P H O S P H A T E BE DS F O U N D . Government Has Rich Deposits Western Montana. in DOINGS OF OREGON STATE LEGISLATURE OIL T R U S T Kellogg GRILLED. OPEN TO AN ENEMY GRAFT MONEY P AID BAC K . Make« Seathing Argument Pennsylvania Recovers (1,595,740 on For Dissolution. Crooked State Houee Deal New York.— fainting the Standard Washington.— Phosphate beds, be- Harrisburg. Pa.— Restitution of Oil uigdulzatiuu us bred by oppress | lieved to be of great commercial (1,300,000 and the surrender of war­ W A R S H I P T O BE A S K E D FOR. | be increased as the governor may ing competitions and hanging now as rants uggr> .atlng (300,000, upon : value, have been discovered in west i deem necessary. a threatening cioud over the country. which payment had been stopped, ern Montana, according to a bulletin The uniform and discipline of na h'ruuk II. Kellogg. Hpeciul aaaiatunt Uniform Fishing Law Also Receives were made in the Haupbllu County val force of the state is required to to the Attorney-General, pleaded | from the United Slates Geological Court by the men convicted or olber- Attention of Senate. conform to the United States navy, with the Supreme Court to dlaaolve I Survey. wiso implicated by Pennsylvania la Salem, Ore., Jan. 16.— Under the with such difference of insignia as the Standard Oil Company of New The deposits are on public lands tho Capitol frauds. terms of a resolution adopted in the the federal authorities may direct. Jersey, ua u violator of the Sherman lu consideration, the commonwealth | near Butte, Mont., which have been senate this afternoon and sent to The term of enlistment is two years, antl-truat law. Can Fire Greater Broadside Than withdrawn from entry, pending con- the house, Governor West is called and the men may be required to do First Consideration— Japan agreed to drop further criminal ac­ He opened the Government's side Navy tion against the defendants indicted, An y Ship Afloat— Also Rapid-Fire Don’t Want Coast, But Would ! gresslonal legislation as to their con- upon to make a request of the gov cruise duty for two weeks in each of the controversy and brobably will and, with tlie exception of tho case year. During such time the men are complete It Monday or Tuesday. Mr. Rule Manchuria. Guns and Torpedo Tubes. I trol and disposition. Hock phosphate eminent to send the cruiser Boston to be paid $1 per day and the officers Kellogg spoae for nearly four hours. of Joseph M. Huston, of Philadelphia, to Oregon to be used as a training who is under an indeterminate sen­ I hitherto was not believed to be pres­ ship for the naval reserve. the same as regular naval officers Mr. Kellogg wont over tho early tence of from six months to two ent in Montana and it was only in Joseph introduced the resolution. receive. It is made a misdemeanor years of the Standard's business lead­ Philadelphia, Jan. 16. — Splashed the classification of certain lands by H«f said that the ship was in readi­ for any employer to discharge one of ing up to the central point of the The Pacific Northwest is more years and who has an appeal in the with the traditional bottle of ch am -1 th® Keological survey to determine ness, as advice by telegraph indi­ ids employes because the latter serv­ present controversy— tne organization vulnerable than any other part of the Supreme Court, the Capitol fraud whether they were of a mineral char- cated, but complications had arisen ed in the militia. of the Standard Oil Company of New United States is the opinion of Briga cases are declared ended and the pagne, the battleship Arkansas, the j ac^er that the streak was located, stato satisfied. The naval board is to serve without Jersey in 1899. owing to the fact that the governor The new Capitol, a magnificent largest warship ever constructed in j As it was not considered desirable had not made request upon the fed­ pay. It will audit accounts aDd direct He characterized this reorganiza I , dier-General Marlon P. Maus, of the structure, with its rich furnishings, 11 « this country, was launched Saturday to call public attention to the fact eral authorities for the use of the expenditures. The captain, who is tion as merely the substitution of one j Department of the Columbia. Of afternoon from the yards of the New |before the Government had had an vessel. Sinnott, Barrett of Washing­ the chief officer, is to be chairman of Illegal form of holding together the expressed his opinion at the Cham cost approximately $13,000,000. opportunity to withdraw from entry ton and L)imick all asked questions the board, which will hold quarterly oil companies for an other illegal j^er Qf Commerce banquet at the this tho state alleged it lmd been de­ York Shipbuilding