• « — '«'irr? P IUi..’s We otter one iiuii* i-d ii*>U:itj* ru.w.r-l for anv c ih - ot vuiarr.i t h a t c.»m o . b • cured by H all's euiurrU Cu e. 1; . J Chen« y t 15 ye its, and he- .leve him p trle tly honorable in ail busi­ ness transactions and financially able t > carry out any ob ligation s made by his firm. W aldm g, K innau & Murvin, W holesale D ruggists. Tole«lc», O. H ull's Catarrh Cure is takeu internally actin g directly ui>;>u the blood anti m u­ cous surfaces of the system . T estim on ials sen t free. Price 75c per b ottle. Sold by all druggists. Take H ull's Fam ily P ills for constipation t > It tw the afternoon express c r lid 1 over till 4 48 instead of 4:18 so tliat ill the future we eau get our t* i.-t Ju lia C. LrBarre D IR i C T O R S: bc-rrus down to Portland and onto C h a s . K. D uuois, FreanWnt 1*10. (is In , the market early the next morning N), J . W . R b k d V ice President . to perchar nshlp instead of about 11 a. tu. as has L- K. Bv.LKIL», Treasurer 5 Scur Ran .9 4 Bait. Willamette rldian. ar.d A LL MODERN CONVENIENCES This will the : iu ’ er ih jrecr , ur.de the previsione u tie act of | Lend:.lie heretofore. J2. S. W O S IE R , E d ito r #»tid M anager June . 1378 . and menoatory. k.u wn as the | mean lots to all the strawberry TlmF er ana Sto.» Law " at euch valu C3 m ..ht be fixed by a- praisMuent and that, pura tut tc i_h i iis r as it is very essential to Entered at the postoffice In Estacaia. Oregon as One of the most delightful Resorts on the Coast ¡1 applicatlc n, ti 0 ¡ill i and timber t’..crecí lieve ■ ■jn have berries on the market early in second class mail eitlir.s»fid anJ valuid by he applicant t!u uhji r es- Uniats )00 cardi ■'Ct at $3CO.Op nd the end the morning otherwise they tun a Published Every Thursday Morning ** Local and Tourist Trade Solicited SIC«-»; f..at cafd ap Meant will offer fine’ 1 OOf »! ;jp - Tungsten Lamps >od chance of being carried over a ESiACAin, OREGON peri 0! « v u iica' Ion an 1 sworn statement on the *y . f J ,ma. 1911, before the Re Ritter and day before they are disposed of. fce.-ei er jfri 9 U. S. Land office at Far tiand. Ore. SUBSCRIPTION RATES I’d like to say before I close that Any person is at liberty to protest ihis purchase be- The Cheapest Light Ono year .............................. ................................... <1 00 Report Of Small (ore ei.try, 0. initiate a cor.tcst at any time before all members of the Association de­ Six months........................................ ............... 5v patent ló¿U» S by f lint a corroborated afi1davit In this siring to ship under the Association In defeat he entry. Fruit Committee 9 of lice. alletinK far s will H. h w F. ould name and label please uotify me at Highy, register Thursday, June 8, Ifiil The World once so that I can have your name N otice fo r P u b lic a tio n H a n d le s th e Best Ft'esh a n d C u re d M ea ts O b tain a b le printed on otir regular shipping Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at The correct way to pronounce it Interesting A ccount of M arket­ Portland, form. Also unyone wishing to Oregon, May 12th, 1911 The Best for the Eyes Cash Paid for Hides and Market Products is Ks-ta-ca-da, accent on the third Notice is hereby given that Camilla D. Abernathy procure rubber stamps for marking ing of Sm all F ruit as T o ld of Welches. Clackamas Country, Oregon, who on Byllable, a having the sound of a W e Buy and Sell A .i I 8th. 1 09. trad* homestead entry Serial No. the crates please let me know. rS. ’•••I"!"!' H"!1 'I1 'I"! by F ru it Com m ittee as in ah in the two last syllables. 