Estacada progress. (Estacada, Or.) 1908-1916, August 17, 1911, Image 2

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San F ran Rada Dafy Polica and
S ta rt Riot.
F or First Tim s in Y ts rs C ereal
H igher Than W heat.
Stockton, Cal. — For the first tim e in
many years barely is selling for mure
than w heat, and there is much excite­
m ent along g rain row in this city, the
g rain center of the sta te . The cereal
has been advancing very rapidly of
late, and on the board it has jumped
up alm ost a dollar during the past
The crop in this section is unusually
heavy, and the cash price is high.
This has caused the dealers to (send
agents into the country in an effort to
g e t a new line on the yield and the
quality, which they thought m ight
possibly have been over-estim ated.
It has been shown th a t it has been
many years since a larg e r and b e tte r
crop was produced.
Some of the cautious buyers have
drupped out of the m arket, us they
fe ar a break alm ost any tim e.
declare th a t the sudden bulge in prices
is due to a speculative demand, and
there will be a reaction.
O thers in­
sist barley ^will go to $1,50 before
there is any reaction. The farm ers in
the m eantim e are m aking a large
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Nortinest Has Only-. B m p r Yield
in United States.
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D eath in San Francisco
A rouses Indignation.
San Francisco- E ffo rt, of the police
San Francisco — Following sw iftly,
on the death of Miss May G ertrude"
to break up a m eeting .o f alleged an-
llg, who com m itted suicide because
archiat» here Sunday ah'owe<l'r'tret re-
her skin had been hopelessly ruined
su tfi of three riot calls, the a rre st of Precautions Must Be T aken in Burn* City Nearly Unpeopled By R eport of
by "b e a u ty doctors,” the death o f_
ing o f F o rest Slashings.
Rich Strike.
10 men, and narrow escape of two
Mrs. Mabel Ja rd in e in the beauty p a r­
lors of Mrs. O lga Goldzier, Oakland,
tirem en from a hurled knife and a d«T-
has caused a storm of excitem ent on
the burning of slashing;} have been is­
tesfH it badly b itte n in the hand.
in Oregon for many years burst into
both sides of the bay, and a rigid in­
For several m onths the “ anarch­ sued by the [State board of forestry full sw ing a t Bend last week. As a
General Resum e o f Im portant Event*
G overnm ent’s ’ Monthly R eport Dis­ v estigation into the m ethods em ployed"’
is ts ” have been holding Sabbath m eet­ and incorporated into a press bulletin resu lt of the discovery of quartz,
a t these places will be commenced
P resen ted In Condensed Form
couraging—Increased A creage
ings on the sidew alk in the L atin In resolutions’of the board it is point­ which assays have shown to contain a
im m ediately.
M akes Up to Som e E xtent.
fo r O ur Busy R eaders.
quarter. The Italian Roman Catholic
ed out th a t there are instances tend­ com m ercially valuable amount of gold,
Those who were in terested in the
church is not fa r d istan t, and a w or­
of Miss llg have noted th a t th e ^
shipper on his way to mass heard re ing to show th a t the law has not been gold-bearing quartz was discovered 12
e tre a tm e n t th a t had caused her to »
G erm any’s reply to the a rb itra tio n
m iles w est of here on the edge o e
lose her beauty was the cause of the .
causer! him to lodge a protest over the a# well as p riv ate property has been forest reserve among the foothills of
F N o rth w est W heat C ro p Will L arge-
pro{)osul is reported to be favorable.
death of Mrs. Jardine. In both cases."
telephone w ith the police.
ly Exceed T hat of I9IO.
the Cascade m ountains. Several m er­
beauty doctors had persuaded their
English troops have tired on strik ­
Two detectives \yere sent to in v esti­
victim s th a t only the removal of th e .
The regulations became effective chants deserted their stores and joined
ers in Liverpool^ li^ J.^ ^ tiii^ ra t strike g ate, and were hooted a t when they
W ashington, D. C.- Prelim inary
the arm y of gold seekers. In the van
o u ter cuticle and the subsequent
of transpori'M rt’kehl FiiT« 4>een called. in te rru p ted the' speaker.
t estim ates by the dep artm en t o f ag
Thereupon A ugust 10’and are as follows:
of prospectors are several ex-minehs
grow th of a new skin could perfectly »
j ricu ltu re on the w heat crop fix the
“ Burning of log piles, stum ps, or recently come from Alaska, whose en
An •48-year-old'vgirt was killed by the officers placed Michael Cenetrone
restore th e ir appearance.
j 1911 w inter w heat crop of Oregon
falling 1#§. fifct* onto jagged rocks and Philip Perone under a rre st and brush heaps w ithout p erm it as pro­ thusiasm concerning the discoveries
May llg took the trea tm e n t, and so.
j a t 11,766,000 bushels, or 698,000
vided for under section 7 of the O re­ has had much to do w ith the general
while clim bing Mount Juneau, Alaska. sta rte d to take them to jail.
