/ E ST A C A D A . OREGON, TH U R SD A Y , JU L Y to. t9 u . KO. 47 or VOL. j LO C A L N EW S AND P E R SO N A L M ENTIO N , I ft A YEAR Brother Accidently Visitors Royally Shoots Sister Entertained Have you had your outing? Fat cattle wanted; the fatter the Child better.— See Penland & Jorg. ESTACADA STATE BANK CAPITAL • W . D . Jellison, President On Saturday last Mrs. E . E, Hannah received word of the ser­ ious illness of her father Mr. Mad­ ding of Hillsboro. $25,000 T h os. Y ocu m , Vice President Cashier L . E . Belfils D IR E C T O R S : John Zobrist T h o e. Y o cu m L . E . Belfils A . C. Jellison W. D. Jellison of accounts of T h e papers, of late, have been full Fraudulent Real Estate Transactions In every instance, if an abstract was offered at all, it was issued by an abstracter without adequate facilities or equip­ ment to do the work. The dishonest man never risks having bis operations undergo the scrutiny of a responsible title company with a modern abstract plant. INSIST ON A RELIABLE ABSTRACT Clackamas Title Com pany' E x per t A bstr a cters op C l a c k a m a s C o unty t it l e s Established twenty years S. SRh»y. 3. SR. President 509-511 Chamber of Commerce Secretary S / iiU y . Bldg. PORTLAND, OREGON Member Oregon Association of Title Men Mem ber Am erican Association of Title Men »♦ «■ I* Come in and look over our line of FURNITURE y and see if we can’t please you. for. T h a t’ s W e have some nice M atting what we are here Rugs 9 x 1 2 think will please you, both in price and quality. rockers that can’ t be beaten. kinds A ll of which we Some fine Furniture in stock or in catalogue. N ow is the time you want to go to putting up your fruit for the rainy weather. W e handle the E C O N O M Y JA R S T h e y are the kind to save the fruit, easy to seal, once sealed they are there to keep. Y o u r i for business ESTACADA FURNITURE CO. W . D . and L . M . H enth om , Proprietors Attempts to take Gun Fruit Growers and Others Help Down from Wall and in Portlanders Enjoy Day in Unexplained Manner Great Fruit Country it is Discharged Strictly “ A " grade Standard Twine at 8 cts. McCurdy Lumber A very sad accident happened at & Hardware Co, the home of Clark Deuny about i On Saturday last a wee little o'clock Monday afternooa which stranger made its appearance at the resulted in the death of his three home of Tom Rhodes. It weighed year old baby girl from a gun ac­ 8J4 lbs. aud will answer to a femi­ cidentally discharged. It seems the two children were in nine name when old enough. the room playing, the baby stand­ C. J. Frankliu, general superin­ ing on the bed and her brother, tendent Railway Department of the aged 8 years got up on a high chair P. R. L. & P. Co , and Mrs and in attempting to take a shot­ Franklin are spending their outing gun down that was hauging on the at the Lodge at Cazadero, They wall it fell and was discharged, the have as guests Mr and Mrs. Di. charge entering the small of tbe Woods of the East Side. They ex ­ back and tearing a great hole pect to remain for two weeks. through the abdomen. Mr. Denny Mrs. Adix, after postponing her was in the field at work at the time outing trip to the Coast so that she and his wife had just left the room, could take her part in the musical, with the baby girl aud two little left on Wednesday morning. She boys in it. She heard the report will be aided in the care of the of the gun aud rushed in to find children by Nellie Hays, who goes her baby dying from the wound with her. it had just received. The little boy Mrs. Al. Drill of Cazadero went could give no intelligent account of to Vancouver, Wash., to visit with the accident as he would begin to her sister. Mrs. Drill lias had a cry when he came to tell that the protracted illness from which she is gun went off. While there were slowly recovering. Her many none except the children who saw friends will be pleased to learn that the accident Mrs. Denny was in she is gradually gaining in tbe room almost the instant the re­ port of the gun was heard. strength. Many Witness Summer Pruning Demonstration Large Crowd Sees Factor in Important Fruit Raising Demonstrated by Ex­ pert la id, arrived here ladened and from here went with the others to the Grange hall in Garfield where a splendid dinner was awaiting them, prepared by tbe ladies of the dis­ trict. There were 150 people came from Portland and with others from Estacada, Currinsville and Spring- water made a company of about 200 that left Estacada for the four mile drive to the hall. The sun was very warm but we all got there, if some did walk, The teams were heavily loaded and it ' j mostly up grade so that many of the men would walk to lighten the load. It is not saying too much when we say that fully 300 ate dinner and were well provided lor. The city visitors enjoyed eating strawberries gathered from the Staudish Bros, patch close to the hall. The excursionists then were takeu to the State Orchard on the ranch of J. J. Reid where Prof Gardner, of the O. A C , demon­ strated how "summer pruning' should be doue and the benefit to be derived. The party was from there driven to Estacada wheie they took their special train for the city. It was hard work tor raos' of the excursion party but there were none to complain. The special was in charge of Traffic Manager Hunt. Norman Tracy was not used to driving a four-in-hand bunting- trimmed passenger coach, so it gave way under his roomfor-one- more transportation idea and com­ pelled several to'xvalk. It was the only accident