ESTACADA PROüRESS $10 ( I n c o r p o r a t i '!» ) D IR E C T O R S : C h as . K. I Hotel Estacada PresùìeiH m ’ h u is , J. W . Ri Fj», V ice l'r**sifL nt L. K. BKl.mi.ft, Treasurer E . S. W O M E R , Kflitor «nfl ft week ALI. MODERN CO NVEN IEN CES M anager Ente, ed at the postoffics In Estacaba. Ortfcn as second class mall Published Every Ihuraddv Morning FSU< < 1 ) 4 , OK!CON One of the most delightful Resorts on the Coast Local and Tourist Trade Solicited . « S U B S C R IP T IO N R A T E S One year ................................................ S i* m onths................. ........................... si 00 sc Thursday March 2 , tQII PALACE MEAT MARKET H a n d le s t h e B e s t F r e s h a n d c u r e d M e a ts The correct way to pronounce it is Es-ta-ca-ila, accent on the third syllable, a having the sound of a as in ah in the two last syllables. We are in receipt of a request from the Seattle Commercial Club to make an appeal in our paper for help for the famine sufferers in China. It is estimated that nearly two million people are starving and will need aid for many months. Those on the ground and familiar with the situation state that two dollars contributed at this time will save the life of some man, woman or child. It seems strange to us with a bountiful supply of things to live on that there is any place that such is not the case. Famine is a horrible thing to con­ template and I feel assured that if our people who have been blessed with so much, when their attention is called to this will be glad of an opportunity to contribute. If so we will make a list of such persons with their contribution and see that the proper authority receives the money. If you feel you ought to contribute send it to the Progress marked for the famine fund. We will acknowledge all subscriptions through the paper. We continue to be a very busy community. With the coming ot bright sunny days the plowman is busy preparing the grouud for spuds. During the week a number of small garden spud growers have been busy planting. The soil setins in excellent condition. Nu­ merous brush fires also give evi­ dence ot the extension of improved holdings of suburban property. The need of more comfortable homes in Estacada is recognized daily. Scarcely a day but someone is looking for a house to rent. Here is a pointer for the man with money to invest. We have plenty of va­ cant lots in the city that can be se­ cured to build upon. Why not put up more houses for the people who want to come here. O b ta in a b le Cash Paid for Hides and Market Products We Buy and Sell VEAL HOGS Develop­ HIDES Officials of the Oregon ment League, who bad worked for the passage of the bill providing for a state immigration commissioner, were non plussed when Governor West announced last week he would veto the measure. They succeeded, however, in inducing him to change his mind bv waiving any claim to the $25,000 appropriation the bill carried, so that the law will give the state the benefit of the United States Immigration Bureau work in placing desirable immigrants on the Oregon lands. Lacking the necessary appropri­ ation to carry on the work, public spirited citizens of Portland «ill shoulder the expense. The passage of the law will at least provide for state indorsement of promotion literature that shall be issued to at­ tract immigration and this will make this matter authorative so it will carry more weight and at the same time guard against boomer matter. This will Ire for the Irene- fit of the whole state and not any section alone. A state hook, show­ ing Oregon’ s advantages, will be issued under the seal of the new commissioner. Ofr'nes» cannut br cured by local applications, as they cannot reach the «lisrasul j»ort on ot the ear. There i o n l v out way tv» cure deafness, j and that U b , conoiuutionftl remedies, j Deafness is caused by an inflamed con- j ditiou of the mucous lining ot the .liusuf- j chiun Tube. When this tube is inflamed >ou have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and when it is entirely closed, deafness is the result, and unless the in- flaiumatiou can be taken out and this restored tJ its normal condition, | tube hearing will be destroyed forever; nine cases out of ten are caused by catarrh, which is nothing but an inflammeil con­ dition of the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of deafness (caused by catarrh) that can­ not be cured by Hall’s Catarrh Cure. Send tor circulars, free. F. J, Cheney & Co.. Toldeo, O. