DOINGS OFTHE WEEK Current Events of Interest Gathered From the World at Large. General Resume o f Im portant Events Presented In Condensed Form fo r O u r Busy Readers. Dr. Dudley A. S argent, of H arvard, says vacations do more harm than good to m ost people. Portland singers captured the first prize in the N orth Pacific Saenger- bund m eeting in Seattle. F ire on a pleasure boat in New York harbor gave the load of passen­ gers a good scare, but did little dam ­ age. T w enty more c ities have been des ignated as postal savings bank loca­ tions, am ong them being W alla W alla, Wash. Judge McGinn, a t Portland, holds th a t a m an can not be ex trad ited from Oregon for non-paym ent of alimony in another state. The Denver & Rio Grande railroad will have to pay a large sum for tim ­ ber taken illegally from governm ent land many years ago. A viator Atwood lost his bearings in the darkness while Hying from Lyons to A uburn, New York, and was forced to land to find out w here he was. S T A T E H O O D B IL L S IG N E D . GOVERNMENT PURE FOOD EXPERT WHO TESTIFIES IN HIS BEHALF BEFORE HOUSE INQUIRY BOARD. T A F T T O SEE T E S T S . Joint Resolution, H ow ever, Eliminates Recall o f Judges. Mine Rescue Exhibit W ill Be Feature In P ittsburg, W ashington, D. C.— P resident T a ft signed the jo in t resolution for the ad­ m ission as sta te s of the te rrito rie s of Arizona and New Mexico a t 3:08 o ’clock Monday afternoon. The resolution w ent to the president a fte r Vice P resident Sherm an had affixed his signature. Senator Penrose, R epresentative W eeks, of M assachusetts, and Barch- field, of Pennsylvania, the delegates of the two territo rie s, and a num ber of citizens from New Mexico and A ri­ zona, w itnessed the signing of the document by Mr. T aft. T here was but one resolution, so th a t the presi­ dent used three different pirns in order th a t some of the relic-hunters m ight be satisfied. When the resolution was laid on his desk, he looked up a t the crowd around him and said: “ Has anybody read th is ? " Nobody answ ered, and to m ake cer­ tain of it the president read the reso­ lution him self. “ Well, gentlem en, i t ’s d one,“ he said, as he put the last stroke on the parchm ent. The resolution signed by the presi­ dent provides th a t Arizona shall elim ­ inate the judiciary recall clause in its constitution. W ashington, D. C.— P resident T a ft will w itness a real coal m ine explosion a t P itts b u rg on O ctober 27, and will be able to w atch every m ovem ent of the rescue crew as it rushes to the aid of the entom bed tniners. I t will be a real m ine explosion, a l­ though specially staged on the P i t ts ­ burg ball park, w here a steel gallery w ith glass sides will be erected to enable the v isitors to w itness every fe atu re in th is dram atic portrayal of the cause of recent g re a t explosions from coal dust. Im m ediately follow ing the explos­ ion, m em bers of the rescue crew, in th e ir oxygen helm ets, will rush into the smoke-filled g allery and go through the work of rescue. Supposed victim s of the explosion will be brought out and given first aid to the injured trea tm e n t, now in use by the bureau of m ines. The explosions will be one of the m any in te restin g num bers prepared for the 16,000 m iners and operators expected to a tten d the g re a t national m ine sa fety dem onstration a t P itts ­ burg, O ctober 26 and 27, by the bu­ reau of m ines. The dem onstration, which is to teach sa fety in m ining, begins on the first day, and will show explosions of coal du st in the ex p erim en t gallery, and te sts of m ine safety lam ps. E x­ p e rt rescue team s from the principal coal m ines will give exhibitions in rescue work, and the m iners will pass in review before the president a fte r the exercises on O ctober 27. Old Santa Fe M akes M e rry , INDUSTRHL DEVELOPMENT OF THE STATE P E S T W O R S E T H A N F IR E . N E W R A IL L IN K S E E N . F o r . i t * S u ffer Millions o f D o lla r! by Articles Insect Onslaught. Medford— P resen tin g the fa ct th a t insects do m ore dam age in the fo rest than do fo rest fires, B. I. Shannon, secretary o f the Jackson county fire patrol association, secured the a ssist­ ance of the Medford Com mercial club in w orking for the establishm ent of a local field statio n here by the bureau of entom ology. "T h e re is m ore than four and one- half billion fe et of good comm ercial tim ber trib u ta ry to th is little valley of 30,000 