Years of Suffering _ CD No Joint am . But eh o r (Rubncribtng to local char* C atarrh and R l o o d D is e a s e - tty)—“ Well, put me and the mlHima down for a dollar.” Collector—‘‘I see— D octors Fallod to Cure. Butcher—“ Joint gift! Miss Mabi-I F. Dawkins, 1214 Dsfay- a Joint rift.” W e’re going to ette St., Fort Wajrn«, ImJ., writes: What d’yer mean? “ For three years 1 was trouble.) with give money, not moat.’* catarrh and blood dl >-uxe. 1 tried sev­ eral doctors und u dozen different rem­ Love’s Ending. edies, but none of them did me any Saya an advertisement in the T.on- •rood. A friend told me of Hood's Sur- eapnrilln. I took two bottles of this don Express: “ Mary—Waited three medicine and was as well and stronc hours a t appointed spot— until ques­ ns ever. 1 feel like a different person If uml recommend Hood's to any one suf­ tioned by suspicious policeman. fering from catarrh," this Is the price of love, It Is too heavy Het It today lu usual liquid form or a one for me to pay. Farewell, Potts.1 ' chocolated tablets culled £»jraatab a. T R Y MURINE EYE REMEDY for Red, Weak, Weary, Watery Eyes and Granulated Eyelids. Murine Doesn’t Smart—Soothes Eye Pain. Druggists Sell Murine Eye Remedy, Liquid, 25c, 50c, $1.00. Murine Eye Salve in Aseptic Tubes, 25c, $1.00. Eye Rooky and Faye Advice Free by Mall. Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago. 46 Per tent Protein—10 Per tent Fat THE WORLD’S BEST roie COWS, PO ULTR Y- all F A «M ANIMALS “ It in utmost w ithout un equal as a concentrated f* od " - l . S. Agricu ltu ral Dept. Bulletin No. 68 ami 872 . S O L D B Y A M . D K A I.E R S . PACIFIC OIL MILLS. Study. Study and study hard. But never let the thought enter your mind that study alone will lead you to the hlghts of usefulness and success.—Grover Cleveland. Seattle, Wash. Silent Forests of Cuba. Silence reigns in the vast forests of Cuba S:ys a traveler: “ No beast crashes through the undergrowth, no bird sli)gs In the blanches, no wind s’ ghs through the mighty tops. The living creatures of that world glance nt Iseb's-dy through the air or glide stealthily through the heavy, sound- deadeni; g verdure.” Cuba has prac tically no song birds; they are merely gaudy creatures of the ballroom. She Is happy also In having no venomous viakea and few pests of any sorL To Judge Its Own Needs. With Intelligent guidance the child can be made the Judge of what his body needs in the amount of food. If the child be taught—carefully — to chow every mouthful of food thorough­ ly, and to sw&l ow It beforo taking an­ other mouthful, and If he is denied any fluid to drink at meals, then he can­ not overeat, for appetite will bo satis­ fied before he has swallowed too much. No More Indigestion for those who know the yalue of Hostetler’s Stom­ ach Bitters when the stom­ ach is weak, the liver in­ active and the bowels clog­ ged. Why? It is compound­ ed from ingredients best adapted for keeping the organs strong and healthy, and its wonderful record in the past has proven it to be a great success. Try a bottle for Indigestion, Dys­ pepsia,Cel Js and Grppe. Get OSTETTER'fl CELEBRATED S TO M A C H A Modern Problem. B IT T E R The paragraphers are still keeping In circulation that paragraph about the judge who ruled a man need not support his mother-in-law. What is it, impecunioslty, tight-waddedness or lust mire cussedness? FEDERALSCAPTURED RHEUMATIC Mexican Rebels Force Surrender of Navarro's Command. Further Revolts Are Feared a . Re­ sult—Government Rushes Troops I w a n t e v e r y ch ro n ic rh e u m a tic to th r xe to Scene o f Hostilities. away ull medicines, all liniments, n il Mexico City— General Navarro has surrendered to the rebels, according to a report that has reached here from authorities which have heretofore proved reliable in the matter of war news. The government deniea the report and says that he is awaiting reinforce­ ments. Officials say Pedernales is not menaced seriously by the rebels. It is known from other sources that Navarro has been having a hard time. His men are not used to the severe winter climate of Chihuahua. They are not properly clothed and are short of food and ammunition. It is consid­ ered here that if Navarro has not sur­ rendered, he is liable to do so at any time. Another report says that Navarro has not surrendered, but