Estacada progress. (Estacada, Or.) 1908-1916, February 23, 1911, Image 1

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    I «" *
■ '« f e
S T 'S ?
NO. 26
VOL. 3
S i "
E ST A C A D A . OU EGON, T H U R SD A Y , F E B R U A R Y 23, 19 11
Estacada State Bank
Geo. A. Steel, Pres.
C. A. Eä&tman, Vice Pres.
L. E. Bei.'iis, Ca*shier
Geo. A. Steel, Thos. Yocum, John Zobrist, L. E. Belfils
C. A. Eastman
W e make loans—long or
sh o rt te rm on good security"
la m prepared to do all kinds of
plow shear and disc grinding -W.
A. Rhodes, Tracy neighborhood.
Don't iorget the lecture at the
M. E. Church next Sunday night
at 7:30. Seats free, All invited.
daughter of I. A. Bonney, is quite
sick. Dr, Adix is attending her.
L r t* .11
'¿t 3 * M K S 3 C¥ 5 - aas-isaE;
Highest price paid
for eggs at the Palace Meat Market
. w
Peuland & Jorg.
f t . a
W an ted
L a r.iK i, i t . r . . i N i .. '1 á .. i ;.r ¡ "f*
t , . i . , i .,t .
I »
* T
l- rl*ll
ïst 3 S 3 s ^ r 3 aæç?z~aKïâ. .
There are many strangers mov­
ing to our city.
Make them feel
welcome aud out; city will continue
to grow.
F or S a lk -Two thoroughbred
brown leghoin cockerels. —E. S.
As in previous years, CLACKAMAS COUNTY TAXES may be
paid at offices cf
510 Chamber of Commerce Building,
T a x R o ll open for Inspection. Call o r send
Tor s ta te m e n t oi y o u r taxes.
When in need of anything
in Furniture call
over our line and get prices.
W e carry a good line of Wall
Paper, Matting, Carpets, Linoleum, Iron
and look
. .
Whitewash Pump.
- . ...V
. ’
: I / - ;, ' 1
'!...<•* - V f
- ÍÉ '
i- ■ .
, •••■- ->
It has one of the largest air-chambers ever made ou a barrel pump,
and a rapid mixer that revolves twice with one stroke of the handle.
Complete outfit ready to fasten to barrel, 29 feet of barrel hose, 8 foot
bamboo extension nozzle and cut-oil. I’ ri :e $22
Extra charge made
for barrel or pressure gauge.
No. 60 Bean Spray aud Whitewash
complete as above.
We have a good stock of Bean Brass Spray Extras, such as nozzles
hose menders, bushings, damps, couplings, etc. Lime by the barrel
and sulphur by the sack.
Berry, pure Cane Sugar
per sack
S p e c ia l e xtra grade Pea-
b e r r y Coiiee, 28c p e r lb. o r
4 lbs. io r$ l. T R Y IT .
Cane Sugar per
New arrivals in Apron and Dress Ging­
hams. Large variety to select from.
Prices 1U, 12 1-2 and 15 cents per yard.
M cCall P a tte rn s
10c and 15c
Lace and Novelty Trimming
C ut P rice on S w eaters
Most complete line of Torchon, Baby
Irish, Valenciennes, and Allovers ever
shown by us.
$3 and 3.50 Sweaters now $1.90
$4. 50, 5 and 6 Sweaters now $3.50
$1.50 and 1.25 Sweaters no w 89 cts.
75c and 1.25 Sweaters now 59 cts.
Ladies’ Neckvvare
from 15 to 50 cents.
select from
100 patterns to
;■ v u » «g N u r w m M W t t r ’ M
" u i .:i.iw iiw « f E ;
while Mr. Townsend is away on
Mr. and Mrs. S, P. Waterhury
Tortured fur 15 years
business. Mrs, Townsend is im­ will leave to-day for Goldeudale
Basketball Saturday
by a cure- defying stomach trouble that
proving nicely, so it is reported.
where their daughter. Mrs. L, A.
baffled doctors, and resisted all remedies
L v e n i n p ; lie tried, John \V, Modders, of Moddcrs-
I. A. Bonney and family attend­ Chapman, is very sick.
ville, Mich., seemed doomed.
He had
ed the 50th anniversary of the Waterhury will probably remain
to sell his farm and give up work.
Henry Chevron
marriage of Mr. Bonney’s father for some time.
Tlte Gresham High School boys neighbors said, “ lie can’t live much lotig-
and mother which was recently
and gtrls basketball teams will play
-whatever I ate distressed me," be
ery while Mr. Waterhury is the Estacada High School teams on wrote, ’‘till I tried Electric Bitters,
held at Hubbard, Ore.
Saturday evening February 25. Our which worked such wonders for me that
You are probably aware that pneu­
monia always results from a cold, but
teams have been but recently or- 1 can now tat tlu"«s 1 cou1'1 m,t tak* ;,,r
. . .