acres, to say nothing of the imm ense acreage o f yellow pine on the e ast slopes of the C ascades," said Mr. Shannon. "B e sid es th a t am ount there is nearly 2,000,000,000 fe e t readily accessible in W est Josephine county and on the W est Siskiyous. " T h e dam age done by the insects alone, now, in the N ational fo rest is equal to the loss by fo rest fires, and in p riv ate holdings th is is also true. T here a re variatio n s of from 400 to 1,400 fe e t in elevation in th is d istric t and there is the w et, w arm clim ate of the w est slope co n trastin g w ith the cold, a rid conditions of the e ast slope, m aking the investigations cover a large field. An entom ological station here would m ean a saving of thousands and perhaps m illions of dollars in tim ­ ber destroyed in 'th e C ra te r N ational forest und p riv ate h o ld in g s." A re Filed fo r Line Dallas to To led o. F rcm Salem —■ A rticles of incorporation filed w ith the office o f the secretary of sta te indicate th a t there is a move on foot to construct a railroad line from Toledo, in Lincoln county, to D allas, in Polk county. In event th is railroad should be constructed it would give a new railroad line from Portland to N ew port by m aking connections. This would be so a t lea st when the Salem, Falls C ity & W estern, which operates from Blackrock to Salem, through D allas, com pletes its bridge across the W illam ette riv e r a t Salem. The new company is capitalized a t $1,000,000. The incorporators are C. R. Vrosno, Ed J . A very and John K enta. The road is to be called the Toledo & S iletz Railroad & N aviga­ tion company, and its principal place o f business will be a t Toledo. The company also desires to operate a Bys­ tem of boat lines on the Y aquina riv er, according to the articles. Should the new line become a re al­ ity, to u rists from Portland could come to Salem e ith e r on the Oregon E lectric or Southern Pacific, tra n sfe r to the Salem , Falls C ity & W estern to D al­ las. tra n s fe r to the new road a t Toledo and from th ere tak e the Corvallis & E astern to Yaquina. S anta Fe, N. M.— Im m ediately upon receipt of news th a t P resident T a ft had signed the statehood resolution, Miss M adeline Mills, d a ughter of Gov­ ernor Mills, hauled up on the capitol P H O N E W A R E N D IS L IK E L Y . staff a large flag w ith 48 stars. A m onster non-partisan statehood N A T IO N T E S T IN G A P P L E S . S ub scribers’ C om m ittee to Examine celebration took place a t nig h t in the U H . II. W . « I L E Ï . C om pany’s Books. public plaza, while the city w as lit up Governm ent E xperts T r y Keeping E n terprise— The com m ittee having D uring a te st of new electric fire w ith bonfires and a g re a t fire on the T O G O V IE W S N IA G A R A . T W O A V IA T O R S K IL L E D . L IV E R P O O L IN T E R R O R . Qualities o f Fruit. alarm s installed in the d ep artm ent of top of F o rt Marcy overlooking the charge of the fight against the recent justice, a t W ashington, the building city. Japanese A dm iral to M ake T rip Hood R iver— A fte r having spent advance in ra te s by the Home T ele­ One Plunges to Bottom o f Lake; Soldiers and Mobs Have Pitched Among the speakers w ere seven was em ptied in less than one m inute. T h ro ug h Canada. T hursday afternoon and F riday m orn­ phone company has secured permission O th e r Falls Into Pit. Battles in Streets, judges of the suprem e court, the gov­ ing ob tain in g d a ta on local storage from the d irectors of the Home com­ A man has been arrested a t The ernor and four ex-governors o f New N ia g ara Falls— As A dm iral Togo Chicago — Two aviators, W illiam Liverpool— A reign of te rro r ex ists conditions, B. B. Ram sey and H. J. pany to have a com m ittee appointed by Dalles, O r., who answ ers perfectly the Mexico. Rough R ider George W. R. Badger, of P ittsb u rg , and St. Croix here and troops are pouring into the m otored over the upper steel arch P ra tt, e x p erts from the pomological the subscribers exam ine the books o f description of the robber who held up A rm ijo presided. A special bridge he gazed intently a t the m isty offices of the U nited S ta te s d e p a rt­ the company and from th eir finding re ­ Johnstone, o f Chicago, both young city to p u t down disorder. the S hasta L im ited near D rain on guard has been detailed to protect the c a ta ra c t below before he closed his m ent o f agricu ltu re, le ft for W hite commend a reasonable and