Estacada progress. (Estacada, Or.) 1908-1916, March 30, 1911, Image 1

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E ST A C A D A . O REGO N, T H U R SD A Y . M ARCH 30, 19 11.
Try an ad. in the Progress.
Si A Y E A R
Estacada Will Celebrate
July 4th
Extra Coffee in
bulk, per pound, 28 cents.
4 lbs. $1.
Mr. and Mrs. IT. Cooper of Ar-
leta were Estacada visitors on Mon­ Firemen Decide To Hold Grand |
Celebration On July 4th;
The Portland White So* will
play the Estacada Greys next Sun­
A t in previous year», CLACKAMAS COUNTY TAXES may be
paid at offices of
510 Chamber of Commerce BuHding,
T ax R o l l o p e n for In s p e c t io n .
C a ll o r s e n d
tor s t a t e m e n t or y o u r taxes.
Reduced Prices on Blankets
Tor a short time we wiM make a treat reduction on
the price of Blankets, cost cuts no figure.
You can’t
afford to miss this sale.
If you need any Beds, Springs, Mattresses, Furniture or
Queens ware come in, we can suit you.
We have a nice
line of Comforts, Linoleum, Carpets and Matting. Also just
received a new line of Wall Paper of the latest patterns.
The price is right
Space here will not permit us to mention the numerous
ai tides we have, but you really ought to hear those Colum­
bia Phonographs, also some fine records.
W . D. and L. M. Henthorn, Proprietors
Preliminary Meeting
Next Monday Eve.
Elderly Couple Wed
Mr. Andrew Bradt and Miss Em­
In Oregon City
ma Petsch of Portland were Sun­
day visitors with Mr. and Mrs. D.
On Thursday last Dr. John Stein­
Esbleman and Mr. and Mrs. E. S.
er and Mrs. Ennestine Sagiier were
united in the holy bonds 'of matri­
The Masons will hold their reg­ mony at Oregon City. They were
ular business meeting next Tues­ both born in Germany and wlun
day evening. Visitiug masons cor­ more than a year ago the doctor,
dially invited.
who has seen much of the country
It is given out from the officials having traveled through most of
of the P. R. L . &
P. Co. that the states aud spent considerable
within the next four years $7,000,- time in Mexico aud twelve years in
000 will be spent in power plants Alaska, came to Estacada and es­
about Estacada by that corporation. tablished a practice. It was quite
Mrs. H. W. Kuhlmati left on natural that they would be thrown
Wednesday for her home at Sheri­ together in the rememberances of
dan, She has been at the Potwin the father-land. The groom was a
home during the absence of her widower and has four children, two
sons aud two daughters aud is aged
father and mother in the East.
69. The bride was a widow and
E, B. Byers and family who went thq mother of nine children, two of
East last Fall for a visit have again whom reside in Germany and the
returned after a five months absence others in Estacada, except two
spent with friends in Troy, Iowa. married daughters who live in Port-
They visited in Chicago and other laud. She is 61 years of age. They
Eastern points also.
They have will take up their residence about
rented one of the Page houses.
the first of the month in the build­
The Rev. J. R. Knodell, superin­ ing fitted up by Mr. Lichthom on
tendent of the Anti-Saloon League Broadway next to bis bakery. The
will deliver an illustrated lecture iu doctor will use the front room as
the Methodist church Suuday even­ his office. The young men and
ing April 16th. He will be at Cur- boys with tin horns and bells
rinsville in the morning and at E s­ tendered the bride and groom a ser­
tacada at 7:30 p. m.
Everybody enade on Friday evening at the
invited to come to this service.
home of the bride.