w orried over its results th a t she com­
j bushels over the crop of 1910. ’{ he
' W ith a yell o f rage th a t b ro u g h t gon forest fire law, is perm issible only excitem ent.
m itted suicide. Mrs. Ja rd in e took it,
Boy» in the U pper W illam ette val­ everybody in the neighborhood on the
j quality of this crop A ugust 1 is re-
where the m aterial to be burned is a
As fa r as can be ascertained, the
and in the agony caused by the u n -'
ley are m aking $2 to $2 per day pick- run, the ¿00 assem bled “ a n arc h ists” safe distance from o ther inflammable
j ported te havtx been j!5 per cent and
first discovery, upon which work was
natural peeling of the face she died V
in$.iir cones w ith which the forestry charged the detectives,
} ‘the yjeld pet- acre 22.2 bushels.
who w ere m aterial and where the ground sur­ actually done, was made by Carl Lade-
d ep artm ent is reseeding burned-over forived to take refuge in a Broadway
from shock.
WhsMAgton’s w in ter w heat crop
rounding the log piles, stum ps, or wig, a Bend man who has spent much
Mrs. Ja rd in e was the w ife of W il­
is estim ated a t 19,800,000 bushels,
(ire station.
brush heaps is cleared of any substance of his tim e prospecting in the adja
as again st 13,858,000 bushels last liam Jardine, an employe o f the South­
A rio t call brought a squad of pa­ which will allow of fire spreading to cent country.
The Southern Pacific has applied to
Ladewig let a num ber
| year. Its condition is reported as ern Pacific company. She w ent to the'
the" Int^nftate Commerce commission trolm en to the scene and seven o th er adjacent wooded, brush, or slash- of local men of means into his secret,
parlors of Madame Goldzier to have ’
! 97 per cent and the yield per acre
for perm ission to charge a higher rate men were taken into custody. They, covered land, e ith e r the property of and a group of claims was taken. It
the w rinkles of her face removed.
; as 27.3 bushels.
of fare for passengers over the Siski­ too, w ere lodged in the fire station.
the parties engaged in burning or was not until several weeks a fte r the
Madame Goldzier assured her th a t
As the big o u ter door was closing th a t of another.
you m ountains.
inauguration o f this secret work tha't
her case would be successful. She
on the re tirin g police, the alleged
its n ature became generally known.
A hungry Italian in Boston w ent to
m ust have her skin peeled off, she • .
leader of the “ a n arc h ists” created a control are in terp reted as m eaning Then the rush started.
w ill designate Thursday, Novem ber
condition on A ugust 1 to be 86 per
the im m igration station and declared
said, and then would find her new skin
sensation in front of the truck house. th a t all fires set w ithout perm it m ust
lie believed he was suffering from
as perfect in color and te x tu re as an
S h o u tin g ' a t the top of his voice, he be continually watched both night and claim s, which hAve been christened request of bankers th a t the president
cholerd, but adm itted la te r th a t he did
in fa n t’s. Also the w rinkles would be
jerked off his gaudy straw hat, threw day by a sufficient num ber o f men on the Golden Raes, have run from $5 to nam e Thursday, Novem ber 23.
it tp^getisom ething to eat.
entirely removed. Mrs. Ja rd in e sub- ,
it to the ground and danced madly on the ground for th a t purpose, and $10 a ton, free m illing ore. How ever,
It has alw ays been th e custom to
m itted to the “ c u re ."
•The husband of a rich S eattle wo- it. Then, w hipping out a huge clasp- should fires escape steps m ust be the rock assayed thus far has been designate the last Thursday in Novem­
Scarcely had the “ doctor” applied
W ashington, D. C.—A trem endous
•map disappeared from th e ir hotel in knife, he sprung the blade and hurled taken a t once to extinguish it.
taken entirely from the surface. Sev­ ber as T hanksgiving Day, and Mr. decline in crops generally throughout the lotion, which it is claim ed has a
“ B urning done in violation of these eral tunnels are being driven, and T a ft will adhere to th a t custom. The
I ^ s Angeles, w ith a handbag contain- the weapon through the closing door.
23 se the country, tracealde to drought And strong proportion of carbolic acid,
was a . 75-f°°f throw , but the regulations will subm it the party or according to the m iners
'ing $30,000 worth of gems and ¿ewel
w orking bankers wanted- Novem ber
than the woman, suffering to rtu re
5 ”ry, anti no trace of him can be founds knife w ent iru e as a bullet and parties concerned to prosecution under them , the appearance of the rock en­ lected, declaring th a t the m aking of intense heat, occurred last m onth,^ as from the burning, fell in a faint.
w histled past the ears of Firem en F. the fire la w s.”