ju st ra te Ju n e 16. C O N V IC T S D IE A T W O R K . men, lost th e ir lives in the in te rn a ­ landing sta g e of the tran s-A tlan tic to be charged for the use of the phone He en­ Salmon, w here they will conduct the lines. Secretary of A g riculture Wilson tional aviation m eet here. steam ers which, it is asserted, the official to u r of the country. same work. was the last w itness in the investiga­ Construction o f Russian Railway Is C om m ittees from W allowa county Both accidents revealed the frailty rio te rs have planned to destroy by tered C anada unofficially and was re­ The experts, who have been in Cali- tion of Dr. W iley’s office, and declared Beset W ith Hardships. ceived by Japanese Consul General forna for the last few years w orking and Union county m et a t W allowa and of the m achines in which the aviators fire. he would ra th e r resign than go F ive prison vans escorted by 50 Nokom ura of O ttaw a. St. P e tersb u rg —The A m ur railw ay w ere gliding about the a ir with on system s o f re frig e ratio n for c itru s agreed to co-operate in the exam ina­ through another “ bureau row .“ tion of the books, and to work to­ soldiers who w ere carrying rio t p ris­ line is being constructed under diffi­ A fte r a re st here the adm iral will fru its, say th a t the governm ent is g eth er afterw ard . scarcely a pause. The com m ittee oners from the police court to W alth­ A hailstorm in A lberta, Canada, has culties of clim ate, of soil, and above planning to m ake extensive e x p eri­ continue to Vancouver, B. C., w here Badger,* a w ealthy young man, came am jail w ere attacked by 3,000 m em ­ practically destroyed about 1,000,000 all, of labor. Most of the workm en m ents in fru it storage and tra n sp o rta ­ was authorized to obtain e stim ates on he will re -e n ter the U nited S ta te s by are convicts. They appear to have to his death in a p it in the aviation bers of the roughest class in Vauxhall rail fo r a p riv ate v isit to S eattle, tion in th e N orthw est. bushels of w heat. They will the cost o f construction o f a new line The mob threw m issiles of given satisfactio n on the central and field. T here had been a flaw in one of stre et. v isit all o f the principal apple sec­ under the co-operative system , which W ash. He will em bark there for W. B. Bourne, a w ealthy resident w estern sections, but in o th er places the w ings of the propeller of the Bald­ every description and in defending inform ation will be used both as a Jap an . Before leaving A m erican te r ­ tions of the N orthw est betw een now basis in a rriv in g a t a settlem en t w ith o f San Francisco, has purchased a the sta te of things th a t ex ists and has win m achine he drove. them selves the hussars fired. and picking tim e and m ake a study of ritory the distinguished Japanese, who large e sta te in K illarney, Ireland. C entrifugal force broke the propel­ A t first blanks were used by the been w itnessed by ex-Speaker Gutch- the different soil conditions of every the Home company and for the con­ stru ctio n o f a new line if finally de­ ler and upset the delicate equilibrium soldiers, and then ball cartrid g es had been the g u est o f the U nited locality. koff is alm ost incredible. S ta te s fo r 17 days, sent a telegram to The Colorado Medical association cided on. A t Razlony, for exam ple, the work o f the m achine, and Badger dashed One m an was killed and m any persons A pples will be obtained from every S ecretary Knox expressing thanks for unanim ously endorsed the work of Dr. is directed by the Orloff prison board, 100 feet to the bottom of the pit. H is w ere severely wounded. The troops d istric t by the ex p erts and will be the cordial reception th a t the govern­ W iley as U. S. governm ent food ex­ which has no knowledge of the place neck was broken. then charged w ith drawn sabers and M E D F O R D T O S H O W PEARS. subjected to tests to ascertain th e ir pert. So d a rin g w ere m ent and the people had accorded him. keeping q ualities. Johnstone fell 500 fe et under his cleared the stre e t. or the people, and pins its fa ith to This season’s “ P ray be assured of my carrying C aught the rio te rs th a t one of them trie d to A new strik e order directs 100,000 d rastic m easures against the men. If engine and was drowned. home w ith me a vivid im pression of work, it is said, will m erely be pre­ A mual Exhibit Is Proposed by S outh­ skilled railroaders in England to quit