has deserted with his men to the rebels. This is not believd. The government now a knowledges that the situation is very serious. All available troops are being sent north as fast as possible to a>sist Navarro. Three hundred prisoners were taken from the Belan prison and drafted into the army. A considerable portion of the army at present is made up of prisoners. In all the battles that have occurred so far, it seems that the rebels have been shooting particularly at officers. The per centage of th- 3 1 & r B LA C K P O W D E R Steamers Crash; One Sinks. Antwerp— The Red Star steamer Finland and the Belgian steamer Bal- tique collided Monday off the mouth of the River Scheldt. The liner Finland was bound from New York. The Bal- tique, a steamer of 1,365 tons, was outward bound with a cargo of sand. The exact cause of the collision is not known, but it is said that the Finland in veering struck the Baltique amid­ ships. The Baltique sank immediately. Part of the crew was rescued by the Finland and others by a pilot boat. Six men are unaccounted for. Sugar Trust to Pay Back. New York — The American Sugar Refining company will shortly hand to the United States government a check for $700,000 in settlement o f a further series of customs frauds, according to the Herald. This will bring the total amount from this company up to nearly $3,- 000,000. This latest settlement is in connection with the so-called “ draw­ back” frauds, which have been under investigation since the original customs frauds were detected two years ago, as a result of the Parr disclosures. Steel Men in Rebellion. New York— The rebellion in the steel trade last week against the pol­ icy of restricting competition and maintaining rigid prices was expressed in concessions of $1 a *ton or more in prices of steel bars, structural shapes, plates and steel pipe by some of the independents in the interior and by ex­ ceptionally low prices on fabricated steel in the Eastern territory. The holiday spirit was against any im­ portant expansion in the business. Many Killed in Indies. San Domingo— News has reached here of an engagememsent along the Dominican and Haytian borders. Sev­ eral are reported killed. A gunboat will he dispatched with troops to be sent to the scene o f the trouble. b la sters, nnd t h e M U N Y O N 'S l t l i L l ' M A - T I S M R E M E D Y a tr ia l. No m a tte r w h at y o u r d o c to r m a y a a y, no m a tte r w h a t y o u r fr ie n d * n a y u j no m a t t e r how p ir reju li e c.i vou n a a y y bo d v e r r­ ­ e jo d ic d you 1 m * a g a in s t n il a ad ifie d rem ed ies, c o nt on e to y o u r drug- tise«* ....................................... o f th j K H E tM A - glut g ls t an d g e t a b o ttle T I 8 M REMEDY. If It falls to give satis­ fa c t io n ,! w ill refu n d y o u r nior**y.— M u n yon R e m e m b e r th is remo ly contains n o s a l­ ic y lic acid , no opium cocaine, morphine or o th e r h a rm fu l drugs. It Is pet up u n d er the g u a ra n te e o f th e P u r e F o o d a n d D r u g A c t. For sale by all druggists. Price. 25c. Manners of the Boy. For some reason many mothers do not give the same attention to the manners of their sons as to those of their daughters. Yet the boy's train­ ing Is even more Important than those of the girl. The majority of young men leave their homes ehortly after they come of age, and many leave before that period, and they come Into contact, Into Intimate asso­ ciation frequently, with men who have had but little training In the nice­ ties of life, and all too frequently these evil communications corrupt the good manners of the more fortunate class. But the boy who Is trained to courtesy from his childhood can bo trusted In anv environment. CHICAGO APPLE SHOW GREAT Thousands o f Easterners Saw Dis­ play and Sought Information. Spokane “ Perhaps the most signifi­ cant result of the National Apple show in Chicago recently, is the widespread attention attracted to the commercial orchard districts of Washington, Ore­ gon, Idaho, Montana and British Col­ umbia,” said E. F. Cartier Van Dissel, first vice president and chairman of the board of trustees of the National Apple show, Inc., adding: “ The daily newspapers and class publications in Chicago were liberal in devoting space to the enterprise, and taken in all it was the best ex­ ploitation the apple ever had, next to the story of its first appearance in the Garden of Eden. Moreover, the peo­ ple of the Mississippi valley country and the states to the east and south and north have a better acquaintance today with the apple districts in the Northwest than ever before.” Mr. Van Dissel said that the Chi­ cago show was attended mostly by men and women who have money to invest or are looking for homes in this coun­ try. The fact that the exhibitors were literally beseiged from morning until night by eager inquirers, seeking knowledge at first hand of the various FASHION HINTS Act of Science. Now that the surgeons can more or less successfully transfer hands and feet, when you meet a man who In­ sists on shaking your arm off let him go as far as he likes, and after hi3 departure you may go forth to the doctor shop and BSgure a new one. If You Have Common Sore Eyes, if lines blur or run together, you need P E TT IT 'S E YE SA LV E , 25c. All druggists or Howard Bros., Buffalo, N. Y. __________________ Timelines». All measures of reformation are ef­ fective In exact proportion to their timeliness; partial decay may be cut away and cleansed; Incipient error corrected; but there Is a point at which corruption can no more be stayed, nor wandering recalled. It has been the manner of modern phil­ anthropy to remain passive until that precise period, and to leave the sick to perish, and the foolish to stray, while it spent Itself in frantic exer­ tions to raise the dead, and reform the dust.—Ruskln. Dr. Pierce’s Pellets, small, sugar- coated, easy to take as candy, regulate and invigorate stomach, liver and bow­ els. Do not gripe. Pellucid English. A sign In a tailor shop attracts “ Longfellow’s” eye, and he sends In a copy .thereof as follows; "Notice! Work that Is made here when altered aflar ninety days Is got to be paid ”— Newark News. As H e Understood It. “ Why is It,” asked the ambitious young orator, complaining to the ed Itor of the morning paper, “ that you always report me as having said, ‘among other things.’ “ Well, as 1 understand It, you are usually among other things when you say them.” DYSPEPSIA "Having taken your wonderful ‘Casca- ret9’ for three months and being entirely Cured of stomach catarrh and dyspepsia, I think a word of praise Is due to ‘Cascareis’ for their wonderful composi­ tion. I have taken numerous other so- called remedies but without avail, and I find that Cascarets relieve more in a day than all the others I have taken would in s year.” Tames McGune, Pleasant. Palatabla. Potent, Tasto Good. Do Good. N e v e r S ick t i . Weaken or Grips. 10c, 26c. 50c. N ever ««old in bulk. The gen­ uine tablet stam p'd C C C. Guaranteed to care or your money Itack. TO LEARN TO DRIVE AND REPAIR A U T O M O B IL E S . Thorough, prac tical and unlimit­ ed course. We assist students to secure positions as chauffeurs, repairmen, etc. Write Automobile School o f Oregon 21$ Swrtoib Trwf tmiim PORTLAND, - OREGON W . li. D O U G L A S •3.00 *3.50& *4.00 S H O E S B ovs1 S hoes . $ 2 . 0 0 , $ 2 . 5 0 and T h e b e n e f it s o f f r e e h id e s , w h ic h a p p l y p r i n c i p a l l y t o m ole le a t h e r , a n d th e r e d u c e d t a r iff o n molo le a t h e r, n o w e n a b le s m e t o Qhee t h e w e a r e r m o r e v a lu e f o r h la m o n e y , b e t ­ t e r a n d l o n g e r w e a r in g \3, $ 3 . 6 0 a n d $ 4 a h o e a b a n / c o u ld g iv e h im o re - I flo u a t o t h e t a r l f f r e v i s i o n . $ 3 . 0 0 . B est in t h e vv o k » If I <*nul«l take >ou Into my la rtf« factories at Brockton M ans., and show you how cat fu lly W . L. D ouglas shoes are made, the superior workm ans)»^ and th e high grade leathers useu. you would then understand why Dollurfnr I»«.liar IGuaraiitei M y M lio«*» to h old th e ir s!..^ • look anil fit better and ! O ■ l i v e r than any oth er $3.00 $3.«o >r $ 1.00 shoes you can buy I ) o y o u r e a liz e t h a t m y shoen have been tho standard I f for or o ver 30 years; that l m ake and sell m ore $3.00, $ ; :.o ami $4.00 shoes than « « P » any oth er m anufacturer iu the Unite«! States Q uality ly « . ¡in J: I t nas inaile W . L. Douglas shoos a In ■ old • • word e veryw vervw h her. ere r % i ■ name and pi me stamped on l 1‘OUViUl Mutt ( ' ¡¡JMSSTAKE n o s u b s t i t u t e $ 50 t °$I 00 per week W ou i ) That Salary Interest You? ADVERTISMENT WRITING «’„ra.