C U R T I S S S E T S MARK. Aviator Flies From Water to Land and Back. San Diego, Cal. A fu rth e r demon­ stratio n was given here of the adapti- bility of the aeroplane for land and j w ater service. In a flight of six m iles I over the bay and ocean and across | Coronado island, Glenn H. C urtiss rose ' from the w ater, alighted on land, and from the land and Kept Five Days in Filthy Hut Without then sta rte d | alighted on the w ater. Being Allowed to Com muni­ It was the first tria l of w hat C urtiss cate With Friends, considered his most im portant experi­ m ental aviation. The first arm y aviation squad will San Diego, Feb. 23. Branded as a Eu­ spy by P re fec t of Police Jose Larroque : soon be in action over Juarez. o f T ia Juana, a Mexican town ju st gene Ely is now g e ttin g his C urtiss He will be over the boundary, H arry C. Dell, an ! biplane in shape here. Am erican 28 years of age, is a prison­ joined here by F irst L ieutenant J. er, in danger of being convicted w ith ­ i McHenry, of the Coast artillery na- out a hearing by a drum head court j tional guard, and P riv a te H. B. Odell. They sailed from San Francisco Sun- m artial and shot. The fa te of the o th ­ e r Am erican and the Mexican who 1 day. They are acting under orders professes to be a citizen of the United of Colonel George A. Schaspey, of the S tates, said to be held by the T ia I Coast a rtille ry , which are the first Ju n an a a uthorities as spies, has not ! m ilitary orders issued in the U nited been learned. Larroque says they | S tates for the form ation of an actual have been freed ; w hat became of aviation corps for w ar observations. The aviators will not rem ain a t Jua- them no one here seems to know. P re fec t Larroque refuses to s ta te the i rez, but will go w herever the fighting n a tu re of the charge ag ain st Dell, but 1 between the insurrectos and the Mexi­ it is known th a t he is thought to be a can troops is thickest. The outcom e of the expedition will secret agent for the rebels. Likewise, Larroque refuses to tell w hat will be | be aw aited w ith in terest throughout | the m ilitary world, as C alifornia is done w ith the accused men. W hile the fa te of Dell hung in the the first sta te to send a ir scouts to ob­ balance tonight, it was learned th at serve actual w arfare. In C u rtiss’ flight his hydro-aeroplane when N avarro's column m arched into Ju a rez from the old town o f G uadel­ skipped along the surface of the bay oupe late tonight, the troops brought a t high speed for a q u a rte r of a mile w ith them two closley guarded prison­ and got up into the air. A gale of 20 ers. These w ere A m ericans and one m iles an hour or more was blowing was Law rence F. Converse, of Glen­ out of the southw est, and C urtiss dora, Cal., a suburb of Los Angeles. headed into it until well o u t over the He has worked in Spokane and Se­ ocean. T urning south, he flew near the a ttle. The o th er was Edward M. Admiral B latt, thought to be an ex-soldier of cruiser C alifornia, R ear T hom as’ flagship, anchored off shore, the United S tates army. Friends of Dell have fears th a t and came round for a landing on the should the insurgent arm y approach beach a hundred yards from the Del The aeroplane came T ia Juana he will quickly be disposed Coronado hotel. of. Reports th a t he was to be taken to e arth easily and rolled along the forthw ith to E nsenada were quieted beach on its wheels. by inform ation th a t he is still held in GAS C O M P A N Y D O C TO R S . the Tia Ju an a prison, which is nothing m ore than a m iserable hut. This is heavily guarded and today was fu rth e r Los Angeles Sufferers From Throat defended by the throw ing up o f e a rth ­ Trouble Cured. works. It is said th a t this was done fo r fe a r th a t Am erican friends o f Dell ! Los A ngeles - An epidemic of would a tte m p t to storm the jail and whooping cough in this city has lib e rate him. Although a rre ste d in a brought to lig h t a novel cure for the T ia Juana saloon last Saturday night, annoying contagion. The Los Angeles Gas & E lectric cor­ D ell's identity was not discovered un­ It has til today. This was the resu lt