Estacada progress. (Estacada, Or.) 1908-1916, June 08, 1911, Image 1

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    NO. 4i
VOL. 3
► ******♦ «
$ 25,000
Si A Y E A R
Getting Keady For
The Fourth
A number of mules, horses,
dump carts and grading out6ts were
The Fourth of July, as previous­
taken in on the S. P. grade work ly announced, will he fittingly cele­
last week.
brated in this city
and the
They have it— good fresh vege­ numerous committees who are re­
tables. Go and see them. Pen- sponsible for the success of the ad­
venture are busy preparing to make
land & Jorg.
Geo. P. Schlosser, publicity man­ it a day long to be remembered.
The day will include races of all
ager tor Roseburg. was an Estaca-
kinds, orations by noted speakers
da visitor on Tuesday.
and 3 baseball games. River Mill
Evangelist Sewall was an Estaca- plays Garfield and Estacada plays
da visitor this week. He was here the winner.
The ‘ ’Fats’ ’ and!
moving his household goods to his “ Leans," made up of “ has-beens''
new home in Thornton, Wash.
play later in the evening.
The reports of Fmit Growers’ promises to be a mirth-provoking
picnic and commencement exer­ wind-up for the baseball games
cises, for want of space sufficient, Dancing will be indulged in by th e1
lovers of that pleasure in the Pa- [
is postponed until next week.
vilion, both afternoon and evening
Rev. Browne gave a very inter­
and, altogether, the day will be I
esting school talk before the Esla-
cada High School on the customs turned over to sport and pleasure.
Tlje park makes an ideal place to
at Raigby and tlie English public
picnic and many will gailier there
to enjoy a day in tlie woods.
All this week a special train will
The ever popular Goddess of
be run from Portland leaving there Liberty contest was launched
11133 p m. for the accomodation of Tuesday morning and a lively
the Rose P'estival visitors. A skirmish is looked for. Votes will
special day rate of 75 cents for the cost 10 cents each. The most
round trip exists all week.
popular girl will, ct course, win and
a strong fight is looked for, as some
Portland will have a commission
of the young men have different
form of government as soon as the
ideas as to who the most popular
required changes can be brought
lady is. The votes will be counted
about. Mayor Simon lias named a
each evening. On the night of
commission to draft a charter pro­
July tst the Fire Department will
viding for the new form and the re­
give a dance iu the Pavilion and
cent city election will only hasten
during its progress the votes will be
the change, as all candidates were
counted each half hour and the
favorable to it.
correct list tallied.
Promptly at
Oregon threshermen held a suc­ the stroke of 12 the voting will
cessful convention in Portland dur­ cease and the Goddess of Liberty
ing the past week, there being a for 1911 will then be declared
good attendance from all parts of elected.
the state. Good roads was quite
Several new features will proba­
naturally a subject in which much bly J)e introduced by the committee 2
interest was shown and other angles | on sports, as they desire to have 7]
of the threshermen’s business, were something doing all the time.
To be Well Dressed
f A lii T
keep Out the Flies
We invite you to do your banking
through us.
Our aim is to conserve the interests
of our patrons.
3 3 g 3 3 B 3 ^ 3 3 « 3 Æ r e C 5 3 l3 ;3 3 3 æ g K a a æ '3 » 3 3 )3 3 ^ 0 r^ :, 3 3 3 S a r 3 3<ä£ ?
Is the title to your home secure?
How about the title to the land you are preparing to
It is our business to protect you against title troubles.
W e show up the title to Clackamas lands and lots from
Uncle Sam until sundown today.
If there is anything wrong, we knpw how to fix it.
Clackamas Title Company^
Established 1893
510 Chamber of Commerce Bldg.
Canning Time
W e handle th e
W . D. and L. M. Henthom, Proprietors
W hoopin g cou gh is not dangerous
w hen the cou gh is k ep t loose and exp ec­
toration easy b y g iv in g Cham berlains
Cougli R em ed y. It has been used in
m any epid em ics o f this disease w ith ]>cr-
fect success. F o r sale b y all good d ea l­
On Sunday evening a crowded
house greeted the pastor Rev.
Browne of the Methodist Episcopal
Church, As had been announced
it was the baccalaureate sermon for
the graduates of the Estacada High
School, The sermon was full of
good advise for the class and was
listened to with marked attention
by all. The class with their teach­
ers occtipit d a special pew.
A 1 Drill made an overland trip to
Yamhill on Friday with his auto.
He left here at 0 a, m. and arrived
there at 10:30, the distance covered
was about ninety miles.
