In tho Dijon museum has
It teaches us to do, as well as to talk;
lust been Identified as that used by
and to mAke our actions and words
Joan of Arc and presented to her by
all of a cplor. — Seneca.
Charles VII. of France. On one side
of the hilt, says the London Mall, Is
engraved a figure kneeling before ■
cross, and the Inscription: -Charles
VII.,- while the other side bears the
name “Voucouleura." The sword alio
bears the arms of France and of the
F i n e s t i n Q u e l ' t y . L a r g e s t in V a r i e t y .
town of Orleans, and the date 1419.
T hey meet, every requirem ent fo r cleau iug und
Jr Shoe P olishes
polishing shoes o f m l k lu d s and colors.
Market for Canadian Tomatoes,
»am ple boxes of tomatoes, packed
In peat and sawdust, were recently
despatched from Toronto to Covent
garden. It ts thought that n brisk
trade In this vegetable oan be de­
veloped between England and On­
V. .fiüííli
OH IS Si MG'. -
L,,„, |H
1-risr snout- »
’ '-'-V
»M ,
A healthy body dalie» <11 s «» hho : Chiropractic
jdju»tnient» make
uiitke henil
»y i.od
I »oil ich
a» by
l.y remov'
tha fitti ho o f diseuse. No
N< knives; no drugs; no
osteopathy. Fantina uni id dieting directed soi-
ou u li .'ul 1 y, Tritine«! nu
C U L T ED C2E the on ly ladles shoe dressing
th a t positively con ta in s O IL Blacks and Polishes
fa d le s' and ch ild ren ’s b oots and »h oes, s l i l n e »
W i t h o u t r u b b i n g , 2V*. -F re n c h G loss,” 10c.
D A N D Y com b in a tion fo r clea n in g a n d polishing
e ll kinds o f russet o r tun shoes, 25c. “ Star” size, 10c.
Q U I C K W H I T E m a k e» d irty c a n v a s shoes
d r a i n am i w h i t e . In liq u id fo r m ho it can be
• u l r k l y and « 'n e l ly applied. A sp on ge in ev ery
pa ck ago, so a lw a ys r e a d y fo r use. T w o sizes, 10
aud 25 cents.
If y ou r dealer does n o t k eep the kind y ou w ant,
■end us his address um l the price lu stam ps fo r
a fu ll size package.
,0 -1 1
A lb a n y
S t .,
BRO S. &
Sufferers from Appendicitis, bronchitis. Can-
car, Catarrh, Diabetes, Dropsy. Deafness, Epi­
lepsy, Eczema. Goitre. Gull Stone. Heart Dls-
OHne. Hernia. Lumbugo, Neuntlgin. Pnrulynis.
Kheumatism, Sciatica, or unv other ditMtaso,
art* invited to write un. W o show you how to
raise »our vitality and keep wall. (W rite to-
duy. Your cure will he quicker )
C O .,
C a m b r id g e .
7751* W illia m s A venue
M u .» .
5'he Ulilcst nml l.myest Manufacturer» oj
¿¡hue J'uliahes in the World.
W . L. D O U G L A S
• 2 . 50 , * 3 . 00 , * 3.50 & * 4.00 SHOES
WOMEN wear W.L.Douglas stylish, perfect
fitting, easy walking boots, because they give
long wear, same as W.L. Douglas Men’s shoes.
3 0
T h e workmanship which has made W . L.
Douglas shoes famous the world over is
maintained in every pair.
If I could take you into my large factories
at Brockton, Mass., and show you how
carefully W .L .D o u g la s shoes are made, you
w ould then understand w hy they are w a r ­
r a n t e d to hold their shape, fit better and t
wear longer than any other make for the price I
Surprising Number of Visitors
Shows Interest in Expert.
Harriman Lines Will Not Recognize
Federation of Shop Men.
Local Folk Testify—Stomach Troubla
Conquered end Rheumatiem
Panga Overcom e,
Kline, for Men, Makea Plea on E co­
nomic Grounds—Officiala Say
,Duty T o Public Prevents.