-u THE O LD P a i n l e s s f RELIA BL E D e n t i s t s N o t only do w e truarantee our work, but we romise to do it quickly, painlessly and carefully, he below prices speak for themselves. SEE U S A N D E N J O Y CO M FO RT. Will place your senices immediately in de­ mand at that salary; and even more. ADDSfSS The Elliott School of Advertising MueUtM HDD PORTIAND, 0RE00. YOU C«N LEARN IT tT HOME. TAUGHT BY MAIL. $5.00 Bridge W ork or T eeth W ithout l'latea .................................. $3.50 to $5.00 Gold C row n s.................................... $3.50 to $5.00 Porcelain C ro w n s .......... $3.50 to $5.00 Gold or Porcelain F illin g s .......................... $1 Up To Cure Poverty. Silver F filings .................. 50C to $1 There Is a rational way and a fool 15 Y E A R S ’ G U A R A N T E E . Hours, 8 A . M. to 8 P. M., Sundays, 9 to 12. Wsy of curing poverty. The rational way is to recognize that tho world Is full of magnificent eupplles- and to try P A IN L E S S D E N T IS T S . to develop in the poor man a better First and Morrison Sts, P O R T L A N D , OREL Rich and plain is this evening kind of wants—i. e.: to change bis low wrap of dark blue broadcloth. It has thinking into high, to replace his love X T A n a large collar of darker blue velvet, as A IF C and kodak of mud and its by-products by a love A U l J A A O S U P P L I E S well as a deep band around the hem, of the spirit and spiritual qualities W rite for catalogues and literature. Developing edged with pointed fox. and printing. Mail orders given prompt attention The muff shows the large flat style, The fool way is to heap upon the soul, I o r t la n d P h o t o S u p p ly Co. now in vogue. already oversupplied, a mass of money, 149 Third S treet P O R T L A N D . OREL houses, drapery, fancy halls, golf balls, districts in the four states and prov­ and highballs. Such a wretch has not ince, he added, may be taken as an in­ riches — riches have him, and usu­ P O R T L A N D C O L L E C T IO N A G EN C Y 317 A lisk v Building. Portland, Oregon. dication that many will cast their lot ally choke the life out of him. ALL DEBTS COLLECTED. NO COLLECTION NO CHARGE in the western country. Dead as a Door Nall. “ The carlot displays,” Mr. Van Dis­ The phrase “ Dead as a door nail,” M l r UU r i n broken machinery and «tastings sel continued, “ were viewed by thous­ 11 C I f £ Li U o f all kinds by a new procesa, ands, who marveled at the color, size originated In this way; In early days, making them as good as new. Machine work of and uniformity of the western apples, when doorknockers were common, the all kin«l8. W e fix any old thing. L f 'land Oiy Acttyks« H ridine Company. 305 Üisu St I W Y.JM 6 ¡& M W * plate upon which the knocker struck which also held the interest of buyers from all over America; but it is prob­ was sometimes called a nail. In the able that the district exhibits were the course of years It was struck so often Dâ TC U T C COPYRIGHTS ASB TIAD’ MARKS I A I CH I O secure«!. Book of «.curata chief centers of attraction for those that all life was supposed to be knock ----------— ;— informât on free on requtset. J K MOCK, 719 Board ol Tradr Bid* . Portland. Or. with a few thousand dollars te invest ed out of It, therefore, when It became • Late ot U. S. Patent Otlicu. v\ nah iiikioii . L>. C.) necessary to refer to anything hope­ in orchard lands. “ Representatives o f the districts lessly lifeless It was merely an em­ that entered displays were on the phatic expresslonto say that It was as DO Y O U W A N T A N IN C O M E ? i a door nail.” T I ih Ynivi R«*!m-di«*H Cur«« lun knclu«, nervous- ground with photographs, statistics n««HB, fenmlo ' roul'h'H nn«l re««tnl «liaeuHes. Send for onr took fret« We wnnt itood women repre- and conservative word pictures o f the A D s tin e n c e N e c e s s a r y . HuntntivcH everywf er«\ Milk«« money st home. W rite for imrtii'idiir« The Vinvi Co.. C4<9 Roth- exact state of things in the pomologi- Did you ever note how a dog. even a child Builaing. Portland. Oregon. cal history o f the valleys and bench puppy, will avoid meals once in a lands in Washington, Oregon, Idaho, while and then promptly recover ap Montana and British Columbia. They petite? Indian youtha, as