Estacada progress. (Estacada, Or.) 1908-1916, September 07, 1911, Image 2

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    M e s DF THE WEEK
Current Events of Interest Gathered
From the World at Large.
Colonist Movement May F a r Exceed
All Previous R ecords.
C hicago- In an ticipation o f a very
heavy colonist movem ent to’the Pacific
Coast from Septem ber 15 to October
15, the D enver & Rio Grande, in con­
nection w ith the B urlington, Rock Is­
land & Missouri Pacific on the east,
and w ith the W estern Pacific, South­
ern Pacific, San Pedro and Oregon
Short Line on the W est, has arranged
for the m ost com plete through to u rist
car service ever inaugurated.
The cars will be operated daily from
Chicago, St. I-ouis, K ansas C ity, Oma­
ha and Denver, and will num ber no
few er than 69 per week, or 277 cars
for the four weeks.
Besides these cars regularly oper­
ated, expectations are th a t there will
be a very large overflow travel the
first five days of the m ovement, as
well as the last five days. These cars
will be handled over the Denver & Rio
Grande on special schedule arranged
to show otf the Rocky M ountain scenic
a ttrac tio n s to best advantage.
The colonist m ovem ent last spring
via the Denver & Rio Grande a ggre­
gated 20,058 passengers, and it is an­
ticipated th a t this fall the m ovem ent
will be largely in excess of th a t num ­
Aviator THas to M ake G ood in Dis­
abled Aeroplane.
Norton, Kan. — J . F. Fisbie, the
C utiss aviator, w as killed by a fall at
the Norton County fair.
F risb ie m et
w ith an accident and only w ent into
the a ir again when driven to do so by
the tau n ts and je e rs of the crowd.
F risb ie fell 125 fe et and the engine
of his machine fell upon him, crushing
his le ft side and chest.
He died an
hour late r.
F risb ie had been g iving exhibitions
a t Elmwood park for several days.
H is machine acted badly, and he fell
40 feet, but beyond a few bruises was
not injured.
J H e was skeptical about the ability
o f his m achine to stand another flight
and announced th a t he would not take
chances again until the m achine was
repaired. W hen th is sta te m en t was
com m unicated to the crowd th ere was
an angry dem onstration. The sp ecta­
tors hooted and shouted “ fa k e ,” and
refused to listen to explanations.
Finally F risb ie
th a t
ra th e r th an have the big crowd go
aw ay w ith the im pression th a t he was
not w illing to do his best, he would
a tte m p t a flight. H e ascended from
the track w ithout difficulty, and a t­
tained a height o f 125 feet, but when
he [attem pted to m ake a tu rn the
planes tipped and he lost control.
he came crashing to e a rth the sp ecta­
tors could see the av ia to r try in g to
rig h t the m achine, b u t as it approach­
ed the ground one of the w ings struck
a barn and [the m achine glanced off
and struck the eartfi, w ith F risbie
C oast P roduct Is Rich in Lupulin Believes Flam es Will Be U nder C on­
trol in Few Days.
Says Scientist.
C orvallis—Investigations made dur­
F o rest Service Adds S 2 0 .0 0 0 to
ing the past y ear by H. V. T arta r,
chem ist of the Oregon E xperim ent S ta ­
Fight O regon F ires.
tion, show th a t Pacific Coast hops ure
G eneral Resume o f Im portant Events
W ashington, D. C.—On account
P resented In C ondensed Form
any o th er p a rt of the world. The re-1 o f the d anger of a serious forest fire
f o r O u r Busy R eaders.
suits indicate th a t preference for for- j >n Oregon, the season having been
• __ i....................... i vt ___
__l- L ___.. . » - „ I * n p n articu
r t i p n l larly
nrlv H
r u t the
h o f forest
o r o a t a service
p rvipp
hops and New York
hops are
largely prejudice and cannot be backed has added $20,000 to the appropri­
up w ith facts. The present “ rub and ation m ade this y ear to the sta te
T here have been 850 deaths in two
A lready
nose” method of judging hops has F orest F ire association.
daya from cholera in Turkey.
been found to be sadly in error, and the $25,000 appropraited early in
A $750,000 sm elting p lant a t Nel
the season and $20,000 given late r,
unreliable for d eterm ining accurately
son, B. C.. w as fired by an incendiary
have been used, as much outside
the real value of hops for commercial
and totally destroyed.
use. When the old prejudices and help has been necessary to keep
Women will be well represented on
faulty m ethods of judging are laid j down incipient fires.
the delegation to welcome President
aside, Pacific Coast hops will rank U f
differently and m uch h igher in the
T a ft to Olym pia, W ash.
m arkets of the world.