0 l 780 for E L SEV„. S\V’4 S E tf Sec. 4 and NW* Signed HEAD CHEESE VEAL SHEEP LARD NEh». Section9. Township 3 south. Range 7 east. FRESH MEATS HOGS EGGS CATTLE P. F. Staudish, Chairman Willamette Meridian, lias filed notice of intention to SMOKED MEATS make final commutation proof to establish claim to the Oregon’s newly formed naval re­ HIDES CHICKENS SAUSAGE H, D, Trapp Electric S to re I’ve been asked to give a brief land above described, before the Register and R e­ serve will have a flagship before the T. J, Reagan ceiver of the U. S. Land Office at Portland Oregon, P E N L A N D & JÖ R G report on what has been accom­ cn the 28th day of June 1911. Alder St. at Seventh end of the month for the United plished l>v the committee on Claimant names as witnesses: States Cruiser Boston has been A charming woman | F. H. Tawney, V. E. Waterman. W. E, Welch, Edw. marketing small fruits for the as M. Roberts all of Welches. Oregon. — is one who is lovely in face, form , mind ordered transferred to duty at Port H. F. Higby, Register and tem per. But its hard for a woman sociation. The committee which laud a id will be brought there dur­ to be charm in g w ithout h ealth . A weak H E N R Y V . A D I X . M . D is composed of Mr. Trapp, Mr, ing the coming week by the officers , NOTICE OF GUARDIAN’S SALE OF REAL sickly woman will be nervous and irrit Reagan and myself were appointed P H Y S IC IA N A S U R G E O N of this organization, It will there­ able. Constipation and kidney poisons PROPERTY ***** I some two months ago and were Notice is hereby given that In pursuance of an order show in pim ples, b lotches, skin eruptions after be the headquarters of the Re- [ given full power to perfect a plan | of the County C Jt of the State cf Oregon for tho and a w retched com p lexion. But E le c ­ O F F I C E , A D JO IN IN G R E S ID E N C E serve and will participate in j County of Clackamas, mi L on th i 16th day of May, for the disposition of strawberries 1911, in the matter of the guardianship of the person tric B itters always prove a godsend to practice cruises to train the officersl Local and Long Distance Telephone j and other small fruits. We first and estate of M. H. Richards, the undersigned, the women who want h ealth , beauty aud T he d o cto r’s phone can be connected* and men in naval maueuveis. guardian cf the person and estate of M. H. Richards friends. T hey regulate stom ach, liver investigated the proposition of will proceed to sell, at private sale for cash in hand at and kid neys, purify tho blood; give with your hom e phone at n ig h t if re* quested. One 1oug ring. room 5 1 3 Henry Building, Portland. Oregon, from ; packiug the strawberries as they do strong nerves, b rig h t eyes, pure breath, Bankers of the state have been in and after the 26th day of June, 1911, the following ¡at Hood River but we find this is sm ooth, velvety sk in , lovely com plexion described real estate belonging to said ward and session ill Portland the past week D r.L.A . W E L L S not feasible on account of the situated in the County cf Clackamas, State of Oregon and perfect h ealth . T ry them . 50c at and they say never before has to-wit: Beginning at a stone in the corner of the all druggists. tenderness of our ripe berries so we D E N T IS T C F County road leading frotnSpringwator to Currinsville banking been iu such a satisfactory Oregon where the North boundary line of the abandoned this idea. S H E A R E R A N D V /E L b S ‘ condition in Oiegou. The teport Fra: kiln Pieaice D. L. C. No. 38 in township Three CHURCH SERVICES Another scheme that we thought South cf Range four Eact W, M.. crosses paid County D e n tis ts oi P o r t la n d of President Martin declared there W E SELL T H E M road; thence South eighty-six degrees, twenty-six might work out was the din et sell WiH visit E stacada on Friday and was more railroad building last minutes East 6 6 3 .3 feet:thence East 157.4 feet to Saturday of