N ovem ber 30 a legal holiday would indicated by official figures and e s ti­
Realizing the danger, Madame Gold­
m ates made in the m onthly crop re ­
* A Tacoma hotel keeper is under ar- M. Hogan and Ja c k E dgar, imbedding
ing. Already over 50 claims have seriously in te rfe re w ith th e ir work p o rt <kf the d ep artm en t of ag ricu ltu re. zier phoned to Dr. W. E. C ham bers
* re st because' the sheets on his beds its e lf in a wall.
The law requires th a t N ational banks
The rep o rt is the w orst, as to gen­ and then fled, leaving her victim in a
- *aiv,no.t up to the legal size.
m ake th eir sta te m en ts to the T reasury
. sw ears.tbp linen has been shrunk by
d ep artm ent on the first day o f every eral ort>£ conditions, th a t the d e p a rt­ dying condition on the floor. The wo
th‘e laundries and refuses to put up
month, and a holiday falling on the m ent has issued fo r any one mopth man was dead when Dr. Cham bers
“ Stability.”
entered the room.
last day of the month would be most since 1901.
Ja p a n ese Admiral P re se n t! Costly
. • , . . ’ ■» • *
The area m ost seriously affected .ex­
Salem—T h a t' the ju risdiction of the H istorical Institute to Have N oted inconvenient, said the bankers.
Souvenir to W arrior.
( ’rowds w ere so g re at and so unruly
S p eak ers at A storia,J •
T here was some doubt as. to w hat tends from New York and Pennsyl­
judiciary commission on the revision
- .'.at thq re g istra tio n for lands of the
New York — A dm iral Togo paid a
vania w estw ard to the Rocky Moiin-
Salem -Several more speak era who T hursday in Novem ber would be
M B^rthoUl liuBat^ reservation in North w a rrio r’s trib u te to Colonel Roosevelt. of the judicial system does not extend
will p a rticip a te in the historical edu lected th is year, as the month con tain s, em bracing all the g re a t corn, Asquith Accused of Blackmailing King
D akota th a t the re g is tra r threatened A pparently Roosevelt, the fighter, had to the recall of the judiciary is one of
cational in stitu te, which will be held tains five Thursdays.
The W hite w heat and hay producing sta te s in the
in Storm y S ession,
9 to put them out of the building on ac appealed to the Jap an ese adm iral, the conclusions reached a t a m eeting
in A storia Septem ber 5, 6 and 7, have House has been besieged by theatrical country.
' . count o f the'ir violence.
London— Lord Hugh C ecil’s motion
ra th e r than Roosevelt, the peace of th a t body.
Conditions in the Pacific N orthw est
No definite action announced th e ir intention of being m anagers and those in charge of col­
lege football gam es to se ttle this are regarded as excellent, although th a t consideration of the veto bill be
P resident T a ft will m ake a tour of m aker, for when he m arched up S aga­ along the line of its prospective work present.
George H. Himes, president of the doubt, so th a t definite arrangem ents d u rin g July th a t te rrito ry suffered postponded was rejected, 348 to 209,
ih e country this /a ll, including the more Hill to m eet the ex-president he was taken up by the commission, fu r­
carried Mr. Roosevelt a two-foot m in­
Orgeon historical society, will be can be m ade for the a rra y of special from a brief but excessively hot pfcr- in the house of commons W ednesday,
, Pacific. Coast.
ther than organization of com m ittees. among the speakers. Professor F. G perform ances and sports th a t mark iod% T he figures o f the rep o rt indi­ and a motion to begin consideration of
ia tu re of a soldier's armor.
The strik e of carm en in London,
Inform ally there was considerable Young of Eugene, secretary of the the day.
This unique souvenir was of g liste n ­
cate a m aterial slum p in the prospects the lords’ am endm ent to the veto bill
which threatened starv atio n to the ing m etal, exquisitely carved, and was discussion of the questions w ith which sam e society, will speak on “ Signifi­
of all crops. Corn, which a t this se-a- wjrs agreed to.
T here was a crowded house when
city, has been settled.
encased in a heavy mahogany box, the commission m ust grapple and an can t Oregon H istory for the L ife of
Son is the fñost ’ lYnportant, declined
abundance of varying theories were T oday.”
adorned w ith Jap an ese colors.
d uring tb.e mojith frorp a conditien-óf the debate, which w as in te rru p ted by
Professor Joseph Schaefer,
Rossevelt freely adm its having -ap­
A dm iral Togo had kept the pros­ advanced, indicating th a t the commis­ of E ugene; Frederick V. Holman, of
about 5 per cent below the average as violent scenes on Ju ly 24, was re ­
W estern T rip D epends On O p p o r­ indicated by t h e J u l y ’report, to netMdy sumed on a motion to reconsider the
proved the steel m erger w hile he was pective g ift secret, and had a p p aren t­ sion has a task before it to reach dis­
P ortland; Eva Emery Dye, Oregon
tunity to R ecuperate,
:>in office, saying it was the only way ly carried it on his travels from the tin c t conclusions. T here seems to be
lords’ am endm ent to the bill.