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Take lla ll's Family Pills for constipation SHEEP CATTLE CHICKENS LARD EGGS SAUSAGE HEAD CHEESE FRESH MEATS SMOKED MEATS P E N L A N D . Adix. A. J. Darling,'Estacada. is the hoarse, startling cough oi a child, First Class Meats of all kinds handled suddenly attacked by cronp. Often it U. S. Land Office at Portland. Oregon, February 16th, 1911. Notice Is hereby given that Louis F. Prldemore of Sandy, Clackamas Co. Oregon who. on January 8. 1908. made Homestead antry Serial No. 02346 for W Vi N E K and NE% N W * Section 7. Township 3 south. Range 6 east W illam ette Meridian has filed notice of intention to make Final Five year Proof, to establish claim to the land above d escribed before the R egister and R eceiver. U . S. Land Office, a Portland. Oregon, on the 5th day of April 1911. Claimant names as witnesses L ew is J. Ranney, James T . Edgerton. Benjamin A. Beach. Clark E. C o r e l. all of Sandy. Oregon. H. F. Hlgby, Register P H Y S IC IA N A SU R G E O N field Telephone Company for $25, quested. One long ring. also my hay fork, carriage, 3 blocks and rope. Price $9. Apply to Coyd Looney, Curriusville, Ore. tf D E N T IS T C F A fierce nipht alarm Notice for Publication Electric S to re F or S a l e —9 milch cows, most­ +++++ ly Jersey; some fresh now, rest O F F IC E , ADJOINING RESIDBNCH fresh soon, reasonable price. Ap­ Local and Long Distance Telephone ply at this office, £ The doctor's phone can be connectet) F or S a l e —30 shares in the Gar­ with your home phone at night if re­ ATTORNEYS AT LAW * amette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make Final five year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described before the Register and Receiver, of the U . S . Land Office at Portland. Oregon, on the 5th day of April 1911. Claimant names as witnesses: Lew is J. Ranney, Louis F . Prldemore. Benjamin A. Beach. Clark E . Corey, all of Sandy. Oregon. H. F. Hlgby. Register The Best for the Eyes H E N R Y V.ADIX.M.D aroused Lewis Chamblin of Manchester, O., [K. R. No. 2] for their foar children I Buy and Sell Mutton, Pork and were greatly subject t * croup. "Som e­ Mrs. Overholster, of Viola, Veal. Market price paid in cash. times iu severe attacks,” he wrote "we bought the four lots owned by Chickens wanted - I pay for hens 1 4 c., were afraid they would die. bat since we proved what a certain remedy Dr. King's Messrs Bennett and Ptigh in the S p rin g roosters 13 c. New Discovery is, we have no fear. \V'e Zobrist addition. The price paid rely on it for croup ami for coughs, colds or any threat or lung trouble.” So do was $650. Notice for Publication thousands of others. So may yon. Asth­ Department of the Interior U . S . Land Office, at ma, hay fever, lagrippe, whooping cough When you have rheumatism in your Portland. Oregon. February 16th 1911. Notice Is hereby given that James T . E iRerton of hemorrhages fly before it, 50c and $1.00. toot or instep apply Chamberlain’s Lini­ Sandy. Clackamas Co.. O re., who. on Jan. 8th. 1908 ment and yon w ill get quick relief. It made Homestead entry Serial No. 02345 for S % Trial bottle free. Sold by all druggists. costs but a quarter. Why suffer? For N W tfa n d N W tfN W * (o r Lotal & 2 and S E t f N W t f ) Section 7. Township 3 South. Range 6 east. W ill­ sale by all good dealers. Get a good meal at the Park Ho­ tel for 75 cents. Th e F or S a l e — One 120-egg Cornell incubator and 4 brooders. Inquire at the Progress. tf J. SMITH. Prop. Mrs. Bletch, of Cazadero, .who underwent an operation at a Port­ land hospital about ten days ago, is improving. i Alder S t. a t Seventh F o r S a l e —A lot of household In the national Senate on Tues­ Abstracts. Real Estate. Loans. Insurance day in a vote on direct election of O r e g o n C i t y , - - - O r e g o n furniture and canned fruit. H. L. Fisk, living in one of the John Page senators the measure was lost by houses, Estacada. only four votes. It requires a two- ESTACADA MEAT MARKET third vote to pass. The Progress is one dollar a year The most common cause of insomnia is disorders of the stomach. Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets correct these disorders and enable you to sleep. For sale by all good dealers. In ao acres cleared. A 4 roomed house and outbuildings. Located in north Gar­ field. Inquire at the Progress, tf ----- without —* ch i spnial notici, charge. In the Kills a murderer A merciless 'm urderer is appendicitis with many victims, but Dr. K in g's New A handsomely Illustrated weekly. largest tñt- F or S a l e - O ne good 3 in. eolation o f any aclentlDo Journal. Terms. »3 a Life Pills kill it by prevention. They I four months, $L Bold by all newsdealers wagon or trade for lumber. Enquire gently stimulate stomach, liver ami o here. i Office. 