each week ing of our fruit to the retail gro­ the initial point of the land herein conveyed: thence M E. Church- -Next Sabbath year than ever before sud prospects A ls o a ll G ood G oods a t th e B o tt o m P r ic e s A ppointm ents may be made ceries of Portland. Mr. Sntiffin, East 5 2 2 .9 feet; thence South three degrees thirty- for the entire state were never four minutes West 9 3 2 .9 2 foel;thence West 522.9ft w ith Dr. Adix. 10 a. m. who has had a gieat deal of ex per thence North three degrees thirty-four minutes East Sabbath School better With the big crops uow in 11 a. m. ieuce along these lines was aske'1 t ■ 8 3 2 .9 2 feet to said initial point, the place of begin­ Preaching sight, a prosperous year is certain. ning, containing ten acres. League I help out and he and 1 spent two First publication. May 25th, 1911. 7 p. m. J O H N S T E IN E R , M . D - Florence Richards Prayer Meeting on Thursday Even- days in Portland calling on the Postmasters of the state, who P h y sic ia n a S u kgbo n Guardian of the person and estate of M. H. Richards iug 8 p. m. grocery stores and succeeding i, were in convention at Portland dur­ : taking orders for about 1500 crates. ****** ing the past week, eudorsed the 60 EASTS’ Church of Christ— Next Sabbath 1 dau’ t think we would have any '- .E X P E R I E N C E postal savings bank s\ stem and O ffice n e x t to B a k e ry . - Office hours , Will Equalize trouble disposing of our entire crop urged its extension throughout 10 to 12 A. M ., 7 to 8 P. M. Bible School 10 a. m. this way but we found after a great Oregon. Postmasters where these J. R. TOWNSEND Distribution Preaching 11 a. m. (leal of investigation that we were institutions have been tried were Preaching p. m. CLA U D E W . D E V O R E hardly in shape this year to attempt Shoe Repairing 705 earnest advocates for them else­ The Farmers Society of Equity, W G i v e n , Pastor, . , a " Tnsos M a r k s such a plan as it would 'necessitate A T T O R N E Y - A T -L A W where. Next luna postmasters of , ..N V * DesiGUS and a national organization with the First class work neatly and prompt­ keeping a man at Portland to at “ 1 , ,’ G C o p y r ig h t s & c . Oregon and Washington will meet N O T A R Y P U B L IC Anv'Ar.o aonrilng r. nkofrh and (Inscription may ly done equalization of distribution and tend to the orders and then ti o the fjuiekly iiâoertaiti otir opinion ftee wbother an BUY, SE L L . TR A D E , ETC. iu Portiand in vont :■ 'M Is piobnbiy patentable. Communion. E s ta c a d a S ta t e B a n k . B u i l d i n g prices of farm products as its goal, tlcüDatr;t 1 ly contk’.ontlaL HAMDEOQK on Patent# retail trade are very uncertain sent froc, ol.i -t ».¡cuncy for Bennrlny patents. E s ta c a d a , O r e g o n Shop in Townsend Building Pati’t ta taten m rom th M ann C o. reçoive has commissioned George W. II. people to deal with, so we decided tpt. ’ il itr! ire, y . :■ bout chante, iu tlie W a n t e d — Highest price paid Portland now claims to have the Miller and Harry Y. Miller, of Ore­ to pick out a good reliable commits for eggs at the Palace Meat Market fastest motor boat in the world, the gon City, organizers of the society sion house and consign to them. A handßomcly llhmtxnted wrekly. I arcost cir­ L. E. FOLSOM Penland & Jorg. culation 1 f uri7 p. ii’iititlo Journal. Ternis, Ç'i a Oregon Wolf having just teen for a district in Oregon, The dis­ Last week Mr. Trapp and I voar; f urnionthfl.fL fcJoUlbyull newmlenlera. m akes a sp ecialty of launched, and it made its first ap trict will comprise the territory of Highest cash price paid for all Notice called on the Pacific Fruit & Pro­ fêUitë ci Cü.3G,Bro*d*,T New York Brauch onieo. CJ 5 F 8t., WashluKton D. G. kinds of poultry delivered at the pearauce at races ran during the Clatsop, P .lk, Columbia, Tilla­ N otice is h ereby Riven th a t art appli­ duce Co. of Portland and spent a H o rs e s h oei n s Rose Festival. This craft was mook, Washington, Multnomah, cation will be made by m e to th e C ity depot in Estacada every Mouday.