Albany — In a final effort to check
A p a rty o f n a tu ra lists retu rn in g
Professor T a rta r believes th a t one the fo rest fire on Seven-M ile m oun­
from A laska, rep o rt th a t codfish ton
o f the best things th a t can be done for tain. the governm ent fo rest service is
goes, fried like oysters, are a choice
the hop industry in this sta te is to em­ sending m ore men to the fire. In a
ploy standards for judging the product re p o rt to the forest service headquar­
S ta tistic s show t h a t ! th ere are many
upon a scientific basis.
The Oregon te rs here Forest R anger Stahlm an,
more small stockholders (in the large
hops are very rich in lupulin and b it­ who is in charge of the fight again st
corporations of the country than a few
te r principles, and th is should be rec­ this fire, said th at while the fire ia not
y ears ago.
ognized and its value considered in y e t under control he believes th a t it
the m ark e t price paid.
can be checked w ithin a dayj or two
T hirteen new steam ers have been
A m ovem ent for the adoption of and d esperate efforts will be m ade to
engaged for the Pacific Coast trade,
new standards for the valuation of hold it w ithin line of defense now es­
th ree of them to run from W ashington
hops already has been sta rte d in this
and Oregon ports.
Chicago — P resident M arkham , of country by the In ternational Hop tablished.
T h irty -th ree men in the governm ent
A rth u r Sifton, prem ier o f A lberta, the Illinois C entral, railroad, ended Prize exhibit, which will be held Oct. service are now fighting the fire near
is cam paigning for reciprocity, while the hope of an im m ediate se ttle m e n t 11 and 12 a t Chicago. A t th is exhib­ Elk Lake, on the w atershed betw een
his brother, e x -m inister o f the in of the labor difficulties of the road by it the hops will be judged for the first the Santiam ami Clackam as riv ers in
te rio r for Canada, is energetically op­ d irecting a le tte r to W. F. Kram er, tim e by a scientific standard.
This fire continues
secretary of the International Black­ tru th regarding real value of hops Marion county.
posing it.
sm ith 's union, refu sin g to m eet repre­ from the different localities will be to spread rapidy through an old burn
and the firefighters are not a tte m p tin g
Six m iners w ere killed a t Butte, sen tativ es of the F ederated Shop Em ­
to check it there, but are establishing
Mont., by some long d rills on the ployes.
cage on which the men w ere rid in g
The le tte r from the rep resen tativ es all m eans p a rtic ip a te in th is exhibit, lines to prevent it g e ttin g into green
tim ber.
becoming-loose and c atch ’ng on the o f the nine international unions in­
E xpress S afes Blown But P a ssen g e rs
and thus aid in show ing the superior
The fire along the N orth Santiam
tim bers of the shaft.
volved, to which Mr. M arkham ’s com­ quality of Pacific C oast hops,” said
Not M olested.
G ereral Reyes, candidate for the m unication was a reply, was consid­ Professor T arta r.
r.— F ive heavily arm ed
on the north side of the river. Though
presidency of Mexico in opposition to ered by the labor men to be in the
it is still burning over a wide area it and thickly m asked men held up the
G eneral Madero, was stoned and n a tu re of an ultim atm .
is not spreading m aterially. On the C alifornia express. Southern Pacific
robbed in the principal s tre e t of Mexi­
south side of the riv e r the fire has
co C ity w hile try in g to address
tra in No. 15, on a siding a t Gibson,
M edford G row ers Plan to Build S to r­ developed to dangerous proportions Cal., w hile it w as w aiting to le t the
crowd o f his constituents.
and is still running rapidly.
a g e Plant.
W hile boating on the W illam ette M ost 'Beautiful H alf-B reed Girl in
S hasta L im ited pass a t 9:50 o'clock
Alaska Killed.
Medford—T h irty -th ree cars of B a rt­
riv er near Portland Mrs. J. C. A ustin
S aturday night.
The robbers looted
lost a diam ond rin g in about 15 feet
Juneau, A laska—Seven lives lost, le tt pears have been shipped from the
the strong box in the express car and
o f w ater. N e x t m orning her husband 14 persons injured, two of whom are valley since the season opened, two Game W arden Finley M akes T o u r ot
escaped w ith the booty. A brakem an
recovered the rin g [by dipping w ith a not expected to live, and the Juneau weeks ago, and the fru it is going out
Curry County.
on the tra in saw five men leap into an
bucket a t the end of a long pole.
hotel and the McGrath building in a t the ra te o f five cars a day. The
P o rt O rford— W illiam L. Finley, autom obile, which headed for Duns-
f ru it is m aturing rapidly under favor­
Officers of fre ig h t and passenger ashes are the result of a fire which
able clim atic conditions, and the sta te gam e warden, passed a day in m uir. This is believed to increase
steam ers of the Pacific Coast protest sta rte d in the hotel late Monday night
P o rt O rford w ith Governor W est’s the chance o f cap tu rin g the robbers.
a g ain st the tow ing o f huge log ra fts and was subdued only a fte r the Doug­ Howell pears are now being harvested. party. H is address here was in the
The Howells are exceptionally fine this
The express m essengers w ere e a t­
a t sea, saying th a t th ree o f these las fire departm ent had sent men and
in te rest o f the preservation of gam e ing th e ir supper and the side doors of
ra fts are now a d rift in the course of engines to a ssist the local fire fighters. year, and are expected to bring good in this section.
