Estacada progress. (Estacada, Or.) 1908-1916, February 02, 1911, Image 2

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Current Events of Interest Gatherei
From the World at Large.
General R esum e o f Important Event!
P resen ted In C on d en sed Form
fo r O ur Busy R eaders.
Theodore R oosevelt w ill speak
Portland April 5.
M exican rebels and fed erals both
claim victory at Sahuaripa.
Carrie Nation Is a nervous wreck
and d octors say sh e w ill not re­
N ational banks are holding In re­
serve $86,000,000 m ore than required
by law.
C arnegie has doubled h is original
offer of $14,000 for a public library
at Salem , Ore.
T hree laborers w ere killed by a
sn ow sild e near Truckee, Cal., w hile
clearin g snow
from the railroad
A volcanic eruption has nearly de­
stroyed a sm all island In the Philip­
pin es and several hundred people are
b elieved to have perished.
Aviator McCurdy flew from the
F lorida coast to within ten m iles of
H avana, Cuba, when he was forced to
alight by lack of oil.
Ills pontoon
attach m en ts kept him safely afloat
until picked up by a torpedo boat
T he W ashington legislatu re
Congress to curb im m igration.
P olice again used
C hicago strik e riots.
clubs In
P resid en t T aft d eclares for Im m ed­
ia te step s to create a m erchant m a­
R E B E L S T R A P FE D E R A L S .
Mexican Insurgents W in Decisive V ic­
tory in Sonora.
Douglas, A ril., Jan. 28.— N ew s has
reached Douglas today of fierce fight­
ing betw een M exican troops and the
rebels in the vicin ity of Sahuaripa,
follow in g the capture of that city by
in su rgen ts several days ago.
The federal forces are said to have
been decoyed into a disadvantageous
position, w hence the rebels poured a
deadly fire, resuftlng in the com plete
defeat of the govern m en t forces.
M ayor Chiapa of M octezuuia, who
organized the federal forces to resist
the advance of the rebels, is reported
killed in the engagem ent.
F ollow in g the battle, which oc­
curred m idway betw een the cities of
Sahuarpia and M octezum a, the gov­
ernm ent telegraphed an urgent call
to D ouglas for a special train to
bring more troops south. The train
was quickly m ade up and 50 soldiers
gathered togeth er In Agua Prieta,
op p osite Douglas, w ere sent to Nac-
azari, the southern term inus of the
Machari roailroad
These sold iers arrived there th is
m orning and at once started on an
overland march to M ovtezum a in an
attem p t to sa v e that city from fall­
in g in to the hands of the rebels.
T h is latest d efeat o f the federal
forces is said to leave the rebels in
com plete com mand of th is section of
the S tate of Sonora.
F ollow ing the b loodless surrender
of Sahuaripa a few days ago, Jefe
Chiapa, of M octezum a, organized a
force of about 200 volunteers which
was added to later by 53 volunteers
from Cumpas, for the purpose of
resistin g the northward advance of
the rebels.
The insurrectos follow ed their u s­
ual tactics of g ettin g the superior
position from w hich they poured
volley after volley into the unpro­
tected ranks of the federals.
The rebels are reported to have
taken charge of all public offices in
Sahuaripa and are exten d ing protec­
tion to the w iv es and fam ilies of
form er officials who have fled.
A M exican colonel, ordered to ar­
rest h is own son s as rebels, deserted
w ith h is en tire com mand.
T h e W isconsin legislatu re Is con­
sid erin g a bill to perm it trouser sk irts
and forbid the hobble skirt.
B L IZ Z A R D .
Children Freeze; M other and
Daughter Cripple.
P endleton, Ore.— T hree of the four
children of K. E. O rossehem ig, a for­
N ew Orleans, fearin g defeat, Is mer resident of th is county, were
se ek in g to delay final action on the frozen to death in a recent Saskatche­
P anam a exp osition bill In con gress.
wan blizzard, w h ile the m other and
fourth child w ere so badly frozen
The K ansas legislatu re is blocked that each will lose a leg. N ew s was
by the advance effects of a political received here in a letter from Canada.
fight tw o years hence.
The m other and her four children,
tw o boys and tw o girls, started in
A R oslyn m iner dropped a spark
st^arch of som e sh eep which had
from a cigarette Into a can of powder
strayed from the flock. W hen they
and the exp losion badly Injured every
were tw o m iles from hom e the bliz­
one of h is fam ily, Including him self,
zard cam e w ithou t warning.
and w recked h is house.
boys tried so save the sheep, be­
A U. S. revenue cu tter captured cam e lost and were dead when found.
on e C hinese sm u gglin g v essel near The m other drew her two daughters
Santa llarbara. Cal., but several oth­ to her and huddled down in the snow.
The younger of the girls died w ithin
ers escap ed In a fog.
a few hours after help reached them,
Leaders In con gress thin k an ex­ w hile the older girl and the m other
are yet in a seriou s condition.
tra sessio n w ill be avoided.
W hile a resid en t o f th is county
A Portland pollcem tn captured G osseh em ig w as tw ice under arrest,
for keeping h is children out of
three highw aym en who attem pted tc
hold him up, a fourth man escaping. school and o n ce for m aking a young
girl and young boy herd sh eep in a
snow storm w hile they were w ear­
W heat— Track
Bluestem , ing sh o es through which their toes
48c; club, 80c; red R ussian, 79c; Val protruded.
