Estacada progress. (Estacada, Or.) 1908-1916, December 29, 1910, Image 1

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    > ' V r.-r
NO. i8 OF VOL. 3
E ST A C A D A , OREGON, T H U R SD A Y , D EC EM BER 29, 1910
S ta te . B a n k I
Geo. A. Steel, Pres.
C. A. Eastman, Vice Pres.
L. E. Belfils, Cashier
Geo. A. Steel, Thos. Yocum, John Zobrist, L. E. Celfils
C. A. Eastman
1 am prepared to file and fix the
teeih of your horse so that he can ||
i enjoy life, Price $ 1. E M. Miller
Soreness of tile muscles and rheumatic !
price paid pains there is none better than Chamber- 1
, for eggs at the Palace Meat Market Iain's. Sold by all good dealers.
'i -f i a s S -t-l- e
H igh est
’« • r r W M B M M W N f e
Don’t forget to get your dinner,
Mayor and Mrs. Reed had as :
+ at the Park Hotel for 25 cents.
guests for Christmas Mr W. W.
E. Blockley spent Christmas L' cte, of W. Salem, Wis , an old
hack East friend who is just now
with his family in San Francisco.
looking over the West with a vie« «j
In Portland Monday was gen­ of locating, also the Misses Eunice '
erally observed as a holiday and and Gladys Richards of Portland,
the busine s houses were closed.
who are spending their holiday j
Preaching services will be held we k here.
next Sunday morning at the Church
Ever family Ins need of a good, re !
of Christ, _ Everybody welcome.
liable liniment.
l'or sprains, bruises, I
W an ted
Mdse, for Cash
Mdse, for Cash
We are unloading a car of Field Fence.
We would be pleased to do your Electric Wiring
j Penland & Jo rg .
■ 1'f M
Ml . and Mrs. A. E Alspaugh of
Congressman Reynolds, of Pa , Ah.pangh had with them for Christ­
; wife aud daughter left The Estaca­ mas their sons, A. M, Alspaugh
da on Monday fgr the East.
and family of Portland and Roy
Miss Helen Berry, of Portland, who is : student at Corvallis. Roy,
spent Christmas with her sister has a couple of weeks vacation!!
which he is spending at home,
Mrs, Geo. Dale.
■ j
Give us a chance at that new Plow, Harrow or Buggy
Miss Kate Wilson spent Christ­ When your feet are wet and cold, and
your body chilled through and through
mas with Mr, and Mrs. Richard from exposure, takt a big dose of Cham­
berlain's cough remedy, bathe y feet ^
Mrs. Fitzgerald, of Portland, in hot water before going to bed, and ^
you are almost certain to ward off a if
was the guest of Mrs Henry Gith­ severe coal. For sale by all good dealers. ! t;
ens over Christina;
The Palace Meat Market bought
Mr. aud Mrs. John Osborn wets a h. g last week that created almost : 5
guests of Mr. and Mrs, W. V. Pen as much of a sensation as Santa j D
land for Christmas diuner.
Clause himself. The hog was two J jl
They have it goad fresh vege­ years old and was raised and sold 3
It I " 4
tables, Go and see them
Pen- by John Houebjn of Garfield.
dressed 530 pounds and was of ■ j!
land & Jorg.
Yorkshire breed.
Fred Jorg and family spent their
Road District No. 10 in Garfield
Christmas in Portland with the
met ¡1 the Giatige lull and voted a
parents of Mr. and Mrs Jorg.
They decided j
W. J. Lewellen, of Spring water, -p , d y mill tax.
entertained the Rev. Robert Diven
and go from there on doing all the
1.50, 2.50 &
over last Sabbath.
work possible for the money they
When in need of Silverware buy would have to do it with.
IO & S5 c.
------------------------------------------ -------
^ the best. For sale by A. N. John­
Antonia Petrasso and John Solo- jjf
son, jeweler. All goods guaranteed.
moil, who are working at the River jS
Master Stanley Iielfils went to
Mill have bought from John Zobrist ¡a
Portland on Tuesday afternoon to
23 acres of land that lies directly ¡H
spend a couple of weeks with rela­
East from the railroad at the River ¡ 3
Mill switch. Consideration $2070. ’ 1
A. B. Knighton and family of
Miss Mary Dale was the lucky §j
Gresham spent Christmas with J.
