Estacada progress. (Estacada, Or.) 1908-1916, March 23, 1911, Image 3

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    Wear This Stylish Suit
tit* man who la ad m ired 1 « the swell
III.» 11 s h i w ( lo llie s are fu.h
‘ i«,an.| are I tl I I s t y le « . V o n w ll
* U n it i u
i iiiu lit y o u r ii«'liflil> orlto«M l
' •!> I os are Just In « . e l l lils a u ll
tlio k w.»11. Ht. eluiMiUmt. sii*4|ipi«*nt
•1) !«• w« ou t creatod —uint h e l l e r
y o u r iii.p eu ru liv e d THIS IS OUR
k •****• W e want o n e u»<>ur
r i'i.r.'w iilH tivo lu y o u r n v ljfh -
I b o r lio o d . Y o u 'v e Ko t a lo t o f
i,f/‘ « i “ l“
t h e y w i'iir e lo lh e a .
I t is th e easi.-st t h in « In th e
■orl»| t»> not them to urJnr th eir
hes from » o u . P ric e *. $7 Ac mid
■ I»- I I iono o n ie m nieiui a 1,1« I mim I-
li« ‘«e l l i il m o r e I lu m d o u b le *
y o u r M iihiry, mii < 1 th e work i» the
.eiixii'et, i'h'Hiieet, n icest occupiition
pi iu th e w iirl'l Nuw ropro.«m tuLm -«
m ak e IT, to «1(1 u .lay
Y ou «Im ply
tuke th e o rd e r uml tm-u-un.'iuc ut.
km! mm I thniu io u« W« u.aku III«, l,.the*
•hip lhoni OH S|>pr<>vs| l U Tour fr..-ud anil
hjind you the profit money A Kcgulm
bmuhl Tli:il • tho benul t of boon in buu
UO.. for yourself. Sit riiMit down now
write u> a poatalors letter for th» tree out
lit to ruproeeuUtivte. And T“ U set th.
• wolle». tuil of fa'liionalil» tailor Hindu
ell wool mu clothe* over worn in your
U ta of Molasses as Sweetening Makes
Deliolous Desert— Nice Hot
or Cold.
Apple pie sweetened with molasses
fcade aa follows Is delicious: Take a
baking tin (ten by six) and about an
inch and a hulf deep. Line with pastry
In which a little soda and cream of
-artar have been used. Leave enough
around the edge to turn up over the
top crust to keep the Juice In.
with quartered baldwln or greening
ipplee, a pinch of allspice and a large
jtnch of nutmeg.
Use the molasses
According to the size of the tin. Enough
to sweeten.
Shave salt pork Just as
neighborhood. ........personal appear
-hlu as possible and lay over the ap­
anc- and a blgbaslneas : ~..ith a poital
Make a
or • 2-cent stamp l-> »on then act now
, T— - I ----- M »r ilo ua t»»«lay Ad.livsa
ew silts In the top crust, brush over
IMUICAN WOOLEN MILLS C0.f Dept. 512. C h ic .»
with cold milk and bake very slowly
hree hours.
Afternoon la the best
Art Criticism.
ime to take, as the temperature Is
“ I rather like the motif of that pic­ nore even. When removed from the
ture,” suld Mrs. Oldoastle, after she iven cover with a cloth to stew a
had carefully Inspected the new work ittle while.
The Juice will be thick
of art. “ Yes, so do I,” replied her Ike sirup if Just a sprinkling of flour
hostess, as they were passing from s used. Nice hot or cold.
the gallery, "only both mo and Joslah
thought the artist meant It for a cow."
— Chicago Record Herald.
This W om an Had to Insist
Strongly, but it Paid
R a b ’ i
H orn
th e
W u r n lu g
"W e have taken
H o o d ’ s S a r s a p a r illa
fo r a s p r in g to n ic a m i a s a b lo o d p u r i­
L u s t s p r in g I w a s n ot w e ll a t a ll.
W h e n I w e n t to bed 1 w a s t ir e d a n d
n e r v o u s a n d co u ld n ot s le e p w e ll, in
th e m o r n in g I w o u ld fe e l t w ic e a s
t ir e d ;
m y m o th e r g o t a b o t t le o f
H o o d 's S a r s a p a r illa , w h ic h 1 to o k . I
f e l t lik e a n ew p erso n w h e n I h ad fin ­
is h e d th a t b o ttle .
