\ NO. i ok VOL. 4 E ST A C A D A . OREGON, T í ITRSDAY. S E P T E M B E R 7. ig n . LO CAL N EW S AND PER SO N A L MENTION LCK'AL N EW S AND PERSO N A MENTION It will pay you to ask McCurdy. ESTACADA STATE BANK CAPITAL • $ 25,000 W. D. Jellison, President Thos. Yocum, Vice President Cashier L. E. Belfils DIRECTORS: John Zobrist Thos. Yocum L. E. Belfils A. C. Jellison W. D. Jellison We issue Travelers Checks payable in any part 01 the World. 4-W H $1 A Y E A R ! Old Settler Dies !n Portland Hospital It will pay you t > ask McCurdy. Window screens made to order. Master Victor Adix has been a Another of the old settlers of ■ M.iiniiu & Darling, planing mill. Portland visitor the past week. this s. ction has been relieved, b\ Hot) Fields, of Amity, was cir The concert which was to have th>- death of M L Bi idenstine. I dilating among his Estacada been given by the boys of Mrs, which occured at St. Vincents D core’s Sunday school class on , t>.>pital on Friday evening Septem- friends last week. school bouse has 1 bt‘r Ist -^r- Bridenstine was a Jerome Schultz of Our field, left bri.lay at Miff r-r from diahetis and recently on Tuesday for a week’ s visit to his been postponed to Friday Septtm- gangrene had set in. About ten l>er 131 h. I former home in Payette, Idaho. days ago one limb was amputated It will pay you to ask McCurdy. Mrs. C W. Winner and three m the hope of prolonging it is life. Mr. and Mis F„ Block lev left tor children returned Sunday evening He was born in the state of Ohio from The Dalles, after a weeks Portland on Tut «.day where they December 30, 1843. was married will go to housekeeping Mr. to Sarah E Long who died in April visit in that city. Biockley endeavored to rent a 1909 while living iu Estacada. It will pay you to ask McCurdy. house here, but was unable to do Mr. Bridenstine had lived in the Wilhur Simmons, of Portland, so They had been living at The siates of Ohio, Iowa, and Missonii came out to Estacada Monday Estacada. from the last named stale he catne night and is around greeting old j Luther Henthorn returned on , to Ortgon tweutv-six years ago. friends. Satuiday fiotu a three weeks trip I He was attended in his late illness Misses Maude and Mary Boyd, of of sghtseeing He said be had by Drs. Strickland and Coffee South Bead. Wash , neices of Mrs. He is survived by the following beard so much of the Allterta E. S. Shankland, were visitors litre c mntry that lie ws". anxious to see children, allot whom were present j this week. it. Most of his nts time was spent at the funeral except the daughter W111 Robeson, of Stevenson, tlieie. He also \isitid with his I viua in British Columbia, C. W Wash., was elected janitor at ti e s'ster at Northport, Wash He Bridenstine, Battle Ground, vV’ asii.; Estacada school for the comiti comes back thinking more of his I). N. Bridenstine, Damascus, Ore ; term. He says a daughter living in British Colum­ ' home counti > than ver. bia wlioes name we were unable to An 8-foot concrete walk is being | >t is the best country lie suw. learn; Mrs. Lettie Warnock , Oiegon and I again t ike this opportunity laid on the south side of the now It will pay you to ask McCurdy. City, and Mrs. Lula Minor, Beater- for thanking vour Department. occupied school building A. It The mystery of the disappearance ton, Ore. The body was biought If not taking too much lilierty, Spatks is doing tile work. of C W Jones of Portland, who to Estacada by W. D. Henthorn, we wish to present your Depart­ Miss Lulu Congdon a former said be tvas coming to Estacada who took charge of it and hrought it ment with 250 feet of hose * * student in the Estacada school, has fishing and from that time dropped j Respectfully yours, PROPRIETOR rom 1 he hospital. Interment was been elected teacher at the Garfield out of sight, has been pa t l.y ; ma(Je at Good rigs and care (ill drivers always R . M. T o w n se n d Mt Zion Cemetery ou school for the com i,.g tetm clea ed up by the receipt of certain SPECIAL ATTENTION Property Agent Sunday at 2 P. M. Rev. A. J Given Hunting and Flailing Partiea letters from him bv his family and It will pay you to ask McCurdy. Califf officiating. other friends which are said to be- Miss Maude Sturgeon, of the in his haud writing and post mark­ WOOD & LUA\BER Estacada Pharmacy, was a visitor ed Calgary, Albeit*. It is feared Ih; Livery, Feed & Sale STA BLE W. A. JONES aa r a a a a a a a B a a r a Why Not Be Perfectly Safe If when you buy, or loan, on real estate, you accept an ab­ stract issued by an abstracter without the equipment and proper facilities for the work, you are RISK ING YOUR IN V E ST M E N T and inviting loss and injury later on. Get a Merchantable Abstract irom a Re­ sponsible Company OUR A B S T R A C T S S T A N D T H E TEST Clackamas Title Company^ Established twenty years 509-511 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. PORTLAND, OREGON M e m b e rO re g o n A sso ciatio n o f T itle M e n M e m b e r A m e r ic a n A sso ciatio n o f T itle M e n School Starts Monday Pires Arc Extinguished September llth By Rain W e have several bargains in houses, lots, close in acreage, fine farms and a few tracts choice fruit land, which we would be pleased to show you. CHURCH SERVICES Crossed Mountains Sixty Years Ago Come in and look over our line of FURNITURE and see if we can’t please you. That’s what we are here for. We have some nice Matting Rugs 9 x 1 2 which we think will please you, both in price and quality. Some fine rockers that can’t be beaten. All kinds of Furniture in stock or in catalogue. Now is the time you want to go to putting up your fruit for the rainy weather. W e handle the ECO N O M Y JA R S They are the kind to save the fruit, easy to seal, once sealed they are there to keep. Yours for business ESTACADA FURNITURE CO. W. D. and L. M. Henthorn, Proprietors Railroad Thanks Boys For Work Important Real Estate Deal Transacted