Estacada progress. (Estacada, Or.) 1908-1916, August 10, 1911, Image 2

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Current Events of Interest Gathered
Frati) the World at Large.
General Returns o f Important Eventa
Preeented In Condensed Form
fo r Our Buey Readers.
Hops are selling in
keta at 36 rents.
A strike of shopmen is threatened
on all Western railroads.
Democrats beat Republicans 12 to 9
in a baseball game played by members
o f the national house o f represents
Balfour attempted to get a vote o f
censure for Asquith in the British
commons, but was overwhelmingly de
The woman mayor o f Hunniwell
Kansas, is ready to quit, but is de
termined to oust several defiant co
cilmen first.
President T a ft traveled 400 miles by
special train to speak before a Chau
tauqua assembly and urge approval of
Two men were rescued, starving
and ragged, from a barren rock on the
Alaska coast, where they were east
two months before by a storm.
Football will be made a regular
course at Stanford University, and
credits given the same as in any other
study, which will count in final gradu­
ation honors.
“ I f we do not receive $5,000 by the
night, we will kill your boy,” was the
word received by Antony Marino, o f
Chicago, whose 6-year-old son was
kidnaped Saturday.
Fire insurance on standing grain
has been reduced from 3 per cent to
1J per cent in Eastern Oregon and
Washington, owing
to the large
amount o f summer fallowing done
The United States is preparing for
intervention in Hayti.
The senate has passed the reappor­
tionment bill, insuring another repre­
sentative for Oregon.
Wool merchants o f San Francisco
are up in arms against the new wool
tariff, saying Japan will profit by it.
An angry ball-player at Seattle
hurled the ball at the umpire’s head
and then knocked him senseless with
a blow from his fist.
Taft Tails T ogo o f Hopes for
versal Peace.
Washington — President T a ft ex­
tended to Japan, through the nation's
guest, Admiral Togo, at a dinner in
the White House in honor o f the Jap­
anese naval hero, an invitation to join
the United States, Creat Britain and
France in the great world movement
for international peace.
Rising from his chair between Ad­
miral Togo and Speaker Clark, the
president offered a toast to the em­
peror o f Japan.
Then turning to
Count Togo, he said:
“ I would indeed fail in my duty
and be untrue to my own deep convic­
tions did 1 not take this occasion o f
the first public welcome to you as our
national guest to express my own ap­
preciation and that o f the American
people o f the broad and humanitarian
view taken by His Majesty, the em­
peror of Japan, and the_ imperial Jap­
anese government in so readily and
generously affirming, in the most pos­
itive and solemn manner, that no con­
sideration o f selfish interest should be
permitted to obstruct .the progress of
the great world movement for inter­
national peace as “ exemplified in the
general treaties of arbitration, be­
tween the |United (States, Great Bri
tain and France, signed on the day o f
your arrival in this country.
“ I gladly acknowledge this impor­
tant part which Japan has played in
facilitating this notable achievement
by its prompt and unreserved recogni­
tion, in the recent Anglo-Japanese
agreement, o f the great moral prin­
ciple o f arbitration, and I entertain
the hope with confidence that the time
may not be far distant when Japan
will see fit to join in the movement
now so auspiciously inaugurated.”
Moroccan Question Settlement Cause
o f Trouble.
Portland—Thirty cents has been
paid in this city for new-crop Oregon
hops, the highest price that has been
current in this state since the latter
part o f 1904.
Within less than a
week's time the market here has
jumped from 26 to 30 cents.
That it
will soon go to 40 rents is now con­
ceded by nearly everyone in the trade.
The 30-cent purchase was made by
McNetf Bros., hop dealers o f this city,
who obtained part o f the crop of
George L. Rose, o f Salem, on which
they paid a 10-cent case advance.
They also bought at the same price
100 bales from another Oregon grow-
er. and 20,000 pounds from a grower
in the Yakima valley.
Other dealers were in the market
with 30-cent offers, but so far as
could be learned had been unable to
Hop merchants and growers were
satisfied that the market would have
to advance in view of the alarming
crop reports that came from Europe,
but the price struck the 30-cent level
somewhat sooner than expected.