Domes or oreeon state legislature
Salem ,
30.— Superintendent
S teiner, of the O regon Insane Asylum
and S tate Treasurer Kay cam e to the
bat for their inuings in the asylum
controversy tonight when they ap­
peared before the w ays and m eans
com m ittee.
Superintendent S teiner entered into
a general refutation of the ch arges
m ade again st him on the sen a te
floor and in the report of the le g is­
lative com m ittee and left $1500 with
the w ays and m eans com m ittee to
be given to the Young Men’s Chris
tian A ssociation if a penny's w aste
in h is m anagem ent of the asylu m is
Even in far-off N orway in terest is
being taken in the spiritual w elfare
of the O regon legislature.
T h is afternoon m em bers o f the sen ­
ate all received a con sign m en t o f ap­
propriate scriptural quotations, the
com m unication being anonym ous, but
the postm ark w as dated at Stordalem ,
W hat proved to be the m ost decided
con test of the m orning in the sen a te
developed o ver H owerm an’s bill to
create the office of A ssista n t Secre
tary of S tate and em pow er th a t of­
ficial with all of the duties, p rivileges
and powers of the Secretary in the
ab sen ce of h is su|>erior.
Frequent clash es betw een Senators
K ellaher and Maiarkey, intim ations
that the m em bers of the Oregon Kail-
road Com m ission w ere taking unus­
ual in terest in the su b ject and
charges that if the bill were enacted
marked the initial public hearing be­
fore the sen ate railroad com m ittee
tonight when Senator M alarkey’s bill
providing for a State Public S ervice
Com m ission w as considered.
com m ittee will hold further hearings
before reporting the m easure to the
Salem , Jan. 28. — Conspiracy on
the part o f a number o f m em bers of
the house o f rep resen tatives to pre­
ven t a session today was follow ed this
morning by issuance o f w arrants for
the arrest by the sergean t-at-arm s and
an assistan t, o f seven m issin g Multno­
mah county representatives and any
others he m ight find in Portland.
The action taken th is m orning w as
approved by the 37 members who g a th ­
ered in the assem bly hall and who
found that they lacked three o f a
quorum. It is the first tim e sin ce the
fam ous “ hold-up” session o f 1897 that
such a course has been follow ed.
Good roads won a third victory in
the senate yesterday when the b ill pro­
v id in g the m ethod for bond issu es by
cou n ties m aking effectiv e an am end­
m ent to the constitution adopted by the
people last N ovem er, w as passed by a
vote o f 20 to 8.
Only one other good roads m easure
is le ft pending in the sen ate. T h is is
the bill which provides for w orking
city and county prisoners on the roads,
senate bill 72, w hich w as found to be
im properly printed and had to be sen t
back to the printer.
Senator Josep h ’s naval m ilitia b ill,
which continues the organization al­
ready formed and restain s the present
officers in command, w ent through the
sen ate yesterday w ith 21 affirm ative
votes and seven in the n eg a tiv e.
A l­
though B arrett o f W ashington m ade a
hard fight for his bill reducing the li­
cense for country peddlers, the senate
yesterday turned down the bill by 16
to 11. The bill would have cu t the li­
cense for peddlers on foot from $25 to
$10, one horse and w agon from $100 to
$25 and m ade the rate for tw o horses
or auto $50, instead of $150 for two
horse and w agons and $300 for auto­
m obiles.
ley, 81c; 40-fold, 81c.
B arley— Feed, $23.50® 24 per ton;
brew ing, $27®27.50 per ton.
M lllstuffs— Bran, |23® 24.50 per ton; A fte r Routing W h ite Hand, It Starts
Factional W ar.
m iddlings, $30® 31; shorts, $24®26.50;
rolled barley, $26®27.
Chicago.—The W hite Hand society,
Corn— W hole, $29; cracked, $30 per an organization o f w ealth y and influ­
en tial Italians, formed for the pur­
Oats— No. 1 w h ite, $28.50 per ton pose of driving the Klack Hand out
H ay— Track prices: T im othy, W il­ of the city, has itse lf been routed
Salem , Ore., Jan. 27.—W ith only
lam ette V alley, $19@20 per ton; E ast and rival bands of the crim inal or­
ern Oregon, $21® 22; alfalfa, $14; ganization have en tered upon a war ten d issen tin g votes, the h ou se to­
grain hay, $14.50® 15.50; clover, $13® of exterm ination again st each other,
day passed K uchanan’s bill ab olish ­
according to police officials.
ing the w hipping post. By the pro­
A ppl-e—W axen, 5 0 c ® $1; Baldwin,
Fully a dozen of the unexplained
75c@ $1.25; Northern Spy, 00c® $1.50; m urders on the North Side during v isio n s of the bill, w ife-b eatin g is
Snow, $1.25; Red Cheek Pippin, $1® the last year now are attributed by m ade punishable in the sam e m anner
1.26; W inter Banana, $1.75® 2; Spitz the p olice to in tern ecin e strife be­ as other aggravated cases o f assa u lt
enberg, $1.50®2.50; Y ellow N ew tow n. tw een the Klack Handers. The po­ and battery. The debate on the bill,
$1.75; A rkansas Black, $2; Delaware lice have given ou t a list of five dead which w as d efeated in the le g isla ­
Red, $1.75; Gano, $1.25; W lnesap. and say they have estab lish ed a con­ ture two years ago, w as brief. Bu­
nection betw een th e se men and a chanan argued that the law w as a
Sack V egetab les— Carrots, $1 hun Klack Hand suspect who is in the blur on the statu te books o f the
dred; parsnips, $1.50©1.75; turnips. custody of the United S tates authori­ state, w hile its en forcem en t did not
$1; b eets, $1.25.
ties on the ch arge o f u sing the m ails deter any man from beating h is wife.