a part of told their stories in a convincing way their training, were compelled to Tak e up the profession o f and were ready to answer all questions make long Journeys through the for­ as to climate and soils. ests while abstaining from food. I d “ No one is in a position to foretell the feudal days of Japan the child the extent of the influx of capital and had the same ordeal thrust upon him Rv*«ry city and town in the U nited States is w aitin g for settlers into the Northwestern country for his health’s sake. The Indian and as a direct result of the apple show, Japaneee today furnish us Americans D O C T O R S O f C H IR O P R A C T IC but i f only one of every hundred men mute types of endurance. Chiropractic ns taught by us íh supreme and and women who evinced interest in foremost in rank and dignity. It is taught along th«« lines o f the philosophical and physi­ what this country offers to the home- ological laws o f nature and is easily under- seeker crosses to the west side o f the stotxl. Send stamp for free catalogue. Rocky mountains, the value of the OREGON PEERLESS COLLEGE OF CHIROPRACTIC Chicago exposition will be apparent DR. I. f . lAVAlLEY. Ph. C., Pres. on all sides. Third Floor. Buchanan Bldg., Portland. Ore. “ Some might infer that this wide­ spread talk about apples and apple lands is entirely due to the Spokane and Chicago shows. That is not true; it is too general to make such claims. However, they confirmed the reports given in print and by word of mouth O P IU M — TOBACCO o f the marvelous development o f the I Inhits Pr»flltlv««lr Cared. (July norired K É eolej In» apple industry and the rapid and sub­ r it« stitulo In Orttaon. W ..... fur illoBtrBtoa cliia ls r. is not a “food” —it is a medicine, and the stantial strides made in the Northwest Rioni :u n, 711.117x1. only medicine in the world for cows only. during the last 10 years, and as such M a d e for th e c o w and, as its m im e in d ica tes, they proved their value a thousand­ a co w c u ra . B arrenness, re ta in e d a fte rb irth , ¡O R E G O N . a b o rtio n ,sco u k ed u d d er, an d a ll s im ila r fold. affectio n s p o s itiv e ly and q u ic k ly cured. No “ The Chicago show was operated at on e w h o keeps co w s, w h e th e r m a n y o r fe w j can a fford to be w ith o u t “ K o w - K u r e . a financial loss to the management, as It is m ad e e s p e c ia lly to keep c o w s h e a lth y ATRIP TO PORTLAND FREE we expected it would be, but from a O ur book “ W h a t to D o W h e n Y o u r C o w s A r e S ick ” .sen t free A sk y o u r lo c a l d e a le r for ^ CUT RATES IN publicity viewpoint it was a highly *K o w -K u r a , " o r s e n d t o th e m an u factu rers. PAINLESS DENTISTRY gratifying success. It also resulted in Dairy A sso cia tion Co., Lyndonvlllo, Vt. Pain less K xtrn ction . . . . F r*s bringing invitations from many east­ S ilver K illin g s ............... 50« G old F illin g s ................75c ern and middle western cities to have 22 K n s ................ $3 the shows there following the com j-, i X W P orcelain C r o w n s ................. $3 Paid by Distance. JL. M olar Gold C row n s $4 petitive exposition in 1911. A «treat singer waa singing li V B ridge W o r k , l i K. G o ld .. t ) “ It is likely that the coming year ► In la y Kills. Pure G old tt front of $ New York department atori V e r y N ic e R ubber P late $4 will Bee the construction of a perma­ when the manager came out and asked Best R u bber P la te on K u rth ............................. $7 nent home for the National Apple A L L T H IS W O R K IS G U A R A N T I E D . Don’ t throw your money «w a y A dollar saved show, also the establishment of a cir how much he made. “ About ten centi A block,” replied the slngor. ‘ VVell,* is tw od ollarsearn ed . Our o rigin al reliable Modern cuit in important eastern cities. We leas Meth«>< - and our p e rfe c te d office equip­ said the manager, “ here's a dollar; Pain m ent saves us tim e nnd your m oney. are highly pleased with what was ac­ flO STO N D E N T IS T S , 5th fi f l o r r i » a n . P a r t la a d complished, and I look for a larger and movt up ten blocks.” fntrjnoe 29!' ■ M o < i. <>pp<.»itr Pntoffice and Meier « Fra ik FstaMi'he.l in Portland 10 yran. Open evening» more complete show than ever for the until 8 and Sunday» until 