company at Cam- these lauds, no detailed prospecting frauded of about (5,000,000. Up to as to whether the legislature would meeting at headquarters in Port­ form. Tho first was the “ trust” of den, N. .1. Miss Mary Macon, datigli has been done. The geological sur­ be obligated to pass an appropriation land. Members of the board will be 189: 2, with Its several trustees, nu.l ( ’on>'>*er<=i“ 1 Club Wednesday night date the state has expended (107,961 fer of Representative Macon, of Hel- ey believes that the area is large bill if the resolution were adopted. ranked as lieutenant commanders and the second the "Standard of New General Mans went on to say that if In prosecuting the cases. Restitution und it is thought that the bed may Jersey.” ena. Ark., was the sponsor. > upied by an enemy, the Pacific of (1,595,740 is said to have been To secure uniform laws In conjunc­ hold office your years. made by certain defendants. There was one unusual feature. | be five or six feet thick, The officers named are a captain, “ Take away tho fear of prosecution Coast would be a great baso- tion with the state of Washington the absence of an official delegation H. S. Gale, who has written a pam- relative to fishing on the Columbia commander, four lientenant com­ by the Government and the Standard “ You are far from the East,” con­ representiug the state government I phlet soon to be issued by the geo- river is the object of a resolution in­ manders and lieutenants of various Oil Company would put every inde- P A T T E N S U E D FOR BIG SUM. “ You have of Arkansas. The failure of Gov-1 logical survey, says of the deposit troduced in the senate by Lester this grades. pendent out of business in five year," tinued General Maus. lines of transportation which can be ernor Donaghey or other official rep- that they "are almost, if not quiet, afternoon. Mr. Kellogg said. His resolution asks for resentatives to attend was due to a identical witlt those occurring in the the appointment of a committee of A S Y L U M H E A D DROPPED. Mr. Kellogg dwelt upon the “ enor­ blocked and you can be shut off. 1 Cotton Speculator May Have to Pay $6,000,000 for Gambling. controversy between the governor; great phosphate fields a couple of two from the house and three from mous profits” of the companies as tlie ref ore warn you to look to that and the navy department over the I hundred miles to the south, where the the senate to confer with a similar Nothing for Eastern Oregon Super­ evidence of monopoly. The records Don't forget it. Precaution Is a good Chicago, Jan. 10,— James A. Patten, thing for us. date of the launching, the governor | beds have a workable thickness of committee from the Washington leg did not show where all the profits intendent to Do at Present. millionaire grain broker, “ This country has great natural retired went, he said. wanting to have the affair postponed I four and a half to six feet.” islature in reference to these laws. whose successful operations in the Salem, Or., Jan. 13.— All recommen­ It is the hope of the survey officials The committee is empowered to hire so the state could make adequate in a summary, John G- Milburn for wealth and wo want to keep it cotton market led recently to Fed­ You don’t want to allow the cupidity arrangements to send an official that the large areas outside of that a stenographer and is allowed no dations as to legislation for the new the Standard Oil, said eral grand jury indictments, was sued actually examined by Mr. Gale, may compensation but is given traveling branch insane hospital at Pendleton Dammed for anything, but praised I ° f a foreign nation to get the better party. for (0,000,000 in the- Superior Court To keop your wealth you today. There was, however, quite a large be underlain with phosphate. The expenses and railroad lare. This will be made to the legislature direct­ for nothing, is the way the Standard |of > ()U Oil has been treated by the Govern- j should take those precautions which delegation of Arkansans present. It possible tonnage, therefore, may be resolution is in committee. The plaintiff. Dr. Paul Burmaster, ly by the State Board instead of Dr. Included Representative and Mrs. I large, as a square mile underlain ment. In this record, covering 40 ar® sensible. Employment as a stenographer or president ot the Chicago Ami gamb­ Ilacon and other members of the with a three-foot bed of phosphate, clerk in the house at this session does J. D. Plamoudon, who was removed years of business, everything the “ You who are here tonight are cap- ling League, does not assort to have Arkansas congressional delegation. j will contain about 5,760,000 tons. not give promise of being a snap. The from