Mr. F inley pointed the express car w ere open.
As the
coasting vessels and likely to cause Six bodies have been recovered from prices.
All the fru it th a t has been shipped out th a t the preservation of C urry tra in w aited, three robbers craw led up
the ruins and five m ore are believed
serious wrecks.
so fa r is being held in Chicago a w a it­ county's gam e would m ean a large from the brush by the siding, covered
to be buried in the debris.
Francisco I. Madero has been regu­
Will Morrison, who was a native of ing the clearing o f the m ark et of financial profit to the com m unity. He the m essengers w ith th e ir guns, and
car, ordering
larly nom inated fo r
president of W isconsin, and who came to Juneau cheap fru it. The local association is cited the S ta te of M aine as an ex­ scram bled into the
from Portland, was killed when he g re atly in need of a cold storage plant ample, a s ta te which receives an in­ “ hands u p .”
The express m essengers w ere told
jum ped from the third story.
Selina here, and ten ta tiv e plans are being come running into m illions annually
A g lacier on the side of Mt. Adams Dowling, who is known to have per­ made for the erection of a $100,000 from the hunters of Roston, New York to stand w ith th e ir faces to the wall,
took a slide of 50 fe e t in about 6 ished, was reputed to be the m ost p lan t next season.
and o th er nearby cities.
and the robbers then blew both safes
m inutes.
As C urry county probably has more in the express car, rifled them and es­
W ith such a p lant in Medford, local
beautiful half-breed maiden in A laska.
General G rant declares th a t soldiers She was recently acquitted of a charge grow ers will be able to hold th e ir gam e th an any other county on the caped, accompanied by two o th er rob­
fru it for the prices they w ant, instead coast, if i t is properly protected, it bers who had been riding on the roof
com pare well w ith o th er w alks o f life of m urdering her m other.
The loss is estim ated a t $50,000, o f having to ship them to commission will be a perm anent source of reve­ of the car. No one was h u rt.
for sobriety.
nue. Mr. Finley has been in v e stig a t­ value of the robbers’ booty w as not
w ith no insurance. The hotel, a large houses from the trees.
P rem ier S ifton, a t L ethbridge, Al
three-story stru c tu re , was crowded
b e rta , declared reciprocity would help
counties, from ffkndon to Gold Beach,
and the e n tire building was ablaze be­
both nations.
fore the alarm was given. The flames
m aking arrangem ents for
se ttin g
The pain tin g of “ Mona L is a ,” stol­ spread rapidly and soon destroyed the
en from the Louvre in P aris, is be­ M cGrath building, which adjoined the
He found a grow ing sentim ent in C oup M ore .Than H alf C entury Ago
its in New Industry.
lieved to be in the possession o f an hotel.
Put F uture M agnate on T op.
of gam e protection, and is g e t­
A m erican connoiseur en route to New
Bay C ity — Tillam ook county is tin g the co-operation o f the forest
Cleveland, O.—T h at John D. Rocke­
aw akening to the possibilities th a t lie rangers here.
He also arranged for
An educated Fskim o v isitin g in Se­ Falls U nder M achine, Engine S ets in a developm ent o f its ag ricultural appointing several resident w ardens feller displaying the sam e cunning in
his boyhood days th a t has m ade him
a ttle, a fte r looking a t price m arks on
to advise and work w ith the people
Fire to W reck.
acre of land, if used for the feeding of for the b e tte r protection of the game. the richest man in A m erica, won a
w om en's clothing in the dry goods
Huelva, Spain.— M. Le J a rris tie r, a d airy stock, will only produce a return
window, decided he did not w ant
hickory-nut fight betw een schoolboys
French aviator, w hile flying here, fell o f about $75, but th a t if the same
w h ite w ife.
years ago is shown by an old new spa­
A Germ an im m igrant girl who was
per discovered by A. L. Bartholomew,
income to be
refused a landing a t New York slashed exploded, se ttin g tire to the aeroplane. and vegetables, the
derived will be in the neighborhood of M ore Apply Than Are Needed for president of the F irs t N ational bank
her arm badly w ith a sharp knife The av iato r was incinerated.
a t Preston, Ia.
W ork S tartin g .
A fte r circling o u t over the ocean, $600 or $700, or, in o th er words, from
which she carried, declaring she would
The fight, w hich occurred more than
the av iato r returned and wheeled in e ig h t to nine tim es g re ater.