15 per cent below the average.
C ity, and S ta te Superintendent A lder
. t q a v ert a panic.
S ir Edw ard H. Carson, U nionist,
tim e he le ft Japan.
harmony, however.
W ashington, D. C.—Num erous invi­
man will be among the other speakers.
A feeling has been put into expres­ As nearly as possible historical ad­ tations continue to reach the W hite
The Japanese adm iral journeyed to
AMERICAN FLAG BURNED. ;) devoted him self to home rule, and
* ■ An Am erican actor whA’ lost his life
prom ised the governm ent th a t the in­
in a London hotel ftrd,* had a 'prem oni­ O yster Bajf on a special train on the sion by some of the m em bers of the dresses will be given on the spot w here House for P resident T a ft to visit
tion of apjvroachng death,» apd had all Long Island road. Colonel Roosevelt, commission th a t th eir present labors the incidents which furnish the sub­ cities throughout the South and W est “ Yankee H ater” in Canadian Town tention of passing a home rule bill by
force would be resisted by force.
his business affairs arranged accord­ in * datk sui t and im m aculate w hite are more or less futile, ow ing to the je c t m a tte r for the addresses occurred. during his coming trip , b u t ow ing to
. Vents
on ‘fiimblem.
The home rule contest would be se t­
vi‘St, stepped out on the veranda and possibility of repeated changes in the
Superintendent Alderman is confi the u n certain ty of the date of the ad
Buffalo;- fi. i t .— A dispatch froifn tled by Balfour, and not by W estm ins­
greeted the adm iral, who wore a syBtem.
dent th a t these “ on the sp o t” histori journm ent o f congress, the President
ter, he said.
Even though the presen t commis­ cal addresses will be the cause of has not definitely decided upon the London, Ont., says:
W estern railroad men have served w hite service uniform .
Thoftfas Midgcly* who prides him ­
A t one point Carson nearly caused
“ D elighted to m eet y ou!” excaim ed sion prepares an elaborate bill, a fte r w idespread in te rest throughout th e itin erary .
notice abrogating th eir w age agree
se lf on the title o f “ Yankee H ater,.” an outbreak by re fe rrin g Tto Mr. A s­
months o f' study, and this bill be­ N orthw est and th a t the in stitu te both
m ents w ith the roads, and a big strik e the.colbnel. hiSf face bearding.
The president is 'c o n stan tly receiv­
. • T^jie party filed jn to the broad.recep­ comes a law, the constitutional amend­ along educational and historical lines ing appeals to include the- Pacific publicly burned the S tars, and S tripes q u ith ’s com m unication to Mr. B alfour
is looked for.
tion room and th^ adm iral presenter) m ent allows full opportunity for the will be among the g re a te r successes of Coast in his program . . He has said in the st,rqets of the town of Wood- on the su b ject of the k in g ’s g u a ran ­
stock. '^.•fiiw'.ho.urs b e fo re ,. som eone tees as “ a blackm ailing le tte r .”
The B ritish house of lords reluc­ hfs gf ft . The colonef expressed his legislature or the people to revolution­ the A storia C entennial celebration.
th a t if he could g e t a month of good
in 'a sp irit of m ischief, had nailed an
The m in iste ria lists w ere on th eir
tan tly passed the veto bill, which g ra titu d e in a ‘broadside* of euprfrla- ize the judicial system again in the
re st a t Beverly, he would not object
A m ercan flag above the door of hfo fe e t in an in stan t, howling defiance
*i greatly c u rta ils th e ir own powers and tives,; s*
' ••
•* course o i the following two years
increases the power of the hoi^u of
and dem anding th a t the words be
A fte r luncheon the party gathered
“ S ta b ility ” is considered the real
ney, but th a t he m ust have some tim e
called his neighbors around him and w ithdraw n. The speaker, however,
. eomrtfonrf.
• " '
*** '
oVrtfie wide veratuia whence sounds of goal to be attained for the courts by
for recuperation. H e is to s ta rt on
ruled th a t although Carson had sailed
-fregUkint lau g h ter- a n d the ^igdrous these m em bers of the commission and
his Southern and W estern trip Sep­
lighted a fire and burned the flag. near the wind, the words w ere not
on C ru ise r Boston.
An .itin e ra n t clock' feparrer,-? 86 v.oicvqyf jAr. Ijop^evejt p ften t iqaueil. the possibility of repeated changesas
tem ber 16.
years old, is w alking from Portland Tfitdluncheon yjtfs strictly private. -
Marshfield — Coos county now has
unparliam entary.
not encouraging to them.
stre e t, “ th a t the horses m ight trarrj-
, to Long Cffeekr O r., «aFrying his tools
b e tte r representation in the Oregon
Home S e c re tiry Churchill followed,
' and supplies. He expects to earn his - G fflk »M rL E 9 8 ‘- 6 H lh lE 4 r tfE A d .
naval m ilitia than any other county in
strongly d eprecating the reso rt to
, living en route.
the state. W ith the- organization of
disorder and rio t advocated by ,Cecil
V ..
