Estacada progress. (Estacada, Or.) 1908-1916, June 08, 1911, Image 3

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Gloomy Place Where Famouc Diction­
ary Wag Compiled to Become
National Property.
New Hotel Foster
Izondon.— Dr.
eighteenth century house In Gough
rh.rd and Davis Streets, Near Depot
Bquare Is to become national prop I
erty as a Johnsonian museum. The
200 Rooms with hot and cold run­
building, which Is now marked by a
ning water and telephone.
tablet placed there by the Society j
Hatha. Rooms 50c. per day up. Spe­
of Arts, Is the most noteworthy of all j
cial rates for Room and Board. Free
Johnson's London residences.
The “ stout old-fashioned oak b&lus !
Auto Hus meets every train or boat.
traded house,” as Carlyle found It
eighty years ago, will need some re­
storing; for Its foundations have been
Furniture Hint.
shaken by the printing
The bluish cast that comee on high* only recently taken out of the base
ly polished furniture In damp weath­ ment. It has a typical paneled door
er can be removed by wiping the fur­
niture with luke warm water In which
there is a tablespoonful of ammonia
to a gallon of water. Dry the furni­
ture thoroughly and heat the room, If
posslb'e, for the dampness of the
room Is what causes it and plainly In­
dicates that the room must be dried
out In some manner
Valuable Footprints.
A young Colorado ranchman has sold
two hardened dlnosadr tracks for a col­
lege course
Thus, it appears that
when It comes to leaving valuable
footprints the dinosaur has the lives
of great men tread lug water.— Detroit
R esid en t i
• b a rge o f Hint«
C ollsgiaM . A ce
F o r catalo g u
We Want All You Have.
Wiile for prices anil shipping lags.
T H K H. F. N O R T O N C O M P A N Y .
313-316 F r o n t S t .
P o r tla n d . O re .
P1 K°“r s
W r it e fo r c a ta lo g u e * and lite r a tu r e .
D e v e lo p in g
an d p r in tin g . M a il o r d e rs g iv e n p r o m p t a tte n tio n
F o rtla n d P h o to S u pp ly C o
149 T h ir d S t r e e t
A s a m p le o f C lo v e r L o a f C a ta r rh R e m e d y , th e
b e a t r e m e d y e v e r o ffe r e d fo r th e t r e a tm e n t an d
r e l i e f o f nasal c a ta r r h an d cold in th e head.
y o u r d r u g g is t f o r a f r e e s a m p le an d i f he has not
i t send to us w ith th e na m e o f y o u r d r u g g is t and
w e w ill send it f r e e . So ld by a ll d r u g g is t s ; p ric e
60 c e n ts .
P r e p a r e d by C lo v e r L e a f P h a r m a c y .
C lo v e r d a le , C al.
r .W m . P f u n o e r ’ s
,r n
There is no question
but that the Bitters
will quickly restore the
appetite, aid digestion
and p re v e n t L i v e r
Troubles, Malaria, Fe­
ver and Ague.
Start today.
^ P o rtla n d . Oregon
No Appetite
Dr. Johnson Wrote
F u lle r
In s ig h t.
A young man who had just married
suggested to his wife that they should
argue some Question fully and frankly
«very morning
This, he thought,
would help them to gain a fuller In­
sight Into each other’s nature, thus
making for increased happiness. The
first question happened to be, “ Can a
woman dress on $75 & year?”
took the affirmative, and when last
seen he had climbed Into a hay loft
and was pulling the ladder up after
of the period, with carved lintel. Its
walls are of red brick, and the high
pitched roof, pierced by windows,
has twin gables overshadowed by a
tall chimney stack.
Here Johnson
spent the busiest decade of his life,
and here his dictionary was begun
and finished.
He had an upper room fitted like
a counting house, and here his copy­
ists wrote out the illustrative pas­
sages from the various authorities,
which Johnson himself had marked
with lead pencil. At times, but not
often, he walked In the garden, “a
plot of delved ground no longer than
a bed quilt.”