o f the poration has turned doctor. persistence o f new spaper reporters, developed the strange trea tm e n t of who, follow ing up rum ors th a t three the disease and is tendering its benefi­ A m ericans w ere to be shot as spies, cial services to the children of rich insisted of P re fec t L arroque th a t they and poor, free of charge. The com pany’s chem ist made the be given interview s w ith the accused. discovery th a t the escaping naphtha­ lene fum es in the purifying rooms had U T O P IA O F S O C IALISM . a soothing effect upon all diseases of the throat. He induced several chil­ Faction of Mexican Insurgents Will dren suffering from whooping cough and a num ber of adult persons having Establish Colony. chronic asthm a to take free trea tm e n t Mexicali, M ex.—Independent o f all a t the gas plant. The result was so o th er revolutionary m ovem ents o f the g ra tify in g th a t the big corporation leaders in Mexico, the insurrection opened the doors o f its purifying here is now centered in a Socialist rooms to all sufferers from th ro at dis­ affair, the object being the e stab lish ­ orders, and anyw here from 20 to 200 m ent of a U topia in Lower C alifornia, p atien ts are there daily. Two thous­ which, though bom amid the singing and have been cured. The n ap h th a­ o f bullets, u ltim ate ly is to know no lene is a by-product of the oxides of bloodshed or w arfare o f men or m on­ iron used to d iv ert the sulphur from ey. the gas. In this commonwealth the man who works w ith his hands will be suprem e, T E A C H G IR L S F A R M I N G . asserted both leaders of the insurrec- tios, Leyva and Berthold, who a d m it­ ted the success of the m ovem ent dé­ Rich New Y ork Woman Would Help Factory Victims. pends upon the support of Socialists and the Industrial W orkers o f the New York. A fte r an investigation W orld. Berthold said th at the aid of of industrial conditions in and about both organizations had been sought by New York C ity lastin g a year, Mrs. him. Sim ultáneously the Associated O liver H. P. Belm ont has reached the Press correspondent was inform ed by conclusion th a t there is an over sup­ Berthold th a t he represented a c a p ita l­ ply o f woman factory w orkers and istic organization, and as such would th a t the b e st re lief is to persuade the not receive answ ers to questions. girls to tak e up farm ing as an occupa­ Berthold issued a dictum to C aptain tion. Babcock, of the U nited S ta te s caval­ W ith this end in view she has set ry, and Mayor Hock wood, o f Calexico, aside 200 acres of her land a t H em p­ th a t the A m ericans m ust care for the stead, Long Island, for a school of ag­ wounded in fu tu re b attles w hether riculture for women. An experienced they wanted to or not. woman fa rm e r has been engaged to “ The Red Crosss has donated $1,000 instruct the pupils in practical fa rm ­ to the cause,“ he said. “ We will take ing. T here wijl not be a man about the wounded to the international line the place except a boy or two to do and you m ust tre a t them or le t them chores for the first few weeks. die. We have no hospital fa cilitie s or m eans of protecting th em .” Medical Schools Grilled. Held By Mexicans as Spies and May Be Executed. Valderez in Disgrace. Managua, 'N icaragua A fte r being insulted and beaten here by a G uate­ m alan, Genera Valderaz, the confi­ dential diplom atic agent o f P resident D avila, of Honduras, has refused to light a duel and is in disgrace. A fte r the beating he received and had displayed the lack of spunk to is­ sue a challenge to his assailant, Val­ d e re z ’sought to forget his disgrace in the flowing bowl and wound up the sorry affair by g e ttin g drunk and be­ ing escorted out of Managua by the |>o lice. Comedy Arouses Rowdies. P aris Storm y scenes occurred at the Cornedie F rançaise a t the second perform ance of “ A pres M oi,“ by H enry B ernstein, a uthor o f “ The T h ie f.