Berlin— The prospect o f a speedy
settlement o f the Moroccan question
between Germany and France is wel­
comed on every hand, but the terms
o f the agreement when they become
known, probably will cause considera­
ble dissatisfaction.
Details still remain to be arranged.
Both Germany and France have been
compelled to concede weighty points
because neither was prepared to press
matters too far.
The first indications of indignation
have appeared in the Pan-German
Post and Zukunft, the organ o f Maxi­
milien Harden. The leading article
o f the Pan-German Post not only at­
tacks foreign minister Von Kiderlin-
Waechter and Imperial Chancellor
Von Bethmann-Hollweg, and demands
their retirement from office, but
makes a terrific onslaught upon Em­
peror William, asking:
“ What has happened to the Hohen-
It also calls the emperor the strong­
est supporter o f the Anglo-French
The Pan-German Post concludes by
calling the emperor “ William the
Tim id,’,’ and “ The Valorous Poltroon.”
Herr Arden in the Zukunft also at­
tacks His Majesty severely, naming
him “ William the Peaceful.”
Evaporation and Special
Canning Highest Price Since 1904 —Further
Helps Loganberry Growers.
Rise Predicted.
Salem- That the loganberry market
is better than ever and that the de­
mand is increasing instead o f decreas­
ing are statements o f Britt Aspinwall,
o f Brooks.' He and his brother J. P.
Aspinwall have 5 acres o f these ber­
ries and will plant 15 or 2U acres next
Fear o f loganberry overproduction
is now a thing o f the past, with the
driers and evaporators, and it is be­
lieved that more and more o f these
berries will be raised annually.
loganberries produce from four to
six tons an acre, and command a hand­
some price. Up to last year Portland
and Seattle were the principal mar­
kets from this [joint, and owing to the
heavy offerings there was a slump in
the price. Experimentation with the
evaporator followed, as it was be­
lieved that the market could be ex­
tended. The best qualities o f the lo­
ganberries were preserved and the
bulk o f the fruit was so reduced that
it could be shipped conveniently and
economically to all parts o f the world.
In addition to this the canneries
have discovered a means whereby this
class of berry may be conveniently
canned and safely preserved. The
canneries in Portland and Stlem are
handling a large quantity of the fruit
and are paying prices profitable to the
grower. Instead o f a glut on the
Portland and Puget Sound markets
there are now times when a scarcity
is felt owing to the distribution o f the
fruit over large areas o f market cen­
Mr. Aspinwall’s evaporator has a
capacity o f 1500 pounds o f dried ber­
ries daily. It is kept at a tempera­
Det Moines Car Company and Em­
ture o f 140 degrees for 24 hours to
ployes Ordered to Resume.
thoroughly dry the fruit, and a cord of
Des Moines, la. — Judge Lawrence wood will evaporate a ton o f logan­
Degraff issued a mandatory writ o f in berries.
junction in the District court ordering
the city railway and its employes to
resume car service within a reason­
able time.
Wheat Yield of County Will Go Over
International Organizer Fay, o f the
Million Bushels.
Carmen’s union, announced that the
La Grande— Wheat harvest in Union
strike o f the Des Moines City Railway
employes was ended, so far as the un county is well under way, and what is
generally admitted to be a crop from
ion was concerned.
He said the union would obey the 250.000 to 500,000 bushels in excess
mandate issued by Judge Degraff and o f the million bushel record created
the men wolud be ordered to return to two years ago, will be harvested dur­
ing the next month. There is a uni­
It is also ordered by the writ that form stand of wheat all over the val­
Conductor Hiatt shall be temporarily ley and it is said by many that 1,-
reinstated pending arbitration.
Pa­ 500.000 bushels is too conservative an
pers to carry out the provisions o f the estimate. Excellent weather prevails
writ were issued for service upon here and it looks like the crop will be
President Leonard, o f the Streetcar harvested without the slightest mis­
I f it does. Grand
Men’s union, and General Manager hap in any way.
Ronde farmers will glean much profit
Harrigan, o f the city railway.
Striking streetcar employes o f the from this year’s crop.
