•-A» ► '< » * r - « ".F ■ * " E ST A C A D A . OREGON. TH U RSD AY, F E B R U A R Y 2, tgir. NO. 23 OF VOL. 3 ,****+ *+ •1 Estacada State Bank j LO C A L N EW S AND P E R SO N A L M ENTION Serious Accident Near Barton Subscribe now A serious accident happened on Today, February 2nd, is ground Tuesday afternoon at trestle bridge hog day. No. 19 on the O. W. P. which re­ L. E. Belfils, Cashier Good board with room at the sulted in the death of a man and / Park Hotel, $6 per week his wife. The trestle is about 200 DIRECTORS: H, Cooper, of Arleta, a former feet long and spans Deep Creek Geo. A. Steel, Thos. Yocum, John Zobrist, L. E. Belfils ; ; Estucada business man and the The man was a wood chopper em­ owner of property here, was in our ployed by C. Z. Lake. He and his C. A. Eastman city on Friday on business, wife were about the center of the A 1 Lindsey moved last week to trestle when Conductor Adams the Williams property on Main St. work train cauie suddenly upon them. The inotorman, flunking I am prepared to do all kinds of they were workmen who have been plow shear and disc grinding —W. repairing since the high water and A. Rhodes, Tracy neighborhood. who when a train approaches step A concrete walk is being laid on down on one of the bench supports, Broadway in front of Reed and did not discover his mistake until W e m ake loans—long or Spark’ s new building and the Fur­ too late. The couple attempted to niture company's business place. crouch by the side of the track hut short term on good s e c u rity ' The Estacada Pharmacy takes were knocked off and fell to the subscriptions for any magazine. rocky creek bed, a distance of about You save the cost and risk in send­ 60 feet. The woman was instant­ ly killed and the man died while ing. being taken to the hospital at Port­ Mrs. A. E. S[ arks left on Mon­ land. day morning for Fort Dodge, Iowa, to visit her mothtr who is not in good health. She will likely be Yeung Man Dies Of absent tor a couple of months. Pneumonia ! Geo. A. Steel, Pres. saaasaaH aasæ BgaEM sasæ œ a seBEasaagsa Better Be Safe Than Sorry Get a n A b stra c t berore y o u buy Ii yo u are alread y a landholder, be sure you re a lly o w n the land de­ scribed in yo u r deed. Our Abstracts 01 Clackamas C o u n t y titles stand the test. C l a c k a m a s T it l e C o m p a n y , in c . E S T A B L IS H E D I S 0 3 Head Offices: 509-511 Chamber of Commerce Building. iJiiley, President IrtnMH Mdse, for Cash Mdse, for Cash C. A. Eastman, Vice Près. ! Accounts Solicited S. Si A Y E A R P O R T LA N D , O R E . &rant SB. S/tileu, Secretary H M n H i* * * * * 1 Say! Mrs. H. W, Kuhlman arrived in Just entering young manhood Estacada on Wednesday evening to remain for some time visiting at the Neil L Gordon was suddenly called by death at the age of nineteen home of her parents. years on Thursday last. Neil, as They have it —good fresh vege­ he was fatniliaily called by his tables, Go and see them. Pen- friends had just recently recovered land & Jorg from a six week:, illness of typhoid J. G. Wanhope, state organizer and was just commencing to get socialist^ party of Oregon, will about nicely when he was taken speak in Estacada on Saturday Fell. down by pneumonia. It was \ at 7:30 P. M. Everyone wel­ thought better to take him to St. come. Vincents Hospital in Portland that Mr, Givens, agent of the P. R. he might have the best attention L. &. P. Co. while not an ordained possible. He only survived the He is minister, preached for the Christian attack nine days however. church congregation last Sunday survived by his mother Mrs. Laura evening. He will also preach next A. Benjamin of Dodge and two brothers Rex C. ot Colton and Sunday evening, Harold L. of ¿stacada, also one San Francisco has won in her sister Mrs. Mable A. Benjamin. fight with New Orleans in the first He was elected at the last meet­ round for the 19 15 fair. The Na­ ing of the Estacada Fire Depart­ tional House of Representatives on ment a member of that company Tuesday in a