— couple of hours with Mr. Jewett, Y o u will alw ays find him at th e H, O, Jackson. built solely for speed purposes and Clackamas, Marion, Linn and Council fo r a liquor license as provided the manager, and it is the opinion by ord inances o f said city . it is expected to race her through­ Yamhill counties. Yonce B a r n We have several pieces of prop­ of this committee that we can’ t do J ohn M b i s t e r out the country. She runs at the ready to do work a t th e righ t price. The work of the society is done erty left with tts to negotiate a sale better than to ship to these peopl rate of 41 miles an hour. through local, county, district, j for. Intending investors in Esta- as they have the facilities for hand­ Notice state, sectional unions and the 1 cada will do well to consult us as FANTON’ S CEDAR SHINGLES ling fruit as well if not better than N otice is h ereby given th a t I will That this will he the biggest year national union. The purpose is to we may have just what you want. When in need of First Class Cedar m ake application to th e Council o f th e any other house in Portland as they - Oregon has ever known, with the obtain for the farmers more equit­ C ity o f E s ta c a d a fo r a r e ta il liquor have branch houses in Seattle , Inquire at the P r o g r e s s office. Shiagles consult me. Shingles, biggest crop total in its history, is able prices for their produce and to license in com pliance w ith th e con­ Aberdeen, South Bend and Taco ¡ H ' ir F or S a l e — A Besson “ proto delivered or at the mill. Nos, t sctssnahy the prediction made by Or. James regulate the distribution to the end ditions o f th e c ity ord inances. Another thing very much 11 type’ ’ Chicago bore cornet, b flat, and 2 always on hand. W- A O tto S tu bbn Withycombe, director of the United that there may he no over-supplied THE HERIUAT.I WEBSTER? their favor is the character of their silver plated and gold mounted, Jon es, Sales A gt., E s tac ad a States Experiment Station at Cor­ or under-supplied markets in anv manager here in Portland, We Becam e* i l ia a » » W C E E A- : Price $45. Enquire at Progress H. R. FAIMT 0 N * Phone Notice TIO N , covcrins every vallis, He estimates that the total section. This is accomplished by were all very favorably impressed office. field of tlic world’s thought, N otice is hereby given th a t I will value of Oregon crops for 1911 will means of daily reports of produce action and culture. T h e o n ly - m ake application to th e Council o f the with him and I can t help but feel n o ip unabridged dictionary in I have a thoroughbred Poland be more than $ 1 25,000,000. read for shipment in all parts of I C ity o f E s ta c a d a fo r a re ta il liquor li­ that he is going to give ns the best many years. China Boar, Pri4ice Rupert No the county, enabling the producer cen se in com p liance w ith th e conditions of treatment, and there is no reason Because ^ defines over 400,000 The Oregon Fire Relief Asso­ S i ------1. V /o rd a ; more than ever I *75233, for service. Service fees why he shouldn't as the 'Associa­ before appeared between two Deeds Filed For Record to send his products to a sure o f th e city ordinances. ciation of McMinnville $1 for grades. At the Coupland W m . K u h r a sc h covers. 