Incidentally the apple and cherry
Des Moines City railway required just
one day in which to rid the city of crops are o f such proportions— the
their ancient enemies, the strike­ latter already having been turned into
breakers. It was announced that every cash as a rule, and indications favor­
strikebreaker brought to this city ing the former— will provide channels
from Chicago or Omaha either had for many other tillers of Grand Ronde
given up his job and gome home, or valley soil to realize neat
was in jail to protect himself from Sugar beets, which are grown in this
violence and would depart hence by and Wallowa valleys alone in the state
o f Oregon, indicate the bumper crop.
the first train.
Yamhill Association to Convene in Freight Rates to Be Special Subject
Sheridan August 19.
o f Commission’s Quest.
McMinnville— The Hyland
growers’ association, o f Yamhill coun­
ty, will meet at Sheridan on the after­
noon o f August 19. The general sub
ject to be discussed at this meeting
will be “ The Handling and Cultivat­
ing o f Yamhill County Soils, With
Special Reference to Orchard W ork."
W. K. Newell, president of the state
board o f horticulture, has promised to
be present and will give an address.
Dr. James Withycombe, o f the Oregon
Experimental station, will also be
present and will address the assembly.
The McMinnville Fruit association
will be in attendance and will provide
for a discussion on walnut culture.
The Dallas association will attend
and will furnish a talk on prune cul­
ture. This meeting is looked forward
to with a great deal of interest and it
ought to call out all tHe ranchers and
fruitgrowers in the section. H. B.
Miller, president of the Hyland Fruit­
growers, will preside. A ll the horti-
cultral heads o f the state will also be
present, while quite an attendance
from Portland is expected.
Washington, D. C.— A sweeping in­
quiry, numbering 162 railroads in the
West, South and Southwest, as re­
spondents, was ordered by the inter­
state commerce commission into the
freight rates charged on livestock,
fresh meats and packing house prod­
ucts. It is indicated by the commis­
sion that the purpose o f the inquiry is
not only to secure a parity o f rates,
but to establish by definite order,
rates which the commission shall re­
gard as reasonable and not unjustly
commercial rivalry
between two sets o f meat packers in
Chicago enters into the case.
In view o f the great importance of
the several proceedings heretofore in­
stituted, it was decided by the com­
mission to consolidate them into one
case. It was regarded as next to im­
possible so to adjust the rates as to
insure parity o f charges throughout
the territory by the consideration and
disposition o f individual cases.
Noted Japanese Admires America's
Electrical Eminence.
Haytian President Forced to Aban­
don Capital of Island.
Government Chamberlain Slain and
Five Others o f Party Killed—
Daughter Wounded.
Port Au Prince, H ayti—The revolu­
tion in Hayti has triumphed.
dent Simon fled the capital Thursday
and took refuge on board the Haytian
cruiser Seventeenth o f December,
formerly the yacht American.
him went his w ife and children and a
number o f his followers.
On all sides the capital is invested
by followers o f General Firmin, one of
the revolutionary leaders.
The city
itself is in the hands o f a committee
o f safety and there is no general dis­
order. Foreign interests are believed
to be secure.
None of the foreign
warships has landed bluejackets.
As the aged president was embark­
ing there was a clash in which his
chamberlain, Deputy Prin, and five
other persons were killed and Clemen­
tina Simon, his daughter, and six
other persons were wounded.
injuries o f Miss Simon are slight.
Promptly at 4 o ’clock Simon came
out o f the main entrance of the palace.
Over his shoulder the old man, who
had declared that he would fight to
the end, carried his rifle. With head
erect, he marched down to the wharf.
A t his side his daughter, Clemen­
tina, walked. Other members o f his
family previously had taken refuge on
board the Seventeenth of December.
As Simon and his daughter reached
the wharf there was a rush from the
mob, which had gathered to witness
the departure. Miss Simon was the
center o f the attack, and several wo­
men, howling and shrieking, succeed­
ed in pulling off her hat. The chief
o f police led the young woman toward
a schooner, and Deputy Prin offered
his arm to Miss Simon.
As he did so a man rushed up and,
pressing the barrel o f his rifle into the
deputy’s face, shot and killed him.
Firing became general and before it
ceased five other persons had been
killed and six wounded.
Hottest in United
For Forty Years.
Town, Ordering
Americans to Leave.