a convict is disrespectful the officer in under the heavy engine in the Mois- unhorse an officer, who was obliged to the kind and friendly feelings which lim inary. The experim ents next y ear ern O regon City. use his revolver, wounding the man sa n t monoplane, he was carried deep command sim ply em pties his revolver work im m ediately, and if obeyed it have been dem onstrated to me by a will be on a larg e r scale. Medford—T his city will give a d is­ severely. into L ake Michigan, and his body was in the fellow ’s face. Prisoners who will tie up p ractically every m ile of The governm ent experts inspected A nother less serious affray in which nation whose w elfare and prosperity the Union w arehouses and w ere p re ­ tric t fa ir O ctober 3 to 7, which will are obviously ill are taken to work. not brought to the surface until an railw ay on the B ritish isles. be the beginning of a pear show th a t the troops w ere again compelled to a re my sincere w ish ,” he wrote. M. Gutchkoff saw m any such w ork­ hour late r. The adm iral took g re a t in te re s t in sented w ith Yellow N ewtowns grown it is hoped will eventually rival in im ­ Oil prospectors in New Mexico have men hard a t work, although they w ere B adger lived three-quarters of an fire took place in Bond stre et. Only th e falls. He rode around in a p ri­ last year. The f ru it was in a p e rfe c t portance the Spokane apple show. discovered a large deposit of fine suffering from scurvy in an advanced hour a fte r he had been ex tricated a few persons w ere injured. v ate trolley car and asked 'm ore ques­ sta te of preservation and of excellent The sta te appropriated $1,450 in grade asphaltum , the only deposit of degree. from the wrecked m achine. He did tions th an on any o th er occasion d u r­ flavor. all for the en terp rise, and in the last the kind in the U nited States. The food is unfit for use. The not recover consciousness. Thirty-five C U T C O S T O F L IV IN G . ing his tour. few days about $3,000 has been raised An Ohio banker lost 100 pounds in prisons in which the men are con­ flyers have dipped and glided here for D E E R L A W S S T R IC T . among Medford business men. It is M O B A T T A C K S P R IS O N . w eight while serving 13 m onhths in fined would disgrace any o th er coun­ three days, and this was the first fatal Im mense Fruit C ro p Will B ring Prices intended th a t in all $5,000 shall be prison for m isuse o f the U. S. m ails, try. One gang of worken, all o f whom accident. T hree aviators fell but were S hipm ent o f Game F rom State F o r­ subscribed. W ay Down. but the prison au th o ritie s declared he w ere ill, had to do w ithout any kind unhurt. Political U nrest Causes T ro u b le in bidden by Ruling, T here is g re a t local in te rest in the of warm food for e ig h t days. The C h ic a g o ^ S to p e atin g m eats and was much improved in health. P ortugal. enterprise, and it is already planned doctor reported in another place th a t vegetables and live on fru it. This is Salem — D eer hu n ters from C alifor­ A Tacoma man was given one-fourth one of the men w as dying of hunger. one w ay to decrease the cost o f living. Lisbon—An a tte m p t was m ade to nia will be disappointed to learn th a t to have autom obile races and aviation of a large e sta te provided he m arried Mayor Canon, of Med­ N ever in years has there been a b e tte r release 400 political prisoners from the h e re a fte r no deer carcasses, horns or exhibitions. w ithin 30 days of the death of the ford, has been elected presid en t; A. ZAPATA A T T A C K S FEDERALS. prospect for bum per crops in all v a r­ Lim eorio prison in this city. A mob any p a rt of the anim al killed in this K. W are secretary, and George Davis testa to r. He advertised, found a W ashington— A lm ost in the same ieties of fru it, say commission m er­ overpow ered the sentries, b u t as the sta te can be taken into C alifornia. treasu rer. bride, and was m arried w ith two days chants. Rebel Leader Accused of M aking iron g a te s w ere about to fall before The law in th is regard was recently hour th a t the senate com m ittee for­ to spare. Prices are to be slashed from a third the a tta c k , the troops arriv ed and the construed by A ttorney-G eneral C raw ­ False Prom ise to S u rre n d e r. B IG D IT C H S U R V E Y B E G IN S . eign relations reported W ednesday to to a h alf under those of la st year. deliverers fled. ford, and every precaution will be Mexico C ity— A fight has occurred PORTLAND M ARKETS. the senate its convention th a t the re ­ H ere are a few of the predicted retail Sergeants in the arm y who w ere taken by officers of the Fish and Game W heat— New crop, bluestem , 81c; betw een the Federal troops Junder cent n egotiated a rb itra tio n tre a tie s p rices: Engineers to Lay Perm anent Line fo r Concord grapes, 16 to 18 dissatisfied a t the tre a tm e n t accord­ club, 77c; red Russian. 