Portland -Hop grow ers say they
ra th e r die than be deported.
front of the gaily bedecked stands
Mohler, the new tow nsite on the have never known a tim e, when pick­ half a century ago, was betw een the
when one w ing of his m achine was Pacific Railroad & N avigation com­ ers w ere so plentiful.
Some o f the boys of Prospect school and Cleveland
High school.
W hile his comrades
seen to snap and the car turned over pany line; the Com mercial club of
W heat — T rack p rices: Bluestem , and over as it was hurled to the e arth . Nehalem, ju s t in the process of form ­ larg e r grow ers, who opened em ploy­ w ere w aging the fight w ith all th eir
83«i 84c; cluh, 79c; red Russian, 77c; The engine of the m achine pinned Le a tio n ; the Commercial club of Bay m ent offices in th is city, have been bru te stren g th , [Rockefeller, a Pros­
tu rn in g away pickers for several days.
valley, 79c.
pect boy, shrew dly m ade a reconnoi-
J a rris tie r down and the flames charred City, and the D evelopm ent league of
M illstuffs — Bran, $24.50///25 per his body before rescuers could ap­ Tillam ook, have joined for the ad­ One W ashington county grow er had te rin g trip and captured a load o f am ­
his list made up la st Friday. N early
to n ; m iddlings, $32; shorts, $25,500/: proach the w reck.
vancem ent o f this new line o f develop­ every yard now has its quota o f h a r­ m unition from the H igh school boys.
26; rolled barley, $320/ 33.
For h a lf an hour the birdm an had m ent.
vest hand engaged. The sm aller grow ­ This coup turned the tid e of b attle.
Corn— Whole, $33; cracked, $34 ton. thrilled the spectators
by daring
ers in the more d ista n t sections are O ther boys lined up w ith the Prospects
B arley—New Feed, $310032 per ton, glides and " to w e rs .”
T hree weeks
likew ise having no difficulty in g e t­ who have since become fam ous were
brew ing, $360/37.
ago he m arried a /laughter of one of
tin g the help they need, according to W illiam McKinley, Thomas A. Edi­
O ats New w hite, $250/26 ton.
son, Mark H anna and Calvin Brice.
the w ealthy m erchants of Huelva. His
nagers o f S ta te Fair S ecure Noted word brought to th is city.
lla y —No. 1 E astern Oregon tim ­ hride saw the accident and was borne
It is rem arked th a t the m ajo rity of M ark H anna was com m ander in chief
Prim a Donna.
othy, $150/16; No. 1 valley, $14; from the field in a critical condition.
the pickers th is y e ar a re new arriv als of the Prospects.
alfa lfa , $12; clover, $8.50; g ra in hay,
Salem — Madam M arie Begue, who in this section.
They know nothing
was form erly a m em ber of the M etro­ o f picking hops and few o f them know
Em ployers Are Liable.
T uberculosis W ar Begun.
Poultry—Hens, 15(///:16c; springs,
San Francisco— The em ployers’ lia ­
Sacram ento, C al.—The sta te board politan Grand O pera company of New w hat hops are like.
15/// 15(c; ducks, young, 15 00 16c;
of health has made its prelim inary step
The usual a ttrac tio n s are being pro­ b ility law, enacted by the la st legis­
geese. H e ; turkeys, 18(o.'19c.
S ta te F a ir during the week it is in vided for the pickers a t the big yards latu re and designed for the re lie f of
B u t t e r — Oregon cream ery, solid in the investigation of tuberculosis in progress, Septem ber 11 to 16.
the sta te by appointing an executive
th is season. A t th e K rebs yard near injured employes, w ent into effect
pack, 31c; prin ts, ex tra.
is the first tim e th a t a prim a donna
Sept. 1. H eretofore the law lim ited
E ggs—Freah Oregon ranch, candled, board of five m em bers who will direct has ever appeared a t a s ta te fair, and Independence, w here the la rg e st num ­ the lia b ility of em ployers to such cases
the work of the proposed tuberculosis
ber will congregate, the offer is re ­
26c per dozen.
The m em bers are to
newed of a free m arriag e license, m in­ of in ju ry as w ere caused by the fa u lt
Pork— Fancy, 1 0 (0 /11c.
serve w ithout salary, but there will the organization w hich has an even iste r s fee, etc., for every couple th a t of the em ployer or agent, allowing
Veal— Fancy, 13(0/14(c.
contributory negligence on the p a rt of
Fresh F ru its— C antaloupes, $10/1.75 be a fund of about $4,000 a t th e ir dis­ W ith the prim a donna, who sings con­ will be m arried on the farm . K rebs the workm an to be charged in the de­
per c ra te ; peaches, 40c(/z$1 per box; posal to carry on th e ir investigations. tralto , is her husband, Sig. Bernard also agrees to donate $50 to each fense. The new law abolishes the “ fel­
w aterm elons, l j c per pound; plums, The board of health also will name an Begue, a baritone o f ra re voice and couple o t s ta r t them out in life.
low se rv a n t” and “ contributory n egli­
$1 per c ra te ; prunes, $1 per box; new advisory board of about 40 persons g re a t dram atic intensity.