T roops M eet With Hostile Reception
NEW INVASION EXPECTEfft. f* and Carson, saying:
Floods Along Yangtse C ause-.S uffer­ H arrisburg Women 'Will P rep are Ex the new division a t Bandon the county
has three divisions in the reserve and
“ T here are 70,000 dockers on strik e
hibit This Month.
ing Beyqnd D escription.
the Coos Bay band besides. The total - L iverpool—The calm of the strik e M agon J u n ta ' P re p a re s to Contim A a t this m oment in London.
Some of
W heat •New crop Bluestem , 8 lc ;
V ictoria, B...C.— Floodp have caused
W ar in’ L ow er California,
%' them are hungry.
num ber of enlisted men is about 150. situ atio n here was dissipated by ser­
Should some of
club* 77c red Russian, 76c; valley, tosfi of hundfeds o f lives and g re a t being arranged by the women of the Twenty-five from Marshfield and 10 ious rio tin g in the vicinity of the
San Diego, Cal.^—Dr. J . D i^i them who are suffering break out in
77c. -* ' •*
suffering in China, w here several riv ­ Im provem ent club , for the final week from the new Bandon division have Lim e s tre e t station. A mob wrecked Prieto, Mexican consul in San Diego1,, riot, you will be the first to ask th a t
M lllstu ifa r^ j Btan, $24.500/25 per ets have overflowed along the Y angtse. of A ugust. Unusual in te rest is already gone to bring back the cruiser Boston, about 20 shops and looted them of confirms the re p o rt th a t the Magoi^ soldiers be sen t to the scene. ”
ton; m iddlings,. $32.; shores,. $25.5jp A rrivals from Shanghai, by the E m ­ created and unheard-of delicacies are which will be here A ugust 16 to rem ain boots and clothing. • N eary 500 additi­ ju n ta in'L os Ang'eles is p reparing for
• (itZ(Tm
, rolled barley, $28(f/ 29,
press of Jap an say th a t the distress daily being concocted by local tale n t two months.
In th a t tim e, all the onal troops who arrived in the city a second arm ed insurrection in Ia>wer.
Woman Mayor Asks Help.
*> Corn WhoFe, $33; carcked, $34.
which followed the Hoods is so g re a t from the common “ m urphy” for dis­ men will receive tra in in g on the ves­ m et w ith a hostle receptiion.
C alifornia. Consul Prieto said he had
Topeka„ K an.—Governor S tubbs is
• I ta r ley. *- N ew ,, feed, $25.51J(</26; th a t children are being exposed fdf play in connection Ivith the show.
sel. The new Bandon organization
been in touch w ith the situ atio n oh to tak e a hand in the controversy be­
This section ôf the W illam ette val­ « ill be known as the fifth division.
brewjmL .$30(0(31,,
' •
‘ -
London- The strik e of dockmen, the border the past six or seven days! tw een Mayor E lla W ilson, ’ o f Hunni-
' 4bats' Old w hite, $¿5 per ton; new,
One eye w itness from Hankow tells ley has long had the rep u tatio n of The commander is Dr. L. P. Sorenson", lighterm en, |co alp o rters and carmen and th a t he was in.Communication witK well, K an., and the Hunniwell city
of seeing a band of refugees camped producing an excellent potato, and the who has the rank of ju n io r lieutenant. which for several <iayB has seriously Colonel Celso Vega, je fe politico a t council.’ He said he would begin ous­
. Hay Tim othy, vallejr, $lfe(ol6; al­ under hovels o f m a ttin g w ith a num ­ product th is y ear is exceptionally fine. Dr. Sm ith J. Mann is assistan t su r­ disturbed all business in London and E nsenada, Lower C alifornia.
te r proceedings ag ain st the council-
falfa, $11 ’K ..clpver, $8,60(0 9; grain ber of children herded under a sign In tere st in the culture of th is crop geon, and Earl S. Gher, ensign. Dr. resulted in a shortage of food stuffs,
T h irty Mexicans, led by an Italian men if in v estigation justified such ac­
h.ny, $10.
announcing them for sale a t the ra te has been m aterially increased through E. E. S traw , senior lieutenant, of coal, petrol and other necessities, was who served in the rebel arm y in Low-*;, tion. Mayor W ilson and the four men
• Fresh FVdrta C antaloupes, $1.25(0 o f 16 strin g s of cash (about 50 cents! the praise given to the quality and Marshfield, has command over all three ended w ith the se ttle m e n t of the ligh- e r C alifornia, a re said to have
left* have been a t outs since Mrs. W ilson’s
2 p e r c ra te ; peaches,. 60c(o $1.25 pfer for a b o y and e ig h t Strings of cash yield by an e x p ert potato-grow er of divisions. U niform s will at once be te re rs ’ dispute. The men w ere con­ San Diego in groups d uring the past;
Greeley, Colo., the g re a te s t potato­ furnished the Bandon men and a drill ceded a 10-hour day and an increase 21 hours and tw o excited g ath erin g ^ ' election on a reform tic k e t last A pril.
box: w aterm elons, 1(</1 pen^ pojiqil; (about 25 cenjts) fo r a girl.
