Estacada progress. (Estacada, Or.) 1908-1916, March 30, 1911, Image 3

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    Spring Hum ors
A .Greek Joke.
A citizen of Cumat, on a donkey,
passed by an orchard, and aaotng a
branch of a flg tree loaded with de­
licious fruit he laid hold of It, but
the donkey went on, leaving him sus­
pended. Just then the gardener came
up and asked him what he did there.
The man replied, “I fell off the don­
key.”—Clouston's "A Book of Noo-
Come to moit people and cause many
troubles,—pimples, bolts and other
eruptions, besides loss of appetite, that
tired feeling, biliousness. Indigestion
and headache.
The sooner you get rid of them the
better, and the way to get rid of them
and to build up the system is to take
Hood’s Sarsaparilla
The Spring Medicine par excellence
as shown by unequaled, radical and
permanent cures.
Get It today in usual liquid form or
chocolated tablets known as Sarsatabs.
W rit« Today for Pric«?*
§13 and 315 Front St.
for Red, Weak, Weary, Watery Eyes
and Granulated Eyelids. Murine Doesn’t
Smart—Soothes Eye Pain. Druggists
Soli Murine Eye Remedy, Liquid, 25c,
50c. $1.00. Murine Eye Salve in
Aseptic Tubes, 25c. $1.00. Eye Books
and Eye Advice Free by Mall.
Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago.
W rit* (or rataloiruea and literature.
tnd printing. Mail orders giv^n prompt attention
I ortiand Photo Supply Co.
149 T h ir l S treet
Then you surely need the
beneficial aid of
OWARD B. BURTON - Aa-ayer and Chemiet.
Loudv.lln, Colorado.
prices: Gold,
Silver. I.«a<l, fl Gold, Silver. 7f*c; Gold SOo; Ziiit
or Copper, $1. Mailing envelop«** a d full price list
t on a p p l i c a t i o n . C o n t r o l nr<d C'mplrc work«»
ted. Uefuruucu: Carbonate National Hank.
gt< die nod ihuronvh mslructioni ii drivin*
practical work that raa be practiced, aUa
----- latftie work, dull press and left«
Finely equippod nackie stop and school
room Tnlioi lee S3S cadi. $40
payment« $10 per week.
■■ ■ m
/ i
----------------- >Lul 231 .«1 l , n i . p .tl u l Ik.
It strengthens the entire
digestive system, regulates
the appetite, keeps the bow­
els open, and makes the
liver active.
Try a bottle today and
see what an excellent medi-
c n i it is.
1 Guarantee All My Work.
If I Can’t Guarantee it, I Don’t Do It.
Now located at fourth floor WashinKton Bldg.
Corner Wu*h. and 4th Sta. PORTLAND, OR.
L. A. KLEIN U CO., lie.. Diatrikater*
Portland. Ore.^
Moat economical and effective for house
and school heating.
Portland, Or.
Colonial Meeting Houeee In Winter.
In winter the colonial meeting house
eras a cold place. It may be said
that the congregation sat "shivering
on the brink” of perdition. If the Icy
temperature of the house and the ter­
rible doctrines of the sermon are to
be taken together. Samuel Sewall
notes that there was a "great cough­
ing” In the congregation; that the
sacrament bread was frozen hard as
pebbles, and pieces of It rattled as
they fell In the pewter plates.—
Bliss’s "SM - r » .......... ••
F e a t s in C lim b in g .
Not only have some of the peaks
near Pontreslna been ascended this
winter, but also some of the highest
mountains In Switzerland, Including
the Jungfrau. Peats in winter climb
Ing are now often performed which a
few years ago would have been consid­
ered Impossible.
Defy Decay.
Cypreps water tanks have beet,
known to defy decay for more than a
quarter of °
P eD ru ary.
First Father—It must have cost you
a lot to send your son to college Sec­
ond Father—It did. First Father—
And what have you received In re­
turn? Second Father—My Bon. —Cor­
nell Widow.
W asCured by LydiaE. Pink-
ham’s Vegetable Compound
KUvood, Ind.—“ Your remedies have
cured me and I have only taken sir
bottles of Lydia E. I ’inkham's Vegeta-
ble Compound. I
was s ic lc t h r e e
months and could
n o t w a lk . I suf­
fered all the time.