75c; valley, General H u erta and ¡the followers of betw een th is country and G reat B ri­ cents a b a sk e t; peaches, 25 cents a ed men o f th e ir grade assem bled in se­ commission to see th a t it is enforced. "S h o es trin g ” at O n tario. A ttorney-G eneral C raw ford’s decision Em iliano Z apata, a t Cuatlixco, accord­ 77c. tain and F rance w ere “ breeders of one-fifth bushel b a sk e t; apples, $1.75 c re t m eeting, according to the Novil- is th a t the commission has no a uthor­ O ntario—A ctive work has begun on M illstuffs— Bran, $24,506/25 per ing to m eager dispatches reaching b itte rn ess and w a r,” Germ any, to $3 a barrel (all v a rie tie s); pears, hades. The m in iste r of w ar, learning ity to issue perm its to tak e deer the perm anent survey of the O ntario- Unconditional surrender to n ; m iddlings, $32; shorts, $25.50 this city. was demanded of Z apata by the Fed­ through its am bassador here, was an­ $1.50 a bushel; plums, $1.50 a bushel. o f the m eeting, se n t cavalry to the killed in this sta te across the line into N yssa irrig a tio n project, som etim es @ 26; rolled barley, $286/29. governm ent. Following an nouncing its desire to be a p a rty to a South W ater s tre e t m erchants e sti­ spot, b u t all o f the men except five C alifornia. The only condition under called “ the S h o estrin g " ditch. A Corn— Whole, $33; cracked, $34 eral which gam e can be taken o u t of the corps of engineers le ft here w ith camp agreem ent betw een Madero and Za­ sim ilar a rb itra tio n com pact w ith the m ate th a t fully 10,000 carloads of escaped. per ton. fru it will be shipped from the Michi­ The D iario N oticia says the govern­ sta te is for propagation or exhibition. supplies and will run the perm anent •United S tates. B a rle y — New, feed, $25.506/;26; pata, the la tte r appeared to believe N ot only m ent has ascertained th a t the country Already a num ber o f applications have lines of the canal, which will irrig a te Germ any m ade known to S ecretary gan f ru it belt this fall. th a t the Federal demand would be brew ing, $306/31 per ton. Knox, through A m bassador Von Bern- from M ichigan but from E astern vine­ priests, fe arin g ecclesiastical property O ats— Old w hite, $25 per ton; new, w ithdraw n, in view of his prom ise to storff. its acceptance of the general yards and orchards, come the sam e re ­ is to be seized by the sta te , are b ury­ been received for perm ission to tak e 10,000 acres of fine orchard land. gam e out of the sta te , and these have The prelim inary lines w ere run last subm it to disarm am ent. He sen t a $24. ing church treasu res, consisting of all been denied. principles o f a rb itra tio n as laid down ports of bum per crops. w inter, and the perm anent survey will Hay—Tim othy, valley, $156/)16; al­ detachm ent of his men to oppose the in the s e c re ta ry ’s d ra ft, recently sub­ The first of the M ichigan peaches, priceless relics, vases and images. The forces m et cover more land than a t first intended. falfa, $11; clover, $8,506/9; grain advance of H uerta. I t is said th a t church property v al­ A few exceptions were the early A lexanders, w ere shipped The officers of the company, headed by late in the afternoon. A t the d e p a rt­ m itted. F U N D S R A IS E D F O R F A IR . hay, $9.506/)10. noted, how ever, and Count Von Bern- from L udington A ugust 4, fully two ued a t $3,000,000 already has d isap ­ Mayor Trow, have already received Fresh F ru its—C antaloupes, $1,256/) m ent of the in te rio r it was asserted storff w ill sail for G erm any to consult w eeks e a rlie r than in the previous peared. Klam ath Falls Plans Big Exposition bids on the pum ps and electric m otors 2 per c ra te ; peaches, 60c6/ $1.25 box; th a t no agreem ent had been made his governm ent fu rth e r. He will re ­ years. This is not the b e st v ariety . and will aw ard a contract for the m a­ w aterm elons, 16/ l j c per pound; w ith Z apata and th a t none would be tu rn in October. ' This Fall. S h o rt