But the house has other associa­ Cured by Lydia E. Pinkham's
tions than that of the dictionary. Vegetable Compound
Johnson here began both the “ Ram­
I ’otind, Wis. — “ I am glad to an.
bler” and the “ Idler,” and here he
was living when his tragedy of “ Irene" nounce that I have been cured o f dys­
pepsia and female
was produced by Garrick. Here also
troubles b y y o u r
his wife died. In 1 7 5 5 , when John- j
m e d ic in e . I had
son had been in Gough square seven
been troubled with
years, the great dictionary was pub­
both fo r fourteen
years and consulted
different d o c t o r s ,
but failed to get any
relief. A fte r using
L yd ia E . Pinkham’s
e g e t a b l e Com­
Strange Conditions Free Man From j
and B l o o d
M urder Charge
In Philadelphia
Purifier I can say I
C ourt— Brain W as Norm al.
am a well woman.
I can’t find words to express my thanks
Philadelphia.— If It hadn’t been for fo r the good yonr medicine has done
the discovery that Joseph C. Quinn me. You maypublish this if you wish.”
had a skull as fragile as an egg shell, —Mrs. H e r m a n S i e t h , Pound, Wis.
The success o f Lydia E. Pinkham’s
Peter Fox, Jr., might have been held
by Coroner Ford for Inflicting the In­ Vegetable Compound, made from roots
herbs, is unparalleled. I t may be
juries which caused Quinn’s death.
used witti perfect confidence by women
When the coroner learned Quinn’s who suffer from displacements, inflam­
skull was so thin that large print mation. ulceration, fibroid tumors, ir­
could be read through it when It was regularities, periodic pains, backache,
held to the light he discharged Fox bearing-down feeling, flatulency, indi­
on the ground that Quinn's death was gestion, dimness, or nervous prostra­
traceable to the abnormality.
F or thirty years Lydia E. Pinkham’ s
Quinn was muscular and athletic.
He went to a poolroom at Island road Vegetable Compound has been the
remedy fo r female ills, and
and Woodlawn avenue and made a
suffering women owe it to themselves
proprietor, to at least give tins medicine a trial.
tried to quiet him. As Quinn became P roof is abundant that it lias cured
Increasingly ugly Fox struck him. thousands o f ottiers, and why should
It was a blow that would have done it not cure you?
little or no harm to an ordinary man,
I f you w a n t sp e c ia l a d v ic e w r it e
but Quinn dropped to the floor.
M rs.' IM iik lia in , L y n n , M a s s .,fo r it.
Doctor Wadsworth, who performed I t is f r e e a n il a lw a y s JUcli>iul.
the autopsy, testified Quinn’s skull
would bend under the pressure of his
Two tiaucatlona.
fingers. The man’s brain, he added,
W e all have two educations, on«
was normal.
from others and another, and the mosi
valuable, which we give ourselves. It
OLD CHURCH AT ANTIETAM is the last which fixes our grade in so­
ciety, and eventually our actual con­
M o tt Severe Fighting In Famous Bat- dition in this life, and the color of oui
t i t Occurred In V ic in ity of
fate hereafter. All the professors and
This Edifice.
teachers In the world cannot make you
a wise or good jnan without your own
Md.— The
church co-operation; and If such you are de­
shown In the Illustration is located termined to be, the want of them wiU
one mile from this place, on the fa­ not prevail.—John Randolph.
mous Antletam battlefield.
It was
It Rolled Off.
built by the German Baptists In 1853
A young man called on a doctor,
Some of the most severe fighting of
the battle of Antletam occurred near complaining of pains in his stomach
The doctor diagnosed the case as dys­
pepsia, and advised the patient to go
home and try a pickle
If he could
keep that on his stomach he was to
report to the doctor in the morning.
The next day the patient returned,
and when the doctor asked him If he
could keep the pickle on his stomach,
he replied: “ I could as long as I
stayed awake, but when I fell asleep
it rolled off.”