El Oro, Mexico — The strike and
lockout here, involving 7,600 work­
men, has been discovered to conceal an
important movement to drive all for­
eigners, particularly Americans, from
this section.
The camp is quiet, after the conflict
in which troops fired into a mob of
striking miners, killing nine and
wounding 32 persons.
Four hundred Federal soldiers have
arrived here to reinforce the 200
troops from Toluca, and it is believed
they will be able to preserve order and
protect property.
The striking miners are congregated
about the streets in sullen groups, but
apparently are awed by the presence
o f the troops, and are contenting
themselves with harrangueing and
jeering the soldiers.
In all 7,600
men are idle.
The discovery that bribes had been
offered for the killing o f the mine su-
perinetndent and his two assistants
caused the management o f El Oro
mine to declare a practical lockout
and ask the Federal government to
make a full investigation o f the mo­
tive o f the strikers.
The demand o f the strikers for
higher wages is incidental and that
their real motive is antagonistic to
foreigners, the movement being di­
rected in particular against Am eri­
cans. Posters distributed throughout
the town order foreigners to leave the
camp and declare that the Mexican
miners propose to run the mine them­
Several dynamite bombs have been
found in the mines.
The first group o f miners to declare
a strike were at Las Esperanzas mine
and they were quickly followed by El
Oro and Des Estrellas workmen. The
smelters are continuing operations,
the surface men refusing to join in the
Receives Food Through Drill
and Is Not Worrying.
Joplin, Mo.— Entombed 78 feet be­
low the surface o f the earth, facing
posible death from the rapidly rising
water in the mine drift, Joseph Clary,
the young miner caught by a cave-in
at the White Oak mine here was
feasted on fried chicken and joked
with friends who are waiting at the
surface for his rescue.
The fourth drill hole put down in an
attempt to reach his prison penetrated
the roof o f limestone late Tuesday a f­
“ H ello,” Maurice Grafton called
down the hole when the drill bits had
been removed.
“ Hello; I ’m hungry,” came the
clear but faint reply.
Then Thomas Clary, father o f the
entombed miner, hurried to his home,
where the young man’s mother was
prostrated from grief, and told her
that the young man was still alive.
The news, the doctors say, saved her
From his home the father, one of
the oldest prospectors in the district,
hurried back to the mine, carrying
milk and stimulants, which were low­
ered by a piece o f rope.
A fte r drinking these young Clary
seemed much stronger and remained
near the drill hole talking with those
at the top.
Washington, D. C.— Not in the past
Linn County Forest Conflagration Is
New York— Admiral Togo le ft New 40 years have temperatures in the
Almost Under Control.
York Friday night for Washington. United States during the late spring
The International Harvester com­
Albany— A light rain in the moun­ His departure had a feature quite as and early summer been so uniformly
pany w ill wage active war against
tains o f Eastern Linn bounty has unusual as his midnight arrival and high for so long a period and over
tuberculosis in all its great manufac­
helped the fire fighters who are .trying welcome in New York bay the night such a large portion of the country as
turing establishments.
to stop a forest fire which 'is burning before, for he le ft the city in the cab this year, according to Weather Bu­
on Squaw mountain near the head­ o f a big electric engine, drawing a reau officials. The high temperatures
Many bones have been found in the
waters o f Blue river, about 30 miles heavy Pennsylvania train for the capi­ were most pronounced over the more
wreck o f the battleship Maine, but it
central and northern portions o f the
southeast o f Cascadia.
The fire had tal.
is as yet impossible to remove them
Although the private car Olivette, country, while the Southern states
been spreading rapidly until this rain
from the tangled iron and steel.
came. Since then the fire fighters which the government has provided were comparatively exempt from un­
have succeeded in holding it .almost in for him, was attached to the train, the usual heat.
A San Francisco woman who shot
The intense heat over the more pop­
check, though it is not yet under con­ naval hero elected to sit by the en­
and killed her worthless, drunken hus­
— ------------------
gineer’s side and watch him operate ulous sections caused severe suffering
band because she could nut reform
in the congested portions of the cities
A report was received at the forest the 4,000-horsepower motor.
him, was released on $100 bail and
“ I am intensely interested in your and resulted in the loss o f probably
service headquarters o f the Santiam
will probably be acquitted on grounds
Woman’s Skull Fractured in Coney
district here from Forest Ranger world pre-eminence in electrical en­ thousands of lives.
o f temporary insanity.