The doctors said I
could not get well
without an opera­
tion, f o r I could
h a r d l y stand the
pains in my sides,
especially my right
one, and down my
________________ right leg. I began
to feel better when I had taken only
one bottle of Compound, but kept on
ns I was afraid to stop too soon.”—Mrs.
S adie M c l l e x , 2728 N. 13. St., EU
wond, Ind.
Why will women take chances with
nn operation or drag out a sickly,
half-hearted existence, missing three-
fourths of the joy of living, when they
can find health In Lydia E. ITukham’s
Vegetable Compound ?•
For thirty years it has been the
standard remedy fo r female ills, and
has cured thousands of woman who
have been troubled with such ail­
ments as displacements, inflammation,
ulceration, fibroid tumors, irregulari­
ties, periodic pains, backache, indiges­
tion, and nervous prostration.
I f you h a v e tlio s lig h te s t d o u b t
t h a t L y d ia K . P ln k iio m ’» V eg e­
ta b le C o m p o u n d w ill h elp you,
w rite to S irs. P in k h a n i a t L y n n ,
M ass., fo r ad v ice.
Y o u r le tt e r
w ill b e a b s o lu te ly c o n tid e titia l,
a n d th e a d v ic e fr e e .
Cleans and brightens Car­
pets. Rutrs. Linoleums and
Floors. Absorbs the germ-
laden dust. Saves dusting
and beating carpets.
Mr. Arnold and the American Lady.
Matthaw Arnold was sitting In his
study one morning when the butler
showed In an American lady and a
small boy. The lady said, "Qlad to
make your acquaintance, Mr. Arnold.
I have often heard of you. No don't
trouble to apeak, air:
I know how
valuable your time is.” Then turning
to the boy aba aald: “This la him,
Lanny, the leading critic and poeL
Somewhat fleshier than we had been
led to expect!”—A. C. Benaon, In the
Per bbl.. 200 Iba... $5.00
Per bbl.. 160 lb s. . . 4.00
75-lb. metal drum 2.50
Order by mail or through
your grocer.
626 W ashington S t.. Portland. Or.
h ë e le y OPIUM—TOBACCO
( L u r e
Habita PbaUlvel» C u n a .
Onljr aothorUed Keclr» l a ­
ttite le la Oroeoa. Wrlte
fo t flleatrmted circolar.
Irrigated truck, fruit and alfa lfa lands In the
Rio Grand» Valley, to be watered by the Nin«
Million D »liar Elephant B u tte Irriiration project
being constructed by the U. S. Government
Price $60 per acre on installm ent*. Experience«'
(talesmen wanted. E L E P H A N T B U T T E LA N E
* T R U ST CO.. Laa Crueea. New Mexiao.
im iY IN ITITU™. 71L 111R ■-
Painless Dentistry
Do you know th a t tha Ea*y Run­
ning Empire U a leader in Cream
Separators? A Catalog will tell
y«>u all about it. Fill o u t coupon
below and »end for beautiful cal­
Is o a r p r ld e -o u r h o b h y -o u r rtady fo r y rsr» and
now o o r n o o d * . and our» 1» t h e b»-*t painltw» work
to oe found anywhere, no m a tter how mnch you
C o m p a r e o u r P r ic e » .
----- 1 Wn finish plato and
hri.'.ge work fo r out-
o f-to w n pstrona In
one day I f d**#ired.
Lainlee» e x tra ctio n
fr e e whan plate» or
bridge work i» order-
lad. Consultation fry*
3 2 f Flanders SI.. Portland. Or.
■ MolarCrowti» » 5 .
l22kBr«l(.TM tk4.
1 6.14 m s«
1 En.m.1 F lltnf* 1..
| S F "
. P is ;— '7 .5 0
n i a r m ctm ods
W i s e D e n t a l C o .,i» * .
Painless Dentists
The students lodged In the dorml
tories and ate at the commons. The
food then partaken of with thankful
ness would now be looked upon as
prison fare. At breakfast, which was
served at sunrise In summer and at
daybreak In winter, there were doled
out to each student a small can of un­
settled cofTee, a size of biscuit, and a
size of butter, weighing generally
about an ounce. Dinner was the sta­
ple meal, and at thia each student
was regaled with a pound of meat.