Bushels M ust Go. chinery late th is fall. No one th in g plums, 90 c 6/$1.75 per c ra te ; prunes, made. The opinion was expressed D ropped Revolver Kills. K lam ath F alls—T h a t K lam ath will will be of more benefit to the O ntario Chicago—F ru its and vegetables of $ 1 .7 5 p erb o x ; new apples, $1,756/2.50 th a t he was deceiving Madero w ith Insurance Probe G row s. New Y ork— W hile searching his m any sorts will be sold here by w eig h t have the g re a te s t county fa ir th is fall and Nyssa te rrito ry than the building per b o x ; raspberries, $26/2.60; black­ false prom ises of surrender. D etro it— More re p re se n tativ es of pockets for a cent w ith which to pur­ instead o f by m easure a fte r Jan u ary in its history is believed by those who of this ditch. berries, $1,756/) 1.90; pears, $26/2.50 The berry boxes w ith bot­ are prom oting the project. Several com panies under investig atio n w ere chase a new spaper from Mrs. Rose 1, 1912. M odel Prison Is Failure. box; Casabas, 3Jc pound. Farm Names Popular. P ekin—T here has been a model p ris­ quizzed by the special com m ittee se­ Malchorde, a P ark Row news-woman, toms in the cen ter will disappear a t prom inent men have taken hold of the V egetables — Beans, 5@10c; cab­ affair and prom ise to build g rand­ E ugene— In te re st has been aroused bages, $2 |»er hundredw eight; corn, on in W uchang, but it has turned out lected by *the national convention of Ja m es C. Henderson, aged 76, o f San the sam e tim e, as will also “ trade stands, e x h ib it booths, stalls for stock T ex., accidentally drew custom ” bushels th a t contain but in Lane county by the new sta te law 306/40c per dozen; cucum bers, $16/, to be fa r too expensive. It is lighted insurance com m issioners to probe ,the Antonio, and o th er necessary stru ctu res. p e rm ittin g the re g istra tio n of farm 1.25 per box; eggplant, 106/12Jc per throughout w ith electricity, and the m ethods o f c ertain industrial in su r­ forth a loaded revolver, which fell to seven-eighths of a bushel, if several Business men have been asked to the sidew alk and was discharged, k ill­ ordinances being prepared by P e te r ance concerns doing business in the names. A large num ber of the farm s pound; garlic, 106/ 12c per pound; le t­ food given to the prisoners was b e t­ raise $1,500 for purses, and already ing the woman instantly. It is be- Zim m er, city sealer, are passed. D is­ U nited S tates. The com m ittee’s re ­ of the county have been named, and tuce, $1.256/1.75 per box; peppers, te r than w hat they got a t home, so volunteer donations o f $900 have been ! lieved H enderson can be charged only honest and deceptive “ trad e custom s” port is expected to be ready Thursday m any of the ranchers are displaying 8 6 /10c per pound; radishes, 12£c per th a t a g re a t m any became perm anent m ade. I t is planned to hold a four- dozen; tom ateos, 90c6/$1.25 per box; residents. It has been resolved to re ­ or Friday. It is said th a t som ething I w ith carry in g a concealed weapon. will receive a death blow and consum­ day fair, w ith racing and o th er sports. the names on pretentious arches erec­ A lthough he declared it was an acci­ ers and honest commission men will in the n a tu re o f a re p o rt m ay be read ted over the farm gates. Search for new carrots, $1.75 per sack; turnips, duce the expenditures by a considera­ euphonious nam es has also had the ble sum m onthly, to remove electric a t the national convention o f s ta te in­ dent, and w itnesses agreed w ith him, be benefltted incalculably. $1.25; beets. $1.75. he was charged w ith homicide. surance com m issioners in M ilwaukee C oos County Roads P rom oted effect of stim u la tin g in te rest in im ­ ligths and w ithdraw a num ber of the P otatoes—New Oregon, l}@12c per 3 0 Give Skin to Save One. jailers. For food each prisoner will next eek. Marshfield—A perm anent good roads provem ent and beautification, and pound. T o g o Travels to Boston. T acom a—T hrough g ifts of skin from association for the purpose of advanc­ m any farm s which have been christen­ Onions—W alla W alla, $1.75 per in fu tu re g e t two bowls of coase rice, Young Gom ez Is Accused. New Y ork—A dm iral Togo bade New 30 fellow laborers, Rex H a rt, w ith ing the in te rests of the county is the ed w ith poetic and beautiful names and also will provide his own clothes. hundred. H avana — Follow ing the revolver York goodbye for Boston late Friday. h alf his body seared by hot m etal purpose o f a m ovem ent which has are being worked over to harm onize. Poultry— Hens, 15i6/.16c; springs, duel in the C afe Cosm opolita betw een He kept to his room m ost o f the m orn­ a t the Tacoma sm elter, will recover. been sta rte d by the N orth Bend com­ A rm y to T ry New Plan, 156/ 154c; ducks, young, 16c; tu r­ M e d fo rd A fte r Colonists. keys, 186/ 192. W ashington, D. C.