W e a lw a y s
h ave
s o m e o f H o o d ’s m e d ic in e s in th e h o u se.”
H l l v e y R o s e lle , M a r in e t t e , W is .
T h e r e Is no ‘ju s t as g o o d ” m e d ic in e .
In s is t on h a v in g H o o d ’s.
G e t It to d a y In u su a l liq u id fo r m or
c h o c o la t e d t a b le t s c a lle d S a r s a ta L s .
Cleans and brightens Car-
ts. Rugs. Linoleums and
oora. Absorbs the germ­
laden dust. Saves dusting
and beating carpeta.
M nnyon's Rheumatism R em edy relieves
pains iu the legs, arms, back, stiff or
swollen Joints.
Contains no morphine,
Opium, cocaine o r drugs to deaden the
pain. I t neutralise* the a d d and drives
out a ll rheumatic poison* fr o m -th e sys­
W rite P rof. Mttnyon, 53d and J eff­
erson Sts., IMilla., Pa., fo r medical ad­
vice. absolu tely free.
Per bbl., 200 lb«. . . 16.00
Per bbl.. 150 1b«. .. 4.00
76-lb. metal drum 2.50
Order by mail or through
your grocer.
628 Washington St.. Portland. Or.
Good Reasoning.
**I wish Cousin Jim and Miss Jones
would get married,” pondered eight-
year-old Nadine. “ ’Cause, why, mam­
Life W ithout Food.
ma?” “ Oh, I don’t like either of them,
How long U It pogHlble to lire with­
an’ If they’d get married to each out food? We have all read ot s caae
other an' go off on a long, long wed­ not many years elnce, where some
ding Journey, I wouldn’t have to see French miners were entombed fot
any more of them, an’ they’d ought twenty-one days, and rescued alive
to be happy. So It would be killing King after everyone thought they
two birds with one stone!”
must be dead; of course they were
In a very weakened condition, and re­
quired the utmost care before they
were out of danger. This, however,
Is by no means the longest time that
•'Having taken your wonderful Casca- a human being Is known to have ex­
r«ta’ for three months and being entirely isted without food, and In a recent Is­
Cured of atomach catarrh and dyspepsia, sue of the Rrltlsh Medical Jpumal,
I think a word of praise la due to
•Caacareta’ for their wonderftil composi­ there Is the record of a woman suf­
tion. I have taken numerous other so> fering from cancer, who could take
called remedies but without avail, and I neither food nor drink of any kind,
find that Caacareta relieve more in a day yet she existed In that condition tot
than all the others I have taken would in fifty-six days, and was, moreover,
James McGune,
quite conscious till her death. In In­
Pursuant. Palatable. Potent. Taata Goad.
dia the fakirs Include among theli
Do Good. Navar Sicken. Weaken or Gripe»
10e. 26c. 60c. Never «old in bulk. T * * ren-
wonderful performances
etne tablet etaaped C C G Guaranteed te
from food for a very long period, but
when they do this they put them­
selves Into a condition closely resem­
bling sleep, and. of course, during
that time the body Is called on to
perform none of Its usual functions
and wasting of tissue Is reduced to <
^ fo r C O U C H S
& C O L P I,
’ s
w °?DLEr
N O R T O N CO .
P O R T L A N D , ORE.
Writ® for catalogue* ami literature.
and printing. Mail orient »riven prompt attention
I o r t ia n d m o t o S u p p ly C o
149 Third Street
Send for prices and
I V l w l l i a i AV
shipping tugs.
T H E O B E R N H E M CO .
247 Ash St.. Portland. Ore.
M O M A|S^ We want all th ego oi^ clip ^ ^
i V I V / l l r i i n grown in thaNor:hw w t. Ship |
u* your clip or write for information
_________ 712 Couth Bu Id in«;. Portland,
, Or, J
Down Spouts Steel Ceiling
204 Market
Portland. Oregon
I Guarantee All My Work.
I f I Can’t Guarantee it. I D on’t Do It.
Now located at fourth tloor Washington Bldg.
Comer Wash, and 4th Sts. PO RTLAN D , OR.