A fte r a m eeting w ith the council had
grow ing center of the U nited States. hall has already been provided for. of about 25 per cent in wages.
plurbs, 90c(o$1.75 per c ra te ; prunes,
of M exicans in the lower -end of th«j failed to bring results. Mayor Wilson
$ 1.75 per box ; new* * ajfpfes,- $ t.*75<f7>?
city w ere dispersed, by the.pqlice.
J a p s A fter Canal T rad e.
telegraphed the governor asking th a t
2.-6JF per. bpx ^ raspberries, -$2(0)2.50;
G rade From Dufur Rushed,
W ant Diaz to R eturn,
Fair S uccess A ssured.
the councilmen be ousted.
V ictoria, B. C .— News was brought
blackberries, $1.75(0)1.9.0;.p ears, $2(0;
Lucerne, Sw itzerland — General
Medford R aising $900 a t a m eet­
by the Em press of Jap an th a t the
B rother Probably K idnapper.
2 50{per box.
the G reat Southern railroad south of ing o f 30 men, w ith prom ises of m ore, Porfirio Diaz, ex-president of Mexico,
C aptain W as O ff H it C ourse.
Chicago—^Inspector ReVere,' whd lias
V egetables' Beans, 5(o 10c; cab­ O saka $hosen Kaishn has in view thcr D ufur, the present term inus, has been
the com m ittee of m erchants and bu si­ has received m any cablegram s from been conducting the^search for 6.-ytjay-.
San Francisco— C aptain T. C. T itch-
bage; $2 pscr hundredw eight) corn, establishm ent o f a. steam ship line via progressing rapidly fo r the la st few
ness men are assured the success o f a opponents o f Francisco I. Madero,
:U)oi 40c per dozen j eqcumbonj, $l(o 1.26 the Panam a canal when it is com­ m onths and will be completed early in d istric t fa ir here in October. The u rg in g him to retu rn to Mexico and old Angelo Mareno, granted Philip w orth, of the tu g D auntless, and C ap­
Mareno. the chijd’s brother, >24 hoars tain Louis N opander, of the steam er
per box; e ^ ‘g plant;' 10o)124c per pleted. A t the annual m eeting held the fall. Completion o f the line to
restore o rd e r.” One from the M exi­ in which to produce the m issing boy on Bear, testified here before U nited
only difficulty has been th a t of ra isin g
pau ik 1 garfic'.’Hki? 12c; lettuce, * 30(d) shortly before the em press liner'de Wamic, the prospective term inus, is
funds, and it was finally decided to can society of New York inform s the pain o f being locked up.
The police S ta te s inspectors th a t C aptain O. A.
35£jm r dozen; hothouse lettuce, $-1.25 parted, .Na|<agawa and (Chiura, offi­ predicted before the end of the year.
sell stock a t $50 a share in a $5,000 deposed executive th a t the society is believe now th a t the kidnaping of F aria, of the wrecked steam er S anta
ut 1.75 per box; peppers, 8(o 10c. pt»r cials of the company, w ere ordered to The work is done by the company
g e ttin g up a huge p etition begging little Angelo was t,(w result o^ a f a m ­ Rosa, was ste erin g dangerously near
pbunrl; radishes, l$(f/‘2c per dozen; to- v isit the Panam b zone in the U nited itself, under the direction of J. C. fa ir corporation.
A few men. w ith lim ited liability, him to intervene in the Mexican s it­ ily disagreem ent |aba th a t (fie elder the shore ju st prior to the grounding
’ inttlnoh, *90cfo$ 1.25 pter b o x ; new c ar­ S ta te s and South A m erica to in v esti­ Heimrich, general m anager a t The
will be behind the fa ir, and in case of uation. The society has re-elected bro th er knows who has the boy and of the vessel off the P oint Arguello
rots, $1.75 per s a c k ; turnips, $1.25; gate trade possibilities in this connec Datlea.
rain or other untow ard event, will Diaz as president. G eneral Diaz does w here he is hidfflfn.i Philip is-sa id to .lighthouse. “ I f the vessel had been
tion. The Japanese line proposes to
beets,. $1.75.
stand for the losses.
Two com m it­ not heed these com m unications, and is have been the only one who .knew of a stra n g e r to me I would have warned
NA v Oregon,
l j( ( t l jc
a t work.
tees, one to sell stock and another to looking for a villa here.
hi9 f a th e r’s savings o ( ‘.‘a littje over her by w ire le ss," said C aptain No­
p e p p o und. ' - *•'
tak e subscriptions, w ere appointed.