C. W. Wisner has rented from
Otto Stuben the lot on Broadway
next to Stubcns place and intends
at once to erect a building on the
same. It will be used as a lunch
counter and short order restaurant
where meals may be secured any
tim .-ofday. Mr Wisner will have
living apartments in the same
Dr. C. W. Lowe one of
Oregon's most prominent
opticians and optometrists will be
in Dr. A dix's office Tuesday April
11 for one day only. He will make
regular visits here. He has had
more than 19 years experience in
Oregon as an exclusive
specialist and those in need of
glasses should take advantage of
this opportunity. See next issue
for further announcements.
i wmm S\m
Mrs. Ed. Cornell and daughter of
Portland spent from Friday to Mon­
Estacada will celebrate in a fit­
day with Mrs. I)r. Adix.
ting manner the birth of our nation
A. H ' Miller of George was a on July 4th, such were the good
business visitor to Estacada on tidings that were given out by the
Estacada Fire Department recent­
For sometime it has been dis­
Dr. Steiner will move his office
cussed whether or uot Estacada
to the room next the bakery about
would celebrate the 4th this year,
April 6tb.
but not until the Firemen took hold
Bob Standish will occupy the of things and started the celebra­
new real estate building just com­ tion-machinery was anything defi­
nitely decided upon.
The Firemen hold a regular
Mrs. Adelaide Porter spent sev­
eral days visiting friends in Port­ mouthly business meeting in the
City Hall next Monday evening,
the 3rd of April, and at this time
Tho Mathew’ s estate are contem­
will make preliminary arrangements
plating platting their acreage south
a grand celebration. This move­
of town.
ment will meet with the support of
Mr. A. M. Williams, one of the all and they are receiving pledges
work train crew, has rented the of support from all sides.
Richards property and moyed in
All persons interested in this
movement are asked to meet with
The Council has decided to ex ­ the boys on next Monday evening
tend the water mains on Short St and discuss matters pertaining^ to
from the main to Second and on the proper observation of this great
day. The meeting is called fc r
Pierce from 5th to 9th.
7:30 sharp. Firemen please note
Broadway, between Second and
the change in the hour of meeting.
Third, looks much better than it
did last week. Let the good work
Mrs. E. P. Scott entertained at a
6 o'clock dinner Tuesday evening
in honor of Mr and Mrs. W. Pot-
win, Mrs. II. W. Kuhlman and
family and Mr and Mrs. W. Pot-
win and family.
The Potwins
have just returned from a visit to
friends and relatives in the East.
A very pleasant and enjoyable
eveniLg was spent.
Next best £rade coffee
in bulk, per pound 23 cents
5 Jos. for $1.05.
After seeing the entertainment
last Saturday everyone will agree
with us that it was a huge success
in every way.
The schoolhouse
was packed to the doors and the
audience seemed in a jovial mood,
encores beiDg given continually.
Great credit must be given to the
teacher Miss Harvey for the
very clever way the school children
executed their various drills and
recitals, and we appreciate all the
hard work it must have caused to
get them to this state of perfection.
Special mention must be made of
the pretty character song given by
Mr. H. Horner and Miss Mabel
Keller. This wa» given in Dutch
costume, the action introducing a
very pretty waltz called the " Vele-
ta Waltz.” The dialogue ''C ab ­
man 93” kept the audience in a
continuous uprear, aud the juvenile
burlesque "T en little nigger hoya’ ’
was extremely funny and letciied a
rousing encore.
The stage was
prettily decorated with scenery and
footlight effect, with a proceniutn
drop curtain
The expenses which
amounted to $ 1* 31 was covered by
A re the leader, in style, because made
b y tbe creators of style.
— In fit. because made on perfect foot-
form lasts.
— In wear, because made o f the test
leather, b y tbe test shoemakers in the
Y ou r satisfactio n w ith the American
L ad y Shoe is vouched for b y its millions
of wearers in every part of tbe country.
Come in and see bow easy it is to be
perfectly fitted in an American L ad y Shoe, and bow quickly you can
please you r fancy from our fine, new stock of Fall and Winter styles.
Elegant showing Spring line
Fancy Waists, fine tuck, prices from
75 cents to $2.
Embroidered Waists, $1, 1.25 and 1.50
Tailored waists, detachable collars, fine
tuck, 1.25 and 1.50
Sugar up 10 cts.
Fruit cane Sugar per
sack $5.50
Extra fine pure cane
Sugar per sack. $5.45
We do not guarantee
prices on sugar for any
length of time.
Extra choice hand picked
small white navy beans per
lb. 6 cts. 20 lbs. for $1.