One o f the most remarkable feat­
ures about Prof. J. M. Munyon is the
extraordinary amount o f attention he
has attracted.
Here and all over the
country, the immense crowds that
have been flocking to see him, and the
large quantity o f mail he receives
daily at his headquarters, Munyon’ a
Laboratories, 63d and Jefferson Sts.,
Philadelphia. He receives mail and
visitors from ever city in the United
States and Canada. Most notable is
the fact that rich and poor come to
him alike, and a few hours spent at
the side o f the physician is a most in­
teresting study in human nature.
Many remarkable cases o f relief as-
cured were related at the store this
One was that o f a man who had
suffered from indigestion and stomach
trouble for more than ten years.
" I think I had ore o f the worst
cases o f stomach trouble on record. I
could not digest anything I ate. Food
fermented in my stomach and formed
gas, which passed out in the abdomen
and up under my heart, and at times
made me suffer so badiy I expected to
die. I had intense headaches and fre­
quent attacks o f dizziness, and I grew
short o f breath when 1 attempted to
walk up stairs. 1 was also much con­
stipated. I came here a short while
ago and took Munyon’s full course o f
stomach treatment. Now 1 must ad­
mit I feel like a new man.
I can eat
anything 1 want with no distress a f­
terward, and all o f the other symp­
toms o f my trouble have disappeared.
I notice particularly that my head is
much clearer and my brain works bet­
ter. I am full o f ambition and energy
and enjoy life hugely.
I can never
tell how glad I am that I had the good
sense to try this Munyon treatment.”
Another enthusiastic visitor was a
woman who declared that her mother
had been relieved o f rheumatism in a
most remarkable manner. She said:
"M y mother was flat on her back in
bed with rheumatism, sciatic, muscu-
lary and inflammatory.
Doctors had
pronounced her case almost incur­
able and we had about given up
hope o f her ever being able to walk
again. I procured a treatment for
her from one o f these Munyon doctors,
and today she
about the house with perfect ease and
can go out doors, and in fact, do
anything that a woman o f her age
might be expected to do. The rheu­
matic pains and inflammation have en­
tirely disappeared. I think this Mun­
yon treatment is a positive wonder­
worker. ” .
Letters addressed to Prof. J. M.
Munyon Personally, Munyon’ s Labora­
tories, 63d and Jefferson Sta., Phila­
delphia, Pa., or callers who apply at
that address, will receive free medical
advice. There is not a penny to pay
for the fullest and most painstaking
medical examination.
You are made
to feel, whether by personal inter­
view, or letter, that the advice is ab­
solutely free and you are not under
any obligation to follow it.
San Francisco—-The Southern Pacific
company, through Julius Kruttschnitt,
vice president and director o f mainte­
nance o f the Harriman lines, absolute­
ly rejected a demand for recognition
o f the Federation o f Railway Em­
ployes, composing five shop trades and
25,000 men. This would hamper the
company in performing its duty to the
public, was the position taken by the
officials. Union leaders asked for it
on grounds o f economy and expedition
and admittedly because o f a feeling
from a bad stomach,
that greater centralization o f capital
and power made corresponding cen­
inactive liver, consti­
tralization among various unions de­
pated b ow els,--------- -
The unions involved had asked per­
mission ofJ^their general officers to
strike in event o f the refusal o f rec­
A conference lasting three hours
and 20 minutes was terminated by Mr.
K ruttschnitt’s final answer and fol­
lowing it the union representatives,
It is a b s o l u t e l y
sober-faced, went into session them­
selves, to consider the strike vote,
pure, safe and reli­
which they may accept as binding, or
able and will always
may ]reject, refusing to sanction a
do the work.
“ Our meeting with Mr.
schnitt was without resu lt," said J. !
W. Kline. “ Neither side would con­
cede anything. The demand that he f
recognize the Federation was present­
ed to Mr. Kruttschnitt, but he refused
to grant it. However, we still have
6earchllghta Prove of Value.
hope o f avoiding a strike.”