—C oncentration Miguel Gomez, son of P resident Go­ ing, b u t spent the g re a te r p a rt o f the This w as announced by his physicians m ercial club. A com m ittee has been M edford — To b rin g M edford her Eggs—■ Fresh Oregon ranch, candled, of the arm y a t large stations, s tra te ­ mez, who opened the fire, and Con­ | afternoon a t Governors Island, the follow ing an operation in which th irty appointed to confer w ith o th er com­ gressm an Arm andi Andres, e ditor of guest of M ajor-General F rederick D. fellow workm en o f H a rt appeared be­ m ercial bodies in th e county, and a share o f the colonists who s ta rt west 27c per dozen. B u tte r City cream ery ex tra, 1 and gically situ ated for m ilitary purposes, El Dia, an anti-ad m in istratio n new s­ G rant, and concluded his stay w ith a fore the surgeons and each gave pieces general m eeting will be called, when Septem ber 15, when the colonist rates 2 pound prints, in boxes, 30c per and abandonm ent of the small posts, paper, th a t publication a sserts th a t four-m ile autom obile run up Broad- of cuticle cut from his arm . The live re p re se n tativ es of the different com­ are in force, the M edford Com mercial pound; less than box lots, cartons and is under consideration by the W ar de­ m any friends of Gomez fired upon the * way from the B attery to his hotel. skin th u s g ra fte d is expected to heal m unities will be asked to be present club has shipped five large boxes o f delivery extra. partm ent. The idea, which requires editor. The w alls of the C afe Cosmo­ B roadw ay’s rush-hour crowds gave a to the spots on which it w as placed and co-operate in the plan, it s be­ lite ra tu re to an agent in Minneapolis The Ad­ and if all goes well H a rt will be able lieved th a t much good work can be to d istribu te. Pork— Fancy, 106/10|c per pound. Among the lite ra tu re the sanction o f congress, is to con­ politan and the fronts of the adjacent proper se ttin g for the trip . V eal—Fancy, 126213c per pound. sent were several b e a u tifu lly illu s­ stru c t com pact barracks, each to hold buildings show bullet m arks greatly m ira l’s p a rty threaded through the to leave the san itariu m in a few accomplished. weeks. traffic w ithout incident. The little exceeding in num ber the shots th a t H ops- 1911 contracts, 4 0 6 / . 45c per an e n tire regim ent, near c ities or trated booklets and many o f the busi­ O rio le Mine to Install M ill. pound; 1910 crop, 40c; 1909 crop, 30 large towns. Most o f the officers are could have possibly been fired by the w a rrio r w as delighted. ness m en’s bulletins th a t the club has Railroads to Save E lk. principals. (// 35c; olds, 206/ 25c. G rants Pass — The Oriole m ine in been issuing in cooperation w ith the to find accomm odations w ithin the Noose Just, Man Adm its. Cheyenne—Ten thousand elk from the G alice d istric t will put in a big Southern Pacific. Wool E astern Oregon, 96216c per city, obviating the necessity of build­ F o rty -T h re e Rattlesnakes Bagged. Carson C ity, N ev.— P atrick C. Casey the Jackson Hole country a re to be gold m ill. pound, according to shrinkage; val­ ing extensive officers’ quarters. H eretofore the company Pears B ring S 4 0 a To n. ley, 156/ 17c per pound. Spokane— F o rty -th ree rattlesnakes was executed here Friday for the m ur­ shipped to Colorado and distrib u ted has been shipping the ore to Tacoma, over th a t state, the railroads having der of Mrs. Lucy H eslip, of Goldfield, C attle — Choice steers, $5,606/ but this will be brought to an end by w ere the re su lt of a d a y ’s hunt in the S hark G orged W ith Junk. Salem —Shipping a carload of pears 5.75; good to choice, I5.256/.5.50; The com­ a t $40 a ton for cannery purposes, Lewes, D elaw are— A curious assort­ Wilson Creek draw , n ear Wilson ju s t two years ago. In a b rie f s ta te ­ agreed to tran sp o rt the anim als free installatio n of the m ill. The serious difficulty of pany has an overhead ledge exposure W illiam H. E gan topped all prices for choice cows, $4.60624.75; good