Knox Helping Mexicans.
“ I could have predicL d
$ 1 , 000 .
< >nion»(*W al|a W ait* $1.76 p e r hun­
Alta Mine G ets New Equipm ent.
Q uake Rekindles F ires.
W ashington, D. C .— In annnouncing
th a t she would go ashore.
x r
50th Fair Will Be Bast.
San Bernardino, £ a l . —Sm ouldering
9 3 Drown in M editerranean,
Poultry Hens, 16(o16|c; springs, th a t the Uriited S ta te s has granted A lta rrtine n ear Kerby have ju st re ­
S entence W oman to Cnain Gang,
Salem —A t a banquet a t the Marion logs dislodged and rolled down the
18(ol8$c; ducks, young, 15c; geese, a u th o rity ’ to Mexico to send troops turned from Portland, w here they pur­
G ib ra ltar—The French steam ship
across U nited S ta te s te rrito ry to Is>w-
hotel in honor of J. H. Booth, o f Rose- m ountain sides by a sharp earthquake E m ir foundered five'm iles east o f T ar-
Iola, K an.— Iola city officials, w ith
nom inal; turkeys, nominal-
Kg^s Fresh Oregon ranch, candled, e r C aifornia, S ecretary of S ta te Knox ton Chile m ill upon the m illsite ad­ burg, president of the S ta te board o f shock sta rte d another fo rest fire which ifa, Spain, in the S tra its o$ G ib ra ltar. the exception of Municipal Judge
F orest Super­ N inety-three persons w ere drowned. Sm eltzer, are up in arm s because a
com plim ented P resid en t de la B arra
agricu ltu re, a movem ent was in au g u r­ may prove serious.
27c per dozen.
jacen t to thé m ining property.
B u tte r. C ity cream ery e x tra , l and on his efforts to re sto re order in Mex­ property is new and has one cut 150 ated to make the 50th anniversary of visor Charlton has despatched 40 men The ship sailed from here for a Moroc­ woman has been sentenced to don a
2-pound prin ts, in boxes, 30c per ico. Mexican ru rales will be per­ feet above the mill w here the ore is the S ta te fa ir this y e ar the g re atest in to fight the new blaze. The new fire can port. Aii’hour Ibter,- in ' a dense p a ir o f bloomers and join the stre e t
Pio­ is in D evil’s Canyon, above which the fog, she collided w ith the B ritish gang from the city jail. Judge Sm elt­
pound; less than box lots, cartons and m itted to go from Douglas, Arizona, sent down by g ravity. The ore shoot I the history of the organization.
to T ia Juana, Mexico, to suppress
neers of the sta te will be e ntertained recent conllagration raged last week. steam ship Silvertbn* bbund from New­ zer sentenced Mrs. E lla Reese to the
delivery ex tra.
T here w ere two shocks, one a t 3:40 port, England, for A ranto, Italy. The s tre e t gang and ordered th a t the city
law lessness in the northern p a rt of
PorK, Fs\ncy, l(Xo lOJc per pound.
ries six rolls w ith a crushing capacity a new featu re and a „ of Sa,em w i„ and another a t 10:20 a. m.
Though crew of the S jlverton rescued 27 of the officials provide her w ith bloomers.
Veal Fancy, 12(0 13c per (M)und. } Lower C alifornia.
of 7,200 pounds^_______
close its doors to honor these pioneers. the buildings w ere shaken severely, E m fr’s"crew and passengers. The Sil- S tre e t Com m issioner Glynn refuses to
0 Hops 1911 contracts, 80(//.32c per
[ Among those a t the g a th e rin g was R. the dam age done in th is city was verton late r put in here w ith her s ta r­ have a woman in the chain gang and
Films Lure B acksliders.
pound; 1910 crop. 29c; 1909 crop, 20
T annery Will Be Built.
p_ Boise, who attended the first S ta te trival.
San Jose, Cal. — Illu strated songs
(n 22c; olds, ISCci 17c.
board- bow stove in .and her forepeak will resist the c o u rt’s order.
Tillam ook—Paying $600 an acre, fa ir, 50 years ago.
Mohair — Choice, 36(it374c per and a sermon made more in te restin g
fu ll’of w ater.
M eat D earer in New Y ork.
Anciant S e c re ts Found.
by m otion pictures, fe atu red the ser* P eter Rem er and John Ponkner, of |
p O P lA
- * >
Fruit Shipm ents Bagic.
New Y ork— Prices o f b eef are to be
C attle E x tra choice 9teers, $5.75(til vices a t the C h ristian church here Portland, have bought five acres of
S trik e S tre n g th Display.
Berkeley, C al.—The dep artm en t 'of
Medford — B eginning fru it ship- raised and local retail dealers say the
6; good, $5 .25(o 5.50; choice cows, Sunday last.