... .
r . years. Its surely a graml remedy for
Get a good meai at the Park Ho
you never heard of a cold resulting in
gatuzed and this will be the first stomach
. trouble. „ Just
, . ss good
„ , lor
, .. the
pneumonia when Chamberlain’s Cough tel for ?5 cents.
game here with a visiting team. jjvt.r and kidneys. Every bottle guar-
Remedy was used. Why take the risk
Fat cattle wanted; the fatter the The Pavilion has been secured for j an teed. Only 50c at all druggists.
when this remedy may be had for a
the games. The first game will b e !
— ---------------------
better. —See Penland & Jorg.
trifle? For sale by good dealers.
called at 7 :30 sharp. An admittance j
Remember the sock social Friday
fee of 25 cents for adults and 15 for [
evening in the I. O. O. F. Hall. proved since his rectnt illness as to
M E Church----- Next Sabbath
There will be socks at the door for be able to return to his work in school children will he charged.
Buy your garden seeds at the Es-
lacada Pharmacy and get Oregon
, Seeds, especially adapted to tins
j section.
For the larger orchards we have on display in our store the Bean
Magic Pump No. 9. The Bean No. 9 is superior in many ways toother
spray pumps and we would like for you to call and investigate.
w „ --------;-
W a n ted —A cook or kitchen
Mr. Bradford, of the River Mill, helper. Good wages.
Apply at
Torchon Lace, 2 to 12 cts. per yard.
has been off work for a week tak­ this r fh.-e.
Baby Ixish Lace, 5 to 12 cts. per yard.
ing care of an aggravated case of
II. W, Creason, of Viola, has
1 to 12 cts. per yard.
sold or rather traded his Prosser,
Allover, 35 to 65 cts per yard.
Wm. Wade and Lindsey Hale of Wash., property for the Fred Mad
Oriental Allover, $1.50 per yard.
Currinsville, each having L>een ison sawmill and is having the same
Braid Edging, 6 cts. per yard.
down with lagrippe, left last Thurs­ moved to his timber tract at Viola,
day for the Hot Springs tip the Co­ He will ship his lumber from Ksta- A Corset Cover, 25 to 75 cts. per yard.
lumbia to seek relief.
Falls Victim To Thiovcs
vS. \V. Bends, of Coal City, Ala., has a
justifiable grievance. Two thieves stole
his health f«»r twelve years. They were
a liver and kidney trouble. Then Dr.
King’s New Life l’ilis throttled them.
He’s well now. Unrivaled for constipa­
tion, malaria, headache, dyspepsia. 25c
at all druggists.
Quarterly Conference
Sabbath School
to a. m
~ti a m .
7 p ni
Prayer Meeting on Thursday Even­
8 p. 111.
Livery, Feed & Sale
W . A.
Good rigs and careful drivers always
Hunting and Fishing Parties
I/>cal and Long Distance Telephone
W e h a n d le a n y t h i n g
relative to the
Real Estate
B usiness
Church of Christ— Next Sabbath
to t>. m.
Bible School
— W. G i v e n , Pastor.
The S-cond Quarterly Conference I A piece of flntinel dampened with
CM \I*IN & HERL0W, of Portlaad
Will Debate
I Chamberlain's Liniment and bound on
of the Estacada charge of the M. [ to the affected parts is superior to any
When her child is in danger a woman
E. Church will be held in the plaster. When troubled with lame back
will risk her life to protect it. No great
Fres. James, of the County De- church on Thursday March 2nd at or pains in the side or chest give it
, ,
act of heroism or risk of life is necessary
bating League, has arranged for 2:30 p. m.
i *,'a*am' y u are certain to he more than to protect a child from croup. Give
debates to be held throughout
All official members are requested Ple“ " ' wilh lhe
r,'lie< w,licl1
! Chamberlain s Cough Remedy and all
t]!f> county on the evening of Man h
affords. Sold by all good dealers,
j danger is avoided. For sale by all good
to be present.
3rd, each team debating upon the
' dealers.
\V. R. F. B kowne , Pastor
The Firemen, at their recent
! dance, cleared $ 6 3 5 .
They had
Mattresses, Blankets, Comforts, Portiers, Queensware, and
hoped to raise money sufficient to ,n p e resolution
The winners will
in fact most everything in house furnishing.
erect their tower in which to dry I debate against each other in, proba-
i hose. The city has the lumber all bly. about two weeks. At Estacada,
W e also carry the Columbia Graphophoncs, one of the
■ ready attd work on the tower will Oregon Cilv will be the opposing
best machines on the market, at prices ranging from $ 17.50
probably b- ta;
lx f re long team. The question cp for dis-
Another dance will be given on cussion will be: Resolved, Thatim-
up to $200.00. Also records and needles.