It you are already a landholder, f Smith of the Estacada Meat Marke t gucsser as to the number of beans a
[ . They are brother-in laws.
in n jar at the Estacada Pharmacy s-
received as a prize an elegant '■!
be sure you rea lly o w n the land de
Evangelist Sewall and family are stand mirror. The exact number i'll
visiting the parents of Mrs, Sewall of beans contained in the jar was
scribed in your deed.
at Thornton, Wash, They will be 6S03. Her guess was 6856 the
..a, - -
r.. ism zramzJKKXixtsessnas x k k s s s í k ? i
a .Tar.'-'O.
absent for a couple of weeks,
nearest to the exact number.
“ I had been troubled with constipation after the team was straightened out
Mr and Mrs, J. H. Holt, of
O u r A b s t r a c t s o i C la c k a m a s C o u n t y tit le s h Portland, mother and stepfather of F. D Antrim, agent for the or two years and tried all of tlie la st it was found no one was hurt much
Idaho and Washington R R. with physicians ill Bristol, Tcnn., and they
and they came to town. In return­
Councilman Hawkins, came out
s t a n d th e test.
headquarters at Spokane, spent could do nothing for me,” writes Thos.
ing home they met with another
and spent Christmas with the
Christmas with his parents here. K. Williams, Middleliom, Kv. "Tw o
Hawkins fatnilv.
packages of Chamberlain's stomach aud mishap, getting on one of the mud­
Mrs Anna Read, of Portland, and liver tablets cured m e." For sale by all
dy and bad grades a singletree
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Stubbs, of Lance Read, O. A. C. student, are good dealers.
C l a c k a m a s T it l e C o m p a n y , in c .
Good rij's and careful drivers always
broke and they were left sticking
Hood River, came to Estacada on also spending their vacation at the
E S T A B L I S H E D 1 09 3
On Christmas day a family re­ in the mud.
evening to spend part of Antrim home,
Given Hunting and Fishing 1 ‘arties
Head Offices: 509-511 Chamber of Commerce Building. PORTLAND, O kli
union was held at the home of
the holiday period with Mrs.
L o st Gold Rebekah Pin, P. N.
Dr. G. G. Carl, of Portland, is Councilman Woodle.
A Christ­ G ., design five pointed star with
ffii/ey. President
3-rank ,(/l. ,<
/¿i/eu. Secretary
assisting Dr. Adix during the rush mas tree was arranged on Saturdnv
surrounded by wreath
Local ami Long Distance Telephone
of the holidays.
Unlike most of On Sunday all gathered around the
which is suspended from bar by-
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Woodward of the professions, which are usually
family circle to spend the day and two short gold chains. Liberal re­
Oregon City, Mr. and Mrs. Ray a period of vacation at this time,
partake of a good Christmas dinner ward if returned to Progress otlice
Wilcox of Garfi Id, and Mr. and the medical preseriber and the con­
which the madam who rules over or to owner, Mrs. E. M Miller.
Mrs. David Eshleman spent Christ­ fectioner arc busy men.
the household knows how to pre­
mas at the Womer home.
Mr. and Mrs Clias. Dubois spent
pare. The day was very pleasant­
The Rev. Robert Diven was sent
several of their Christmas holidays
We congratulate Mr. and Mrs.
by the Board of Home Missions to
j J E. Blockley on the arrival of a
of Dover, Ray Woodle and family at Portland. This, however, did
the Springwater Presbyteriau con­
little baby girl at their home about
and Claude Woodle of Barton and | not prevent them from having a
gregation on last Sunday as a
a month ago.
This information
Miss Tern Ramsdale of Portland, a Christmas tree at home, which was
Christmas gift to the congregation
has just reached our office.
guest of Miss Myrtle, were those enjoyed not only by the family but
for the dav. This was very grace
on good farm se­
the 1 Presc,,t
addition to the family re bis employ ees also.
Let us show them to you. W e carry a full line, among
Monday was observed by the E s­ on sly acceptable to them a*> the
tacada State Bank as a holiday. reverend had ministered to tliis j s*fling Here.
Another change was made at the
which are a fine assortment of cut glass, hand painted china,
Other lines of business in Estacada church before and has many friends
Gl> Frij ay evening the children Estacada freight depot on last Fri­
photograph albums, toilet sets, etc.
i ! moved 011 just as if Christmas was
of the M E Sunday School and day when W. II. Leisure, agent
here for n few months, was trans-
At Springwater the Sabbath | ‘ he /friends of the congregation
SlA N D ’ Sil BROS.
fered to the Portland office and \V.
Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Belfils had School and public school children gathered at the chinch to parlie i
I). Telford, of Oregon City, who
with them to enjoy liieir Christmas united in having a Christmas day Pate *" *'le Christinas exercises.
CHAPIN & MKIDW, of Portend
W e a r e a lw a y s g la d to h a v e y o u c a ll,
had been working in the Portland
day Mr. and Mrs. John .Schone r.f ■ xercise which was held in the 1 he church had Keen nioely deco-
,s lhe ,u'"' ab'eut here
w h e t h e r y o u d e s ir e to b u y o r not.
Portland. Mrs. Schone is a sister Grange hall
Fat cattle u mted: the fatter the
A Christmas tree
of Mr. Iielfils.
better. -See Penland & Jorg.
was prepared and
entertained # in a very pleasing together with the appearam i ol Death Of Mrs. 0. P. LoOllCy
Donald Newman has been spend­
J. K. Townsend aud son Ennis
manner with songs and recitations Santa Clause, who was greeted by
i n g his vacation from Hill's Mili-
have bought out a grocery store at
A spirit of unity seemed to prevail
Mrs. G. P. Looney died on Laurelwond, a suburb of Portland,
; tary Academy, Portland, with his
throughout t lie entire exercises. same delight as those of more Thursday morning in a Portland
grandma end aunt Mrs. S. J. and
and hue left to take charge of it,
Rev. Roliert Diven also made a
hospital after an operation which
M iss Maude Sturgeon.
Reed and Sparks will move the
short address.
A treat of candies, nuts and oranges had been performed at 2 o’ clock dry kiln from the wool working
Mr. and Mrs W. A Jones h i
Wednesday afternoon Mrs. Looney
At the Fern Rock farm Monday was distributed to those present.
plant to a lot on Broadway where
with them to enjoy their Christmas
has not been in good health for a
was observed by Mr, and Mrs, I).
it will lie converted into a business
day dinner Mrs. O. B. Lawrence of
E. S. Wilcox and wife while couple ot years. They have lived
Kridenstine as their Christmas day.
Lents and Mrs. Eva
A nice tree was arranged for the driving down the Wilson hill had on the B. C. Looney place in
mother and sister of Mrs, Jones,
Mr. and Mrs. T. P. Duffy, of
children and they, as util as the quite an accident. They had tinned Garfield for about a year. Her
and Mr N. A. Ely, of Chicago,
guests of tl fami y who had licen off the plunk to allow another team grandmother Mrs, H. M. Looney ' Goldfield, Nevada, are new arrivals
Road district No. 49 in Upper in v ited for dinner, thoroughly eti to pa-s and in so doing the tongue has been siek amt M:s, G P. in Estacada. They came with a
met on Saturday I K 1 7 t h joyed the day . Those present were of their wagon broke and dropped Looney had been caring for her. desire to locate In re. It is a con-
Make our store your headquarters while in town.
' and levied a-p- ial roa I tax of 8 1 j Mr. and Mts. M. Warnock of to the ground, stopping the wagon This extra work seemed to nggra- elusion easy to arrive at that they
mills for the ro ,ds and 1 G
mills Springwater Mr and Mrs. Jo s . so suddenly that the occupants were vat'-he? trouble and she was taken have come to stay and are casting
fi r t >!-. and mm',!■ - re
They Nichelsoii of River Mill. Mr. and thrown to the ground. Mrs. Wil- to Portland for treatment.
Her about for an opportunity to do
went on re id as 1 i:g ag dnst the Mrs Sun Wat nock of New Era cox fell under the horses. For- death comes
a great sin ck to the- something to their liking and we
-1 «le aid road pr ; d'uuu.
’ and Miss Lottie Tracy of Garfield ¡innately the ltorv.s stopped aud , cotumuuity.
| believe they will Bud it.
i-+*«■ +•' -:•++:•++++•*-.
c/4.ccounts Solicited
Let us figure on that Plumbing job.
law about a new set Harness?
We ran rig them in style, if you like.
We sell
Better Be Safe Than Sorry
G et a n A b s t r a c t berore y o u b u y
American Gentlemen
Shoes for Men
Hats for
3.50, 4 and $5
American Lady Shoes for
ladies, 3 .50 & $4
Next week we invoice.
next week we w ill tell you
about Bargain Goods
Livery, Feed
C a ll a n d get a c a le n d a r
We are headquarters for Household
M o n e v ~ to