V egetab les— B eans, 12'/4 per lb.; to extort money.
R ecom m endations th at the house
cabbage, $1.50®1.75 per hundred;
joint m em orial to con gress a sk in g for
cauliflow er, $2.25 per crate; celery,
$250,000 for the U oseburg federal
California, $3® 3.25 per crate; cucum
Philadelphia Plans Tube.
building and a m em orial a sk in g for
bers, $2 tier box; e g g plant, 15c per
Philadelphia.—Tt is learned that the passage of H aw ley’s bill in con­
lb.; garlic, 8c® 10 per lb.; green on am ong Mayor Key burn’s plans for gress for the support of the Indian
Ions, 15c per dozen; head lettu ce, 50c the im provem ent of Philadelphia is war veterans, received favorable* con­
® 60 per box; h othouse lettuce, 75c® a four-track subw ay the en tire length sideration in the sen a te today.
$1 per box; peppers, 15c per lb.; of Kroad street, a d istan ce of 11
A m ove for a joint com m ittee be­
pum pkins, lc@ lV 4c per lb.; radishes m iles, to be owned by the city, the tw een Oregon and California to pass
30c® 35
per dozen;
8c; exten sion of the Market street sub­ on gam e law s and a re olution for a
squash, lc ® l%
per lb.; tom atoes way system
to Camden, N. J., statem en t of in creasin g and con tinu ­
$2® 2.75 per box.
ihrough tunnels under the Delaware ing appropriations were g iven un­
P otatoes— Oregon,
price river, and an Im m ense convention favorable consideration by the com ­
$1.25©1.40 per hundred; sw eet pota hall in Edgem ont park.
The pro­ m ittee.
toes, $3.75 per hundred.
The h ou se today defeated Bige-
posed im provem ents are to he made
O nions— B uying price, $2 per hun under a $60,000,000 city loan, 0 f i low ’s hill authorizing the governor
sp ecial proclam ation to create
which $28,000,000 will be spent on
P oultry— L ive:
l.e n s ,
19c® 20; the Kroad street subway.
bird and gam e refuges on sta te or
8prlngs. 18c@19V4; turkeys, 22c© 23;
private iands. T h is m easure w a s ob-
ducks, 22c© 23; geese, 12c® 14; d ress­
Royal P a ir Live H appily.
to, from ,<'a r l})a t “ * • * ame
ed turkeys, choice, 25c® 26.
warden, in recom m ending the crea
Eggs— O regon ranch, candled, ?0c©
W ashington.— The attention of the Mon of th e se refuges, m ight tresp a ss
32; E astern, 27c© 30.
Spanish legation has been attracted ,l,n m nch on
p rivileg es now en-
Butter—City cream ery extra. 1 and
2 pound prints, In boxes, 85c per hy certain publications to the effect
Civil war veteran s w ill con tinu e to
pound; less than boxes, cartons and that d om estic in felicity lias brought nay
required peddler’s licen se,
d elivery extra.
„i— » - an
- estran
—*— gem
en * t betw — een
•* King the house today k illin g by indefinite
Pork— Fancy, 1044c®1144 per lb.
Mfonso and h is royal spouse. Queen postponem ent R ep resen tative J o n es’
V eal— F ancy, 85 to 125 lbs., 13c® 15 Victoria.
M inister R leno has en ­ hill exem p tin g old sold iers from the
per lb.
tered an em phatic denial of the operation of th is statu te.
Cattle— P rim e steers, $R.25®6.50; story.
He a sse r ts that the royal
good to choice steers. $6 00®6.25; nalr en joy the happiest relations.
Lieutenant-Governor W anted.
fair to good steers, ♦o.50©6.00; com The rum ors of a separation are 1»«»- |
n u n steers, $4.0l)®5.00; ch oice to lieved bv him to h ave been set afloat i Salem , Or., Jan. 26.—The h o u se to*
prim e cow s, $5.25©5.50; good tc by anti-dynastic influ en ces.
day adopted S en ator C alkins’ Joint
ch oice beef cow s, $4.75@ 5.25; fair
resolution proposing a con stitution al
to good b eef cow s, $4.25®4 75; com
amendment, for a Lieutenant-G over­
n o n to fair beef cow s, $2 0 0 0 4 00;
Shaft Is L iving Tomb.