T o n ic , A l t e r a t i v e a n d R e s o lv e n t.
b $ st r e m e d y f o r K id n e y s , L i v e r a n d B o w e ls .
E r a d ic a t e s P i m p le s , E r u p t io n s a n d D is o r d e r s
o f th e S k ill.
P u r ifie s t h e B lo o d a n d g iv e s
T o n e , S t r e n g t h a n d V i g o r to th e e n t ir e s y s te m .
plac'd in yw h fr», at-
tracia and kill* il l
lira. Neat, clean,
inidinental, conven­ I ant* all
|B-aa<to. Can't spill or
tip over, will not soil
or injure anything.
Guaranteed effect­
ive. Ot all dealer* or
sent prepaid for ¿0c.
160 11« Kalb A»*.
Uruvklya, II. T.
M o s t e c o n o m ic a l and e f fe c t iv e f o r house
an d sch ool h e a tin g .
Front and Market Sts.
Portland, Or.
K c e le y
1 l u r e
H a b its P o s itiv e ly Cured.
O n ly a u th o rize d k e e le y In *
s titu te In O reg o n . W r it e
f o r illa s tr a te d
c irc u la r.
KEtlCT iNlTlTUTf. 71L 11 nr«.
P O R T L A N I 5.0 REGON.
a A K IN O P O W D E R
< szm zE m ^
4 0 9 Commonwealth Bldg., Portland, Or.
P r o s p e c t iv e s tu d e n ts w r it e f o r
in fo r m a tio n .
O p e n an d p r iv a t e C lin ic , m o r n in g . a fte r n o o n am i
e v e n in g , i n v a l i d » an d o th e rs d e s ir in g s k ille d a t -
te n d a n c e sh ou ld w r it e f o r room s to th e C o lle g e o r
Greiner’s Chiropractic Health Home
MATILDA M. GREINER, 0. C., Superintendent.
775£ Williams Avenue, Portland, Oregon
T ra in e d nu rses, s k ille d o p e r a to r s an d th e b e s t
C h ir o p r a c t ic a d v ic e in c o n s u lta tio n in e v e r y case, i
N e u r o lo g y in th s c h r o n ic s u ffe r e r 's s u r­
e s t w a y to p e r m a n e n t h e a lth .
P a r a ly s is ,
R h e u m a tis m . S to m a c h . B o w e l, L i v e r an d
K id n e y T r o u b le s an d a il ch ro n ic, n e rv o u s
an d e y e d is e a s e s y ie ld r e a d ily to th is T w e n ­
t ie t h C e n tu r y m e th o d . N o d ru g s , o p e r a ­
tio n s o r fa d s . T r e a t m e n t a t o ffic e o r m y
p r iv a t e s a n ita '-iu m . S en d f o r n e w b oo k let.
N e u r o lo g y , t h e W a y to H e a lth , an d g e t
w e ll.
Merchants* Trust Bldg., Portland, Or
H o u s e w iv e s h a v e u s e d a c lo th to p r o t e c t th e ir
h a ir w h ile s w e e p mg', b u t n o t h in » to p r o te c t
th e ir lu n gs, c a u s in g ir r ita tio n an d in fla m m a ­
tio n .
D u s t is b o th d a n g e ro u s an d a n n o y in g .
Y o u w o u ld r e fu s e w a t e r th a t w a s n o t clean,
b u t c o n tin u e to b r e a t h * p ollu te d a tm o s p h e r e
an d n e v e r com p lain .
c h e m ic a lly p re p a r e d , ab sorb s th e d u s t an d d is ­
e a s e g e r m s , s a v e s d o c to r s ' b ills.
M a k e you r
p re m is e s "d u s t c le a n ” b y u s in g S w e e p in g
C om p o u n d : b u m th e s w e e p in g s .
N O - D U S T N o . 1. f o r h ou seh old use. in 6 an d
10-lb. cans, 35c an d 60c.. g ro c e r s ; 75-lb m eta l
d ru m s . 12.50.