Without Irrigation, Yield Near On­
Lack o f rainfall over the great agri­
Island Strike.
Knowles, who is in charge o f the crew gineering and railroading, ” the little
tario Is Immense.
fighting this fire, stating that at the admiral said through his interpreter, cultural districts during most o f the
New York — The Coney Island &
long heated period greatly retarded
Brooklyn Railroad company ran half-
Wheat— New crop, Bluestem, 80*/ empty cars nine hours Sunday be­ crated apricots from the Snake River covered about three squuare miles. portunity to observe, so I will ride vegetable growth and threatened a Pasadan'a, Home o f Rich People, Is
serious curtailment o f crop produc­
• »
Below Quota.
81c; club, 76*/76c; red Russian, 74c; tween 20-mile lines o f 1,200 police* valley this season was made from the It is in an old burn, but as the old with the engineer.”
rains, however,
valley, 75ft/ 76c.
Pasadena, Cal.— This city o f mil­
ment. As a result o f the attendant
Millstuffs Bran, $24.50*/25; mid- riots, four persons are in the hospital, northeast o f town, when 30 crates are also many logs it is a very hot and
Work Makes Earth Paradise.
lionaires and multi-millionaires is fac­
(Hint's, $32; .shorts, $25.500(26; rolled one o f them probably mortally hurt were shipped to Wyoming and Mon­ dangerous fire. The report said that
New York— Thoma^ A. Edison has conditions, and the outlook at the ing a famine in babies. With a pop­
barley, $28*/ 29.
barring a heavy wind it was believed started for a European trip for the
ulation o f 40,000, only 48 births are
perhaps 40 are suffering from effects tana points at $1.50 a crate.
Corn- Whole, $98; cracked, $84 ton. of stones and brickbats and 25 strik­
Mr. Woods so far as known, has the the fire could be kept from spreading first time in 22 years.
With him on gathering of the usual harvests of the record for July.
According to a
Barley— New Feed, $24.50 per ton; ers and their sympathizers are under only apricot orchard in this part of into the green timber.
the Mauretania were his son, Charles,
leading physician, the average o f a
the West, and he expects to ship 1,000
brewing, $28 per ton.
and in London Mrs. Edison and their
city o f this size should be not less
lock and key.
Oats—Old white, $25 ton; new, $24.
Madeline w ill soon join was from June 22 to July 10. Higher than 300 babies, and 600 would be
As the day advanced the crowds be­ crates o f them this season. One ship­
Hay— Timothy, valley, $15*/16; al­ came ugly, and double crews were ment o f a full carload will be made
them. The fam ily will make an auto­
about the right figures.
falfa, $11; clover, $8.60o/ 9; grain placed upon all cars on all three lines within a few days. This will probably
mobile tour o f the Continent. Edison over much of the territory, but the have been studying the situation, and
hay, $10.
was asked i f he had anything new up
have gathered data which shows that
affected by the strike, A policeman be the first carload ever shipped out
Be Open, He Says.
Fresh Fruits--Cherries, Lamberts, stood behind the two motormen, and from this valley.
The apricots are
his sleeve. He replied: “ No, I have man life were doubtless augmented in the birth rate is lower here by far
$2.600/8 per box; apricots, $10/1.25 plain-clothes men riding in threes and exceptionally fine.
Salem— Further in support o f his just finished something new. My talk­
than in any city o f similar size in
per crate; cantaloupes, $1.600/2.25 fours over the system, stood ready to
The first cutting o f oats near here contention that meetings o f the state ing pictures are complete. Two hun I the most intense heat occurred to­ America, though the proportion o f
per crate; peaches, 75c*/.$1.50 per repel any attacks upon crews and pas this season was made by V. Mercer on land board should be open to the pub­ dred sets o f them have been made and ward the close o f a long heated marriages is fully up to normal.
box; watermelons, lc
per pound; sengers.
his ranch about a mile from Fruit- lic, Secretary Olcott has issued a for­ they are wonderful. You ought to see period, when animal vitality had been
One hundred and fifty births in a
largely depleted and therefore was not month, last December, are the largest
plums, $1.75 per crate; prunes, $1.76
land. The yield was about 80 bushels mal statement concerning the work of them and hear them.”
in condition to withstand further the
per box; new apples, $1.750/2.60 per
to the acre. A bunch of oats from the companies on irrigation projects.
number ever known here.