B efore doing so the house
good to ch oice heifers. $5.00®5.50;
adopted an am endm ent providing that
fair to good h eifers, $5.00®5.50; com
the sj>eaker shall be next in the order
n o n to fair heifers, $4 ,0 © 4 25; choice mer. a m ine owner, w as rescued by o f su ccession to the G overnor’s chair,
to good fat bulla, $4.50®4.75; fair to his partners after he had been im ­ in even t o f death, ab sen ce from the
good fat bulls, $4.00®4 25; com mon prisoned for 24 hours in their m ine sta te or «liability, after the L ieu ten ­
bulls, $2 50@3 25; good to ch oice light
ant-Governor and p resident o f the
calves, $ 7 .7 5 0 8 00; fair to good light near W ingate pass. He w as nncon-
8ea.a if ^aa. 8t'rve.^
calves, $7.00®7.50; good to choice scions when found and was revived
be su b m itted to the people in
I lls
h eavy calves, $5.25® 6 00; fair to good fingers
w ere bleed in g from h is efforts j
general election , N ovem ber, 1912.
heavy calves. $4.75®5.25; com mon
calves, $3.7504.75; good to choice to dig through a m ass of gravel and
O il P ainting of Tw o Asked.
stags. $5 00® 5.25; fair to good stags rock which had caved in and blocked
the shaft en trance
$4 0 0 04.50.
Salem , Or., Jan. 26.—Through the
H ogs—Choice
h ogs,
Panic 9 ie z e t Hundreds.
adoption o f a h ou se concurrent reao
good to ch oice hogs. $8.50 0 8 85.
C h ica g o — Fire brought about 600; Intlon. introduced by the resolu tion s
Sheep— Y earling w ethers, grain fed
$4 25tfi>5.25; old w ethers, grain fed j gu ests from their room s In the Ma ’ com m ittee, the bouse today approved
3 75(f?4 25; good to ch oice ew e« g^a’n iestic and Great Northern hotels, the purchase by the sta te o f oil
and portraits of ex-O overnor B enson and
fed. $3 25(^3 75; feeders. $2 254*3 00
choir© lamb«, grain fed. $6 254?6 50 Quincy streets.
T h e fire, which ex-A cting G overnor Dowerm an, to he
Rood to choice, grain fed. $6 004i started in the kitchen of the grill exhibited in eith er the h ou se or sen-
The resolution goes
6.2 5; fair to rood, $5 25® 5 75; poor room on the sev en teen th floor of the ate cham bers.
M ajestic, was extin gu ish ed with a to the se n a te for its favorable ac-
Iambs. $4 954*6.00.
Hay fed sh eep and lam bs, 50c lower loss of about $40,000, m ostly from , iton before the pain tin gs w ill he or-
* dered.
than grain fed.
Salem , Or., Jan. 26.— P lace all con ­
v icts on the roads w hen not needed
for other purposes at the S tate P en­
itentiary and create a S ta te H ighway
C om m ission. T h ese are the m oves
carried In two bills th a t passed the
sen a te th is afternoon a fter a pro­
longed fight.
S om eth in g of the conflict w as pre­
saged w hen M cCulloch o f Baker, ob­
jected to creation of a S ta te H ighway
C om m ission, as Joseph 's Senate Bill
N'». 42 cam e uu for consideration.
This bill w as passed upon favorably
by the sen ate, T uesday, w hile sitting
as a com m ittee of the w hole to hear
the p leas of m en rep resen tin g 300
lead in g Portland citizen s. Then only
eig h t v o tes w ere recorded against it.
P assa g e of the m easure w as thought
to be com paratively ea sy today until
unexpected opposition appeared.
M cCulloch declared th a t from the
sagebrush country in E astern Oregon
there had com e down th e line the
word that they do not w ant the High
way C om m ission, and that he would
be com p elled to vote again st it.
Rigid and thorough in vestigation
of the affairs and m anagem ent of the
O regon S tate Insane A sylum w as
ordered by both the sen a te and the
h ou se in resolu tion s adopted today.
T h e sen a te adopted a resolution
providing for a co m m ittee of five
m em bers, three from the house and
tw o from the sen ate, w h ile the house
provided for a sp ecial com m ittee of
five o f its own m em bers to conduct
the Inquiry.
Both resolu tion s in stru ct the in v es­
tig a tin g com m ittee to m ake a report
of th eir findings to the legislature
prior to adjournm ent.
U n le ss the two h o u ses got togeth er
and decided on a jo in t com m ittee it
is p o ssib le an in v estig a tio n m ay be
conducted by tw o separate com m it­
Salem , Or., Jan. 25.— Sale of the
sta te pilot schooner San J o se w as au­
thorized by the house yesterday af­
ternoon. T he bill presen ted by Lein-
en w eb er o f Clatsop, w as unanim ously
passed a fter the author had explained
that the sh ip w as a dead w eight upou
the hands o f tho pilot com m ission.
C latsop county now a w a its only the
sig n a tu re o f the governor to san ction
the proposed two and a h alf m ill tax
to raise funds for the A storia cen ten ­
nial celebration. S en a te bill No. 61,
au th orizin g the tax, w as approved by
the house, follow in g b rief exp lan a­
tio n s by R ep resen ta tiv es L einenw eber
and K elland of Clatsop.
T h e proposal to con stru ct a bridge
acro ss the Columbia river a t Portland
to con n ect Oregon and W ashington,
w hich w a s killed at the la st sessio n ,
has been revived. B igelow of Mult­
nom ah presented a resolution in the
house, appropriating $5000 for an in ­
v estig a tio n by the sta te en gin eer to
learn w h eth er or not th e project is
feasib le. The bridge would form a
co n n ectin g link for the proposed P a­
cific h igh w ay betw een the two sta tes.
P eterson
of U m atilla
w ithdrew
h ou se bill No. 49, p erm ittin g any per­
son to se rv e sum m ons in a legal a c ­
M em bers of the revision of
law s com m ittee refused to aprove it
on the grounds that it m ight be used
a s a m edium of fraud by unscrupu­
lous persons.