N O - D U S T N o . 2. f o r b u sin ess p la c e s. 75-lb.
d ru m s . $2.26; 150-lb. b arre ls , $4.00; 200-lb. b a r­
rels. $5.00; f . o. b. P o r tla n d . O r d e r by m ail o r
th ro u g h y o u r g r o c e r o r d r u g g is t. S e n d fo r
c irc u la rs .
52 * W a s h in g t o n
St.. Portland, Ora.
Taft Says Lumber and Paper Coni'
Pines Oppose Reciprocity.
C onfident A greem ent Will Pass and
Prove Beneficial— Thinks Peo­
ple A pprove M easure.
Chicago — President Taft,
in a
speech before the Western Economic
society, here, declared that the princi­
pal opposition to the Canadian reci­
procity agreement came not from the
farmer, but from the lumber trust and
from American
print paper.
In one o f the most conspicuous ad­
dresses that he has ever made on
i this subject,
the president outlined
some o f the methods employed by the
advocates o f the reciprocity agree­
ment; he practically told others that
j they were being “ buncoed” by special
1 interests, and said that the result de-
| pended not so much upon the United
I States senate as upon the people.
“ I f the farmer and the people at
; large,” he said, “ could be brought
to understand this question they would
no longer fear to vote.”
The president was not sparing in his
words. He told the reasons for the
opposition to the treaty by the lumber
trust and by the paper manufacturers
and, without using names, scored any
firm any o f whose members recently
appeared before the senate finance
committee in Washington ostensibly
on behalf of the national grange.
In spite o f the forces that are ar­
raigned against it, the president ex­
pressed the belief that the bill will be
“ The b ill,” he said, “ will be
passed, if it is passed at all, because
the force o f public opinion is in its
favor. ”
F L Y IS D E A T H T O B E E T L E .
th at W ill Kill Douglas
Enemy Is Discovered.
Seattle, Wash.— The bark bettle,
which destroys Douglas fir throughout
the timbered districts o f the United
States to the extent o f almost $100,-
000,000 annually, and which was be­
lieved by expert entomologists to be
without a parasite, has been found to
have a deadly enemy.
Professor Trevor Kincaid, head of
the department o f zoology at the Uni­
versity o f Washington, is the discov­
erer. The parasite is a small red fly
with smoky wings and a long stinger­
like organ behind.
The parasite in­
stinctively discovers the beetle and
lays its eggs in the bettle’s tunnel.
Professor Kincaid says the newly
discovered parasite will destroy from
25 to 50 per cent o f a colony o f beet­
les in one season. The discovery was
made in Ravenna park, in Seattle,
while Professor Kincaid was out in
the woods with one o f his classes.
Professor Kincaid attained prom­
inence by his discovery o f a parasite
on the gypsy moth, which was des­
troying millions o f dollars’ worth of
fruit trees annually,
Am erican
W arships
S tockholm By Pleasure C ra ft.
Stockholm, June 5.— The second di­
vision o f the United States Atlantic
fleet, composed o f the battleships
Kansas, Louisiana, New Hampshire
and South Carolina, arrived here today
for a week’s visit.
The battleships,
which left Copenhagen June 1, were
met off the Aland archipelago by a
large fleet of gaily-decorated excur­
sion steamers, which escorted them
into the harbor.
Immediately after
the flagship
Louisiana came to anchor the com­
mander o f the fortress sent an officer
to greet and welcome Rear Admiral
Badger, commanding the division.
Visits were then exchanged between
Admiral Badger and the commander
in chief o f the Swedish squadron in
the harbor.
A. Hair
f o r m u l a w it h e a c h b o t t i*
Stage Name Not Valid.