Saturday night March 18th
It is migration should be further re
hoped this dance may be successful ^ stricted bv law.
Estacada takes
m every way.
the affirmative with Kittic Reagan,
vSe<lentarv habits, lack of outdoor ex­ Russell Betts and Malcoln Woodle
ercise, insufficient tnasticat <n of food, as the debaters. It h is been ar­
constipation, a torpid liver, worry and ranged to bold it in the assembly
anxiety are the most common causes of room of the school bouse at 8 P.
W. D. and L. M. Henthorn, Proprietors
stomach troubles. Correct your habits
M. An admission fee of 25 pud 15
and take Chaml>erlain s S* >maeh and
Liver Tablets and you will soon 1* well cents, will be charged to cover the
I nectssar) expenses.
again. For sale by all good dealers.
On last Friday evening the girls
team of the High School went to
Gresham to play their first game of
They were accent 1
pauied by a number of persons from I
here aud a special car was run
which lift at 6.30 and returned H
about 10:30. The home team put /,
up a good game, but were consider- 1 i
airly bested in the final score, which
was 27 to 2 in favor of Gresham
The line-up for Estacada
v\ .s
Rachael Retd, forward; Nina T ay­
lor, forward; Ciema Harkcnrider,
center- Lena Harkeutider, guard;
and Ethel Hale, guard. The girls
team and the boys team of Gresham
will be here Saturday evening to
play return games
The games
will be held in the Pavilion.
those who have not already re­ Portland.
ceived them.
The Currinsville
James Linn has bought the Ferry
band will furnish music during the acreage near the reservoir.
They have it good fresh vege­
Mrs. Altman, of Portland, is a tables. Go and see them. Pen-
new teacher secured for the extra land & Jorg.
room tor the balance of the school
Good hoard with room at the
term. She has taught seven years
Park Hotel, $6 per week.
at Montavilla a suburb of Portland
and comes well recommended. She
Has the 4th and one-half of the 5H1 High School Team
Say ?
The cut represents the Bean I ittle Giant No. 70 Spray and
I am prepared to file and fix the
Miss Olive Davis, Miss M. Me
teeth of your horse so that he can Coy aud Geo, Shultz spent Sunday
enjoy life, Price $ 1, E . M. Miller. at Dales, Miss Davis will be the!
Geo, Townsend is spending a few milliner in chatge for Dales this
days in Estacada with his mother season.
R, M, Currin, who has been hav­
ing a protracted spell of lagrippe, is
Accounts Solicited
K 3 KiPR*,i 3 aiimBM GBi
At the home of Mr. and Mrs, W.
"C hopy” to V. Penland on Second street on last
Friday evening about thirty boy
Mr. Kellendonk continues to im­ and girl friends of th ii son Iiveiett
gathered in honor of his 13th birth­
Mr. and Mrs Jorg and
We liave a bargain in a city lot day.
and Mr. and Mrs. John
j for sale. Inquire at the Progress.
Nagle and children also were
| The family of II F. Gibson of' present. The party enjoyed a very
' Barton are having the measles.
pleasant evenings entertainment,
The schools closed Wednesday, after whi ii refre dunents were
served. About midnight the young
Washington's bii tlidav.
Mrs Morrow is confined to her |>eop!e tier wishing Everett many
other birthdays wended their way
I bed witn a severe c.v:e of lagrippe.
A dance will be given in the
Pavilion Saturday night at the con­
Gresham Defeats
clusion of the basket ball games.
It is coming.
! make sure,
Birthday Party
$1 A Y E A R
s E K a r ii
Having disposed of my place
near IMncada and deciding to move
away I offer my entire list of farm­
in g implements including plows,
harrows, mower, hay rake, wagons,
etc. for sale. Must «ell at once.
D, Bridenstine.
H. G. Huntington was in town
Wednesday and took occasion to
tun into this office for a friendly
chat. Mr. Huntington saj s lie is
planting 20 acres of apples in the
Douglas Ridge country and also 20
acres at Dover. He has about too
acres, altogether, in apples and 5
acres in English walnuts.
How t o cure a ct.ld it a f|ucstmn in
Don’t forget to get your dinner,
at the P a r k Hotel for 25 cents.
Dave Bridenstine, who recently
sold his place in Garfield, has com­
pleted negotiations for the purchase
of too acres near Damascus.
lias about sixty acres in crop and
will leave at once for the new place.
We are now ready to do all kinds
shear and mower cycle
Highest cash price paid for all
its great réputation nul immense unie by griuditig.— Lins Bros.. George,
kinds of poultry delivered at the
ils r.mark dite rare of i«ld». It can «1-
de ¡«»t in Estacada every Monday.—•
wm s be dependcd upnn. For «ale by ali
g»od dealers.
| The Progress is one dollar a y e a r, H. O, Jackson
whieh many
just now.
C h'tnlerla-l 8 Cotigh Remedy lim won of plow