Kerosene MANTLES
L. A. KLEIN & CO., I dc .. Distributers
28 Front Streot
Porti.” nd. O r t ^ y
«1 the moji Ihorough instructions in driving
iwl practical work lhal ran be produced, also
lathe work, drill press anJ forging
Finely equrppod marhie shop and sthoa1
room. Tuitioi ice $35 cash: $40
payments $!0 per week.
-T T '
^ 1
-----------!------" Fut 23d and
Pwlaad. Or
His Salary.
"Is your young man gittin’ a sal’ry.
•Melia?” “ Sure he is. An’ what’s
mo’, de boss tol William he’s gwlne
to double It.” "Dat’s fine! How much
Is he gittin’ now?” “ I dunno what
he’s gettin’ now, but I speck It’s some-
fin’ like half * rh*t t>«’q ewtneter git.”
It Was Inevitable.
An exchange tells us that a man
named Cxyzowskl has been charged
with forgery. Is it any wonder he
wanted to write some other man’s
name?—Cleveland Plain Dealer.
<B 3EB aE irai>!
W H T IA N P . ORE.'
C. Gee Wo
The Chinese Doctor
This wondeful man has
made a life study o f the
properties o f Roots,
Herbs and Barks, and
is giving tho world the
benefit o f his services.
ers and farmers everywhere
know Ferry 's seeds to be tho
highest standard of quality
yet attained.
For sale
K IT 'S 1911 See<
Free on request
b . m . ramv « co.
T H E H. F
513 and 315 Front St.
N a ts
ChloaRo, 111.—“ I suffered from a fe­
male weakness and stomach trouble,
and I went to the
store to get a bottle
o f I.ydia E. l ’ink-
ham’s V e g e t a b l e
Compound, but the
clerk did not want
to let me have it—
ho said it was no
good and wanted me
t o t r y something
ebe, b u t knowing
all about it I in­
sisted a n d finally
got it, and I am so
glad I did, for it lias cured me.
“ I know o f so many cases where wo­
men have been cured by I.ydia E. I ’ink-
liam’ s Vegetable Compound that I can
say to every suffering woman if that
medicine does not help her, there is
nothing that w ill.” —Mrs. J a n e t z k i ,
¡1903 Arch St., Chicago, 111.
This is the age o f substitution, and
women who want a cure should insist
upon Lydia E. Pinkliam’s Vegetable
Compound just as this woman did. and
not accept something else on which the
druggist can make a little more profit.
Women who are passing through this
critical period or who are suffering
from any of those distressing ills pe­
culiar to their sex should not lose sight
o f the fact ttiat fo r thirty years Lydia
Thousands of Consumpt ves die every
E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound, fear. Consumption result- from a neg-
which is made from roots and herbs, «•cted cold on the lung-. Hamlins Wiz rd
has been the standard remedy for fe­ >il will cure these colds. Just iu»> it into
male ills. In almost every community he chest and draw out the inflammation.
you will find women who have lieen
The Nursery Window.
restored to health by Lydia E. Pink-
If the nursery window is not pro­
bam s Vegetable Compound.
tected by outside bars, hammer a
large screw or nail Into the groove of
Limit of Trouble.
the lower sash, so that the window
Three times on the run between
cannot be raised more than six Inches.
Worthing and Shoreham the beautiful
If the top sash is drawn down, this Is
prims donna's nearly new car had
quite enough for ventilation, and no
broken down. Ultimately coaxing It
matter how ingenious or venturesome
to enter Brighton, the fair lady re­
the little ones may be they cannot
ceived In the hotel porch tho aollcl-
wriggle through the small lower open­
tude of a sister artiste who had pass­
ed her on the road. "Much trouble
No Lazy Children.
with my car, dear?" she echoed, bit­
It Is now asserted that there is no
terly. ‘Why, I couldn't have more trou­
ble If I was married to the blester such thing as a lazy child. There 19
always some other explanation of the
machine!"— rtrorfln»- Times.
backward child, generally sickness or
Can Courtship Be cut?
Let us see If there be aught which
tray be condensed. May we cut short
the length of the courtship? Not In
these days, for It requires more time
than ever to amass means sufficient
for marriage. Thinking upon the
To grow thefln-
matter, point by point, we are unable
est flowers and
m o s t luscious
to discern any sweet pleasure of
vegetables, plant t h e b es t
needs. Ferry’s Heeds are best
courtship which could advantageously
because they never fall In yield
be abbreviated — T"d~e.
or quality. Tho best garden­
Troop Trains Held Ready (o Pro­
ceed lo Mexican SGil.