Two days In the week, Monday and
Thursday, the meat was boiled, and
In college language, these were known
as boiling days. On the remaining
days the meat was roasted, and to
them the nickname of roasting days,
was fastened. With the flesh Went al
ways two potatoes. When boiling
days came round, pudding and cab
bage, wild peas and dandelions were
The only delicacy to which no stint
was applied was the cider, a beverage
then fast supplanting the sma.ll beer
of the colonial days. This was
brought to the mess In pewter cans
which were passed from mouth to
mouth, and, when emptied, were again
replenished. For supper there was a
bowl of milk and a size of bread.
The hungry Oliver who wished for
more was forced to order, or, as tne
phrase went, "seize it,” from the
kitchen.—McMaster’s History of the
People of the United States.
Pettits Eve Salve I S F O O R R E W E E Y A E K S
The Power of Right.
As I myself look at It, there Is no
fault nor folly of my life—and both
have been many and great—that does
not rise up against me, and take
away my Joy, and shorten my power
of possession of sight, of understand­
ing. And every past effort of my life,
every gleam of righteousness or good
In it. Is with me now, to help me
In my grasp of this art and Its vision.
Bo far as I can rejoice In or Interpret
either, my power is owed to what of
right there Is In me.
I dare to say It, that, because
through all my life I have desired
good and not evil; because I "have
been kind to many; have wished to be
kind to all; have willfully Injured
none, and because I have loved much,
and not selfishly; therefore, the morn­
ing light is yet visible to me on those
hills, and you who read may trust my
thought and word In such work as I
have to do for you, and you will be
glad afterward that you have trusted
u them.—Ruskln.
Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant Pellets regulate
and invigorate stomach, liver and bow
els. Sugar-coated, tiny granules. Easy
to take as candy.
iC ib sB
Sqll Tolled as the Famous Old Cam­
panil« of Montauban Fall In
Th* town of Montauban. Francs,
was proud of hla bell tower. It was
New York Shirt-Waist Factory Fur­ built
by a rich citizen In the alxteenth
century and named for him ths bel­
nishes Death Harvest.
fry of Lautler, nearly 100 feet tall
Victims Nearly All Women and Girls,
Who Meet Death in Flames or
Leap to Pavement.
New York, March, 27. One hun-
ahd forty-eight persons, nine-tenths of
them girls from the East Side, were
crushed to death on the pavements,
smothered by smoke or burned to crisp
Saturday afternoon in the worst fire
known since the steamer Slocum was
burned to the w ater’s edge off North
Brother island in 1904.
One hundred and forty-one bodies
have been removed from the ruins and
seven of the injured died in hospitals.
This, it is believed, completes the list
of dead, most of whom are uniden­
Grief-crazed relatives besieged the
morgue as the bodies were laid out.
Nearly, if not all, of the victims were
employed by the Triangle Waist com­
pany on the eight, ninth and tenth
floors of a 10-story loft building at 23
Washington place, on the western
fringe of the downtown wholesale dis­
Partners of firm, Isaac Harris and
Max Blanc, escaped, carrying with
them over an adjoining roof Blanck’s
two young daughters and a governess.
There was not an outside fire escape
on the building.
How the fire started will probably
never be known.
A corner on the
eighth floor was its point of origin
and only the three upper floors were
On the ninth floor 50 bodies were
found, 63 or more persons were crushed
to death by jumping, more than 30
clogged the elevator shafts.
Loss to
property will not exceed $100,000.
Pedestrians going home through
Washington place at 4:50 o’clock were
scattered by the whiz of something
rushing through the air before them;
there was a horrible thud on the pave­
ment and a body flattened on the flag­
Wayfarers on the opposite
side of the street shaded their eyes
against the setting sun and saw the
windows of the three upper floors of
the building black with girls crowding
to the sills.
“ Don’t jum p!” yelled the crowd.
But the girls had no alternative. The
pressure of the maddened hundreds be­
hind them and the urging of their own
fears were too strong. They began to
fall to the sidewalk.
Four alarms were rung within 15
minutes. Before the engines could
respond, before the nets could be
stretched or the ladders raised, five
girls had fallen from the eighth and
ninth floors so heavily that they
crashed through the very streets to
the vaults below. In an hour the fire
was out; in 30 minutes it had done its
worst; probably the death list was
complete in 20 minutes.