Berlin.— Emmy Destlno, the famous
opera singer, has successfully pleaded
In the aupreme court here that a bill
of exchange for $800 she borrowed
from a Prague tailor In 1908 wae not
valid because she signed It with her
stage name. Destinn, Instead of her
real name. Klttel
»j iters
S h o w i t to y o u r
d o c to r
A ak h im a b o u t It,
th en d o « a h* «a y a
Glasscock, United States Senator T ay­
lor, o f Tennessee, ex-Senator Henry
G. Davis and Colonel John T. McGraw.
Quake Shakes C h a rle ro i, Belgium.
At the same time the new Aver's H air
Charleroi, Belgium An earthquake
Vigor is a strong hair tonic, promoting was felt at Gosselies, four miles north
the growth of the hair, keeping all the
o f this city, at 2:40 o ’clock Monday
tissues o f the hair and scalp in a healthy
condition. The ha r atops falling, dan­ afternoon. Many houses were dam
druff disappears. A splendid dressing. aged. The streets are littered with
S iii
U$* J , C . A js e C o ., L e w e U , M m
■ -
Guilty Peach T h ief Theught It Was a
Picture of Hie Corduroy Troue-
era, and Confessed.
There were no casualties.
Woman’s most glorious endowment is the power
to awaken and hold the pure and honest love of a
worthy man. W lien site loses it and still loves on,
no one iii the wide world can know the iieart agony
she endures. The woman who suffers from weak­
ness and derangement of her special womanly or­
ganism soon loNes the power to sway the heart of
u man. ller general health suffers and she loses
Iter good looks, her attractiveness, her amiability
und her power a n d prestige as a woman. Dr. R. V. Pierce, of Buffalo, N. Y ., with
the assistance of his stati of able physicians, has prescribed for and cured many
thousands of women, lie has devised a successful remedy for woman’s ail­
ments. It is known as Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription. It is a positive
specific for the weaknesses and disorders peculiar to women. It purifies, regu­
lates, strengthens und heals. Medicine dealers sell it. No honest dealer will
advise you to accept a substitute in order to make a little larger profit.
All hla ripe peaches had departed,
disappeared, deserted. Some thief la
the night had played havoc among thr
forbidden fruit, and Professor Puoi
perdlnck could find no clue but a
finger print left on an unripe speci­
men. Nevertheless, It was something
and he had hla suspicions. Forthwith,
the professor made an enlargornent
and shortly after met the suspect. “ Ah
Jake,” he said, “did you know soma
one robbed my garden the other
night?” “ Did ’em, *ur?”
Jake Innocently. “ Yes,” nodded Pro
feasor Pumperdlnck; “ but the thief
left his mark behind, so I’ll easily
traoe him.” He produced the enlargo
ment. “ Do you see that?”
knees began to quiver. Then he burst
Into floods of anguish. “ 1 zee IS ain't
no good, xur!” he sobbed. “ I t-took
the peaches righternuff;
But— it— It
fair licks we 'ow yer got that pictei
o’ my corduroy trousers.”—Answers
IT M A K E S W E A K W O M E N S T R O N G ,
S IC K W O M E N W E L L .
D r. P ie rc e ’s P le a s a n t P e lle ts re g u la te a n ti s tre n g th e n S tom a ch , L iv e r a n d B ow els,
Tal* rso. 4.
Liquid bluing is mainly water, j
Given a half or a cent’s worth of
bluing and a large bottle filled with
water and you have the frail excuse
that’s called bluing.
Always use RED CROSS B ALL
BLUE. The best blue anywhere at
any price. It does make the laundress
smile for a week.
Large package 5 !
Mustache Makes for Health.
Dr. Paul Kruger, a well-known phy­
sician of Vienna, affirm» that the mus­
tache has a distinct value for the
health. He believes that its utility
lies in protecting the noee against the
invasion of dust and bacteria. Record
lng 5UQ cases of severe headache and
throat and noee trouble among h i s
men patients, he found that 420 of
them had their upper lip clean shaven.
Art* d e m a n d ed tlies** d ay s, b u t e x p e r t D e n tis tr y .should n o t e n d w it h P a in le s s m ethod s.