final vote favored the and the pallbearers at his funeral western city by a vote of 259 to 43, were six of his firemen associates. W a n t e d —Highest price paid Interment was made on Friday at for eggs at ’thUPalace Meat Market the Springwater Cemetery. Rev. Penlaud & Jorg. Datling was the minister in charge. Walter Givens is the júiew agent for the P. R. L. & P- Co. in Esta­ Robbery And Fire cada. He comes from Manhattan, Kansas, is’ marrtedjand expects to Samuel Beary, of 323 Morrison move his family here as soon as he St., Portland, last week met with can secure a house. serious loss by what is reported to Mr. and Mrs, W. B. Potwin left be burglary and fire. His place had Estacada on Thursday for Kansas, a safe but this had been three times their old home to attend some busi­ before broken opeu and robbed He ness matters. They expect to be had, since the last robbery, left it open and kept his money in a tin absent about a month. The population of Clackamas box which was hid in an out of the county is given out from Washing­ way place. On Fiiday night he ton D, C. as 29,931, divided as fol­ neglected to hide the box. It con­ lows, white, 29,769; negro, 9; In­ tained about $200 iii money, $.80 of which belonged to the Knights of dian 9; Chinese, 68; Japanese, 75. Pythias of which order he was The state population is 672,765. treasurer. This was gone and the Don’ t forget to get your dinner, building discovered on fire. He re­ at the Park Hotel for 25 cents. ports his loss at $7,000 on his stock County Commissioner Mattoon is of goods in addition to the money now a full fledged Estacadaian hav­ loss. He is the owner of the build­ ing moved from his ranch near ing in Estacada occupied by Mr. Viola here to the house he has just Waterbury. finished erecting in the Zobrist Ad­ dition. 700,000,000 Feet Of We are unloading a car of Field Fence. 0 We would be pleased to do your Electric Wiring Give us a chance at that new Plow, Harrow or Let us figure on that Plumbing job. How about a new set Harness? We can rig them in style, if you like. We sell American Gentlem en McCall Patterns 10 & 15 c. Gentlemen Shoes fo r Men 1.50, 2.50 & $3.00 3.50, 4 and *5 American Lady Shoes for ladies, 3.50 & $ 4 Hats for Next week we invoice. The next week we will tell you about Bargain Goods E S T A C A D A M E R C A N T IL E co. Mr. C. A, Johnson spent Satur- day and Sunday with his cousin Mrs. Gibson at Barton. Did you read of the ‘slides’ ’ Mr. Ed. Harders and Miss Ionia Well, during the recent storm. and Harold Joyner and Carl Lins they were all bluff. were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mrs, James Smith was taken to Klinker on Sunday night. the hospital last week. She has Mr, Gus Jennsen was the guest been ill for some time. Physicians are unable at this writing to tell the of Miss Hulda Paulsen on Sunday night. exact nature of the trouble or just Mr, and Mrs. Peter Paulsen were how serious her condition is. the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Some of their young friends Johnson on Sunday. spent a very happy evening, help­ Go to Fred Lins to get your ing Willie Hoffmeister and Russell Jones celebrate their birthdays last choping done. He does good work Saturday evening. They played and at any time. EAG LE CREEK games, pulled taffy and ate cake. Lester Rivers hounds ran a wolf one day last week and Lavid Hoff­ meister shot it on or near Wm. Howletls place. The dogs are only eight months old. The wolf was all Dave wanted to pack, even dur­ ing the excitement. For the first time in its existence the house on the Levi. Rfvers place is occupied. The tenants are bach­ elors and are working for Mr. Kits- miller. The weather looks like spring again and it may be winter is over. We have had a delightful season thus far. Prospects for crops of all kinds are good. Fall sown grain looks fine and if Jack Frost does not prevent we will surely have a bountiful crop of fruit. “ It isn’ t the drop in wages that hurts a man so much as the drop he