Rebel Leader Threatens.
debilitating effect o f
still greater are most numerous on the outskirts,
box; raspberries, $1.750/1.85; logan­
J. F. Doty island in Snake River, con­
In this statement ‘ he declares that
Woman Steam Tug Pilot,
Guadalajara, Mexico — Jose Marti­ taining one stool o f oats, brought to
not a single contract now in force
where the middle classes live.
Tacoma— The little steam tug Fawn,
nez, a revolutionary leader o f Za|>ot- town recently, had 32 stalks.
1.75<rijl.90; pears, $2.50 per box.
They with companies reclaiming arid lands of Tacoma, comes now to the front cent hot waves was in 1901.
Vegetables - - Beans, 6«/10c; cab­ lan, declares he will put 1,000 armed were seven feet tall and heavily bur­ is satisfactory to the state.
Secre­ with a distinction all her own. She
Cuban Rebels Are Lost.
bage, $1.500/2 per hundred; com, 80 men in the field in the state o f Jalisco dened with oats. This field had no ir­ tary Olcott believes that the meetings
ITaft’s Stand is Opposed.
has a regular “ lady skipper,” Captain
Havana— No trace has been found
4c40c per dozen; cucumbers, $10/1.25 unless assurances are given that the rigation, yet promises to yield 80 o f the desert land board in particular
Seattle— Following closely the dec­ o f General Guillermo Acevado and the
Mrs. T. J. Walthey.
Mrs. Walthey
per box; eggplant, 16c per pound; plan o f the revolutionists outlined at bushels to the acre at the least.
should be thrown open to the public, has a pilot license for vessels o f 100 laration o f President T aft advocating members of an armed party that took
garlic, 100/ 12c per pound; lettuce, 30 San Luis Potosi last fall will be put
so that the settlers on such lands may tons plying between Cape Flattery the leasing^system for the develop­ the field at Regia after having issued
**35c per dozen; hot house lettuce, into effect. He is said to have re­
have opportunity to become familiar and Puget Sound points.
Eugene Plans Apple Fair.
Captain ment o f the Alaskan coal resources, a manifesto denouncing the adminis­
$ 1.260/1.75 per box; peas, 40/5c per cruited a large force in the moun­
Eugene— Plans are being formed for with all the transactions o f the board Walthey, her husband, who is nt pres­ the Rotary club went on record unani­ tration o f President Gomez as corrupt,
Five hundred
pound; peppers, 90/10c;
radishes, tains near Zapotlan.
in connection with these lands.
ent taking orders from Mrs. Walthey mously as opposing the leasing system and calling upon the executive to re­
12Jc per dozen; rhubarb, 2 Jo/ 3c per troops have been ordered to proceed a second annual apple show under the
Treasurer Kay said that he is in as engineer, says the license would and favoring private ownership at the sign.
pound; tomatoes, 90co/$1.25 per box;
favor o f allowing press representa­ qualify his w ife to act as mate on one weekly luncheon at the New Washing­
The government is taking extraor­
new carrots, $1.75 per sack; turnips, rebels and federals took place near Te- club. The success o f last year’s fair, tives to attend the board meetings.
The resolution adopted dinary measures to capture the fugi­
o f the big steamers that come into ton hotel.
$1.75; beets, $1.75.
port from all over the word.
ages the growers to try again, and
tives. There are no evidences o f dis­
Potatoes New Oregon, ljo / lfc p e r
ber o f commerce, the Commercial turbances in any part o f the island.
they are ready to co-operate with the
Stock Exhibit to Be Big.
Unique Faker Caught.
Acevado is a man o f little prominence
People Cheer Strikers.
Eugene— Preparing for the largest
St. Louis — An unique method for club. Awakening o f growers to the
Onions— Walla Walla, $1.75 per
chapter o f the American Mining con­ and small influence.