12■ <0. for people who work. fall of 1911.” U nion D ental C o. C H IR O P R A C T IC ALCOHOL Kow-Kure One o f Onr Pet YO U N G M EN W A N TE D You can’t afford to accept a secret nostrum as a substitute for this non­ alcoholic medicine o f k n o w n c o m p o s i t i o n , not even th o u g h tne ergent dealer may thereby make a little bigger profit. Ingredients printed on wrapper. W . I.. D o t O I . A S , 1-4.» S p a r k N t., I l r o c l t lo u . M u d . J u ry. America and England and her colo­ nies are the only countries In the world which have the Jury system In the sense it Is understood here. It Is true, however, that throughout Europe so-called juries are employed In the trial of certain cases, but their func­ tions are limited and perfunctory in character, their determinations being dictated by tho presiding Judge of the court It Is their duty merely to hear the evidence and render the verdict prescribed by tho court. S u ch a m a n s h o u ld u se D r . P ie r c e 's G o l c 'n M e d ica l D is c o v e ry . I t cu res disea ses o f th e sto m a ch a nd o th e r o rg a n s o f d ig e s tio n a n d n u tritio n . I t e n ric h i - th e b lo o d , in v ig o ra te s th e li v e r , s tre n g th e n s th e kidney's, r: ./ sishes th e n e rv e s , a n d s o G IV E S H E A L T H A M D S T H E M E VH TO T H E W H O LE B O D Y . W If jour dealer cannot supply you witti w. l . Iii.ntrias shoes, write f>>r Mail Mothers will find Mrs. Window's Soothing Byrup the bt'st remedy to use foi their cutkno.j turiug the teething period. by A strong man is strong all over. No man can be •tifong who i« suffering from weuk stomach with its conaequeM* indigestion, or from s'lme other disease of the stomach and its associated organs, which im­ pairs digestion and nutrition. For when the stomach is weak or diseused there is a loss of tho nutrition contained in food, which is the source of all physical strength. When a man “ doesn’t feel just right,” when he doesn’t sleep well, has an uncomfortable feeling in the stomach after eating, is languid, nervous, irrit lúe a:id de«, pond- •at, he is losing the nutrition needed to make strength. CAUTION Great Even In Fall. He who Is great when he falls Is great In his prostration, and Is no more an object of contempt that when men tread on the ruins of sacred buildings, which men of piety vener­ ate no less than If they stood.—Sen­ eca. T r ia l N o Man is Stronger Than His Stomach P h ra s e «. “ Did any of the Inhabitants escape with his life?” Inquired the man who wants harrowing details. “ I didn’t stop to ascertain,” an­ swered the man who Is harrowlngly exact. “ It struck me that If anybody escaped without his life there wasn't much use In his escaping anyhow.’’« Washington Star. Every ume a m oam i gin mm a man look In her direction she lma# la w ho la trying to start a flirtation. The Canal Caaton. Contributor— I should like to leav^ these poems with your editor. What Is tho usual procedure? I haven’t done any magazine work before. Office Boy—Well, the usual custom ts to leave ’em an' rail back In a day or ao—and git ’em.— Human Life. Whom shim *«* people art finable l i annoy tbetr neighbors In an j ottor way they get a dog that will howl all night long. A. Cough Medicine Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral is a , regular cough me d i c i n e , at strong medicine, a doctor’s) medicine. Good f o r e a s y ' coughs, hard coughs, desper­ ate coughs. If your doctor endorses it for your case, tak« ; It. If not, don’t take it. Never) go contrary to his advice. A iters W a p u b lis h o u r fo ru m » W e u rg e y o n to e o n a u it y o u r doctor Tbe dote of Ayer’ t Pill, is smell, only one it bedtime. As .rule, lix.tive doses are better thin c.thtrtic doses. For con­ stipation, biliousness, dyspepsia, sick headaches, they ctnnot be excelled. No man Is a coward who has been Ask your doctor about this. by I S . J. C. l y . r 0 . . . L ow .U , I f . . . ----- married more than once C. Gee Wo The Chinese Doctor This w ondcful man h a« m a«l« a life s tu d y o f t h « j>ri 'i>erti**s o f Roota. H erba ami Barks, and in g iv in g the world th e benefit o f his servicea. - N o M ercury, P o is o n « o r D ru gs Used. N o > / A . O p era tio n s o r ( iittlng Guarantees t«> cu re Oatnrrh, Asthm a. I.ung, St>>m.-it h an