to m ent of bric-a-brac is on exhibition Creek, W’ash., by Mat F erral and m ent from the gallow s he said he w as of charge. choice, *4 .256/4.50; good, average here, all o f it found in the stom ach of Frank Lam phere, visito rs from K an­ about to pay the penalty for an a tro c ­ providing for the anim als in Jackson 600 feet. T his compnay has in o pera­ the p ast 15 years by $22, saying th a t 1050 pounds, $46/4.25; common, $2 75 a m an-eating shark, 17 feet in length, sas, and Bruce W ebley, a rancher liv­ ious crim e for which he believed he Hole during the w in te r m onths m akes tion a power p lan t connected w ith for the 15 y ears before he has never A t the tim e of it urg en t th a t they be d istrib u te d over Rogue River. 6 /3 ; choice hoifers, $4.906/.5; choice caught a t the mouth of D elaw are bay ing north of W ilson Creek. The la rg ­ had been forgiven. The m in e ’s tunnels, sold pears to a cannery a t a b e tte r bulls, $3.506/3.75; choice calves, 200 by the crew of ligh tsh ip No. 69. The est snake w as four fe e t in length. killin g Mrs. Heslip, Casey, whose a w ider range. Thousands o f elk died crosscuts and d rifts m ake about one price than $18 a ton. E. W. Powers pounds and under, $7.26627.85; good invoice o f the sh a rk ’s in te rio r fu rn ish ­ The hides o f several o f the snakes name is thought to be assum ed, wound­ from starv atio n in th a t country last m ile o f underground work. also shipped a car of loganberries to choice, $5,506/6; common calves, ings includes one um brella, one barrel m easured six inches in w idth. The ed a Mrs. Me Mann and stabbed an offi­ w inter. which he said was more valuable than 3 6 -C e n t H op O ffe r Refused. $46/5; choice stags, $4.506/,4.75; stave, a Q u a n tity o f steel and iron ra ttle s taken from the rep tiles half cer who attem p ted to a rre s t him. a tra in load o f w heat. A definite G randchildren A re Many. good to choice. $4.25/»/ 4.50. filled an ordinary shoe box. Salem —Geroge L. Rose sta te s th a t price on the b e rrie s was not given. junk of different kinds and enough oil­ Portugal Q u ake-Shaken. Hog» E x tra choice lig h t hogs, $8 cloth to cover the floor of a good-sized Stockton, C al.—Thompson W hite, a he received and refused bona fide “ Be G entle’’ E d ito r Fights. @ 8.25; choice heavy, $7@ 7.60; heavy kitchen. Lisbon — A series of earthquake retired m erchant o f th is city, celebra­ offers to sell 250 bales of 1911 hops Copies o f State Blue Book O u t. rough, $6.256/ 6.50. St. Ixuiis— A lbert Solomon, o f this shocks, gradually increasing in vio­ ted his 99th b irthday Sunday a t Oak for 35 cents. He would not say who Salem —C opies o f the Oregon blue T w o Die In S I.0 0 0 .0 0 0 F ire. Sheep -Choice yearlings, w ethers, F ifteen grandchildren and 13 m ade the ofTer. The sam e kind of an book and official directory are out. city, e ditor of the H um anitarian, in lence, w ere fe lt in Southern Portugal. Park. coarse wool, $3.25619.60; choice F rankfort, Germ any — The Opel which he admonishes everybody to be A t M ortela. A lbufeira and other g re at grandchildren w ere present a t offer w as m ade to M cLaughlin A The new blue book is som ething yearlin g w ethers, e ast of mountains, Sewing Machine and Bicycle factory kind and gentle, is under a rre st on the points n e ar the coast, considerable the fam ily reunion. The fe atu re of H irschberg, of Independence, by the hith erto not attem p ted in this state. $3,256/3.50; choice two and threes, at Russelheim was destroyed by fire. charge of beating his w ife and fight­ dam age was done and Home persons the reunion w as an address by the old­ same parties. Cables received here It includes not only a com prehensive $36/ 3.60; choice spring lambs, $5,256/ Two persons perished and m any were ing w ith his brother-in-law . The w ere injured. A t Lagos the d istu rb ­ est m em ber o f the fam ily on the need indicate th a t crop conditions both in survey o f O regon’s resources, but the 5 60; good to choice, $56/5.25; choice injured. The loss is more than $1,- brother-in-law is locked up on a cross ances w ere accompanied by a tidal of righteousness in all phases of p ri­ Germ any and England continue to be constitution and directory of the sta te killin g ewes, $2.7664)3. vate and public life. 000 , 000 . worse. charge of d istu rb in g Solomon’s peace. wave which caused a panic. officials, assessed valuations, etc. GERMANY IS FAVORABLE TO TREATY WITH U. S.