W r it e 1 od a y f o r P r ic e s
U n red eem ed .
It is the man
danger who helps
the doctor to pay
for his automobile.
Don’t go through
the world snapping
caps. Try to hit
Men no doubt
lived on earth a
thousand years before they saw the
stars, and thousands of year? more be­
fore they knew they were stars.
The only real giver is the cheerful
When love is hard at work It never
looks at the clock.
A lie Is always
blacker than the
sin It tries to hide.
People who have no faults do not
have many friends.
Every finger-board pointing toward
heaven says, ’’Start now.”
The man who runs away from God
Is not to be trusted anywhere.
The shadow of a trouble Is always
blacker than the trouble itself.
No prophet has ever lived who could
tell what a boy would do next.
Love is the only thing that can
lighten Its burdens by adding to them.
A telegraph pole Is taller to a little
boy than the Washington monument
<s to his father.
If more serious thinking had been
done yesterday there wouldn’t be so
many red noses to-day.
Women are to this world what the
stars are to the heavens, for they do
about all the shining when the dark
hours come.
Good SpringTonic
No Mercury, Poisons
or Drugs Used. No
9 ^ 0 ^ Operations or Cutting
Guarantees to cure Catarrh, Asthma, Lung,
Stomach and Kidney troubles, and all Private
Diseases of M r. and Women.
Future of Cheesemaking.
Cheesemakers of the next century,
maybe sooner, will have a seed germ
laboratory attached to their factory.
In which pure cultures of the cheese
bacteria, germs responsible for the
flavor of each kind of cheese, will be
grown and nursed, and Instead of
fruniage dt* Rrle, Stilton or Gorgon­
zola, coming from different parts of
the world, they will all be turned out
from one factory, and no tolling how
Cavalry Can Start on Moment's N o­
for Red, Weak. Weary, Watery Eyes
tice— Events in Mexico Are
and Granulated Eyelids. Murine Doesn’t
Closely Watched.
Smart— Soothes Eye Pain. Druggists
Sell Murine Eye Remedy, Liquid, 26c,
50c, $1.00.
Murine Eye Salve In
San Antonio, Tex., March 20. The Aseptic Tubes, 25c, $1.00. Eye Books
air was electrified tonight with ru and Eye Advice Free by Mail.
Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago.
mors o f important developments in
To Polish Furniture.
Mexico and o f the movement o f the
For furniture there la nothing to
maneuver division to the border. The
equal olive oil or raw linseed oil, rub­
return o f Jose Yves Li man tour to
bed intc the wood, according to the
Mexico in part accounted for this.
The woodwork may require
A newspaper man who returned reatalnlng as well. Ordinary old oak
from the City o f Mexico said sensa­ Is always Improved by rubbing it with
tional developments were to be expec­ warm beer. It should be remembered
that linseed oil has the effect of dark
ted. He said the story o f the stoning ening mahotranv
o f Diaz' palace was untrue.
The Preacher s t rade.
A t the maneuver camp nearly every
If the minister knows nothing about
preparation was a denial of the story politics let him keep clear. But if he
o f mere drill and tactics.
Eight knows, and knows what he knows,
and how to say it, let him do that
tracks have been cleared in the South
His utterances then will
ern Pacific yards.
Runways have thing.
trouble some brother of course. But
been constructed so that the loading of
what of it? To trouble human con
eight troop trains can be effected sim­ science is the preacher’s trade.—The
The entire yard has Continent._________________
been cleared, so that nothing will hin
Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant Pellets first put
They regulate and
der the regular army in the event o f up 40 years ago.
invigorate stomach, liver and bowels.
any emergency.
Sugar-coated, tiny granules.
That these eight tracks are at the
"black Lightning."
disposal o f the government was admit­
In photographs of lightning, streaks
ted by an official o f the railroad com­
pany, who, in the same breath, told of of “ black lightning” are oiten seen
the “ bedding" o f a lot o f stock cars branching out from the main white
that are being stored in the Southern flash, and people have long wondered
Pacific yards. A second official said a what these were. It is now found,
representative o f
the government says the Scientific American, that
asked him, in case stock cars were not they are due to the over-exposure of
available for the sihipment of horses, the photographic plate and the “ re­
how many animals could be loaded in­ versal” of the negative into a posi­
to ordinary 36 or 40-foot box cars. tive.