A f t e r th e w«.i i. i- all «lo n e you h a v e a r ig h t to e x p e c t y o u r o w n te e th to be r e s to re d to th eir
fo r m e r lis fi'u .i.i-
an d b e a u ty , o r n e w te e th th a t g i v e th e ¿same s e r v ic e as h e a l t h y o n e n j !
y o u r ow n .
T h is w e a u o m p lis h a n d g i v e a 1 5 - y e a r
W r itte n G u a r a n t e e t o e v e r y p a t ie n t .
I^*t us m a k e y o u r a r tific ia l te e th o v e r
an d inset th em on a n e w p la te th a t w ill
g i v e y o u r m ou th an d fa c e n a tu ra l e x p r e s ­
sion. A l l c r o w n an d b r id g e a tta c h m e n ts
a r e h a n d -in a d c to l i t
in d iv id u a l
m o u th .
S P t t IAL R A T E S D l R IN G R O SE F E S T IV A L
2 2 - k . ( » o l d o r W h it e C r o w r s
2 2 - k b r i d g e T e e t h , guaranteed, e a c h
G o o d Set o f T e e th on R u b b er P la te
4J. J .
H F N T K T ^
S e r o n d a n d W a s h in g to n , P o r t la n d , O r e g o n
f A M IX L I-Z K } D L I 1 I I J I J
t n itre ( o r n e r . O v e r M e rc h a n ts N a t io n a l b a n k
O f f i c e o p e n f r o m 8 till 6 ; S u n d a y s 9 t o 1 2 A . M.
“Sam Sloan”
r v
1 i-»»
I feel it my duty to furnish you with
my testimonial a.-; to what your remedy
Costs You Sc
Swamp-Root did for me when I was a
physical wreck from kidney and bladder
trouble. Some years ago I was not
Worth More
able to do any work and could only just
Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant Pellets regulate
and invigorate stomach, liver and bow it not been for Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp-
els. Sugar-coated, tiny granules. Easy Root I wou d not have lived. A fter
v .»
using the prt paration for one month I
to take as candy.
was able to work some and when l had D istribu ters, P o rtla n d , O r.
used $8.00 worth of Swamp-Root I could
Wonderful Artificial Man.
1 used about
A Berlin inventor has succeeded do a good day’s work.
$10.00 worth altogether and would not i
Good Old Joke.
after years of toil, In making an arti
ake $10.001) fur the good that it did I
Perhaps It la time to print again the
ttclal man who can walk, make al me. I consider it a God-send to suffer­
movements, speak, sing, laugh ant ing humanity for the diseases for which London fog story which once won a
whistle. It is a life-size figure, and sr you recommend it and have recommend­ prize offered by a London paper: “ A
merchant received a telephone mes­
natural an imitation as to be complete ed it to many sufferers.
sage one morning from one of hie
ly deceptive a yard away. “ Occultus.'
clerks. 'Hello, Mr. Smith,’ said the
aa the figure Is named, obeys words o
clerk over the wire. ‘I cannot corns
command, such as “ march" and “ halt.'
20th of September. 1909, H. L. H u g-:
down to the shop this morning on ac­
and he answers any questions put t(
rins, who fcubseribed the above state-1
count of the fog. I have not yet ar­
him. It Is not an illusion or a trick
nent and made oath that the same
rived home yesterday.’ ’*
It is a piece of pure mechanical work
rue in substance and in fact.
W. A. P age , J. P.
Letter to
S h a k e In t o Y o u r S h o es
A lle n 's F o o t - E a s e , a p o w d e r f o r t h e f e e t . I t curee
p a in fu l, s w o lle n , s m a r tin g , s w e a t i n g f e e t . Makes,
n e w s h o es e a s y . S o ld b y a l l D r u g g i s t * a n d Shoe
S to res .
D o n 't a c c e p t a n y s u b s titu te .
S a m p le
F R E E . A d d r e s s A . S . O lm s te d . L e R o y , N . Y .
D ir t
D is e a s e .