The couple
gence” defense and holds the em ployer
Many A m usem ents for Fair.
apples, $1///2.25 per box; b lackber­ from different sections o f the sta te , will be accompanied by the g re a t Fer-
Salem —“ The Jo y S tre e t” a t the liable for any in ju ry to employes.
ries, $1.50/1/ 1.76; pears, $1.250/1.50 who will a ssist in the crusade.
rullo Band, which has become famous
Oregon S ta te F a ir will be occupied
per box; casabas, $2.25ft/,2.50 per dox;
in the Pacific N orthw est.
Boy Seasoned T raveler.
H ounds Fail on Scent.
from Septem ber 11 to S eptem ber 16
grapes, $10/1.50 per box.
Lu» Angeles— "S om e tra v e le r," said
Redding, C al.— Bloodhounds taken
by the aggregation of m irth-provoking
V egetables — Beans, 50/10 c ; cab­
New Road C o n trac ts to Be Let Socn shows under the P a rk e r m anagem ent. the clerks o f the A lexandria, w hen W.
bages, $2 per hundred; corn, 25/// 30c to the scene o f the robbery of the O re­
Marshfield—C. J . M illis, form erly Included in the ro ste r o f the org an iza­ A. Raymond, a 12-year-old boy from
per dozen; cucum bers, $10/1.25 per gon express n e ar Lam oine, failed to
sack ; eggplant, 50/8c per pound; g a r­ pick up the scent o f the robbers. m anager of the Marshfield in te rests of tion are the " B e lls ,” the " J u n g le ,” Portalnd, O r., registered, ordered a
lic, 100/12c; lettuce, 30///35c per d o z ; The scene o f the robbery had been the Southern Pacific, and recently en­ and the “ W hirlw ind R ussian Dan­
hothouse lettuce, $1,250/1.75 per box; tram pled over by hundreds before the gaged in work for Vice P resident Cal­ c e rs,” who have se t the N orthest ta lk ­ fine room w ith a bath, and acted as
peppers, 8/// 10c per pound; radishes, arrival of the dogs and the ground is vin in Nevada and C alifornia, has a r­ ing of th e ir grace, endurance and a rt. nonchalently as a drum m er of many
12(c per dozen; tom atoes, 90c0t$1.25 so hard and stony th a t no footprints rived in th is city for a business visit. The dancers are in n a tiv e costum e and sum m ers. Young Raymond is the son
per box; new carrots, $1.75 per sack; could be discerned. The theory th a t He has announced th a t the Southern not long from the dom ain o f the Czar, o f a grain dealer, of P ortland, who is
the robbers escaped in an autom obile Pacific e x p erts to be able to let con and all of them have appeared a t the a t present in San Diego, and it is to
turnips, $1.25; beets, $1.75.
m eet his fa th e r th a t he is trav elin g
Potatoes — Oregon, l ( c per pound; has been discarded and Sheriff Mont­ tra c ts for the line from Eugene to Moscow court productions.
alone. Before com ing here he w ent
gomery and all but a few o f the ra il­ Coos Bay. probably 'n ex t month, and
sw eet potatoes, 3c per pound.
to C atalina and for two w eeks enjoyed
Van Dyke L oses M ore Salary.
Onions—C alifornia, $1.60 per cwt. road and express company detectives th a t if this is done the work will be
pushed throughout the w inter.
C hief
Hops — 1911 contracts, nom inal; have abandoned the chase.
Salem — Discovery by the attorney- a v isit to the islands.
E ngineer Hood, is expected here soon g en eral's office th a t the oath taken by
1910 crop, nom inal; 1909 crop, 27c;
to look over the proposed route
T o rreo n Still Restive.
Pool S tock is D estroyed.
olds, 17c.
Edward S. Van Dyke, as deputy dis­
W ashington, D. C . —Torreon is now
tric t attorney, w as sw orn in May 25,
Wool — E astern Oregon, 9 ///16c;
Vinson, O kla.—C heering and sin g ­
C lackam as H ogs Have C holera.
but not filed w ith the county clerk u n ­ the only place in Mexico w here condi­
valley, 5<//17c; m ohair, choice, 36 01 ing hymns, the
m em bers of the
Oregon C ity — Hog cholera in a viru ­ til A ugust 25. changes the sta tu s of tions are u n satisfactory, according to
37 Jc.
C hristian church here
applied the
C a ttle E x tra choice ste ers,. $5.50 torch to the fu rn itu re and fixtures of len t form has made its appearance in th a t officer’s salary in the F irst dis­ advices received by the S ta te d e p a rt­
Dr. H. M. Thomas, a tric t and the conclusion o f the a tto r­ m ent.