“ Rowdy clericalist organiza­ tions, who have taken exception to the production of a play by a Hebrew a g a ist whom they have made various allegations were posted in different p a rts of the house and kept up inces­ sa n t interruptions. They resisted ejection and B ernstein's bro th er re ­ ceived a black eye in an altercation. E ighteen d istu rb ers w ere arrested. Americans Held as Spies. San Diego, Cal. Two A m ericans, young men o f good appearance, are in jail at Tia Ju a n a and will be tried on the charge of being insurgent spies. T h e ' Mexican au th o rities re fu se to give the names of the prisoners. This is the positive sta te m en t m ade over the telephone by a correspondent of the Union. He was detained by the com m andante and not allowed to send any more news. Tablet Recalls Famous Battle. Savannah, Ga. A ta b le t m arking the place w here one of the m ost san­ g uinary engagem ent* o f the Revolu­ tio n a ry w ar was fought will be un­ veiled here W ednesday. The ta b le t is a t the point o f Spring Hill redoubt, around which Am erican and B ritish aoldiers battled O ctober 19, 1777. New York The C arnegie Founda­ tion for the advancem ent of teaching in its fifth annual re|>ort, to be issued soon, replies to criticism s of the bul­ letin issued la st y ear in which the m ethods of certain medical schools were condemned. A prediction is made in the rej)ort by P resident P rit­ c h ett th a t the commerieal medical school, “ a com bination of the stren g th of ignorance and se lf-in te re st,“ is doomed to extinction. The report also shows th a t Mr. C arnegie’s original donation has grown to $11,114,056. Garros Rises 3,900 Feet. DOINGS OF OREGON STATE LEGISLATURE Salem , Feb. 27.- B aker’s demand for g re a te r consideration a t the hands of the Oregon & W ashington Railroad & N avigation company in the way of d istrib u tiv e and special commodity ra te s was taken up for investigation officially today by the railroad com­ mission. B aker has made a demand sim ilar to the one made by the city of Medford for d istrib u tiv e ra te s as fa v ­ orable as those enjoyed by the larg e r shipping centers such as Portland, Spokane and S eattle. A ttorney A rth u r C. S|>eneerof P o rt­ land, is conducting the case for the railroad company. A ttorney F. H. McCune of Portland, is attorney for the Baker Commercial club, the plain­ tiff bringing the com plaint again st the railroad company. A t 11 o ’clock when the case opened before the com­ mission A ttorney Spencer put on the stand General F reig h t A gent F. W. Robinson, of the Oregon & W ashing­ ton railroad company and he read into the records a stupendous am ount of sta tistic s and figures show ing the bus­ iness relation of the business of the road to the different cities and centers of population in Oregon. E. H. Flagg, chief clerk of the sta te senate, and John P. H unt, a ssist­ a n t clerk, were prom inent figures in the recent controversy over the revis­ ion o f the senate journal. F lagg went into the courts to prevent H unt and Colonel M ercer from revising the jour­ nal, as they had been directed by a senate resolution to do, and won his point. This incident was of more im por­ tance than the average reader may suppose. A record of every bill en­ acted into law m ust be kept and set forth from the tim e of its introduc­ tion, and unless this record is correct in every detail the law may be as­ sailed in the courts. Legal a u th o ri­ ties differ as to w hether a law can stand if it is not backed by a com plete­ ly accurate record. Salem , Feb. 25. Of the 725 bills th a t were introduced in the two houses of the legislature, 275 of them have been allowed to become laws. The legislature itself failed to pass o r in­ definitely postponed 386 bills, or more than half the num ber introduced, and the governor by the exercise of his veto power, stopped a total of 64 bills, which is the larg est num ber of bills of any one session th a t has ever been vetoed by a governor of this state. By these vetoes and by o th er a r­ rangem ents whereby only a portion of the sum s appropriated by the legisla­ tu re are to be used, the governor has turned back into the pockets of the taxpayers approxim ately $600,000, or more than half a m illion dollars which will m ake the appropriations voted by the legislature a g g reg a te a total of about $4,300,000, instead of $4,900,- 000, as