Des Moines, la.— The last o f nearly gress.
getting trips to Europ eat the expense importance o f learning the commercial exhibit of registered stock at the
Poultry Hens, 15j0(16c; springs, o f the United States government was packing of apples was brought out by county fair that has ever been seen in five hundred employes of the Des
the show last year, and one o f the con­ Lane county, Amos Wilkins, chairman Moines City Railway walked out at
Panama Chief Threatens.
18c; ducks, young, 15c; geese, nomi­ revealed here by the arrest o f Karonk
Another Rebellion Due,
Panama — The political situation
Ik Garambdian, an Armenian.
The ditions this year will be that the fruit of the livestock committee, is request­ 1:15 o’clock Saturday morning, after
nal; turkeys, nominal.
Mexico City.— Enraged by the dis
Eggs Fresh Oregon ranch, can- plan was Arcadian in its simplicity. shall be packed as for sale as well as ing owners of full-blooded animals of returning their cars to the company missal o f Emilio Vasquez Gomez from here grows more complicated. The
all kinds to put their stock in exhibi­ barns, and the strike ordered by the
friends o f President Arosemna’s ad­
It consisted in simulating some disease for display.
died, 27c per dozen.
tion condition. The directors of the executive committee o f the Carmen’s the post o f secretary o f the interior, ministration openly assert that all
Butter—-City creamery, extra, 1 and or other affliction such as would ren­
numerous officers o f the revolutionary government employes who do not fa v­
2-pound prints, in boxes, 28c per der the presence o f the person in this
New Bridge— The farmers and fruit energies towards making the Lane cialiy "o n .”
One of the features of army have declared that they would or his re-election will be replaced by
pound; less than box lots, cartons and country a violation o f the immigration
recall their followers and lead them those who do.
This unprecedented
aws. Thereupon the government growers o f this valley are delighted County Fair rather a farmers' insti­ the inauguration of the strike was the
delivery extra.
into a second rebellion. President de campaign on behalf o f the national
would insist upon the deportation o f with the announcement made by Man­ tute than an amusement carnival, and assemblage at midnight o f several
Pork— Fancy, 10*rlOJc per pound.
la Barra intimated that Francisco I. executive was begun with the is­
the person, paying all expenses. Ga­
Veal— Fancy, 12*/ 13c per pound.
at this place, the first o f its kind ever offered for prize-winning animals.
ing rooms, who cheered the car crews Madero is the one really respnsible for suance o f a decree replacing Ramon F.
Hops — 1911 contracts, 30c per rambdian pretended to be crazy.
the elimination o f Gomez. He stated Acevado, secretary o f government and
established in Eagle Valley, will start
as they passed on their final trips.
pound; 1910 crop,
26*/ 27c;
that he did not regard the situation as chief o f the cabinet, with Feliodoro
Apple Crop's Return Big,
operation August 10. A large sup­
Firmin Wants No Trouble.
crop, 19*/20c; olds, 10(0 16. J
critical. The more conservative ele­ Patinio, who has been the secretary
Fight Bitter in Canada,
Hood River — The Applegrowers’
Wool Eastern Oregon, 9*/ 16c per
Cape Haytien The French steamer ply o f cans and boxes is on hand, and
Winnipeg—The report that the Do­ ment applauded the dismissal Aof o f public instruction.
pound, according to shrinkage; val­ Caravelle is in port here with General there willl be nothing to prevent a run union has made ita first shipment of
The consign­ minion government will insist on Gomez.
ley, 15<ii.l 7c; mohair, choice, 36*/. Antoine Firmin on board. General to full capacity during the entire sea­ this year's apple crop.
Railroad Bara Women.
37Jc per pound.
Firmin said, in an interview, that he son. Mr. Ioveland states that he will ment was composed of Red Astrachans. handling the registration of voters
Settlers Secure Relief. ^
The fruit was well shaped, smooth­ lists in Manitoba for the approaching
Cattle — Choice steers $5.50*/6; hoped the presidential election in employ about 50 people.