I t was here th a t the g re a t
tz/5.75; good, 5.26///5.60; choice cows, the only town pool hall a fte r these a r­ th is county.
$ 4.50//4.76; good, $4.25/// 4.50; good, ticles had been piled in the m ain v e te rin a rian o f G ladstone, found th a t ney-general has been changed so th a t Chinese m assacre occurred in the revo­
average 1050 pounds, $4///4.25; com­ stre e t and sa tu rated w ith oil. Instead 11 hogs on one farm had the disease. Van Dyke will be precluded from col- lution, and local a g ita to rs still appear
mon, $2.75///3; choice heifers, $4.90 of try in g to close up the resort, the He notified S ta te V eterinarian L ytle iecting his salary prior to A ugust 25, imbued w ith an anti-foreign disposi­
tion. W ith the com ing of d istu rb ­
6 /5 ; choice hulls, $3.50///,3.76; choice church people bought it. Im m ediately and the la tte r had the hogs quaran- under the law passed last year,
ances in o th er p a rts of the republic,
calves, 200 pounds and under, $7.25/// a fte r the conflagration the town coun­ tined. Dr. L ytle does not think there
it is believed th a t the governm ent will
Salm on Q uotations Advance.
7.35; gz/od, $5.50///6; common. $4///5; cil m et an/l passed an ordinance for­ is any danger of the disease spreading,
T his ia the first tim e the disease has
choice stags, $4.50///4.75; good, $4.25 bidding pool halls in the city lim its.
A storia—The selling prices for the soon quell disturbances there.
appeared in th is county, and Dr. L ytle A laska canned salmon w ere announced
Depth o f Hail Six Feat.
says it will soon be eradicated.
J here a t the follow ing prices: Reds.
Hogs E x tra choice light, $8.25///
Electric Lines M erged.
8.35; choice heavy, $7f/i:7.26; heavy
Cheyenne, Wyo. Horse Creek re­
$1.60; medium. $1.45; pink, $1.
Sacram ento — The Pacific E lectric
rough, $6.25//i6.50.
B eef P rices P ric es Are High.
This is an advance o f $1 a case for R ailw ay company, o f I>os Angeles,
ports a storm which left hail four feet
Choice yearlings, w ethers. deep over a wide area of country. A t
P rineville— Heavy m ovem ent o f cat- reds over the prices p revailing last capitalized a t $100,000,000, filed a r ti­
$3.25/// 3.50; choice two and threes. the foot of Round‘ Top m ountain it is tie through Prineville was the fe atu re year. The ra te s fo r pinks w ere made cles of incorporation w ith the secre­
$3///3.15; choice m ountain
lambs. said to be six feet deep.
Crops are o f the week in the local stock m arket, lower than was expected, but this is ta ry o f s ta te here.
A filing fee of
$4.50///4.80; choice valley lambs, $4 destroyed for a radius of 20 m iles and More than $100,000 w orth o f beef on accounted for by the big run o f hump- m ore than $10,000 was paid. The new
6 /4 .1 5 ; choice k illing ewes, $2.25oi stock killed by the scores, while the the hoof was sold here in .one lot la st backs th a t is reported on Puget concern com prises e ig h t electric ra il­
dam age from the wind is enormous.
i Sound.
w ays ra d ia tin g from Los Angeles.
Draws Center of Population 39
Miles in Past Ten Years.
Rapid Settlem ent o t W est O verbal­
ances Increase o f E a st—F irst
Calculation E rro r.
W ashngton, D. C.—The c en ter of
population o f the U nited S ta te s is an
nounced by D irector o f the Census
Durand to be in the w estern p a rt of
Bloomington, Monroe county, Indiana.
This is e ig h t m iles w est of the loca
tion announced Ju ly 17, when D irector
Durand placed it four and a q u a rte r
m iles south of Unionville, in the same
Ten y ears ago the cen ter o f popula­
tion was six m iles southeast o f Colum­
bus, Ind., 39 m iles east of its new lo­
The change in the cen ter o f popula­
tion since Ju ly 17 is due to the discov
ery of an e rro r m ade in the census
office. Two clerks worked separately
in com puting the geographical point,
but both m ade the sam e error, and the
wrong re su lt was published as the
census office’s determ ination of the
The m ovem ent of the center of pop­
ulation 39 m iles w estw ard is due to
the increase o f population on the Pa­
cific CoasL
“ The g re a t increase in the popula
tion of New York, Pennsylvania and
center sta te s north of th^ th irty -n in th
parallel has balanced the increase in
Texas, Oklahoma. Indian T errito ry
and Southern C a lifo rn ia,” said D i­
rector Durand.
“ The g re a te r advance tow ard the
W est is to a large e x te n t due to the
increase in population of the Pacific
Coast sta te s, th e ir distance from the
cen ter giving them m uih g re a te r
w eight than the populous sta te s east
of the center.