B igelow of M ultnom ah presented a
resolution asking th e five M ultnomah
county circuit jud ges to appear be­
fore th e com m ittee on judiciary and
d iscu ss the bill to in crea se the bench
to seven .
Abram s o f M arion would have the
governm ent set a sid e 30.000 acres in
the K lam ath Indian reservation and
Crater Lake national fo rest for perm ­
an en t use a s grounds for m aneuvers
of the U nited S ta tes troops and m il­
K IN G .
M aurice
Zuckerm an
C ali­
fornia Field and Rules M a rke t.
Ldg A ngales, Cal.—M aurice Zucker-
luau, head o f a large produce house
form erly
agen t for G eorge Shim a, the Japanese
"potato king," h as gone in for the
spud m onarchy uu his ow n account
and apparently h as Shim a fairly de­
P otatoes cost half as m uch again
a s they did a year ago, becau se of
last year's gen eral shortuge. Zucker­
foresaw ,
Shim a, that there would be a co n se­
quent sh ortage th is sea so n and be­
gan "cornering’' six m onths ago.
Zuckermau invaded Shim a's terri­
tory, buying all the river and high­
land stock he could g et and sim ply
holding it. T hen he sen t u g eu ts to
Idaho, the n ex t source of supply,
tying up p ractically the w hole crop.
Other producing section s, including
Oregon, were not overlooked. Now
the effect is felt.
The "new k in g ’’ is holding all his
San Joaquin potatoes for the Sau
F rancisco m arket and su p p lyin g the
south from Idaho. Produce m en here
find it im p ossib le to g e t rivers or
P rices are goiu g up al­
m ost daily.
Zuckerman, bein g a w ise monarch,
is not trying to realize all at once,
nor heading back to sq u eeze prices
to the top notch, but lettin g out
enough to m eet the dem ands fairly
and keep aw ay Colorado and other
d ista n t potatoes.
H is h old ings are
known to be enorm ous, a third
greater, indeed, than Sh im a w as ever
able to control, and he w ill m ake a
fortune if n oth in g in terferes.
Jobbers say p rices will in crea se $1
a hundred pounds before April.
B E R T H S M U S T BE B O U G H T .
Pullm an
Cash in Future, Say Officials.
Chicago.— T ra v elers desirous of se ­
curing Pullm an accom m odations soon
will have eith er to m ake full pre­
paym ent of their Pullm an fare at
tim e reservation is m ade or w ait
until the tim e of train departure and
take their ch a n ces o f secu rin g space,
if a plan bein g considered by the
w estern railroads is put in to effect
A t a m eetin g ju st held by the
heads of the p assen ger tra ffic de­
partm ents o f the largest lin es in the
w est, the m atter was giveu consid­
eration, and definite action upon it
postponed only b ecau se the n ew Pull­
man rates are to go into effect on
February 1, and th e p assen ger traffic
officials decided to defer final con sid ­
eration until a fter the new tariffs
have been issu ed .
It is a sserted th a t th e railroads
now labor undor a great incon
v en ien ce and u n n ecessary ex p en ses
because of lax regu lations surround
ing the m anner in which sleep in g
car reservation s can be m ade.
Standard Sues H am pton’s Publishers
fo r $250,000 Damages.
N ew York.— T h e Standard Oil Com­
pany h as brought suit in the United
S ta tes circu it court for $250,000 dam ­
a g es a g a in st the Broadway P ublish­
ing Com pany, Inc., p ublishers of
Ham pton's M agazine, and Cleveland
Moffatt, the m agazin e w riter.
current Issue of H am pton’s contains
an a rticle in w hich it is a lleged that
su b sidiaries of the Standard sell
glu cose to con fection ers.
"The on ly p ossib le con n ection be­
tw een the Standard and the m anufac­
turers o f g lu co se ,” said cou n sel for
the Standard, "is that tw o m en who
m ake glu co se are on the Standard
So far as is recalled the Standard
has never brought suit before against
any o f th e m any pu b lication s that
Salem , Or., Jan. 24. — Although both have attack ed it.
h ou ses of the leg isla tu re worked in ­
dustriously th is m orning, little w as
Chicago Cars May Stop.
accom plished beyond th e passage of
Chicago. — Chicago J s threatened
a few bills of little gen eral im port­ with one of the greatest labor dis­
ance. The good roads en th u sia sts will turbances in its history. A strik e of
have their Innings in the sen a te th is 8000 street car m en. m ean ing a tie-
up of all su rface lin es in the city, is
afternoon, the b ills on that subject
possible, on accou n t of differences
being m ade a sp ecia l order.
A new resolution ca llin g for an in­ over w ages. So seriou s h as the sit­
becom e that Mayor B u sse has
vestig a tio n o f affairs a t the sta te in
intervened in an effort to prevent a
sane asylum w as Introduced by Dim-
possible rep etition of the sc e n e s of
ick in the sen a te and w en t to com
m lttee. It d irects particular inquiry v iolen ce and bloodshed which marked
the last stree t car strik e in Chicago
as to the num ber o f em p loyes and the
and have accom panied th e se labor
n ecessity for their em p loym en t and
g iv es pow er to com pel a tten d an ce of stru ggles in other cities.
w itn e sses for takin g of testim on y on
all ph ases o f the situ ation .