The building stands on a corner
with exposures on two sides, but the
only fire escape was in the interior,
opening on a light and air shaft.
all there were seven exits— the single
fire escape, two freight eleveators at
the rear, two passenger elevators in
front and two stairways. All of them
proved almost useless and practically
all who escaped either climbed to the
roof and scrambled thence to the roof
of the building occupied by the Amer­
ican Book company, adjoining, or fled
in the first rush for safety before the
crush and smoke grew too thick.
The building stands now as a shell
intact, the partitions of architectural
tiling between floor and floor are
sound, and it is impossible for one
who sees it to imagine how the flames
in so short a time could have wrought
such havoc.
Seven hundred hands, 500 of them
women, were employed by the shirt
waist cpmpany. They sat in rows at
their whirring machines, the tables
before them piled with flimsy cloth,
the floor littered with lint, the air it­
self full of flyng, inflammable dust.
Women's Secrets
There is one man in the United States who has perhaps heard
more women’s secrets than any other man or woman in the
country. These secrets are not secrets of guilt or shame, hut
the secrets of suffering, and they have been confided to Dr.
K. V. Pierce in the hope and expectation of advice and help.
That few of these women have been disappointed in their ex­
pectations is proved by the fact that ninety-eight per cent, of
oil women treated by Dr. Pierce have been absolutely and
altogether cured. Such a record would be remarkable if the
cases treated were numbered by hundreds only. But when
that record applies to the treatment of more than half-a- mil­
lion women, in a practice of over 40 years, it is phenomenal,
end entitles Dr. Pierce to the gratitude accorded him by women, as the first of
specialists in the treatment of women’s diseases.
Every sick woman may consult Dr. Pierce by letter, absolutely without
charge. All replies are mailed, sealed in perfectly plain envelopes, without
any printing or advertising whatever, upon them. Write without fear as with­
out fee, to World’s Dispeusary Medical Association, Dr. R. V. Pierce. Prest..
Buffalo, N. Y.
and 25 feet aquare; the great bell on
Its top h a a called the people to all
the Important event« In the town’a
Recently It aounded Its own death
note. The town began to tremble and
the vibration of the top was enough
to set the bell ringing, warning all
thoae near It to escape. In a few sec
onda the massive tower was a heap
of dust and broken stones.
rV £*ftls.oai W o a I l W o m e n S t r o n g ,
While not so celebrated as the Cam
S lo lft. V v o m o n W o il«
panile of Venice, which met the same
fate a few years «go. it was as dear
to Montauban, and the town mourns
P in k f y e , fpi/ oo tlC a
its destruction.
Shipping Fever
and Catarrhal Fever
Sure cu re and positive preventive, no m atte r how hordes a t any av a
a re infected or ‘‘exposed.” L qu d, »riven on th e tongue; a f t * on th a
B ool and G ands, expeU th e poisonous germ s from the b«xly. Cures D is­
tem per in D oits and S n w p ami Cho!«-ra in Poultry. i-arjrest Bellina liv»
atock rem edy. C ures I.a Grippeamon>? human beings nnd is a HneKi«L
ney remwiy, 50c and $1 a b ottle: $5 and $ 1 0 a dozen. Cut thia out. Keep
It. Show to y o u r drURffiat, who w ill Ret it fo r you. F ree Booklet. “ Dis-
tem per. Can « m and C ures.” S p ecial agents w anted.
Author Forgot to Make Hla Detective
a Dope Fiend According to
the Formula.
At the age of about 40 years, I wai
“This detective story will not do,” attacked with hemorrhage of the kid­
»aid the magazine editor, handing neys or bladder which continued for
several years without a check. I finally
Dack the manuscript.
“I’d like to know why,” responded I took advantage of your generous offer
anti procured a sample bottle of Swamp-
the author, with a show of heat. “It Root. Believing it helped me, I pur­
has color, atmosphere—all the regular , chased a fifty cent bottle, which con­
business. The detective can see vinced me that it was helping me.
around a corner or through a wall. Three other bottles cured me. In two
Telephones In Church.