Inquiry was also made if the road
Sareme Industry.
would undertake to handle soldiers in
The sardine Industry gives employ­
box cars in an emergency.
ment. In the Spanish port of Vigo, to
A train, said to be destined to carry 23,000 people, of whom 8,000 are wom­
troops to Nogales, Arizona, on the en. The wages of the men range from
Mexican border, was made up at the 80 cents to $1 a day and of the women
army yards here tonight. It consists from 26 to 35 cents. The value of the
o f nine tourist and two standard sleep­ pr«*served sardines exported last year
ers, a kitchen and a baggage car.
It was $2,203,500.
is manned and under orders to remain
in readiness to pull out at any hour.
“ It may go tonight, tomorrow or
n ever," said a railroad man.
“ It
must remain with steam up and a
crew aboard at all times, in any
So far as could be learned, no orders
have been received for the embarka­
tion of troops, but it is said among
Y o u m u st keep the stom­
railroad men that the destination of
the train is Nogales. It probably will
ach and liver in an a c t iv e
carry the Eleventh cavalry.
o n d itio n , the bowels free
Interest is added to the news by the
fr o m c o n s tip a tio n and th e
fact that in the plans pigeon-holed at
Washington for the movement o f
b lo o d pure. F o r th is w o r k
troops ready for any eventualities, an
invasion o f Mexico includes the use of
Nogales as a gateway.
Spokane Woman .Undergoes Delicate
Operation and Lives.
Spokane, March 20— One o f the
most rare and difficult operations in
medicals annals, the removal o f a tu­
mor from the pituitary gland at the
base o f the brain, was performed at
Sacred Heart hospital, in this city.
The operation, which was performed
by D. Labau, was witnessed by nearly
a scort o f local physicians and 40 nur­
ses. Among the physicians present
were Dr. Solomon W. Shafer, o f Johns
Hopkins university, who administered
the anaesthetic, and Dr. E. M. Wolty,
demonstrator of surgery in the Jeffer­
son Medical college, Philadelphia.
The patient was Miss Maude Hupp,
formerly o f Evanston, Wyo., but who
for some time has been a resident o f
Spokane. Five years ago the tumor
started at the base o f the brain. It
caused an enlargement o f her extrem­
ities, which amounted to a deformity,
and pressing on tthe optic nerve des­
troyed the sight o f one eye entirely
and impaired the use o f the other.
h as been used success­
f u lly f o r 58 years. Try a
bottle today for
P o o r A p p e t it e
I n d ig e s t io n
M a l a r ia
D yspepsia
C o i . ds & G rippe
F ever & A gue
^ A l^ n ig g is t^ ^ D e a le r s ^
Has Been at Work Long.
In Sherbrooke, Canada, a power
company began work on a dam, and I d
the bottom of the river discovered a
perfect well, round and smooth bored
The engineers followed It down and
found the well was 30 feet deep and
still boring. A round stone, whirled
by the rush of the river, had been bor
lng— for how many million years? 11
vas still whirling, turbinelike, and
still boring.—New York Press.
What Ails
Do you feel wenk, tired, despondent, have frequent head­
aches, coated tongue, bitter or had taste in morning,
•‘heart-burn," belching of gas, acid risings in throat after
eating, stomach gnaw or burn, foul breath, dizzy Fpells,
poor or variable appetite, nausea at times and kindred
symptoms ?
If you have any considerable number of the
nbove symptoms you are suffering from bilious-
noss, torpid liver with indigestion, or dyspepsia.
Dr. Pierce’s («olden Medical Discovery is mado
up of the most valuable medicinal principles
Lnown to medical science for the permanent
cure of such abnormal conditions. It is a most
efficient liver invigorator, stoma' h tonic, bowel
regulator aud nerve strengthener.