the position of superintendent Standard has ever done is related. j fains of industry and you can, in a It has done some things in strenu- wa>* shape the destfhy of your coun The navy department was officially I --------------------------- of the Eastern Oregon Hospital this tenii>er of a majority of the repre­ represented by Beekman Winthrop, H O N D U R A N R E B E L S GAIN. sentatives unmistakably demands that afternoon. It is expected these rec­ ous times that it should not have try. You should encourage that pro­ assistant secretary, and a long line | these employes give the state full ommendations will be made next done. That was human. It has done tection which every nation should of rear-admirals and other officers. nothing that goes to the issue here.” give to its subjects, and that is a Government Forces Loss Seven More value. Resolutions were introduced The State Board, including competent force; and in this respect Following the launching the offi­ today providing that all clerical bills week. in Stubborn Fight. cials of the company entertained the shall be paid only on a basis of act Governor West and State Treasurer B L O W N T O B I T S BY C H E M I C A L . 1 speak more of the navy than of Ceiba, Honduras. — Tiuxillo was ual -employment and that unexcused ------------- j the army. A navy today is more guests at a luncheon in one of the Kay, accompanied by Superintendent captured by the Revolutionists Tues­ absences shall be sufficient grounds Four Persons Injured by Explosion important on the Pacific Coast than big buildings of the plant. Steiner of the asylum here, Architect The dimensions of the latest and day, after a hard skirmish with the for an immediate discharge. on Oakland Ferry. *“ ,arn,»r' Ev« 7 . sensible man knows Hazletine of Salem and Chief Engi­ small squad of government soldiers. c T, . . . ' . that, because if you command the largest addition to the navy are: San kranclsco. A bottle of a ; The government lost seven killed, in­ Length over all, 562 feet; beam neer Murphy of the asylum, left to­ chemical compound dropped by or 3pa you preve„t any Invasion; If you L E T V E T O E D M E A S U R E S GO. don’t command the sea, you invite it over armor, 93 feet 2 5-8 inches; cluding Mayor de Plaza. Twelve were night for Pendleton, where, tomorrow, crushed in the pocket of John O. Nor “You should help everything which draft, 28 feet G inches; displacement, wounded. the will go over the site and make a bun a well-known mining engineer, tPnds t0 tho protection of your coast Three hundred government soldiers Fight Against Further Discussion of 26.000 tons. thorough investigation of the work is believed to have caused an ex­ You want people here and are trying The contract for the ship calls for left Ceiba this afternoon for Neuva Disapproved Measures. plosion on the ferryboat Berkeley, to get them, in after years, when Armenia, 28 miles east, where they a speed of 20Vi knots an hour. proposed to be done- plying between this city and Oakland, the Pacific Coast is densely populat State Capitol, Salem, Or., Jan. 13. When completed, the Arkansas will expect to meet the revolutionary Mr. Hazletine has not been retained have the greatest broadside gun army which is said to have left —Senator Bowerinan will probably by the Board in any way to draw which brought instant death to Nor- ed, this question will disappear. Then power of any ship afloat. The main Truxillo Tuesday evening on a march be one of the leaders in an active op­ plans, but accompanies it that he may bon, seriously injured two other men you will have the sinew's, you will and created a panic among the 2000 jlave the people who can protect your position which will develop next armament will consist of twelve toward Ceiba. the consideration give ideas as to recommendations that passengers crowding the vessel s 1 - homes and firesides. The very steps A report reached here yesterday Tuesday against 12-inch guns, mounted In six heavy may be made in the way of legisla­ decks. . . , . A. , | you are taking to attract people to armor protected turrets. For de­ that the revolutionists had taken Tela of any of the 38 vetoed bills whicli tion. T he ex illusion occurred in the lava-|thl8 country who will come here and fense against torpedo boat attacks, and were marching toward Ceiba, but have been returned from the Gover­ The Board, as expected, refuses to tory, in which were four others be nor after the last regular session. ¡ settle and develop this country, is the action of the commandant in there will he a battery of twenty-one change the stand taken several weeks Norton's body w as: the VPry 8tp|) whIc.h hpIpa the com 5-Inch rapid-fire guns. There also