100 lbs. 4.40
Canned milk, 3 cans 25
Canned Com 3 cans 25
Are you interested in buying Harness?
Do you care if the Harness you buy is of
good leather? Do you want a harness
made of good leather and of careful man­
ufacture? W e are makers of both light
buggy and heavy team harness. If you
are interested we would be pleased for
you to give us a call.
Both black and white silk waists 2.25,
2.50 and 3.
Tinning, Plumbing and Electric Wiring
Knickerbocker suits for boys.
styles. $3.50 to 4.
the collection, it lieing $12.83.
Good as this concert has been, we
shall, if all goes well, try to give
another one next winter that will
outclass this one.
There was a good attendance of
young people at the residence of
Mr. W. Myers last Wednesday
evening. Dancing was indulged in
until a late hour, or early, which
you have a mind to call it. E very­
body reports having had a good
time and a good supper.
Mary Wiederhold is home for a
few days. She was homesick to
see mamma.
Livery, Feed & Sale
Rosie Jannsen was the guest of
Iona Joyner last Sunday.
W. A. JO N E S
Mrs. Held is home again alter
visiting her daughter Mrs. Wisuer
in Washington.
Mrs. Leyeda and her son and
daughter-in-law and their baby were
the guests of Mrs. Hans Johnson
last Monday night.
Good rigs and careful drivers always
Given Hunting; end Fishing Partie#
Local aud Long Distance Telephone
Mr. Dell Leyeda was over to see
Harold Joyner Monday morning.
Harold Joyner was discing some
last Monday.
Mr. James Pourteles and wife,
W e h a n d le a n y t h i n g
Mr. A. H. Miller was over to
formerly of Minneapolis, Minn.,
r e la t iv e to th e
has recently arrived in Garfield and Estacada last Monday.
will open the Garfield Mercantile
Mr. Otto Paulsen went over to
R e a l E s ta te
Co. to be erected next to the grange Estacada last Monday to get some
hall. Mr. Pourteles was in this medicine for his sister Mrs. Henry
B u s in e s s
line of business in the East and Johnson.
wished to get out into God's
The Leyde toys are busy clear­
country and so came here.
He ing land. They have three acres
spent two months travelling in Ore­ cleared and ready for potatoes.
gon and Washington looking tor a
Mrs. Hans Johnson is on the sick
suitable locality but found nothing list, Mrs. Joyner Is taking care of
to compare with Estacada.
The her.
raaPtft 4 HIRIO*. el P orti«*
store will be oj-ened in about three
weeks and it is to be hoped that
the people of Garfield will give it Estacada Wins Opening
their hearty support.
The people of Garfield grange
M E. Church----- Next Sabbath
are to meet at the grange hall on
The first ball game of the season Sabbath School
Saturday the 8th of April, for the
to a. m.
purpose of fixing up the grounds, in Estacada was played on Sunday Preaching
7 30 p m.
unless they have paid their special at the local grounds. O. W R .St League
7 p. m.
N. of Portland vs. Estacada. The Prayer Meeting on Thursday Even­
game was fairly well patronized. ing
8 p. m.
Mr. Walter Whitcomb and wife
Estacada made 10 hits and the
of Portland spem Sunday with
| visiting team 7.
Douglass struck
parents at Garfield.
Church of Christ-—Next Sabbath
out 17 and Gcshung 7. The score
12 to 7 in favor of Estacada.
| Bible School
to a. m.
W. Barth tt umpire.
7 :15 p. m.
—W Gtvair, Paator.
Carl Lins came home Sunday
If you have trouble in getting rid of
from the mill near Estacada.
vour cold you may know that yon are
Harold Joyner, Milfred Coiling j not treating it properly. There is no
Buy your garden seeds at the Ea-
' reason why a cold should hang on lor
and Fred Nitzhman were the guests
Pharmacy and get Oregon
weeks and it will not if you take Cham-
of Mr. and Mrs Klinkcr last Sun­ | herlain’s Cough Remedy. For sale by Seeds, especially adapted to thla
day evening.
j section.
I all good dealers.
'n - i 'w í '
NO. 31 on VOL. 3