Verbal cla sh es o f rival in terests
cam e last night In co m m ittee m eet­
ings o v er the sa ilo rs’ boarding house
bill, the eight hour bill and the naval
m ilitia bill.
T h e la tter will com e
from th e sen a te com m ittee with a
provision retaining p resen t officers of
the reserve in office.
The sen a te passed one bill and k ill­
ed another this m orning, but the se s­
sion w as featu reless. C om m ittees are
slow in reporting ou t their bills. T h e
house passed four b ills.
The legislatu re w a s storm ed today
hy 300 Oregon ad v o ca tes of the Good
Roads m ovem ent. Two-hundred cam e
from Portland urging that M ultnomah
county, by the term s o f the five h ig h ­
w ays bills framed by the Oregon
Good R oads asso cia tio n , is presenting
the sta te with road m aking funds for
d irect benefit o f ev ery other
county but with in d irect benefit, only
to b u sin ess Interests.
President Taft Takes Firm Stand
For Cheaper Living.
Absolute Silence Is H is Only Answer
To A ll Pleas For a Change
Of A ttitud e.
W ashington.— Em barrassed
mild word to define the predicam ent
in which m em bers of C ongress have
found th em selv es sin ce
P resident
Taft subm itted h is proposition for a
reduction In the cost of livin g through
the m edium o f reciprocity with Can­
H igh p rotection ists, confident of the
sym pathy of the E xecutive, have not
h esitated to go to the W hite H ouse
with predictions that the party will
be disrupted if the program is in­
sisted upou. Insurgent Republicans,
m any o f whom have becom e unac­
custom ed to v isit the W hite H ouse at
all, have b een -u u rsu in g a policy of
silen ce.
W hile som e of them are ready to
adm it that the p rop osed -agreem en t is
in Hue with the tariff argum ents,
they fear to adopt it lest they bring
upon their heads tho wrath o f agri­
P resid en t T aft is said to be about
the only one who is sh ow in g no con ­
cern about the situ ation . H e is said
to have m et all argum ents again st
the agreem ent with a determ ination
to disregard m ere political objec­
tions, w hether they com e from stan d ­
patters or insurgents.
H e b eliev es that w hat he h as rec­
om m ended is right, anil he has muue
it clear that so long as he continues
so to believe, he cannot be dissuaded
from u sin g every force a t h is com ­
mand to prom ote legislation to put
the agreem en t into operation.
That P resid en t T aft realized fully
w hat argum ents would be advanced
by p rotection ists a g a in st freedom of
tariff realutions with Canada is prov­
ed by the w ays and m eans com m ittee
of the house, or the finance com m it­
tee of the senate, w as apprised in
advance as to what articles would be
affected by the agreem ent.
H is con su ltation s w ere had ex clu s­
ively with the G overnm ent trade e x ­
perts and only such of th ose a s weTe
b elieved to be beyond p olitical influ­
en ce. In n othing he has done sin ce
he has been President, h as Mr. Taft
displayed so independent a spirit.
P rogressive R epublicans are de­
riving som e com fort from the fact
that Senator Aldrich and Speaker
Cannon and others o f the "old guard”
apparently were a s much in the dark
as any oue e ls e about the P resid en t’s
Physician Secs Danger of Plague in
Rodent-Infested Ships.
Chicago.— “U ntil all sh ip s com ing
to the U nited S ta tes from plague-
in fested China are stopped outside
the harbors o f ports of entry and the
rats aboard ab solu tely
Am erica will continue to be in grave
danger of a death-dealing plague, in
every way as bad a s that now raging
in the O rient.”
T his w arning is sounded* by Dr.
G. Frank Lydston, p rofessor of gen-
ito-urinary surgery at the U n iversity
of Illinois, w ell known w riter and
one of C hicago’s b est known phy­
sician s.
Dr. L ydston personally in ­
vestig a ted the second ep id em ic of
bubonic plage in A ustralia a few
years ago. and is one of the b est in­
formed m en on the su b ject in the
"The rat flea plague o f all typ es is
essen tia lly a C hinese d isea se,” said
Dr. L ydston. "If the plague is o f a
particularly virulent type, as I un-
dertsand is the case in th is present
C hinese plague, and if the resista n ce
of the victim is low, the victim dies
before the glands, w hich are really
protective barriers again st poisons in
the blood, h ave a ch an ce to react.
T h is accounts for the lack o f v isib le
bubonic sym ptom s in th is C hinese
Mob Denounces Lease.
Equador. — Im m ense
crow ds paraded through the streets
in p rotest a g a in st the proposal to
lea se th e G alapagos isla n d s to the
United S ta tes.
The dem onstrators
gathered in front of the h ou se occu­
pied by P resid en t Alfaro, who is
stopping here, and hooted the govern­
m ent and A rcher Harmon, president
o f the G uayaquil & Quito R ailw ay
Company, who is regarded a s being
responsible for th e project of leasin g
the islands.
C rew Prays for Safety.
A storia. Ore.— K n eelin g on the deck
with heads bared, officers and crew
o f the Italian sh ip Speranza Satur­
day afternoon offered p rayers for a
sa fe voyage.