The high power electric search­
Mr. Kline said later:
lights with which vessels are equip­
“ Owing to the deadlock between ped on tho Great Lakes prove most
the committee and Mr. Kruttschnitt, useful tu the early spring nights
it is practically certain that the offi­ when the water Is covered with a
cers and members o f the unions in­ partially broken lco field. By means
volved will be called to San Francisco of the light openings are located,
immediately for consultation.
thug often saving many hours.
"T h e international officers now here
have not receded from their demand
The Beautiful Women of Today.
that the Federation be recognized.
It is a satisfying reflection that the
“ The railroads recognize and deal fame of the noted beauties of the day
with collective transportation organiz­ will go down to posterity not as the ar­
ations. They should receive the shop tificially bedecked and painted hero­
trades on the same basis,” Mr. Kline ines of old, but conspicuous and cele­
brated by reason of their splendid
“ Joint action is recognized on 14 manifestation of health, of youth, of
railroad systems with entire success, comeliness.— Ladles’ Field.
and the Harriman lines will have to
come to it .”
D r .W m . P f u n d e r ’ s
U fto O N B l» lfl[R
A T o n ic , A lte ra tiv e a n d R esolv en t. T h e
b est re m e d y foi* K id n e y s , L iv e r a n d B ow els,
E ra d ica tes P im p le s, E r u p tio n s a n d D is ord ers
o f th e S k in .
P u rifies th e B lo o d a n d g iv e s
T o n e , S tren g th a n d V ig o r t o th e e n tir e sy stem .
8elxe the Present Mom ent
Why wilt thou defer thy good pur*
pose from day to day? Arise and be*
gin in this very instant, and say, Now
is the time for doing, now is the time
for striving, now is the fit time to
amend myself.—Tbomne a’Kempla.
Unheard Of.
Jorkins— How did you ever come liv
to possession of such a cheap-looking
umbrella as that? Dorklna— Why, ]
got this umbrella in a very peculiar
way—I bought It— The Pathfinder.
CAUTION ,*'*'**
g«*nuln«» H a v e W . L I > o i ig l a » g
U n U I lU ll imnMs a nr I p i l e » N ta m p m l o n b o t t o m I
If y ou c a n n o t ob ta in W . L D ou g la » »h o e s in
o u r tow n , w r it» fo r ca ta lo g . S h oe» » c u t d ir e c t O N K F A I R o f n iv H O Y S ’ »
'»O o r
rom fa c to r y to w earer, all .b a r g e » p rep a id . W . L . M d .o o S H O E S w il l |>«»tltlvelv n u t w e s r
D O U G L A S , 1 4 3 » p a r k t»t., H r o c k t o n , M a a s . T W O r A l l i S l o f o r d i n a r y b o y s ’ s h e w «
$50 for a Trademark
$25 for a Motto
The Continental Life
Insurance & Invest­
ment Company
n M C
Offers These Prizes:
Revolver t
and Pislo
'T 'H E
uniform ignition, due to perfection of famous
Pem /notOftr(JMC primer, makes for sure-fire,
accuracy and penetration.
T h e y minimize personal hazard.
Individually made, tested and guaranteed for all stand­
ard pistols and revolvers.
R ecom m ended b y leading manufacturers.
Pem )m i ton- UMC the perfect shooting combination.
2M B.—4 . . 7
No Help.
A St. Louis traveling man, making
his first trip through North Dakota,
woke up one May morning to find the
ground white with snow.
"F o r Heaven’s sake,” he asked the
hotel clerk disgustedly, “ when do you
have summer out in this God-for­
saken country?”
“ I don’ t know,” replied the clerk,
“ I have only
here eleven
months.” — Success Magazine.
This is a solid, strong, vigorous, grow­
ing W E S T E R N C O M P A N Y , which
I N V E S T S IT S F U N D S ia the W E S T .
to help the communities which pay the
premiums. It writes the most liberal life
insurance policy on the market, including
sickness snd sccident benefits.
N| T h e corapsny wishes ■ D I S T I N C T ­
IV E T R A D E M A R K , illustrative of
its character, scope and purpose.