“ For instance, San Francisco, P o rt­
land, S e a ttle and Sacram ento, w ith a
population o f 906,016, have as g re at
an influence on the center o f popula­
tion as Philadelphia, Boston and Bal
tim ore w ith a population of 2,778,-
M assachusetts Syndicate to Develop
Kootenai Falls, M ontana.
Spokane— Six m illion dollars is to
be expended by a M assachusetts syn
dicate in deveolping 80,000 horse
power electrical energy a t Kootenai
Falls, M ont., for d istrib u tio n in w est­
ern M ontana, northern Idaho and
northeasten W ashington, according to
J. A. Coran o f Boston, who is in
Spokane w ith his son, C hester D.
Coran, and Chandler M. Wood, counsel
for the corporation. The p lant will
be located a t a point about seven
m iles e ast o f Troy, Idaho, and 11
m iles w est o f Libby, M ont., the mile
pipe line from the Kootenai riv er di­
v e rtin g 6000 cubic second fe e t a t 150
feet head. Mr. Coran estim ated th a t
two years will be required to com plete
the works, adding th a t it is planned to
deliver power to the m ining cam ps in
Idaho, M ontana and W ashington and
factories in Spokane and o th er cities
a t less cost than the presen t schedule.
The principal power transm ission lines
will be as follow s:
K alispell, Mont.,
100 m iles; Spokane, 90 m iles; W al­
lace, Idaho, 60 m iles;
Idaho, 38 m iles; and Republic, W ash.,
the new gold cam p, 140 miles.
Boy Dias By Coal Dam p,
S e a ttle — W hile picking backberries
near N ew castle, 30 m iles from S eat­
tle, V ictor Newm an, aged 9, was over­
come w ith coal dam p and fell, s trik ­
ing his head on a pile o f rocks and
dying alm ost in stantly. The boy le ft
the house early in the m orning and
w ith his pail w ent into the vicinity of
Coal creek looking for blackberries.
Going n ear a cave leading to an aban­
doned m ine, he was stre tc h in g over
the cliff above the cave when he was
overcome w ith the gas and fell to the
bottom , 50 fe e t below.
T h ree at Kiel T hought Spies.
K iel—Two Engishm en and a Dane,
who for several days have been cruis­
ing in the neighborhood of Kiel, were
a rrested by the harbor police on the
suspicion o f spying. The suspects de­
clared th e ir innocence and a fte r un­
dergoing a searching exam ination a t
the hands o f the auth o rities, w ere re ­
The E nglishm en said they
were a professor and a teach er of a
high school, one o f them also being
comm ander o f a company o f boy scouts.
Republic S e e s T rouble.
P anam a— Advices from Colombia
report th a t the arm y in th a t republic
had been increaseo 30,000 men on
account of the difficulties a risin g w ith
Peru. I t is rum ored th a t a secret de­
fensive and offensive alliance has been
signed w ith Chile.
Pacific D ispenses With
Much E xtra Help.
San Francisco— W hen the Southern
Pacific offices closed for the day Au­
gu st 31, several hundred employes sev­
ered th e ir connections w ith the com­
pany. The retrenchm ent order, re ­
cently made, affetta all d epartm ents
except the o perating departm ent.
The biggest cut to be m ade is in the
num ber o f tra in auditors employed on
the Pacific system .
Seventy-live per
cent of these have been dism issed, and
fully 150 auditors will cease tak in g
tick ets on the train s leaving th is city.
For m any years tic k e t collecting
was le ft to conductors, but the ra il­
road decided th a t they should give
th e ir e n tire a tten tio n to o perating
trains. A large force o f auditors was
employed and they supplanted the con­
ductors insofar as dealing directly
w ith passengers was concerned.
When the necessity for economy
was felt, however, the railroad com­
pany decided th a t auditors w ere some­
thing o f a luxury and so they w ere
cut off, as are several persons w ork­
ing in the
d epartm ent.
Railroad officials contend th a t b u si­
ness is not so rushing th a t it requires
a large force to keep trapk of its in­
come. T here will be no reduction of
train crews or equipm ent for the pres­
“ T ru st” N on-Existent; S to ck to Be
D istributed.
New Y ork—The Standard Oil com­
pany of New Jersey , p a ren t o f all the
S tandard Oil companies, has ceased to
e x ist as the holding company o f the
vast in te rests th a t in the p ast it has
m anaged as a tru st. The books closed
A ugust 31, and the stock in the subsid­
iary com panies will be distrib u ted
among the stockholders pro ra ta . It
will take a t leaBt th ree m onths to per­
form the clerical work of distrib u tio n .