The "Golden Medical Discovery" is not a patent medicine or secret nostrum,
o full list of its ingredients being printed on its bottle-wrapper and attested
under oath. A glance ut these will show that it contains no alcohol, or harm­
ful habit-forming drugs. It is a fluid extract made with pure, triple-refined
glycerine, of proper strength, from the roots of native American medical,
forest plants. World's Dispensary Medical Association, Props., Buffalo, N. Y .
K ’dney trouble preys upon the
mind, discouruK«» and lessens
ambition; beauty, viaor and
cheerfulness soon disappear
when the kidneys are out of
W O M E N order
or diseased. For good
results use Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp-Root the great
kidney remedy. A t drujfKista. Sample bottle by
mail free, also pamphlet.
Address, Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y.
His Established Record.
detachment of United States slg
aal corps stationed at Fort Meyer, Va.,
aas established a record for agility
shlch will be difficult to beat. It has
ieveral times recently unpacked Its
virelesa outfit, erected the antenna,
vhlch Is 40 feet high, and put every-
hlng In readiness for service In the
ihort space of 08 seconds. This plant
s capable of exchanging messages at
i distance of 25 miles.
Mothers w P l find Mrs. W inslow 's Soothing
Byrup tu»* b» st rem edy to use fo i their children
lu riu g the teeth ing period.
Child Safe in Sunday School.
An unusual experience was that of
the three-year-old daughter of Ser­
geant Davies of the Shrewsbury (Eng.)
police, who dlasappeared the other
Sunday and was vainly sought for
throughout the night. It was not until
noon the next day that the child was
found peacefully sleeping In Holy Trin­
ity school. She had been inadvertent­
ly locked In the building after attend­
ing Sunday school.
Your drujc»fist wiil refund money if PAZO O IN T­
MENT fails tocure any case o f Itching, Blind.
Bleeding; or Protruding Piles in 6 lo 14 days. 60c.
Beautiful Labrador Coast.
Doctor Grenfell says that the Lab­
rador coast, which he knows so well,
Is every whit as beautiful as that of
Norway, and he is working on a chart
which will he accurate enough to
guide pleasure craft through the bays
and channels of that shore. There Is
really nothing to go to Europe for but
the ruins.— Youth’s Companion.
Life Too Cluttered.
Our modern life is too cluttered
We are everlastingly doing things
We chatter and work and play, and If
we have an hour of leisure we fill It
with the rattle of a paper. We are
prone and helpless when we haven’t
any story to read or person to talk to
or thing to do. We do not understand
the lost art of doing nothing. We
cannot, we dare not, Just sit down
and think.__________________
Lought and Sold
Yeon Bldg., Portland, Ore.
w ._
Getting Even.
Baby Tim had tried his mother’s pa­
tience beyond endurance, and, declar­
ing her intention of administering Im­
mediate corporal punishment, she
snatched up the nearest available
weapon, which happened to be Tim ’s
big rag doll. Tim, though little hurt,
howled lustily, and that night, taking
| the doll to bed with him as usual,
j sternly exclaimed: "It’s your
now, Topsy. You whipped me this
j afternoon, but you’ll sure get yours
Quite Sou
“ Why Is the public always bullish In
the market?”
"That’s natural enough. It Is hard
for the public to grasp the Idea that
anything is ever going down in price.”
Illuminating Tunnel.
An Ingenious way ot Illuminating a
tunnel has been devised by a Parisian
inventor. Reflectors throw the light
from many electric lamps sixteen feet
above the rails to the sides of the
tunnel, where It is again reflected by
burnished tin, giving a soft and agree­
able light. The trains automatically
turn the current on and off when en
tering and leaving the tunnel.
is n ot a “ fo o d ” — it is a m ed icin e, a n d the
o n ly m e d icin e in the w o r ld for c o w s o n ly.
Made for the cow and, as its name indicates,
a cow c u rt. Barrenness, retained afterbirth,
abortion,scours,cak ?dudder,and all similar
affections positively and quickly cured. No
one who keeps cows, whether many or few^
can ufford to be without “ Kow - Kure.
It i: made especially to keep cows healthy
Our bo ok ‘ ‘W h a t to Do W h en Your Cows
A re Sick” .sent free Ask your local dealer for
* ’K o w -K u re, " o r send to the manufacturers.
D a iry A s s o c ia t io n C o ., LyndonvMla. VL.
One Point Lacking.