4 A lso it desires a Striking M O T T O or
catch phrase. T h e prize offered is open
to everybody, without restrictions.
§ Contest closes September 30.
9 For further particulars, address (men-
this paper)
The Continental Life
Insurance & Invest­
ment Company
H r . Tart C tf.
W. H. C.
M l U k t City, U u h
M o t t .-r s W i n Hint M rs. W in s lo w 's S o o t h ln s
S y ru p t u r b* s t r f m e d v t o u h tut lU eirtu U U ru u
l u r i n g ltie t e o t n iu g p e r io d .
Easy Way Out.
The day was sultry, the spectators
were restless, and the judge irritable.
“ The next person,’ ’ he said, “ that
disturbs the order o f this court will be
sent home to sta y.”
“ Hurrah!
H urroo!”
yelled the
prisoner on trial, jumping up and
down in the witness box.— Success
Remedies are Needed
Were we perfect, which we are not, medicines would
not often he needed. Hut since our systems have be­
come weakened, impaired and broken down through
indiscretions which have gone on from the early ages,
through countless generations, remedies are needed to
aid Nature in correcting our inherited and otherwise
acquired weaknesses. To reach tiie seat of stomach
weakness and consequent digestive troubles, there is
nothing so good as Dr. Fierce’ s («olden Medical Discov­
ery» a glyceric compound, extracted from native medic­
inal roots—sold for over forty years with great satisfaction to all users. For
Weak Stomach, Biliousness, Liver Complaint, Lain in the Stomach after eating,
Heartburn, Bad Breath, Belching of food, Chronic Diarrhea and other Intestinal
Derangements, the “ Discovery" is a time-proven and most efficient remedy,
T he
genuine has on ita
outside wrapper tho
You can’t afford to accept a secret nostrum as a substitute for this non-alco­
holic, medicine o f k n o w n c o m p o s i t i o n , not even though the urgent dealer may
thereby make a little bigger profit.
Dr. Bierce’ s Pleasant Pellets regulate and invigorate stomach, liver and
bowels. Sugar-coated, tiny granules, easy to take as candy.
II’ . U.H W ill
Q u ic k ly End
W a a k . S o r s E y e»
you should try
Business Interests Feel Tension o f
War Situation.
Paris— The nervousness o f the busi­
ness world over the unsettled Franco-
German negotiations relative to Mo­
rocco reacted Saturday on the Bourse.
Transactions were limited, nearly the
whole list being weak.
Much uncertainty has been caused
in official circles here by the action o f
the Spanish government in choosing
the present time to occupy Sainte
Croix la Mineur, on the Moroccan
coast, 68 miles south o f Agadir, under
the terms o f the treaty o f 1860 with
The French foreign office continues
to assert confidence in an early settle­
ment, because o f the extent o f the
compensations offered to Germany, but
the real difficulty in the way o f an
early settlement, it is believed, lies
in the special commercial and mining
guarantees which Germany may seek
in Morocco, br nothing can be given
Germany in Morocco which Great Brit­
ain does not possess.
Besides, any­
thing like special privileges would
afford endless occasions for the re­
opening o f the controversy on ques­
tions o f interpretation.
Cough Permit Granted.
Denver— Ole Skinden, a victim o f
asthma, who came here for his health
from New York, appeared before the
health officer and .requested a permit
to cough in Denver streets.
He said
that when he sits on the curb and be­
gins to cough the firsst policeman who
comes along arrests him and sends him
to jail in the ambulance, charging
him with disturbing the peace.
health officer issued an order authoriz­
ing him to cough in the street and told
him to have the captain o f police O.
K. it.
Mark Twain Home is Gift.
Hannibal, Mo.— The boyhood home
o f Mark Twain on High street, built
by his father, John M. Clemens, in
1839, was bought by George A. Ma­
han, a wealthy attorney and his w ife,
and was given by them to the city < f
The old home is a tw< -
story frame house in good Btate ( f
It is only a few feet
away from the alley where “ Tom
Sawyer” had the boys paint the fence.
“ Huckleberry Finn” lived at the other
end o f the alley.