takes after getting his wages. That's what drops him, ’’ Mr. Leo Rath is clearing some land on his 40 acres and is going to put out a small orchard. That is right Leo, next will he a house. Look out boys, get your cans ready. Livery, Feed & Sale STABLE w . A. JO N E S P R O P R IE T O R Good rigs and careful drivers alway9 SPECIAL Given ATTENTION Hunting and Fishing Parties WOOD & LUMBER f-ocal and Long Distance Telephone We h a n d le a n y t h in g r e la t iv e to th e Real Estate Business Mr. Frank Lane, of Portland, was out and spent a day with his brother who is clearing for him on his place. There will be preaching next SUNDISH BROS. Sunday at the church at 10:30 A. representing R. M. March has been off work Timber Burned CHAPIN & HfRIOW, of Portland M. and 2:30 P. M. Pastor A. H. since last Thursday suffering with Rainhard, a case of lagrippe. It lias formed Washington, January 3 1 . —Re­ Vancouver, Wash., were united in W hen in need of anything in Furniture call and look an abcess in his head. On Tues­ ports based on detailed field exami­ marriage. Rev. Browne, of Esta­ day he went to Portland to have an Death Of Little Child over our line and get prices. W e carry a good line of Wall cada officiating. Oidy the c^osj operation, which Dr. Adix advised nations made by National Forest Paper, Matting, Carpets, Linoleum, Iron Beds, Springs, 1 I was necessary to reliev the tro.uble. officers, of the lands burned over in The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. friends of the contracting part.es the forest fires of last summer in R, S. Coop died on the 26th day of were present, Dinner was served Mattresses, Blankets, Comforts, Portiers, Queensware, and Mrs. Ella Duel of Ballard, and Washington and Oregon, which January 1911. He was born at the after whicli the happy couple de­ Mrs. Lillian Linton of Oregon City have been received by the U. S. in fact most everything in house furnishing. Good Samaritan Hospital in Port­ parted for Vancouver. Wash., are at present visiting with the Deparment of Agriculture, show land, Oregon, April 23rd, .910 and ! whcre ,bcy wil1 make their fulure W e also carry the Columbia Graphophones, one of the families of L Y . Congdon, Rev. that the national forest timber loss was therefore 9 months and 3 days | ll( Darling and A. J. Darling. These in these states is about 700,000.000 best machines on the market, at prices ranging from $17.50 old. He had been ill since the j ------------ * are old hack East friends, their feet. This is somewhat less than middle of October. The remains rfead the Want Ads. up to $200.00. A lso records and needles. former homes being in Michigan. was indicated by the provisional were laid to rest in the Lone Oak Fat cattle wanted; the fatter the The Estacada High School estimates made shortly after the Cemetery near Estacada. GEO RGE better.— See Penland & Jorg. fires. The reports also show the basket ball team Suffered a defeat at A piece of flannel damjtened with iGiesham on last Friday night. It importance, as a means of protect­ Howard-Strunk Marriage Chamberlain's ing the forests against fires, of the The snow is all gone and every- Liniment and bound « n j was their first game and the boys I to tbc affected parts is superior to any efforts which are being made by the one is out working and enjoying ! ESTACADA FURNITURE CO. I say they went up against a hunch plaster. When trouble«! with lame back, On Sunday last at the home of giants. The score of 2 1 0 4 5 Department to open new range to the nice warm weather, or pains in the side or chest give it a W . D. and L . M. Henthom, Proprietors stockmen. j q us Jennsen was hauling hay the bride Mr. and Mrs. J. W was not disheartening to them as from Kay Woodle's place at Eagle Howard of Dodge, Miss Mary C. pleased with the prompt relief which it they were glad to make the score of Howard and Mr. Wm. Strunk, of affords. Soi l by all good dealers. The Progress is one dollar a year 1 Creek on Monday. 2 points. >■ »»♦»+»« » i,.»♦»»»»« \