The story Is told in Barry O’Brien’s
book ou John Bright how, on one oc­
casion, Sydney Smith, while looking
critically at the unfinished portrait of
a celebrated Nonconformist divine,
said to the artist: “ Do you not think
you could throw into the face a strong­
er expression of hostility to the estab­
lished church?”
Send for our select list of
In all its forms, among all ages of horses
and dogs, cured and others in the same sta­
ble prevent-d from having the disease with
You can insert display
ads in the entire list for
Sponn’s Distemper Cure. Every bottl
Drunk Chauffeurs Taboo.
Chicago - “ Drinking while on duty year. $.50 and $1.00. Good druggists, or
Just received from Pekin, China—safe, sure
to manufacturers. Agents wanted.
and reliable. U ..failing in its works.
as a chauffeur or before going on duty send
Write for free book. Hpohn Med. Co.,Spec.
I f you cannot cad. write for symptom blank
will be considered a misdemeanor in Contagious Diseases, Goslieu, Ind.
12 iieary St.
427 So. Main St.
and circular. Inclose 4 cents in stamps.
Chicao hereafter," said Municipal
World’« Jewish Population.
Judge Newcomer, who fined Charles
The C. Gee Wo Medicine Co.
The numbers of Jews in the world
Jones, chauffeur for E. I. Cudahy, $50
162Vb first St., cor. Morrison, Portland^O r^ and costs.
“ I consider it one o f the Is 11,625,658. Of these 1,903,926 are
very worst offenses that can be com­ In America. The only country In the
mitted," said the judge, “ to drink world having a larger Jewish popula
when your have to drive an automo­ tlon Is Russia, with 5,082,242. In the
New Sanitary Device.
Is our pride—our hobby—our study fo r years and
Water used In sprinkling the streets bile. We have got to do something to list of cities showing the percentage now our Biiccoas, and ours is the b. «t | uiniesa work
to 1>o found anywhere, no matter how much you
of Poughkeepsie, N. Y., has with It a put a stop to this wholesale killing o f of Jews to the population Jerusalem pay. C o m p a re o u r P ric e «.
rjil We finish plato uud
certain amount of chloride mixture people, and w e’ve decided to begin comes first with 55 per cent., and
firiilK« work for out-
then Lodz, 49.69; Odessa, 33.75, and
o f-to w n lmtrons in
by which It is hoped * to check the here."
one day i f desired.
Warsaw, 33.36. The Jewish popula
spread of Infectious diseases. The ex­
Pain b-ns extraction
free when plates or
.ion of London is 2.28 per cent.
Wool Trust Cuts Capital.
periment will be continued long
bridge work is order-
e ‘*. Consultation frre.
Boston A t the head office o f the
enough to determine the value of the
cut tne I runKmaners Prosper.
MolarCrowns $5.00
scheme, and If any material benefit Is American Wool company here it is an­
“ H ere!” shouted the railway official;
22k Br.drsTssth4.00
observable this disinfection of the nounced that the directors o f the cor­ “ what do you mean by throwing those
Gold TillinfS
poration had voted to reduce the com­ trunks around Ilk« that?” The porter
streets will be continued.
Enamel Fillings 1 .C 9
mon stock o f $30,000,000 to $20,000,- gasped In astonishment, and
Silver Filling«
000. The action o f the directors will travelers pinched themselves to make
______ ..Good Rubber
_ __
MB 5 . 4
pi » . i
5 .0 0
be submitted to stockholders for ap­ sure that It was real. Then the offi
Beil Red Rubber _ _ *
proval at a special meeting in Jersey clal spoke again “ Don’t you see that
_ _ _
OR. W. A. Will, Pkinsfsr isa Misiam Painle»« Extr'fion . 5 0
City on April 8.
It is expected in you’re making big dents In the con
best methods
wool circles that the common stock Crete platform?”— Short Stories.
Al< w o rk fu lly K im riu itH d fo r fift e e n years.
holders will ratify the new plan, under
C o .,i-c .
j which they expect to receive divi­ That is L Only
dends. The corporation controls 34 for th« «tKnature o f E. W. GROVE. Used U r
P a in l e s s D e n t is t s
Falling Bedding, Third tnd Wishlngton PORTLAND. ORg
mills in New England and New York. World over to Cure a Cold in One Day. 26c.