Across the street
was Tom ’ s father’ s newspaper office.
Mexicans Shout Fraud.
Mexico City— Jose Pino Suarez had
616 votes as a result o f the progres­
sive convention’ s first ballot for a
vice presidential candidate.
Dr. F.
V. Gomez received 600,
Iglesias Caldron, 321, and Alfredo
Dominguez 319.
Shouting charges of
corruption and yelling that the sup­
porters o f Suarez had bought votes,
the supporters o f Gomez marched out
o f the convention, stopping the ballot­
ing for the time.
New Revolt Breaks Out.
El Paso, Texaa— According to a spe­
cial from Hermosilla, the state of
Sinaloa, Mexico,
In rebellion
against the
Mexican government.
Governor Juan Banderez heads the re­
volt, declaring for an independent
Strange Coincidence.
Partick churches (noar Glasgow,
Scotland), suffered from the fallura
of the electric light the other Sun.
day night— just at the height of a
thunderstorm, when It was most need­
ed. One minister had Just read tha
first two lines of the hymn, “ As dark,
er, darker fall around. The shadows
of the night—” when plump went out
the light and the church was In dark*
ness for a quarter of an hour.
Still In Funds.
Joo Rank of Atchison tolls this
story: “ A colored man was charged
with stealing J9.70. HU lawyer, after
a long fight, succeeded In securing
his acquittal. After the acquittal the
lawyer told the darkey that he ought
to have some pay for his hard work.
’Have you got any money at all?’ In­
quired the lowyer. ‘I've still got that
$9.70,' said the negro.— Kansas City
6lap at Suffragette«.
The hand that rocks tho crndle la
usually too busy washing the dishes
to bother about ruling the world.—
Washington Post.
Function of Religion,
‘'Religion within those souls which
It really Invades Is—one may say— a
value that Is unique and Infinite; at­
tributed not by Imagination, but by
consciousness, properly b o called, to
certain Ideas, to certain feelings, to
certain actions with a view to ends
which surpass humanity."—EL lion-
Laid the Foundation.
March 24. 1811, which saw John Ja­
cob Astor’s brigantine Tonquln enter
the Columbia river, was a great date
mark In American history.
the fur trading post which his men
established near the mouth of that
stream, close to the present Astoria,
was built the first American settle­
ment seen
’ ’ - “ • '' * - — Leslie's.
a r e th e sa fest a u .l m ost relia b le ca th a ttle a n d
Hv-tt m cle a n se r. T h e b est re m e d y f o r T o r p id
L iv e r , B iliou sn ess a n d S clc H ea d a ch e.
A t O r u c z ls t a ’ o r b y M a ll, 2 5 C ants
liovT C..; .u.. .,L Co.
1 ’ua I 1 .A.Na. Otutoolt
c o ffe e T T
In d u stry o f O rch id C o l l e c t i n g .
In the Brazilian state of Pernambu­
co orchid collecting has doveloped Into
a large Industry which affords em­
ployment to many foreigners as well
as natives. From there orchids are
either shipped direct to foreign ports I
or are sent to coast firms which act L Ü W A D
as agents for business bouses all over
Girl*. Conducted by the SISTERS OF THE HOLY
NAMES OF JESUS AND MARY. <, r A < « U m i t *%4
the world.__________________
CtlUtiat* Cturiei. Music. Art. Elocution and Ccmmer*
Medicines for Plante.
“The general public are not the
only users of patent medicines," said
a florist as he opened a box of small
metalllo pills.
“ Lately we have !
adopted tho French oustom of feed­
ing our plants whatever element they
happen to need In this shape. The
pills are* burled In the soil and are
Blowly absorbed, and the resulting
The troublesome problem of wash­
day solved by RED CROSS UAI-L growth Is remarkable.”
BLUE. The blue that Is all blue.
Solid package; no liquid to leak or
spill. No adulteration. Made for 20
years and used everywhere.