of the day. Livery, Feed & Sale STABLE W . A. JO N ES PROPRIETOR G ood rigs and careful drivers always SPECIAL Given ATTENTION Hunting and Fishing Parties WOOD & LUMBER Local aud Long Distance Telephone W e hare 3 houses and lots in Estacada For Sale. They are Bargains and fine properties. Saturday was a great day In Gar­ field. It had been previously ar­ ranged to run a special train from Portland to size up the Garfield dis­ trict aud to wituess the "summer pruuiug" at the State Orchard. At noon a number of ranchers with 4-horse teams and hayracks, also local teamsters were in waiting W e have several bargains in for the special, to conyey them houses, lots, close in acreage, from here to the country. The fine farms and a few tracts of conveyances were all decorated in choice fruit land, which we gala-day attire and enroute at­ would be pleased to show you. tracted considerable comment. We all here are so accustomed to what constitutes Garfield that we WOODIE LAND COMPANY would not describe it except for the B a n k b u ild in g tact we were frequently asked on Saturday, "W hat is Garfield?" "W here is Garfield?” We were There Is twlue and twine. Our surprised to be asked these ques­ Standard 8 cent Twine is the best tions from the Portland " A d " treu on the market. If you will ex- and real estate men, for we thought amine it you will agree with us they ought to know. McCurdy Lumber &. Hardware Co. Grand Lodge Officers Install Stick a pin right here, you men The hot wave that has been who think it is no use to advertise Large Towers are Destroyed by Newly Elected Officers in making life rather uncomfortable Choice Land in Garfield Sold to your community and won't give Local Lodge; Banquet Fire Which Originates back East for some time must have anything to do so. Garfield is a Morris Brothers; Will Con­ extended westward more than usual Follows Work district 4 miles in width east aud Under Engine Room duct Poultry Farm and Locally we have had it hot, hotter west by about the same distance and hottest for a whole week. It Fruit Ranch north and south and lies just east seems now however that the mer­ Thursday last was an important of Est- ada. It has a varying alti­ Long Delay May Be cury has settled and that Oregon day in tbe history of the Masonic tude of from 900 to 1260 feet, from has recovered her climatic equili­ Necessary fraternity in Estacada. For at Last week a real estate transfer the very latest geological survey brium. least three vears members of the of importance occured in Garfield that is now at the present time be­ order have hoped to see the estab­ Rev. J. C. Reynolds and his when Joe and Harry Morris of ing taken in that section of country When mother Mrs. B. Reynolds of Arrow Brooklyn, N. Y . , bought from E. The soil, as analyzed by tbe ex­ Both Suspended Cables Fall In­ lishment of a lodge here. Grand Master T. M. Baldwin, of Smith, 111., were visitors to the L- Wonacott ' 19 acres from the perts from the Oregon Agricultural to River; Repair Work to Prlneviile, aud Grand Secretary J. College, taken In connection with tract formerly owned by J. P. home of W P Ferrel at Barton for F. Robinson, of Portland, installed be Rushed scvetal days. They had been at­ Irvin. The sale includes the por­ the other necessary conditions has the newly elected officers and de­ tending the National Christian tions on which the buildings stand. been recommended highly by them livered to them their charter it as a fruit glowing district. Dur­ About three years ago Mr. Won­ Church convention. They were About 2:30 p. m. on Monday an was the time al which tbe first well pleased with what they saw of acott and others bought the Irvin ing the last five years, or since the Oregon, They left for points of farm and had set out fruit trees on owners of acreage in the district alarm of fire was given at the Masous were to be made in Estaca­ Originally have been actiug on these recom­ River Mill power site. The engine da. The candidates who received interest in the state of Washington about 75 acres of it. where they will visit other friends the purchase included 115 acres, 40 mendations, about 500 acres have room for tbe cable« ays was on fire this distinction have an honor that before returning to their homes in acres of which was at once resold. been set to apples, prunes and the and the flames were quickly con­ only they can enjoy. From Portland Geo. Estes. Dr, This is good property and the small fruits. The larger acreage veyed to the towers that support the East, Morris brothers are very fortunate ranches are being sub-divided into the big cable-wavs across the river Stryker, Dr. Garti r atnl Dr. Sells All kinds of lumber and building The cableway is a yery Important were present. Dr. Bmphy of Chi- smaller tracts and modern methods in their selection. material. Planing mill, Hamlin & It is their intention to go into tbe of care govern the effort to com­ adjunct in the construction work. ! cago, and a number of members of Darling. poultry and fruit business. We mercialize the district as a fruit It is suspended 160 feet above the Lone Pine lodge at Logan were river bed and is supported by ¡ also present, including the W. M ., The recital given by Miss Mc­ had the pleasure of meeting the section. strong towers built on either side of ; W. M. Kohl, and Past Master Kir- young gentlemen and learned they Fruit has been grown here ever Bride in the church on Saturday Two such cable- | chem. night was just fairly well patron­ had but recently come from