He needs no clue save a lock of the or three years, over work brought my
Moriah Church of Utica has lnetall murdered man’s hair. He Is able to ailment back, but one bottle stopped
ed a telephone system for the benefit read human minds and motives as an it.
of members of the church who may be ordinary sleuth reads a placard offer­
I feel as if I owe my life to you for
afflicted with deafness. Six tele­ ing $5,000 reward. His deductions are the great blessing Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp-
has been to me. I recommend it
phones have been placed In various utterly absurd, irrevelant and prepos­
parts of the auditorium, the trans terous, yet crowned with success. to all human beings suffering as I was.
You have my permission to publish this
raitter being located on the pulpit di­ What’s the matter?”
letter and if any person doubts it, if
rectly In front of the speaker.
“Do you state anywhere that ho they will write me, enclosing stamp, I
drinks a quart of absinthe neat?”
will give full particulars.
Yours very trulv,
"Do you have him partaking of '
Rocky, Ark.
Letter to
Not only pleasant and refreshing to hasheesh, opium, morphine or other
Dr. Kilmer A Co,
familiar tld bits upon which the de­ Binghamton, N. Y.
the taste, but gently cleansing and sweet­
tective of fiction subsists?”
Personally appeared before me this
ening to the system. Syrup of Figs and
T forgot that.”
31st day of August, 1909. Mrs. T. B.
EJixir of Senna is particularly adapted
"Where Is the admiring friend to Phelps, who subscribed the above state­
to ladies and children, and beneficial in , whom the detective lays bare the ment and made oath that the same is
all cases in which a wholesome, strength­ ! blatant Idiocy of his intellectual work | true in substance and in fact.
ening and effective laxative should h t lngs?”
“Left his out, by Georgel” admitted Prove What Swamp-Root Will Do for You
used. It is perfectly safe at all times and
Send to Dr. Kilmer & Co.. Bingham­
dispels colds, headaches and the paini the author, and vanished with his
caused by indigestion and constipation sc | amateurish effort.—Philadelphia Led- ton, N. Y., for a sample bottle. It will
convince anyone. You will also receive
promptly and effectively that it is the one
a booklet of valuable information, tell­
perfect family laxative which gives satis­ I Mothers will find Mrs. WlnsloWs Soothing ing all about the kidneys and bladder.
I Syrup tue best remedv to ugo foi their children
When writing, be sure and mention this
faction to all and is recommended h> *uring the teething portud.
paper. For sale at all drug stores.
millions of families who have used it anc
Price fiftv-cents and one-dollar.
who have personal knowledge of its ex­
There la always a best way of do-
| Ing everything, if It be but to boil an
Its wonderful popularity, however, has I egg. Manners are the happy ways of
led unscrupulous dealers to offer imita­ I doing things; each one a stroke of
tions which act unsatisfactorily. T h ere­ genius or of lovo—now repeated and
W ith w ater when the crop needs it pro­
fore, when buying, to get its beneficia hardened Into usage. They form at
duces more than a larR*« ranch without.
BU Y 5 OR 10 ACRES O f
effects, always note the full name of th< least a rich varnish, with which the
Company— California Fig Syrup C o .— routine of life is washed and its de­
plainly printed on the front of ever) tails adorned. If they are superficial,
package of the genuine Syrup of Fig: we are the dewdrops which give such
• depth to the morning meadows.
and EJixir of Senna.
Manners are very communicable; men
For sale by all leading druggists. Prici catch ther" *—w **•»'**
M u ny on’s Cold R e m e d y
R eliev e« th e
head, th ro a t and lu n g s a lm o st im m e d ia te ­
C hecks F e v e rs , s to p s D is c h a rg e s o f
th e nose, ta k e s a w a y a ll a c h e s and nuins
caused l*y c o ld s. It c u re s G rip and o b ­
s tin a te C ou g h s and p rev e n ts P neu m onia.
W rite P ro f. M uu yon, fi.'ird and Je f f e r s o n
Kts., P b ila ., P a ., fo r m e d ic a l ad v ice ab ­
so lu te ly fre e.
Particularly the Ladies.
5 0 cents per bottle.
Prehistoric Hairpins.