Offlcs Hours: 8 A M. to 8 if. M. ftuudaya, » to L
Habits Positively Cure<a
Only authorized Keeler In.
stitute In Orooon. W rit«
for illustrated circular.
KlELEY INSU IU7*. 711.11 TH 8.
With water when the crop ne«“ds it pro­
duces more* than a large ranch without.
RI Y 5 OR 1 0 ACRES O f
Painless Dentistry
not needed
Ayer’s Sarsaparilla Is not a
strong drink. As now made,
there is not a drop of alcohol
in it. It is a non-alcoholic tonic
and alterative. Ask your own
doctor about your taking this
medicine for thin , impure
b l o o d . F o l l o w his advice
every lime. He knows.
W a p u b lis h o u r fo r m a . a®
lieb alcohol
_ P
from ou r t V*dici
» r * e you to
mioit your
Ask your doctor, “ What is the first ereat
rule of health?” Nine doctors out of
ten will auicklv reply, “ Keep the bowels
regular. Then ask him another ques­
tion, “ What do you think of Ayer’s
Pills for constipation?”
M i4a by th# J. C. A y r Co., Lowall, M u i.— «
In M arion C o.
s . K. o f S a lem .
Quaker of Cummerrr Buildinr . Portland. Or.. Managers.
Branch Off* r on the Grounds at West Staytes.
No. 12—’ l l
W ise Dental
Rich Widows Form Club.
Los Angeles, March 20.— Seven Salt
Lake City multi-millionaire widows,
, who are passing the winter at local
j hotels, and whose fortunes aggregate
! $30,000,000, have formed the most
; unique colony in Southern California,
i By their mutual friendship and con­
genial tastes they have been able to
add materially to the entertainment
and pleasure of many visitors from
the East, and that is their principal
Tho Difference.
Minister—“ Now, Tommy, suppose |
you did something naughty and were
asked if you did it, what would you
say?” — Tommy — “ I dunno.” “ You
don’t know? W’ hy, why? What would
happen if you told a lie?” “ The devil’d
get me.” "That’s right. And what if
you told the truth?” “ I’d get th’ dev­
il."—Cleveland leader.
W .
Is .
j l y i l K l f writing; t< > n r l v o r t l s e r s
p le a a a
m e ilio n t.hlfl p a p e r .
[V sV e8] • 2 ' 50 » 3 * 3 ' 5 0 &
*4 S
h o e s
W . L . Douglas shoes cost more to make than ordinary shoes,
because higher grade leathers are used and selected w ith greater
care. These are the reasons why W . L . Douglas shoes are guar- !
anteod to hold their shape, look and lit better aiul wear longer
than any other shoes you ran buy
t V B E WA R E O P S U B S T IT U T E S ,
Pretty Bad.
Ths genuine have W. L. Douglas name and the retail
i¡l í y .
price stamped on the bottom, which guarantees full value ,
When a boy Is whipped at school,
and his mother sends him out into the
R E F U S E S U B S T IT U T E S C L A I M E D TO B E • J U S T A S GO O D r ’ 15
ysrd to get a stick of the size the
I f your d»-al**r cannot enpply yon with th e iz«niilm* W.f..f>oui{1aa nhocn. w r it«
e ^
Guns at Honolulu Tested.
tor M ail Order Cut «In * . Sb'>**n .lent direct fr m factory l " wearer, nil c 'l.trjie i _
teacher used, to show visitors, the
\% . L . l i o u a I •**, 1 4 5 N p u r k 8 1 . , l t r « * « - k i u u . H i t * « . $ 2 O O , $ 2 . 5 0 A $ 3 . 0 0
Honolulu — The big 12-inch guns case against the teacher is pretty bad.
which have been placed in the fortifi­
cations at Pearl Harbor were fired
Monday for the first time.
The tests,
made under the direction o f Captain
William P. Platt, o f the Ordnance de­ Color more goods brighter and faster colors than any other dye. One 10c package colors silk, w o o l and cotton equally w e ll
aier, or w e w ill send postpaid at 10c a package. W rite for free booklet
end is guaranteed to give perfect results. A sk dealer,
partment. proved most satisfactory.
M O N R O » D R U G C O M P A N Y , Quincy, Illmolg.
k o w to dye, Pleach and ana colors«