He re­
mained there with his parents about
five hours, then taking them alottw
he continued on to Willamlna some
35 milts farther. “ A l” says the
country he went through is all
settled up and looks good. He at­
tended a commercial club meeting
at Willatnina, where they raised
Siooo to aid in building a depot on
a steam carline that goes through
the town. After spending a very
pleasant time and enjoying a de­
lightful return trip he arrived home
on Sunday. His two sons accom­
panied him on the trip,
Mercantile Sells
A business sale of importance to
Estacada was consumated
Thursday when the Estacada Mer­
cantile Co sold to J. S, and J. R,
McCurdy their implement, vehicle,
harness, sash and door and paints
This business the Mercantile com­
pany had recently placed together
in the old Cary Hardware Co.
room and offered it for sale as they
were unable to give it the attention
they considered it ought to receive.
The McCurdy’s, father and son,
come from Missouri and Kansas,
where each has been in business.
J. S. McCurdy being for twenty-five
years connected with a big imple­
ment company as traveling sales
man and J. R. McCurdy in the re­
tail lumber business in Stafford and
Dodge City’, Kansas.
The style of the new' firm will be
The McCurdy Lumber & Hard­
ware Co, They have leased the
Cary Hardware room tor a year.
It is the intention of the new firm
to add a lumber yard and a full line
of hardware to the business,
two men only are here at present,
but as each have families they will
come in a short time, when they
expect to build homes for them­
We understand that Mr. Stewart
who was the harness maker will
not remain with the new firm, al­
though the place was offered hint.
need not cost much money when you buy your clothes
from us. Our suits range in price from $8 to $17.50.
And there is good value in each suit.
Boy’s Captain Kid Suits. They are quality suits,
excellent fabrics, fasioned good and strong. Let us show
you some of our new CAPTAIN KID boys suits for
spring and summer and you’ll wonder how we can sell
them so cheap. Prices $3.50 and $4.
G I L T K .
Y 'i s >
j&w !iT>
BCoassYst ae trWpaœMKBKa*?*
i £
. ‘
Adjustable window screens
25 to 40 cents each.
Screen doors, we do not
sell the common dove tailed
doors. But ours are full
mortised and either stained
or varnished.
Prices up to $1.85
Wire Fly Killers lOcea.
Presents here a vehicle and harness department of quality goods that we are proud and at
such prices that our customers will feel equally proud.
Sash and Door Dept. If you intend to build, we are now better prepared to fill your
wants. There is as much difference in doors and windows as there is in hay. W e are
pleased to say that our stock is the quality kind and our prices are no higher than usually
charged for ordinary stock.
Our different departments, such as Dry Goods, Groceries, Hats, Shoes, Paint and
Hardware are kept to the top notch in quality.
W e sell Lime, Cement, Sand and Brick.
T r y a c a n of C a l if o r n ia
L emon C ling P e a ch e s 15 cts.
per can or $1.65 per dozen.
Extra Sweet Corn, can 10 cts., 3
One week special on Grey
cans 25 cts.
Graniteiron Milk Pans and dip-
pers (factory measure)
Very choice Maine Corn 2 cans 25
4 qt. milk pans to cts. each
3 qt. milk pans to cts. each
Extra Choice Solid Pack Tomatoes
1 qt. dippers 10 cts. each
can 15 c, dozen $ 1.50
18 lbs. Pure Cane Sugar ft. (We
sell only very best grade pure cane
berry sugar.)
9 lb. sack corn meal for 20 cents.
1 lb. can best grade ground black
pepper for 35 cts.
Extra Standard Tomatoes, can
cts. dozen .95 Case (2 dz.) $ 1.85
Mdse, for Cash
n n r "•T i ’ thiwììt
price paid
for eggs at the Palace Meat Market
a. m. Penland & Jorg.
p. m.
Highest cash price paid for all
p- m- kinds of poultry delivered at the
Even­ depot in Estacada every Monday.—
P- ni. H, O, Jackson.
M E. Church----- Next Sabbath
Sabbath School
Prayer Meeting on Thursday
W a n t e d —Highest
We have several pieces of prop­
erty left with us to negotiate a sale
for. Intending investors in Esta­
10 a. m. cada will do well to consult us as
Bible School
1 1 a. m.
we may have just what you want.'
7:15 P ». Inquire at the P r o g r e s s office.
W. G i v e n , Pastor.
F or S a l e — A Besson “ proto
type' ’ Chicago bore cornet, b flat,
A charm ing woman
is one who is lovely in face, form , mind silver plated and gold mounted.
and tem per. Hut its lian l for a woman Price 5 l 5 -
Enquire at Progress
to be charm ing w ithout h e alth . A weak office.