sending practically his entire force He declares that these bills are all ago, that a superintendent for the new aides Norbon. Roy L. Sampson m„ nwPHi,h of our country. I like to will be two submerged torpedo tubes to Neuva Armenia would indicate dead, that a special session inter­ institution is not needed until the in­ blown into bits. and ten small guns. The total weight that he does not expect an attack vened between the last regular ses­ stitution is practically completed. Im­ and Edwin Hoffchneider were badly! see it. hurt, the latter perhaps fatally. A. M K N K W A I.U C K . sion and the present session, and “ Your laws of government of the of broadside fire will be about 11,000 from the west. mediately following the appointment N e w Y o r k . — A li tter re eel ve d fr o m M<*ne At the sight of the Bonlla forces ihat the bills should have been voted of Plamondon by Bowerman, State C. Miller and Louis Saure were cut | people by the whole people have at pounds. W a ll a c e by his friend, Cht-Hter Heecroft, and bruised in the wreck of the upon at the special session. the attention of the whole com pl ain ed that the r * a r y r eli ef ship which The Arkansas will be turbine- it is believed that one-half or more of Treasurer Kay said the appointment lavatory, but escaped serious injury. | tracted Pnited States. You have freed your took M 0 re„ are Loin« are "hum; up" at various points In shown he did not commit, and sen­ examined the body of Norbom and alighted from his train, jaunty, calm fnd force is The liabilities of tenced to life imprisonment at San the ferryboat Berkeley at the request and smiling. Of tfie closing of two her as tho hoard may dotormlne, but loft in tho hands of the t ounty .Indices vigorously pushed by the police, tho Europe and Asia shprl(t and the coroner. Tho sheriff tho enmpnnv aggrogau nearly (IJ - Quentin, Soriano Gonzales Is hack in of the Southern Pacific authorities, j banks containing $800,000 in city may not be loss than 2"0 or more of Baker in Oregon. and Washing than 1000. except in cases of tumult ton in Tdaho. and a third person to be bas found a suitcase which had beeu 000, w rith assets of less than $25 M says that a high explosive caused the funds, of which he was a custodian, I checked At the Union Depot here by Among those who paid tho company Los Angeles a free man. He has Just tragedy. By high explosive, he ex- he would say nothing The Merritt or invasion, when tho number may | selected by the judges. j Broyles. Tn it were revolvers, cart for a passage around the world ura been pardoned through the efforts plained, he meant a high grade of commitee tried for more than a month Smoking Is Still Allowed. Solon Won’t Say Prayer. | ridges and a lot of yellow-back nov residents of Texas, California, New of the Union Rescue mission here. dynamite, fulminate of mercury or to subpena Hyde as a witness, others Bordaunt submitted to the govern­ Salem — Smoking in the Senate els of lurid character. The sheriff York, Ohio and Canada. nitroglycerine. His theory is that j having testified that he was at a State Capitol. Salem. Or.. Jan. 12.— ment proof of the Innocence of Gon­ Norbom had the explosive in his over- meeting where a $500.000 corruption Chamber during sessions is still al believes Broyles was in search of zales. who was convicted on circum­ coat pocket and exploded It by strik j fund was raised in an attempt to do­ lowed, the committee on resolutions adventures like those portrayed in stantial evidence of the murder of a Salem Man Is Killed. ing It against the side of the w aitin g. feat the anti betting hills at Albany, the third day of the senate went with holding up Miller’s resolution pro- the novels and that he was lured out the guidance of prayer. President hibiting it A meeting is promised in out upon the prairie by thugs, who Cheyenne.— The frozen body of railroad man. room. --------------------------- Selling called attention to the fact a short time. but. the senators are murdered him Robert Broyles, of Salem, Ore., W h i that there seemed to he no clergyman Blast Kills 5, Maims 4. fMind on the prairie 10 miles from dodging this important question Seventeen Parish In Atlantic. present and in that event the pro­ Portuguese Strike Ends. here. Tn one hand was claspai a Some of them are in favor of a Cat’s Curiosity Is Costly. Niobrara, Neb.— Five persons were eeedings of the body would go on by .. _ . . ___- fully-loaded revolver. He had l*»»n Highland Light, Mass.—The worst Lisbon.— The strike of railroad em­ killed and four injured In an explos­ . ... .. J , , meeting, but others are bolding off dispensing with the service of a chap­ Santa Fe. N. M.