previously estim ated. Among the last bills to receive the governor's disapproval was the Rogue R iver fish bill, upon which the gover­ nor for some tim e has intim ated his action. He says the people have ex­ pressed them selves w ithout qualifica­ tion on the m a tte r and le ft nothing for the leg isla tu re or him self to do other than follow th e ir will. In the m es­ sage accom panying th is veto he s a y s : “ The purpose of this bill is to nul­ lify a law passed by the people of his s ta te a t the la st general election, w hereby the Rogue river was closed to comm ercial fishing. The comm er­ cial fishing on the said riv e r has for years been controlled by one man, who, through rip arian ow nership has m aintained a com plete monopoly upon the industry. T hrough the enjoym ent of th is monopoly he grew w ealthy and was absolute d icta to r so fa r as th a t stream was concerned. D eriving his revenue from Oregon, he spent it in C alifornia, w here his fam ily resided and his supplies w ere purchased. The money he spent for the propagation of fish was spent because it would u lti­ m ately add to his re v en u e.” Salem , Feb. 24.—U nder a distinct understanding betw een Governor W est and m em bers of the Oregon Naval re ­ serve the governor has sanctioned the bill crea tin g th a t reserve and has al­ lowed $10,000 of the $25,000 appro­ priated by the legislature. This move was m ade by the gover­ nor on the stre n g th o f a w aiver th a t the reserve will prom ise not to use m ore than $10,000 of the ap p ro p ria­ tion and a prom ise th a t no indebted­ ness will be incurred a g ain st the sta te by the reserve. “ No a tta ck was contem plated on the Oregon system in my second choice bill, n e ith e r do I believe the bill un­ c o n stitu tio n a l,“ declared Speaker Rusk tonight, in com m enting on the reasons offered by Governor W est in vetoing th at m easure. Senator M alarkey’s public service commission hill, extending the powers of the S ta te Railroad commission to public u tilitie s was the final m easure considered by Governor W est tonight and the last to be filed by him w ith the secretary of sta te . “ Knowing the people will profit no m a tte r which side wins I am filing the M alarkey bill, and will sit back and w atch them fight it o u t,” said the governor. Mexico C ity Roland G. Garros made an a ltitu d e flight estim ated at 3,900 feet here Sunday, which, con­ sidering th e s ta rtin g a ltitu d e of 7,800 feet, was regarded as rem arkable. P resident Diaz and his official family w ere spectators. Rene B arrier made a cross-country flight and Rene Simon gave a dem onstration of control. The fourth flight o f the day w as made by Edmund A. Dem ars, the Swiss a v i­ ator, who barely succeeded in liftin g Oliver Bill is Illegal. his tiny Demoiselle monoplane from Salem , Feb. 23. In an opinion the ground. handed down today A ttorney General Craw ford holds th a t the O liver hill, Chivalry Shows Identity. providing for relinquishm ent of claim San Francisco The identity o f a by the sta te to the John Morrison son of Joseph Finlay, a rich m anufac­ property in Union county, is unconsti­ tu rer of Yonkers, N. Y., ex-U nited tutional. O liver’s bill would m ake ' S tates m inister to Italy, was rervealed 1,000 acres, which, it is said, should j here a fte r years of obscurity. Thanks escheat to the sta te , go to the people to his chivalrous conduct in a little who, he declares, are heirs of John 1 g irl’s behalf, he was cut up so badly Morrison. Many objections have been ! w ith razors and daggers th a t his life filed ag ain st the bill, it being asserted ! may pay the fo rfeit. Thanks to the th a t O liver w rongfully used his posi­ same affair, his fa th e r will be notified tion as a legislator. of the young m an ’s w hereabouts w ith a view to reconciliation. West is Opposed to Treaty. Salem , Feb. 23. In passing opinion Forty Fishermen Saved. on the proposed Japanese tre a ty Gov St. P etersb u rg D ispatches from ernor W est said to d a y : H elsingfors and N arva report th a t a “ I believe this is a w hite m an’s portion of the ice floe on wvhich 500 country, and any a tte m p t to open the fishermen w ent a d rift in the gu lf of flood g ates and allow foreign im m i­ Finland several days ago, has been gration, especially coolies from Japan, driven ashore a t H eiskar island. to pour in should he blocked im m edi­ Forty of the fishermen had found safe­ a te ly .