S tandard Oil was traded in a the last
day a t about $625 a share, transactions
being re stric te d to cash dealings. A
bid o f $310 a share for Standard Oil
“ ex-su b sid iaries,” or w ithout rig h ts
to particip atio n in the d istrib u tio n of
subsidiaries, was made by a v enture­
some tra d e r on the “ c u rb ,” b u t as no
in tellig en t appraisal can y e t be made
of the w orth of the stock when d iv est­
ed o f its outside holdings, the offer
was not accepted.
B everly— So fa r have plans for
P resident T a f t’s W estern trip ad­
vanced th a t L. C. W heeler, the ad­
vance guard of the secret service, will
s ta rt o u t n e x t week to m ake p rep ara­
tions for the p resid en ts’s appearance.
Mr. W heeler will v isit all towns and
cities w here the president is to stop,
m ake arrangem ents for the m eetings
and dinners in which the president
will figure, and see th a t the police are
ready to guard th e chief executive.
S ta n d ard Surplus Exem pt.
New Y ork— An official o f the S tand­
ard Oil company said reg ard in g the
dissolution o f the company under the
m andate of the Suprem e court th a t
only the Btock o f the 33 companies
affected by the c o u rt’s decision will be
distrib u ted to the stockholders. He
said th a t the large surplus th a t has
stood to the credit of the S tandard Oil
company o f New Je rse y would not
have to be divided among these com­
panies, because the surplus had never
been collected by the p aren t com­
C ase D iagnosed a s D iphtheria Proves
M ortal.
Logansport, Ind.-—W hile the par­
ents, who had diagnosed the case as
d iphtheria, adm inistered anti-toxin,
pending the arriv al o f physicians,
Dorothy Vickers, 6 years old, died
from strangulation, which proved to
have been caused by a w aterm elon
The little girl attended a children’s
p a rty a t a neighbor’s
house, and
among o th er refreshm ents w aterm el­
ons w ere served. W hen th e little girl
returned home she com plained of a
soreness in her th ro at.
H er m other
m ade an exam ination and the inflamed
condition o f the child's th ro a t led the
m other to believe th a t she had con­
tracted a heavy cold.
The child was very ill next m orning
and physicians w ere hurriedly sum­
moned, and pending th e ir a rriv a l a n ti­
toxin w as ordered from a drugstore
and adm inistered.
A post m ortem
exam ination was held land it was
found th a t a sm all w aterm elon seed
had lodged in the child’s th ro a t and
had Blowly strangled her to death.
Fire is Beyond C ontrol.
G rass Valley, Cal. — F ire which
sta rte d on a P lacer county ranch four
m iles from Auburn, is now beyond
control. Fanned by high w inds, it
has jum ped the Bear riv e r and sw ept
into Nevada county, th rea te n in g brid­
ges, destroying tim b er
belts and
sw eeping hom esteads from the clear­
Millions o f fe e t o f pine and m any
farm s a re in its path.
The fire is
thought to have sta rte d from an aban­
doned cam p fire.
V essel B urns. C rew G one.
New Y ork— W ireless rep o rts re­
ceived here F riday from the steam er
Oklahoma, bound from New York to
P o rt A rthur, T ex., tell o f the burning
of an unidentified schooner a t sea.
Only th e m izzenm ast o f th e schooner
was standing when the Oklahom a
passed her 15 m iles southeast .o f Fry-
ingpan shoals.
The Oklahoma trie d vainly to m ake
out the nam e of the vessel and search­
ed the rough seas in the v icin ity in an
equally vain endeavor to locate the
Tunaful Foghorns N ear,
San Francisco — The tim e when a
ship will be welcomed 12 m iles a t sea
by the hooting of national airs, popu­
lar tunes and phonographic records
bellowed from g ig an tic foghorns seems
not fa r d istan t.
Pleased w ith the
harm onious tooting o f electric auto­
mobile horns. L ie u ten a n t Com mander
M offett, lighthouse inspector, has
made inquiry as to the possibility of
m aking a like horn for lighthouse ser­
vice. He learns th a t one can be m ade
which will be heard a t th e Farallone
islands, 23 m iles ouL
W oman C u re s Snakebite.
P ierre, S. D .—W hen M yrtle Olson,
a 9-year-old girl, was b itte n by a
ra ttlesn ak e her m other, a fte r ty in g a
lig a tu re about the wound, slashed
w ith a table knife the place w here the
fangs had entered and washed o u t the
cut w ith kerosene. L a te r she covered
the wound w ith salt, then w aited for a
physician. As a result o f th is tr e a t­
m ent there was little sw elling from
the bite, and the child w as w alking
about next day.
F rance Feels S u sp en se.
P aris— France rem ains in a sta te o f
suspense over the outcom e of the ne­
gotiations betw een F rance and G er­
| m any relativ e to Morocco.
W hile in
official circles the a ttitu d e is m ain­
tained th a t the negotiations to be re ­
sumed shortly will lead to a s a tis fa c ­
tory settlem ent, th ere is a certain
anxiety among the people because of
the possibility o f a rupture.