— An inquisitive shot with «a weapon of the same ployes of Portugal which began on disaster the Life Guards of the coast in an attempt to sound the general January 11 Is ended. This probably ion which occurred hero at 7:30 lain. Miller suggested that some sen- sentiment of the Senate on the ques­ eat caused a $10,000 fire at Chilill, a caliber, as empty shells near the of Cape Cod had seen In many j^ears ator he delegated to the duty and Al- testified. Identification was will result in a peaceful settlement | o’clock on Sunday night. The tion. which is considered of much 1m settlement in the Manzano Moun- occurred Tuesday on the sand bars of the commercial disturbance occa­ Ore which resulted from the explosion bee hit upon Sinnolt ns the logical oortnnee. coming as it does this early j tains. 50 miles south of Santa Fe. / **?**}'-3 man. hut the senate remained pray- - - - - - - # ^ nearing Broyles name and a letter oft the Peaked Hills. They stood on sioned by the walkout of thousands burned to the ground a three-story ! lug " Z"1'' In the face, ;,ByS S,ar WhUo the family of B. Sala* wa8 signed hy him being found on the the beach with their lifeboats and o f men In sympathy with the rail frame hotel owned by Michael Ken­ rless. the legislators absent at a dance the family cat corpse. The coroner's jury returned other apparatus, unable to render as­ roaders. The railroad men have been dall. The explosion was caused by overturned a lamp that had been left a verdict of murder, sistance, while three coal-carrying granted an Increase of 11 cents a a leak In a gas plant in the cellar of Five Salmon Day’s Catch State May Scrub Pupils. burning and set fire to the house. barges were hurled to destruction day, 20 days’ leave of absence an­ the hotel. It Is thought that all the Salem— The first bill relating to Salas’ store, adjoining, with its stock Grace's Aeroplane Found. Satate Capitol. Salem. Ore.. Jan. 12 and all on hoard— 17 men—lost their nually on full pay. and a working day j Injured will recover the salmon fishing Industry made its of merchandise, was also destroyed. Brussels, Belgium.— The rhroitane lives In the surf. of nine hours —Keep school children clean by a says the wreckage ' of Cecil Grnce'a i ^ in the house. It was in The insurance was small. Biplane Outraces Auto. compulsory process, require that tnev apnearanee 1 --------------------------- aeroplane has been washed up on Spaniard, Go to Havana. I Shreveport, La.—J. A. D McCurdy. carry no disease hy dirt into the trod need hy Representative Chatter, Voices of Great Msn Canned. Earthquake Kills 204. the beach at Martakerke. 7* -Igiun. Seattle—The Waterhouse-Welr liner in his biplane, outdistanced an auto- schools with them and that they he The principal feature of the bill is St. Petersburg.— A dispatch from The cap and glasses belonc'-g to Paris.—Orest men of France snd Orterlc. Just launched from an Kng mobile In a five mile rare, covering free from vermin, are Ideas fatheivd that provision which prohibits fish- Vyerny. capital of the territory of Cecil Grace were picked m in the vtsttlng sotables are to have their llsh Is — under ............ contract j p to .».------------i- the course in n..„ five .... minutes and seven hy Senator Chase, of Coos, who will Ing for salmon with other than hook SemlrvWchenek, Asiatic Russia, savs North Sea off Karlakerke about a ” "*■ shfpvard. ......' '■ .............----------- carry 1500 Spanish ^migrants for seconds McCurdy went to a height either Introduce a hill to this effect and line tn the Willamette River and that a violent earthquake occurred veek ago. Grace has net been seen voices "phonogrsphed" and the rec­ the Bilbao to the Hawaiian islands, of 1700 feet and after remaining in himself or will arrange to have It In It. tributaries south of the suspension January 11 tn Kebery In the Ftshpek nr heard from since December 22 ords will be preserved at the Sar- The From Honolulu the Orterlc will pro- the air 25 minutes described what Is . corporated tn a hill to he Introduced bridge at Oregon City. It also limits district of the territory and that the when he was lost while attempting bonne for future generations. records will be made with nnnsual ceed to Seattle, arriving here on known as the spiral tower descend hv the legislative committee of the to five the number of salmon to be luidles of 204 Kirghiz have been to cross the English Channel from care. A voice collection of great I Ing I State Teachers' Association. May 13. taken In a day by any one person, ¡taken from the ruins of buildings. I Calais to Dover. singers Is now being prepared. Great Dreadnaught Arkansas Rap­ idly Neariny Completion. Coast Might Easily Be Invaded By Any Naval Power.