Eye probably caught up her tresses
when engaged In housekeeping with
long thorns, easily obtainable from
the bushes and trees In her front
yard. Thornlike pins carved from box­
wood, Ivory and horn have been
found In excavations dating back to
the time of the Caesars; and also
queer, clumsy combs made of the
same materials. In the days of the
Caesars. Roman maids wore their
His Great Weakness.
hair In exceedingly simple fashion,
••You know,” says a magazine story
Treasure Found in Ruins.
but styles for matrons exceeded In or
teller, "Dannhauer would gamble his
London- Treasure trove to the val­ last cent*. That was his great weak
nateness anything seen In our day.
The Roman lady about the house wore ue of $1,250,000 is reported from J e r ­ ness. He went home one evening after
her hair caught up under a reticulum sey, where it was uncovered by a bad day. He looked tired. 'Wife,
or heavy net of colored cords; but for Athelstan Riley, while he was pulling he said, ‘have you got anything tc
great occasions her locks were dress­ I down the ruins of an old manor house eat?’ 'Yes. lots of things,’ the wife
ed by a cinerarlus, or handler of the i built in the 13th century with the ob­ •aid. ‘Well, cook up every thing
curling Irons, and not only were je c t of using the stone to enlarge his you’ve got—everything.’ ‘Gracious
The discovery in- are you that hungry?’ 'I’m not hun­
bangs, braids and rats In high favor, | present manor.
but false hair was much used, captive ; eludes ancient urns filled with spade gry at all; I’m going to sell the
German maids, being denuded of their guineas, coined during the reign of stove.’ ” ________________
flaxen braids for the enhancement of King George III and bearing the Brit-
Value ot w ane raper.
i ish coat of arms on a spade-shaped
Roman charms.
It la an Interesting fact that waste
! shield. One urn bears the monogram
paper can be so Important a commer­
H a m l i n s W iz a r d O il is re c o m m e n d e d by ■ of Emperor Vespasian.
m a n y ‘p h y s ic ia n s . I t is u sed in m a n y m il*
cial factor. In Toronto Canada, there
lie n p r iv a t e hoH pit Is .
W h y n o t keep
are 10,000 tons of waste papor col
a b o t t le o n h a n d in y o u r ow n h o m e ?
210 Voters Are Indicted.
lected annually. For these there Is
Lexington, Ky.
A special from received about $100,000. For Just the
8 a g a c ! t y of F r o g s .
ordinary waste paper the sum of $10
In the manner of disposing of their
eggs many species of frogs exhibit re­ jury of Floyd county, which has been a ton I b paid. But for the better
markable peculiarities. A tree frog, investigating vote selling, has re­ grade of waste papers the price has
native of Paraguay, makes its nest turned 210 indictments and that many been known to run as high as $40 a
in a bush overhanging a pond. The more true bills will be found against ton.
lower ends of a number of leaves are voters before the inquiry is concluded.
drawn together and fixed in that posl This is an increase of about 100 in-
tlon by a number of empty egg cap­ ' dictments over the last report.
sules. The eggs are also covered with ilar conditions are said to exist in
a shield of empty capsules to protect Pike and Magoffin counties and their
them from the sun and air. When the grand juries will begin an investi­
eggs are hatched the plug at the hot gation soon.
tom appears to fall out and the tad
poles tumble into the water.
Boy Slain in Gang Fight.,
Cleveland, (4. Following a battle ■
Weman Surgeon Plays Heroine.
Ask your doctor «bout these
A runaway horse dragged the ambu­ in a gully with sticks and stones Sun-
coughs. He will tell
lance of the Williamsburg hospital half
you how deceptive they are.
a mile before the animal ended its tions of South End boys and while one
race In a collision with a crosstown side was retreating, two leaders o f , A tickling in the throat often
surface car. In the ambulance, cling the other side opened fire with a re­
means serious trouble ahead.
Ing to a typhoid fever patient, sat Dr volver and a rifle, killing Albert Met-
Better explain your case care­
Elizabeth Bruyn, recently appointed
Mrs. George Baumgarter
fully to your doctor, and ask
an Interne In the hospital. When the ing side.
him «bout your taking Ayer’s
vehicle crashed Into the car Dr Bruyn and her daughter. Marguerite, while
was wounded, but she saved her pa­ carrying the dying boy away from the
Cherry Pectoral.
tient from Injury.—New York World. field, were also fired upon.
W a publish o u r fori
English Railroad to Be Electric.