1*700 ra g e s . Cooo I l ­ market where he will he assured of tion will protkably be shipping front lu s t r a t io n s . with $ 2*5*000 reserves, so licits your place, formerly the D. F. Warner a fair compensation for his pro­ 75 to 125 crates a day and this is business through W. P. Wonacott et nx to C. N B e c a u s e ifc in th c only* d ictio n ary place. R. S Ludlow, owner, tf R E P O R T O F T H E C O N D ITIO N O F ducts, ------------ with tho now divided the class of business that commis­ J o h n D ro w n Wonacott, 64 68 acres iu section page. A “ Stroke of Genius.** The Farmer Society of Equity is ESTACADA STATE BANK sion men like to get a hold of. We have a bargain in a city lot R o c k w o o d , O re g o n 35 township 3 south of range 4 east B ecause an en cy clo p ed ia in P hone G re s h a m , 231 strong throughout the East and at Estacada, in the S tate of O regon, at for sale. Inquire at the Progress. ■ ■■ - "> ft single volume. Our plan with the Pacific Fruit $ 3°o o . has a foothold iu California. State the close of business, Juno 7, 1911. O r leave word at th is office & Produce Co. is this, they are to R eran ' a is a c c e p te d by tho L o s t — SmaN diamond set from Bertha It. Fraley et vir lo Esta­ —------■— C ou rts, S c h o o ls r.nd meetings ate to he held in Califor­ I also have the OREGON MERCHANTS RESOURCES ! print for us some blanks on which Press as th e one s u p re m o a u ­ ring, probably near Haskins pool cada State Bank .46 of an acre in $ 27909 22 | „ 11 , and BEAVER STATE »NSURANCE COS. th o r it y '. nia, Oregon, Washington, Mon­ l.oans and discounts......................... -7 75 will appear all the names of the room. Reward. Please notify Over snd Short................................ Kralty's Subdivision, #130. tana and Colorado this year, be- Bonds and warrants.......................... BecaUfO v'k ° know s W in s 6276 771 gtowers that desire to come in on Mrs. R, March. ■ ----------- S u c c e s s . L e t 113 to ll " O. II. Hall et ux to Portland Ce­ sidts many in Eastern states. Stocks snd other secuittlas............. ■ 297 50 you about this new work. this scheme and each day out man­ Banking house ........................... . 3450 ment Co. 1.1S5 acres in section 3 F or S ake cheap.— A business hurnttur, and fixtures..................... .. 1690 13 ager who will be appointed later, township 2 south of range 3 east, lot with a five roomed house, city Other real estata ownod.................... . 4 1 7 9 2 C9 W R IT E for sp -ícitsy a of n ew d ivid ed paje. will fill in opposite each growers Teom Work and Hauling by Wins flqlit for iite Due from approved reserve banks 1 5 6 5 0 48 G. è C.HERR!AM C?., ft&kfccn,SprL .VJ.Mau. { fd.S 00. Identica th i» paper, is c e lv e riiE E a «et ot po cket rasp«, j water aud electric lights. H. M. It was a lottp an.l bloody K ittle for life j Checks and other cash tiemi 6 4 8 2 9 name the number of crates he is the Day or Contract James. 11278 38 Virginia K. McDaniel to Hannah th at was waxed hv Jam es It. M crshon, of Cash on hand = .~ n s ^ : = shipping aud send this with the Land contracts 7823 70 K White, 1 so acres iu section 4 1 Newark. N. J „ of w hich he w rites: *'I W an ted — 2 good pack horses WOOD delivered in any quantity shipment to the above named com­ Total............... ........ Î1I 6854 35 township 3 south ot range 4 east, ¡ had lost m uch blood Irffpi tun/ hem or­ or length. i-st class 4 foot wood' for the uiouutaius. Apply Progress mission house. As soon as the ESTACADA MLA l MARKET rhages, and was very weak and run- LIABILITIES $ 4 4 0 0 . stabwood delivered at $2.00 per office. berries are sold the P. F. ci P. Co. I down. F o r eig h t m onths I was unable Capital nock raid in $ 25000 J . SMITH. Prop. cord. t6 inch-at $2.50 per load. T. J. Bernard to Maynard Red to work. D eath seemed close on m y I Undivided sroflts. lass .spenses and send back a similar blank acknow­ 1070 27 m o in l, 40 a c r e s in s e c tio n »4 to w n - heels, when I began, three weeks