Dirt Is the “ perfect culture” of all
llseaae and of all that delights in dis­
tase. There the microbes of all
plagues live and move and have their
being undisturbed by the broom or
the mop, unafraid of the smell of
soap, and never awakened from their
rest by the light from any lamp of
knowledge that eonstitutes the ecl-
snee of modern times
for Red, Weak, Weary, Watery Eyes
and Granulated Eyelids. Murine Doesn’t
Smart— Soothes Eye Pain. Druggists
Sell Murine Eye Remedy, Liquid. 25c,
50c, $1.00.
Murine I f f
Salve in
Aseptic Tubes, 25c. $1.00. Eye Books
and Eye Advice Free by Mail.
Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago.
For tho Teacher.
In teaching reading there are just
two ends to be taught: (1) To make
the learner automatic and quick in the
recognition of word and letter forms
and values; (2) to secure hi» Interest
in the content, the spiritual element
of the printed forms.
Mothers w i n find M r * . W i n t l o W s S o o t h i n g
S y r u p t h e b e g t r e m e d v t o u s e to t t h e i r c h i l d r e n
luring t h e t e e t h i n g p e r i o d .
Palestine Grows Beat Oranges.
The best oranges on the European
market are from the land which la
sand, yet fetches now the highest price
for orange culture.
There is a Jest­
ing phrase among Jewish colonists as
to Palestinian fertility: “ If you but
■tick an umbrella In the soil you will
next year get a crop of them.” The or­
W om an Has Saving M ania.
Worcester. Mass— Relatives o f Miss ange trees bear fruit two month» be­
Margaret Hudon, who died here re­ fore those of Italy and Spain.”
cently after working as a shop clerk
for 17 years at $1 a day, have found
bank deposits in her name aggregat­
ing $5,200. Her total earnings had
been about $0,304 and from this she
had paid her living expenses for the
whole 17 years and the cost o f the
funeral of her brother, who died three
years ago.
Miss Hudon is said to
have lived on 30 cents’ worth o f food
each week. Her house rent was very
small. She had a mania for saving.
Improved Type of Comb.
Tonics may be applied as the hair is
Girls Astride U n d er Ban.
being combed by a comb invented by
a Maryland woman, having hollow, per­
Nashville, Tenn.- Because several
forated teeth and a reservoir on the girls were mounted astride in the re­
W h ere Dunkards W orship.
cent parade at the L ittle Rock re­
union, the local bivouac o f Confeder­
here and after the battle the church
ate veterans adopted this resolution :
was used as a hospital and embalm­
“ That no woman shall appear in
ing station.
During the battle the
the parades of the camps, the state
Bible was taken by a New York sol
divisions, or the general associations
dler and after an absence of 41 years
and should any so ap­
was returned and Is now occupying
pear, the officers in charge o f said
Its old place on the pulpit.
parade shall politely request that they
The resolution requested
$170.000,000 Lost in Babies.
generals not to appoint young women
Doston.—“ More than 10,000 babies
If you wish a high-class hair as staff officers.
under one year of age die each year
dressing, we are sure A yer’s
In Massachusetts, representing an eco­
C ivil W ar Battle R em em bered.
H air Vigor, new improved for­
nomic loss of $170,000.000. and at least
Phillipi, W. V a .- F ifty years ago
40 per cent, of
these deaths are
the first land battle o f the Civil war
It keeps the hair soft and was fought at Philippi and this was
caused by unclean milk,” declared
former Representative Myron Pierce,
smooth, makes it look rich and the semi-annual centennial anniver­
legislative couneel for the Massachu­
luxuriant, prevents splitting at sary o f the event. Union and Confed­
setts Milk Consumers' association, lie
ends. And it keeps the erate veterans went over the line o f re­
added that more than 2.000 live» could
treat o f the Southern troops when
free from dandruff.
be laved by a system of prevention
they were driven out o f Philippi. Ad­
Does not chance the color of the hair.
coating only $50,000 a year.
dresses were
by Governor
Woman's Power
Over Man
She K n e w .