For m ore than five
m inutes. In accordance w ith an an­
cien t Italian naval custom , the men,
led by Captain Luddanza, continued
their in vocation s desp ite a drizzling
Bleached Flour Loses Friends.
rain that fell. T he Speranza left out
Salem . Jan. 24.— Fortified by a de­ Im m ediately follow in g the religions
cision o f the U n ited S ta tes d istrict rites, bound for Sydney, Australia.
court for the eastern d istrict of Louis­ She carries 2,000,000 feet o f lumber.
iana and by a report o f official test
w herein rabbits w ere poisoned and
Sleet Blocks Railroads.
killed hy n itrates glean ed from bleach­
Chicago.— S leet and fog. w hich in
ed flour. Sen ator Dan K ellaher is
preparing to w age a w ar on the m any p laces turned to rain, caused
bleached brands, a s he did at the trouble for railroad and telephone
sessio n tw o years ago. The bill 1m- com panies in the T.ake region and the
T he storm extended
l>oses a penalty of $100 to $250 fine Middle W est.
for first offense of m anufacturing or as far north as M innesota, w est to
offerin g for sa le th e oleached pro­ Lincoln. Neb., and K ansas City, Mo.,
duct in th is state, w ith a prison se n ­ south to St. Louis, and ea st to Indi­
ten ce o f from 60 days to six m onths. anapolis. The sle e t storm is expected
to turn to rain in the Lake region
with warm er w eather.
Growers of N orthw est Meet at P ort­
land— Com m ittees Named.
Portland.—R ep resen tin g an aggre­
gate capital of $50,000,000, in v ested in
apple orchards and an output of 10,-
000 cars yearl, h aving a value of
from $6,000,000 to $8,000,000, more
than 100 applegrow ers from Oregon,
W ashington and Idaho gathered iu the
Y. M. C. A. auditorium for the pur­
pose of form ing a N ational selliu g
agency of sufficient breadth uud width
to control and d isp o se o f the apples
produced in the three sta te s m en­
A com m ittee o f 15 w as appointed
at the clo se o f the day’s work to
prepare a w orking plan for the con­
sideration of the convention tom or­
row morning.
L eading apple cu ltu rists from the
three sta tes took part in the proceed­
ings. Ex G overnor M iles C. Moore, of
W ashington; Judge F rem ont Wood,
of B oise, Idaho; Miles Cannon, of
W eiser, Idaho; E. C. Benson, o f P ros­
ser, VV ash., ex-president o f the V\ asli-
uigtou S tate H orticulture S o ciety ; C.
E. W htsler, of Medford, representing
the R ogue R iver F ruit and P roduce
A ssociation; H. C. A tw eli, of F orest
Grove, Or., p resident of the Oregon
.State H orticultural S ociety; J. N.
Stone, of M ilton, Or.; H. C. Richards,
of N orth Yakima, W ash.; A. P. Baie-
inan, of M osier, Or., aud C. H. Sprout,
of Hood River, Or., were am ong the
more a ctive sp irits of Lite enterprise.
T he only opposition to the plan
proposed cam e from the p essim istic
tone that prevailed through the talk
of E. H. Shepherd, editor of B etter
Fruit, published at Hood River. Al­
though tho d iscu ssio u lasted through­
out the day and tho sp eak ers w ere
num erous, Mr. Shepherd could not
see the lig h t a s advanced by the
more hopeful in the plan o f creatin g
a cen tral d istrib u tive agency for the
H e m aintained that there
was no way for an organization—at
least lie had heard of no plan— which
would eq u alize the values betw een
the a p p les produced iu the various
d istricts. H e w as certain that there
was no chance for over-production.
That he regarded as a bug a boo cre­
ated by the railroads and the press.
"All G overnm ent sta tistic s,” said
the speaker, "that 1 have been able to
g et hold of, all the inform ation that
1 have gathered and all of the in ter­
view s with old-tim e nursery m en go
to show that over-production is im ­
possible, in ap p les at least. T here is
no such a thin g a s over-production in
th is country in any food product.
There may be fa u lts o f distribution
for a continuous num ber of y ears—
that has n ever occurred and cannot
occur iu any known food product.”
R egard less o f Mr. Shepherd's view s,
the applegrow ers continued iu their
d elib eration s and appointed the fol­
low ing com m ittee to draft a plan; H.
W. O tis, o f W enatchee, W’ash.; H. C.
Sproat, of Hood River; H. C. Lamb,
of M ilton, Or.; John Forbis, of P ort­
land; C. F. W hisler, o f Medford, Or.;
A. P. B atem an, o f M osier, Or.; M iles
Cannon, of W eiser, Idaho; C. L.
Sm ith, of L ew iston, Idaho; W ill F.
Ritz, of W alla W alla, W ash.; W. M.
N elson, o f N orth Yakima, W ash.;
George C. Eaton, of Granger, W ash.;
C. H. Clark, of W enatchee, and G. H.
Sprague, o f Cashm ere, W ash.
T he con ven tion w as called to order
by P resid en t A tw ell, o f the O regon
S tate H orticultural S ociety, Frank W .
Power, of Portland, w as m ade se c ­
retary. A com m ittee on cred en tials
was selected and they m ade a report
in the afternoon.