ago, to E o u r 1 alHtve statem ent is true to th e best of toy I e r c a i, Jjg n o tifie d a b o u t it an d We manufacture all kinds of Cedai In buyiug a Henney buggy you Irwin L Garver to Detchou Gar- knowledge unit belief. I . . , , , implements, buggies, wagons, bintl- Shingles and are ¡»repared at all get strictly first class work. , . c a u tio n e d a b o u t g r a d in g tits b e r ti YOPR PATRONAGE SOLICITED ver undivided onc-half interest in I„ h . Hl-.LI I US, Cashier, _. , , . ets, mowers aud hay rakes. Mc- times to deliver the same. Afsc ^ . , , , , b e t te r . R ig h t l i t r e I w ill s a y t h a t 80 acres in section 4 township 3 Subscribed and sw orn to before me th is 1 : Curdy Lumber .S: Hardware Co. 13th day Of Ju n e 1911. t h * c o m m itt e e h a s d r a w n up a et to sell at the mill, having stock on south ot range 5 iast $icx A hasket dinner wilt be held next haudle the best and make low hand at all limes Claude W . Devore, Notary Public i f g r a d in g s u g g e s t io n s t h a t w ill b e ! Sunday by the members of the Christ­ O. H. Scott to The Mount Hood prices. Try them. J. V. BARR Correct — Attest: Geo. A. Steel, C. A. s e n t to e a c h g r o w e r . ian Church. Bring your dinner and Coni pan v, 60 acres in sectiou 6 j -day all day. E astm an, Jo h n Z obrist, j -j>|le Co m ru itt« e t h o u g h t it a g o o d township 2 south of range 5 east, K R IEG ER & CO. BLACKSM ITH T here is one m edicine th at every fain The Garfield b e rrie s are now ju s t . p la u t o h a v e s o m e s o r t o f lit h o -1 ---PROPRIETOR f to, ily should be provided with and especial­ ripening and the pickers are just com- W hooping cough is not dangerous j g r a p h fo r p a s t in g o n t h e e n d s o f Estacada Agtiu A Morrow . T , , . , Howard N. Smith et ux to Ksta- ly during th e im m n er m onths; vir, when tlic cough is kept loose aud ex m e- , mencing their work. T h e elevation o f l> »tilt at tSt old stand and willing to do 1 1 th e c r a te s . T h e s e o n ly c o s t a b o u t C h am berlain ’* C olic, Cholera and Diar toration easy hv giving L handler lain* any of thr work in his lint ■ that lse e ,.. per we f e t l th a t it is a g o o d a d v e t tis in - ; crates would amount to about $31 ference in ripening. las. O. Linn, R. G. Paluiateer et yon afford to be without it? F o r sale by feet success, F o r sale by all jjood eat-j scheute atul well wotlh the money. but Mr. Hunt of the O. W. P, very Roys rough riders wall give an exhi- ers. UX lots 7 aud 8 block 17 Estacada, *** K°°d dealers Now in regards to crates, hi kitidlv fixed thin- s so that it will bition of frontier and rough riding on H. B CRG53 W ILLIAM HAMMOND fa ’i. , * ’ ordering a carload aud also by jew- only cost us 36 for the car. This Su nd ay in connection with the ball CROSS & HAMMOND Peering hinders, mowers ar.d - . m e. Any local out-law or bad buek- McCurdy Lumt>ei & Hardware ing Baizes down we l t them : r : _ saving of lout 525 xvi ,h will * ' ATTORNFtS AT IAW 0 H«i»*y Buggies at My'Clirdv h a rat es at McCurdy Luti, qr ho. have a first class harness maker 16 ,'euts each aud the crates are the ■ ,ore thaï» p v f.-r onr lithogripl-.s ( • br ught to the pr-und» will be t ree ra- ,ve. A ’ mi« 3 ico, adults A bstracts. Real E sta te L< ans. Insurance l«uniU( i ; IH.dvvatc Hardware Cu- [AU lh«ir harness ate «hop u-.ade. ^ very best he bas. Tue regular We also arranged with Mr. IL i t ,. I [O regon C i t y , - • • O regon ESTACADA PROGRESS ( IXCORFOHATKP) I ¿lo a week ** a «Í4> y be Hotel Estacada lit rubili dl.cn k r, U. 5 U n i C 3 PALACE MEAT MARKET WUNDERHOSE the Hose you see advertised every­ where and the Hose that Gives you the Worth of your Money is the WENDERHOSE D A L E 'S Sc^rtfic jfâerican, Í 'j j í -WEBSTEfö B