“ Although the governor has had ty on this floe. Another portion w ith no tim e of late to read the papers, he m any men grounded near Koiwisto is prepared to sta te th at he does not regard the tre a ty entirely favorably. in Hjorko sound. JA P A N ES E T R E A T Y R ATIFED . Western Statesmen Express Grave Fears of Consequences. W ashington, Feb. 25. The new Governor W est issued a proclam a­ Japanese tre a ty of trade and n aviga­ tion today proclaim ing Wednesday, tion was ratified last night a fte r two March 1, as Colonist Day. In his hours’ executive session of the senate, proclam ation he calls upon the people of the s ta te to avail them selves of the j W hile the apprehension of W estern privilege o f sending a personal le tte r , senator^ th a t the trea ty m ight let to some one in an F asten sta te , accom­ • down the bars to coolie labor was not panied by lite ra tu re telling of the ad­ entirely removed, these senators con­ vantages this sta te has to offer to the tented them selves w ith expressing hom esteader. They interposed no He declares in his proclam ation th at th eir solicitude. Oregon offers unrivaled opjx)rtunities objection to ratification. to the hom eseeker; th a t by iLs g re at The action, in prom ptly confirming diversity o f industries this sta te can furnish homes and occupation for the new agreem ent, is expected to do thousands and th a t by v irtue o f re­ more to prove the feeling of cordiality duced ra te s it is possible for the th a t this country has for 'Ja p a n than hom eseeker to reach here a t trifling a n ything done for many years. It is cost. regarded as a m anifestation of highest Salem, Feb. 23 Two hundred and confidence in the advanced civilization th irty -th re e bills w ere dumped upon of th a t nation. The effect will be to the governor since last Friday. The p erm it Ja p a n to en te r a t once upon a overw helm ing task th a t has confront­ reorganization of its financial system ed Governor W est since Friday has and the m aking of new tariffs w ith all been to read and carefully consider nations. 233 bills, sep arate the goats from the J a p a n 's trea tie s w ith other powers sheep and be right in his selections or are to expire July 17. T hat w ith the m eet the criticism of the public. As U nited S tates, by reason of its late r a result the governor has been sm oth­ ratification, would have continued un­ ered and sw am ped w ith work. til the sam e date a y ear later, had not He is spending night and day in the this governm ent consented to its ex seclusion of his office, p u ttin g all oth­ piration a t the sam e tim e as the o th ­ er m atters aside. Even his corres­ ers. pondence has been forced to w a it un­ F ailu re to have ratified the new til these bills could have his attention. j tre a ty would have deiayed the opera He is ju s t beginning to see daylight tion of the Japanese program for a from beneath the pile and tomorrow y ear beyond the tim e when it wa* is the last day, for all bills m ust be planned to put it into effect. It would filed w ith the secretary of sta te w ithin have m eant much loss of revenue to five days a fte r they reach the gover­ Jap an and continuance of the e xisting nor, Sundays excluded, or they be­ tre a ty w ith the U nited S ta te s for an­ come laws anyhow. o ther y ear would not have benefitted The governor has called to his as­ this governm ent, according to the re p ­ sistance various m em bers of the bar resentations o f the S ta te dep artm en t of the city of Salem from tim e to tim e on the subject. and also o th er advisers who have been close friends of his. He has taken in I N T E R E S T E D IN I R R I G A T I O N . the m em bers of the bar for the pur­ pose of g e ttin g their legal advice on some of the bills and his o ther friends Whole Count y T u • Mt-mtion to have given him advice on the practical Wonderful R