San Francisco— The Southern Pacific
Washington, D. C.— The house pub­ Railroad company has made effective
skinned and without blemishes. Man election created a sensation here and
good, $5.25*/6.50; medium, $4.50*/5; Hayti could be carried nut without
common, $3.75*/ 4; choice cows, $4.50 disturbances being raised by any of Marion Stream Gets 24,000 Trout. ager Spmat says the lot o f apples will /hows that the fight is on over reci­ lic lands committee has reported fav­ in ita office here orders that hereafter
(o:4.75; good, $4.25*/4.50; good, aver­ the other candidates, because such
Salem Shipment of 24,000 young bring good returns. All o f last sea procity. The law says the Dominion orably the W’arren bill granting leave no women are to be employed as
a g e '1050 pounds, $4*/4.25; common, difficulties probably would result in Eastern brook trout has been received son’s apples were sold by July 1, and has the right to prepare lists in the of absence until April 15, 1912, to clerks or stenographers in the passen­
$2.76(0.3; choice heifers, $4.75*/5; bloodshed.
I f the election went in this city by Houser Bros, through the past year’s business is now cleaned province where they have not been homesteaders in drouth regions o f the ger department. Officials of the com­
The provincial Coast. A t the request o f Representa­ pany assign as the reason for this
choice bulla,
choice against him. General Firmin added, the efforts o f Representative Hawley. up. The business last year amounted prepared for a year.
government, continues, however,' to tive Lafferty the bill was amended to action the tendency o f the girls to
calves, 200 pounds and under. $7*/ he would accept defeat gracefully.
The trout will be consigned to Battle to a little more than $600,000.
include the Bums, Malheur, The marry just about the time when they
make its preparations to register.
7.25; good to choice, $5.50*t.6; com­
Creek. The fry were in excellent
Dalles and La Grande districts. The begin to become o f great service, and
Surveyors Nearing Florence,
Warship Craw Mutinous.
mon, $4/0.6; choice stags, $4.60*/
condition when received and there is
bill will pass the house as an emer­ the physical incapacity which unfits
Storm Hits Southwest.
Florence— Surveyors for the W il­
4.75; good. $4.25*/4.60.
Madrid — A section o f the crew of every reason to believe that they will
effect at them for advancement.
lamette & Pacific railroad, recently
Kansas City— Rains which have fal­ gency measure,
Hogs — Extra choice light hogs, the Spanish battleship Numancia mu­ survive and propagate freely.
incorporated by G. K. Wendling and len in Southwest Missouri. Southeast­ once.
$7.36*1,8; heavy, $6.65*/ 6.90; heavy tinied while the ship was lying in the
Shops Run on Full Tim *.
Ferry Capsizes, Seven Drown.
others, are now working along the ern Kansas and Norther Oklahoma
rough, $6.76*/ 6.25.
roadstead at Tangier. The mutineers
Eastern Mills Shut Down.
Sheep — Choice yearling wethers, were overpowered and put in irons
La G rande--After month* o f cur­ north side o f the Siuslaw river, and zince Wednesday morning have done
Massena — Seven passengers were
Fall River, Mass.— Notices were drowned in the St. Lawrence river
coarse wool, $3.25(o3.60;
choice while the battleship started at full tailed hours, the machine and round have reached a point about 12 miles lamage estimated at more than $1,-
Another , party is 100.000. A t Lowell, near Galena, an posted in the Fall River Iron Works when the ferry steamer Syrus struck
yearling wethers, east o f mountains, speed for Cadiz. The official explana­ house crews in this city have been re­ above Florence.
The working on the west slope o f th< -lectric company dynamited its 30- company mill that after August 4 a shoal eight miles below this city,
$3.26*/ 3.60, choice two and threes, tion o f the incident is that it was not turned to regular hours again
$3(0.3.26; choice spring lambs, $6.25 political in character, but a demon­ machine shop and round house crews Coast range, having crossed over by foot power dam. which cost nearly they will be shut down . until further capsizing and hurling its 75 passen­
*(6.50; good, choice spring lambs, $6 stration against alleged hardships of are working 64 hours a week instead the Noti pass, and is coming in this 1500.000, in order to save the costly notice. The shutdown affects 6,000 gers into the water.
Four bodies
, direction.
machinery o f its plant.
41,6.25; choice killing ewes, $2.76<o3. the daily duties.
have been recovered.
o f 42 during the dull seaaon.