Church of Christ— Next Sabbath
sick ly woman w ill be nervous and irrit
able. Constipation and k id n ey poisons
show in pim ples, blotch es, skin eruptions
and a w retched com plexion . But E le c­
tric Hitters alw ays prove a godsend to
women who w ant h ealth, b eau ty aud
friends. T h e y regu late stom ach, liver
and k idn eys, pu rify the blood; giv e
strong nerves, b righ t eves, pure breath,
sm ooth, v elvety sk in , lo v e ly com plexion
and perfect health. T ry them .
50c at
all druggists.
I have a thoroughbred Poland
China Boar, Prince Rupert No.
175233. for service.
Service fees
5 1 for grades. At the Couplaud
place, formerly the I). F. Warner
place. R. S. Ludlow, owner.
We have a bargain in a city lot
for sale. Inquire at the Progress.
Livery, Feed
G ood rigs aud careful drivers alw ays
G iven
H u n tin g and F ish in g Parties
Local and L o n g Distance Telephone
W e have
houses and lots in
For Sale. They are Bargains
and fine properties.
Standish Bros.
Mins light tor life
It was n lon g nml bloody battle for life
Carbolic acid emulsion is used to
Quiet Election Is Held
destroy the eggs and young mag­ th at was waged by James H. Mershon, of
N ew ark, N. J., of w hich he writes: " I
Work will soon start
gots which infest radishes, onions had lost m uch blood from lu n g hem or­
a fter you tak e Dr. K in g ’s New Life Pills
and similar garden crops, and oc­ rhages, and was very w eak and run­
The city election on Tuesday
ami y o u ’ ll q u ic k ly en joy th eir fine re-1
was marked by friendly rivalry be­ suits. Constipation and indigestion j casionally for other insects, is a dow n. For e igh t m onths I was unable
tween the two factions, the "wets'1 ’ vanish and fine appetite returns. Th ey j statement of H. F, Wilson, ento- to w ork Death seemed close on m y
and “ dry*.” The “ wets' ’ won by regu late stom ach, liver aud bow els and n io lo g is t a t th e O r e g o n A g r ic u lt u r a l heels, when I began, lliree w eeks ago, to
use Dr. K in g 's New D iscovery.
Hnt it
a majority of 24. The vote was as im part new strength and en ergy to the College, who is al>out to publish a has helped me g re a tly. It is d oin g all
w hole system . T ry them . O n ly 25c at
useful bulletin on the protection of that you c la im .’ ’ F or w eak, sore lungs,
I follows, Mayor, no opponent, J. W.
a ll dru ggists.
the garden from pests.
obstinate cough s, stubborn colds, hoarse­
Reed 99; Councilman 1st ward, no
To make such an emulsion, dis­ ness, la grippe, asthm a, h ay-fever or any
opponent, Al Lindsey 100; 2nd
The uniform success that has attended
ward, W. A. Jones 70, B. R. Kim- the use of Cham bcrlaifls C o lic, Cholera solve a pound of hard scap in a th roat or lu n g trouble its suprem e. 50c
Sc $1. Tri-'l b ottle free. Guaranteed by
mel 43; 3rd ward, Win. Uuder- and Diarrhoea Rem edy has m ade it a fa* gallon of boiling water, add a pint all d ruggists.
A dreadful wound
wood 65, J. P, VVoodle 45; 4th vorite everyw here. It can alw ays be d e­ of crude carbolic acid, ami churn
from a knife, gun, tin can, rusty nail,
pended upon. F or sale by all good d eal­
ward Ray Jacobs 54, L. C. Posson
preferably with a hand pump) uu-
T he w m a n o f today w ho has Rood firew orks, or of a r y other nature, de-
' 56; 5th ward. Edwin Bates 44, Asa
til the mixture is a creamy white. h ealth , good tem per, good sense, b righ t niands prom pt treatm ent with Ilu cklen 's
Hawkins 64; Treasurer, L. E. Bel-
This forms a stock which tnav be e>es and a lo v e ly com plexion , the result A rn ica Salve to prevent blood poison or
It is worse than useless to t ik e any dilutid by adding thirty times as of correct liv in g and good d igestion , gan gren e. Its the q u ickest, surest, heal-
fils, no opponent, 101; Recorder,
wins the adm iration of the world. If er for a ll such w ounds as also for burns,
m edicines in tern ally for m uscular or
Claude W. Devore 57,
E. S. ch ron ic rheum atism . A ll th at is needed much water as stock. It should be your d igestion is fau lty C h am b erlain ’s l>oils, sores, skin eruptions, eczem a,
Womer 54; For a license 69, is a free application o f C h am berlain 's a p p lie d to t h e surface of the ground Stom ach and L iver Tablets w ill correct ; chopped hands, corns or piles. 15c at
* it.
F or sale by all good dealers.
• all druggist*.
Against a license 45.
L in im en t. F o r sale by all good dealers a b o u t th e plants.
see the