626 F BU Washington. IX C. bowels, preventing that clogging that in vites appendicitis, curing constipation, F or S a l e - Black Manorcia eggs headache, billiousness. chills, 25c at all H. K. CROSS WILLIAM HAMMOND for setting from my heavy winter druggists. CROSS & HAMMOND (Cleveland Special Dispatch) A well known Wheeling, W . Va.. chemist has succeeded in producing chunks of denatured alcohol in crystal form by means of a small infusion of certain acids whereby crystals of an alka- loidal nature very closely resembling phyologically the effects of ethyl alcohol distilled from saw dust. Th e method employed and the results obtained are somewhat similar to the crystalizing of rock candy or that of Sacharine containing as it does 350 times the sweetening strength over that of cane sugar so this alkaloidal crystalized alcohol contains many times the strength over the or­ dinary denatured fluid alcohol they will yield 194 proof denatured alcohol with a greater heating and cooking power for stoves than gasoline and it is absolutely non-explosive. Industrial Alcohol Stills 5 Gal. Tax-Free pays for itself every month. 5 to 500 Gal. Stills installed under guarantee. Alcohol Solidified 33 samples Solid Alkaloid Cubes 194 proof, post-paid for $2.00 The utilization of W ood Waste by Distillation. A general consideration of the N ew Industry, including a lull description of the distilling apparatus used and the principle involved, also methods of chemical control and disposal of the' products, first edition illustrated by seventy-four engravings, 156 pages. This book is cloth bound, it will be sent to any address post paid on receipt of $3.20. The Cheapest Li^ht F or S a l e — 40 acres; _ 2 .38,b"bí" ’' New York Denatured Alcohol In Solid Form Tungsten Lamps F or S a l e — A Multnomah drag saw aud boiler. Cheap. Apply at the Progress. tf Yesterday was Ash Wednesday; The new moving picture show The first organized party of Governor West proclaimed Mar. Lent begining. settler* to come to Central Oregon 1st a holiday and named it "Colon­ fitted lip by Reed and Sparks and by the new railroad now in oper­ ist Day.” It is his desire that we Bronson and Haskins opened up on ation into the interior arrived dur­ all write a letter back East telling Tuesday evening and gave their I The City Hall is being movtd ing the past week and took poses- the people of the East about our first show in the new building to a hack so that the tower mav be Do you know that of all the minor ail­ sion of the Baldwin ranch of 30,- state and its wonderful possibilities. crowded house. The building they erected in the front of the building, ments colds arc by far the most danger- --------------------- 000 acres al Hay Creek, which they If you have not already done so. formerly occupied will be fitted tip | , ons? It is not the cold itself that you have bought, theie were 25 in the sit right down and write, do not as a pool room by Bronson and Part of the drilling crew at the need to fear, but the serious disease that party, which traveled in special car | put it off anothei minute, They Haskins also. They are determined upper dam has been laid off tem­ it often leads to. Most of these are known as germ diseases. Pneumonia from the East. The newcomers need to know about us for their to furnish their share of amuse­ porarily. and consumption are among them. W hv ment to their patrons. will begin the development of their good. not take Chamberlain's Cough Rentedv properly at once and the big ranch The politicians are accusing each and cure your cold while yon can? For Han millions of friends will be cut up into small farms in sale by all good dealers. Clean up is the order that should How would you like to number your other of simply working against order to bring it up to the maxi­ lie foremost in every aggressive friends by millions as Rucklen's Arnica each o th e r to get even. In this we mum of production. man's mind who owns property. Do Salve does? Its astounding cures in the think both sides have told the truth If you have trouble in getting rid of not wait for the City Council to P“ #t forty years made them. Its the best and w h en the people send men the your cold you may know that .you are Tom Richardson, father of the force you to do this work. It is « I v r in the world for «ores, ulcer«, reze- n e x , (jm e to ta k e c a re o f th e ir jn . j not treating it properly. There is no , reason whv a cold should hang on for Oregon Development League, who the proper thing to be done, and ma, burns, boils, icalds, cut* corns, sore terests they should have memories weeks and it w ill not if you take Cham- eyes, sprains, »welling«, bruises, cold was active for years in publicity let the good work commence instan­ sores. Has no equal for piles. 