W • banish alcohol
Richardson's "Clarissa Marlow».”
f r o n our m ed icina»
New York — The first of the main
Consider It from which point yon
W • n rg * you to
oor.auII y o u r
will, the book remains a masterpiece, railway systems of England to be
d o cto r
unique of Its kind It has been Imi­ electrified on the American plan,
tated. but It has never been equaled. throughout its entire length, will be Who makes the beat liver pills? The
It le Richardson's only title to fame; the London, Brighton & South Coast J. C. Ayer Company, of LowelL M m ,
but It Is enough Not the great pyra­ line. The length of the Brighton sys­ They have been making Ayer’s Pills for
•ver sixty years. If you have the slight­
mid Itself Is more eolldly built nor tem is 479 miles and the undertaking est doubt about using these pills, ask
more Incapable at ruin.—W. E. Heo- will he a colossal one. The work will your doctor. Do as he says, always.
be completed, it is announced, by 1916.
by tha J . c. Ayar Co.. L o w a il, M u » .—
Paint»»» Extr’ tlo» . 5 0 i
JkA* w o r k fu lly r u a r a n t e e d f o r f i f t e e n y a a r s
We Pay tha Express on Everything
Nephew (as uncle Is falling over 3 ARAGON TAILORING COMPANY, Dept. 3 4 . CNICACC
precipice)^—*‘I say, uncle, stop yelling
ind think of me! This will land me In
a fearful hole, you know. Everybody FARE AT HARVARD IN 1850
know» you’ve left me your money, and
nobody’ll believe I tried to save you.” breakfast at Daybreak and Bollad
—M. A P.
Dinner Two Days in ths
Front and Market Sts.
All o f »o u r frion d « w ear r h .th in g ; wh<
n > 4in aka tham buy tliu ir s m u from fo u l
Y>*u enn n n Bi<n«y fo r th au i au<l doubt«
yo ur iu eouin IV u l . a y you « m i baud
ua a n o rd er f o r a s u it f o r yourM ilf Wt-ai
tU aau it—t h a t is.-k 11 you h ave to do Yog
W ill bn «urprikod how easy it I l k .
ta k a ordar« w hen you p i« « » k
your f ria u tU llu il »on r a n funu sE
th am w ith c lo t h id f "m a d e U
u iu aau re" f o r I eta m oney than
th e y a re now pn yiu g fo r ready
m ade, o u t - o f - d a t a c loth in g
T h ey inu«t buy fro m you I d
o rd e r to gut o u r oxelusivo style«,
roavM an d fab ric» —th e sw ellest,
fin e s t m iU over mad#
T ak e tw o ot
th r e e o rd er« an d your profit w ill |>a)
f o r youi 11» i »uit fca«y to ta k e inci.»
ure« w ith o u r lu a tru c tio n «
Wo fu r
tu sh a p o rtfo lio c o n ta in i ur #0 h and
•«mn «am ple« an d show :«) difTerer.
■ tile « o f coats, an d a ll n cc«s»ary »ta
tio n s ry an d in fo r m a tio n
th a t wi!
■ U rt you a t one« in a piofilab lc
p le a sa n t In itin e«*
We g u aran tee t
gi»« y«u a p e r fe ct fit
You ru n u u n t k
W« «h ip ou approv al, s u b je c t to 2
hour«' « v aiu ln atio n
Your custom er
uiust liesalish u d w ith sty le A lan d tpial
Hr be fo ro paying
And d o n 't forget—
bond u* fo u r a p p lica tio n today if
y «a w a n t to r e p r e s e n t us
d elay o r «onieono ely« w ill ta k e ad
yan ta z a o t th is ( r e n t o p ix-rtu nity
V e r y T h o u g h t le s s .
__________________ 247 Ash S t., Portland, Or«.
28 Front S treet
Fate of « cit.iineit o*.e»».ng Eagle.
One of the biggest golden eagles
I ever killed In this vicinity was
brought down by Ernest Hollenbeck
with buckshot Just as the eagle was
flying off with a rooster In its claws
The eagle had been a pest of the
chicken yards for months, and many !
shots were taken at him. The bird
measured six feet seven Inches from
tip to tip and will be stuffed and
| mounted.—Mead correspondence, Den
ver Republican.