P ic tu re s have been land on the T rask river, ju s t outside
Chicago— R ailroad officials declare archaeology of the U niversity of C ali­
$4.75«/ 4.80) good, $4.25(0 4.50; good, used in the churches here before the city lim its, w ith the intention of merits, from the Rogue riv e r valley, a advance m akes the cost of m eat pass th a t the strike which th reaten s W est­ fo rn ia will devote a portion of the
average 1050 pound*. $4(//4.25; com­ to illu stra te lecture» and midweek seH establishing a tannery. They expect car 0f B a rtle tt pears was shipped the high w a te r m ark of last fall. ern railroads is bein g planned as a corning term to experim ents in re sto r­
mon, $2.75(o 3; choice heifers, $4.75 vices, but this m arks th eir first ap­ to begin construction work w ithin two) f rom the | rwin tra c t in the Burrell Prices have been steadily advancing dem onstration o f stren g th o f the ra il­ ing old bronze and copper relics th a t
The pear crop prom ises to for two w eeks. The wholesale price road departm ent of the A m erican Fed­ have been buried for centuries. A re ­
id.5; choice bulls, $3.50(g)3.75; choice pearance in the reg u lar Sunday se r­ weqks. and to have th e ir plant in orchard.
calves. 200 pounds and under, $7(o vices. Inasmuch as m otion p ictu res operation by spring They are buying exceed the estim ated 400 carloads, of hind q u a rte rs of beef has jum ped eratio n of Labor..
The railroad* de­ cent discovery by Professor A. L.
now from 11 to 14 cents, w hile pork loins p a rtm en t of the A m erican Federation R roeber has resulted in the thorough
7,2^ f good to choice, $5.60(0-6; com­ have driven le g itim a te th eatricals o a t hides in the m eantim e. Twenty-five and the association ia even
mon. $4(o 5 , choice sthgs» $4?59(<r 6f the c ity , keen in terest m arked the men will be employed in the factory, clam oring for pickers and packers. have gone up from 10 to 15 cents a o f I-abor was org an ized ' fo u r years cleansing o f several heavily corroded
The hot w eather in Ju ly has m ade the pound. W holesalers say the cause of ago. It is said to have a m em bership spear heads and o th er relics.
appearance tff the pictures a t the Sun­
4.75; good, $4^25^1.4.50. ,
L iberate T rout Fry.
fru it ripen well, end it is in excellent the advance is the scarcity o f good o f nearly 700,000, com prising shopmen
E x tra choice lig h t hogs, day service ait a church.
Eugene— A shipm ent of 150,000 condition for picking. The g re a te r p a rt c attle in the W est and Southw est.
$7 .85(0 8; gboice heavy,
O rp h an s S at Hom e Afire.
and telegraphers o f 18 of the most
Senator T rea su re Ship.
heavy rough. $6'.25(o 6.50.
steelhead tro u t fry was received in of the pear crop here will be B a rtle tts.
im portant roads.
: Chicago — Four inm ates of the
Sheep (’hoice yearlings, w ethers,
R ubber Plants Resum e.
S eattle. — Seven hundred thousand Eugene and sent up the M cKensie riv- j
Uhlich E vangelical L utheran O rphana’
Many Hunt in C urry M ountains,
coarse w.ool, $3.25(o 3.50; choice y ear­ dollars' worth o f A laska gold was er. They will be liberated in th a t
Froat-'Hirs* C anadians.
W oonsocket, R. I.—The m ills o f the
Home set tire to th e ir (dorm itory,
ling w ethers, east of m ountains, $3.25 brought to S eattle by the steam ship stream end in a few years will be
Marshfield- Many hunters are now W oonsocket R ubber company, w hfrtr
S t. P »111 AciNTrtltfIr'Tir reports re­ « h e re there w ere 100 o th er children,
Or 3.50; choice two and threes, $3(o Senator. The gold was shipped from large enough to create g re a t sport for in the m ountains of Coos and C urry have been closed for a m onth because ceived t y the rlqgal w eather bureau, because the daily privilege of a visit
3.60; choice spring lambs, $5.26(0 the Nome and Iditarud districts. H alf the anglers of this city and the many counties a fte r deer. Several sought of dullness in the rubber business, ’ximonton and C algary, Canada, e x ­ to Lincoln park had been denied to
6.50; g(M>d to choice spring lambs, of th is gnlii will be sent direct to the outside people who come here each the most favored places several days have reaum ed operations in several perienced breaths o f frost Thursday three o f them . Firem en extinguished
$6(o 5.25; choice killing ewes, $2.75 sm elter ^n San Francisco and the rv- y ra r to enjoy the m atchless fishing before the open season began so th a t departm ents. .Nearly 2,500 hands.
m*»spiFig. Ahsvtom yerature (trapping*t» th e blaze a fte r $200 dam age had be> u
* • • *...... n
they would be first on the ground. find employm ent.
m ainder
consigned tirS ea Jtle banka. «Iforded on the stream .
36 degrees.
... 4
• *1 -»• - t *•
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