23c at all of these get-even men and le t them berlains Cough Remedy. For sale by work in this state, has accepted an ter. druggists. stay a l home. | all good dealers. f Apply Jobu Traschel. F or S a l e — Five room house and lot. Good location. Terms. A p ­ ply at this office. if LO CAL NEW S thoroughbred brown leghoin cockerels.— E. S. Womer. W a n t e d -G ood fnt licet cattle, highest prices paid,— See Penland & Jorg, F or S a l e — A % Jersey yearling Sealed proposals will he received by P. V. Womer for the Estacada by buying thli Eire Department at the Progress S ^ v c reliable, honest, office until March 6th, 1911 at 8 P. high grade sew­ M., lor the construction of a tower ing machine. M o n e y at the City Hall. Plans and speci­ STRONGEST GUARANTEE. fications for the same can be seen at the Progress office. Right is re­ National Sewing Machine Co, served to reject any or all bids. Belvldere. ML P. V. W o m e r , for Estacada Fire Department Comittee: B. R. Kimrnel, J. V. Barr and A. Sagner. S a i . e — T F or S a l k —Good eight room house and two lots. Apply at this office. tf | bull Notice F or 1 ÄOriMoiU !tu ordHieü JEOtiBOdR 3 BUY. SKU». TUA DK. KTC Notice to Creditors J O H N S T E I N E R , M. P h y s i c i a n a Suae. HON o r n e e behind estacada state bans Biraps in rooms bock of office. Can found at office day or night. CLAUDE W. DEVORE A T T O R N E Y -A T -L A W and N O TA R Y P U B L IC E s ta c a d a S ta te B a n k B u i l d i n g E s ta c a d a , O r e g o n Dimick & Dimick, Attorneys at Law tfW N o rtary Public, General Law Practice, Mortgages foreclosed, Aha stracts furnished Estate of Mary E. E ly, deceased. MONEY LOANED Notice is hereby given by the under­ signed, administrator of the estate of o f f ic e s : a, 3 & 4, ANDRBSKN BLB. Mary B. E ly, deceased, to the creditors O regon C it y O regon of, and all persons having claims against the said deceased, to exhibit them, with the necessary vouchers, within six months after tue 5 r»i publication of this notice to the said administrator at his We manufacture all kinds of Cedai residence in Currinsville, the same being Shingles and are prepared at al) the place for the transaction of the busi­ times to deliver the same. Also ness of said estate, in said county of to sell at the mill, having stock 0» Clackamas. hand at a)} times John E ly, Administrator of the estate of Mary E. E ly, deceased. Dated this 23rd day of February, A. D. 1911. ---- PROPRIETOR---- C ED A R SHINGLES A. KRIEGER & CO. Estacada Agent— A. Morrow Good Offers The Oregon Fire Relief Asso­ Here is an opportunity to secure your reading matter for the coming ciation of McMinnville with $225,000 reserves, solicits your year at bargain day prices. They business through must be taken advantage of at J o h n B row n once as they are only offered at R o c k w o o d , O reg o n these low prices for a short time. Phone G resh a m , 231 The price of the Daily Oregonian Or leave word at this office is $6.00 per year. We will send the I also have the OREGON MERCHANTS I Daily Oregonian, 1 yr., $6.oo and BEAVER STATE INSURANCE COS. Estacada Progress 1.00 w n i m n * « * it * j a aabMaaaaB 'A Doz. Wm. A. Rogers Tea Spoons Í2.50 Total $ 9 - 5 0 Team W o rk a n d Hauling b y All can be secured from us for $6 00. Daily Telegram and Progress, year, $4.50. the Day o r C ontract WOOD delivered in any quantity or length. 1st class 4 foot wood To take advantage of these prices slabwood delivered at $2.00 per you must act at once. cord. t6 inch at $2.50 p6r load. We can furnish a nnmber of othet clubing rates that will in­ W . M. Y0NCE terest you, iu magazines and peri­ odicals, by inquiring for them, Deeds Filed For Record W m . U n d e rw o o d An up- 4 »-date Blacksmith United States to Joseph Linhart, Southeast quarter of Section 24, Horse shoeing a specialty Township 3 South of Range 5 East Foil supply of goods carried in stock containing 160 acres. YOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED D. K. Bill to John W Loder, 40 acres in Section to Township 3 South of Rauge 4 Hast, $1. Oregon Realty Co. to Mutual J . V. BARR Realty Co. 40 acres in section 26 township 4 South of range 4 East. B L A C K S M IT H $10. Hiram Maden to J. L. Ketch, 6 li (tilt at the old stand and wdfhtg to <*» any of the work in his line acres in section 28, township 3 South of range 4 East. $1000. GIVE KIM A CALL