Dr Kilmer A Co.
Binahamton. N Y
Mother—“ The king was In the
Prove What Swamp-Root Will Do for You counting house, counting up his
Send to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Bingham-1 money; the queen was In the kitchen,
on, N. Y., for a sample bottle. It will | eating bread and honey.”
convince anyone. You will also receive Child— “ Must be a fairy story; the
a booklet of valuable information tell­ cook wouldn’t let her.”—Harper’s Bar
ing all about the kidneys and bladder.
When writing, be sure and mention this zar.
For sale at all drug stores. !
Price fifty-cents and one-dollar.
COMPOUND dandelion PI US
I n d ia n T r ib e s A m a lg a m a te .
Students of the Indian tell us that
while the numbers of the red men are
diminishing there is a slow amalga­
mation of the tribes wherever their
geographical location makes thl» pos­
sible. It is supposed that there were
1,000,000 Indians on this continent
when the Europeans settled here. In
1885 a government report showed an
Indian population of 350,000, and it is
estimated that the present population
is 50,000 less.
The Wealth of Life.
There Is no wealth but life— life. In­
cluding all its powers of love, of Joy,
and of admiration. That country 1»
the richest which nourishes the great­
est number of noble and happy hu­
man beings; that man is richest who,
having perfected the functions of his
own life to the utmost, has also the
widest helpful influence, both personal
| and by means of his possessions, over
the lives of others — John Ruskiu.
t h e s a fe s t and m o s t r e l i a b l e cathaitic and
s y s t e m c le a n s e r . The b e s t r e m e d y for T o r p i d
L i v e r , B ilio u s n e s s and S ic k H e a d a c h e .
A t D r u g g i s t s ’ o r b y M a l l , 2 5 C a n ts
H o y t C u l & u c a l C o .
P u k t l a . n l >. U k k o o iv
ou «1 the most thorough instructions in drtnag
and prat irai work that <an be produtod. also
lathe work, drill press and forein«.
Finely equipped audit* shop ana school
I union lee $35 cask. $44
payments $10 per week.
East 23d and Mortise* Portland. Or.
39 ° PAIR
L IK E ( U T
S ix e s 2 t o 6 . .
S is * * 8 t o I I
. . . . . R9e
i enemem nouse.
S iz e s 5 t o 8 . .
S iz es 11 to 2
O r d e r b y m a il n o w ; add tic f o r p ox tag o.
Although there are many tenements
under one roof, it is correct to speak
of the house in the singular, as "tene- 229 Morrison Si., bei. First and Second, Portland, Or,
! ment house,” and it is equally right to
| mention the several "tenements” in
the house. Broadly a tenement house
N o . 2 3 —'11
Is one divided Into a number of sep­
arate habitations, so that many fam-
H K N w r i t i n g to a r iv o r t is e r * p l e a * «
j Hies may have their different homes In
m e n i to n th in p a p e r .
one house.
^ „..„-b r e e c h
ur H a m m e r le s s ip s w - /
!!! W A N T E D !!!
Men 21 to 35 years of age for posi­
tions h s Brakemen aud Firemen.
Wages $K) to $140 per month. Must
be in good health ami furnish names
of two reputable men as reference.
No strike. The new ‘ Full Crew
Law” has created a demand lor men
that tlie railroads are unable to meet.
If you have had experience, can
place you at once without cost of
any kind. I f not experienced, will
prepare you in short time and place
you when competent.
Address Dept. JO,
Shippers freight Service
2 1 0 Marquam Building
Portland, Oregon
Racy beauty of line, perfect balance.
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Built by expert gunsmith, on the Remington
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Shoot tyningtOtl UHC Lesmok .22». I he«
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Color more goods brighter and faster colors than any other dve. One 10c package colors silk, w o o l and cotton equally w e ll
and is guaranteed to give perfect results» Ask uealer. or w e w ill send postpaid at 10c a package. W rite for free booklet
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