A large package only 10 cents. |
Makes the clothes enow white. Less j
bother, less waste. More satisfactory
results and practical economy. ASK I
ci»l Dept*. RttiJtni an<i Day '¡tudtnu. Refined Moral and
Intellectual Y raining. W rite for Announcement. Addreia
SISTFR SUPERIOR. St. Mary', Acadtmr, Portland
_____ f>OAtrLA.V/>. OAtJTHOX
f ftradtutes ran br found rrrvwhirr point in< to Ma}
Vichwrt as the roaaon for their rrihanapw,
Work In Harmony.
In Brasil monkeys and parrot! not ,
only roost In tho same trees but work
for mutual benefit. The parrots gnaw
the big nuts loose from the tree, let
thorn fall In order to crack them and I
tho monkeys tear the husks asunder,
gather the nuts and divide them with
the parrots.
5 . BL
Lydia H. Pinkham’s
Vegetable Compound
Altered His Plans.
"Papa Is going to give me an au­
Baltimore, Md.— " I send you here­
tomobile for my birthday," said the [ with tho picture o f nty fifteen year old
daughter Alice, who
fair young thing.
was r e s t o r e d t o
“ Is he?" said the caller, surprised.
health by Lydia E
"I was thinking of that myself, but
Pinkham’ s Vegeta­
now I shall bring you a box of
ble Compound. She
was pale, with dark
u n d e r her
Dr. Pierce’ s Pleasant Pellets cure
eyes, weak and irri­
constipation. Constipation is the cause
table. Tw odlfferent
o f many diseases. Cure the cause and
doctors treated her
you cure the disease. Easy to take.
and called it Green
Sickness, b u t s h e
Same Girl.
grew worse all tho
"Dad. I want to marry Totffe
time. Lydia K.Pink­
Twlnkletoea. I hope you won’t blame ham’ s Vegetable Compound was rec­
me for wanting to marry a chorus ommended, and after taking three bot­
tles she lias regained h**r health, thanks
“ Not at all, my boy, I wanted to to vour medicine. I can recommend it
marry her myself when I waa about lo r all female troubles.” —Mrs. L. A.
CoitKUAN, 1103 Rutland Street, Balti­
your age."
more, Md,
A Packing Hint.
Hundreds o f such letters from moth­
When traveling It Is a good plan to ers expressing their gratitude for what
line the trunk with a large sheet or Lydia E. Plnkham’ s Vegetable Coin-
piece of muslin. When all the clothes] pound lias accomplished for them have
been received by the Lydia E. Pinkham
are packed the ends of the sheet are Medicine Company, Lynn, Mass.
folded across the top of the clothes
and pinned firmly with safety pins. Y o u n g G ir ls , H e e d T h is A d v ic e .
Girls win) arc troubled with painful
o r irregular periods, backache, head­
Be Honest.
ache, dragging-down sensations, faint­
Honesty is also one of the funds, ing s | n -I Is or indigestion should take
mental principles It never pays tc immediate action and lie restored to
break. If to be a good fellow meani health by Lydia E. Ifinkham's Vege-
you are to sneak, or steal, or lie, thee table Compound. Thousands have been
you dig a pit Into which one donkej restored to health by its use.
W r i t e t o » J r - , i 't n k h a r u , L y n n ,
certainly will fall, and bis name will
M u s s .1 l o r a d v ic e , fre e .
be spelled lust like yours.
P R IC E 2 5 A N D 5 0 C E N T S
S . B . M E D IC IN E M F G . C O .
P O R T L A N D . ORE.
C Gee Wo
The Chinese Doctor
T h i» w en cl e fu ! m »n has
m udo n lifeH tiidy o f lh «
prcppcTtioa o f R oot«,
JI I > h und Hark» und
i t r iv in g Ih« w orld tho
benutit o f Ida survie««.
N o M ercu ry, P o is o n s
o r D ru g s U s ed . N o
t o c u r e r n tfir r h .A H th m a .L u n « .
S tem ;»« h .m d K n. ’ . v < t >.. a ... u n d a ll P r iv a t e
L> o f M n s n d W om en.