The day of Judgment had dawned
Everything was being made right. Yet
In the midst of the general rejoicing
a meek little man wan observed to
sink down on a log by the wayside,
completely discouraged, and bury his
fax?e in his hands desparlng'y. "How
shall I ever carry away all the um­
brellas that have been returned to
me?” he moaned, In much diatresa.—
A young man Is disgusted when he
finds hls sister doesn’t know the name
of the governor of the state, but when
the sweet young thing In the next
block discloses the fact that «he
doesn’t know the Rtate has a governor
ho goes down on hls knees to her
In Marion Co.
S . E. of Salem.
Clumber of Commerce Buildin« . PortUnd. Or.. Manager«.
Branch Office «n the (.rounds at West Slayton.
You can’t sow thistles and
reap tigs. If you plant
Ferry’s Seeds you A
prow exactly what
you expect and in
profu sion
— id perfee
tion never
years of
study and
r make them re-
liable. For sal*
everywhere Ferry’i
19 11 Seed Annual
M ree on req u est
Detroit. Midi.
Tho Child and the Telephone.
A child should be taught as early aa
possible to call at least one telephone
number, a neighbor, father’s place of
s w e e t fe m in in ity
business, or physician. I taught our
little boy, who is Just three, to call
Dairying In Sweden.
Sweden haa agricultural aocletles a neighbor’s number, and twice have
which RHslat the dairying business by found it useful, once when taken very
appointing Itinerant teacher«, giving 111, and again having burned my arm
grants to achoolf. and support to ex­ badly. He was able to call and re­
ceive Immediate assistance.—Harper’s
hibitions. ________________
To Bred f. in New S h o es.
A lw ays sh ak e in A lle n ’r Foot -Kane, ft p ow der,
Raising Black Fox.
t cu res h o t, s w e a tin g , a«-liinK. sw o lle n feet,
'n re s co rn s, in ,;ro w in g n a ils and b u n ion s. At
On Prince Edward Island about 2%
d 1 d ru g g ists and »hoe Mter* «.,
P o n t « c re p t j
500 minks, 1,000 red
m y su b stitu te . Sam p le m ailed FKKfc,. A ddress |
Vilen S. O lm sted, I^ j R ojr.N . Y.
foxes and a fow weasels are killed
each year. The black fox 1« bred there
In Optimistic Vein.
by people who keep their methods
flke was cheerful and always able
cret. A good black fox akin 1« w o rth
to communicate her cheerfulness to
During the nine years we $1,500.
spent in poverty and debt she was al
Fiber From Banana*.
ways able to reason me out of my de
An American In Tampico has dt»
apalr and find a bright side to the covered a method for extracting fiber
clouds and make me see It. In all I from banana plants. This fllber ab­
that time I never knew her to utter sorbs more machine oil than cotton
a word of regret concerning our cir­ waste and Is much cheaper
cumstance*. nor did I ever know her
children to do the like For ahe taught
them and they drew their fortitude i
from h e r—Mary Twain * tribute to
hla wife. ________________ _
Mirrors Used to reflect Straet.
'*1 have suffered with piles for thirty-
In continental towns one frequently fix years. One year ago last April I be­
sees a mirror at the side of a window j gan biking Cascurets for constipation. In
so placed that people in the room may the course of a week I noticed the piles
see reflected therein the view up or began to disappear and at the end of an
down the street In some bygone perl weeks they did not trouble me at all.
Caacareta have done wonders for me I
oda of English street architecture It am entirely cured and feel like a new
was customary to bay almost all the 1 man.” (ieorge Kryder, Napoleon, O.
windows at least enough to enable the
PW-maant. P alatab le. Po ten t.
I a*t# (¡««d.
Do Good N ev er Slek«n. Wen Wen or (Trip«
occupant« of the houses to look aloug
lOr. 26c. 60c. N ev er nr'ld In bulk l"**e r«*»-
the streets r r s ffr— n
•ine tab let * U m p « i C C G G u a ra n te e ! ta
cu re or m a r m oney leek .
Is Highest Point.
Haeletoo claims that the highest
No. 13—'l l
Inhabited point In Pennsylvania Is In
that city, at tha corner of Thouiae and
H E N w r i t i n g t o a «Iv e r t l a e r » p l e a
Eleventh streets, where the elevation
m en tio n th le paper.
la 1.8*5 7 feet above sea level.