the since it has been settled. No care, the river bed. A rr augments had been made ways have practically handled and ized. Considering that the enter East, and have already taken however, was taken of the most of with the Ladies’ Aid of the M. E. placed at the proper points on the possession of their property. the old orchards aud tbe fruit was tainment was free it was expected Garfield property is changing unmarketable on that account. The work across the river all the con­ I Church to prepare a banquet and that more would be present. The serve in the I. O. O. F. hall. It program was carried out as an­ ownership quite frequently, the young orchards with their thrifty 2 crete used in the construction work was midnight before the banquet­ In their destruction it can readily larger farms being cut up in small­ to 5 year old trees were the admir­ nounced with the exception of a be seen that until they can be re­ ers were seated at the banquet couple of numbers. The places er tracts. These are conditions the ation of the visitors on Saturday. Many newcomers are to be found placed It means delay to the work. ; tables, which, thanks to the ladies, had to be filled by others, owing to Progress has always advocated. It is the means of increasing the pro­ in the Garfield district and there is As the engines that operate the j were well ladened with good things the absence of those on the pro­ gram. Those taking part did their duction of the region, adding to plenty of room for more. Some carriers on these cableways were al­ ! to eat. Claude W, Devore was their population and increasing the good prices have been realized for so burned and the extent of dam­ 1 toastmaster (or the evening. A parts well. valuation of the land. A number land and it is constantly going age to them cannot be ascertained number of toasts were responded to Examine our Binding Twine. of fine comfortable homes have higher. As compared with regular until they cool sufficient to make au and at 1 30 the banqueters retired, We sell you the yerv best Standard t well pleased with their evening's been built and others are in con­ recognized and advertised fruit examination of their condition. Twine at 8 cts. McCurdy Lumber templation The Garfield region There are about 800 men em­ work. lands of other sections these lands & Hardware Co. has taken a stride forward that in are cluap. It will lie a detriment ployed there and as all the work in I arewe!! Supper Jimmy Bowden, "H an k ” and the last four years has added con­ to this district to advance the price its various parts must be carried on of land beyond its profit earning. together the delay and loss will Grover Haskins and Dr Adix left siderably to values. It is presumed On Fiiday evening last W. V . As the lands for sale now can be be considerable. on Wednesday morning for au out­ that th men doing certain lines of Penland gave a farewell supper at secured at reasonable prices it cer­ ing up the Clackamas. They are Repair County Court House tainly affords a good investment. work will of necessity l>e laid off Jeff’ s restaurant to a few of his bound for the Hot Springs where friends. Those present were P. This excursion of the foremost until the cableways can be restore (hey expect to enjoy a period of It is reported that at a meeting selling agents and advertising men I This probably would require noi Jorg aud family, Alex, llaskius "re-cre ating.'1 Fishing, hot water and sun baths are the usual pas­ of the County Court at Oregon of Portland to this section will un­ more than two weeks time, pro­ and family, Grover Haskins and times indulged in, Theatre or cafe City on Monday it was decided to doubtedly result in creating a de- vided the engines are not badly i family, Mr. and Mrs. Murphy, Joe parties are unknown and full-dress make an extension to the court | mand greater than ever for fruit damaged. All efforts have been Murphy, Miss Viola Kicks, D. C. social functions are not tiring pas­ house at the rear of the present I acreage in Garheld. A s to the ex- put forth to have the plant com­ Hashberger, and Carl and Anna times that need to be indulged in j structure. The extension will be j tursionists, when they arrived it pleted hv October 1st and the of­ j Nagle of Mnltnoaiah Station. Mr. Penland and family left a by the patrons of these mountain the same width as the old building. i was found that many ladies accom- ficials believed it would be ready. 1 retrtats. All you have to do is to A vault 21 by 32 feet will lie built. I panied them. They had their own This accident will cause some de­ Saturday for Portland where the I family will spend a short time visit- 1 walk or ride over a rough mountain The cost will be about {15,000. It entertainers, including a couple of lay. 1 ing while Mr. Penland looks for a I trail at a go-as-vou-please gate, fish | has not been decided by the court Scotch bagpipe players in native Mr. Pen- Window ,.tid frame doors made new business location. and camp euroute and have a good J whether bids would lie asked for Scotch kilts and funny comedians, land lias been in business here for time, but it is only a few of the the work or if the supervision of it | also after-dinner speech makers, to order. Plauing mill, Hamlin & over two years and lias made many healthiest of us that really enjoy it would be doue by the court. j Two automobiles, also from port- l Darling. jfrieuds who regiet his departure. important Real Estate Deal Made Expensive Fire At River Mill Standish Bros. Important Day For Masons