The call of the
convention specified that the o b ject
of the m eetin g w as to form a co-oper­
ative se llin g agen cy and to provide
som e m ean s for apple box leg isla ­
tion. S u g g estio n s w ere tendered as
to the b est plan of procedure and
d iscu ssion d isclosed the fact that the
appointm ent of a com m ittee should
be m ade to work out a plan,
C. E. W hisler took the lead In the
debate and contended that the diffi­
cu lties o f the undertaking w ere, first,
the m ethod of esta b lish in g grades
and, second, w hat should be done
with regard to the division of the re­
ceip ts o f the se llin g agency. Should
there be a "jack-pot” created, as the
si>eaker called it, in which all should
be given an equal share o f the pro­
ceeds, or should va lu es be placed
upon the a p p les o f each d istrict and
d ivision of the receip ts be placed on
this basis?
In th is debate G eorge
A ggers, of W hite Salm on; A. F. Hell-
in well, of W hite Salm on; J. G. T ate,
o f Hood River; C. B. Clark, of W en­
atch ee; J. N. Stone, of M ilton; W. K.
N ew ell, o f G aston; C. L. Dick, o f Sa­
lem, and others took part.
Jap Socialists Hang.
S trike
H alts
N ew York.— The output o f un­
leavened bread, eaten over all the
world by orthodox fam ilies during
the fea st o f the P assover, Is tied
up by a general strik e of the Matzo
bakers here.
T he strik e w en t in to effect as or­
d ers w ere pouring in from distant
cities for the p assover supply. New
York is the cen ter of the Matzo
trade. Strike leaders say 1000 bak­
ers are involved in the strik e which
is for higher w ages.
Tokio.— D isregarding a stream of
protests from all o v er the world, the
Jap an ese govern m en t wiped out by
m eans o f the g a llo w s tho liv e s of
Denjiro Kotoku, h is m istress, Surga
Kanno, and 10 other Jap an ese S ocial­
ists con victed in secret se ssio n s of
the court, o f h aving conspired again st
the life of the m ikado. T h e h an ging
of th e 12 v ictim s o f the governm ent's
fear o f S ocialism began at 9 o ’clock
in the m orning in the central prison
and the trap w as not sprung for the
last one until 1 p. m.
Jules V erne Is Outdone.
Floods Block Train s.
S ea ttle.— T he d evelop m en t o f the
Ix>s A n geles.—Traffic on the Coast
Japanese port of Taurnga has m ade
lin e of the Southern P acific is ser­ it p ossib le to go around the world in
iou sly offected as the resu lt of flood 37 days.
l e a v in g S ea ttle or Van­
conditions in the northern part of couver by steam er, a traveler m ay
Santa Barbara County. T h e reports land in Yokoham a In 12 days. By
received at the local offices o f the taking train to Tauruga and stea m er
Southern Pacific are to the effect I to the trans-Siberian Railroad term ­
that the tracks have b een covered inus and co n tin u in g by the fa stest
with debries at the Mud flats w est of train to London he m ay cover the
T h e track is reported to d ista n ce from Yokoham a in 16 days.
be intact, but it w ill take several By the fa stest stea m ers and trains he
hours to clear it.
m ay travel from London to S ea ttle in
a little m ore than nine days.
Refugees Swarm From Mexico.
Nation to H ide Paroles.
E l Paso, T ex.— M exican refu gees
are flocking over the border into
W ash in gton .— Men who have their
T exas near La .litas, ea st of here in
B rew ster County, to esca p e t a k in g : paroles from F ederal prisons here­
sid es eith er with the fed erals or the , a fter will step back into the world to
insurgents. Many are bringing their begin life an ew unadvertised and
h orses and ca ttle and U n ited S tates w ithout the lim elig h t of publicity.
G overnm ent officials are som ew hat (
puzzled o v er the situ ation that con-1 Attorney-G eneral W Ickersham and
fronts them . If they se iz e the an i­ Robert W. Ladow, chairm an of the
T o Reform Judicial System.
m als for duty the M exirans will parole board, h ave decided that pub­
T ra v e l To Coast H eavy.
Salem , Jan. 24.— P lan n in g com pre­
be d estitute.
Few o f th e refugees licity in such ca ses help s to d efea t
h en siv e reform o f the judicial system
have any food, but will be able to
o f the state, which Is gen erally re- headquarters h ere Indicate an in work their way into the sta te s a n d , the o b ject o f the parole law.
earded a s having been m ade ea sy hy j crease of p a ssen g er traffic from the get em ploym ent.
G aynor’a Foe In Prison.
the adoption of sw eep in g am endm ents F ast that is breaking all records for
Jamaica W ants 1915 Fair.
Since th e res
N ew York.— Ja m es J. G allagher,
to the con stitution at the last ele c j M id-W inter travel.
K ingston. Jam aica.— T he Jam aica who sh ot M ayor G aynor and S treet
tion. Sen ator Wood h as introduced a toratlon o f norm al con d ition s In the
hill for the appointm ent o f a com i m ountain passes, which were blocked cham ber o f com m erce is d irectin g a ; C om m issioner Edw ards on a stea m ­
to recom m end to the G ov­ ship on a dock at H oboken last An-
m lttee to d ev ise a n ew judicial act j
to co v er the en tire field of Jtirv s y s - ! lim ited train s from the F a st are run­ ernm ent the holding of a b ig expos! «nist. w as taken to the N ew J ersey
tern and courts.
T h e hill ca lls for ning In extra se ctio n s above the regu tion here In 1915. coin cid en t with the S tate Prison to s ir v e 12 yea rs at
lar schedu les.
J formal opening of the Panam a Canal hard labor.
a com m ission of 30 m em bers.