A SU I?*: C A N C E R C U R E
J w t r o c o i v o d f i m P ek in , C L m a
a n d reliable*.
nufo, su r e
lJ ..!a i.u v in Its w orks.
I f y o n ca n !
fo r sym ptom blank
a n d circu la r. In close 4 cen ts in stam ps.
The C. Gee Wo Medicine Co.
162Vv First S t., c o r . M o r riso n , P o rtla n d ,
N o . 3 6 —' H
AY [ H K i n N e u w l i o r n i t i n t h g i n tr» p o a r p i e v r o . r t is o r s p l e a
N o » «v e r s o perations, nntnjr ca»«-s porraanontly cu r e d In one
treatm ent. H in t tim e-»»» mg, nn»Ht natural, m int safe. ▲
rodu al and p« rnaan«nt cure. I g iv e m y w ord sm l w ill cits
y«>u to oth er m ediral au th orities that th is is a fa ct. I am c e r ­
tainly pri'pared to cu re by e ip o r io m o and equip m ent, w h ich
are trie k«vuton«*» to su ccess.
1 have the bent eq u ip p ed
m edical office o n th e Cnaat. I w ill g i\ o »500 t o any ch a rity aa
guarantee that e v e ry statem ent in t h i» announcem ent Is true.
I in vite y o u t4$ co m o to rny otlice. I w ill ex plain to you my
treatm ent fo r V a ricose W in » , Hernia, N erv ou s lia b ility .
B lood Poison, P iles, F istula, B ladder, K idney, I’ roststin and
all Men s A ilm en ts and g iv e y o u F K K K a ph ysica l exam ina­
tion; if nereHsary a m icroscop ica l and « h< nii> ni analysis o f
se< retious, to determ in e pa th ologica l sn«l bacteriologica l con
■« K very ui.»r sh ou ld t;«u.•• adv an ta g e <>f tin s «>pp«>r-
tn n ity to l e » m th eir tru e con d ition . A p e rm a n en t C ure is
u h a t y o u «cant, .i perm a n en t C u r t i t w hat I give.
WHITTEN GUARANTEE-My w ritten guarantee m ean» a en re or
n o pa y. I guarantee to cu re certain alim ents or refund ev ery
dollar yon have paid. M y s erv ices < <-»t y ou n othing unless I
en r» y ou r V a rico se V ein », Hernia. P ile», F istula, lYl«a*d Pol
•on, or any ailm ent I guarantee t o cu re T erm sa r * reasonable
and no m ore than y«»u are able and w illin g to pay for benefit«
Habits P o sitiv «!/ C«r*d.
Only Authorized h a d »-y I a*
rtitut* la O regon. W rit#
fo r b la st rated « ir - alar.
■inn institua , 71L l i TM a.
O fflrs h o a r s - B A M
A . O . A m lth M . D .
I s a th« ealy tgccis; *t In Portlsn«! whe
I ri o r * net »rivenite ■ ietiUout atm e or
I ahofofnph.
I pubi th siy trot piofofrsph. correct
lame anri pertenallf cenrisrt my otkee.
to » P it
»n a d s y s . 14 A M U 1 T. BL
M 4 ■ f t « ROOO PttBW I ute f.o fe t t o r I h r lk h 't woa.lerfol new riit-
eorerf, ' H) i n catr* o f vpc. rie Blo-'ri P non. It c u r « In OB* t fS S t -
~ kt sad Is the greatest s a r r c l s f a d
* • sacs, i
«new remedy
bat been nucratfidlv uteri in tboutsrri* of este« le t rr.c r «plain Itto yoo_
filD I T U
IMls Ms V i OlfVI I n
RTL SUD. 0 B100 R
Color m or, goods brlghtar and fastar colors thsn sn y othsr d vs. Ons 10c p a ck sg , colors s i l k , w o o l snd cotton squally wsU
r,s —-
*— a id at ■
and la g
u a r a n ts e d t to
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lt*. A s “ k d —
s a > r , ox - w « w i l l -----'
s a n d -----
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- - O N R O * D R U G C O M P A N Y , Q u in c y , lU lnota.